Biblio Records for Sphoeroides testudineus
n = 80
Ref. Description Named Used Page
31 Beebe, W. and J. Tee-Van 1928  The fishes of Port-au-Prince Bay, Haiti, with a summary of the known species of marine fishes of the island of Haiti and Santo Domingo. Sphoeroides testudineus
276 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott 1980  A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Sphoeroides testudineus 66
1652 Linnaeus, C. 1758  Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordinus, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Tetraodon testudineus 332
1912 Pauly, D. and J. Ingles 1981  Aspects of the growth and natural mortality of exploited coral reef fishes. Sphoeroides testudineus
1914 Targett, T.E. 1979  A contribution to the biology of the puffers Sphoeroides testudineus and Sphoeroides spengleri from Biscayne Bay, Florida. Sphoeroides testudineus
2861 Pauly, D. 1991  Growth of the checkered puffer Sphoeroides testudineus: postscript to papers by Targett and Pauly & Ingles. Sphoeroides testudineus
2865 Shipp, R.L. 1974  The pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae) of the Atlantic Ocean. Sphoeroides testudineus
2866 Colmenero, L.M., A. Yañez-Arancibia and F. Amezcua Linares 1982  Taxonomia, biologia y ecologia de los tetraodontidos de la Laguna de Terminos, sur del Golfo de Mexico (Pisces, Tetraodontidae). Sphoeroides testudineus
3136 Manickchand-Heileman, S. and J. Flüs 1990  Species composition and seasonality of coastal demersal fish stock in Trinidad, West Indies. Sphoeroides testudineus
3814 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott 1991  Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Sphoeroides testudineus 70
3821 Shipp, R.L. 1978  Tetraodontidae. Sphoeroides testudineus
4517 Hureau, J.-C. 1991  La base de données GICIM : Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. Sphoeroides testudineus
5217 Cervigón, F., R. Cipriani, W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, M. Hendrickx, A.J. Lemus, R. Márquez, J.M. Poutiers, G. Robaina and B. Rodriguez 1992  Fichas FAO de identificación de especies para los fines de la pesca. Guía de campo de las especies comerciales marinas y de aquas salobres de la costa septentrional de Sur América. Sphoeroides testudineus 450
5521 Böhlke, J.E. and C.C.G. Chaplin 1993  Fishes of the Bahamas and adjacent tropical waters. 2nd edition. Sphoeroides testudineus 688
5723 Page, L.M. and B.M. Burr 1991  A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. Sphoeroides testudineus
6313 Grabda, E. and T. Heese 1991  Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Sphoeroides testudineus
7251 Robins, C.R. and G.C. Ray 1986  A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Sphoeroides testudineus 307
9710 Lieske, E. and R. Myers 1994  Collins Pocket Guide. Coral reef fishes. Indo-Pacific & Caribbean including the Red Sea. Sphoeroides testudineus 175.4
9761 Humann, P. 1994  Reef fish identification: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. Sphoeroides testudineus 326-327
10937 Anonymous 1996  Fish collection database of the University of British Columbia Fish Museum Fish Museum. Sphoeroides testudineus
13608 Uyeno, T., K. Matsuura and E. Fujii (eds.) 1983  Fishes trawled off Suriname and French Guiana. Sphoeroides testudineus 474
13613 Sánchez, A.C. 1997  Listado taxonomico de las especies marinas identificadas en los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico (Caribe) de Nicaragua. Sphoeroides testudineus 21
26180 Ogden, J.C., J.A. Yntema and I. Clavijo 1975  An annotated list of the fishes of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Sphoeroides testudineus 45
26282 Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.) 1998  Catalog of fishes. Sphoeroides testudineus
26338 Sierra, L.M., R. Claro and O.A. Popova 1994  Alimentacion y relaciones tróficas. Sphaeroides testudineus
26340 Claro, R. 1994  Características generales de la ictiofauna. Sphoeroides testudineus
26362 Barton, M and C. Wilmhoff 1996  Inland fishes of the Bahamas - new distribution records for exotic and native species from New Providence Island. Sphoeroides testudineus 9
26819 Lowe-McConnell, R.H. 1962  The fishes of the British Guiana continental shelf, Atlantic coast of South America, with notes on their natural history. Sphoeroides testudineus 696
26912 Gines, H. and F. Cervigón 1967  Exploracion pesquera en las costas de Guyana y Surinam año 1967. Sphoeroides testudineus 44
26938 Smith, C.L. 1997  National Audubon Society field guide to tropical marine fishes of the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, the Bahamas, and Bermuda. Sphoeroides testudineus 682-3
26987 Austin, H. and S. Austin 1971  The feeding habits of some juvenile marine fishes from the mangroves in western Puerto Rico. Sphaeroides testudineus 177
27286 Alleng, G.P. 1997  The fauna of the Port Royal Mangal, Kingston, Jamaica. Sphoeroides testudineus 36
27620 Silva, M. 1994  Especies identificadas en las pesquerias costeras artesanales del Suroeste de la Republica Dominica. Sphoeroides testudineus 01-13
30426 Randolph, S. and M. Snyder 1993  The seafood list: FDA's guide to acceptable market names for seafood sold in interstate commerce. Sphoeroides testudineus 25
30499 Greenfield, D.W. and J.E. Thomerson 1997  Fishes of the continental waters of Belize. Sphoeroides testudineus 20
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History 1999  Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Sphoeroides testudineus
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.) 1999  Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. Sphoeroides testudineus
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Tetraodon testudineus
31982 Anonymous 1999  Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Sphoeroides testudineus
33407 Ramjohn, D.D. 1999  Checklist of coastal and marine fishes of Trinidad and Tobago. Sphoeroides testudineus
34634 Anonymous 2000  Fish collection database of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory (GCRL). Sphoeroides testudineus
35237 Keith, P., P.-Y. Le Bail and P. Planquette 2000  Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de Guyane. Tome 2, Fascicule I: Batrachoidiformes, Mugiliformes, Beloniformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Synbranchiformes, Perciformes, Pleuronectiformes, Tetraodontiformes. Sphoeroides testudineus 264
36453 Figueiredo, J.L. and N.A. Menezes 2000  Manual de peixes marinhos do sudeste do Brasil. VI.Teleostei (5). Sphoeroides testudineus 74
38265 Nomura, H. 1984  Dicionário dos peixes do Brasil. Sphoeroides testudineus
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Sphoeroides testudineus
38732 Anonymous 2001  Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Sphaeroides testudineus
41414 Anonymous 2002  Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. Sphoeroides testudineus
42067 Lima, H.H. and A.M. Oliveira 1978  Segunda contribuição ao conhecimento dos nomes vulgares de peixes marinhos do nordeste brasileiro. Sphoeroides testudineus
42072 Suzuki, C.R. 1986  Guia de peixes do litoral brasileiro. Sphoeroides testudineus
42268 Yáñes-Arancibia, A., A.L. Lara-Domínguez and J.W. Day Jr. 1993  Interactions between mangrove and seagrass habitats mediated by estuarine nekton assemblages: coupling of primary and secondary production. Sphoeroides testudineus 8; tab.4
45549 Turingan, R.G. 1994  Ecomorphological relationships among Caribbean tetraodontiform fishes. Sphoeroides testudineus 359
47438 Anonymous 2003  Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Sphoeroides testudineus
48321 Ricker, W.E. 1973  Russian-English dictionary for students of fisheries and aquatic biology. Sphoeroides testudineus 211
48497 Hardy, J.D. Jr. (comp.) 2003  Coral reef fish species. Sphoeroides testudineus 531
50307 Martin, F.D. and J.W. Patus 1984  An annotated key to the teleost fishes of Puerto Rico. Sphoeroides testudineus 168
51086 Varjo, M., L. Koli and H. Dahlström 2004  Kalannimiluettelo (versio 10/03). Sphoeroides testudineus
51471 Carl, H. 2003  Danish fish names. Sphoeroides testudineus
51848 Nahím, H.R. and F. Cervigón 2003  Peces del archipiélago Los Roques. Sphoeroides testudineus
51849 Lasso, C.A., O.M. Lasso-Alcalá, A. Pombo and M. Smith 2004  Distribution of fish species among localities during the AquaRAP survey of the Gulf of Paria and Orinoco delta, Venezuela. Sphoeroides testudineus 319
52299 Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea and J.D. Williams 2004  Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Sphoeroides testudineus 185
54206 Claro, R. and L.R. Parenti 2001  The marine ichthyofauna of Cuba. Sphoeroides testudineus 56
56479 Gómez-Canchong, P., L. Manjarrés M., L.O. Duarte and J. Altamar 2004  Atlas pesquero del area norte del Mar Caribe de Colombia. Sphoeroides testudineus 195
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences 2003  Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. Sphoeroides testudineus
74908 Vega-Cendejas, M.E. 2004  Ictiofauna de la reserva de la biosfera Celestún, Yucatán: una contribución al conocimiento de su biodiversidad. Sphoeroides testudineus 200
75549 FAO-FIES 2008  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Sphoeroides testudineus
77022 Rocha, C., L.F. Favaro and H.L. Spach 2002  Biologia reprodutiva de Sphoeroides testudineus (Linnaeus) (Pisces, Osteichthyes, Tetraodontidae) da Gamboa do Baguaçu, Baia de Paranaguá, Paraná, Brasil. Sphoeroides testudineus 57-63
79080 Ayala-Pérez, L.A., J.R. Miranda and D.F. Hernández 2003  La comunidad de peces de la Laguna de Términos: estructura actual comparada. Sphoeroides testudineus 787
80009 Joyeux, J.-C., T. Giarrizzo, R.M. Macieira, H.L. Spach and T. Vaske Jr. 2008  Length-weight relationships for Brazilian estaurine fishes along a latitudinal gradient. Sphoeroides testudineus 5
81979 Sampaio, C.L.S. and M.C. Nottingham 2008  Guia para identificação de peixes ornamentais - volume I: espécies marinhas. Sphoeroides testudineus
83882 FAO-FIES 2010  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Sphoeroides testudineus
90062 FAO-FIES 2012  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Sphoeroides testudineus
93480 Tzeek-Tuz, J., J.L. Bonilla-Gómez, M. Badillo-Alemán and X. Chiappa-Carrara 2012  Length-weight relationship and parameters of growth for the checkered puffer Sphoeroides testudineus from a karstic tropical coastal lagoon: La Carbonera, Yucatan, Mexico. Sphoeroides testudineus
94907 Passos, A.C., R. Schwarz Jr., B.F.C. Cartagena, A.S. Garcia and H.L. Spach 2012  Weight-length relationship of 63 demersal fishes on the shallow coast of Paraná, Brazil. Sphoeroides testudineus 847
95265 Vega-Cendejas, M.E., M.H. de Santillana and D. Arceo 2012  Length-weight relationships for selected fish species from a coastal lagoon influenced by freshwater seeps: Yucatan peninsula, Mexico. Sphoeroides testudineus 141
95632 FAO-FIES 2014  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Sphoeroides testudineus
101110 FAO-FIES 2015  Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Sphoeroides testudineus
103182 Trindade-Santos, I. and K.M.F. Freire 2015  Analysis of reproductive patterns of fishes from three large marine ecosystems. Sphoeroides testudineus 38
105080 Ferraz, D. and T. Giarrizzo 2015  Weight-length and length-length relationships for 37 demersal fish species from the Marapanim River, northeastern coast of Pará State, Brazil. Sphoeroides testudineus 80
111768 Amador-del Angel, L.E., E. Guevara-Carrió, R. Brito and A.T. Wakida-Kusunoki 2015  Length-weight relationships of fish species associated with the mangrove forest in the southwestern Terminos Lagoon, Campeche (Mexico). Sphoeroides testudineus 229
111953 da Costa, M.R., H.H. Pereira, L.M. Neves and F.G. Araújo 2014  Length-weight relationships of 23 fish species from Southeastern Brazil. Sphoeroides testudineus 231
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