Common name of Forcipiger flavissimus
Common name Lau wiliwili nukunuku 'oi'oi
Language Hawaiian
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 3 - (Other common name)
Country Hawaii (USA)
Ref. Randall, J.E., 1996
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
1st modifier
2nd modifier
Remarks This Hawaiian common name is also presented in references 583 and 39184. This name broken down into its syllables is La-u wi-li-wi-li nu-ku-nu-ku 'o-i 'o-i. As per reference 26145, the punction mark (') in a Hawaiian word denotes the glottal stop, a common feature of Polynesian languages. It indicates a brief pause at this point in the produciation of a word. At one time in the past there was a consonant where the glottal stop now occurs.
Entered by Hamil, Raymond
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