Hymenogadus gracilis (Gilbert & Hubbs, 1920)
Slender membranehead
Hymenogadus gracilis
photo by Schwarzhans, W.

 Family:  Macrouridae (Grenadiers or rattails), subfamily: Macrourinae
 Max. size:  39.6 cm TL (male/unsexed); max.weight: 235.6 g
 Environment:  bathypelagic; depth range 300 - 618 m
 Distribution:  Circumglobal, widespread. North Atlantic Ocean (both sides, including the Mediterranean Sea), the Pacific Ocean (off Japan, Philippines, the Sala-y-Gomez Ridge) and the Indian Ocean (east and west coasts of Australia and east coast of Africa).
 Diagnosis:  This species is distinguished by the following set of characters: spinous first dorsal fin ray weakly serrated, more distinct near tip of ray; pelvic fin rays 7-10, usually 8-9; gill rakers first arch (outer/inner) 8-12/14-18; large barbel, its length 20-30% HL; short snout length 16-26% HL; very narrow suborbital 4-8% HL; upper jaw length 43-52% HL; a row of enlarged melanophores along lateral mid-line of the tail; cylindrical body (Ref. 97189).
 Biology:  Feeds on planktonic crustaceans (Ref. 6187).
 IUCN Red List Status: Data deficient  (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:   

 Entered by: Capuli, Estelita Emily - 16.01.96
 Modified by: Reyes, Rodolfo B. - 18.05.17

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