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Definition of Term

(english) 1) A sharp projecting point; if referring to fins, a stiff unsegmented, undivided and unbranched element supporting and/or arming the fin. It is not laterally paired as are rays. Spine counts are given in Roman numerals, e.g. XI-XIV. See also ray. 2) Sharp hard bony structures on the skeleton or skin, e.g. preopercular spines. Both serve as predator deterrents. (See also: fin rays, soft ray, segmented ray)
(french) Point tranchant et projetant ; se rapport à un élément raide, non segmenté, non partagé et non branchu qui supporte une nageoire. (See also: fin rays, soft ray, segmented ray)
(portuguese) Ponta afilada que se projecta; referindo-se a barbatanas, elemento rígido, não segmentado, não ramificado e não dividido que suporta a barbatana. (See also: fin rays, soft ray, segmented ray)

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