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Definition of Term

(english) Poisoning caused by eating the flesh of fish that is toxic to humans; this is in contrast to poisoning from eating old or putrefied flesh; unpredictable and sometimes fatal; occurs in the Pacific and Caribbean; known in the western Indian Ocean only at Mauritius and Réunion islands. (See also: ciguatoxin, ciguatoxic fishes)
(french) Empoisonnement causé en mangeant la chair de poisson qui est toxique aux êtres humains; c'est le contraste de l'empoisonnement causé par la consommation de la chair vieille ou putrifiée; imprévisible et quelquefois fatal; se produit dans le Pacifique et la Caraïbe; reporté de l'Océan Indien de l'ouest à l'Ile Maurice et les Iles Réunions seulement. (See also: ciguatoxin, ciguatoxic fishes)
(portuguese) Envenenamento causado pela ingestão de peixe tóxico para o Homem; prognóstico imprevisível, por vezes fatal. Ocorre no Pacífico e Caribe.Conhecido no Indico oeste somente nas ilhas Maurícias e Reunião. (See also: ciguatoxin, ciguatoxic fishes)

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