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Definition of Term

Object Oriented
(english) A way of looking at processing problems and their solutions in terms of 'objects'. An object has a recognizable identity which includes information on its 'behavior' and function. In contrast with conventional software where program and data are separated, the object includes both the data and the procedures and functions that operate on it. Objects cooperate by sending messages to one another. (See also: IT, software, data)
orienté objet
(french) Manière de considérer les problèmes de traitement des données en terme ‘d'objets’. Un objet a une identité propre qui contient des informations sur sa fonction. S’oppose aux logiciels conventionnels où programme et données sont indépendants, l’objet inclut les données, les procédures et les fonctions qui le fait marcher. Les objets coopèrent en envoyant des messages. (See also: IT, software, data)
Raciocínio Objectivo
(portuguese) Forma de equacionar problemas de processamento e as suas soluções em termos de "objectos". (See also: IT, software, data)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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eENVplus Thesaurus Thesaurus gathering glossaries for biodiversity, environment and biogeography
A-Z Biodiversity Terms Glossary providing definitions of terms, areas and acronyms related to biodiversity, commonly used, internationally recognized where possible, well referenced, and derived from legitimate sources
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