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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
abbreviate heterocercal, heterocercal hétérocerque abrégé
absolute growth rate, growth rate, rate
abyssal depth, depth
abyssal hills, hills
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ANSP Academia de Ciencias Naturales de Filadelfia Academia de Ciências Naturais
accessory dorsal branch , dorsal branch , branch
acid cured fish, cured fish, fish
acidophilic acidophilique
active channel, channel
actual mesh size, mesh size, size
actual shoreline
adaptive behavior, behavior comportement adaptatif comportamiento adaptativo comportamento adaptativo
adhesive eggs, eggs oeufs adhésifs
Aegean Sea (The Archipelago)
Aestivating lungfishes, lungfishes dipneustes Peces pulmonados estivantes Lepidosirenídeos
agonistic behavior, behavior
agonistic behaviour, behaviour
ahermatypic ahermatypique
Aholeholes crocros, poissons-pavillons Aholeholes Kuliídeos
Airbreathing catfishes, catfishes Clariidés Peces gato con respiración aérea, clarideos ? Clariídeos
Airsac catfishes, catfishes Peces gato con respiración a través de la vejiga natatoria ? Heteropneustídeos
Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory, Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory AMRL Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory Laboratorio de Recursos Marinos de Alabama Laboratório dos Recursos Marinhos de Alabama
alar spines, spines épines alaires espinas alares espinhas alares
alar thorns, thorns boucles alaires púas alares, espinas alares espinhos preênseis
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Alaska Fisheries Science Center AFSC Centro de Ciencia Pesquera de Alaska, Seattle Centro de Ciências das Pescas do Alasca, Seatlle
algal bed, bed lit algal lecho algal, lecho de algas estrato de algas
algal wash, wash
algorithm algorithme algoritmo algoritmo
alien allochtone alóctono espécie introduzida
alien species, species espèce allochtone especie alóctona espécie exótica
allochronic species, species
allotrophic lake, lake
alpha atresia, atresia
alternate teeth, teeth
altruistic behavior, behavior
ambush predator, predator
American Museum of Natural History, New York, Museum of Natural History, New York, of Natural History, New York AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York American Museum of Natural History, New York. Museu Americano de História Natural, Nova Iorque
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, Standard Code for Information Interchange, Code for Information Interchange ASCII Código estándar americano para intercambio de información. Código Standard Americano para a troca de Informação
amphibians amphibiens anfibios anfíbios
amphibiotic amphibiotique
amphidromous amphidrome
amphipods amphipodes anfípodos anfípodes
amphistylic amphistylique
amphitrophic amphitrophique
analytical watershed
anchialine anchialine anquialino? anquihalino
Anchobi pêsuto, pêsuto
anchor ice, ice
Anchovies anchois anchoa, boquerón Engraulídeos
Anchovy cream, cream
Anchovy essence, essence
Anchovy paste, paste
androcyclic parthenogenesis, parthenogenesis
Angel sharks, sharks anges de mer angelotes Esquatinídeos
Angelfishes poissons-anges peces ángel Pomacantídeos
angling pêche à la ligne pesca a la línea (liña) pesca desportiva
annual fish, fish
anonymous work, work travail anonyme trabajo anónimo trabalho anónimo
Antarctic dragonfishes, dragonfishes dragons de mer antarctique dragones de mar antárticos Batidraconídeos
anterior teeth, teeth
anthelmintic anthelmintique
anthropogenic anthropogénique
anthropogenic effects, effects effets anthropogéniques efectos antropogénicos efeitos antropogénicos
aphagous áfago
aphotic aphotique afótico afótica
aphotic zone
apode fishes
apparent death, death
aquatic habitat
Arbroath smokie, smokie
arched roots
Archerfishes poissons archers peces arquero Toxotídeos
archipelagic apron
Argentines or herring smelts, or herring smelts, herring smelts argentines argentinas Argentinídeos
Aringhe alla Bismarck, alla Bismarck, Bismarck
Aringhe dorate, dorate
Arkansas Tech Fish Collection, Arkansas Tech Fish Collection ATFC Arkansas Tech Fish Collection Arkansas Tech Fish Collection Colecção Ictiológica da Universidade do Arcansas
Armored catfishes, catfishes loricariidés loricáridos Loricariídeo
Armorhead catfishes, catfishes cranoglanídidos; peces gato de cabeza armada? Cranoglanídideo
Armorheads têtes casquées pentacerótidos; cabezas armadas? Pentaceratídeo
arrow flèche flecha direcção do fluxo energético
artificial beach
artificial channel, channel canal artificiel canal artificial canal artificial
artificial hybrid, hybrid hybride artificiel híbrido artificial híbrido artificial
artificial recharge
artisanal fisheries, fisheries pêche artisanale pesquerías artesanales pesca artesanal
Asiatic glassfishes, glassfishes poissons de verre peces de vidrio asiáticos Ambassídeos
asymptotic length, length Linf longueur asymptotique longitud asintótica comprimento assimptótico
asymptotic threshold concentration, threshold concentration, concentration
asymptotic weight, weight Winf poids asymptotique peso asintótico peso assimptótico
asynchronous oocyte development, oocyte development, development
asynchronous ovary development, ovary development, development
athalassohaline lake
Auchmithie cure, cure
Aufwuchs fouling adherentes; sobrecrescentes epibiontes
Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska, Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory ABL Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Laboratório de Pescas de Auke Bay, Alaska
Australian lungfish, lungfish peces pulmonados australianos Ceratodontídeo
author auteur autor autor
autotrophic algae
autotrophic lake, lake
auxotrophic algae
available work, work travail disponible trabajo disponible trabalho disponível
Ayu fish, fish peces Ayu Plecoglossídeo
b lymphocyte, lymphocyte
Baccalà portoghese giallo, portoghese giallo, giallo
back arching, arching
Bagrid catfishes, catfishes mâchoirons peces gato Bagrídeo
Baikal oilfishes, oilfishes comefóridos? Comeforídeo
Bamboo sharks, sharks requins chabots hemiscíllidos; tiburones bambú? Hemiscilídeo
Bandfishes rubans cepólidos? Cepolídeos
Banjo catfishes, catfishes croncrons aspredínidos? Aspredinídeo
bar and spit, and spit, spit cordon et flèche barra y lengua fecho de lagoa
barachois barachois barachois? lagoa intertidal
barbecued fish, fish
barbel barbillon barbillón barbilho
Barbeled houndsharks, houndsharks émissoles barbues leptocáridos? Leptocarídeos
Barreleyes or spookfishes, or spookfishes, spookfishes opistopróctidos? Opistoproctídeos
basibranchial basibranchial basibranquial basibranquial
basibranchial teeth, teeth
Basking sharks, sharks pèlerins cetorrínidos; tiburones peregrino? Cetorinídeo
basophilic basophilique
batch culture, culture
batch fecundity, fecundity fécondité fractionnée fecundidad por lotes; fecundidad fraccionada fecundidade real
batch spawner, spawner reproducteur multiple ponedor parcial fecundo
Batfishes poules d'eau ogcocefálidos; peces murciélago Ogcocefalídeo
bathyal bathyal batial batial
bathybenthic bathybenthique
bathybic bathybique
bathydemersal bathydémersal batidemersal batidemersal
bathylimnetic bathylimnétique
bathymetric chart, chart carte bathymétrique carta batimétrica carta batimétrica
bathymetric contour, contour
bathymetry bathymétrie batimetría batimetria
bathypelagic bathypélagique batipelágico batipelágico
bay coastline, coastline anse bahía litoral baía
beach plage playa praia
beach meshing, meshing
beach price, price prix au débarquement precio de primera venta preço na lota
beach seine, seine senne de plage arte de playa rede de cercar da praia
beachrock grès de plage playa rocosa rocha constituída por duna consolidada
Beachsalmon Leptobramídeo
Beaked salmons, salmons caduchons gonorrínquidos; salmones picudos Gonorrinquídeo
Beardfishes barbudos peces barbudo; polimíxidos Polimixiídeo
behind derrière detrás atrás
bell-shaped en forme de cloche campaniforme em forma de sino
bench processes
benchmark référence punto de referencia marca de teste
beneath au-dessous por debajo por baixo
benthic benthique bentónico bêntico
benthic broadcaster, broadcaster
benthic ecosystems, ecosystems écosystèmes benthiques ecosistemas bentónicos ecossistemas bênticos
benthic-pelagic coupling
benthopelagic benthopélagique bentopelágico bentopelágico
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, P. Bishop Museum, Bishop Museum BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu Museu Bernice P. Bishop, Honolulu
berry oeufs bayas; huevos fecundados de crustáceos postura de crustáceo transportada pela fêmea no abdomen
Best Practice Technology, Practice Technology, Technology BPT meilleure technologie disponible tecnología de mejor práctica Melhor Tecnologia Disponível
bibliographic reference, reference référence bibliographique referencia bibliográfica referência bibliográfica
Bichirs bichirs poliptéridos? Polipterídeo
bight baie rada estreito
Bigscale fishes or ridgeheads, fishes or ridgeheads, or ridgeheads poissons-heaumes melanfaidos? Melamfaídeos
bilgy fish
billabong bras mort brazo muerto ilhota estuarina
billfish marlins marlín espadartes
Billfishes voiliers marlines Istioforídeos
Bim fish, fish
biochemical analysis, analysis analyse biochimique análisis bioquímico análise bioquímica
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), oxygen demand, demand
biogeography biogéographie biogeografía biogeografia
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas A & I University, Ichthyological Collection TAIC Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville Depertamento de Biologia, Universidade do Texas, Kingsville
biosphere reserves, reserves réserves de la biosphère reservas de la biosfera reserva da bioesfera
biotechnology biotechnologie biotecnología biotecnologia
birth-pulse population
Bismarck haring, haring
Bismark herring, herring
Bizmark heringa, heringa
Black dragonfishes, dragonfishes idiacanthidés peces dragón negros; idiacántidos Idiacantídeo
black fish
Blind sharks, sharks requins aveugles des roches braquielúridos; tiburones ciegos? Braquiaelurídeos
blotch tache mancha mancha
Bluefishes tassergals pomatómidos; tasartes Pomatomídeo
Boarfishes capros-sangliers caproideos; ochavos? Caproídeos
body depth, depth, depth hauteur maximale du corps
body depth at anus, depth at anus, at anus BDA
body girth
body length, length longueur du corps longitud corporal comprimento do corpo
body width, width
Bohr effect, effect
Bologna Bologne Bolonia Bolonha
bone os hueso osso
Bonefishes bananes de mer peces hueso; albúlidos Albulídeos
Boneless fish, fish
Bonnethead sharks, sharks requins-marteaux peces martillo Esfirnídeo
Bonnetmouths andorrèves du Cap inérmidos? Inermiídeo
bony fishes, fish poissons osseux peces óseos peixes ósseos
Bottlenose or barbelless catfishes, or barbelless catfishes, barbelless catfishes ageneiósidos; hocicos de botella; peces gato sin barbillones? Ageneiosídeos
boulder galet callao cascalho
boulder beach, beach plage de galets playa de callaos praia de cascalho
boulder field, field champs de galets campo de callaos campo de cascalho
boulder slope, slope pente de galets talud de callaos vertente de cascalho
Boxfishes (cowfish and trunkfish), (cowfish and trunkfish), and trunkfish) coffres ostrácidos; peces cofre? Ostraciídeos
brachial ossicle
brackish saumâtre salobre salobra
brackish water, water eau saumâtre agua salobre água salobra
brailing pêche à l'épuisette salabardo; jamo camaroeiro
Bramble sharks, sharks squales bouclés equinorrínidos? Equinorrinídeos
branched rays, rays rayons branchus radios ramificados raios moles
branchial branchial branquial branquial
branchial arch, arch arc branchial arco branquial arco branquial
branchial cavity, cavity cavité branchiale
branchiopods branchiopodes branquiópodos branquiópodes
branchiostegal counts, counts dénombrement des branchiostèges recuentos de branquiostegales
branchiostegal membrane, membrane
branchiostegal rays, rays
branchiostegals rayons branchiostèges branquiostegales branquióstegos
breast poitrine pecho; torso
breed race raza linhagem
breeding line, line lignée d'élevage línea de cría; línea de cultivo linhagem intraespecífica
Brigham Young University, Utah, Brigham Young University BYU Brigham Young University, Utah Brigham Young University, Utah Universidade de Brigham, Utah
Bristlemouths or lightfishes, or lightfishes, lightfishes brossés et haches d'argent gonostómidos? Gonostomatídeo
Broken fish, fish
brood fish, fish
brood hider
brood pouch, pouch poche ventrale bolsa ventral; marsupio saco ovárico
Bullhead sharks, sharks requins dormeurs bouledogues heterodóntidos; tiburones toro? Heterodontídeo
Butterfishes stromatés estromateidos? Estromateídeos
Butterflyfish pantodons pantodóntidos; peces mariposa? Pantocontídeos
Butterflyfishes poissons-papillons chaetodóntidos; peces mariposa? Caetodontídeos
bycatch prise accessoire captura accesoria captura acidental
by-catch prise accessoire captura accesoria captura secundária
Cales and weed-whitings, and weed-whitings, weed-whitings odácidos? Odacídeos
California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collection, California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collecti CSUS-IC California State University Sacramento California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collection Universidade Estadual de Sacramento
Callichthyid armored catfishes, armored catfishes, catfishes poissons-chats casqués callíctidos; peces gato? Calactiídeo
canyon canyon cañón canhão
cardiform teeth, teeth
Cardinalfishes apogons apogónidos; antoñitos? Apogonídeos
Carpet or nurse sharks, or nurse sharks, nurse sharks requins-tapis ou requins-nourrices tiburones nodriza; orectolóbidos 0rectolobídeo
cartilaginous fishes, fishes poissons cartilagineux peces cartilaginosos peixes cartilagíneos
Cat sharks, sharks roussettes esciliorrínidos; tiburones gato? Silorrinídeos
catch curve, curve courbe de capture curva de captura curva de captura
catch per unit of effort, per unit of effort (CPUE), unit of effort (CPUE) CPUE capture par unité d'effort captura por unidad de esfuerzo captura por unidade de esforço
catchability capturabilité capturabilidad capturabilidade
catcher vessel
catchment area, area
catchment basin
catfish ball
caudal keel, keel carène caudale quilla caudal espinho caudal
cave fish
Caveached fish, fish
Cavefishes amblyopsis ambliópsidos? Ambliopsídeo
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India, Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute CMFRI Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India Instituto Central de Investigação Pesqueira de Cochim, India
cephalic céphalique cefálico cefálico
cephalic clasper
cephalic lobe, lobe lobe céphalique lóbulo cefálico lobo cefálico
cephalic vesicle
cephalopods céphalopodes cefalópodos cefalópodes
ceratobranchial cératobranchial ceratobranquial ceratobranquial
cervical photophore Ce
chaetognaths chétognathes quetognatos quetognatos
chafing gear
chaotic chaotique
Characins characins carácidos? Caracídeos
character caractère carácter caractere
character displacement
charismatic species
Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University, Charles R. Conner Museum CRCM Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University Museu Charles R. Conner, Universidade do Estado de Washington
cheek joue mejilla bochecha
cheek height, height
chemical filtration, filtration
chemical oxygen demand (COD), oxygen demand (COD), demand (COD)
chemoreception chimioréception quimiorecepción quimiorecepção
chest mznton pecho peito
chevron chevron
Chilean seabass, seabass
Chilled fish, fish
chimaeras chimères quimeras quimeras
chin menton barbilla; mentón queixo
chitons chitons quitones quitons
chlorine residual, residual
chlorinity chlorinité
chloroplast chloroplaste
chlorosity chlorosité
chondrichthyans chondrichthyens condroíctios peixes cartilagíneos
chorion chorion corion corion
choroid fissure, fissure
choroid tissue, tissue
Christmas fish, fish
chromaffin tissue
chromatography chromatographie cromatografía cromatografia
chromatophore chromatophore cromatóforo cromatóforo
chromatophores chromatophores
chromosome chromosome cromosoma cromossoma
chronic chronique crónico crónico
chronological order, order ordre chronologique orden cronológico ordem cronológica
Chuckchi Sea
Chulalongkorn University Museum, University Museum, Museum CUMZ
Cichlids cichlidés cíclidos Ciclídeos
ciguatoxic fishes, fishes
circadian rhythm, rhythm
Citharids poissons-feuilles citáridos; peludas? Citarídeos
Clam chowder, chowder
clasper hooks, hooks
clasper shaft, shaft
cleaner fish imitator, fish imitator, imitator
Cleanplate herring, herring
Cleansed shellfish, shellfish
cleithral symphysis, symphysis
cleithrum cleithrum cleitro cleitrum
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, Clemson University at South Carolina CUSC Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina Universidade de Clemson, Carolina do Sul
Climbing catfishes, catfishes astroblépidos? Astroblepídeo
Clingfishes and singleslits, and singleslits, singleslits barbiers gobiesócidos? Gobioesocídeos
clipped roefish, roefish
Close fish, fish
clupeotoxic fishes
coarse fish
coastline littoral litoral Linha de costa
cobble galet callao; canto rodado; guijarro gravilha
cobble beach, beach plage de galets playa de callaos praia de gravilha
cobble field, field fonds à galets campo de callaos área de gravilha
Cobia cobias rachicéntridos? Raquicentrídeos
coccolth ooze, ooze
Cod icefishes, icefishes calandres, bocasses, légines nototénidos Nototenídeo
Codfish brick, brick
Cods and haddocks, and haddocks, haddocks gades ou morues bacalaos, gádidos Gadídeos
cohort cohorte cohorte coorte
cohort analysis
cold smoked, smoked fumé à froid ahumado en frío fumado
Cold-smoked fish, fish
Collared carpet sharks, carpet sharks, sharks requins carpettes à collerette parascílidos? Parascilídeo
Combtooth blennies, blennies blennies blénnidos? Bleniídeos
common length, length
Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization, Science & Industrial Research Organization, & Industrial Research Organization CSIRO Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization
compensation depth, depth
compensation light intensity, light intensity, intensity
compensatory growth
Complementary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce de remplacement peces de agua dulce complementarios; peces continentales complementarios peixes diádromos que se tornaram dominantes em águas doces
completely land ringed atoll, land ringed atoll, ringed atoll atoll fermé atolón cerrado atol fechado
Computer Aided Design, Aided Design, Design CAD dessin assisté par ordinateur diseño asistido por ordenador desenhado por computador
Computer Aided Software Engineering, Aided Software Engineering, Software Engineering CASE atelier de génie logiciel programas de ingeniería asistida por ordenador Engenharia de software
Condensed fish solubles, fish solubles, solubles
conical teeth, teeth dents coniques dientes cónicos dentes cónicos
consecutive hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
conserved work, work travail conservé trabajo conservado trabalho validado pela Comissão
continental shelf, shelf plateau continental plataforma continental margem continental
continental shelf ecosystems, shelf ecosystems, ecosystems écosystèmes du plateau continental ecosistemas de la plataforma continental ecossistemas da margem continental
continental shelf edge, shelf edge, edge bord du plateau continental borde de la plataforma continental fim da margem continental
contour isoligne contorno linha isobática
contour interval, interval intervalle entre deux isolignes intervalo de contorno intervalo da linha isobática
cordillera cordillère cordillera cordilheira
Core fish, fish
cormorant fishing
Cornetfishes fistulaires fistuláridos; peces trompeta Fistularídeos
Corre fish, fish
courtship bite, bite
courtship ritual, ritual
cove coastline, coastline anse litoral de rada linha de costa suave
Cow sharks, sharks grisets et perlons hexánchidos; tiburones vaca? Hexanquídeo
Crawfish meal, meal
creel bourriche bolsa; cesto saco de captura
creel survey, survey sondage des bourriches encuesta de bolsa; encuesta de cesto limite de captura
Crestfishes lophotes lofótidos? Lofotídeos
critical depth, depth
critical thermal maximum (CTM), thermal maximum, maximum
Crocodile icefishes, icefishes chaníctidos Canactídeos
culture-based capture fishery
Cusk-eels abadèches ofídidos? Ofidiídeos
Cut spiced herring, spiced herring, herring
Cutlassfishes poissons sabres trichiúridos; peces cinto; peces sable? Triquiurídeos
Cutthroat eels, eels synaphobranchidés sinafobránquidos? Sinafobranquídeos
cytopathic cytopathique
Daggertooth pharaons anotoptéridos? Anotopterídeo
Dahn line, line bouée de ligne de fond palangre vertical linha Dahn
Damselfishes poissons demoiselles pomacéntridos? Pomacentrídeos
Danish pond , pond
Danish seine, seine senne danoise cerco danés rede dinamarquesa
date of publication, of publication, publication date de publication fecha de publicación data de publicação
daughter cell, cell
Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California, University of California, Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fish. B MWFB Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California Museu Davies da Vida Selvagem e Biologia das Pescas, California
Dayton Museum of Natural History, Dayton Museum of Natural History DATM Dayton Museum of Natural History Dayton Museum of Natural History Museu Dayton de História Natural
deep scattering layer, scattering layer, layer DSL couche dispersante profonde capa de reflexión profunda DSL
Deep-sea anglerfish, anglerfish centrofrínidos? Centrofrinídeos
Deep-sea smelts, smelts bathylagidés batilágidos? Batilagídeo
Deep-sea spiny eels, spiny eels, eels notacanthidés notacántidos? Notacantídeo
Deepwater cardinalfishes, cardinalfishes sonneurs epigónidos? Epigonídeo
Deepwater flatheads, flatheads platycéphales de profondeur bémbridos? Bembrídeo
definitive host, host
dehydrated fish, fish
demographic demographique
Denticle herring, herring denticipítidos Denticipitídeo
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University BSKU Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University
depth hauteur, profondeur profundidad profundidade
Depth of caudal peduncle
desiccated codfish, codfish
Deutscher Kaviar, Kaviar
diarrhea diarrhée
diced fish, fish
dichotomous key, key clave dicotómica
dichromatic dichromatique dicromático dicromático
dichromatism dichromatisme dicromatismo dicromatismo
diel nycthéméral nictimeral diurno
dignathic dignathique
dimethyl sulphide
dimorphic dimorphique dimórfico dimórfico
diphycercal diphycerque dificerca heterocérquica
Diplomystid catfishes, catfishes diplomístidos? Diplomistídeo
direct length, length longueur en ligne droite longitud directa comprimento
directed fishery, fishery pêche sélective pesquería dirigida
Directory Interchange Format, Interchange Format, Format DIF format d'échange de répertoires formato de intercambio de directorios formato DIF
discharge plume, plume
disk length, length
disk width
diurnal rhythm, rhythm
Division of Fisheries Sciences, Science Course, Course MUFS
doctor fish
Dog fish, fish
Dogfish sharks, sharks aiguillats escuálidos? Esqualídeos
Dolphins coryphènes corifaénidos; llampugas; emperadores? Corifaenídeos
Dredged fish, fish
dressed fish, fish poisson paré pescado preparado; pescado limpio; pescado eviscerado y descabezado peixe preparado sem cabeça e sem vísceras
dressing weight, weight poids de parage peso preparado; peso eviscerado y descabezado peso eviscerado
dried fish, fish
dried salted fish, salted fish, fish
Driftfishes physaliers nomeidos? Nomeídeos
Driftwood catfishes, catfishes aucheniptéridos? Auquenipterídeo
dropline ligne de fond palangre vertical linha de pesca
dropline fishing, fishing
dry fish, fish
dry salted fish, salted fish, fish
dualistic reproductive behavior, reproductive behavior, behavior
Dubbel gerookte steurharing, gerookte steurharing, steurharing
Dubisch method, method
Dubisch pond
ductus endolymphaticus
Duke University, North Carolina, Duke University DU Duke University, North Carolina Duke University, North Carolina Universidade de Duke, Carolina do Norte
Dum fish, fish
Dumb fish, fish
Dun fish, fish
Dynamic Data Exchange, Data Exchange, Exchange DDE échange dynamique de données intercambio dinámico de datos DDE
dynamite fishing, fishing
dystrophic dystrophique
early life history, life history, history histoire de vie précoce
earthform structure géomorphologique geomorfología com a forma da Terra
East Indian Archipelago (Indonesia)
Eastern China Sea (Tung Hai)
Eating fish, fish
echinoderms échinodermes equinodermos equinodermes
echo écho eco eco
echo ranging, ranging détection ultrasonore rango del eco distância do eco
echo sounding, sounding écho-sondage ecosondeo sonar de eco
echogram échogramme ecograma ecograma
ecological niche, niche
ecosystem approach
ecosystem health, health
ecosystem overfishing
ectethmoid chambers, chambers
edaphic édaphique
eddy tourbillon giro remoinho
Eeltail catfishes, catfishes plotosidés plotósidos? Plotosídeo
egg oeuf huevo ovo
Eglefino ahumado, ahumado
El Niño Southern Oscillation ENSO
elasmobranch poisoning
elasmobranchs élasmobranches elasmobranquios elasmobrânquios
Electric catfishes, catfishes poissons-chats électriques malapterúridos? Malapterurídeos
electric fishes, fishes
electrical fishing, fishing
electrogenic fishes, fishes poissons électriques peces electrogénicos peixes electrogénicos
electrophoresis électrophorèse electroforesis electroforese
electrophoretic analysis, analysis
electrophoretic marker, marker marqueur électrophorétique marcador electroforético marcador electroforético
Elephantfishes mormyres mormíridos; peces elefante? Mormirídeos
embryonic shield, shield bouclier embryonnaire
encapsulated egg, egg oeuf à capsule huevo encapsulado ovo encapsulado
endobenthic endobenthique
endolymphatic duct
endolymphatic pore
endolymphatic sinus
endorheic endorhéique
English Channel
engybenthic engybenthique
entity-relationship diagram, diagram E-R diagramme relationnel diagrama relacional Diagrama de relação
eosinophilic eosinophilique
epibenthic épibenthique
epibenthos épibenthos epibentos epibentos
epibranchial épibranchial epibranquial epibranquial
epibranchial organ
epiphysial apparatus, apparatus
epiphysial foramen, foramen
epiphytes épiphytes epífitos epífitas
epithelium épithélium epitelio epitélio
equilibrium theory, theory théorie de l'équilibre teoría del equilibrio teoria do equilíbrio
erythrophores érythrophores
Escabeche frito, frito
esophagus oesophage esófago esófago
Espadines o arenques anchoados, o arenques anchoados, arenques anchoados
establish établi establecido estabelecer
established species, species
Ethmonuchal muscles, muscles
ethyl éthyle ou alcool éthylique etilo etilo
euphausiids euphausiacés
euphotic zone, zone
eurybathic eurybathique
eurybenthic eurybenthique
euryhaline euryhalin eurihalino eurihalina
eutrophic eutrophique eutrófico eutrófico
eutrophication eutrophisation eutrofización eutroficação
exophthalmus exophthalmie exoftalmia exoftálmico
extra growths, growths
eye oeil ojo olho
eye fork length, fork length, length distance de l'oeil à la fourche longitud ojo - furca Comprimento olho-furca
eye length, length diamètre de l'oeil longitud ocular
eye notch, notch
Eyemouth cure, cure
facultative lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer
facultative parthegenogenesis, parthegenogenesis
fading of the colors, of the colors, the colors
False catsharks, catsharks requins à longue dorsale pseudotriákidos; falsos tiburones gato Pseudotriaquídeo
Fangtooth ogres anoplogástridos Anoplogastrídeo
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan, Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Research Laboratory FSFL Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan Laboratório da Pescarias Longinquas, Orida, Japão
Fatheads chabots-veloutés psicrolútidos Psicrolutídeos
fathom brasse braza fatoms
Fatty fish, fish
fault coast, coast côte de faille costa de falla falha costeira
Featherbacks or knifefishes, or knifefishes, knifefishes poissons-couteaux ou notoptéridés notoptéridos Notopterídeos
fee fishing, fishing
feeder beach, beach
Fermented fish paste, fish paste, paste
Fermented fish sauce, fish sauce, sauce
fetch length, length
Fibred codfish, codfish
field champ campo campo
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Museum of Natural History, of Natural History FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago Museu Field de História Natural, Chicago
Filefishes bourses monacántidos Monacantídeos
Filete de espadilha com especiarias, de espadilha com especiarias, espadilha com especiarias
Filetes anchoados de espadin, anchoados de espadin, de espadin
fin height, height
Finback catsharks, catsharks proscílidos Prosciliídeos
finfish poisson (à nageoires) pez de aleta (finfish) peixes ósseos
finlets pinnules pínnulas pequenos espinhos das barbatanas dos tunídeos
finnan haddie, haddie
Finnan haddock, haddock
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki MZH Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki Museu Filandês de História Natural, Museu Zoológico, Helsínquia
Fiocchi di pesce, di pesce, pesce
fish poisson pez peixe
Fish ball, ball
fish block, block bloc de poisson bloque de pescado filete em blocos
fish box, box
Fish cake, cake
Fish chowder, chowder
fish collection, collection collection de poissons colección de peces colecção de peixes
fish court, court
fish diverter, diverter
Fish dumpling, dumpling
fish finder, finder
Fish fingers, fingers
Fish flakes, flakes
Fish flour, flour
fish gig, gig
Fish glue, glue
fish gravy, gravy
fish ham, ham
fish handling, handling
fish hold, hold
fish hut, hut
fish in aspic, in aspic, aspic
Fish in jelly, in jelly, jelly
fish kill, kill
fish ladder, ladder
Fish liver, liver
Fish liver paste, liver paste, paste
fish maw, maw
Fish meal, meal
Fish nuggets, nuggets
Fish oils, oils
Fish paste, paste
fish pen, pen
Fish pie, pie
fish poisoning, poisoning
fish pot, pot
Fish protein concentrate, protein concentrate, concentrate FPC
fish protein concentration (FPC), protein concentration (FPC), concentration (FPC)
fish pump, pump
fish raceway, raceway
fish rake, rake
fish sanctuary, sanctuary
Fish sausage, sausage
Fish scales, scales
Fish silage, silage
Fish soup, soup
fish spear, spear
Fish stearin, stearin
Fish sticks, sticks
fish tank, tank
fish weiner, weiner
fish weire, weire; weir; barricade, weir; barricade bordigue; bourdigue
fish well, well
fish wheel, wheel
Fish Wiener, Wiener
FishBase FishBase FishBase FishBase
fisher pêcheur pescador pescador
Fisheries Research Centre, Research Centre, Centre FRCL
Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, Research Laboratory, Mie University, Laboratory, Mie University FRLM Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University
Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University, Research Station, Kyoto University, Station, Kyoto University FRSKU Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University
fishery pêcherie pesquería pescaria
fishery biologist
fishery biology
fishery dependent data
fishery independent data
fishing effort, effort effort de pêche esfuerzo de pesca esforço de pesca
fishing gear, gear
fishing hole, hole
fishing industry, industry
fishing line, line
fishing lodge, lodge
fishing mortality, mortality F mortalité due à la pêche mortalidad por pesca mortalidade por pesca
fishing pit
fishing power
fishing rod
fishing tackle
fishing time
fishmeal farine de poisson harina de pescado refeição de peixe
fish-odour syndrome
fishpond étang piscicole estanque para peces recife artificial
Flabby whalefishes, whalefishes poissons-baleines cetomímidos Cetomimídeos
Flagblennies, tube- and flagblennies, and flagblennies chaenópsidos Caenopsídeos
flagship species, species espèce emblématique especies enseña, especies emblemáticas espécies indicadoras
Flaked cod fish, cod fish, fish
flat-file fichier à deux dimensions fichero plano, archivo plano flat-file
flat-file database, database base de données à deux dimensions base de datos de ficheros (archivos) planos base de dados flat-file
flatfish poisson-plat pez plano peixes planos
Flatheads platycéphales platicefálidos Platicefalídeos
Floater fish, fish
Floaters fish, fish
flood tide, tide marée montante marea creciente maré cheia
flow-through system
flushing rate
fly fishing
Flyingfishes exocets exocoétidos; peces voladores Exocetídeos
fodder fish
food chain, chain
food chain efficiency
food fish
Footballfishes poissons football himantolófidos Himantolofídeos
forage fish, fish
fork length, length FL longueur à la fourche longitud furcal comprimento Àfurca
forked fourchu ahorquillado furcado
forked caudal fin, caudal fin, fin nageoire caudale fourchue aleta caudal ahorquillada?? barbatana caudal furcada
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Frankfurt SMF Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt
foul hooked
founding stock, stock souche primaire stock fundacional, stock original?? stock fundador
Four-eyed fishes and jenynsiids, fishes and jenynsiids, and jenynsiids poissons-à-quatre-yeux anablépidos Anablepídeos
Fresh fish, fish
freshwater eau douce agua dulce, agua continental água doce
Freshwater eels, eels anguilles anguílidos, anguilas Anguilídeos
Freshwater hatchetfishes, hatchetfishes poissons-hachettes d'eau douce gasteropelécidos Gastropelecídeos
fright reaction, reaction
Frilled sharks, sharks requins frangés clamidoselácidos Clamidoselaquídeos
fringing reef channel, reef channel, channel passe de récif frangeant canal de arrecife franjeante canal do recife
Frogfishes Poissons grenouilles antenáridos Antenarídeos
frontal crest, length
Frozen fish, fish
Full cured fish, cured fish, fish
Full pickle fish, pickle fish, fish
full-sibs fratries ??? filhos dos mesmos pais
fully fished
furcate fourchu furcado furcada
Galjoen fishes, fishes coracínidos Coracinídeos
game fish, fisheries
gap lacune hueco, vacío? intervalo
gap length, length VAFL
gape ouverture de la bouche abertura de la boca comissura
gear engin de pêche arte aparelho
Gebakken gemarineerde haring, gemarineerde haring, haring
gefilte fish
Gekruide pilchards, pilchards
gempylotoxic fishes
Geographic Information System, Information System, System GIS système d'information géographique Sistema de Información Geográfica Sistema de Informação Geográfica
geostrophic flow
geothermal vent, vent source hydrothermale fuente geotérmica fontes geotermais
Gerookte haaiwangen, haaiwangen
Ghost flatheads, flatheads hoplíctidos Hoplictiídeos
Ghost pipefishes, pipefishes poissons-trompettes solenostómidos Solenoestomídeos
Gibberfishes giberíctidos Giberictídeos
gill branchie branquia brânquias
gill arch, arches arc branchial arco branquial arco branquial
gill area, area superficie de la branchie superficie branquial área branquial
gill chamber, chamber cavité branchiale cámara branquial câmara branquial
gill filaments, filaments filaments branchiaux filamentos branquiales filamentos branquiais
gill membranes, membranes membrane branchiostège membranas branquiales membranas branquiais
gill opening, opening ouverture branchiale abertura branquial aberturas branquiais
gill raker counts, raker counts, counts nombre de branchiospines recuento de branquispinas
gill rakers, rakers branchiospines branquispinas branquiespinhas
gill slits, slits fentes branchiales ?? Branquiales aberturas branquiais
gillnet filet maillant arte de enmalle rede de emalhar
Glass perchlets, perchlets, asiatic glassfishes, asiatic glassfishes poissons-de-verre ambásidos Ambassídeos
gnathoproctal length, length GnPL
Gnomefishes escombrópidos Scombropídeos
Goatfishes rougets múlidos, salmonetes Mulídeos
Gombessa coelacanthes latiméridos?? Latimerídeos
gonochoristic gonochoristique
Goosefishes baudroies rapes Lofiídeos
Graavisuolattu lohi, lohi
Graphical User Interface, User Interface, Interface GUI interface graphique d'utilisateur interfase gráfica de usuario Interface de gráficos
gravel gravier grava gravilha
gravel beach, beach plage de gravier playa de grava praia de gravilha
Great Australian Bight
Great Law of Fishing
Green fish, fish
greenhouse effect
Greenlings terpugas hexagrámidos Hexagramídeos
Grice Marine Biological Laboratory, Charleston, South Carolina, Grice Marine Biological Laboratory GMBL Grice Marine Biological Laboratory, Charleston, South Carolina Laboratório Grice de Biologia Marinha, Charleston, Carolina do Sul
groundfish poisson de fond peces de fondo peixe bentónico
group behavior, behavior
group-synchronous development, development
growth croissance crecimiento crescimento
growth model, model modèle de croissance modelo de crecimiento modelo de crescimento
growth overfishing, overfishing surexploitation de la croissance sobrexplotación de crecimiento deplecção por sobrepesca
growth rate, rate
growth ring
Grunters, or tigerperches, thornfishes, tigerperches, thornfishes terapóntidos Teraponídeos
Grunts poissons-grondeurs haemúlidos Haemulídeos
Guitarfishes guitares-de-mer rinobátidos, guitarras Rinobatídeos
gular bone, bone os gulaire hueso yugal?? osso jugular
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory GCRL Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi Laboratório do Museu da Costa do Golfo, Mississipi
Gulf of Bothnia
Gulf of Thailand
Gulland and Holt plot, and Holt plot, Holt plot Courbe de Gulland et Holt gráfico de Gulland y Holt plot Gulland and Holt
gutted fish, fish
habitat habitat hábitat habitat
hachures hachures ?? linhas cartográficas
hadal hadal hadal?? hadal
hadalpelagic hadopélagique hadalpelágico?? hadopelágico
Haddock chowder, chowder
hadobenthic hadobenthique
hadopelagic hadopélagique
haemal spine, spine épine hémale espina hemal??
Hagfishes myxines mixínidos Mixinídeos
Hairyfish and tapetails or ribbonbearers, and tapetails or ribbonbearers, tapetails or ribbonbearers mirapínnidos Mirapinídeos
Hakes and burbots, and burbots, burbots merlus et lottes lótidos Lotídeos
half spent fish
halfbeak stage, stage
Halfbeaks demi-becs hemirrámfidos Hemirranfídeo
half-life demi-vie media vida semi-vida
Half-salted fish, fish
half-sibs demi-frères medio hermanos, hermanastros?? só um progenitor comum
halieutic halieutique
hallucinogenic fishes
Halmahera Sea
halolimnic halolimnique
Halosaurs halosauridés halosaúridos Halosaurídeos
Hammerhead sharks, sharks requins marteaux esfírnidos, tiburones martillo Esfirnídeos
hammer-shaped en forme de marteau amartillado, con forma de martillo em forma de martelo
Hamsi macunu, macunu
hanging at the surface, at the surface, the surface
hapantotype hapantotype hapantotipo?? hapantótipo
haploid haploïde haploide haplóide
Hard cure, cure
hard roe
Hard smoked fish, smoked fish, fish
hard water
hard-copy copie imprimée copia impresa hard-copy
Hardware équipement material informático, hardware hardware
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Hardy-Weinberg law
Hareng saur, saur
harpoon harpon arpão
harpooning harponner arponeo
Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA, of Comparative Zoology, Comparative Zoology MCZ Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA Museu de Zoologia Comparada da Univesidade de Harvard, Cambridge, EUA
hatch box
hatching éclosion eclosión eclosão
hatching jar
hatching trough
Hawkfishes éperviers cirrítidos Cirritídeos
head tête cabeza cabeça
head boat, boat
head clasper, clasper ptérygopode à la tête ??? clasper cefálico
head crest, crest
head depth, depth
head length, length HL longueur de la tête longitud cefálica comprimento da cabeça
head rope
head spines
head width, width HW
headed fish, fish
Heavy fish, fish
Heavy salt, salt
Heavy salted, salted
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem HUJ Hebrew University, Jerusalem Universidade Hebraica, Jerusalém
hectographing procédés hectographiques hectografía?? hectográfico
Heincke's law
hemibranch hémibranchie hemibranquia hemibrânquia
hepatosomatic index HSI
herbicide herbicide herbicida herbicida
herbivore herbivore herbívoro herbívoro
herbivorous herbivore herbívoro herbivoria
heritability héritabilité hereditabilidad?? heritabilidade
hermaphroditic hermaphrodite hermafrodita hermafrodita
hermatypic hermatypique
Herrings harengs clupeidos Clupeídeos
heteracanth hétéracanthe heteracántido?? espinhos das barbatanas assimétricos
heterocercal hétérocerque heterocerca heterocérquica
heterodont dentition, dentition
heterospecific hétérospécifique
heterothermic hétérothermique
heterotroph hétérotrophe heterótrofo heterotrófico
heterozygosity hétérozygotie heterozigotidad?? heterozigotia
heterozygote hétérozygote heterozigoto heterozigoto
high island earthform, island earthform, earthform île haute isla alta ilha
high islet lagoon, islet lagoon, lagoon îlot lagonaire d'île haute islote lacunar de isla alta lagoa marinha
high islet ocean, islet ocean, ocean îlot océanique islote alto oceánico ilhéu marinho
high period, period haute mer periodo de pleamar
highly commercial, commercial
hill colline colina colina
Hillstream loaches, loaches balitóridos Balitorídeos
Hingemouths fractolémidos Fractolemídeos
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan, Univ., Laboratory of Marine Zoology, Laboratory of Marine Zoology HUMZ Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan Universidade de Hokaido, Faculdade das pescas, Minato-machi, Japão
holarctic holarctique
holoblastic holoblastique
Holocene holocène Holoceno Holoceno
holomictic holomictique
holopelagic holopélagique
holosubantarctic holosubantarctique
holothurian holothurie holoturia holotúria
holotype holotype holotipo?? holótipo
home range
homeosmotic homéosmotique
homeostatic homéostatique
homing accuracy, accuracy précision de retour vers les frayères fidelidad de retorno al lugar de nacimiento homing
homocercal homocerque
homodont dentition, dentition
Homogenized condensed fish, condensed fish, fish
homogenous yolk, yolk vitellin homogène
homologue homologue
homonym homonyme homónimo homónimo
homonymy homonymie homonímia homónimia
homoplasy homoplasie
homozygote homozygote homozigoto homozigoto
horizontal classification
horizontal length, length distance horizontale longitud horizontal comprimento horizontal
Horn sharks, sharks requins-dormeurs heterodóntidos Heterodontídeos
horny corné calloso córneo
horny capsule
host-specific hôte-spécifique específicos de huesped parasita com um só hospedeiro
Hot marinated fish, marinated fish, fish
hot smoked, smoked fumé à chaud ahumado en caliente fumado a quente
hot spring
hotspot point chaud punto caliente sítio importante
Houndsharks émissoles triáquidos Triaquídeos
Hudson Bay
Humboldt State University, California, Humboldt State University HSU Humboldt State University, California Univesidade do Estado de Humboldt, Califórnia
humeral huméral humeral umeral
humeral process, process processus huméral proceso humeral
humeral scale, scale écaille humérale escama humeral
humic lake
Hvidvirket klipfisk, klipfisk
hyaline hyalin hialino hialino
hybrid hybride híbrido híbrido
hybrid vigour
hybridization hybridation hibridación hibridação
hydrated eggs, eggs
hydric hydrique
hydrodynamic noise, noise bruit hydrodynamique ruido hidrodinámico ruído hidrodinâmico
hydrographic survey, survey sondage hydrographique prospección hidrográfica investigação hidrográfica
hydrography hydrographie hidrografía hidrografia
hydroid hydroïde hidroide hidróide
hydrophone hydrophone hidrófono hidrofone
hydrothermal vents
hydrozoans hydrozoaires hidrozoarios hidrozoários
hyoid hyoïde hioide?? hióide
hyoid barbel, barbel
hyomandibular nerve foramina, nerve foramina, foramina
hyomandibular pores, pores pores hyomandibulaires poros hiomandibulares poros hiomandibulares
hyperbenthic hyperbenthique
hypercalcified structures, structures
hypercapnia hypercapnie hipercapnia?? hipercapnia
hypereutrophic hypereutrophique
hyperlink lien hypertexte hiperlink?? hyperlinks
hypersaline embayments, embayments baies hypersalines bahías hipersalinas Baías hipersalinas
hypertext hypertexte hipertexto hipertexto
hypertonic hypertonique
hypobatic hypobatique
hypobranchial hypobranchial hipobranquial hipobrânquial
hypocercal hypocerque hipocercal hipocérquical
hypogean hypogée
hyporheic hyporhéique
hypothetical concept, concept concept hypothétique concepto hipotético conceito hipotético
hypotonic hypotonique
hypoxia hypoxie hipoxia hipóxia
hypoxic hypoxique
hypural hypural hipural hipural
hypural bones, bones os hypuraux huesos hipurales ossos hipurais
hypural crease
hypural fold
hypural notch
hypural plate, plate
hypurals hypuraux hipurales hipurais
ice fishing
Icefishes or noodlefishes, or noodlefishes, noodlefishes salangidés salángidos Salangídeos
Iceland Museum of Natural History, Iceland, Museum of Natural History, Iceland, of Natural History, Iceland IMNH Iceland Museum of Natural History, Iceland Museu de História Natural Islandês, Islandia
ichnotaxon ichnotaxon icnotaxon?? icnotaxon
ichthyocrinotoxic fishes
ichthyohemotoxic fishes
ichthyohepatotoxic fishes
ichthyology ichtyologie ictiología ictiologia
ichthyomorphic ichthyomorphique
ichthyootoxic fishes
ichthyoplankton ichtyoplancton ictioplancton ictioplâncton
ichthyosarcotoxic fishes
Illinois Natural History Survey, Chicago, Illinois Natural History Survey INHS Illinois Natural History Survey, Chicago Investigação de História Natural de Ilianois, Chicago
incidental catch, catch capture accidentelle captura accidental captura acidental
indented échancré endentado idendado
Indian ilisha, ilisha
indigenous knowledge, knowledge savoir traditionnel conocimiento indígena conhecimento local
individually poly bagged, poly bagged, bagged IPB en sachet plastique individuel empaquetamiento individual en bolsas de polietileno embalado individualmente im sacos de plástico
Indo-Australian Archipelago, Archipelago Archipel Indo-Australien Archipiélago Indoaustraliano Arquipélago Indo-Australiano
industrial fish, fish
industrial fishery
Infrapharyngeal bones, bones
initial phase
Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
inshore fishery
inshore plain, plain plateau côtier planicie costera planície terrestre
inshore waters, waters eaux côtières aguas costeras águas interiores
Institute für Seefischerei, Hamburg, für Seefischerei, Hamburg, Seefischerei, Hamburg ISH Institute für Seefischerei, Hambourg Institute für Seefischerei, Hamburg
Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, Marine Research, Bergen, Norway HIFIRE
Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, of Oceanic Research and Development, Oceanic Research and Development IORD
integrated fish farming, fish farming, farming
interhaemal bones, bones
inter-islet channel, channel HOA hoa canal inter-islotes canal entre ilhas
interleaved intercalé intercalado con hojas tipo de embalagem
International Game Fish association, Game Fish association, Fish association IGFA International Game Fish association International Game Fish association Associação Internacional de Pesca Grossa
interspinous membrane, membrane membrane interépines membrana interespinosa membrana interespinhosa
intertidal lagoon with intertidal connection, lagoon with intertidal connection, with intertidal connection lagon intertidal avec chenal de connection laguna intermareal con conexión intermareal lagoa aberta ao mar
intrinsic growth rate
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel
Irish trawl
Island biogeography, biogeography biogéographie des îles biogeografía insular biogeografia insular
isobath isobathe isobata isóbata
isohydric isohydrique
isolating mechanism
isopropyl alcohol
isotherm isotherme isoterma isotérmico
isthmus isthme istmo istmus
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis, J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History JFBM J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis J.F.Bell Museu de História Natural, Miniapolis
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Institute of Ichthyology RUSI J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown J.L.B Instituto Smith de Ictiologia, Grahamstown
Japanese threadfin bream, threadfin bream, bream
Jawfishes opistognátidos Opistognatídeos
jaws mâchoires mandíbulas mandíbulas
Jean P. Haydon Museum, P. Haydon Museum, Haydon Museum JPHM Jean P. Haydon Museum
jellyfish méduse medusas sifozoários
Jellynose fishes, fishes ateleopódidos Ateleopodídeos
Jersey fish, fish
junior homonym, homonym homonyme plus récent homónimo reciente? homónimo junior
Kaltgeräucherter Schellfisch, Schellfisch
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Fisheries Research Station, Research Station KFRS Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea Estação de Investigação das Pescas Kanudi, Konedobu, Papua, Nova Guiné
Katsuo bushi, bushi
Kelly's eye, eye huit; craquelin
Kelpfishes quironémidos Quironemídeos
Kench cure, cure
Killifishes (toothcarps), (toothcarps) fondules ciprinodóntidos Ciprinodontídeo
Kissing gourami, gourami gouramies embrasseurs helostomátidos Helostomatídeo
klondyked fish, fish
Klondyked herring, herring
knephopelagic knéphopélagique
Koudgerookte schelvis, schelvis
krohnius stage, stage
kype crochet kype mandíbula do salmão adulto
labyrinth labyrinthe laberinto labirinto
labyrinth organ, organ
lachrymal lacrymal lacrimal
lachrymal groove, groove
laciniate lacinié laciniado serrilhado
Lady day fish , day fish , fish
Lancetfishes lanciers alepisaúridos Alepisaurídeos
Lanterneye fishes, fishes anomalópidos Anomalopídeos
Lanternfishes poissons-lanternes mictófidos, peces linterna Mictofídeos
Largenose fishes, fishes megalomictéridos Megalomicterídeos
Large-tooth flounders, flounders paralíctidos Paralictídeos
lateral canal, canal canal latéral canal lateral canal da linha lateral
lateral ethmoids, ethmoids
lateral line, line ligne latérale línea lateral linha lateral
lateral line scales, scales écailles de la ligne latérale escamas de la línea lateral escamas da linha lateral
lateral scale rows, scale rows, rows rangées des écailles latérales filas de escamas laterales filas de escamas da linha lateral
laterosensory pores, pores pores latérosensoriels poros sensoriales laterales poros da linha lateral
Law of Fishing
layer depth effect, depth effect, effect effet de couche de profondeur efecto de capa profunda efeito de estrato
layer packed, packed emballé par couches empaquetado en capas embalado por camadas separadas
Leaffishes nandidés nándidos Nandídeos
lecithotrophic larva, larva
lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer, bearer
lecitrophic lécitrophique
Lee´s phenomenon
length at first maturity, at first maturity, first maturity Lm longueur à la première maturité talla de primera madurez comprimento do adulto
length distribution, distribution distribution de longueur distribución de tallas distribuição de comprimentos
Length of caudal peduncle, of caudal peduncle, caudal peduncle
length-weight relationship, relationship
leptocephalus leptocéphale leptocéfalo leptocéfalo
Leptochilichthyids léptochilichthyidés leptoquilíctidos Leptoquilictíideos
lethargy léthargie letárgico letargia
Lightfishes fosíctidos Fosictídeos
limited entry fishery, entry fishery, fishery pêcherie contrôlée pesquería controlada pescaria com quotas autorizadas
liquid fish
lithophilic lithophilique
live weight
Lizardfishes poissons-lézards sinodóntidos, peces lagarto Sinodontídeos
Loach catfishes, catfishes anfílidos Anfilídeos
Loach gobies, gobies riaquíctidos Riacictídeos
Loaches loches cobítidos Cobitídeos
locking mechanism
logistic population growth
Longnose chimaeras, chimaeras rinoquiméridos Rinoquimereídeos
Longtail catfishes, catfishes olíridos Olirídeos
Long-whiskered catfishes, catfishes pimelodidés pimelódidos Pimelodídeos
Lophichthyid frogfishes, frogfishes lofíctidos, peces rana Loficteídeos
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, Angeles County Museum of Natural History, County Museum of Natural History LACM Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles Museu de História Natural de Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Louisiana State University, Division of Fishes, Museum of Zoology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology LSUMZ Louisiana State University, Division of Fishes, Museum of Zoology, Baton Rouge Universidade de Louisiana, Divisão dos Peixes, Museu de Zoologia, Baton Rouge
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana, Louisiana Tech University LTU Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana Universidade Técnica de Luisiana, Ruston, Luisiana
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries LWF Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana Museu do Laboratório da Vida Selvagem e Pesca de Luisiana, Luisiana
low island earthform, island earthform, earthform île basse ilhéu submarino
Loweye catfishes, catfishes Hipoftalmídeos
lozenge-shaped en forme de losange rombóide
Lumpfishes and snailfishes, and snailfishes, snailfishes cycloptéridés, lièvres de mer, poules de mer, limaces de mer Ciclopterídeos
lunar rhythm, rhythm
lymphatic heart
Mackerel sharks, sharks requins-taupes Lamnídeos
macrophytes macrophytes macrófitas
Madura anchovy, anchovy
Makassar fish, fish
malar thorns, thorns boucles malaires espinhos malares
mandible length, length
mandibular symphysis, symphysis symphyse mandibulaire
Manefishes caristidés Caristiídeos
Marbled catfishes, catfishes Helogeneídeos
Marblefishes Aplodactilídeos
marginal habitat, habitat
marine marin marinho
marine notch, notch brèche marine marca de maré
Marine Protected Area, Protected Area, Area MPA Zone Marine Protégée à rea Marinha Protegida
marine realm, realm domaine marin meio marinho
Marine Research Section, Research Section, Section MRS
Matje cured herring, cured herring, herring
matje herring
matriachal family
matriarch/patriarch family
matroclinous inheritance
matrotrophic viviparity
Matthiessen's ratio
Mauthner's axon
maxillary length, length
maximum equilibrium catch MEC
maximum length, length Lmax longueur maximum comprimento máximo
maximum weight, weight Wmax poids maximum peso máximo
median length, length
Median lethal concentration, lethal concentration, concentration LC50 dose léthale moyenne Concentração média letal
median predorsal scales, predorsal scales, scales écailles prédorsales médianes número de escamas até Àlinha lateral
Medusafishes centrolophes Centrolofídeos
Megamouth sharks, sharks requins-grandes-gueules Megacasmídeos
melanophore mélanophore melanóforo
Memphis State University Museum of Zoology, Tennessee, Memphis State University Museum of Zoology MSUMZ Universidade de Memphis, Museu de Zoologia, Tennessee
Menhadens menhadens Clupeídeos
meristic characters, characters caractères méristiques
Merluccid hakes, hakes merlus Merluciídeos
mesh gauge, gauge jauge de maille
mesh selection
mesh size, size
mesotrophic mésotrophique
metamorphosis métamorphose metamorfose
microphagous microphage
microprobe analysis, analysis analyse microradiographique análise com raios X
Middle Atlantic Bight, Atlantic Bight, Bight
Migaki nishin, nishin
mild cured fish
mild smoked fish
Milker herring, herring
Milkfish chanos Chanídeos
minced fish
minimum mesh size
minimum size, size taille minimum tamanho mínimo
Mississippi Museum of Natural History, Mississippi, Mississippi Museum of Natural History MMNS Museu de História Natural de Mississipi, Mississipi
mitochondria mitochondries mitocôndria
mitochondrial DNA, DNA mtDNA ADN mitochondrial DNA mitocondrial
mixed fishery
modal size, size taille modale tamanho modal
Mojarras blanches Gerreídeos
monocyclic fish, fish
monoecious monoïque hermafroditas
monognathic monognathique
monomorphic monomorphe monomórfico
monophyletic monophylétique
monothetic key
Mooneyes Hiodontídeos
Moonfish assiettes Menídeos
Moonfishes or fingerfishes, or fingerfishes, fingerfishes monodactylidés Monodactilídeos
Moorish idol, idol cochers Zanclídeos
morphology morphologie morfologia
morphometric morphométrique morfométrico
morphometric character
morphometric characters, characters
Morwongs castanettes Cheilodactilídeos
mother ship
mouth bouche boca
mouth brooder, brooder
mouth brooding, brooding
mouth width, width
Mozambique Channel
Mud fish, fish
multitasking multitâche multitarefas
Murphy's Law
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. MHNLCDF Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse. Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland MHNN Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Suisse Museu de História Natural, Neuchatel, Suiça
Musée Guimet d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon, Guimet d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon, d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon MGHNL Museum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon Museu Guimet de História Natural de Lion
Musée Océanographique, Monaco, Océanographique, Monaco, Monaco MOM Musée Océanographique, Monaco Museu Oceanográfico, Mónaco
Museo civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy, civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy, di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy MSNG Museo civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Gênes, Italie Museu de História Natural Giacomo Dória, Génova
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy, civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy, di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy MCSNC Museo civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy Museu de História Natural, Carmagnola, Itália
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Milano, civico di Storia naturale, Milano, di Storia naturale, Milano MSNM Museo civico di Storia naturale, Milan, Italie Museu de História Natural, Milão
Museo civico Storia naturale, Verona, Italy, civico Storia naturale, Verona, Italy, Storia naturale, Verona, Italy MCVR Museo civico di Storia naturale, Verone, Italie Museu de História Natural, Verona, Itália
Museo di Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy, di Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy, Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy MZUF Museo di Storia naturale dell'Università, Florence, Italie Museu de História Natural da Universidade, Florença, Itália
Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal MMF Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madère, Portugal Museu Municipal do Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Museul de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa", de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa", Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa" Museul de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa" Museu de História Natural Grigore Antipa La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux, d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux, naturelle, Bordeaux MHNBX Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux Museu de História Natural, Bordéusça
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve, d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve, naturelle, Geneve MHNG Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve Museu de História Natural, Geneve
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle, d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle, naturelle, La Rochelle MHNLR Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle Museu de História Natural, La Rochelle
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France, d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France, Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France MHNRUN Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France
Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin ZMB Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin Museu de História Natural de Berlin
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, d'Histoire naturelle, Paris MNHN Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland, of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland MNHWU Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Pologne Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Museum of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University MNKhNU
Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Museum of Southwestern Biology MSB Museu de Biologia do Novo México, Albuquerque
Museum of the Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-Sen University NSYU Museum of the Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Mustard herring, herring
Naked-back knifefishes, knifefishes gymnotes Gimnotídeos
National Institute for Polar Research, Institute for Polar Research, for Polar Research NIPR
National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory, California, National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory NMFSLJ Serviço Nacional das Pescas, La Jolla, Califórnia
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Museum of Natural History, of Natural History USNM Museu Nacional de História Natural, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
National Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Museum, Leiden RMNH National Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leyde Museu de História Natural, Leiden
Natural History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius NHMI
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Japan, History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Museum and Institute, Chiba CBM
Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland NMBE Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Berne, Suisse Museu de História Natural de Berna, Suiça
Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Museum, Wien, Wien NMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienne Museu de História Natural, Viena
Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg, Sweden GNM Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Suède Museu de História Natural, Gutemburgo, Suécia
nautical mile, mile nm mille nautique milha náutica
near surface, surface proche de la surface profundidade menor do que 200m
nearshore bottom area, bottom area, area zone benthique littorale infralitoral
nearshore waters, waters eaux littorales águas neríticas
Needlefishes orphies Belonídeos
net hauler, hauler; net lifter, net lifter vire filet
neural arch, arch
niche niche nicho
niche overlap
no deep pass atoll, deep pass atoll, pass atoll atoll fermé atol fechado
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Marine Fisheries Service NMFSH
nominal catch, catch capture nominale captura nominal
Norh Sea
North American freshwater catfishes, American freshwater catfishes, freshwater catfishes poissons chats d'Amérique du Nord Ictalurídeos
North Atlantic Ocean
North Pacific Ocean
Northeast Louisiana University, Louisiana, Northeast Louisiana University NLU Universidade de Luisiana (Nordeste), Luisiana
Northern Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Darwin, Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Museum of Arts & Sciences NTM Museu das Artes e Ciências, Darwin
Northwestern Passages, The
Norwegian cured herring, cured herring, herring
Norwegian silver herring, silver herring, herring
notched fin, fin nageoire échancrée barbatana com círculo de outra cor
notochord notocorde notocorda
notochord length, length NL longueur du notocorde
nuchal nuchal nucal
nuchal hump
nuchal thorn
Nurse sharks, sharks requins-nourrices Ginglimostomatídeos
Nurseryfishes Kurtídeos
Oarfishes régalecs Regalecídeos
obligate lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer
oceanic benthic ecosystems, ecosystems écosystèmes benthiques du large ecossistemas bênticos oceânicos
oceanodromous thalassodrome Oceanádromo
oceanographic survey, survey campagne océanographique pesquisa oceanográfica
oceanography océanographie oceanografia
oesophagus oesophage esófago
offshore au large mar aberto
offshore fishery
offshore plain, plain plateforme continental planície batial
offshore waters, waters haute mer mar aberto
off-site en-dehors du site espécie exótica
Ohio State University Museum of Zoology, Ohio State University Museum of Zoology OSM Ohio State University Museum of Zoology Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Ohio
oil globule, globule globule huileux gotícula de lípidos
oily fish
Okinawa Regional Research Center, Regional Research Center, Research Center OCTU
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, UOMZ OKMNH Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Museu de História Natural de Ocklahoma
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Oklahoma State University at Stillwater OSUS Oklahoma State University at Stillwater Universidade de Ocklahoma, Stillwater
oligothermic oligothermique
oligotrophic oligotrophique oligotrófico
Oman Natural History Museum, Muscat, Natural History Museum, History Museum ONHM Oman Natural History Museum, Muscat Museu de História Natural de Omã, Muscat
onshore waters, waters eaux côtières águas neríticas
ontogenetic characters, characters caractères ontogénétiques
Opahs opahs
open access fishery, access fishery, fishery pêcherie non règlementée pescaria sem limite de captura
opisthocoelous opisthocèle opistocélico
Optical Character Recognition, Character Recognition, Recognition OCR reconnaissance optique des caractères O.C.R.
optimum length, length
Orbicular velvetfishes, velvetfishes Caracantídeos
orobranchial chamber
orthographic variants
ostariophysan ostariophysaire ostariofísico
Ostariophysi ostariophysaires Ostariofísicos
Osteichthyes ostéichthyens Osteícteos
otolith otolithe otólito
overfishing surexploitation sobrepesca
oviphagous oviphage ovífagia
Pacific Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography TINRO
Paddlefishes spatules Poliodontídeos
paedomorphic pédomorphe
palaeohistory paléohistoire paleohistória
palatine teeth, teeth dents palatines dentes palatinos
pale or white patches on the skin, or white patches on the skin, white patches on the skin
Parakysid catfishes, catfishes Paraquisídeos
parental behaviour
Parrotfishes poissons-perroquets Scarídeos
parthenogenesis parthénogénèse partenogénese
parts per thousand, per thousand, thousand ppt parties par milliers
Pásta anchouia, anchouia
Pasta d'acciughe, d'acciughe
Pasta de anchoa, de anchoa, anchoa
Pasta fermentada de anchoas, fermentada de anchoas, de anchoas
pasteurized fish, fish
patch reefs, reefs patates récifales recifes
pathogen pathogène patogénico
patriarch/matriarch family
patriarchal family
Pearl perches, perches Glaucossomatídeos
pearl thorn, thorn espinho em forma de pérola
Pearleyes scopélarchidés Scopelarquídeos
Pearlfishes aurins Carapídeos
Pencil or parasitic catfishes, or parasitic catfishes, parasitic catfishes trichomyctéridés Tricomicterídeos
peninsula coastline, coastline péninsule linha de costa de uma península
Pennsylvania State University Fish Museum, Pennsylvania State University Fish Museum PSU Museu Ictiológico da Universidade da Pensilvânia
perched lagoon, lagoon lagoa
Perches perches Percídeos
peripheral distribution, distribution répartition périphérique distribuição periférica
peripheral division, division groupe périphérique divisão periférica
periphyton périphyton perifíton
pH pH pH
pharyngeal pharyngien faríngico
pharyngeal teeth, teeth dents pharyngiennes dentes faríngicos
pharyngeal teeth counts, teeth counts, counts dénombrement des dents pharyngiennes
pharyngeal tooth count
pharynx pharynx faringe
phenotype phénotype fenótipo
phenotypic plasticity, plasticity plasticité phénotypique
phi' phi' phi'
Philippine Sea
philopatry philopatrie
photic photique fótica
photogenic photogénique
photoperiod photopériode fotoperíodo
photophore photophore fotóforo
phototactic phototactique
phreatic phréatique
Phycid hakes, hakes Phisídeos
phyllosoma phyllosome filossoma
phylogenetic phylogénétique filogenético
phylogenetic systematics, systematics
phylogeny phylogénie filogenia
phylotypic stage
physical database, database base de données physique base de dados física
physoclistic physoclistique
physoclistous physocliste fisoclístico
physoclistous fishes, fishes poissons physoclistes peixes fisoclísticos
physostomous physostomes fisóstomos
phytoplankton phytoplancton fitoplancton
pickle cured fish, cured fish, fish
Pickled herring, herring
Pikeblennies Chaenopsídeos
Pike-characids Ctenolucídeos
Pikehead Luciocefalídeos
Pikes brochets Esocídeos
pin bones, bones arêtes intermusculaires espinhas
pineal shield, shield
Pinecone fishes, fishes poissons-ananas Monocentrídeos
Pink fish, fish
Pipefishes and seahorses, and seahorses, seahorses hippocampes Singnatídeos
Pirate perches, perches Afredoderídeos
Pla Thu Nung, Thu Nung, Nung
planktivorous planctonophage planctonívoro
Plownose chimaeras, chimaeras mascas-laboureurs Calorinquídeos
Plunderfishes Harpagiferídeos
Poachers souris-de-mer Agonídeos
poison fishing
poisonous fishes
Polar Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography PINRO
pole & line, & line, line canne à pêche salto e vara
pole-and-line fishing
polychaetes polychètes poliquetas
polycyclic fishes
polymorphic polymorphique
polymorphic loci, loci polymorphe
polymorphism polymorphisme polimorfismo
polyphyletic polyphylétique
Ponyfishes sapsaps Leiognatídeos
Poor John, john
Porcupinefishes poissons porc-épics Diodontídeos
porpoises marsouins toninha
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks requins de Port Jackson Heterodontídeos
post hoc
postdorsal length, length
postovulatory follicles (POF), follicles (POH), (POH)
pre pelvic-fin length, pelvic-fin length, length
preanal length, length PAL
precaudal pit, pit fosse précaudale chanfro pré-caudal
pre-dorsal fin length, fin length, length PDL
Predorsal length, length
pre-gas bladder length, bladder length, length PGBL
prehensile préhensile preênsil
Preparatory Office of the National Marine Science Museum, Office of the National Marine Science Museum, of the National Marine Science Museum NMSMP Preparatory Office of the National Marine Science Museum
Prepelvic length
Pricklebacks stichées Sticaídeos
Pricklefishes Stefanobericídeos
primary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce primaires peixes dulceaquícolas primários
primary homonym, homonym homonyme primaire homónimo primário
primary phase
primitive character
principle of homonymy, of homonymy, homonymy principe d'homonymie princípio da homonímia
principle of the first reviser, of the first reviser, the first reviser principe du premier réviseur princípio do primeiro revisor
property rights, rights
prophylaxis prophylaxie profilaxia
proterogynous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
protrusion of the eye, of the eye, the eye
prowfish zaproridé Zaprorídeos
Prowfishes Pataecídeos
pseudobranchiae pseudobranchie pseudobrânquias
psychrophilic psychrophilique
pterotic horn or process, horn or process, or process
pterygiophores ptérygiophores pterigióforos
published work, work travail publié trabalho publicado
Puerto Rico fish, rico fish, fish
pulse fishing
pump fishing vessel
pupa nymphe pupa
purse seine, seine senne coulissante boliche; red de cerco tarrafa
put-and-take fishery
Pygmy sunfishes, sunfishes Elassomatídeos
pyloric sphincter
Quillfishes fouettes-queues
Rabbitfishes cordonniers Siganídeos
Racehorses or pigfishes, or pigfishes, pigfishes caciques Congiopodídeos
radiometric ageing technique, ageing technique, technique technique de détermination d'âge par radiométrie idade radiométrica
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Museum of Biodiversity Research, of Biodiversity Research ZRC
raft fishing
Ragfishes torchon
rains of fishes
ramp-marine bench, bench rampe ou slip banco
raster graphics, graphics images en mode points imagem computorizada
rate of fishing F
rearing habitat
recombinant DNA technology, DNA technology, technology méthode par ADN recombinant DNA recombinante
recreational fishery
recruitment overfishing, overfishing surexploitation du recrutement sobrepesca
Red herring, herring
red patches on the skin, patches on the skin, on the skin
Red velvetfishes, velvetfish
redfish oil
Redmouth whalefishes, whalefishes poissons-baleines Rondeletídeos
reef hole, hole fosse récifale buraco no recife
reef islet, islet îlot récifal pequena ilha do recife
Refuse fish, fish
regime shift
rehabilitation réhabilitation reabilitação
rejected work, work travail rejeté trabalho rejeitado
relationship relation relação
Repack quality herring, quality herring, herring
reproductive guild, guild groupe de même éthologie reproductive guilda reprodutora
reproductive load, load charge reproductive índice do comprimento médio Àreprodução
Requiem sharks, sharks requins-tigres Carcarrinídeos
requin shark tiburón tubaraõ
resting on the bottom, on the bottom, the bottom
rheophile rhéophile
rheophilic rhéophilique
rheotaxis rhéotaxie
rhomboid rhomboide rombóide
Ribbonfishes poissons-rubans Traquipterídeos
Ricefishes Adrianictídeos
richness richesse
right bank, bank
Righteye flounders, flounders plies Pleuronectídeos
ripe fish, fish poisson mature fêmea ovada
rock-hopper trawl, trawl
'rocking' or 'shimmies', or 'shimmies', 'shimmies'
Røkt hyse, hyse
Rolled fish, fish
Roosterfishes plumère
rostral spine, spine épine rostrale espinho rostral
rostral teeth, teeth dent rostrale dentes rostrais
rostronuchal muscles, muscles
rotational fishery, fishery
rough fish, fish
Round fish, fish
Round rays, rays urolophis Urolofídeos
round weight, weight
Roundheads Plesiopídeos
Roused fish, fish
Royal British Columbia Museum, British Columbia, Royal British Columbia Museum RBCM Royal British Columbia Museum, British Columbia Museu Real Da Columbia Britânica, Victoria
Russische Sardinen, Sardinen
Saba hiraki boshi, hiraki boshi, boshi
Sabertooth fishes, fishes Evermanelídeos
Sablefishes charbonnières communes Anoplomatídeos
Salamanderfishes Lepidogalaxiídeos
Salt cured fish, cured fish, fish
Salt fish, fish
salt round fish, round fish, fish
San Diego State University Fish Collection, California, San Diego State University SDSU San Diego State University Fish Collection, California Colecção Ictiológica da Universidade de San Diego, San Diego, Califórnia
sand beach, beach plage de sable praia
Sand eel, eel Hipoptiquídeos
Sandfishes toroumoques Tricodontídeos
Sandfishes or sand gobies, or sand gobies, sand gobies bourgettes Krameriídeos
Sandperches serrans de sable Pinguipedídeos
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory SHML Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey
sashimi sashimi sashimi
Saurer Hering, Hering
Saw sharks, sharks requins-scies Pristioforídeos
Sawfishes poissons-scies Pristídeos
Sawtooth eels, eels serrivomers Serrivomerídeos
scale count above and below the lateral line, count above and below the lateral line, above and below the lateral line nombres d'écailles au-dessus ou au-dessous de la ligne latérale
scale fish, fish
Scaleless black dragonfishes, black dragonfishes, dragonfishes mélanostomiidés Melanostomídeos
scales above and below lateral line, tooth
Scaly dragonfishes, dragonfishes stomiidés Stomiídeos
Scats scatophagidés Escatofagídeos
Schaefer model, model
scheda sched
Schellfisch Suppe, Suppe
Schelvis hutspot in blik, hutspot in blik, in blik
Schilbid catfishes, catfishes schilbéidés Schilbeídeos
school banc cardume
School of Oceanography, of Oceanography, Oceanography OSUO
schooling formation de bancs cardume
scombrotoxic fishes, fishes
Scoophead sharks, scoophead sharks, sharks requins-marteaux Esfirnídeos
Scorpionfishes or rockfishes, or rockfishes, rockfishes rascasses Escorpaenídeos
Scotch cured herring, cured herring, herring
scotophilia scotopie
Screwed fish, fish
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, of Oceanography, La Jolla SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla Instituição Oceanográfica Scripps, La Jolla,
Sculpins chabots Cotídeos
Sea catfishes, catfishes mâchoirons Ariídeos
sea channel, channel vallée sous-marine canal marinho
Sea chubs, chubs calicagères Kifosídeos
sea floor, floor fond de la mer fundo marinho
Sea of Okhotsk
sea ranching, ranching
Seadevils poissons-pêcheurs Ceratiídeos
Seamoths dragons de mer Pegasídeos
seamount mont sous-marin monte marinho
seamount chain, chain chaîne de monts sous-marins cordilheira marinha
seamount group, group groupe de monts sous-marins montes marinhos
seamount range, range chaîne de montagnes sous-marines série de montes marinhos
Secchi disc, disc
secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce secondaires eurihalinos
secondary gonochorism, gonochorism
secondary homonym, homonym homonyme secondaire homónimo secundário
sediment shoreline, shoreline littoral sédimentaire costa sedimentar
selective fishery, fishery
senescent fishery, fishery
senior homonym, homonym homonyme primaire homónimo sénior
separation from the group, from the group, the group
sequential hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite hermaphrodite séquentiel hermafrodita sequencial
set net, net filet fixe rêde de emalhar
sexual behaviour
sexual dichotomy, dichotomy différence sexuelle dicotomia sexual
sexual dichromatism, dichromatism dichroïsme sexuel dicromatismo sexual
sexual dimorphism, dimorphism dimorphisme sexuel dimorfismo sexual
sexual hooklet, hooklet
shack fishing, fishing
shackle manille
Shads aloses Clupeídeos
shagreen peau de chagrin pele de tubarão
shallow epipelagic, epipelagic épipélagique peu profond epipelágico
shallow lagoon floor, lagoon floor, floor fond de lagon peu profond fundo lagunar
shallow pass, pass passe peu profonde canal recifal
shamateurs prétendus amateurs pescadores ilegais
Shanghai Fisheries University, Fisheries University, University SFU Shanghai Fisheries University
Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, University, Shanghai, China SFC
shank hampe
shared stock, stock
Shark catfishes, catfishes pangases Pangassiídeos
sharks requins tubarões
shattered packed, packed emballage des filets en couches embalados separadamente
Sheatfishes silures Silurídeos
shelf break, break rebord du talus continental margem da vertente
shelf fauna, fauna
shelf life, life
shelf stowage, stowage
shelf waters, waters
shell coquille
Shellears Kneriídeos
shellfish fruits de mer marisco
shelter brooder, brooder
Shidal sutki, sutki
shipwreck épave navio nufragado
shoal haut-fond baixio
shoaling fish, fish banc
shoals, (of fish), fish) bancs cardumes
shore area, area zone côtière área intermareal
Shore labrador, labrador
shore seine, seine
shore species, species
shore weir, weir
Shortnose chimaeras or ratfishes, chimaeras or ratfishes, or ratfishes chimères Quimerídeos
shoulder girdle, girdle
shoulder organ, organ
shouldered éviscéré rebatimento
Shredded cod, cod
shut-off seine, seine
Sicklefishes Drepanídeos
sigmoid heart, heart
Silver cured herring, cured herring, herring
Silversides athérines Aterinídeos
simple simple raios espinhosos
simultaneous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
simultaneous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism
siphonophores siphonophores sifonóforos
Sisorid catfishes, catfishes Sisorídeos
skinless fish, fish
skinned fish, fish
skirt-shaped en forme de volet em forma de orla
Skriggled codfish, codfish
slacked fish, fish
Slender shad, shad
Slickheads alépocéphales Alepocefalídeos
Slimeheads hopelites Traquictídeos
Slipmouths sapsaps Leiognatídeos
Slovak National Museum, Czechoslovakia, National Museum, Czechoslovakia, Museum, Czechoslovakia SNM Slovak National Museum, Tchécoslovaquie Museu Nacional Eslovaco, departamento de Zoologia, Bratislava
small-scale fishery, fishery
Smelt-whitings sillagos Silaginídeos
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama, Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst STRI Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama Instituto de Investigação Tropical Smithsonian, Balboa,Canal Zone
Smoked fish, fish
Smooth skates, skates raies-lisses Anacantobatídeos
Snaggletooths astronesthidés Astronestídeos
Snakeheads poissons-serpents Cannídeos
snatch block, block poulie coupée
Snipefishes and shrimpfishes, and shrimpfishes, shrimpfishes centriscidés Centriscídeos
Snooks brochets-de-mer Centropomídeos
snout museau focinho
snout length, length SnL
snout to vent length, to vent length, vent length longueur de corps du museau à l'orifice anal
Soldierfishes poissons-soldats Holocentrídeos
sound channel, channel chenal sonore canal de som
sour fish
Soused herring, herring
Soused pilchards, pilchards
South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity SAIAB South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity
South African Museum, Cape Town, African Museum, Museum SAM South African Museum, Cape Town Museu de à frica do Sul, Cidade do Cabo
South Atlantic Bight, Atlantic Bight, Bight
South Atlantic Ocean
South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australian Museum, Museum SAMA South Australian Museum, Adelaide Museu Australiano do Sul, North Terrace, Adelaide
South China Sea (Nan Nai)
South Pacific Ocean
Southeast Fisheries Center, Florida, Southeast Fisheries Center SEFC Southeast Fisheries Center, Florida Centro de Pescas do Sudeste, Miami, Flórida
Southeastern Louisiana, University Fish Museum, Louisiana, Southeastern Louisiana, University SLU Southeastern Louisiana, University Fish Museum, Louisiana Museu Ictiológico da Universidade de Luisiana, Hammond, Luisiana
Southern Africa, Africa Afrique du Sud Sul da à frica
Southern Arkansas University, Southern Arkansas University SAU Southern Arkansas University Universidade do Arkansas do Sul, Departamento de Biologia, Magnolia, Arkansas
Southern flounders, flounders cardeaux de Floride Aquiropsetídeos
Southern sandfishes, sandfishes Leptoescopídeos
Spadefishes, batfishes and scats, and scats Ephipídeos
Spanish fish, fish
spawner-recruit relationship
spawning channel
spawning check
spawning fish, fish
spawning fishery
spawning rush, rush montée de ponte
species epithet, epithet épithète spécifique epíteto específico
species richness, richness richesse spécifique riqueza específica
specific growth rate, growth rate, rate taux de croissance spécifique taxa de crescimento específico
speciose riche en espèces especificamente rico
spent fish, fish poisson épuisé peixe em pós-postura
spermatheca spermathèque espermateca
spermatophore spermatophore espermatóforo
sphenopterotic ridge, ridge
Spice cured fish, cured fish, fish
Spikefishes Triacantodídeos
spin fishing, fishing
spine épine espinho
spine length, length
spinule spinule pequeno espinho
Spiny dwarf catfishes, dwarf catfishes, catfishes Escoloplacídeos
splash net
Splendid perches, perches Calantiídeos
Split cure herring, cure herring, herring
Split fish, fish
sporadic fishes
sporadic freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce sporadiques peixes dulceaquícolas esporádicos
sport fish, fish
sport fishing
spot tache sítio
spreadsheet tableur spreadsheet
spring hole
square brackets, brackets crochets parênteses rectos
Squareheads or angler catfishes, or angler catfish, angler catfish
Squeakers or upside-down catfishes, or upside-down catfishes, upside-down catfishes Mocoquídeos
squids calmars lulas e chocos
Squirrelfishes marignans Holocentrídeos
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, für Naturkunde, Stuttgart SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, für Tierkunde, Dresden MTD Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresde Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Augustusstrasse 2, D-01067 Dresden, Germany
Staatliches Museum Wiesbaden, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden SMW
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Naturhistorisches Museum, Museum SNHMB
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Museum, Braunschweig NMB Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Pockelsstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany
Stale dry fish, dry fish, fish
standard length, length SL longueur standard comprimento standard
Statutary Fishing Rights, Fishing Rights, Rights
steaks tranches de poisson bifes
stenobathic sténobathique
stenobenthic sténobenthique
stenohaline sténohalin estenohalino
stern chasers
Sticklebacks and tubesnouts, and tubesnouts, tubesnouts épinoches Gasteroesteídeos
stinging spine, spine dard espinho barbelado
stochastic stochastique estocástico
stochastic forces
stock enhancement
stock fish
stock recruitment relationship SSR
straight gut, gut
strain souche estirpe
Straits fish, fish
stratified sampling, sampling échantillonnage stratifié amostragem estratificada
Stream catfishes, catfishes Aquisídeos
stretched measure
stretched mesh
structured design, design conception structurée desenho estruturado
subequal sub-égal semelhante
subethmoid fossa, fossa
sublethal sublétal subletal
submarine geomorphology, geomorphology géomorphologie sous-marine geomorfologia submarina
submerged earthform, earthform structure géomorphologique submergée submerso
submissive behavior, behavior
suborbital depth, depth hauteur sous-orbitaire altura suborbital
suborbital shelf, shelf
suborbital width, width
subsistence fisheries, fisheries
subsistence fishery, fishery pêcherie de subsistance pescaria de subsistência
subterminal mouth, mouth
subterminal notch, notch échancrure subterminale mancha subterminal
successional inhibition
suctorial adhésif chupador
Sugar cured fish, cured fish, fish
Summer cod-fish, cod-fish
Summer fish, fish
Sun-dried fish, fish
Sunfishes perches-soleil Centrarquídeos
superficial ophthalmic nerve foramina, ophthalmic nerve foramina, nerve foramina
superior mouth, mouth bouche supère boca superior
suppressed work, work travail invalidé trabalho suprimido
supracleithrum supracleithrum supra-cleitrum
supraoccipital process, process apophyse supraoccipitale processo supraoccipital
Surfperches ditrèmes Embiotocídeos
Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes, unicornfishes poissons-chirurgiens Acanturídeos
sustainable catch
sustainable fishing
Suutarin lohi, lohi
Swamp-eels synbranchidés Simbranquídeos
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, of Natural History, Stockholm NRM Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm Museu Sueco de História Natural, Estocolmo
Sweepers sec-sec, pempheris Penferídeos
Swordfishes espadons
symphyseal fangs, fangs
symphyseal knob, knob
symphysial groove, groove fosse symphysaire depressão da sínfise
symphysis symphyse sínfise
synapomorphy synapomorphie sinafomorfia
synchronous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite
synchronous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism
synchronous ovary, ovary
synchronous spawning, spawning ponte synchrone postura síncrona
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Research Institute TFRI Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan Instituto das Pescas da Formosa, Chilung, Taiwan, China
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan TFRI-TT
Tangs chirurgiens Acanturídeos
Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, Fisheries Development Authority, Development Authority TFDA Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority
tassel houppe tassel
taxonomic hierarchy, hierarchy hiérarchie taxonomique hierarquia taxonómica
teeth dents dentes
Telescopefishes Giganturídeos
telolecithal eggs, eggs oeufs télolécithes
Temperate basses, basses percichtys Percictídeos
tendril vrille barbilho pequeno
Tenpounders machètes Elopídeos
terminal fisheries, fisheries
terminal mouth, mouth bouche terminale boca terminal
terminal-phase male, male
territorial behaviour
tetrodotoxic fishes
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin, Texas Natural History Collection TNHC Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin
Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University TTU Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas Texas Tech. University, P. O. Box 4499 Lubbock
thalassic thalassique
thaw drip
The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina, The Charleston Museum CHM The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina Museu Charleston, Rutledge, Carolina do Sul
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia
The Natural History Museum, (BMNH) BMNH The Natural History Museum Museu de História Natural, Londres
thermal layer
thermal refugium
thermal spring
thermocline thermocline termoclina
thermopegic thermopégique
thermophilic thermophilique
thermophobic thermophobique
thickler chain
thigmotropic thigmotropique
thimble cosse
tholichthys stage, stage stade tholichthys estádio tholichthys
thoracic thoracique torácico
thorn boucle espinho
Thornbacks raies bouclées Platirrinídeos
Thornfishes Bovictídeos
Thorny catfishes, catfishes doradidés Doradídeos
Threadfin breams, breams cohanas Nemipterídeos
Threadfins barbures, capitaines Polinemídeos
threat menace
threatened species, species espèce menacée espécie ameaçada
Threefin blennies, blennies triptérygions Tripterigiídeos
Three-toothed puffer, puffer Triodontídeos
Thresher sharks, sharks renards de mer Alopídeos
throat teeth, teeth
throw net
thunniform swimming, swimming
thyroid gland
tidal marsh
Tigerperches Terapontídeos
Tight pack, pack
Tilefishes tiles Malacantídeos
tip length
tiphic tiphique
Toadfishes poissons crapauds Batracoídeos
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, Tokyo, Univ. of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory, of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory TUFIL Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory Universidade das Pescas de Tóquio, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Tóquio
Tonguefishes cynoglosses Cinoglossídeos
tooth plate, plate
tooth rows, rows rangées de dent filas de dentes
Torrent catfishes, catfishes Amblicipitídeos
torso thrust (with clasper flexion), thrust
total allowable catch, allowable catch, catch TAC captures totales admissibles TAC
total length, length TL longueur totale comprimento total
traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, medicine
tragedy of the commons
Trahiras Eritrinídeos
transformation métamorphose transformação
transformation in fish larvae, in fish larvae, fish larvae transformation de larve de poisson
transnational fishery
trap and haul program
trap fishing
trash collector
trash fish, fish faux-poissons peixe sem valor
trawl chalut rede de arrasto
trawl winch, winch treuil de peche
treatment of poisoning of venomous fishes
trench fosse vale submarino
tricuspid tooth, tooth dent tricuspide dente tricúspide
Triggerfishes balistes Balistídeos
trimethylamine oxide
Tripletails croupias roches Lobotídeos
troglomorphic troglomorphique
troll fishery
trolling pêche à la traîne corrico
trophic trophique
-trophic -trophique
trophic level, level niveau trophique nível trófico
trophic model, model modèle trophique modelo trófico
tropholytic tropholytique
trough dépression garganta submarina
Trout-perches omiscos Percopsídeos
true hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism hermaphrodisme vrai hermafroditismo suficiente
Trumpetfishes poissons trompettes Aulostomídeos
Tube-eye or thread-tail, or thread-tail, thread-tail Estiloforídeos
Tubeshoulders circés Platitroctídeos
Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana, Tulane University Museum of Natural History TU Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana Museu de História Natural da Universidade de Tulane Los Angeles
Tuna ham, ham
Tunas thons Escombrídeos
turbidity of the skin, of the skin, the skin
turtle grass, grass thalassia espermatófita marinha
tympanic head spine
type horizon, horizon horizon-type tipo geológico
type host, host hôte-type hospedeiro tipo
Tyrrhenian Sea, Sea
ultimobranchial gland
unavailable work, work travail indisponible trabalho indisponível
undifferentiated coastline, coastline ligne de côte indifférenciée linha de costa indeferenciada
Unicornfishes licornes, nasons Acanturídeos
unisexual fish
University Museum, Tokyo, Tokyo, Dep. Fish., University Museum, Dep. Fish., University Museum FUMT University Museum, Tokyo Museu da Universidade, Tóquio
University of Arizona Museum, University of Arizona Fish Collection UAZ University of Arizona Museum Museu da Universidade de Arizona
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina, University of Arkansas Fayetteville ARK University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina Universidade do Arkansas Fayetteville, Carolina do Norte
University of British Columbia Fish Museum, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Fish Museum BC University of British Columbia Fish Museum, Vancouver Museu Ictiológico da Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica, Vancouver
University of California Fish Museum, Santa Barbara, University of California Fish Museum UCSB University of California Fish Museum, Santa Barbara Museu Ictiológico Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara
University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum, Connecticut, University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum UCS University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum, Connecticut Museu Ictiológico da Universidade de Connecticut
University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History UF University of Florida
University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Georgia, University of Georgia Museum of Natural History UGAMNH University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Georgia Museu de História Natural da Universidade da Georgia, Georgia
University of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity, of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity UG/CSBD University of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History KU University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas Museu de História Natural da Universidade do Kansas, Kansas
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth UMD University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine Science, Miami, University of Miami Fish Collection UMML University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine Science Universidade de Miami, Escola de Ciências Marinhas Rosenstiel, Miami
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan, of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan Museum of Zoology UMMZ University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Michigan
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, University of Nebraska at Omaha UNO University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska Universidade do Nebraska em Omaha, Nebraska
University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences, North Carolina, University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences UNC University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences Universidade de Ciências Marinhas da Carolina do Norte
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, University of North Carolina at Charlotte UNCC University of North Carolina, Charlotte Universidade da Carolina do Norte, Charlotte
University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences, Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences UPRM University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences Departamento de Ciências Marinhas da Universidade de Porto Rico, Porto Rico
University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston, University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology URIZ University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston Universidade de Rhode Island, Departamento de Zoologia, Kingston
University of Richmond, Virginia, University of Richmond UR University of Richmond, Virginia Universidade de Richmond, Virginia
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, University of South Florida USF University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Universidade da Flórida do Sul, Tampa, Flórida
University of Southern Mississippi, of Southern Mississippi, Southern Mississippi USM
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, University of Southern Mississippi USM University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi Universidade do Mississipi do Sul, Mississipi
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa, of the Ryukyus Museum, the Ryukyus Museum URM University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa Universidade do Museu Ryukyus, Okinawa
University of the South Pacific, Fiji, of the South Pacific, the South Pacific USP University of the South Pacific, Fiji Universidade do Pacífico do Sul, Fiji
University of Washington, Seattle, University of Washington UW University of Washington, Seattle Universidade de Washington, Seattle
upper jaw length, jaw length, length
vector graphics, graphics image vectorielle gráfico vectorial
Velvet whalefishes, whalefishes Barbourisídeos
Velvetfishes Aploactinídeos
venomous fishes, fishes
vent to anal fin length, to anal fin length, anal fin length VAFL
verandah net
very hungry, hungry
vicarious fishes, fishes
villiform teeth, teeth dents villiformes dentes viliformes
Vinegar cured fish, cured fish, fish
Viperfishes chauliodes Cauliodontídeos
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Sci. VIMS Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia Instituto de Ciências Marinhas da Virgínia
visceral arch, arch
vomerine teeth, teeth
von Bayer trough
voucher specimen
Wallace's line, line ligne de Wallace linha de Wallace
Warmgerookte gezouten haring, gezouten haring, haring
warmwater fishes
Warty anglers (handfishes), anglers (handfishes), (handfishes) Braquionictiídeos
Waryfishes guetteurs Notosudídeos
wash zone
water hardness, hardness
water haul
Weasel sharks, sharks Hemigaleídeos
Weberian apparatus, apparatus or ossicles, or ossicles appareil de Weber aparelho de Weber
Weber's line, line ligne de Weber linha de Weber
weed fish
Weeverfishes vives Traquinídeos
weir déversoir rede de emalhar
wet fish
Wet salted fish, salted fish, fish
wet weight
Whale shark, shark requins baleines Rincodontídeos
Whalelike catfishes, catfishes cétopsidés Cetopsídeos
Whiptail breams, breams cohanas Nemipterídeos
White fish, fish
White Sea, Sea
White sharks, sharks requins blancs Lamnídeos
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes
white wings
whitebait stage, stage
whole fish, fish
Wichita State University, Kansas, Wichita State University WSU Wichita State University, Kansas Universidade de Wichita, Kansas
width WD largeur largura
width of perivitelline space, of periviteline space, periviteline space largeur de l'espace du périvitellin
Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological Collection, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological WLUB Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Universidade Wilfrid Laurier, Colecção Zoológica, Ontário
wind dried fish
withdrawal period
within family selection, family selection, selection sélection au sein d'une famille seleção intrafamiliar
Wolf herrings, herring chirocentres
Wolffishes poissons-loups Anarincadídeos
wool-like growths, growths
work travail trabalho
Worm or spaghetti eels, or spaghetti eels, spaghetti eels serpentons Moringuídeos
Wormfishes Microsdesmídeos
Wreckfishes cerniers Poliprionídeos
Wrymouths terrassiers Criptacantodídeos
xanthochromic xanthochromique
xantophores xanthophores
xerography xérographie xerografia
Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History, Connecticut, Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History YPM Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History, Connecticut le Universidade de Yale; Museu Peabody de História, Connecticut
yellow fish, fish
Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai), Sea (Hwang Hai), (Hwang Hai)
yolk plug, plug bouchon du vitellus
young-of-the-year YOY alevin de l'année
Zebra sharks, sharks requins-zèbres Estegoestomatídeos
zoogeographic realms, realms
Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg ZIN Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg Instituto Zoológico da Academia das Ciências de São Petersburgo
Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, of the Moscow State University, Moscow ZMMSU Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscou Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Moscovo
Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen ZMUC Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhague Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Copenhaga
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn
Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg ZMH Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hambourg Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg
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