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Definition of Term

(english) According to the Code, (1) a nomenclatural problem presented to the Commission for a ruling (see Declaration, Direction, Opinion); (2) an inflectional form of nouns and adjectives in grammar, of which the nominative and genitive are used in zoological nomenclature. (See also: declaration, Code, Commission)
(french) D’après le Code, (1) problème nomenclatural soumis à la Commission pour une décision (voir Déclaration, Directive, Opinion); (2) désinences que prennent les substantifs et les adjectifs en grammaire, parmi lesquelles le nominatif et le génitif sont utilisés en nomenclature zoologique. (See also: declaration, Code, Commission)
(portuguese) Do Código, (1) problema nomenclatural posto à Comissão para regulamentação; (2) inflexão gramatical dos substantivos e adjectivos dos quais o nominativo e ao genitivo são utilizados na nomenclatura zoológica. (See also: declaration, Code, Commission)

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