List of Common Names for grey mullet

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Common Name
Language Country Species Type
Grey mullet English Myanmar Mugil cephalus Market
Grey mullet English Maldives Crenimugil crenilabis Market
Grey mullet English Australia Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Taiwan Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Cuba Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Fiji Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Guyana Mugil incilis Vernacular
Grey mullet English Hong Kong Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Hong Kong Liza affinis Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Chelon macrolepis Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Chelon subviridis Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Chelon planiceps Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Moolgarda seheli Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Ellochelon vaigiensis Vernacular
Grey Mullet English India Paramugil parmatus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Malaysia Chelon subviridis Vernacular
Grey mullet English Malaysia Chelon planiceps Vernacular
Grey mullet English Mauritius Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Neth Antilles Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English New Zealand Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Spain Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English Tonga Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English UK Mugil cephalus Vernacular
Grey mullet English UK Liza ramada Vernacular
Grey mullet English UK Valamugil speigleri Vernacular
Grey mullet English Isle of Man Chelon labrosus Vernacular
Grey mullet English USA Mugil cephalus Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12