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Definition of Term

family group
(english) According to the Code, in the hierarchy of classification, the highest-ranking group of taxa whose names are regulated by the Code. The family group includes taxa at the ranks of superfamily, family, subfamily, tribe, and any other rank below superfamily and above the genus group that may be required, such as subtribe. (See also: Code, family, taxon)
(french) D’après le Code, dans la hiérarchie de la classification, le groupe du rang le plus haut parmi ceux dont les noms sont réglementés par le Code. Le groupe-famille des comprend les taxa des rangs superfamille, famille, sous-famille, tribu et tout autre rang au-dessous de la superfamille des et au-dessus du genre que l'on peut désirer, tel que la sous-tribu. (See also: Code, family, taxon)
grupo familiar
(portuguese) Do Código, na hierarquia da classificação o mais alto grupo taxonómico cujo nome é regulamentado pelo Código. Este grupo inclui taxa ao nível da super-família, família, subfamília, tribo, e qualquer outra categoria abaixo de superfamília e acima de género. (See also: Code, family, taxon)

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