Biblio Records for Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
n = 184
Ref. Description Named Used Page
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen 1966  Modes of reproduction in fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 660-661
275 Hiatt, R.W. and D.W. Strasburg 1960  Ecological relationships of the fish fauna on coral reefs of the Marshall Islands. Mulloidichthys samoensis 87
280 Herre, A.W.C.T. 1953  Check list of Philippine fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
280 Herre, A.W.C.T. 1953  Check list of Philippine fishes. Mulloidichthys samoensis 459
393 Rau, N. and A. Rau 1980  Commercial marine fishes of the Central Philippines (bony fish). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 382
559 Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino 1984  The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 164; pl.148
583 Tinker, S.W. 1978  Fishes of Hawaii, a handbook of the marine fishes of Hawaii and the Central Pacific Ocean. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 232
592 Wass, R.C. 1984  An annotated checklist of the fishes of Samoa. Mulloides flavolineatus 17
1602 Myers, R.F. 1991  Micronesian reef fishes. Mulloides flavolineatus 148, 57A
1623 Smith, J.L.B. and M.M. Smith 1963  The fishes of Seychelles. Mulloidichthys samoensis 22
1830 Eschmeyer, W.N. 1990  Catalog of the genera of recent fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 254
2334 Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene 1990  Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Mulloides flavolineatus 208
2857 Herre, A.W.C.T. and A.F. Umali 1948  English and local common names of Philippine fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 64, 82, 109
2928 Johannes, R.E. 1981  Words of the lagoon: fishing and marine lore in the Palau district of Micronesia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 200
3157 Jenyns, L. 1842  Fish. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 24
3470 Kumaran, M. and J.E. Randall 1984  Mullidae. Mulloides flavolineatus
3804 Dalzell, P., S.R. Lindsay and H. Patiale 1991  Fisheries resources survey of the Island of Niue. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
3807 Smith, A. and P. Dalzell 1993  Fisheries resources and management investigations in Woleai Atoll, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
4390 Various authors 1992  pers. comm. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
4517 Hureau, J.-C. 1991  La base de données GICIM : Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. Mulloides flavolineatus
4537 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott 1991  World fishes important to North Americans. Exclusive of species from the continental waters of the United States and Canada. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 117
4887 Honebrink, R. 1990  Fishing in Hawaii: a student manual. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
5193 Shen, S.C. (ed.) 1993  Fishes of Taiwan. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
5213 Fischer, W., I. Sousa, C. Silva, A. de Freitas, J.M. Poutiers, W. Schneider, T.C. Borges, J.P. Feral and A. Massinga 1990  Fichas FAO de identificaçao de espécies para actividades de pesca. Guia de campo das espécies comerciais marinhas e de águas salobras de Moçambique. Mulloides flavolineatus 152
5285 Smith, J.L.B. 1969  Fishes of Inhaca. Mulloidichthys samoensis 133
5358 Miyasaka, A. 1993  A database on scientific and common names of fishes exported from Hawaii. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
5399 McManus, J.W., C.L. Nañola Jr., R.B. Reyes Jr. and K.N. Kesner 1992  Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 88
5405 Ben-Tuvia, A. 1986  Mullidae. Mulloides flavolineatus 610
5525 Kulbicki, M., G. Mou Tham, P. Thollot and L. Wantiez 1993  Length-weight relationships of fish from the lagoon of New Caledonia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
5579 Nouguier, J. and D. Refait 1990  Poissons de l'Océan Indien: les Iles Maldives. Mulloides flavolineatus 17, 120-121
5970 Haudricourt, A.-G. and F. Ozanne-Rivierre 1999  Dictionnaire thématique des langues de la région de Hienghène (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
5978 Gloerfelt-Tarp, T. and P.J. Kailola 1984  Trawled fishes of southern Indonesia and northwestern Australia. Mulloides flavolineatus 211, 343
6026 Leblic, I. and M.-H. Teulières 1987  Systemes techniques et sociaux d'exploitation traditionnelle des ressources marines des pêcheurs kanaks du nord et du sud de la Calédonie. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
6192 Kailola, P.J. 1987  The fishes of Papua New Guinea: a revised and annotated checklist. Vol. II Scorpaenidae to Callionymidae. Mulloides flavolineatus 322
6306 Akimichi, T. and S. Sauchomal 1982  Satawalese fish names. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
6365 Fouda, M.M. and G.V. Hermosa Jr. 1993  A checklist of Oman fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
6867 Talwar, P.K. and R.K. Kacker 1984  Commercial sea fishes of India. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 676
8631 Kuiter, R.H. 1992  Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 86
8879 Francis, M.P. 1993  Checklist of the coastal fishes of Lord Howe, Norfolk, and Kermadec Islands, Southwest Pacific Ocean. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 162
9070 Wantiez, L. 1993  Les poissons des fonds meubles du lagon Nord et de la Baie de Saint-Vincent de Nouvelle-Calédonie: Description des peuplements, structure et fonctionnement des communautés. Mulloides flavolineatus 129, 135
9137 Masuda, H. and G.R. Allen 1993  Meeresfische der Welt - Groß-Indopazifische Region. Mulloides flavolineatus 173
9399 Allen, G.R. and W.F. Smith-Vaniz 1994  Fishes of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 11
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers 1994  Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 54.1
10494 Helfman, G.S. and J.E. Randall 1973  Palauan fish names. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 147
11104 Chang, K.-H., R.-Q. Jan and K.-T. Shao 1983  Community ecology of the marine fishes on Lutao Island, Taiwan. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 148
11228 Heemstra, P.C. 1995  Additions and corrections for the 1995 impression. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus xii
11298 De Bruin, G.H.P., B.C. Russell and A. Bogusch 1995  FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The marine fishery resources of Sri Lanka. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
11303 Randall, J.E. and C. Anderson 1993  Annotated checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Maldives Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 20
11441 Randall, J.E. 1995  Coastal fishes of Oman. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 239; fig.620
11889 Thollot, P. 1996  Les poissons de mangrove du lagon sud-ouest de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Mulloides flavolineatus 279
11897 Kulbicki, M., J.E. Randall and J. Rivaton 1994  Checklist of the fishes of the Chesterfield Islands (Coral Sea). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 24
12051 Wahbeh, M.I. 1992  The food and feeding habits of the goatfishes, Mulloides flavolineatus and Mulloides vanicolensis in the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan. Mulloides flavolineatus 245-254
12402 Rensch, K.H. 1988  Fish names of Eastern Polynesia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
12415 Goo, F.C.C. and A.H. Banner 1963  A preliminary compilation of Tuamotuan animal and plant names. Mulloidichthys samoensis 12
12846 Nguyen, H.P., P. Le Trong, N.T. Nguyen, P.D. Nguyen, N. Do Thi Nhu and V.L. Nguyen 1995  Checklist of marine fishes in Vietnam. Vol. 3. Order Perciformes, Suborder Percoidei, and Suborder Echeneoidei. Mulloidichthys samoensis 410
12880 Randall, J.E. 1997  Mullidae, goatfishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 3181
13236 Kulbicki, M. and J.T. Williams 1997  Checklist of the shorefishes of Ouvea Atoll, New Caledonia. Mulloides flavolineatus
13300 David, G. 1985  Pêche de subsistance et milieu naturel: les mangrove de Vanuatu et leur intérêt halieutique. Notes et documents d'océanographie. Mulloides flavolineatus
13550 Hobson, E.S. 1974  Feeding relationships of teleostean fishes on coral reefs in Kona, Hawaii. Mulloidichthys samoensis 957-960
13763 Goo, F.C.C. and A.H. Banner 1963  A preliminary compilation of animal and plant names of the Mariana Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 24
13767 Randall, J.E. 1973  Tahitian fish names and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 192
26066 Randall, J.E., H. Ida, K. Kato, R.L. Pyle and J.L. Earle 1997  Annotated checklist of inshore fishes of the Ogasawara Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 34
26264 Glaesel, H. 1997  They're not just 'Samaki': Towards an understanding of fisher vocabulary on the Kenya Coast. Mulloides flavolineatus 176
26587 Letourneur, Y., M. Kulbicki and P. Labrosse 1998  Length-weight relationships of fish from coral reefs and lagoons of New Caledonia, southwestern Pacific Ocean: an update. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
27157 Kunzmann, A., J.E. Randall and I. Suprihanto 1998  Checklist of the shore fishes of the Mentawai Islands, Nias Island and the Padang region of West-Sumatra. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
27307 Winterbottom, R. and R.C. Anderson 1997  A revised checklist of the epipelagic and shore fishes of the Chagos Archipelago, Central Indian Ocean. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 12
27857 Goo, F.C.C. and A.H. Banner 1963  A preliminary compilation of Gilbertese animal and plant names. Mulloidichthys samoensis 10
28618 Randall, J.E. 1997  Randall's tank photos. Mulloides flavolineatus
28618 Randall, J.E. 1997  Randall's tank photos. Mulloides flavolineatus
28620 Randall, J.E. 1997  Randall's underwater photos. Mulloides flavolineatus
28888 Allen, G.R. and P.L. Munday 1994  Kimbe Bay rapid ecological assessment: the coral reefs of Kimbe Bay (West New Britain, Papua New Guinea), Volume 3: Fish diversity of Kimbe Bay. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
30573 Sommer, C., W. Schneider and J.-M. Poutiers 1996  FAO species identification field guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of Somalia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 258
30874 Allen, G.R. and R.C. Steene 1988  Fishes of Christmas Island Indian Ocean. Mulloides flavolineatus 70, 177, 181
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History 1999  Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Mulloides flavolineatus
31411 Ganaden, S.R. and F. Lavapie-Gonzales 1999  Common and local names of marine fishes of the Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 26
31470 Holland, K.N., J.D. Peterson, C.G. Lowe and B.M. Wetherbee 1993  Movements, distribution and growth rates of the white goatfish Mulloides flavolineatus in a fisheries conservation zone. Mulloides flavolineatus 984
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Mulloides flavolineatus
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Mulloidichthys samoensis
31667 Anonymous 1998  Fish collection database of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (BPBM). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
31667 Anonymous 1998  Fish collection database of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (BPBM). Mulloidichthys samoensis
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Mulloides flavolineatus
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Mulloides samoensis
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Mulloidichthys samoensis
34027 McCormack, G. 2000  Cook Islands biodiversity and natural heritage database. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
34634 Anonymous 2000  Fish collection database of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL). Mulloidichthys samoensis
35508 Anonymous 2000  The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Mulloides samoensis
36648 Randall, J.E. and K.K.P. Lim (eds.) 2000  A checklist of the fishes of the South China Sea. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 622
36670 Anonymous 2000  Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
37631 Zajonz, U., M. Khalaf and F. Krupp 2000  Coastal fish assemblages of the Socotra Archipelago. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 155
37816 Myers, R.F. 1999  Micronesian reef fishes: a comprehensive guide to the coral reef fishes of Micronesia, 3rd revised and expanded edition. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 159
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Mulloidichthys samoensis
40966 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.) 2001  Catalog of fishes. Updated database version of December 2001. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
41414 Anonymous 2002  Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. Mulloides flavolineatus
41414 Anonymous 2002  Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. Mulloides samoensis
41414 Anonymous 2002  Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. Mulloidichthys samoensis
41464 Allen, G.R. 1998  Reef fishes of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 15
41878 Gell, F.R. and M.W. Whittington 2002  Diversity of fishes in seagrass beds in the Quirimba Archipelago, northern Mozambique. Mulloides flavolineatus 117
42419 Alcala, A.C. and T.F. Luchavez 1993  A comparison of species richness and abundace of food fishes in central Visayan and Sulu Sea coral reefs, Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 75
42831 Harborne, A.R., A.B. Gill, P.S. Raines and J.M. Ridley 1996  Danjugan Island marine reserve. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
43239 Nakabo, T. 2002  Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, English edition II. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 874
43275 Cinco, E.A., J.C. Diaz, Q.P. Sia III and G.T. Silvestre 1994  A checklist of fishes caught in San Miguel Bay, Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
43499 Shao, K.-T. and L.-S. Chen 1990  Exotic marine fishes (I). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 90
45190 Sia, Q.P. III, L.R. Garces and E.A. Cinco 1994  Reef fisheries of northwestern San Miguel Bay. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 15
45227 Silvestre, G.T., L.R. Garces and C.Z. Luna 1995  Resource and ecological assessment of Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines: Terminal Report Vol.1 Final Report. Parupeneus flavolineatus 86
45255 Kapoor, D., R. Dayal and A.G. Ponniah 2002  Fish biodiversity of India. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 507
45255 Kapoor, D., R. Dayal and A.G. Ponniah 2002  Fish biodiversity of India. Mulloidichthys samoensis 508
45419 Dantis, A.L. and P.M. Aliño (comps.) 2002  Checklist of Philippine reef fishes. Mulloides flavolineatus 218
46928 Brock, R.E. 1977  Occurrence and variety of fishes in mixohaline ponds of the Kona, Hawaii, coast. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 136
47438 Anonymous 2003  Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Mulloides flavolineatus
47438 Anonymous 2003  Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Mulloides samoensis
47438 Anonymous 2003  Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Mulloidichthys samoensis
47567 Allen, G.R. and M. Adrim 2003  Coral reef fishes of Indonesia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 41
47702 Kumaran, M. and S. Jones 1980  Fishes of the Laccadive Archipelago. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 346
47843 Huang, Z. 2001  Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 435
47843 Huang, Z. 2001  Marine species and their distribution in China's seas. Mulloidichthys samoensis 436
48445 Chen, J.-P., R.-Q. Jan and K.-T. Shao 1997  Checklist of reef fishes from Taiping Island (Itu Aba Island), Spratly Islands, South China Sea. Mulloides flavolineatus
48451 Chen, J.-P., K.-T. Shao and C.-P. Lin 1995  A checklist of reef fishes from the Tungsha Tao (Pratas Island), South China Sea. Mulloides flavolineatus 24
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.) 2003  Coral reef fish species. Mulloides flavolineatus 239
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.) 2003  Coral reef fish species. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 245
48600 Murty, V.S. 2002  Marine ornamental fish resources of Lakshadweep. Mulloidichthys samoensis 85
48613 Werner, T.B. and G.R. Allen 2000  A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the Calamianes Islands, Palawan province, Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 104
48636 Kuiter, R.H. and T. Tonozuka 2001  Pictorial guide to Indonesian reef fishes. Part 2. Fusiliers - Dragonets, Caesionidae - Callionymidae. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 312; fig.A-B
48643 Khalaf, M.A. and A.M. Disi 1997  Fishes of the Gulf of Aqaba. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 117
50302 Wantiez, L., M. Harmelin-Vivien and M. Kulbicki 1996  Spatial and temporal variation in a soft-bottom fish assemblage in St. Vincent Bay, New Caledonia. Mulloides flavolineatus 807
50314 Wantiez, L. 1996  Comparison of fish assemblages sampled by a shrimp trawl and a fish trawl in St. Vincent bay, New Caledonia. Mulloides flavolineatus 774
51015 Garpe, K.C. and M.C. Öhman 2003  Coral and fish distribution patterns in Mafia Island Marine Park, Tanzania: fish-habitat interactions. Mulloidichtys flavolineatus 210
51471 Carl, H. 2003  Danish fish names. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
52522 Wantiez, L. and C. Chauvet 2003  First data on community structure and trophic networks of Uvea coral reef fish assemblages (Wallis and Futuna, South Pacific ocean). Mulloides flavolineatus 97
53568 Letourneur, Y., P. Chabanet, P. Durville, M. Taquet, E. Teissier, M. Parmentier, J.-C. Quéro and K. Pothin 2004  An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Reunion Island, south-western Indian Ocean. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 212
53797 Randall, J.E., J.T. Williams, D.G. Smith, M. Kulbicki, G.M. Tham, P. Labrosse, M. Kronen, E. Clua and B.S. Mann 2003  Checklist of the shore and epipelagic fishes of Tonga. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
54980 Randall, J.E. 2005  Reef and shore fishes of the South Pacific. New Caledonia to Tahiti and the Pitcairn Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 292
55073 Chen, C.-H. 2004  Checklist of the fishes of Penghu. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 95
55787 Kulbicki, M., N. Guillemot and M. Amand 2005  A general approach to length-weight relationships for New Caledonian lagoon fishes. Mulloides flavolineatus
55797 Kulbicki, M., Y.-M. Bozec, P. Labrosse, Y. Letourneur, G. Mou-Tham and L. Wantiez 2005  Diet composition of carnivorous fishes from coral reef lagoons of New Caledonia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 247
56808 Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung 2006  Handelsbezeichnungen der Fischerei und Aquakultur. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
57683 Pereira, M.A.M. 2000  Preliminary checklist of reef-associated fishes of Mozambique. Mulloides flavolineatus 20
58021 Khalaf, M.A. 2004  Fish fauna of the Jordanian Coast, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 6
58078 Baissac, J. de B. 1990  SWIOP/WP/54 - Checklist of the marine fishes of Mauritius. Mulloides flavolineatus
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003  Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
58302 Mundy, B.C. 2005  Checklist of the fishes of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 388
58534 Nguyen, N.T. and V.Q. Nguyen 2006  Biodiversity and living resources of the coral reef fishes in Vietnam marine waters. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 60
58652 Broad, G. 2003  Fishes of the Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 278
68063 Rawlinson, N.J.F., D.A. Milton, S.J.M. Blaber, A. Sesewa and S.P. Sharma 1996  A survey of the subsistence and artisanal fisheries in rural areas of Viti Levu, Fiji. Mulloides flavolineatus
68964 Carpenter, K.E., F. Krupp, D.A. Jones and U. Zajonz 1997  Living marine resources of Kuwait, eastern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 191
68980 De la Cruz, M.D.L.T. 1986  Catch composition and seasonal abundance of fish corral caught fishes in Guiuan, Eastern Samar with notes on the biology of some commercially important species. Mulloides flavolineatus 22-23
75154 Hoese, D.F., D.J. Bray, J.R. Paxton and G.R. Allen 2006  Fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 1265
75549 FAO-FIES 2008  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
78751 Johnson, J.W. 1999  Annotated checklist of the fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 737
79890 Thaman, R.R., T. Fong and A. Balawa 2008  Ilava Ni Navakavu: Finfishes of Vanua Navakavu, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
81519 Taquet, M. and A. Diringer 2007  Poissons de l'Océan Indien et de la Mer Rouge. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 260
83882 FAO-FIES 2010  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
84159 Golani, D. and S. V. Bogorodsky 2010  The fishes of the Red Sea - reappraisal and updated checklist. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 35
85272 Seeto, J. and W.J. Baldwin 2010  A checklist of the fishes of Fiji and a bibliography of Fijian fish. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 21
85449 Department of Fisheries Malaysia 2009  Valid local name of Malaysian marine fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
86817 Uiblein, F. 2011  Taxonomic review of Western Indian Ocean goatfishes of the genus Mulloidichthys (Family Mullidae), with description of a new species and remarks on colour and body form variation in Indo-West Pacific species. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 59; fig.4; pl.1-2; tab.2, 3
86942 Fricke, R., M. Kulbicki and L. Wantiez 2011  Checklist of the fishes of New Caledonia, and their distribution in the Southwest Pacific Ocean (Pisces). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 403
87596 Rajan, P.T., C.R. Sreeraj and T. Immanuel 2011  Fish fauna of coral reef, mangrove, freshwater, offshore and seagrass beds of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
87813 Ono, R. and D.J. Addison 2009  Ethnoecology and Tokelauan fishing lore from Atafu Atoll, Tokelau. Mulloidichthys samoensis 22
87848 May, D. 2005  Folk taxonomy of reef fish and the value of participatory monitoring in Wakatobi National Park, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 31
87915 Irving, R.A., J.J. Jamieson and J.E. Randall 1995  Initial checklist of fishes from Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 334
89467 Randall, J.E. and A. Cea 2011  Shore fishes of Easter Island. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 79
89611 Adrim, M., I.-S. Chen, Z.-P. Chen, K.K.P. Lim, F.H. Tan, Y. Yusof and Z. Jaafar 2004  Marine fishes recorded from the Anambas and Natuna Islands, South China Sea. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 121
89972 Bacchet, P., T. Zysman and Y. Lefèvre 2006  Guide des poissons de Tahiti et ses îles. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 273
90062 FAO-FIES 2012  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
90102 Allen, G.R. and M.V. Erdmann 2012  Reef fishes of the East Indies. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 504
94643 Gillibrand, C.J., A.R. Harris and E. Mara 2007  Inventory and spatial assemblage study of reef fish in the area of Andavadoaka, south-west Madagascar (Western Indian Ocean). Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 187
94644 Dorenbosch, M., M.G.G. Grol, M.J.A. Christianen, I. Nagelkerken and G. Van der Velde 2006  Connectivity between fish assemblages of seagrass beds, mangroves and coral reefs: evidence from the Caribbean and the western Indian Ocean. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 57; 62; 86
94645 Longenecker, K. and R. Langston 2008  Life history compendium of exploited Hawaiian fishes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 24-27
95632 FAO-FIES 2014  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
97705 Stobbs, R.E. 1990  Comorian fish names with a preliminary list of Malagasy common names. Mulloides flavolineatus 7
99878 Donaldson, T.J. 1996  Fishes of the remote Southwest Palau Islands: a zoogeographic perspective. Mulloides flavolineatus 300
100789 Nichols, P.V. 1991  Republic of Palau marine resources profiles. Mulloides flavolineatus 109
101110 FAO-FIES 2015  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
101627 Kerr, V.C. 2013  A rapid marine biodiversity assessment of the coral reefs of the northwest lagoon, between Koumac and Yandé, Province Nord, New Caledonia. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 165
107945 Cheung, W.L., R. Watson and D. Pauly 2013  Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
107958 Kanikawa, K.T., E. Cruz, T.E. Essington, J. Hospital, J.K.T. Brodziak and T.A. Branch 2015  Length-weight relationships for 85 fish species from Guam. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 1173
108064 Stein, A. 2015  La pêche cotière aux Australes. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 220
108064 Stein, A. 2015  La pêche cotière aux Australes. Mulloidichthys samoensis 220
108462 Gumanao, G.S., M.M. Saceda-Cardoza, B. Mueller and A.R. Bos 2016  Length-weight and length-length relationships of 139 Indo-Pacific fish species (Teleostei) from the Davao Gulf, Philippines. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 381
111300 Peyton, K.A., T.S. Sakihara, L.K. Nishiura, T.T. Shindo, T.E. Shimoda, S. Hau, A. Akiona and K. Lorance 2016  Length-weight relationships for common juvenile fishes and prey species in Hawaiian estuaries. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus 500
114181 Smith-Vaniz, W.F. and I. Williams 2016  Mulloidichthys flavolineatus. Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
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