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Culture System for Cyprinus carpio
 Main ref.
 Name of Farm
 Cangkorah, Saguling Reservoir, West Java
 6.55 S
 Altitude (m)
 107.35 E
 Type of culture
 Sex of fish (m)
 mixed sex
 Culture system
 semi-intensive cages
 Floating cages of bamboo.
 Production units
 Area (ha)
 Depth (m)
 Main water source
 Supplemental water source
Temp (°C)
Oxygen (mg/I)
Oxygen (%)
(mg/I CaCO3)
 Description of culture system
 Floating net cages (9 x 9 m) were constructed with simple, low-cost bamboo rafts and recycled oil drums for flotation. Nets located at the center of the raft were of 122.5 m3 capacity (7 x 7 x 2.5 m) made of 1.5 inches (4 cm) mesh size.
 Nutrient inputs
 Main food
 in-situ production + added feed
 Feed quantity
 1441.9 dry weight
 (% BW/D):
 Feed quality (% crued protein)
 Fertilizer input (N)
 Description of Nutrient input
 Feed given was a ground commercial feed (Comfeed) made up of 24-26% crude protein, 6-8% fat and has a metabolizable energy content of 2.6-2.8 kcal/g. Fish were fed three times a day (morning, noon, sunset).
 Unit cycle
 Production period
 Production cycle
Entered by :   Agustin, Liza Q. - 1992-02-13          
cfm script by eagbayani, 05.09.99 ,  php script by celloran, 12.10.07 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 31/08/2011