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Definition of Term

(english) The science which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and their adjoining coastal areas, with particular reference to their use for navigational purposes. (See also: hydrographic survey)
(french) Science qui traite de la mesure et de la description des caractéristiques physiques des océans, mers, lacs, rivières, et des régions côtières contiguës, avec référence particulière à leur usage pour la navigation. (See also: hydrographic survey)
(portuguese) Ciência que mede e descreve os fenómenos físicos dos oceanos, lagos, rios e costas adljacentes com especial atenção à sua navegabilidade. (See also: hydrographic survey)

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European Environment Agency Glossary of the European Environmental Agency
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Encyclopedia Britannica Highly authoritative source
EPA Terms Glossary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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eENVplus Thesaurus Thesaurus gathering glossaries for biodiversity, environment and biogeography
A-Z Biodiversity Terms Glossary providing definitions of terms, areas and acronyms related to biodiversity, commonly used, internationally recognized where possible, well referenced, and derived from legitimate sources
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