Common name of Rhynchostracion nasus
Common name Baka-bakahan
Language Tagalog
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 2 - (Preferred common name (unique))
Country Philippines
Ref. Herre, A.W.C.T. and A.F. Umali, 1948
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
Core non-fish animal
1st modifier mod. for affinity
2nd modifier
Remarks General name given to some species belonging to the family Ostraciidae; listed in Ref. 393. 'baka', i.e., cow; 'bakahan', i.e., a cow ranch, but denotes likeness to when used as a modifier to the root word 'baka'.
Entered by Garilao, Cristina V.
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