Common name of Oncorhynchus kisutch
Common name T'aiya
Language Haida
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 3 - (Other common name)
Country Canada
Locality 53N132W British Columbia coast
Ref. Jones, R., 1999
Life stage juveniles and adults
Sex females and males
1st modifier
2nd modifier
Remarks Coho were one of the most abundant salmon species at Cape Ball and were of special importance to the Haida of that area. Fresh coho were an esteemed food; fillets kept only for 3 months due to high fat content; coho eggs were separated, soaked in freshwater until hard and white and pounded to a soft butter-like consistency but not suitable to make stink eggs; milt from male coho were sometimes added to jum.
Entered by Jones, Russ
Modified by Sampang-Reyes, Arlene G.
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