Biblio Records for Malapterurus electricus
n = 113
Ref. Description Named Used Page
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen 1966  Modes of reproduction in fishes. Malapterurus electricus 263-264
246 Jackson, P.B.N. 1961  The fishes of Northern Rhodesia. A check list of indigenous species. Malapterurus electricus
272 Teugels, G.G., C. Lévêque, D. Paugy and K. Traoré 1988  État des connaissances sur la faune ichtyologique des bassins côtiers de Côte d'Ivoire et de l'ouest du Ghana. Malapterurus electricus ann.
273 Nigrelli, R.F. 1959  Longevity of fishes in captivity, with special reference to those kept in the New York Aquarium. Malapterurus electricus
367 Blache, J. 1964  Les poissons du bassin du Tchad et du bassin adjacent du Mayo Kebbi. Étude systématique et biologique. Malapterurus electricus 15
557 Wheeler, A. 1977  Das grosse Buch der Fische. Malapterurus electricus 245
1672 Riehl, R. and H.A. Baensch 1991  Aquarien Atlas. Band. 1. Malapterurus electricus 500
1879 Boulenger, G.A. 1901  Les poissons du bassin du Congo. Malopterurus electricus 338; pl.16 fig.2
2209 Hinegardner, R. and D.E. Rosen 1972  Cellular DNA content and the evolution of teleostean fishes. Malapterurus electricus
2264 Lönnberg, A.J.E. and H. Rendahl 1920  On some freshwater fishes from lower Congo. Malapterurus electricus 176
3126 Balon, E.K. 1974  Fishes of Lake Kariba, Africa. Malapterurus electricus 65
3538 Samb, B. 1990  pers. comm. Malapterurus electricus
3799 Ita, E.O. 1984  Kainji (Nigeria). Malapterurus electricus
3850 Gosse, J.-P. 1986  Malapteruridae. Malapterurus electricus 102-104
4517 Hureau, J.-C. 1991  La base de données GICIM : Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. Malapterurus electricus
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott 1991  World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Malapterurus electricus 65
4743 Kamara, A.B. 1977  A list of the estuarine and marine fishes and some shellfishes of Sierra Leone, with their common names in either Krio or English. Malapterurus electricus
4903 Greenwood, P.H. 1966  The Fishes of Uganda. Malapterurus electricus
4906 Bianco, P. 1981  Fish. Malapterurus electricus 57
4967 Eccles, D.H. 1992  FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania. Malapterurus electricus 69
5214 Bruton, M.N., P.B.N. Jackson and P.H. Skelton 1982  Pocket guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Malapterurus electricus 56
5330 Torres, F.S.B. Jr. 1992  Length-weight relationships of Lake Kariba fishes. Malapterurus electricus
6313 Grabda, E. and T. Heese 1991  Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Malapterurus electricus
7248 Skelton, P.H. 1993  A complete guide to the freshwater fishes of southern Africa. Malapterurus electricus 238-239
7357 Teugels, G.G. 1992  Clariidae. Malapterurus electricus 497
7494 Varjo, M. 1981  Kalannimiluettelo (List of Finnish fish names). Malapterurus electricus
10011 Møller, P.R. 1995  Electric fishes: history and behavior. Malapterurus electricus 59; 346; 400
10798 Belbenoit, P., P. Moller, J. Serrier and S. Push 1979  Ethological observations on the electric organ discharge behavior of the electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus (Pisces). Malapterurus electricus
10838 Bauer, R. 1968  Untersuchungen zur Entladungstätigkeit und zum Beutefangverhalten des Zitterwelses Malapterurus electricus Gmelin 1789 (Siluroidea, Malapteruridae, Lacep. 1803). Malapterurus electricus
11363 King, R.P. 1996  Length-weight relationships and related statistics of 73 populations of fish occurring in inland waters of Nigeria. Malapterurus electricus
11970 Poll, M. 1967  Contribution à la faune ichthyologique de l'Angola. Malapterurus electricus 273; fig.130
12818 Anonymous 1997  Fish registrations within the museum database of the Vertebrate Section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. Malapterurus electricus
13331 Paugy, D., K. Traoré and P.S. Diouf 1994  Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Malapterurus electricus ann.
13332 Skelton, P.H. 1994  Diversity and distribution of freshwater fishes in East and Southern Africa. Malapterurus electricus 129
13337 Bell-Cross, G. and J.L. Minshull 1988  The fishes of Zimbabwe. Malapterurus electricus 207-208
13371 Riehl, R. and H.A. Baensch 1996  Aquarien Atlas, Band 1. 10th edition. Malapterurus electricus 500
26388 Sanches, J.G. 1989  Nomenclatura Portuguesa de organismos aquáticos (proposta para normalizaçao estatística). Malapterurus electricus 88
27602 Losse, G.F. 1998  lake Kariba and the Gwembe Valley. Malapterurus electricus 28
27886 Adams-Sow, A. (ed.) 1996  Poissons et Pêches du Fleuve Sénégal. Malopterurus electricus 28
27896 Kamdem Toham, A. and G.G. Teugels 1998  Diversity patterns of fish assemblages in the Lower Ntem River Basin (Cameroon), with notes on potential effects of deforestation. Malapterurus electricus 426
28587 Diouf, P.S. 1996  Les peuplements de poissons des milieux estuariens de l'Afrique de l'Ouest: L'exemple de l'estuaire hyperhalin du Sine-Saloum. Malapterurus electricus 130
28666 Takamura, K. 1984  Interspecific relationships of aufwuchs-eating fishes in Lake Tanganyika. Malapterurus electricus 227
28714 Bailey, R.G. 1994  Guide to the fishes of the River Nile in the Republic of the Sudan. Malapterurus electricus 958
30488 Dankwa, H.R., E.K. Abban and G.G. Teugels 1999  Freshwater fishes of Ghana: identification, distribution, ecological and economic importance. Malapterurus electricus 36
30498 Titiati, E.K. 1970  Some common names of fresh-water fishes of Ghana in Latin, English, Ewe and Ga-adangbe. Malapterurus electricus 3
31256 Olaosebikan, B.D. and A. Raji 1998  Field guide to Nigerian freshwater fishes. Malapterurus electricus 89
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History 1999  Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Malapterurus electricus
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Malapterurus electricus
31522 Gibbons, S. 1999  Collect fish on stamps. Malapterurus electricus
31740 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the National Museums of Kenya. Malapterurus electricus
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Malapterurus electricus
33486 Nsiku, E. 1999  Changes in the fisheries of Lake Malawi, 1976-1996: ecosystem-based analysis. Malapterurus electricus
34006 Roberts, T.R. 2000  A review of the African electric catfish family Malapteruridae, with descriptions of new species. Malapterurus electricus 5
34370 Klinkhardt, M, M. Tesche and H. Greven 1995  Database of fish chromosomes. Malapterurus electricus 92
35508 Anonymous 2000  The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Malapterurus electricus
36297 Hugueny, B. and M. Pouilly 1999  Morphological correlates of diet in an assemblage of West African freshwater fishes. Malapterurus electricus 1315
36653 Anonymous 2000  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Zimbabwe. Malapterurus electricus
36670 Anonymous 2000  Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. Malapterurus electricus
37514 Coulibaly, N.D. 2000  Noms communs et quelques significations pour les poissons commerciaux peches dans les Hauts-Bassins du fleuve Volta au Burkina Faso. Malapterurus electricus 7
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Malapterurus electricus
40919 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Malapterurus electricus
41414 Anonymous 2002  Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. Malapterurus electricus
41580 Matthes, H. 1964  Les poissons du lac Tumba et de la région d'Ikela. Étude systématique et écologique. Malopterurus electricus 124
41585 Poll, M. 1959  Recherches sur la faune ichthyologique de la région du Stanley-Pool. Malapterurus electricus 42
41590 David, L. and M. Poll 1937  Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Congo Belge: collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924-1926) et d'autres récolteurs. Malapterurus electricus 239
41591 Pellegrin, J. 1928  Poissons du Chiloango et du Congo recueillis par l'expédition du Dr. Schouteden (1920-1922). Malopterurus electricus 4; 8
41594 Nichols, J.T. and L. Griscom 1917  Fresh-water fishes of the Congo basin obtained by the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. Malopterurus electricus 723; pl.77 fig.1
42035 Pellegrin, J. 1930  Poissons de l'Ogôoué, du Kouilou, de l'Alima et de la Sangha recueillis par M.A. Baudon. Description de cinq espèces et cinq variétés nouvelles. Malopterurus electricus 208
42322 Nshombo, M. 1994  Foraging behavior of the scale-eater Plecodus straeleni (Cichlidae, Teleostei) in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Malapterurus electricus 66
43203 Virchow, R. 1871  Die cellular Pathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und pathologische Gewebelehre. Malapterurus electricus 296
44050 Norris, S.M. 2002  A revision of the African electric catfishes, family Malapteruridae (Teleostei, Siluriformes), with erection of a new genus and descriptions of fourteen new species, and an annotated bibliography. Malapterurus electricus 32; fig.16
44840 Daget, J. and A. Stauch 1963  Poissons de la rive droite du Moyen-Congo. Mission A. Stauch (février-avril 1961). Malapterurus electricus 46
45616 Poll, M. 1933  Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Katanga. Malopterurus electricus 137
47174 Onusiriuka, B.C. 2000  Incidence of helminth parasites on the electric fish, Malapterurus electricus, in River Kaduna, Nigeria. Malapterurus electricus 144-146
47438 Anonymous 2003  Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Malapterurus electricus
48321 Ricker, W.E. 1973  Russian-English dictionary for students of fisheries and aquatic biology. Malapterurus electricus 236
50787 Ogandagas, C. 2003  National Report. Marine biodiversity in Gabon - the known and the unknown. Malapterurus electricus 80
51193 Vivien, J. 1991  Faune du Cameroun. Guide des mammifères et des poissons. Malopterurus electricus 106
51243 Riede, K. 2004  Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Malapterurus electricus
51471 Carl, H. 2003  Danish fish names. Malapterurus electricus
52331 Seegers, L., L. De Vos and D.O. Okeyo 2003  Annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Kenya (excluding the lacustrine haplochromines from Lake Victoria). Malapterurus electricus 38
52397 Mdaihli, M., T. du Feu and J.S.O. Ayeni 2003  Fisheries in the southern border zone of Takamanda Forest Reserve, Cameroon. Malapterurus electricus 153
52861 Oti, E.E. 2003  Studies on the ichthyofauna of Ehoma Floodplain, Afikpo Eastern Nigeria. Malapterurus electricus 127
52865 Coulibaly, N.D. 2003  Common names of commercial fish species of the upper Volta Basin in Burkina Faso. Malapterurus electricus 220
52866 Dankwa, H.R. 2003  Traditional knowledge of freshwater fishes in some fishing communities in Ghana. Malapterurus electricus 226
52867 Magomna, O. 2003  Noms communs de poissons tchadien en langue Kim. Malapterurus electricus 240
52869 Mve, R.O. and J.D. Mbega 2003  Noms communs d'espèces importantes de poisson en langue Fang, Gabon. Malapterurus electricus 244
52870 Mwape, L.M. 2003  Bemba local names of lake fishes in northern Zambia. Malapterurus electricus 249
52871 Okeyo, D.O. 2003  Taxonomy, common names and distribution of fish in the eastern arm of the Rift Valley drainage, Kenya. Malapterurus electricus 260
55783 Mohamed Fall, K.O. 2005  Fishes of Mauritania. Malapterurus electricus
56309 Briet, R. 1973  La pêche dans la région de Dabou. Malopterurus electricus
56439 Balon, E.K. 1972  Possible fish stock size assessment and available production survey as developed on Lake Kariba. Malapterurus electricus 54
56631 Machacek, H. (ed.) 2006  World Records Freshwater Fishing. Malapterurus electricus
57130 Norris, S.M. 2003  Malapteruridae. Malapterurus electricus 184; fig.29.7
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003  Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. Malapterurus electricus
58363 Sanyanga, R.A., C. Machena and N. Kautsky 1995  Abundance and distribution of inshore fish in fished and protected areas in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Malapterurus electricus 69
58460 Getahun, A. 2007  An overview of the diversity and conservation status of the Ethiopian freshwater fauna. Malapterurus electricus
58999 Iscandari, N. 1977  A list of the freshwater fishes and some shrimps of Sierra Leone with their vernacular names in Mende, Temne and Limba. Malapterurus electricus 30
72465 Flower, M.S.S. 1925  Contributions to our knowledge of the duration of life in vertebrate animals - I. Fishes. Malopterurus electricus
75549 FAO-FIES 2008  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Malapterurus electricus
83624 Konan, K.F., A. Ouattara, M. Ouattara and G. Gour?ne 2007  Weight-length relationship of 57 fish species of the coastal rivers in South-eastern of Ivory coast. Malapterurus electricus 53
83625 Konan, F.K., F. Leprieur, A. Ouattara, S. Brosse, G. Grenouillet, G. Gourène, P. Winterton and S. Lek 2006  Spatio-temporal patterns of fish assemblages in coastal West African rivers: a self-organizing map approach. Malapterurus electricus 365
83882 FAO-FIES 2010  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Malapterurus electricus
85170 Offem, B.O., Y.A. Samsons and I.T. Omoniyi 2008  Reproductive aspects of common freshwater fishes in the Cross River, Nigeria. Malapterurus electricus 135
88943 Boulenger, G.A. 1909  Catalogue des poissons du Congo du Musée d'Histoire naturelle de Luxembourg. Faune du Sankuru à Kondué (collection Ed. Luja). Malopterurus electricus 12
90062 FAO-FIES 2012  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Malapterurus electricus
92931 Vleeschouwers, C. 1946  La pêche au Lac Leopold II suivie de la chasse à l'hippo au harpon. Malopterurus electricus
95602 Castelo, R. 1994  Biogeographical considerations of fish diversity in Bioko. Malapterurus electricus 827
95632 FAO-FIES 2014  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Malapterurus electricus
98751 Aboua, B.R.D. 2014  Common names of some freshwater fish species found in central Côte d'Ivoire. Malapterurus electricus
98754 Lingofo Bolaya, R. 2014  Common names of some fish species found in the Isangi Territory (Tshopo District, Orientale Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo). Malapterurus electricus
101110 FAO-FIES 2015  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Malapterurus electricus
105471 eElurikkus 2015  eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. Malapterurus electricus
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