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Definition of Term

gas bladder
(english) A tough-walled gas-filled, sometimes alveolated sac lying in the upper part of the body cavity of many bony fishes just beneath the vertebral column; its principal function is to offset the weight of heavier tissue such as bone. In some fishes used for sound production or respiration. Connected to esophagus in primitive fishes. Contains a varying mixture of gases, not identical to the composition of air. May be one, two or three chambered. May be connected to the gut by a tube, the ductus pneumaticus (then called physostomous) or unconnected (then called physoclistous). Found in Actinopterygii. Often lacking in bottom fishes. Sometimes called swim bladder or air bladder, less appropriate terms. (See also: swim bladder, esophagus, physoclistous)
vessie gazeuse
(french) Un sac rempli de gaz avec des membranes forts qui s'allonge dans la partie supérieure de la cavité du corps de beaucoup de poissons osseux juste en bas de la colonne vertébrale; sa fonction principale est de compenser le poids de tissu plus lourd tel qu'os. Chez quelques poissons, ce sac est utilisé pour la production de son ou pour la respiration. Connecté à l’oesophage chez les poissons primitifs. (See also: swim bladder, esophagus, physoclistous)
bexiga natatória
(portuguese) Saco gasoso de paredes espessas que se encontra na parte superior da cavidade do corpo da maior parte dos peixes ósseos, por baixo da coluna vertebral. A sua função é regular a flutuabilidade dos peixes. Em algumas espécies também pode funcionar como orgão de produção de som ou orgão respiratório. Está ligada ao esófago nas espécies mais primitivas. (See also: swim bladder, esophagus, physoclistous)

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