Common name of Esomus longimanus
Common name Trey changwa phlieng
Language Khmer
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 2 - (Preferred common name (unique))
Country Cambodia
Ref. Rainboth, W.J., 1996
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
Core morphology
1st modifier habitat/ecology
2nd modifier
Remarks 'trey', i.e., fish; 'changwa', i.e., looking like the paddle of a small boat; 'phlieng', i.e., rain or rainy season (translation provided by Lim Puy, email:, of ENSA, Toulouse, France).
Entered by Cruz, Tess
Modified by Sta. Iglesia, Drina
Checked by Sta. Iglesia, Drina
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