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Definition of Term

(english) Caudal fin shape with unequal lobes, the upper lobe being larger than the lower. Having the vertebral column extend up into larger lobe of caudal fin; typically found in sturgeons and many sharks, also the type of tail fin in which the vertebral column turns upwards into the upper lobe, which is longer than the lower. Asymmetrical externally as well as internally, e.g. Elasmobranchii, Acipenseridae, Polydontidae and in many larval Teleostomi. May also be used for an asymmetrical caudal fin but with epicercal defining upper lobe longer and hypocercal the lower lobe longer. (See also: caudal fin, Sturgeons, sharks)
(french) Nageoire caudale avec des lobes inégaux, le lobe supérieur étant plus grand que l'inférieur. Colonne vertébrale prolongée jusque dans le plus grand lobe de la nageoire caudale ; typique de esturgeons et de nombreux requins. (See also: caudal fin, Sturgeons, sharks)
(portuguese) Barbatana caudal com os lobos desiguais, sendo o lobo superior maior. Próprio dos esturjões e dos tubarões. (See also: caudal fin, Sturgeons, sharks)

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