Common name of Clupea pallasii pallasii
Common name K'aaw
Language Haida
Type Vernacular
Official trade name No
Rank 3 - (Other common name)
Country Canada
Locality British Columbia
Ref. Jones, R., 1999
Life stage eggs
Sex females and males
1st modifier
2nd modifier
Remarks were harvested on kelp and hemlock branches; sometimes picked from other substrate such as eelgrass and eaten on the spot; sun-dried on gravel beach; drying eggs indoors was slower and the product was of poorer quality; dried egg fronds were tied into bundles of about ten and stored in bent-wood boxes; these were susceptible to insect damage, turned brown and lost flavor; it was eaten dried or soaked in fresh water, then dipped in boiling water or fried; it is often eaten with eulachon oul or 'hum'.
Entered by Jones, Russ
Modified by Sampang-Reyes, Arlene G.
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