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Definition of Term

gill rakers (View picture)
(english) Bony, finger-like projection of the gill arch on the opposite side from the red gill filaments which function in retaining food organisms; they vary greatly in number and length and are important in the classifications and identification of fishes. (See also: gill arch, gill filaments, gill raker counts)
branchiospines (View picture)
(french) Projections osseuses, digitiformes, de l'arc branchial sur le côté opposé aux filaments branchiaux et qui servent à retenir les proies ; elles varient en nombre et longueur et sont importantes pour les classifications et l'identification des poissons. (See also: gill arch, gill filaments, gill raker counts)
branquiespinhas (View picture)
(portuguese) Projecções ósseas dos arcos branquiais em posição oposta aos filamentos branquiais e que retêem o alimento impedindo-o de sair pela abertura opercular. Variam muito em forma e número sendo assim importantes na identificação e classificação dos peixes. (See also: gill arch, gill filaments, gill raker counts)

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