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Definition of Term

(english) A cartilaginous rod in the embryo that runs from head to tail and supports the nerve cord (cells which lie above the gut and below the nerve cord); in most fishes the notochord is replaced in the larval stage by the developing vertebrae, occupying anterior and posterior cavities, but in some primitive fishes (e.g., coelacanth, hagfishes, chimaeras) the notochord persists in the adult and serves as the vertebral column or 'backbone' of these species. (See also: cartilage, vertebral column, chimaeras)
(french) Tige cartilagineuse qui s’étend de la tête à la queue chez l'embryon et soutient la moelle épinière ; en général la notocorde est remplacée au stade larvaire par les vertèbres en voie de développement, mais elle subsiste chez certains poissons primitifs (par exemple, le coelacanthe, les myxines, les chimères) le notocorde persiste dans l'adulte comme colonne vertébrale. (See also: cartilage, vertebral column, chimaeras)
(portuguese) Cordão cartilaginoso do embrião que vai da cabeça à cauda e suporta o cordão nervoso; na maioria dos peixes esta estrutura é substituída pelas vértebras durante o desenvolvimento larvar, no entanto nos peixes mais primitivos (celacanto, lampreias e quimeras) a notocorda mantém-se no adulto substituindo a coluna vertebral. (See also: cartilage, vertebral column, chimaeras)

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