< |
< |
< |
menor que |
Bdellovibrio |
> |
> |
> |
maior que |
Aalpricken |
abbreviate heterocercal, heterocercal |
hétérocerque abrégé |
abdominal fins, fins |
nageoires abdominales |
aletas abdominales |
abdominal pore, pore |
aberrant |
aberrant |
aberrante |
aberrante |
aberration |
ab. |
aberration |
aberración |
aberração |
aboral |
abraded |
abrasion |
absolute growth rate, growth rate, rate |
absorption |
absorption |
absorción |
absorção |
abstraction |
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Natural Sciences of Philadelphia |
Academia de Ciencias Naturales de Filadelfia |
Academia de Ciências Naturais |
acanthotrich |
acaricide |
acaricide |
acaricida |
acaricida |
accentuated coloring, coloring |
accessory caudal ray, caudal ray, ray |
accessory dorsal branch , dorsal branch , branch |
accessory dorsal margin, dorsal margin, margin |
accessory fins, fins |
accessory male, male |
accessory pelvic appendage, pelvic appendage, appendage |
accessory scales, scales |
accretion |
acentric |
acentrique |
acéntrico |
acêntrico |
acid cured fish, cured fish, fish |
acid drainage, drainage |
acid rain, rain |
acinaciform |
acipenserin |
acoustic dispersion, dispersion |
dispersion acoustique |
dispersión acústica |
dispersão acústica |
acoustic scattering, scattering |
éparpillement acoustique |
esparcimiento acústico |
dispersão acústica |
acoustic tag, tag |
marque acoustique |
marca acústica |
marca acústica |
acquic moisture regime, moisture regime, regime |
acriflavin |
acrodin |
acrodont |
acronurus larva, larva |
larve acronurus |
alevín de acronurus |
larva de peixe-cirurgião |
actinophore |
actinotrichia |
activated sludge process, sludge process, process |
active reproductive state, reproductive state, state |
active valley wall processes, valley wall processes, wall processes |
active water table |
actual shoreline |
aculeiform |
acute toxicity, toxicity |
toxicité aiguë |
toxicidad aguda |
grande toxicidade |
adaptive behavior, behavior |
comportement adaptatif |
comportamiento adaptativo |
comportamento adaptativo |
adaptive radiation, radiation |
Addis Ababa University, Ababa University, University |
Université d'Addis Abeba |
adductor mandibulae muscles, mandibulae muscles, muscles |
adenocarcinoma |
adenoid organ, organ |
adipose eyelid, eyelid |
paupière adipeuse |
párpado adiposo |
pálpebra adiposa |
adipose fin, fin |
nageoire adipeuse |
aleta adiposa |
barbatana adiposa |
adpressed |
aplati |
adpreso |
pressionado contra o corpo |
Adriatic Sea, Sea |
Mer Adriatique |
adsorbed water |
adsorption |
adsorption |
adsorción |
adsorção |
advance |
en avant |
delante |
à frente |
adventitious embryony, embryony |
Aegean Sea (The Archipelago) |
aerated lagoon, lagoon |
aeration |
aération |
aireación |
aerial trap, trap |
plège aérlen |
aerobic |
aérobique |
aerofoils |
voilures |
aerodeslizadores |
aerofólios |
Aeromonas |
Aestivating lungfishes, lungfishes |
dipneustes |
Peces pulmonados estivantes |
Lepidosirenídeos |
African tetras, tetras |
tétras africains |
tetras africanos |
Alestiídeos |
agar |
age at first maturity, at first maturity, first maturity |
tm |
âge à la première maturité |
edad de primera madurez |
idade da primeira maturação sexual |
age structure, structure |
aggradation |
aggregate |
agrégat |
agregado |
agregado |
aggregate stability, stability |
aggregated/clumped/contiguous distribution, distribution |
aggregation |
agrégation |
agregación |
agregação |
aggression |
aggressive mimicry, mimicry |
aglomerular |
agonistic behavior, behavior |
agonistic behaviour, behaviour |
agranulocyte |
agranulocytosis |
ahermatypic |
ahermatypique |
Aholeholes |
crocros, poissons-pavillons |
Aholeholes |
Kuliídeos |
air |
air bladder, bladder |
vessie gazeuse |
vejiga natatoria, vejiga gaseosa |
bexiga natatória |
air bubble curtain, bubble curtain, curtain |
air saturation value of dissolved oxygen, saturation value of dissolved oxygen, value of dissolved oxygen |
air stripping, stripping |
Airbreathing catfishes, catfishes |
Clariidés |
Peces gato con respiración aérea, clarideos ? |
Clariídeos |
Airsac catfishes, catfishes |
Peces gato con respiración a través de la vejiga natatoria ? |
Heteropneustídeos |
akaryotic |
acaryotique |
acariótica |
acariótico |
ala laminaris, laminaris |
Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory, Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory |
Alabama Marine Resources Laboratory |
Laboratorio de Recursos Marinos de Alabama |
Laboratório dos Recursos Marinhos de Alabama |
alar scale, scale |
alar spines, spines |
épines alaires |
espinas alares |
espinhas alares |
alar thorns, thorns |
boucles alaires |
púas alares, espinas alares |
espinhos preênseis |
alarm substance, substance |
Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, Alaska Fisheries Science Center |
Centro de Ciencia Pesquera de Alaska, Seattle |
Centro de Ciências das Pescas do Alasca, Seatlle |
Alboran Sea, Sea |
Alfonsinos, berycids |
béryx |
alfonsiños |
Bericídeos |
Algae eaters, eaters |
alguívoros, comedores de algas |
Girinoqueilídeos |
algal bed, bed |
lit algal |
lecho algal, lecho de algas |
estrato de algas |
algal mounds, mounds - lagoon floor, - lagoon floor |
amas algaux |
montículos algales |
montículos de algas |
algal ridge, ridge |
crête algale |
cresta algal |
crista com algas |
algivore |
algorithm |
algorithme |
algoritmo |
algoritmo |
alien |
allochtone |
alóctono |
espécie introduzida |
aliform |
alimentary canal, canal |
tube digestif |
tubo digestivo |
canal alimentar |
alimentary tract, tract |
alizarin |
Alla carne, carne |
allele frequency, frequency |
fréquence allélique |
frecuencia alélica |
frequência alélica |
allochronic species, species |
allometric |
allométrique |
alométrico |
alométrico |
allometry |
allopatric |
allopatrique |
alopátrico |
alopátrico |
allotrophic lake, lake |
alluvial dam |
barrage alluvial |
alluvial soil |
terre alluviale |
alluvial stream |
alluvial terrace |
terrace alluviale |
alluvial valley floor |
alpha atresia, atresia |
alternate teeth, teeth |
altricial |
nidicole |
nidícola |
altricial |
altruism |
altruisme |
altruistic behavior, behavior |
alveolar |
alveolar ridge, ridge |
Amarelo cure, cure |
ambergris |
ambient noise, noise |
bruit ambiant |
ruido ambiental |
ruído ambiente |
ambient temperature, temperature |
température ambiante |
temperatura ambiente |
ambush predator, predator |
American Museum of Natural History, New York, Museum of Natural History, New York, of Natural History, New York |
American Museum of Natural History, New York |
American Museum of Natural History, New York. |
Museu Americano de História Natural, Nova Iorque |
American soles, soles |
soles américaines |
lenguados americanos; aquíridos? |
Aquirídeos |
American Standard Code for Information Interchange, Standard Code for Information Interchange, Code for Information Interchange |
Código estándar americano para intercambio de información. |
Código Standard Americano para a troca de Informação |
amorphous |
amphiboreal |
amphidromous |
amphidrome |
amphitemperate |
amphitrophic |
amphitrophique |
amphitropical |
ampullae of Lorenzini, of Lorenzini, Lorenzini |
ampullary organ, organ |
anadromous |
anadrome |
anadromo |
anádromos |
anaerobe |
anaérobie |
anaerobic |
anaérobique |
anaerobic digestion, digestion |
anaerobic respiration, respiration |
anagram |
anagramme |
anagrama |
anagrama |
anal fin, fin |
nageoire anale |
aleta anal |
barbatana anal |
anal fin origin, fin origin, origin |
origine de la nageoire anale |
anal fin ray count, fin ray count, ray count |
analytical watershed |
anchor ice, ice |
Anchovies |
anchois |
anchoa, boquerón |
Engraulídeos |
Anchovy cream, cream |
Andaman or Burma Sea, or Burma Sea, Burma Sea |
androcyclic parthenogenesis, parthenogenesis |
androgamone |
androgens |
Angel sharks, sharks |
anges de mer |
angelotes |
Esquatinídeos |
Angiospermophyta |
angle of lower jaw, of lower jaw, lower jaw |
angle of repose |
angling |
pêche à la ligne |
pesca a la línea (liña) |
pesca desportiva |
angular |
angulaire |
angular |
angular |
animal kingdom, kingdom |
royaume animal |
reino animal |
Reino Animal |
annual breeder, breeder |
annular |
anonymous work, work |
travail anonyme |
trabajo anónimo |
trabalho anónimo |
anorexia |
Antarctic dragonfishes, dragonfishes |
dragons de mer antarctique |
dragones de mar antárticos |
Batidraconídeos |
ante mortem, mortem |
antecedent soil moisture |
anterior |
antérieur |
anterior |
anterior |
anterior fontanelle, fontanelle |
anterior margin, margin |
anterior nasal flap, nasal flap, flap |
anterior teeth, teeth |
anterodorsal palpebral depressor muscle, palpebral depressor muscle, depressor muscle |
anterolateral |
antérolatéral |
anterolateral |
antero-lateral |
anthropogenic |
anthropogénique |
anthropogenic effects, effects |
effets anthropogéniques |
efectos antropogénicos |
efeitos antropogénicos |
antigenic drift, drift |
antimere |
antiserum |
antitropical |
antitropical |
antitropical |
anti-tropical |
antorbital |
antorbital cartilages, cartilages |
antrorse |
antrorse |
antrorso |
antrorse |
anuria |
apex |
extremité |
ápice |
apex |
apex predator |
Aphragmabacteria |
aplacental |
aplacentaire |
aplacental viviparity, viviparity |
viviparité aplacentaire |
aplacental yolksac viviparity, yolksac viviparity, viviparity |
apomorph |
apomorphy |
apparent death, death |
application |
application |
aplicación informática |
aplicação |
application factor, factor |
approximation |
apressed |
apron |
radier |
falda |
cobertura |
aquaculture |
aquaculture |
acuacultura |
aquacultura |
Aquaculture Center, Center |
Aquaculture Department Museum, Department Museum, Museum |
aquarist |
aquatic organism, organism |
aquatic resources |
aquic moisture regime |
aquifer |
Arabian Sea |
Arachnida |
Arafura Sea |
arbitrary combination of letters, combination of letters, of letters |
combinaison arbitraire de lettres |
combinación arbitraria de letras |
combinação arbitrária de letras |
arborescent |
arboriform |
Arbroath smokie, smokie |
arch |
arched roots |
Archerfishes |
poissons archers |
peces arquero |
Toxotídeos |
archi- |
archipelagic apron |
arcites |
Arctic Ocean |
area of occupancy, of occupancy, occupancy |
area-capacity curve |
Arenque doirado, doirado |
Arenque em marinada, em marinada, marinada |
Arenque gordo preparado, gordo preparado, preparado |
Argentines or herring smelts, or herring smelts, herring smelts |
argentines |
argentinas |
Argentinídeos |
Argulus |
Arinca fumada, fumada |
Aringa fritta marinata, fritta marinata, marinata |
Aringa grassa intera dorata, grassa intera dorata, intera dorata |
Aringa grassa preparata, grassa preparata, preparata |
Aringhe alla Bismarck, alla Bismarck, Bismarck |
Aringhe dorate, dorate |
Ariommatids |
poissons pailletés |
ariommátidos |
Ariomatídeos |
Arkansas State University Museum, Arkansas State University Museum |
Arkansas State University Museum |
Arkansas State University Museum |
Museu Universitário do Arcansas |
Arkansas Tech Fish Collection, Arkansas Tech Fish Collection |
Arkansas Tech Fish Collection |
Arkansas Tech Fish Collection |
Colecção Ictiológica da Universidade do Arcansas |
arm |
Armored blenny, blenny |
blennies armées |
blénnidos armados |
Xenocefalídeo |
Armored catfishes, catfishes |
loricariidés |
loricáridos |
Loricariídeo |
Armorhead catfishes, catfishes |
cranoglanídidos; peces gato de cabeza armada? |
Cranoglanídideo |
Armorheads |
têtes casquées |
pentacerótidos; cabezas armadas? |
Pentaceratídeo |
armoring (also armouring) |
arrow |
flèche |
flecha |
direcção do fluxo energético |
arrow worms |
arroyo |
artefact |
Artenkreis |
artesian bores, bores |
puits artésiens |
pozos artesianos |
furos artesianos |
artesian well |
Arthropoda |
article |
Article |
artículo |
artigo |
articulated |
articulating |
articulé |
articulado |
articulado |
articulation |
artificial beach |
artificial channel, channel |
canal artificiel |
canal artificial |
canal artificial |
artificial control |
artificial fertilization, fertilization |
artificial hybrid, hybrid |
hybride artificiel |
híbrido artificial |
híbrido artificial |
artificial recharge |
artificial selection, selection |
sélection artificielle |
selección artificial |
selecção artificial |
artificial substrate |
artisanal fisheries, fisheries |
pêche artisanale |
pesquerías artesanales |
pesca artesanal |
ascending process |
ascending process of premaxilla, process of premaxilla, of premaxilla |
ascorbic acid, acid |
asexual reproduction, reproduction |
reproduction asexuée |
reproducción asexual |
reprodução assexuada |
Asia Minor, Minor |
Asie Mineure |
Asia Menor |
à sia Menor |
Asiatic glassfishes, glassfishes |
poissons de verre |
peces de vidrio asiáticos |
Ambassídeos |
aspect ratio, ratio |
indice de forme |
índice de forma |
razão adimensional |
asperite |
asperity |
aspérité |
assimilation efficiency, efficiency |
efficacité d'assimilation |
eficacia de asimilación |
taxa de conversão |
assortative mating |
asteriscus |
asymmetrical |
asymétrique |
asimétrico |
assimétrico |
asymmetry |
asymptomatic carrier, carrier |
asymptotic length, length |
Linf |
longueur asymptotique |
longitud asintótica |
comprimento assimptótico |
asymptotic threshold concentration, threshold concentration, concentration |
asynchronous oocyte development, oocyte development, development |
asynchronous ovary development, ovary development, development |
Atamara |
Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick, Atlantic Reference Centre |
Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick |
Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick |
Centro de Referências Atlântico, Nova Brunswick |
atreitic oocytes, oocytes |
atresia |
atrophy |
attribute |
attribut |
atributo |
atributo |
Auburn University Museum, Auburn University Museum |
Auburn University Museum |
Auburn University Museum |
Museu da Universidade de Auburn |
Auchmithie cure, cure |
auditory ossicle |
auditory vesicle, vesicle |
vésicule auditive |
Aufwuchs |
fouling |
adherentes; sobrecrescentes |
epibiontes |
Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska, Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory |
Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory |
Auke Bay Fisheries Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska |
Laboratório de Pescas de Auke Bay, Alaska |
Aulopus |
limberts |
Aulopus |
Aulopídeo |
aural |
austral |
Australian |
Australian lungfish, lungfish |
peces pulmonados australianos |
Ceratodontídeo |
Australian Museum, Sydney, Museum, Sydney, Sydney |
Australian Museum, Sydney |
Australian Museum, Sydney |
Australian salmon, salmon |
saumons australiens |
salmones australianos |
Arripídeo |
author |
auteur |
autor |
autor |
automatic feeder, feeder |
autotroph |
autotrophic algae |
autotrophic lake, lake |
auxillary scales, scales |
écailles auxiliaires |
escamas auxiliares |
escamas auxilares |
auxotrophic algae |
available name, name |
nom disponible |
nombre disponible |
nome disponível |
available nomenclatural act, nomenclatural act, act |
acte nomenclatural disponible |
acto nomenclatural disponible |
nomenclatura disponível |
available work, work |
travail disponible |
trabajo disponible |
trabalho disponível |
avascular |
average population, population |
population moyenne |
población media |
população média |
avoidance response, response |
Avotáracho |
axenic culture, culture |
axil |
axile |
axilar |
axila |
axillary process, process |
processus axillaire |
apófisis axilar |
escama axilar |
Bacalao salado amarillo, salado amarillo, amarillo |
Baccalà portoghese giallo, portoghese giallo, giallo |
Bacillariophyta |
bacilliform |
back arching, arching |
backlar spine |
backscattering |
réverbération |
dispersión |
reverberação |
backshore |
backward |
en arrière |
atrás |
para trás |
backwater |
bacteraemia |
bacteria |
bactéries |
bacterias |
bactéria |
bactericidal |
bacterin |
bacteriod |
Bacteriophage |
bacteriostatic |
bactériostatique |
bacterivore |
bactivorous |
bag limit, limit |
limite de prises |
cuota de bolsa; cuota de captura |
captura máxima permitida em pesca desportiva |
Bagrid catfishes, catfishes |
mâchoirons |
peces gato |
Bagrídeo |
Baikal oilfishes, oilfishes |
comefóridos? |
Comeforídeo |
bait |
appât |
cebo; carnada |
isco |
baker’s yeast, yeast |
Balearic Sea (Iberian Sea) |
ballast water, water |
balloon trawl |
Balta trawl |
Bamboo sharks, sharks |
requins chabots |
hemiscíllidos; tiburones bambú? |
Hemiscilídeo |
Bandfishes |
rubans |
cepólidos? |
Cepolídeos |
Bangsaen Institute of Marine Science, Institute of Marine Science, of Marine Science |
Banjo catfishes, catfishes |
croncrons |
aspredínidos? |
Aspredinídeo |
bar |
barre |
barra |
barra |
bar and spit, and spit, spit |
cordon et flèche |
barra y lengua |
fecho de lagoa |
bar marks, marks |
bar net, net |
barachois |
barachois |
barachois? |
lagoa intertidal |
barb |
barbecued fish, fish |
barbel |
barbillon |
barbillón |
barbilho |
Barbeled houndsharks, houndsharks |
émissoles barbues |
leptocáridos? |
Leptocarídeos |
Barentsz Sea |
barr mark |
Barracudas |
bécunes |
barracudas |
Esfiraenídeos |
Barracudinas |
barracudines |
barracudinas |
Paralepidídeos |
Barreleyes or spookfishes, or spookfishes, spookfishes |
opistopróctidos? |
Opistoproctídeos |
barrier reef area, reef area, area |
secteur de récif barrière |
área de arrecife de coral |
área da barreira de coral |
barrier reef coast, reef coast, coast |
côte de récif barrière |
costa de arrecife de barrera |
costa da barreira de coral |
basal metabolic rate, metabolic rate, rate |
basibranchial |
basibranchial |
basibranquial |
basibranquial |
basibranchial teeth, teeth |
basidorsal cartilages, cartilages |
basipterygium |
basipterygium |
basipterigio |
basipterígeo |
basiventral cartilages, cartilages |
basket trap, trap |
Basking sharks, sharks |
pèlerins |
cetorrínidos; tiburones peregrino? |
Cetorinídeo |
Bass Strait |
Basslets |
grammátidos? |
Gramatídeo |
batch culture, culture |
batch fecundity, fecundity |
fécondité fractionnée |
fecundidad por lotes; fecundidad fraccionada |
fecundidade real |
batch spawner, spawner |
reproducteur multiple |
ponedor parcial |
fecundo |
Batesian mimicry, mimicry |
Batfishes |
poules d'eau |
ogcocefálidos; peces murciélago |
Ogcocefalídeo |
bathydemersal |
bathydémersal |
batidemersal |
batidemersal |
bathymetric chart, chart |
carte bathymétrique |
carta batimétrica |
carta batimétrica |
bathymetric contour, contour |
bathymetry |
bathymétrie |
batimetría |
batimetria |
bathyspere |
bay coastline, coastline |
anse |
bahía litoral |
baía |
Bayesian probability |
probabilité bayesienne |
beach |
plage |
playa |
praia |
beach price, price |
prix au débarquement |
precio de primera venta |
preço na lota |
beach seine, seine |
senne de plage |
arte de playa |
rede de cercar da praia |
beachrock |
grès de plage |
playa rocosa |
rocha constituída por duna consolidada |
Beachsalmon |
Leptobramídeo |
Beaked salmons, salmons |
caduchons |
gonorrínquidos; salmones picudos |
Gonorrinquídeo |
beam trawl |
Beardfishes |
barbudos |
peces barbudo; polimíxidos |
Polimixiídeo |
Beaufort Sea |
Beaufort wind scale, wind scale, scale |
bedding oysters, oysters |
before present |
B.P. |
behind |
derrière |
detrás |
atrás |
bell-shaped |
en forme de cloche |
campaniforme |
em forma de sino |
bench processes |
benchmark |
référence |
punto de referencia |
marca de teste |
beneath |
au-dessous |
por debajo |
por baixo |
benthic broadcaster, broadcaster |
Bequerel (Bq), (Bq) |
Bering Sea |
berley |
appât |
engodo; carnada; cebo |
engôdo |
berm |
Bernfisk |
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, P. Bishop Museum, Bishop Museum |
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu |
Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu |
Museu Bernice P. Bishop, Honolulu |
berry |
oeufs |
bayas; huevos fecundados de crustáceos |
postura de crustáceo transportada pela fêmea no abdomen |
Berycids |
beryx |
berícidos; alfonsiños, antoñitos |
Bericídeos |
Best Practice Technology, Practice Technology, Technology |
meilleure technologie disponible |
tecnología de mejor práctica |
Melhor Tecnologia Disponível |
bibliographic reference, reference |
référence bibliographique |
referencia bibliográfica |
referência bibliográfica |
bibliography |
bicarbonate alkalinity, alkalinity |
Bichirs |
bichirs |
poliptéridos? |
Polipterídeo |
bifurcate |
bifurqué |
bifurcado |
bifurcado |
Bigeyes or catalufas, or catalufas, catalufas |
beauclaires |
catalufas; priacántidos |
Priacantídeo |
bight |
baie |
rada |
estreito |
Bigscale fishes or ridgeheads, fishes or ridgeheads, or ridgeheads |
poissons-heaumes |
melanfaidos? |
Melamfaídeos |
billabong |
bras mort |
brazo muerto |
ilhota estuarina |
billfish |
marlins |
marlín |
espadartes |
Billfishes |
voiliers |
marlines |
Istioforídeos |
bimodal distribution, distribution |
distribution bimodale |
distribución bimodal |
distribuição bimodal |
binary type diets, type diets, diets |
binder |
binominal name, name |
nom binominal |
nombre binominal |
nome binomial |
binominal nomenclature, nomenclature |
nomenclature binominale |
nomenclatura binominal |
nomenclatura binomial |
Binoro |
bioassay |
titrage biologique |
bioensayo |
bioensaio de toxicidade |
bioconcentration |
bioconcentration |
bioconcentración |
bioconcentração |
bioconcentration factor (BCF), factor (BCF), (BCF) |
biodegradable |
biodiversity |
biodiversité |
biodiversidad |
biodiversidade |
bioenergetics |
biofilter |
biogeography |
biogéographie |
biogeografía |
biogeografia |
bioherm |
biological diversity, diversity |
diversité biologique |
diversidad biológica |
diversidade biológica |
biological reference point, reference point, point |
point de référence biologique |
punto biológico de referencia |
taxa de mortalidade por pesca |
biological resources, resources |
ressources biologiques |
recursos biológicos |
recursos biológicos |
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas A & I University, Ichthyological Collection |
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville |
Biology Department, Texas A & I University, Kingsville |
Depertamento de Biologia, Universidade do Texas, Kingsville |
Biology Survey/Fort Collins, Colorado, Biology Survey/Fort Collins |
Biology Survey/Fort Collins, Colorado |
Biology Survey/Fort Collins, Colorado |
Biology Survey/ Fort Collins, Colorado |
biometry |
biométrie |
biometría |
biometria |
bioregion |
région biologique |
región biológica |
bioregião |
biosphere reserves, reserves |
réserves de la biosphère |
reservas de la biosfera |
reserva da bioesfera |
bioturbation |
bipolar |
birth-pulse population |
biserial |
bisérié |
biserial |
biseriado |
Bismarck haring, haring |
Bismarck Sea |
Bismarck sild, sild |
Bismarckhering |
Bismark herring, herring |
Bismark ringasi, ringasi |
Bismarksild |
bisubtropical |
Bizmark heringa, heringa |
Black dragonfishes, dragonfishes |
idiacanthidés |
peces dragón negros; idiacántidos |
Idiacantídeo |
blackwater |
blastoderm |
blastoderme |
blastomere |
blastomeres |
blastomères |
blastopore |
blastopore |
Blind sharks, sharks |
requins aveugles des roches |
braquielúridos; tiburones ciegos? |
Braquiaelurídeos |
Bloater |
Bloater paste, paste |
block eye, eye |
ringot |
block slope, slope |
pente rocailleuse |
talud de bloques |
vertente de blocos |
Blouter |
blue green algae, green algae, algae |
Bluefishes |
tassergals |
pomatómidos; tasartes |
Pomatomídeo |
Boarfishes |
capros-sangliers |
caproideos; ochavos? |
Caproídeos |
body |
corps |
cuerpo |
corpo |
body depth, depth, depth |
hauteur maximale du corps |
body girth |
body length, length |
longueur du corps |
longitud corporal |
comprimento do corpo |
body rings, rings |
Bohr effect, effect |
Bonefishes |
bananes de mer |
peces hueso; albúlidos |
Albulídeos |
Bonitos |
bonites |
bonitos; escómbridos |
Escombrídeos |
Bonnethead sharks, sharks |
requins-marteaux |
peces martillo |
Esfirnídeo |
Bonnetmouths |
andorrèves du Cap |
inérmidos? |
Inermiídeo |
Bonytongues |
arapaima |
osteoglósidos? |
Osteoglossídeos |
border |
bord |
borde |
margem |
borderland |
boreal |
boréal |
boring |
Bottarga |
Bottlenose or barbelless catfishes, or barbelless catfishes, barbelless catfishes |
ageneiósidos; hocicos de botella; peces gato sin barbillones? |
Ageneiosídeos |
bottom reflection, reflection |
réflexion sur le fond |
reflexión del fondo; eco del fondo |
eco do fundo oceânico |
boulder |
galet |
callao |
cascalho |
boulder beach, beach |
plage de galets |
playa de callaos |
praia de cascalho |
boulder clay, clay |
boulder field, field |
champs de galets |
campo de callaos |
campo de cascalho |
boulder slope, slope |
pente de galets |
talud de callaos |
vertente de cascalho |
boundary current, current |
courant de front |
corriente de borde |
corrente oceânica |
boundary layer |
box |
compartiment |
caja |
guilda |
Boxfishes (cowfish and trunkfish), (cowfish and trunkfish), and trunkfish) |
coffres |
ostrácidos; peces cofre? |
Ostraciídeos |
brachial ossicle |
brackish |
saumâtre |
salobre |
salobra |
brackish water, water |
eau saumâtre |
agua salobre |
água salobra |
Brado |
brailing |
pêche à l'épuisette |
salabardo; jamo |
camaroeiro |
brain |
braincase |
Bramble sharks, sharks |
squales bouclés |
equinorrínidos? |
Equinorrinídeos |
branched rays, rays |
rayons branchus |
radios ramificados |
raios moles |
branchial |
branchial |
branquial |
branquial |
branchial arch, arch |
arc branchial |
arco branquial |
arco branquial |
branchial cavity, cavity |
cavité branchiale |
branchiocranium |
branchiopods |
branchiopodes |
branquiópodos |
branquiópodes |
branchiostegal |
branchiostegal counts, counts |
dénombrement des branchiostèges |
recuentos de branquiostegales |
branchiostegal membrane, membrane |
branchiostegal rays, rays |
branchiostegals |
rayons branchiostèges |
branquiostegales |
branquióstegos |
Branco cure, cure |
Brandade |
Bratbückling |
Bratfischwaren |
Brathering |
breast |
poitrine |
pecho; torso |
breed |
race |
raza |
linhagem |
breeding |
élevage |
cría; cultivo |
reprodução intraespecífica |
breeding cycle, cycle |
breeding line, line |
lignée d'élevage |
línea de cría; línea de cultivo |
linhagem intraespecífica |
breeding season |
breeding stock |
breeding tubercle |
bridle |
Brigham Young University, Utah, Brigham Young University |
Brigham Young University, Utah |
Brigham Young University, Utah |
Universidade de Brigham, Utah |
Brine |
Brisoletten |
Bristlemouths or lightfishes, or lightfishes, lightfishes |
brossés et haches d'argent |
gonostómidos? |
Gonostomatídeo |
Bristol |
broadcast spawners, spawners |
reproducteurs en eau libre |
reproductores en aguas libres |
espécies que libertam os gâmetas na água |
Broken fish, fish |
brood fish, fish |
brood hider |
brood pouch, pouch |
poche ventrale |
bolsa ventral; marsupio |
saco ovárico |
broodstock |
stock de reproducteurs |
stock de cría; stock de cultivo |
stock reprodutor |
brook |
brown algae, algae |
browsers |
Bryophyta |
bryozoans |
bryozoaires |
briozoos |
briozoários |
buccobrancial incubation |
buckler |
bouclier |
escudo |
placas ósseas |
bud |
bourgeon |
buffer |
tampon |
tampón |
tampão |
buffer zone, zone |
zone tampon |
zona tampón |
zona tampão |
bulletin board, board |
groupe de discussion |
tablón de anuncios |
newsgroup |
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, of zoological nomenclature, zoological nomenclature |
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature |
Boletín de Nomenclatura Zoológica |
Boletim de Nomenclatura Zoológica |
Bullhead sharks, sharks |
requins dormeurs bouledogues |
heterodóntidos; tiburones toro? |
Heterodontídeo |
buoy rope; buoy line, rope |
orin de bouée |
burn |
Buro |
Butarga |
Butterfishes |
stromatés |
estromateidos? |
Estromateídeos |
butterfly fillets, fillets |
filets papillons |
filetes dobles |
filetes |
Butterfly rays, rays |
raies-papillons épineuses |
gimnúridos? |
Gimnurídeos |
Butterflyfish |
pantodons |
pantodóntidos; peces mariposa? |
Pantocontídeos |
Butterflyfishes |
poissons-papillons |
chaetodóntidos; peces mariposa? |
Caetodontídeos |
buttress and valley, and valley, valley |
contrefort et vallée |
contrafuerte y valle |
vertente de coral |
bycatch |
prise accessoire |
captura accesoria |
captura acidental |
by-catch |
prise accessoire |
captura accesoria |
captura secundária |
cage culture, culture |
calcareous |
calcaire |
calcáreo |
calcáreo |
calcified cartilage, cartilage |
calcitran |
caldera |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, Academy of Sciences, of Sciences |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco |
Academia das Ciências da California, São Francisco |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, SU, Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, SU, of Sciences, San Francisco, SU |
SU |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, SU |
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, SU |
Academia das Ciências da Califórnia, São Francisco |
California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collection, California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collecti |
California State University Sacramento |
California State University Sacramento, Ichthyology Collection |
Universidade Estadual de Sacramento |
Californian incubator, incubator |
Callichthyid armored catfishes, armored catfishes, catfishes |
poissons-chats casqués |
callíctidos; peces gato? |
Calactiídeo |
calorie |
camptotrichia |
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ontario, Canadian Museum of Nature |
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ontario |
Canadian Museum of Nature, Ontario |
Museu Canadiano da Natureza, Ontario |
cancer |
capillary water, water |
captive breeding, breeding |
élevage en captivité |
cría en cautividad; cultivo en cautividad |
crescimento em cativeiro |
captivity degradation, degradation |
carageenan |
carangiform |
carapace |
carapace |
caparazón |
carapaça |
carbohydrate |
carbon dioxide (CO2), dioxide (CO2), (CO2) |
carbonate alkalinity, alkalinity |
carcass |
carcasse |
carcasa; cadaver; animal muerto |
carcassa |
carcharhinoid |
carcinogenic |
carcinogénique |
carcinoma |
cardiac puncture, puncture |
cardiform |
cardiforme |
cardiforme |
cardiforme |
cardiform teeth, teeth |
Cardinalfishes |
apogons |
apogónidos; antoñitos? |
Apogonídeos |
cardioid scale |
Caribbean Sea |
carinate |
caréné |
carenado |
carenado |
Carne a carne, a carne, carne |
Carne con carne, con carne, carne |
Carne-a-carne |
carnivorous |
carnivore |
carnívoro |
carnívoro |
carotenoid |
carotenoids |
carotid foramen, foramen |
Carpet or nurse sharks, or nurse sharks, nurse sharks |
requins-tapis ou requins-nourrices |
tiburones nodriza; orectolóbidos |
0rectolobídeo |
carr |
Carrageenin |
carrier |
carrier state, state |
carry |
carrying capacity, capacity |
capacité limite |
capacidad de carga |
capacidade de carga |
cartesian well |
cartilage |
cartilage |
cartílago |
cartilagem |
cartilaginous fishes, fishes |
poissons cartilagineux |
peces cartilaginosos |
peixes cartilagíneos |
caruncle |
cast net, net |
épervier |
castnet |
épervier |
esparavel; tarralla |
tarrafa |
Cat sharks, sharks |
roussettes |
esciliorrínidos; tiburones gato? |
Silorrinídeos |
catadromous |
catadrome |
catadromo |
catádromo |
cataract |
catch curve, curve |
courbe de capture |
curva de captura |
curva de captura |
catch per unit of effort, per unit of effort (CPUE), unit of effort (CPUE) |
capture par unité d'effort |
captura por unidad de esfuerzo |
captura por unidade de esforço |
catchability |
capturabilité |
capturabilidad |
capturabilidade |
catcher vessel |
catcher-processor |
catchment area, area |
caudal fin ray counts, fin ray counts, ray counts |
nombre de rayons de la nageoire caudale |
recuento de radios de la aleta caudal |
caudal flexure |
caudal fulcrum |
caudal keel, keel |
carène caudale |
quilla caudal |
espinho caudal |
caudal peduncle scale rows, peduncle scale rows, scale rows |
rangées d'écailles du pédoncule caudal |
filas de escamas del pedúnculo caudal |
caudal pit, pit |
fosse caudale |
fosa caudal; depresión caudal |
buraco precaudal |
caudal vertebra, vertebra |
vertèbre caudale |
vértebra caudal |
centrum da barbatana caudal |
caudal vertebrae, vertebrae |
Cauliflower disease, disease |
cause-specific mortality rate, mortality rate, rate |
Cavebasses |
dinopércidos? |
Dinopercídeos |
cavernous |
Caviar |
Caviare |
cavity brooder |
centner |
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India, Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute |
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India |
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin, India |
Instituto Central de Investigação Pesqueira de Cochim, India |
Central Processing Unit, Processing Unit, Unit |
unité centrale |
unidad central de procesamiento |
centromere |
centromère |
centrómero |
centrómero |
centrum |
centrum |
centrum |
vértebra |
cephalic clasper |
Cephalochordata |
cephalothorax |
Ceram Sea |
ceratobranchial |
cératobranchial |
ceratobranquial |
ceratobranquial |
ceratotrichia |
cercaria |
cerebellum |
ceroid |
cervical photophore |
Ce |
cestode worms, worms |
vers cestodes |
gusanos cestodos |
céstodes |
chafing gear |
Characins |
characins |
carácidos? |
Caracídeos |
character |
caractère |
carácter |
caractere |
character displacement |
charismatic species |
Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University, Charles R. Conner Museum |
Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University |
Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University |
Museu Charles R. Conner, Universidade do Estado de Washington |
Chaviári |
cheironym |
cheirotype |
chemical filtration, filtration |
chemoreception |
chimioréception |
quimiorecepción |
quimiorecepção |
chemoreceptor |
chemotherapy |
chevron |
chevron |
chimaera |
chimaeras |
chimères |
quimeras |
quimeras |
chimaeroid |
chin |
menton |
barbilla; mentón |
queixo |
chironomids |
chloramine |
chloramines |
chloramphenicol |
chlorine |
chlorine residual, residual |
chlorinity |
chlorinité |
Chlorophyta |
chloroplast |
chloroplaste |
chlorosity |
chlorosité |
chlortetracyline |
cholesterol |
chondrichthyans |
chondrichthyens |
condroíctios |
peixes cartilagíneos |
Chondrichthyes |
chondrocranium |
Chordata |
chorion |
chorion |
corion |
corion |
choroid |
choroid fissure, fissure |
choroid tissue, tissue |
Christmas fish, fish |
chromaffin tissue |
chromatin |
chromatography |
chromatographie |
cromatografía |
cromatografia |
chromatophore |
chromatophore |
cromatóforo |
cromatóforo |
chromatophores |
chromatophores |
chromatosis |
chromer |
chromosome |
chromosome |
cromosoma |
cromossoma |
chronic |
chronique |
crónico |
crónico |
chronological order, order |
ordre chronologique |
orden cronológico |
ordem cronológica |
chryopsin |
Chulalongkorn University Museum, University Museum, Museum |
ciguatera |
ciguatera |
ciguatera |
ciguatera |
ciguatera poisoning, poisoning |
ciliiform |
Ciliophora |
circadian |
circadian rhythm, rhythm |
circalittoral |
circuli |
circuli |
círculos |
circumaustral |
circumboreal |
circumference scale count, scale count, count |
circumglobal |
circumglobal |
circumglobal |
circum-global |
circumnarial fold, fold |
pli circumnasal |
pliegue circumnarinal |
prega da narina |
circumnarial grooves, grooves |
sillons circumnasaux |
canal circumnarinal |
depressões das narinas |
circumorbitals |
circumpeduncular scale count, scale count, count |
circumpolar |
circumtropical |
circumtropical |
circumtropical |
circum-tropical |
cirrhi |
cirrhosis |
cirri |
cirres |
cirros |
cílios |
Citharids |
poissons-feuilles |
citáridos; peludas? |
Citarídeos |
cladogram |
cladogramme |
Clam chowder, chowder |
Clam liquor, liquor |
clasper |
clasper claws, claws |
clasper dactyl, dactyl |
clasper flexion, flexion |
clasper gaff, gaff |
clasper glans, glans |
clasper groove, groove |
clasper hooks, hooks |
clasper sacs, sacs |
clasper shaft, shaft |
clasper spine, spine |
Clasper spur, spur |
claspers |
ptérygopodes |
mixopterigios |
clásperes |
claviform |
clay |
argile |
arcilla |
cleaner fish imitator, fish imitator, imitator |
Cleanplate herring, herring |
cleithral symphysis, symphysis |
cleithrum |
cleithrum |
cleitro |
cleitrum |
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, Clemson University at South Carolina |
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina |
Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina |
Universidade de Clemson, Carolina do Sul |
Cleptoparasite |
Cleptoparasitism |
client-server |
client-serveur |
cliente-servidor |
servidor |
Climbing catfishes, catfishes |
astroblépidos? |
Astroblepídeo |
Climbing gouramies, gouramies |
gouramis |
anabántidos? |
Anabantídeo |
Clingfishes and singleslits, and singleslits, singleslits |
barbiers |
gobiesócidos? |
Gobioesocídeos |
clipped roefish, roefish |
clysotremic |
clysotrémique |
cnidaria |
cnidarians |
cnidaires |
cnidarios |
cnidários |
coarse fish |
coastal convergence, convergence |
downwelling côtier |
convergencia costera |
convergência costeira |
coastal waters, waters |
coastline |
littoral |
litoral |
Linha de costa |
cobble |
galet |
callao; canto rodado; guijarro |
gravilha |
cobble beach, beach |
plage de galets |
playa de callaos |
praia de gravilha |
cobble field, field |
fonds à galets |
campo de callaos |
área de gravilha |
Cobia |
cobias |
rachicéntridos? |
Raquicentrídeos |
cochleariform |
Cod icefishes, icefishes |
calandres, bocasses, légines |
nototénidos |
Nototenídeo |
Codfish brick, brick |
Codlets |
bregmacérotidés |
bregmacerótidos? |
Bregmacerotídeo |
Cods and haddocks, and haddocks, haddocks |
gades ou morues |
bacalaos, gádidos |
Gadídeos |
coefficient of permeability, of permeability, permeability |
coefficient de perméabilité |
coelenterates |
coelentérés |
celentereos |
celenterados |
cohort |
cohorte |
cohorte |
coorte |
cohort analysis |
Colatura |
cold resistance, resistance |
cold smoked, smoked |
fumé à froid |
ahumado en frío |
fumado |
cold storage, storage |
coldwater disease, disease |
Collared carpet sharks, carpet sharks, sharks |
requins carpettes à collerette |
parascílidos? |
Parascilídeo |
collective group, group |
groupe collectif |
grupo colectivo |
grupo colectivo |
collective-group name, name |
nom de groupe collectif |
nombre de grupo colectivo |
nome de grupo colectivo |
colloidal particles, particles |
Colombo cure, cure |
Colorado State University, Colorado, Colorado State University |
Colorado State University, Colorado |
Colorado State University, Colorado |
Universidade do Colorado |
Columnaris disease, disease |
commercial |
commissure |
common name, name |
nom commun |
nombre común |
nome comum |
Common property resource |
common property resource management, property resource management, resource management |
gestion de ressources communes |
gestión de recursos de propiedad común |
gestão dum recurso comum |
Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization, Science & Industrial Research Organization, & Industrial Research Organization |
Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization |
community structure, structure |
structure de la communauté |
estructura de la comunidad |
estrutura da comunidade |
compensatory growth |
compensatory survival |
competitive exclusion principle |
competitive release, release |
Complementary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes |
poissons d'eau douce de remplacement |
peces de agua dulce complementarios; peces continentales complementarios |
peixes diádromos que se tornaram dominantes em águas doces |
completely land ringed atoll, land ringed atoll, ringed atoll |
atoll fermé |
atolón cerrado |
atol fechado |
compressed |
comprimé |
comprimido |
comprimido |
Computer Aided Design, Aided Design, Design |
dessin assisté par ordinateur |
diseño asistido por ordenador |
desenhado por computador |
Computer Aided Software Engineering, Aided Software Engineering, Software Engineering |
atelier de génie logiciel |
programas de ingeniería asistida por ordenador |
Engenharia de software |
condenser |
condition factor, factor |
confer |
cf. |
congener |
congénère |
congénere |
congénere |
congeneric |
congénérique |
Conger eels, eels |
congres |
congrios; cóngridos |
Congrídeos |
congruence |
Coniferophyta |
consecutive hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite |
conservation |
préservation |
conservación |
conservação |
conserved name, name |
nom conservé |
nombre conservado |
nome tornado válido |
conserved work, work |
travail conservé |
trabajo conservado |
trabalho validado pela Comissão |
consumer |
contact organ |
continental distribution, distribution |
distribution continentale |
distribución continental |
distribuição continental |
continental drift, drift |
continental margin, margin |
marge continentale |
margen continental |
margem continental |
continental rise, rise |
glacis continental |
ascenso continental |
vertente suave |
continental shelf, shelf |
plateau continental |
plataforma continental |
margem continental |
continental shelf ecosystems, shelf ecosystems, ecosystems |
écosystèmes du plateau continental |
ecosistemas de la plataforma continental |
ecossistemas da margem continental |
continental shelf edge, shelf edge, edge |
bord du plateau continental |
borde de la plataforma continental |
fim da margem continental |
continental slope, slope |
pente continentale |
talud continental |
vertente continental |
contour |
isoligne |
contorno |
linha isobática |
contour interval, interval |
intervalle entre deux isolignes |
intervalo de contorno |
intervalo da linha isobática |
control |
conventional printing, printing |
procédé conventionnel d'impression |
impresión convencional |
impressão |
convergence |
convergence |
convergencia |
convergência |
conversion efficiency |
convolutions |
circonvolutions |
cooling stresses, stresses |
cooling tower, tower |
coordinates |
coordonnées |
coordinadas |
coordenadas |
coprophagy |
copyist's error, error |
erreur de copie |
error de copia |
erro na cópia |
coracidium |
coracoid |
Coral |
Coral Sea |
coralline algae, algae |
algue coralligène |
algas coralinas |
alga coralina |
corallophile |
corals |
corail |
coral |
coral |
cordillera |
cordillère |
cordillera |
cordilheira |
Core fish, fish |
Coriolis effect |
corium |
cormorant fishing |
cornea |
Corned alewives, alewives |
Cornell University, New York, Cornell University |
CU |
Cornell University, New York |
Cornell University, New York |
Universidade de Cornell, Nova Iorque |
Cornetfishes |
fistulaires |
fistuláridos; peces trompeta |
Fistularídeos |
coronet |
Corre fish, fish |
corrected statement of a type locality, statement of a type locality, of a type locality |
énoncé corrigé de la localité-type |
declaración corregida de una localidad tipo |
declaração corrigida da localidade de um tipo |
correlation |
corrélation |
correlación |
correlação |
corrigendum |
corrigendum |
corrigendum |
corrigenda |
corrosion |
corrugation |
ondulation |
corrugación |
corrugação |
corselet |
corselet |
corselete? |
área com escamas atrás das barbatanas peitorais dos tunídeos |
countershading |
counterstain |
country of origin, of origin, origin |
country of receipt, of receipt, receipt |
Court-bouillon |
courtship |
courtship bite, bite |
courtship ritual, ritual |
covariance |
cove coastline, coastline |
anse |
litoral de rada |
linha de costa suave |
cover pot, pot |
panier coiffant |
Cow sharks, sharks |
grisets et perlons |
hexánchidos; tiburones vaca? |
Hexanquídeo |
crab cakes, cakes |
crab sticks, sticks |
cranial |
crânien |
craneal |
cranial |
cranial cavity, cavity |
cavité craniale |
cranial roof, roof |
Craniata |
craniomandibular muscles, muscles |
cranium |
crâne |
cráneo |
crâneo |
Crawfish meal, meal |
creel |
bourriche |
bolsa; cesto |
saco de captura |
creel survey, survey |
sondage des bourriches |
encuesta de bolsa; encuesta de cesto |
limite de captura |
crenate |
crénelé |
festoneado |
crenado |
crenicolous |
crenon |
crenophile |
crenulate |
crénelé |
crenulado |
crenulado |
crepuscular |
crescentic |
en croissant de lune |
alunado |
em crescente |
crest |
Crestfishes |
lophotes |
lofótidos? |
Lofotídeos |
cretaceous |
crétacé |
cretácico |
cretácico |
crevicular |
critical depth, depth |
critical thermal maximum (CTM), thermal maximum, maximum |
critical velocity, velocity |
vitesse critique |
critically endangered, endangered |
CA |
en danger extrême |
en amenaza crítica |
Crocodile icefishes, icefishes |
chaníctidos |
Canactídeos |
cross infection, infection |
cross over value (COV), over value (COV), value (COV) |
cross sea, sea |
crossing claspers, clasper |
crossing over, over |
crown |
crown foot, foot |
Crustacea |
crustaceans |
crustacés |
crustáceos |
crustáceos |
crutching |
cryogenic lake, lake |
cryogenic storage, storage |
conservation cryogénique |
almacenamiento criogénico |
depósito criogénico |
cryopelagic |
cryopélagique |
cryopreservation |
cryoconservation |
crioconservación |
Criopreservação |
cryptic |
cryptique |
críptico |
críptico |
cuckoldry |
cultivar |
cultrate |
cultriform |
culture |
culture-based capture fishery |
cuneiform |
Cura branca, branca |
Cura do gaspé, do gaspé, gaspé |
curator |
currency |
unité monétaire |
unidad monetaria |
moeda |
current |
current commercial practice, commercial practice, practice |
Cut spiced herring, spiced herring, herring |
Cutlassfishes |
poissons sabres |
trichiúridos; peces cinto; peces sable? |
Triquiurídeos |
Cutthroat eels, eels |
synaphobranchidés |
sinafobránquidos? |
Sinafobranquídeos |
Cyanobacteria |
cyclomorphosis |
cyprinin |
dacriform |
Daggertooth |
pharaons |
anotoptéridos? |
Anotopterídeo |
Dahn line, line |
bouée de ligne de fond |
palangre vertical |
linha Dahn |
Damselfishes |
poissons demoiselles |
pomacéntridos? |
Pomacentrídeos |
Danish seine, seine |
senne danoise |
cerco danés |
rede dinamarquesa |
dark body color, body color, color |
dark meat |
Dark spotted moray, spotted moray, moray |
darwin |
Darwinism |
data dictionary, dictionary |
dictionnaire de données |
diccionario de datos |
dicionário de dados |
data flow model, flow model, model |
organigramme de données |
modelo de flujo de datos |
modelo de transferência de dados |
dataset |
ensemble de données |
conjunto de datos; serie de datos |
conjunto de dados |
datastore |
collection de données |
almacén de datos |
banco de dados |
daughter cell, cell |
Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California, University of California, Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fish. B |
Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California |
Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California |
Museu Davies da Vida Selvagem e Biologia das Pescas, California |
Davis Strait |
day degree |
Dayton Museum of Natural History, Dayton Museum of Natural History |
Dayton Museum of Natural History |
Dayton Museum of Natural History |
Museu Dayton de História Natural |
DBF format, format |
format DBF |
formato DBF |
formato DBF |
debris |
decision tree, tree |
decision-maker |
declaration |
déclaration |
declaración |
declaração |
decomposer |
decurved |
decurvado? |
dedifferentiation |
deep bottom area, bottom area, area |
zone des grandes profondeurs |
área de fondo profundo |
vertente batial |
deep epipelagic, epipelagic |
zone profonde épipélagique |
capa epipelágica profundo |
termoclina epipelágica profunda |
deep lagoon floor, lagoon floor, floor |
fond lagonaire profond |
fondo lacunar profundo |
fundo de lago |
deep layer |
deep pass, pass |
passe profonde |
paso profundo |
passagem na barreira de coral |
deep scaterring layer (DSL), scaterring layer (DSL), layer (DSL) |
deep scattering layer, scattering layer, layer |
couche dispersante profonde |
capa de reflexión profunda |
deep water, water |
Deep-sea anglerfish, anglerfish |
centrofrínidos? |
Centrofrinídeos |
Deepwater cardinalfishes, cardinalfishes |
sonneurs |
epigónidos? |
Epigonídeo |
Deepwater flatheads, flatheads |
platycéphales de profondeur |
bémbridos? |
Bembrídeo |
Deepwater stingray, stingray |
plesiobátidos? |
Plesiobatídeo |
deformity |
diformité |
degenerate |
degeneration |
degradative succession |
degree days, days |
dehydrated fish, fish |
dehydration |
delayed release, release |
deleterious |
demand feeder, feeder |
demersal |
démersal |
demersal |
demersal |
demersal egg, egg |
oeuf démersal |
demersal spawner, spawner |
demographic |
demographique |
denaturation |
dendogram |
dendritic |
dendritique |
dendrítico |
dendrítico |
dendritic organ, organ |
denitrification |
dentary |
dentaire |
dentario |
dentário |
Denticle herring, herring |
denticipítidos |
Denticipitídeo |
dentigerous |
dentigère |
dentado |
com dentes |
deoxyribonucleic acid, acid |
acide désoxyribonucléique |
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University |
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University |
Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, University of New England |
Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine |
Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine |
Departamento das ciências da Vida, Universidade de Nova Inglaterra, Maine |
depauperate |
depensatory |
deposit feeder |
depressed |
aplati |
deprimido |
deprimido |
depression |
depth |
hauteur, profondeur |
profundidad |
profundidade |
derived |
dermal |
dermique |
dérmico |
dérmico |
dermal bone, bone |
dermal flaps, flaps |
excroissances dermiques |
alerones dérmicos? |
pregas dérmicas |
dermal processes, processes |
dermatitis |
dermatomycosis |
dermatoses |
dermis |
dermocranium |
Derris |
Descargamento |
description |
description |
descripción |
descrição |
determinate fecundity, fecundity |
deterministic |
déterministique |
detrimental |
detritus |
détritus |
detrito |
detrito |
Deutscher Kaviar, Kaviar |
dextral |
dextre |
diestro |
dextro |
diacritic mark, mark |
signe diacritique |
signo diacrítico? |
marca diacrítica |
diadromous |
diadrome |
diadromo |
diádromo |
diandric |
diandrique |
diandry |
diarrhea |
diarrhée |
dichlorvos |
dichromatic |
dichromatique |
dicromático |
dicromático |
dichromatism |
dichromatisme |
dicromatismo |
dicromatismo |
diel |
nycthéméral |
nictimeral |
diurno |
dietary fiber, fiber |
differentiation |
difficult respiration, respiration |
diffuse spring |
digitiform gland |
digitiser |
convertisseur numérique |
digitalizador |
Digitalizador |
digitized format, format |
format numérique |
formato digital |
formato digitalizado |
dilution water, water |
dimorphic |
dimorphique |
dimórfico |
dimórfico |
Dipartimento di Scienze ambientali, L'Aquila, Italy, di Scienze ambientali, L'Aquila, Italy, Scienze ambientali, L'Aquila, Italy |
Dipartimento di Scienze ambientali, L'Aquila, Italy |
Dipartimento di Scienze ambientali, L'Aquila, Italy |
Departamento de Ciência Ambiental, Aquila, Itália |
diphycercal |
diphycerque |
dificerca |
heterocérquica |
diplospondylous vertebrae, vertebrae |
direct length, length |
longueur en ligne droite |
longitud directa |
comprimento |
directed fishery, fishery |
pêche sélective |
pesquería dirigida |
directional selection, selection |
Directory Interchange Format, Interchange Format, Format |
format d'échange de répertoires |
formato de intercambio de directorios |
formato DIF |
disarticulated |
discard |
rejet |
descartar |
descartar |
discharge |
discharge plume, plume |
disciform |
discoidal organ |
Discomitochondria |
disjunct distribution, distribution |
répartition disjointe |
distribución disjunta |
distribuição disjunta |
dispermy |
dispersal |
dispersant |
dispersion |
dissolved organic matter, organic matter, matter |
distinctiveness |
particularité |
particularidad; característica |
disturbance |
diurnal |
diurne |
diurno |
diurno |
diurnal migration, migration |
migration diurne |
migración diurna |
migração diurna |
diurnal rhythm, rhythm |
divergence |
divergence |
divergencia |
divergência |
diversity |
diversité |
diversity index, index |
diverticulum |
Division of Fisheries Sciences, Science Course, Course |
Djirim |
doctor fish |
Dogfish sharks, sharks |
aiguillats |
escuálidos? |
Esqualídeos |
Dolphins |
coryphènes |
corifaénidos; llampugas; emperadores? |
Corifaenídeos |
Dories |
saint-pierre |
zeidos; sanpedros? |
Zeídeos |
dorsad |
dorsal |
dorsal |
em direcção ao dorso |
dorsal |
dorsal and anal fin ray counts, and anal fin ray counts, anal fin ray counts |
nombre de rayons des nageoires dorsales et anales |
recuento de los radios de las aletas dorsal y anal |
dorsal fin, fin |
nageoire dorsale |
aleta dorsal |
barbatana dorsal |
dorsicranium |
dorsolateral |
dorsolatéral |
dorsolateral |
dorsolateral |
dorsoventral |
dorsoventral |
dorsoventral |
dorsoventral |
dorsum |
dos |
dorso |
dorso |
dose-response curve, curve |
Dottybacks |
pseudocrómidos |
Pseucromídeos |
double emarginate, emarginate |
émarginée |
emarginado doble |
duplamente marginada |
Dragonets |
dragonnets |
callionímidos? |
Calionimídeos |
drawdown |
drawn |
dredge |
drague |
draga |
draga |
Dredged fish, fish |
dredging |
dragage |
dragado |
dragar |
dressed |
dressed fish, fish |
poisson paré |
pescado preparado; pescado limpio; pescado eviscerado y descabezado |
peixe preparado sem cabeça e sem vísceras |
dressing weight, weight |
poids de parage |
peso preparado; peso eviscerado y descabezado |
peso eviscerado |
dried fish, fish |
dried salted fish, salted fish, fish |
drift net |
Driftfishes |
physaliers |
nomeidos? |
Nomeídeos |
drifting longline |
driftline |
Driftwood catfishes, catfishes |
aucheniptéridos? |
Auquenipterídeo |
drills |
dromous |
dropline |
ligne de fond |
palangre vertical |
linha de pesca |
dropline fishing, fishing |
dropsy |
Drums or croakers, or croakers, croakers |
tambours |
esciaénidos; roncadores? |
Sienídeos |
dry caviar |
dry fish, fish |
dry salted fish, salted fish, fish |
dualistic reproductive behavior, reproductive behavior, behavior |
Dubbel gerookte steurharing, gerookte steurharing, steurharing |
Duckbills |
spatules |
percófidos? |
Percofídeos |
Duke University, North Carolina, Duke University |
DU |
Duke University, North Carolina |
Duke University, North Carolina |
Universidade de Duke, Carolina do Norte |
durophagus |
dusky |
sombre |
oscuro; sombrío |
cinzento |
dwarfism |
Dynamic Data Exchange, Data Exchange, Exchange |
échange dynamique de données |
intercambio dinámico de datos |
dystrophic |
dystrophique |
Eagle rays, rays |
aigles de mer |
miliobátidos? |
Miliobatídeos |
ear |
ear flap |
early embryo, embryo |
embryon précoce |
early life history, life history, history |
histoire de vie précoce |
eartheater |
earthform |
structure géomorphologique |
geomorfología |
com a forma da Terra |
East Indian Archipelago (Indonesia) |
East Siberian Sea |
Eastern China Sea (Tung Hai) |
Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University |
Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky |
Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky |
Universidade de Kentucky Este |
ebb current, current |
ebb tide, tide |
marée descendante, flux, jusant |
marea descendente |
amplitude de maré |
eccentric |
eccentrique |
Echinodermata |
echinoderms |
échinodermes |
equinodermos |
equinodermes |
echo ranging, ranging |
détection ultrasonore |
rango del eco |
distância do eco |
echo sounding, sounding |
écho-sondage |
ecosondeo |
sonar de eco |
echogram |
échogramme |
ecograma |
ecograma |
Ecological footprinte |
ecomorph |
economic rent |
ecosystem approach |
ecosystem boundary |
ecosystem diversity, diversity |
diversité des écosystèmes |
diversidad del ecosistema |
diversidade do ecossistema |
ecosystem overfishing |
ecosystem properties |
ecosystem services |
ecotourism |
écotourisme |
ecoturismo |
ecoturismo |
ectethmoid chambers, chambers |
ectoparasite |
ectoparasite |
ectoparásito |
ectoparasita |
ectopterygoid |
ectoptérygoide |
ectopterigoide |
ectotherm |
eddy |
tourbillon |
giro |
remoinho |
Eel cods, cods |
gadomurènes |
muraenolépidos? |
Murenolepidídeo |
Eelpouts |
lycodes |
zoárcidos? |
Zoarcídeos |
effective porosity, porosity |
porosité effective |
effort |
egg diameter, diameter |
diamètre de l'oeuf |
egg scatterer, scatterer |
egg survey |
Ekman circulation |
Ekman current meter, current meter, meter |
Ekman spiral, spiral |
El Niño Southern Oscillation |
elaborate |
elasmobranch poisoning |
elasmobranchs |
élasmobranches |
elasmobranquios |
elasmobrânquios |
elastotrichia |
Electric catfishes, catfishes |
poissons-chats électriques |
malapterúridos? |
Malapterurídeos |
electric fishes, fishes |
electric organ, organ |
organe électrique |
órgano eléctrico |
orgão eléctrico |
Electric rays, rays |
torpilles |
torpedos |
Torpedinídeos |
electrical fishing, fishing |
electro-fishing |
electrogenic fishes, fishes |
poissons électriques |
peces electrogénicos |
peixes electrogénicos |
electronic mail, mail |
e-mail |
courrier électronique |
correo electrónico |
correio electrónico |
electronic sea-wave recorder, sea-wave recorder, recorder |
electrophoresis |
électrophorèse |
electroforesis |
electroforese |
electrophoretic analysis, analysis |
electrophoretic marker, marker |
marqueur électrophorétique |
marcador electroforético |
marcador electroforético |
electroreceptor |
electrosensing |
électro-détection |
electrodetección |
percepção eléctrica |
Elephantfishes |
mormyres |
mormíridos; peces elefante? |
Mormirídeos |
elevated fin, fin |
nageoire élevée |
aleta elevada |
barbatana alta |
elittoral |
elongate |
allongé |
alargado |
alongado |
elver |
civelle |
emarginate |
émarginée |
emarginado |
côncava |
embryo |
embryon |
embrión |
embrião |
embryonic axes, axes |
axes embryonnaires |
embryonic shield, shield |
bouclier embryonnaire |
emigration |
Emperors or scavengers, or scavengers, scavengers |
vivaneaux |
letrínidos? |
Letrinídeos |
empirical |
empirique |
empírico |
empírico |
endangered |
EN |
menacé |
amenazado |
ameaçado |
endangered species, species |
espèce menacée |
especie amenazada |
espécie ameaçada |
endocranium |
endocrine |
endolymphatic pore |
endoparasite |
endoparasite |
endoparásito |
endoparasita |
endoperitonitis |
endorheic |
endorhéique |
Endospora |
engorgement |
engulfer |
enteric |
entérique |
entire |
entier |
entero |
inteiro |
entity-relationship diagram, diagram |
E-R |
diagramme relationnel |
diagrama relacional |
Diagrama de relação |
entopterygoid |
entrainable size, size |
entrainment |
entraînement |
arrastradura |
entrada |
entrainment mortality, mortality |
entrainment mortality fraction, mortality fraction, fraction |
entrainment mortality rate, mortality rate, rate |
environmental conditions, conditions |
environmental disease, disease |
Environmental Impact Assessment, Impact Assessment, Assessment |
évaluation des répercussions écologiques |
evaluación de impacto ambiental |
Avaliação do Impacto Ambiental |
epaxial lobe or web, lobe or web, or web |
ephemeral |
epibranchial |
épibranchial |
epibranquial |
epibranquial |
epibranchial organ |
epibranchials |
epidermis |
épiderme |
epidermis |
epiderme |
epigonal organ |
epineurals |
epiphysial apparatus, apparatus |
epiphysial foramen, foramen |
epipleurals |
eptatretin |
epural |
epurals |
épuraux |
epurales? |
epurais |
equatorial tides, tides |
equilibrium theory, theory |
théorie de l'équilibre |
teoría del equilibrio |
teoria do equilíbrio |
erectile |
érectile |
erectil |
eréctil |
erratic swimming, swimming |
erroneous statement of a type locality, statement of a type locality, of a type locality |
énoncé erroné de la localité-type |
declaración errónea de localidad tipo |
declaração errónea da localidade do tipo |
error |
erreur |
error |
erro |
erythema |
erythrocyte |
erythrophore |
erythrophores |
érythrophores |
Escabeche frito, frito |
escarpment |
escarpement |
escarpada |
escarpa |
esociform |
Espadines o arenques anchoados, o arenques anchoados, arenques anchoados |
establish |
établi |
establecido |
estabelecer |
esterase |
estrogen |
estuarine |
estuarien |
estuarino |
estuarino |
estuary |
estuaire |
estuario |
estuário |
ethogram |
eukaryotic |
eucaryote |
eucariota |
eucariótico |
eulittoral |
Eurasia |
Eurasie |
Eurasia |
Eurásia |
Europe |
Europe |
Europa |
Europa |
eury- |
eurybaric |
eurybarique |
eurybathic |
eurybathique |
eurybenthic |
eurybenthique |
euryhaline |
euryhalin |
eurihalino |
eurihalina |
euryokous |
eurysaline |
eurythermal |
eurytopic |
eurytopique |
eurytropical |
eutrophic |
eutrophique |
eutrófico |
eutrófico |
eutrophication |
eutrophisation |
eutrofización |
eutroficação |
even/regular/uniform distribution |
evert |
eviscerated |
éviscéré |
eviscerado |
eviscerado |
evolutionarily significant unit, significant unit, unit |
ex parte |
exacerbation |
excluded name, name |
nom exclu |
nombre excluido |
nome excluído |
excreta |
excréta |
excreta |
excreção |
excretion |
excurrent apertures, apertures |
exocrine |
exocrine pancreas |
exorhipidion |
expatriate |
experimental error, error |
exploitation pattern, pattern |
modèle d'exploitation |
patrón de explotación |
padrão de exploração |
exploitation rate, rate |
taux d'exploitation |
tasa de explotación |
taxa de exploração |
exploited |
exploité |
explotado |
explorado |
exporting country, country |
exserted |
exsert |
exsertado |
projectado para fora |
ex-situ conservation, conservation |
préservation ex-situ |
conservación ex-situ |
conservação das espécies em cativeiro |
extensive culture, culture |
culture extensive |
cultivo extensivo |
cultura extensiva |
extent of occurrence, of occurrence, occurrence |
exterilium |
exterilium larva, tissue |
exterillium stage, stage |
exterior |
external wave, wave |
externality |
extinct |
EX |
disparu |
extinto |
extinto |
extinction |
disparition |
extinción |
extinção |
extirpated |
éteint |
extirpado |
Estirpado |
extra- |
extra growths, growths |
extracellular |
extrinsic |
extrinsèque |
extrusion |
eye diameter, diameter |
ED |
eye fork length, fork length, length |
distance de l'oeil à la fourche |
longitud ojo - furca |
Comprimento olho-furca |
eye length, length |
diamètre de l'oeil |
longitud ocular |
eyelid |
paupière |
párpado |
pálpebra |
Eyemouth cure, cure |
eyestalks |
pédoncules oculaires |
factory trawler |
facultative lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer |
facultative parthegenogenesis, parthegenogenesis |
fading of the colors, of the colors, the colors |
Fair maid, maid |
fair tide, tide |
fairway |
fairway buoy, buoy |
falcate |
en croissant |
falciforme |
falcado |
Fall cure, cure |
False catsharks, catsharks |
requins à longue dorsale |
pseudotriákidos; falsos tiburones gato |
Pseudotriaquídeo |
False morays, morays |
clópsidos; falsas morenas |
Clopsídeos |
False trevallies, trevallies |
faux-trevallas |
lactáridos |
Lactariídeo |
family group, group |
groupe-famille |
grupo de familia |
grupo familiar |
family name, name |
nom de famille |
nombre de familia |
nome da família |
family selection, selection |
sélection de famille |
selección de familia |
seleção familiar |
family-group name, name |
nom de groupe-famille |
nombre de grupo de familia |
nome da família |
Fangtooth |
ogres |
anoplogástridos |
Anoplogastrídeo |
fanning |
éventer |
FAO area, area |
zone FAO |
área FAO |
área FAO |
FAO areas, areas |
zones FAO |
áreas FAO |
áreas FAO |
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan, Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Research Laboratory |
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan |
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory, Orido, Japan |
Laboratório da Pescarias Longinquas, Orida, Japão |
fascis mirabilis, mirabilis |
Fatheads |
chabots-veloutés |
psicrolútidos |
Psicrolutídeos |
fathom |
brasse |
braza |
fatoms |
fatty degeneration, degeneration |
fatty necrosis, necrosis |
fault coast, coast |
côte de faille |
costa de falla |
falha costeira |
Featherbacks or knifefishes, or knifefishes, knifefishes |
poissons-couteaux ou notoptéridés |
notoptéridos |
Notopterídeos |
feed conversion efficiency, conversion efficiency, efficiency |
feedback circuit, circuit |
feeder |
feeder beach, beach |
feeder current, current |
feeding ground, ground |
feral |
sauvage |
silvestre |
feral |
fermentation |
Fermented fish paste, fish paste, paste |
Fermented fish sauce, fish sauce, sauce |
fertility |
fertilité |
fertilidad |
fertilidade |
fertilization |
fertilisation |
fertilización |
fertilização |
fertilizer |
few/one deep pass(es), deep pass(es), pass(es) |
atoll à une (ou quelques) passe(s) profonde(s) |
pocos o un paso(s) profundo(s) |
atol |
Fibred codfish, codfish |
fibroblast |
fibroma |
fibrosis |
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Museum of Natural History, of Natural History |
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago |
Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago |
Museu Field de História Natural, Chicago |
Filefishes |
bourses |
monacántidos |
Monacantídeos |
Filete de espadilha com especiarias, de espadilha com especiarias, espadilha com especiarias |
Filetti di papalina marinati, di papalina marinati, papalina marinati |
filiform |
filter feeding, feeding |
filtreur |
filtrador |
filtradores |
filter medium, medium |
filter screens, screens |
fimbria |
fimbria |
fimbria |
fímbria |
fimbriate |
fimbrié |
fimbriado |
fimbriado |
fin- and tailrot, and tailrot, tailrot |
Finrot |
fin element counts, element counts, counts |
nombre de rayons des nageoires |
recuento de elementos de la aleta |
fin formular, formular |
fin membranes, membranes |
fin rays, rays |
rayons des nageoires |
radios de las aletas |
raios das barbatanas |
final ice clearance, earliest, ice clearance, earliest, clearance, earliest |
Finback catsharks, catsharks |
proscílidos |
Prosciliídeos |
finfish |
poisson (à nageoires) |
pez de aleta (finfish) |
peixes ósseos |
finfold |
repli de nageoire |
fingerling |
juvénile |
alevín |
juvenil |
finlets |
pinnules |
pínnulas |
pequenos espinhos das barbatanas dos tunídeos |
finning |
prélèvement des nageoires |
eliminación de las aletas |
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki, of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki |
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki |
Finnish Museum of Natural History, Zoological Museum, Helsinki |
Museu Filandês de História Natural, Museu Zoológico, Helsínquia |
fins |
nageoires |
aletas |
barbatanas |
Firmicutes |
first reviser, reviser |
premier réviseur |
primer revisor |
primeiro revisor |
first-feeding larvae, larvae |
larve sevré |
firth |
Fischfrikadellen |
Fish chowder, chowder |
fish court, court |
fish diverter, diverter |
fish finder, finder |
Fish fingers, fingers |
Fish flour, flour |
fish gravy, gravy |
fish ladder, ladder |
Fish liver, liver |
Fish liver paste, liver paste, paste |
Fish protein concentrate, protein concentrate, concentrate |
fish protein concentration (FPC), protein concentration (FPC), concentration (FPC) |
fish raceway, raceway |
fish rake, rake |
fish sanctuary, sanctuary |
fish spear, spear |
Fish stearin, stearin |
fish weiner, weiner |
fish weire, weire; weir; barricade, weir; barricade |
bordigue; bourdigue |
Fish Wiener, Wiener |
fishburger |
fisher |
pêcheur |
pescador |
pescador |
fisherfolk |
Fisheries Research Centre, Research Centre, Centre |
Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University, Research Laboratory, Mie University, Laboratory, Mie University |
Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University |
Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University |
Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University, Research Station, Kyoto University, Station, Kyoto University |
Fisheries Research Station, Kyoto University |
fisherman |
fishery |
pêcherie |
pesquería |
pescaria |
fishery biologist |
fishery biology |
fishery dependent data |
fishery independent data |
fishing effort, effort |
effort de pêche |
esfuerzo de pesca |
esforço de pesca |
fishing gear, gear |
fishing industry, industry |
fishing mortality, mortality |
F |
mortalité due à la pêche |
mortalidad por pesca |
mortalidade por pesca |
fishing power |
fishing rod |
fishmeal |
farine de poisson |
harina de pescado |
refeição de peixe |
fishmonger |
fish-odour syndrome |
fishpond |
étang piscicole |
estanque para peces |
recife artificial |
Fiskbullar |
Fiskeboller |
Fiskflingor |
Fiskibollur |
fissure |
fitness |
aptitude |
proporción genética?? |
fitness |
fix |
fixer |
fijar, acotar |
fixo |
fixation by elimination, by elimination, elimination |
fixation par élimination |
fijación por eliminación |
eliminação por fixação |
fjord |
flagship species, species |
espèce emblématique |
especies enseña, especies emblemáticas |
espécies indicadoras |
flapper |
flare |
flasher |
flat-file |
fichier à deux dimensions |
fichero plano, archivo plano |
flat-file |
flat-file database, database |
base de données à deux dimensions |
base de datos de ficheros (archivos) planos |
base de dados flat-file |
flexion larva, larva |
larve au stade flexion |
larva curvada |
flexão larvar |
float |
flotteur |
float line; float rope, line |
ralinge de flotteurs; ralingue de liège |
floater |
Floater fish, fish |
Floaters fish, fish |
floeberg |
flood current, current |
flood tide, tide |
marée montante |
marea creciente |
maré cheia |
floodplain processes |
Flores Sea |
Florida Atlantic University, Florida Atlantic University |
Florida Atlantic University |
Florida Atlantic University |
Universidade Atlântica da Flórida |
floury |
flow rate, rate |
flow-through system |
fluke bar |
flushing rate |
fluviomarine |
fly dragging |
Flying gurnards, gurnards |
dactyloptère |
dactilópteros |
Dactilopterídeos |
Flyingfishes |
exocets |
exocoétidos; peces voladores |
Exocetídeos |
foam fractionation, fractionation |
foamer |
fodder fish |
food consumption, consumption |
consommation de nourriture |
consumo de alimento |
consumo de alimento |
food conversion efficiency |
food web, web |
réseau alimentaire |
red trófica |
teia trófica |
forage |
forage fish, fish |
forage species, species |
espèce-proie |
especie forraje?? |
presas |
foraging |
foraging strategy, strategy |
foramen |
foramen magnum, magnum |
foramina |
foraminifers |
foraminifères |
foraminíferos |
foraminíferos |
forced swimming, swimming |
forced wave, wave |
Ford/Walford plot, plot |
modèle de Ford/Walford |
gráfico de Ford/Walford |
Plot Ford/Walford |
forebrain |
foredeep |
foregut |
forehead |
foreshore |
forficate |
foriculum |
fork length, length |
FL |
longueur à la fourche |
longitud furcal |
comprimento Àfurca |
forked |
fourchu |
ahorquillado |
furcado |
forked caudal fin, caudal fin, fin |
nageoire caudale fourchue |
aleta caudal ahorquillada?? |
barbatana caudal furcada |
formalin |
formol |
formol |
formol |
Formenkreis |
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Frankfurt |
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt |
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt |
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt |
fortification |
fossorial |
Foster-Lucas pond, pond |
founder principle |
founding population, population |
population primaire |
población fundacional, población original?? |
população fundadora |
founding stock, stock |
souche primaire |
stock fundacional, stock original?? |
stock fundador |
Four-eyed fishes and jenynsiids, fishes and jenynsiids, and jenynsiids |
poissons-à-quatre-yeux |
anablépidos |
Anablepídeos |
fractional spawning, spawning |
fracture |
fracture |
fractura |
fractura |
fracture zone |
frayed fins, fins |
frazil |
free rear tip, rear tip, tip |
bord postérieur libre |
extremo posterior libre |
ponta livre da barbatana |
Freeze drying, drying |
frenum |
frenum |
frenum?? |
frenum |
Fresh fish, fish |
freshet |
freshwater |
eau douce |
agua dulce, agua continental |
água doce |
Freshwater eels, eels |
anguilles |
anguílidos, anguilas |
Anguilídeos |
Freshwater hatchetfishes, hatchetfishes |
poissons-hachettes d'eau douce |
gasteropelécidos |
Gastropelecídeos |
fright reaction, reaction |
Frilled sharks, sharks |
requins frangés |
clamidoselácidos |
Clamidoselaquídeos |
fringe |
frangé |
fleco |
franja |
fringing reef area, reef area, area |
récif frangeant |
área de arrecife franjeante |
área limite do recife |
fringing reef channel, reef channel, channel |
passe de récif frangeant |
canal de arrecife franjeante |
canal do recife |
fringing reef coast, reef coast, coast |
côte bordée de récifs frangeants |
costa de arrecife franjeante |
costa recifal |
Frogfishes |
Poissons grenouilles |
antenáridos |
Antenarídeos |
front |
front |
frente |
frente |
frontal |
frontal crest, length |
frontals |
frontoparietal |
Frozen fish, fish |
frugivorous |
fry |
Fukuoda University of Education, University of Education, of Education |
Fukuoda University of Education |
fulcrum |
Full cured fish, cured fish, fish |
full-sibs |
fratries |
??? |
filhos dos mesmos pais |
fully exploited, exploited |
exploitation équilibrée |
plenamente explotado |
Functional redundancy |
funnel |
entonnoir |
embudo, fonil, sifón |
funil |
furcate |
fourchu |
furcado |
furcada |
Fureku |
Furikake |
furiotile lake |
furrows |
sillons |
?? |
canais lineares |
Fushi-rui |
fusiform |
fusiforme |
fusiforme |
fusiforme |
Fusiliers |
fusiliers |
caesiónidos |
Caesionídeos |
fyke net, net |
verveux |
butrón?? |
rede de enguias |
Gabelrollmops |
gaffel bitar |
Gaffel biter, biter |
Gaffelbidder |
Galeomorphii |
Galjoen fishes, fishes |
coracínidos |
Coracinídeos |
gall bladder, bladder |
game fish, fisheries |
gap |
lacune |
hueco, vacío? |
intervalo |
gape |
ouverture de la bouche |
abertura de la boca |
comissura |
Garo |
Gáros |
gars |
lépisostés |
gars?? |
peixes fósseis |
Garum |
gas bladder, bladder |
vessie gazeuse |
vejiga natatoria |
bexiga natatória |
gas supersaturation |
Gaspé cure, cure |
Gaspévirket klipfisk, klipfisk |
gasping for air, for air, air |
gastric caecum |
gastrolith |
gastropod mollusks, molluscs |
mollusques gastéropodes |
Gastropoda |
gastropods |
gastéropodes |
gasterópodos |
gastrópodes |
gastrula |
gear |
engin de pêche |
arte |
aparelho |
Gebakken gemarineerde haring, gemarineerde haring, haring |
Gekruide pilchards, pilchards |
Gendarme |
genera |
genres |
géneros |
género |
generation |
génération |
generación |
generation time, time |
generic name, name |
nom générique |
nombre genérico |
nome genérico |
genetic diversity, diversity |
diversité génétique |
diversidad genética |
diversidade genética |
genetic drift, drift |
dérive génétique |
deriva genética |
drift genético |
genetic marker, marker |
marqueur génétique |
marcador genético |
marcador genético |
genetic material, material |
matériel génétique |
material genético |
material genético |
genetic resources, resources |
ressources génétiques |
recursos genéticos |
recursos genéticos |
genipores |
genitalia |
organes génitaux |
órganos genitales |
genitália |
genus |
genre |
género |
género |
genus group, group |
groupe-genre |
grupo de género |
grupo do género |
genus-group name, name |
nom de groupe-genre |
nombre de grupo de género |
nome do grupo do género |
Geographic Information System, Information System, System |
système d'information géographique |
Sistema de Información Geográfica |
Sistema de Informação Geográfica |
Georeferenced data, data |
données géolocalisées |
dato georefenciado |
dados georeferenciados |
George Mason University, Mason University, University |
George Mason University |
George Mason University |
Georges Bank, Bank |
Banc Georges |
Banco Georges |
geostrophic flow |
geothermal vent, vent |
source hydrothermale |
fuente geotérmica |
fontes geotermais |
germ ring, ring |
germinal disc, disc |
germplasm |
patrimoine génétique |
germoplasma |
material genético |
Gerookte haaiwangen, haaiwangen |
gestation period, period |
Ghost pipefishes, pipefishes |
poissons-trompettes |
solenostómidos |
Solenoestomídeos |
Giant gourami, gourami |
gourami-géant |
osfronémidos |
Osfronemídeos |
Gibberfishes |
giberíctidos |
Giberictídeos |
gill |
branchie |
branquia |
brânquias |
gill arch, arches |
arc branchial |
arco branquial |
arco branquial |
gill area, area |
superficie de la branchie |
superficie branquial |
área branquial |
gill chamber, chamber |
cavité branchiale |
cámara branquial |
câmara branquial |
gill cover, cover |
opercule |
cubierta branquial |
opérculo |
gill filaments, filaments |
filaments branchiaux |
filamentos branquiales |
filamentos branquiais |
gill membranes, membranes |
membrane branchiostège |
membranas branquiales |
membranas branquiais |
gill opening, opening |
ouverture branchiale |
abertura branquial |
aberturas branquiais |
gill raker counts, raker counts, counts |
nombre de branchiospines |
recuento de branquispinas |
gill rakers, rakers |
branchiospines |
branquispinas |
branquiespinhas |
gill slits, slits |
fentes branchiales |
?? Branquiales |
aberturas branquiais |
gillnet |
filet maillant |
arte de enmalle |
rede de emalhar |
girth |
glabrous |
glacial relict |
Glass perchlets, perchlets, asiatic glassfishes, asiatic glassfishes |
poissons-de-verre |
ambásidos |
Ambassídeos |
glenoid region |
global warming |
globiform |
glycerin |
glycérine |
glicerina |
glicerina |
gnathoproctal length, length |
GnPL |
Gnomefishes |
escombrópidos |
Scombropídeos |
Goatfishes |
rougets |
múlidos, salmonetes |
Mulídeos |
goiter |
Golden cure, cure |
Gombessa |
coelacanthes |
latiméridos?? |
Latimerídeos |
gonochorism |
gonochoristic |
gonochoristique |
Goosefishes |
baudroies |
rapes |
Lofiídeos |
gorge |
gorgonian |
gorgone |
gorgonia |
gorgónia |
Gouramies |
gouramis |
belóntidos |
Guramis |
Graavisuolattu lohi, lohi |
Gracilicutes |
graduated |
Graflax |
Grammicolepidids |
poissons-palissades |
gramnicolepídidos |
Gramicolepidídeos |
grammistan |
granular |
granuleux |
granular |
granular |
granular yolk, yolk |
granulated |
granulations |
granulations |
granulaciones |
granulações |
Graphical User Interface, User Interface, Interface |
interface graphique d'utilisateur |
interfase gráfica de usuario |
Interface de gráficos |
grasp |
gravel |
gravier |
grava |
gravilha |
gravel beach, beach |
plage de gravier |
playa de grava |
praia de gravilha |
Graveldiver |
blennies fouisseuses |
escitalínidos |
Scytalinídeo |
gravid |
gravide |
grávido |
ovada |
Gravlaks |
Gravlax |
grazer |
Great Australian Bight |
Great Law of Fishing |
Green fish, fish |
Greeneyes |
verdoeils |
cloroftálmidos, ojitos verdes |
Cloroftalmídeos |
greenhouse effect |
Greenland Sea |
Greenlings |
terpugas |
hexagrámidos |
Hexagramídeos |
gregarious |
grégaire |
gregario |
gregário |
Grenadiers or rattails, or rattails, rattails |
grenadiers |
macrúridos, granaderos, colas de rata |
Macrourídeos |
Grice Marine Biological Laboratory, Charleston, South Carolina, Grice Marine Biological Laboratory |
Grice Marine Biological Laboratory, Charleston, South Carolina |
Laboratório Grice de Biologia Marinha, Charleston, Carolina do Sul |
grilse |
Grinnell College, Iowa, Grinnell College |
GC |
Grinnell College, Iowa |
Colégio Grinnell, Iowa |
groin |
GROMS migrant, migrant |
grooming |
groove |
sillon |
ranura |
depressão |
groundfish |
poisson de fond |
peces de fondo |
peixe bentónico |
groundwater |
eau souterraine |
agua subterránea |
águas de superfície |
group |
groupe |
grupo?? |
grupo |
group behavior, behavior |
group spawning, spawning |
ponte en groupe |
grouping |
group-synchronous development, development |
grow-out |
grow-out operations, operations |
bassins de grossissement |
operaciones de engorde |
crescimento em tanque |
growth |
croissance |
crecimiento |
crescimento |
growth model, model |
modèle de croissance |
modelo de crecimiento |
modelo de crescimento |
growth overfishing, overfishing |
surexploitation de la croissance |
sobrexplotación de crecimiento |
deplecção por sobrepesca |
growth rate, rate |
growth ring |
Grunters, or tigerperches, thornfishes, tigerperches, thornfishes |
terapóntidos |
Teraponídeos |
Grunts |
poissons-grondeurs |
haemúlidos |
Haemulídeos |
guanophore |
guanophores |
guarder |
guardien |
guarding |
garder |
Guitarfishes |
guitares-de-mer |
rinobátidos, guitarras |
Rinobatídeos |
gular |
gulaire |
yugal?? |
jugular |
gular bone, bone |
os gulaire |
hueso yugal?? |
osso jugular |
gular fold, fold |
pli jugulaire |
pliegue yugal?? |
gular plate, plate |
plaque gulaire |
placa yugal?? |
placa jugular |
gular region, region |
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory |
Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Museum, Mississippi |
Laboratório do Museu da Costa do Golfo, Mississipi |
Gulf of California |
Gulf of Iran (Persian Gulf) |
Gulf of Riga |
Gulf of St. Lawrence |
Gulland and Holt plot, and Holt plot, Holt plot |
Courbe de Gulland et Holt |
gráfico de Gulland y Holt |
plot Gulland and Holt |
Gulpers |
grandgousiers |
eurifaríngidos |
Eurifaringídeos |
gurry |
gustatory |
gut |
tube digestif |
tripa |
vísceras |
gyre |
Haarukkapalasilli |
haberdine |
hachures |
hachures |
?? |
linhas cartográficas |
Haddock chowder, chowder |
Hairyfish and tapetails or ribbonbearers, and tapetails or ribbonbearers, tapetails or ribbonbearers |
mirapínnidos |
Mirapinídeos |
Hakes and burbots, and burbots, burbots |
merlus et lottes |
lótidos |
Lotídeos |
Halfbeaks |
demi-becs |
hemirrámfidos |
Hemirranfídeo |
half-sibs |
demi-frères |
medio hermanos, hermanastros?? |
só um progenitor comum |
Halmahera Sea |
Halosaurs |
halosauridés |
halosaúridos |
Halosaurídeos |
Hammerhead sharks, sharks |
requins marteaux |
esfírnidos, tiburones martillo |
Esfirnídeos |
hammer-shaped |
en forme de marteau |
amartillado, con forma de martillo |
em forma de martelo |
hamular |
hanging at the surface, at the surface, the surface |
Hard cure, cure |
hard roe |
Hard smoked fish, smoked fish, fish |
hard water |
hard-copy |
copie imprimée |
copia impresa |
hard-copy |
Hard-dry |
hardness |
Hardware |
équipement |
material informático, hardware |
hardware |
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium |
Hardy-Weinberg law |
harem |
Hareng saur, saur |
harling |
harpoon |
harpon |
arpão |
harpooning |
harponner |
arponeo |
Hartsalzung |
Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA, of Comparative Zoology, Comparative Zoology |
Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA |
Museu de Zoologia Comparada da Univesidade de Harvard, Cambridge, EUA |
hatchery |
hatching jar |
hatching trough |
Havyar |
Hawkfishes |
éperviers |
cirrítidos |
Cirritídeos |
head clasper, clasper |
ptérygopode à la tête |
??? |
clasper cefálico |
head crest, crest |
head length, length |
HL |
longueur de la tête |
longitud cefálica |
comprimento da cabeça |
head rope |
header |
headwaters |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
Universidade Hebraica, Jerusalém |
hectographing |
procédés hectographiques |
hectografía?? |
hectográfico |
Heitreykt |
hemibranch |
hémibranchie |
hemibranquia |
hemibrânquia |
hemitrich |
herbicide |
herbicide |
herbicida |
herbicida |
herbivore |
herbivore |
herbívoro |
herbívoro |
herbivorous |
herbivore |
herbívoro |
herbivoria |
Heringsstip |
heritability |
héritabilité |
hereditabilidad?? |
heritabilidade |
hermaphrodism |
hermaphroditic |
hermaphrodite |
hermafrodita |
hermafrodita |
hermatypic |
hermatypique |
herpobenthos |
Herrings |
harengs |
clupeidos |
Clupeídeos |
heteracanth |
hétéracanthe |
heteracántido?? |
espinhos das barbatanas assimétricos |
hetero |
heterocercal |
hétérocerque |
heterocerca |
heterocérquica |
heterodont |
heterodont dentition, dentition |
heterodontoid |
heterolecithal |
heterosis |
heterospecific |
hétérospécifique |
heterothermic |
hétérothermique |
heterotroph |
hétérotrophe |
heterótrofo |
heterotrófico |
heterozygosity |
hétérozygotie |
heterozigotidad?? |
heterozigotia |
heterozygote |
hétérozygote |
heterozigoto |
heterozigoto |
hibernaculum |
hibernation |
high island earthform, island earthform, earthform |
île haute |
isla alta |
ilha |
high islet lagoon, islet lagoon, lagoon |
îlot lagonaire d'île haute |
islote lacunar de isla alta |
lagoa marinha |
high islet ocean, islet ocean, ocean |
îlot océanique |
islote alto oceánico |
ilhéu marinho |
high period, period |
haute mer |
periodo de pleamar |
highly commercial, commercial |
Hillstream loaches, loaches |
balitóridos |
Balitorídeos |
hindbrain |
Hingemouths |
fractolémidos |
Fractolemídeos |
Hirudinea |
histogram |
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan, Univ., Laboratory of Marine Zoology, Laboratory of Marine Zoology |
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan |
Universidade de Hokaido, Faculdade das pescas, Minato-machi, Japão |
holarctic |
holarctique |
holoeuryhaline |
holosubantarctic |
holosubantarctique |
holothurian |
holothurie |
holoturia |
holotúria |
home range |
homeotherm |
homing accuracy, accuracy |
précision de retour vers les frayères |
fidelidad de retorno al lugar de nacimiento |
homing |
homocercal |
homocerque |
homoeotherm |
homoiotherm |
homotherm |
horizontal classification |
horizontal length, length |
distance horizontale |
longitud horizontal |
comprimento horizontal |
Horn sharks, sharks |
requins-dormeurs |
heterodóntidos |
Heterodontídeos |
horny |
corné |
calloso |
córneo |
horny capsule |
Hoshi-Nori |
host-specific |
hôte-spécifique |
específicos de huesped |
parasita com um só hospedeiro |
Hot marinated fish, marinated fish, fish |
hot spring |
hotspot |
point chaud |
punto caliente |
sítio importante |
Houndsharks |
émissoles |
triáquidos |
Triaquídeos |
hover |
Humboldt State University, California, Humboldt State University |
Humboldt State University, California |
Univesidade do Estado de Humboldt, Califórnia |
humeral |
huméral |
humeral |
umeral |
humeral process, process |
processus huméral |
proceso humeral |
humeral scale, scale |
écaille humérale |
escama humeral |
Hvidvirket klipfisk, klipfisk |
hybrid |
hybride |
híbrido |
híbrido |
hybrid vigour |
hybridization |
hybridation |
hibridación |
hibridação |
hybridogenesis |
hydrated eggs, eggs |
hydric |
hydrique |
hydro |
hydrobiology |
hydrodynamic noise, noise |
bruit hydrodynamique |
ruido hidrodinámico |
ruído hidrodinâmico |
hydrograph |
hydrographic survey, survey |
sondage hydrographique |
prospección hidrográfica |
investigação hidrográfica |
hydrography |
hydrographie |
hidrografía |
hidrografia |
hydrohaline |
hydroid |
hydroïde |
hidroide |
hidróide |
hydrology |
hydrophone |
hydrophone |
hidrófono |
hidrofone |
hydrosaline |
hydrothermal vents |
hydrotroph |
hydrozoans |
hydrozoaires |
hidrozoarios |
hidrozoários |
hyoid barbel, barbel |
hyomandibular nerve foramina, nerve foramina, foramina |
hyomandibular pores, pores |
pores hyomandibulaires |
poros hiomandibulares |
poros hiomandibulares |
hyper |
hyperbenthic |
hyperbenthique |
hypercalcified structures, structures |
hypercapnia |
hypercapnie |
hipercapnia?? |
hipercapnia |
hypereutrophic |
hypereutrophique |
hyperhaline |
hyperlink |
lien hypertexte |
hiperlink?? |
hyperlinks |
hyperphagy |
hyperphyzation |
hypersaline |
hypersaline embayments, embayments |
baies hypersalines |
bahías hipersalinas |
Baías hipersalinas |
hypertext |
hypertexte |
hipertexto |
hipertexto |
hypertonic |
hypertonique |
hypobranchial |
hypobranchial |
hipobranquial |
hipobrânquial |
hypocercal |
hypocerque |
hipocercal |
hipocérquical |
hypochord |
hyporheic |
hyporhéique |
hypural |
hypural |
hipural |
hipural |
hypural bones, bones |
os hypuraux |
huesos hipurales |
ossos hipurais |
hypural crease |
hypural fold |
hypural notch |
hypural plate, plate |
hypurals |
hypuraux |
hipurales |
hipurais |
Icefishes or noodlefishes, or noodlefishes, noodlefishes |
salangidés |
salángidos |
Salangídeos |
Iceland Museum of Natural History, Iceland, Museum of Natural History, Iceland, of Natural History, Iceland |
Iceland Museum of Natural History, Iceland |
Museu de História Natural Islandês, Islandia |
ichthyocoprolite |
ichthyocrinotoxic fishes |
ichthyocrinotoxin |
ichthyolatry |
ichthyomorphic |
ichthyomorphique |
ichthyopterygium |
ichthyosarcotoxic fishes |
ichthyosarcotoxin |
ichthyosarcotoxism |
Ikra |
Ikura |
Illinois Natural History Survey, Chicago, Illinois Natural History Survey |
Illinois Natural History Survey, Chicago |
Investigação de História Natural de Ilianois, Chicago |
imbricated |
imbriqué |
imbricado |
imbricado |
immigration |
imprinting |
inactive reproductive state, reproductive state, state |
inappropriate name, name |
nom impropre |
nombre inapropiado |
nome inadequado |
inarticulate |
inbreeding |
consanguinité |
cosanguinidad |
inbreeding |
incertae sedis, sedis |
inc. sed. |
incertae sedis |
incertae sedis |
incertae sedis |
incidental catch, catch |
capture accidentelle |
captura accidental |
captura acidental |
incipient fin ray, fin ray, ray |
incised membrane, membrane |
membrane incisée |
membrana con incisión |
membrana da barbatana dorsal com marca colorida |
incisiform |
en forme d'incisice |
incisiforme |
incisiforme |
incisor |
incisive |
incisivo |
incisivo |
incisure |
incomplete reef top, reef top, top |
crête récifale incomplète |
superficie recifal incompleta |
teto de recife incompleto |
increment |
incubation period, periode |
incubator |
incurrent apertures, apertures |
indented |
échancré |
endentado |
idendado |
indeterminate |
indéterminé |
indeterminado |
indeterminado |
indeterminate fecundity, fecundity |
fecondité indéterminée |
Index of Biotic Integrity, of Biotic Integrity, Biotic Integrity |
Index d'Integrité Biotique |
Indian oil sardine, oil sardine, sardine |
Indiana State University, Department of Life Sciences, Indiana, Indiana State University |
Indiana State University, Department of Life Sciences, Indiana |
Universidade de Indiana, departamento das Ciências da Vida, Indiana |
Indicator |
indicator species, species |
espèce indicatrice |
especie indicadora |
espécie indicadora |
indigenous knowledge, knowledge |
savoir traditionnel |
conocimiento indígena |
conhecimento local |
individual transferable quota |
individually quick frozen, quick frozen, frozen |
individuellement congelé rapidement |
congelación individual ultrarrápida |
congelação rápida individual |
Indo-Australian Archipelago, Archipelago |
Archipel Indo-Australien |
Archipiélago Indoaustraliano |
Arquipélago Indo-Australiano |
induced breeding |
industrial fish, fish |
industrial fishery |
inferior |
infère |
inferior |
inferior |
information |
information |
información |
informação |
information system, system |
système d'information |
sistema de información |
sistema de informação |
infra |
infra |
infra |
infra |
infrageneric |
infragénérique |
infraorbital |
sous-orbitaire |
suborbital |
infraorbital |
infraorbital canal, canal |
canal sous-orbitaire |
canal suborbital |
canal infraorbital |
Infrapharyngeal bones, bones |
infraspecies |
infraspecific name, name |
nom infraspécifique |
nombre infraespecífico |
nome infraespecífico |
infrasubspecific |
infrasubspécifique |
infrasubespecífico |
infrasubespecífico |
infrasubspecific name, name |
nom infrasubspécifique |
nombre infrasubespecífico |
nome infrasubespecífico |
infrasubspecific taxon, taxon |
taxon infrasubspécifique |
taxon infrasubespecífico |
taxon infrasubespecífico |
ingroup |
tribu |
inland water |
inner corner, corner |
coin intérieur |
ángulo interno |
canto interior |
inner ear, ear |
inner margin, margin |
Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland |
input controls, controls |
moyens de contrôle |
controles de entrada |
controles de entradas |
insertion, (of a fin), a fin) |
insertion |
inserción |
insersão |
insertion and copulation, and copulation, copulation |
insertion of fins, of fins, fins |
insertion des nageoires |
inserción de las aletas |
insersão das barbatanas |
inshore fishery |
inshore plain, plain |
plateau côtier |
planicie costera |
planície terrestre |
inshore waters, waters |
eaux côtières |
aguas costeras |
águas interiores |
in-situ conservation, conservation |
conservation in-situ |
conservación in-situ |
conservação in-situ |
in-situ production, production |
production in-situ |
producción in-situ |
produção in-situ |
instantaneous rates, rates |
taux instantanés |
tasas instantáneas |
taxas instantâneas |
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Royal des Sciences Naturales de Belgique, des Sciences Naturales de Belgique |
Real Instituto das Ciências Naturais da Bélgica, Bruxelas |
Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland, zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland, PAN, Warszawa, Poland |
Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Pologne |
Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland |
Instituto Zoológico PAN, Varsóvia, Polónia |
Institute für Seefischerei, Hamburg, für Seefischerei, Hamburg, Seefischerei, Hamburg |
Institute für Seefischerei, Hambourg |
Institute für Seefischerei, Hamburg |
Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, of Biological Sciences, Biological Sciences |
Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba |
Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, Marine Research, Bergen, Norway |
Institute of Oceanic Research and Development, of Oceanic Research and Development, Oceanic Research and Development |
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, de Ciencias del Mar, Ciencias del Mar |
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar |
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona, de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona, Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona |
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona |
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Barcelona |
Instituto das Ciências do Mar, Barcelona |
Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet", de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet", Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet" |
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero |
insular |
Integrated coastal zone management |
integrated fish farming, fish farming, farming |
intensive culture, culture |
culture intensive |
cultivo intensivo |
cultura intensiva |
inter |
inter |
inter |
inter |
interbreeding |
croisement |
cruzamiento? |
interbreeding |
intercuale |
interdorsal |
interdorsal |
interdorsal |
inter-dorsal |
interdorsal ridge, ridge |
pli interdorsal |
cresta interdorsal |
crista inter-dorsal |
interface |
interface |
interfase |
interface |
interhaemal bones, bones |
inter-islet channel, channel |
hoa |
canal inter-islotes |
canal entre ilhas |
interleaved |
intercalé |
intercalado con hojas |
tipo de embalagem |
intermittent |
intermuscular bones, bones |
internal bearer |
internal fertilisation |
internarial |
internarial space, space |
espace internasal |
espacio internarinal |
espaço entre as narinas |
internasal |
internasal flap, flap |
repli internasal |
papila internasal |
prega inter-nasal |
internasal valve |
International Game Fish association, Game Fish association, Fish association |
International Game Fish association |
International Game Fish association |
Associação Internacional de Pesca Grossa |
Internet |
internet |
internet |
Internet |
interneural bones, bones |
interoparity |
interoparité |
interopercle |
interopercule |
interopérculo |
inter-opérculo |
interorbital |
interorbitaire |
interorbital |
inter-orbital |
interorbital distance, distance |
distance interorbitaire |
distancia interorbital |
distância inter-orbital |
interorbital space, space |
espace interorbitaire |
espacio interorbital |
espaço inter-orbital |
interpelvic space, space |
interpolated name, name |
nom intercalé |
nombre interpolado |
nome interpolado |
interradial |
interradial membrane, membrane |
membrane inter-radiaire |
membrana interradial |
membrana inter-radial |
inter-radial membrane, membrane |
membrane inter-radiaire |
membrana inter-radial |
membrana inter-radial |
interrenal gland |
interspace |
espace |
interespacio |
espaço |
interspecific |
interspécifique |
interespecífico |
interespecífico |
interspinous membrane, membrane |
membrane interépines |
membrana interespinosa |
membrana interespinhosa |
intersticine |
interstitial |
intertidal |
intertidal |
intermareal |
intermareal |
intertidal lagoon with intertidal connection, lagoon with intertidal connection, with intertidal connection |
lagon intertidal avec chenal de connection |
laguna intermareal con conexión intermareal |
lagoa aberta ao mar |
intrageneric |
intragénérique |
intraspecific |
intraspécifique |
intraespecífico |
intraespecífico |
intraspecific genetic variation, genetic variability, variability |
variation génétique intraspécifique |
variación genética intraespecífica |
variação genética intraespecífica |
intrinsic |
intrinsique |
intrinsic growth rate |
intrinsic rate of increase, rate of increase, of increase |
intrinsic value, value |
valeur intrinsèque |
valor intrínseco |
valor intrínseco |
Introduced |
introduit |
introducido |
Introduzida |
introduced species, species |
espèce introduite |
especie introducida |
espécie introduzida |
introgression |
intromittent fertilisation |
invalid name, name |
nom invalide |
nombre inválido |
nome inválido |
invalid nomenclatural act, nomenclatural act, act |
acte nomenclatural invalide |
acto nomenclatural inválido |
nomenclatura inválida |
inventory |
inventaire |
inventario |
Inventório |
inversion |
inversion |
inversión |
inversão |
invertebrates |
invertébrés |
invertebrados |
invertivore |
iodoform odour, odour |
ionic regulation |
Iowa State University , Ames, Iowa State University |
Iowa State University , Ames |
Iowa State University , Ames |
Universidade de Iowa, Ames |
ipsilateral |
iridescent |
iridescent |
iridiscente |
iridescente |
iridocyte |
iris |
iris |
iris |
íris |
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel |
Irish trawl |
irodocytes |
irradiation |
Isaac-Kidd-midwater trawl |
isallotherm |
Island biogeography, biogeography |
biogéographie des îles |
biogeografía insular |
biogeografia insular |
isocercal |
isoflor |
isohydric |
isohydrique |
isopropyl |
isopropyle |
isopropilo |
isopropil |
isopropyl alcohol |
isotherm |
isotherme |
isoterma |
isotérmico |
Italian sardel, sardel |
iteroparity |
itéroparité |
iteroparous |
IUCN Red List, Red List, List |
Izu Oceanic Park, Oceanic Park, Park |
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis, J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History |
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis |
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis |
J.F.Bell Museu de História Natural, Miniapolis |
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Institute of Ichthyology |
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown |
J.L.B Instituto Smith de Ictiologia, Grahamstown |
Jacks and pompanos, and pompanos, pompanos |
carangues |
carángidos |
Caranjídeos |
Japanese threadfin bream, threadfin bream, bream |
Japanese trawl, trawl |
jaws |
mâchoires |
mandíbulas |
mandíbulas |
jellyfish |
méduse |
medusas |
sifozoários |
Jersey fish, fish |
Jerusalem Museum, Museum |
Jerusalem Museum |
Museu de Jerusalém |
jigger |
jigging |
turlutte |
pesca con poteras |
toneira |
Jordan's Rule, Rule |
jugular |
jugulaire |
yugular |
jugular |
junior homonym, homonym |
homonyme plus récent |
homónimo reciente? |
homónimo junior |
junior synonym, synonym |
synonyme plus récent |
sinónimo reciente? |
sinónimo junior |
Jurassic |
jurassique |
jurásico |
jurássico |
justified emendation, emendation |
émendation justifée |
corrección justificada |
correção justificada |
Jutjaws |
parascorpídidos |
Paraescorpidídeo |
Kalapihvri |
Kallrökt kolja, kolja |
Kaltgeräucherter Schellfisch, Schellfisch |
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Fisheries Research Station, Research Station |
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea |
Estação de Investigação das Pescas Kanudi, Konedobu, Papua, Nova Guiné |
Kanyu no niziru, no niziru, niziru |
Kara Sea |
Karasumi |
Karavala |
karyology |
caryologie |
cariología |
cariologia |
karyotype |
caryotype |
cariotipo |
cariótipo |
Kaviaar |
Kaviaari |
Kaviar |
Kedgeree |
keel |
carène |
quilla |
crista peduncular |
Kelly's eye, eye |
huit; craquelin |
Kelpfishes |
quironémidos |
Quironemídeos |
Kench cure, cure |
keratin |
keris |
Keta Kaviar, Kaviar |
keystone species, species |
espèces-clés |
especies clave |
espécie importante no ecossistema |
Kieler Sprotten, Sprotten |
Killifishes (toothcarps), (toothcarps) |
fondules |
ciprinodóntidos |
Ciprinodontídeo |
kingdom |
règne |
reino |
Reino |
Kingdom Prokaryotae (formerly Monera) |
Kingdom Protoctista |
Kipper |
Kippered salmon, salmon |
Kissing gourami, gourami |
gouramies embrasseurs |
helostomátidos |
Helostomatídeo |
Kleptoparasite |
Kleptoparasitism |
Klondyked herring, herring |
knoll |
mont sous-marin |
loma |
pico submarino |
Kochfischwaren |
Koldrøget kullerfilet, kullerfilet |
Koudgerookte schelvis, schelvis |
Koudgerookte vlinders, vlinders |
Krill |
krohnius stage, stage |
Kronsardinen |
Kronsardiner |
Kupffer's vesicle, vesicle |
Kuronori |
kype |
crochet |
kype |
mandíbula do salmão adulto |
Laberdan |
labial furrows, furrows |
sillons labiaux |
surcos labiales |
comissuras labiais |
Labrador cure, cure |
Labrador Sea |
Labrisomids |
labrisomidés |
labrisómidos |
Labrissomídeos |
labyrinth |
labyrinthe |
laberinto |
labirinto |
labyrinth organ, organ |
lachrymal |
lacrymal |
lacrimal |
lachrymal groove, groove |
Lachshering |
laciniate |
lacinié |
laciniado |
serrilhado |
lacustrian |
lacustrine |
lacustre |
lacustre |
lacústre |
lagoon area, area |
lagon |
sector lacustre |
área lagunar |
lagoon floor, floor |
fond de lagon |
fondo de laguna |
fundo lagunar |
lagoon fringing reef area, fringing reef area, reef area |
récif frangeant d'un lagon |
laguna franjeante de área recifal |
barreira limítrofe de coral |
Lakérda |
laminar flow, flow |
Laminarin |
lampara |
lamparo |
lampara |
rede |
Lampreys |
lamproies |
lampreas |
Petromizontídeos |
Lancetfishes |
lanciers |
alepisaúridos |
Alepisaurídeos |
landings |
prises débarquées |
descarga |
landrace |
culture primaire |
variedad primaria?? |
variedade bem adaptada |
landscape diversity, diversity |
diversité de paysage |
diversidad paisajística |
diversidade |
lantern net, net |
filet lanterne |
Lanternbellies |
acropomátidos |
Acropomatídeos |
Lanterneye fishes, fishes |
anomalópidos |
Anomalopídeos |
Lanternfishes |
poissons-lanternes |
mictófidos, peces linterna |
Mictofídeos |
Laptev Sea (or Nordenskjöld Sea) |
Largenose fishes, fishes |
megalomictéridos |
Megalomicterídeos |
Large-tooth flounders, flounders |
paralíctidos |
Paralictídeos |
Larsen midwater trawl |
larva |
larvaceans |
appendiculaires |
apendicularios |
urocordados |
larvae |
larves |
larvas |
larva |
larval development, development |
larval settlement, settlement |
fixation larvaire |
fijación larvaria, asentamiento larvario |
instalação larvar |
LarvalBase |
LarvalBase |
larviparous |
larvivore |
larvophile |
late embryo, embryo |
lateral |
latéral |
lateral |
lateral |
lateral canal, canal |
canal latéral |
canal lateral |
canal da linha lateral |
lateral clasper fold, clasper fold, fold |
lateral ethmoids, ethmoids |
lateral keel, keel |
quille latérale |
quilla lateral |
crista lateral |
lateral line, line |
ligne latérale |
línea lateral |
linha lateral |
lateral line count, line count, count |
comptage des écailles de la ligne latérale |
recuento de la línea lateral |
lateral line scales, scales |
écailles de la ligne latérale |
escamas de la línea lateral |
escamas da linha lateral |
lateral scale rows, scale rows, rows |
rangées des écailles latérales |
filas de escamas laterales |
filas de escamas da linha lateral |
lateral series scales, series scales, scales |
lateral skin fold, skin fold, fold |
pli latéral de peau |
pliegue lateral de la piel |
prega cutânea |
Lateralis system |
laterocaudal |
laterosensory pores, pores |
pores latérosensoriels |
poros sensoriales laterales |
poros da linha lateral |
Laverbread |
lay parallel on substrate, parallel on substrate, on substrate |
layer depth effect, depth effect, effect |
effet de couche de profondeur |
efecto de capa profunda |
efeito de estrato |
layer packed, packed |
emballé par couches |
empaquetado en capas |
embalado por camadas separadas |
lecithotrophic larva, larva |
lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer, bearer |
lecithotrophy |
lecitrophic |
lécitrophique |
lee |
sous le vent |
sotavento |
resguardado |
leeward |
sous le vent |
lado de sotavento |
resguardo |
Lefteye flounders, flounders |
bótidos, tapaculos |
Botídeos |
length at first maturity, at first maturity, first maturity |
Lm |
longueur à la première maturité |
talla de primera madurez |
comprimento do adulto |
length distribution, distribution |
distribution de longueur |
distribución de tallas |
distribuição de comprimentos |
length-weight relationship, relationship |
lepidorthosis |
lepidotrichia |
leptocercal |
Lessepsian migration, migration |
migration lessepsienne |
migración lessepsiana |
migração Lessepsiana |
lethargy |
léthargie |
letárgico |
letargia |
leucophore |
lever net |
Ligurian Sea |
limit reference point |
limited entry fishery, entry fishery, fishery |
pêcherie contrôlée |
pesquería controlada |
pescaria com quotas autorizadas |
limnivorous |
limnodromous |
limnodrome |
limnodromo |
Limnódromos |
Lindsey´s rule |
linear |
linéaire |
lineal |
linear |
liner |
Linf |
Linf |
Linf |
Parâmetro do crescimento assimptótico |
lip groove, groove |
sillon labial |
comisura labial?? |
comissura labial |
lipophore |
lipostichaerin |
lips |
lèvres |
labios |
lábios |
listserver |
forum |
servidor de lista |
listserver |
litter |
litter size, size |
littoral |
littoral |
litoral |
litoral |
Livebearers |
cyprinodontes vivipares |
poecílidos |
Poecilídeos |
live-bearing |
Lizardfishes |
poissons-lézards |
sinodóntidos, peces lagarto |
Sinodontídeos |
Lm |
Lm |
Lm |
Lm |
Comprimento médio |
Loach gobies, gobies |
riaquíctidos |
Riacictídeos |
Local Area Network, Area Network, Network |
réseau local |
red local |
Rede local |
logistic population growth |
London cut cure, cut cure, cure |
longitudinal scale series, scale series, series |
longline |
palangre ou longue ligne |
palangre |
palangre |
longliner |
Longneck eels, eels |
anguilles à col |
deríctidos |
Derictídeos |
Longnose chimaeras, chimaeras |
rinoquiméridos |
Rinoquimereídeos |
Longtail catfishes, catfishes |
olíridos |
Olirídeos |
long-term potential yield, potential yield, yield |
rendement potentiel à long terme |
rendimiento potencial a largo plazo |
captura máxima |
Long-whiskered catfishes, catfishes |
pimelodidés |
pimelódidos |
Pimelodídeos |
Lophichthyid frogfishes, frogfishes |
lofíctidos, peces rana |
Loficteídeos |
lophocercal |
Lorenzini´s ampullae |
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles, Angeles County Museum of Natural History, County Museum of Natural History |
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles |
Museu de História Natural de Los Angeles, Los Angeles |
Louisiana State University, Division of Fishes, Museum of Zoology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology |
Louisiana State University, Division of Fishes, Museum of Zoology, Baton Rouge |
Universidade de Louisiana, Divisão dos Peixes, Museu de Zoologia, Baton Rouge |
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana, Louisiana Tech University |
Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana |
Universidade Técnica de Luisiana, Ruston, Luisiana |
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries |
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana |
Museu do Laboratório da Vida Selvagem e Pesca de Luisiana, Luisiana |
Louvars |
louvereaux |
luváridos, emperadores |
low island earthform, island earthform, earthform |
île basse |
ilhéu submarino |
lower limb, limb |
partie inférieure |
margem do preopérculo |
lozenge-shaped |
en forme de losange |
rombóide |
luciferase |
luciferin |
luciferous |
lumbar |
lumen |
lumière |
luminous organ |
Lumpfishes and snailfishes, and snailfishes, snailfishes |
cycloptéridés, lièvres de mer, poules de mer, limaces de mer |
Ciclopterídeos |
lunar rhythm, rhythm |
lunate |
en croissant de lune |
lunado |
lunker |
lure |
lymphatic heart |
Mackerel sharks, sharks |
requins-taupes |
Lamnídeos |
Mackerels |
maquereaux |
Escombrídeos |
macro- |
macro-algae |
macro-algue |
macroalgas |
macrobenthos |
macroclimate |
macrofauna |
macrofaune |
macrofauna |
macrophagous |
macrophthalmia |
macrophyte |
macrophytes |
macrophytes |
macrófitas |
macroplankton |
macrosmatic |
macrosmatique |
Madeira |
Madura anchovy, anchovy |
Mahseer |
mainframe |
ordinateur central |
mainframe |
mainstream flow, flow |
maintenance food consumption, food consumption, consumption |
consommation de nourriture d'entretien |
consumo de subsistência |
Makassar fish, fish |
Makassar Strait |
Malacca Strait |
malar |
malar thorns, thorns |
boucles malaires |
espinhos malares |
Mam-ruot |
mandibular symphysis, symphysis |
symphyse mandibulaire |
Manefishes |
caristidés |
Caristiídeos |
mangrove |
mangrove |
mangal |
Manta rays and devil rays, rays and devil rays, and devil rays |
mantes et diables de mer |
Mobulídeos |
many deep passes/open atoll, deep passes/open atoll, passes/open atoll |
atoll ouvert à plusieurs passes |
Atoll aberto |
map |
carte |
mapa |
marbled |
Marbled catfishes, catfishes |
Helogeneídeos |
Marblefishes |
Aplodactilídeos |
margin |
marge |
margem |
marginal habitat, habitat |
marginaria |
mariculture |
aquaculture marine |
maricultura |
Marinade |
marinate |
mariner |
marinada |
marine |
marin |
marinho |
marine notch, notch |
brèche marine |
marca de maré |
Marine Protected Area, Protected Area, Area |
Zone Marine Protégée |
à rea Marinha Protegida |
marine realm, realm |
domaine marin |
meio marinho |
Marine Research Section, Research Section, Section |
Marine Science Institute of Andalusia (ICMAN), Science Institute of Andalusia (ICMAN), Institute of Andalusia (ICMAN) |
marine snow |
Marinerad stekt sill, stekt sill, sill |
Marinoitu silakkarulla, silakkarulla |
marked |
marketable size |
mark-recapture study |
marsh |
marsupium |
mass selection, selection |
sélection pondérale |
selecção em massa |
mating scars, scars |
Matje cured herring, cured herring, herring |
matje herring |
matriachal family |
matriarch/patriarch family |
matrix |
matrice |
matriz |
matroclinous inheritance |
matrotrophic viviparity |
Matthiessen's ratio |
maturation |
maturity |
maturité |
maturidade |
Mauthner's axon |
maw bladder |
maxilla |
maxillaire |
maxila |
maxillary |
maxillaire |
maxilar |
maxillary extension |
maxillary length, length |
maximum equilibrium catch |
maximum length, length |
Lmax |
longueur maximum |
comprimento máximo |
maximum standing crop |
maximum sustainable yield, yield |
production maximum équilibrée |
captura máxima sustentada |
maximum yield-per-recruit |
Meander |
mechano-receptor |
Meckel's cartilage |
medial cartilage, cartilage |
cartilage médian |
cartilagem mádia |
Median effective concentration, effective concentration, concentration |
EC50 |
concentration efficace moyenne |
Concentração média efectiva |
median fins, fins |
nageoires impaires |
barbatanas ímpares |
Median lethal concentration, lethal concentration, concentration |
LC50 |
dose léthale moyenne |
Concentração média letal |
median predorsal scales, predorsal scales, scales |
écailles prédorsales médianes |
número de escamas até Àlinha lateral |
mediolateral |
Mediterranean cure, cure |
Mediterranean Sea |
medithermal |
Medusafishes |
centrolophes |
Centrolofídeos |
megadiversity countries, countries |
régions à forte biodiversité |
países com grande biodiversidade |
Megamouth sharks, sharks |
requins-grandes-gueules |
Megacasmídeos |
melaniridosome |
melanophore |
mélanophore |
melanóforo |
meltwater |
membrane |
membrane |
membrana |
Memorial University, Department of Biology, Newfoundland, Memorial University Department of Biology |
Universidade Memorial, Departamento de Biologia, Newfoundland |
Memphis State University Museum of Zoology, Tennessee, Memphis State University Museum of Zoology |
Universidade de Memphis, Museu de Zoologia, Tennessee |
mental barbel |
merchantable |
mere |
meristic |
méristique |
merístico |
meristic characters, characters |
caractères méristiques |
Merluccid hakes, hakes |
merlus |
Merluciídeos |
mermaid |
mermaid's purse |
mero- |
meroblastic |
méroblastique |
meromictic |
méromictique |
meropelagic |
méropélagique |
meroplankton |
Mersin |
mesentery |
mesocoracoid |
mesonephros |
mesopterygium |
mesorchium |
mesotrophic |
mésotrophique |
mesovarium |
metabolic rate |
metacentric |
m |
métacentrique |
metacêntrico |
metamere |
metamerism |
metamorphosis |
métamorphose |
metamorfose |
metric ton |
microatoll |
microatoll |
microatol |
microatolls |
microatolls |
microatóisl |
microbenthos |
micro-climate |
microencapsulated diets, diets |
aliments micro-encapsulés |
dietas microencapsuladas |
microfauna |
microhabitat |
Micronesia |
Micronésie |
Micronésia |
microorganisms |
micro-organismes |
microorganismos |
microphagous |
microphage |
micropredator |
microprobe analysis, analysis |
analyse microradiographique |
análise com raios X |
micropyle |
microsatellite |
microsmatic |
microsmatique |
microsquamose |
microtag |
midbrain |
mid-brain |
midocean ridge, ridge |
crête médio-océanique |
crista médio oceânica |
mid-oceanic ridge |
midwater |
midwater pair trawl |
midwater trawl |
Midwestern State University, State University, University |
Midwestern State University |
migrating |
migrant |
migração |
migration |
migration |
mild cured fish |
Milker herring, herring |
milleporine |
millepore |
mileporíneo |
milter |
Minnows or carps, or carps, carps |
cyprins |
Ciprinídeos |
minor commercial, commercial |
Mirin |
misreporting |
Mississippi Museum of Natural History, Mississippi, Mississippi Museum of Natural History |
Museu de História Natural de Mississipi, Mississipi |
Mississippi State University, Mississippi, Mississippi State University |
Universidade de Mississipi, Mississipi |
Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri, Missouri Department of Conservation |
Departamento de Conservação do Missouri, Missouri |
mitochondria |
mitochondries |
mitocôndria |
mitochondrial DNA, DNA |
mtDNA |
ADN mitochondrial |
DNA mitocondrial |
mixed fishery |
moat and depression, and depression, depression |
dépression |
topo de recife de coral |
Mojarras |
blanches |
Gerreídeos |
molar |
molaire |
molar |
molariform |
molariforme |
molariforme |
monandric |
monandrique |
monandry |
Monikendammer |
monoculture |
monoculture |
monocultura |
monoecious |
monoïque |
hermafroditas |
monomorphic |
monomorphe |
monomórfico |
monospondylous |
monospondyle |
univertebral |
monospondylous precaudal vertebrae, precaudal vertebrae, vertebrae |
monospondylous-diplospondylous transition, transition |
Moonfishes or fingerfishes, or fingerfishes, fingerfishes |
monodactylidés |
Monodactilídeos |
Moorish idol, idol |
cochers |
Zanclídeos |
Moray eels, eels |
murènes |
Muraenídeos |
Morid cods, cods |
moros |
Morídeos |
morph |
morphology |
morphologie |
morfologia |
morphometric |
morphométrique |
morfométrico |
morphometric character |
morphometric characters, characters |
mortality |
mortalité |
mortalidade |
morula |
Morwongs |
castanettes |
Cheilodactilídeos |
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, California, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories |
Laboratório Marítimo de Moss, Califórnia |
mother ship |
Mother-of-pearl |
mountain processes |
mouth brooder, brooder |
mouth brooding, brooding |
muciferous |
mucifère |
mucoso |
mucous membrane, membrane |
membrane muqueuse |
membrana mucosa |
mucronate |
muddy flavour |
Mudminnows |
ombres |
Umbrídeos |
Müllerian mimicry |
multiserial |
multisérié |
multiseriados |
multitasking |
multitâche |
multitarefas |
muria |
Murphy's Law |
Murray State University, Kentucky, Murray State University |
Universidade de Murray, Kentucky |
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. |
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse. |
Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça |
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland |
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Suisse |
Museu de História Natural, Neuchatel, Suiça |
Musée Guimet d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon, Guimet d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon, d'Histoire naturelle de Lyon |
Museum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon |
Museu Guimet de História Natural de Lion |
Musée Océanographique, Monaco, Océanographique, Monaco, Monaco |
Musée Océanographique, Monaco |
Museu Oceanográfico, Mónaco |
Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren, royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren, de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren |
Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren |
Museu Real da à frica Central, Tervuren |
Musée zoologique de l'Université Pasteur et de la Ville de Strasbourg |
Musée zoologique de la Ville de Strasbourg et de l'Université Louis Pasteur |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade Pasteur, Estrasburgo |
Museo civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy, civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy, di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova, Italy |
Museo civico di Storia naturale "Giacomo Doria", Gênes, Italie |
Museu de História Natural Giacomo Dória, Génova |
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy, civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy, di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy |
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Carmagnola, Italy |
Museu de História Natural, Carmagnola, Itália |
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Milano, civico di Storia naturale, Milano, di Storia naturale, Milano |
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Milan, Italie |
Museu de História Natural, Milão |
Museo civico Storia naturale, Verona, Italy, civico Storia naturale, Verona, Italy, Storia naturale, Verona, Italy |
Museo civico di Storia naturale, Verone, Italie |
Museu de História Natural, Verona, Itália |
Museo de Ciencias Naturales, de Ciencias Naturales, Ciencias Naturales |
Museo di Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy, di Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy, Storia naturale dell'Università, Firenze, Italy |
Museo di Storia naturale dell'Università, Florence, Italie |
Museu de História Natural da Universidade, Florença, Itália |
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid |
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid |
Museu Nacional das Ciências Naturais, Madrid |
Museu de Biologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, de Biologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Biologia, Universidad Central de Venezuela |
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo |
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil |
Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal, do Funchal (Natural History), Madeira, Portugal |
Museu municipal do Funchal (Natural History), Madère, Portugal |
Museu Municipal do Funchal, Madeira, Portugal |
Museul de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa", de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa", Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa" |
Museul de Istorie Naturala "Grigore Antipa" |
Museu de História Natural Grigore Antipa La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux, d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux, naturelle, Bordeaux |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Bordeaux |
Museu de História Natural, Bordéusça |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve, d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve, naturelle, Geneve |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneve |
Museu de História Natural, Geneve |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle, d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle, naturelle, La Rochelle |
Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, La Rochelle |
Museu de História Natural, La Rochelle |
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France, d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France, Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France |
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Saint-Denis, Ile de La Réunion, France |
Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin |
Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität, Zoologisches Museum, Berlin |
Museu de História Natural de Berlin |
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, d'Histoire naturelle, Paris |
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris |
Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça |
Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland, of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland |
Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Pologne |
Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça |
Museum of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, of Nature at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University |
Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Museum of Southwestern Biology |
Museu de Biologia do Novo México, Albuquerque |
Museum of the Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-Sen University |
Museum of the Institute of Marine Biology, National Sun Yat-Sen University |
Museum of Zoology, University of Bergen, of Zoology, University of Bergen, Zoology, University of Bergen |
Museum of Zoology, University of Bergen |
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de Bergen |
Mustard herring, herring |
myomere |
myomere count |
myomere formula |
myomeres |
myomères |
miómeros |
Myriapoda |
myxopterygium |
nadiral |
Namaribushi |
name-bearing type, type |
type porte-nom |
tipo nominal |
narial |
nasal |
nasal |
naris |
narine |
nariz |
Naruto |
Narutomaki |
nasal aperture, aperture |
nasal curtain, curtain |
membrane nasale |
cortina nasal |
nasal flap, flap |
repli nasal |
prega nasal |
nasal organs, organs |
organes nasaux |
orgãos nasais |
nasoral grooves, grooves |
sillons nasaux |
depressões nasorais |
natal stream |
National cure, cure |
National Institute for Polar Research, Institute for Polar Research, for Polar Research |
National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory, California, National Marine Fisheries Service La Jolla Laboratory |
Serviço Nacional das Pescas, La Jolla, Califórnia |
National Museum of Ireland, Dublin, Museum of Ireland, Dublin, of Ireland, Dublin |
National Museum of Ireland, Dublin |
Museu Nacional da Irlanda, Dublin |
National Museum of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan, Museum of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Taiwan, of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Taiwan |
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Museum of Natural History, of Natural History |
Museu Nacional de História Natural, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. |
National Museum of Victoria, Museum of Victoria, of Victoria |
National Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, Museum, Leiden |
National Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leyde |
Museu de História Natural, Leiden |
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Sun Yat-Sen University, Yat-Sen University |
National Sun Yat-Sen University |
National Taiwan University Museum, Taipei, Taiwan University Museum, University Museum |
Museu da Universidade de Taiwan, Taipé |
Natural cure, cure |
Natural History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, History Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius, Museum an Institute, Port Louis, Mauritius |
Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Japan, History Museum and Institute, Chiba, Museum and Institute, Chiba |
natural key |
natural mortality, mortality |
M |
mortalité naturelle |
mortalidade natural |
natural selection, selection |
sélection naturelle |
selecção natural |
naturalised |
Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland |
Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Berne, Suisse |
Museu de História Natural de Berna, Suiça |
Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Museum, Wien, Wien |
Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienne |
Museu de História Natural, Viena |
Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg, Sweden |
Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Suède |
Museu de História Natural, Gutemburgo, Suécia |
neap tide, tides |
marée de morte-eau |
maré de águas mortas |
near surface, surface |
proche de la surface |
profundidade menor do que 200m |
Nearctic |
Néarctique |
nearshore bottom area, bottom area, area |
zone benthique littorale |
infralitoral |
nearshore waters, waters |
eaux littorales |
águas neríticas |
necrophagy |
necropsy |
Needlefishes |
orphies |
Belonídeos |
nehrung |
Neotropical |
nephros |
Neriseihin |
Nerisei-hin |
neritic |
néritique |
nerítico |
neritopelagic |
néritopélagique |
net drum |
net hauler, hauler; net lifter, net lifter |
vire filet |
net primary production |
network |
réseau |
rede |
neural arch, arch |
neural canal, canal |
neural crest |
neural process, process |
neural spine, spine |
épine neurale |
neurocranium |
neurotoxin |
neutral buoyancy, buoyancy |
flottabilité nulle |
flutuabilidade neutra |
new replacement name, replacement name, name |
nouveau nom de remplacement |
novo nome |
New York State Museum, Biological Survey Laboratory, New York, New York State Museum |
Museu de Nova Iorque, Laboratório de Investigação Biológica, N.I. |
New Zealand smelts, Zealand smelts, smelts |
Retropinídeos |
newts |
tritons |
girinos |
niche overlap |
nictitating eyelid, eyelid |
paupière nictitante |
pálpebra nictitante |
nictitating membrane, membrane |
membrane nictitante |
membrana nictitante |
nitrogen fixation |
nitrogen supersaturation |
no deep pass atoll, deep pass atoll, pass atoll |
atoll fermé |
atol fechado |
NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, Marine Fisheries Service |
nocioceptor |
nocturnal |
nocturne |
nocturno |
nomenclator |
nomenclatorial |
nomenclatoral |
nomenclatural |
nomenclatural |
nomenclatural |
nomenclatural |
nomenclature |
nomenclature |
nomenclatura |
nomenclature act, act |
acte nomenclatural |
acto nomenclatural |
nominal catch, catch |
capture nominale |
captura nominal |
non-annual breeder, breeder |
noncoral reef coast, reef coast, coast |
côte non récifale |
costa não coralina |
Non-Governmental Organization, Organization |
Organisation non gouvernementale |
Organizações Não Governamentais |
non-target species, species |
Norh Sea |
Nori |
normalization |
normalisation |
North American freshwater catfishes, American freshwater catfishes, freshwater catfishes |
poissons chats d'Amérique du Nord |
Ictalurídeos |
North Atlantic Ocean |
North Pacific Ocean |
Northeast Louisiana University, Louisiana, Northeast Louisiana University |
Universidade de Luisiana (Nordeste), Luisiana |
Northern Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Darwin, Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Museum of Arts & Sciences |
Museu das Artes e Ciências, Darwin |
Northwestern Passages, The |
Norwegian cured herring, cured herring, herring |
Norwegian silver herring, silver herring, herring |
Norwegian sloe, sloe |
Norweigian Sea |
nostril |
narine |
narina |
no-take reserves |
notched fin, fin |
nageoire échancrée |
barbatana com círculo de outra cor |
Noto Marine Center, Marine Center, Center |
notochord |
notocorde |
notocorda |
notochord length, length |
NL |
longueur du notocorde |
nuchal thorn |
nuclear family |
nuclear fission, fission |
nuclear organizing region, organizing region, region |
régions porteuses des organisateurs nucléolaires |
região nuclear |
numericlature |
nuptial tubercle |
Nurse sharks, sharks |
requins-nourrices |
Ginglimostomatídeos |
nursery |
Nurseryfishes |
Kurtídeos |
nutrient upwelling, upwelling |
upwelling |
upwelling de nutrientes |
nutrients |
nutrititional gill disease |
nycthemeral |
Oarfishes |
régalecs |
Regalecídeos |
Object Oriented, Oriented |
OO |
orienté objet |
Raciocínio Objectivo |
obligate lecithotrophic live bearer, lecithotrophic live bearer, live bearer |
obligatory |
observer |
Occam's razor |
Occidental College, California, Occidental College |
OC |
Occidental College, Californie |
Colégio Ocidental, Califórnia |
occipital centrum, centrum |
occipital region, region |
oceanic benthic ecosystems, ecosystems |
écosystèmes benthiques du large |
ecossistemas bênticos oceânicos |
oceanodromous |
thalassodrome |
Oceanádromo |
oceanographic survey, survey |
campagne océanographique |
pesquisa oceanográfica |
oceanography |
océanographie |
oceanografia |
octopus |
pieuvre |
polvo |
ocular |
oculaire |
ocular |
odd-year run |
offal |
viscères |
vísceras |
offshore |
au large |
mar aberto |
offshore fishery |
offshore plain, plain |
plateforme continental |
planície batial |
offshore waters, waters |
haute mer |
mar aberto |
off-site |
en-dehors du site |
espécie exótica |
Ohio State University Museum of Zoology, Ohio State University Museum of Zoology |
Ohio State University Museum of Zoology |
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Ohio |
Okinawa Regional Research Center, Regional Research Center, Research Center |
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, UOMZ |
Oklahoma Museum of Natural History |
Museu de História Natural de Ocklahoma |
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Oklahoma State University at Stillwater |
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater |
Universidade de Ocklahoma, Stillwater |
Old Dominion University, Virginia, Old Dominion University |
Old Dominion University, Virginia |
Universidade do Antigo Domínio, Virginia |
olfactory |
olfactif |
olfactório |
olfactory bulb |
olfactory organ |
olfactory pit, pit |
oligothermic |
oligothermique |
oligotrophic |
oligotrophique |
oligotrófico |
Oman moray, moray |
Oman Natural History Museum, Muscat, Natural History Museum, History Museum |
Oman Natural History Museum, Muscat |
Museu de História Natural de Omã, Muscat |
omnivore |
omnivore |
omnívoro |
ongrowing |
onomatography |
onshore waters, waters |
eaux côtières |
águas neríticas |
on-site |
sur site |
on-site |
ontogenetic characters, characters |
caractères ontogénétiques |
oo |
oo |
comprimento infinito |
open access fishery, access fishery, fishery |
pêcherie non règlementée |
pescaria sem limite de captura |
open access resource |
operating system, system |
OS |
système d'exploitation |
sistema operativo |
opercle |
opercule |
opérculo |
opercular |
operculaire |
opercular |
opercular canal |
opercular opening |
opercular pumping |
operculum |
opercule |
operculum |
opisthonephros |
opisthonephrus |
opisthure |
opportunistic feeding, feeding |
alimentation opportuniste |
alimentação oportunística |
opportunity cost |
optic nerve foramen, nerve foramen, foramen |
optic primordium, primordium |
Optical Character Recognition, Character Recognition, Recognition |
reconnaissance optique des caractères |
O.C.R. |
oral |
oral |
oral |
oral brooder |
oral cavity, cavity |
cavité orale |
oral disc |
oral disk |
oral fimbriae |
oral gestation |
oral incubation, incubation |
oral plate, plate |
oral valve, valve |
orange meat |
orbicular |
orbicular stage |
Orbicular velvetfishes, velvetfishes |
Caracantídeos |
orbit |
orbite |
órbita |
orbital |
orbitaire |
orbital |
orbital bones, bones |
orbital diameter, diameter |
orbital region, region |
Ordivician |
Oreos |
oréos |
Oreossomatídeos |
oreosoma |
organic |
organique |
organism |
organisme |
organismo |
organogenesis |
organogenèse |
organoleptic |
organoleptique |
Oriental |
oriental cure, cure |
origin |
origine |
origem |
original description, description |
description originale |
descrição original |
original designation, designation |
désignation originale |
designação original |
original publication, publication |
publication originale |
publicação original |
orobranchial chamber |
oronasal curtain, curtain |
membrane oronasale |
cortina oronasal |
oronasal groove, groove |
sillon oronasal |
depressão oronasal |
ortho- |
orthographic variants |
orthography |
osmoregulation |
osmorégulation |
osmoregulação |
ostariophysan |
ostariophysaire |
ostariofísico |
Ostariophysi |
ostariophysaires |
Ostariofísicos |
osteocranium |
osteoderm |
ostraciform |
ostracin |
ostracitoxin |
ostracods |
ostracodes |
ostrácodos |
otic region |
otter |
otter board |
otter trawl |
outgroup |
extra-groupe |
outlier male |
output controls, controls |
contrôles de la production |
controles por output |
ovarian tunic |
tunique ovarienne |
ovary |
ovaire |
ovários |
over stock |
over-feeding |
overfished |
overfishing |
surexploitation |
sobrepesca |
overlapping dentition, dentition |
overturn |
oviparity |
oviparité |
oviparous |
ovipare |
ovíparo |
ovipositor |
ovoviviparity |
ovoviviparité |
ovoviviparous |
ovovivipare |
ovovivíparos |
oxycercal |
oxyluciferin |
Pacific Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Ocean Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography |
paedomorphic |
pédomorphe |
paedomorphosis |
Painted grunt, grunt |
pair spawning, spawning |
ponte en paire |
pair trawling |
paired fin |
paired fin ray counts, fin ray counts, ray counts |
dénombrement des rayons des nageoires paires |
paired fins, fins |
nageoires paires |
barbatanas pares |
Paistinmarinoitu silli, silli |
Palaearctic |
Paléarctique |
palaeohistory |
paléohistoire |
paleohistória |
palatal organ, organ |
palatoquadrate |
pale cure, cure |
pale or white patches on the skin, or white patches on the skin, white patches on the skin |
pale smoked red |
Palearctic |
Paléarctique |
Palenose moray, moray |
palistrophy |
palpebral aperture, aperture |
palustrine |
pancreas |
papillate |
papillaire |
papilado |
paracaudal organ |
parahypural |
Parakysid catfishes, catfishes |
Paraquisídeos |
paralectotype |
paralectotype |
paralectótipo |
parallel evolution |
parallel swimming, swimming |
parallelism |
parameter |
paramètre |
parâmetro |
parapatric speciation, speciation |
paraphyly |
parapohyses |
parasite |
parasite |
parasita |
parasitic |
parasite |
parasítico |
parasitic male |
Parasitism |
parasphenoid |
parataxonomists |
parataxinomistes |
parataxonomistas |
paratype |
paratype |
paratipo |
Parazen |
parazénidés |
Parazenídeos |
parental behaviour |
parental biomass |
parental care, care |
soin parental |
parental family |
parietal |
pariétal |
parietal fossa, fossa |
parr |
parr mark, mark |
Parrotfishes |
poissons-perroquets |
Scarídeos |
parsimony |
parthenogenesis |
parthénogénèse |
partenogénese |
partial spawner, spawner |
particulate feeding |
parts per million, per million, million |
ppm |
parties par million |
parts per thousand, per thousand, thousand |
ppt |
parties par milliers |
parturition |
parturition |
Passive Integrated Transponder tags |
passport data, data |
données de collecte |
etiqueta de amostra |
Pasta fermentada de anchoas, fermentada de anchoas, de anchoas |
pasteurised |
pasteurized fish, fish |
patch reefs, reefs |
patates récifales |
recifes |
patriarch/matriarch family |
patriarchal family |
patrolling |
patronym |
patronymic |
patronymique |
patronímico |
Pearl essence, essence |
pearl organ, organ |
Pearl perches, perches |
Glaucossomatídeos |
pearl thorn, thorn |
espinho em forma de pérola |
Pearleyes |
scopélarchidés |
Scopelarquídeos |
Pearlfishes |
aurins |
Carapídeos |
pectoral |
pectoral |
peitoral |
pectoral bite, bite |
pectoral bud, bud |
pectoral fin |
pectoral fin undulations, fin undulations, undulations |
pectoral fins, fin |
nageoires pectorales |
barbatanas peitorais |
pectoral girdle, girdle |
ceinture scapulaire |
cintura braquial |
pectoral-pelvic interspace, interspace |
distance pectorales-pelviennes |
espaço braquipélvico |
pelagic spawner, spawner |
pelvic fins, fin |
nageoires pelviennes |
barbatanas pélvicas |
pelvic girdle, girdle |
ceinture pelvienne |
cintura pélvica |
pelvic terminus, terminus |
terminus pelvien |
terminus pélvico |
pelvic-anal interspace, interspace |
distance pelviennes-anale |
espaço pélvico-anal |
pen culture |
Pencil or parasitic catfishes, or parasitic catfishes, parasitic catfishes |
trichomyctéridés |
Tricomicterídeos |
pendulum feeder |
Pennsylvania State University Fish Museum, Pennsylvania State University Fish Museum |
Museu Ictiológico da Universidade da Pensilvânia |
peppered |
perched lagoon, lagoon |
lagoa |
Perches |
perches |
Percídeos |
percoid |
percoïde |
percóide |
perennial |
perennial astatic |
astatique pérenne |
perforate |
performance indicators |
peri- |
perianal |
periblast |
pericardium |
perimeter reef area, reef area, area |
récif circulaire |
perímetro da área do recife |
perinasal |
périnasal |
perinasal |
peripheral |
peripheral distribution, distribution |
répartition périphérique |
distribuição periférica |
peripheral division, division |
groupe périphérique |
divisão periférica |
periphyton |
périphyton |
perifíton |
peritoneal cavity |
cavité péritonéale |
peritoneal membrane |
peritoneum |
péritoine |
peritoneu |
peritroct |
perivitelline |
périvitellin |
perivitelina |
perivitelline space, space |
permian |
permien |
pérmico |
persistence |
personal communication |
pers. comm |
Personal Computer, Computer |
PC |
ordinateur individuel |
Computador Pessoal |
Petersen tag |
pharyngeal |
pharyngien |
faríngico |
pharyngeal teeth, teeth |
dents pharyngiennes |
dentes faríngicos |
pharyngeal teeth counts, teeth counts, counts |
dénombrement des dents pharyngiennes |
pharyngeal tooth count |
pharynx |
pharynx |
faringe |
pheromone |
philopatry |
philopatrie |
photoperiod |
photopériode |
fotoperíodo |
photophore |
photophore |
fotóforo |
phreatic |
phréatique |
phylogeography |
pickle cured fish, cured fish, fish |
Pickled herring, herring |
Pike congers, congers |
murénésoces |
Muraenosocídeos |
Pike-characids |
Ctenolucídeos |
Pikes |
brochets |
Esocídeos |
pin bones, bones |
arêtes intermusculaires |
espinhas |
pineal foramen, foramen |
pineal organ, organ |
Pinecone fishes, fishes |
poissons-ananas |
Monocentrídeos |
Pipefishes and seahorses, and seahorses, seahorses |
hippocampes |
Singnatídeos |
Pirate perches, perches |
Afredoderídeos |
piscary |
piscator |
piscatorial |
piscatory |
pisciculture |
pisciculturist |
pisciform |
piscivore |
piscivore |
piscivorous |
piscivore |
pivot and roll, and roll, roll |
placental viviparity, viviparity |
viviparité placentaire |
plain |
uniforme |
unicolor |
plankter |
planktivore |
planktivorous |
planctonophage |
planctonívoro |
planktonivorous |
Pla-Ra |
plenary power, power |
pouvoir plénier |
plesiomorphy |
pleurostyle |
plica |
pli |
prega |
plicate |
replié |
plissado |
Plownose chimaeras, chimaeras |
mascas-laboureurs |
Calorinquídeos |
Plunderfishes |
Harpagiferídeos |
pluricuspid |
pluriserial |
Poachers |
souris-de-mer |
Agonídeos |
poikilotherm |
Polar Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Research Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography, Institute for Sea Fisheries and Oceanography |
polarisation |
polarisation |
polarity |
polarité |
polder |
polder |
pole & line, & line, line |
canne à pêche |
salto e vara |
policy failure |
polyandry |
polyandrie |
polyculture |
polyculture |
policultura |
polymorphic |
polymorphique |
polymorphic loci, loci |
polymorphe |
polymorphism |
polymorphisme |
polimorfismo |
polyunsaturated fatty acids |
Pomfrets |
castagnoles |
Bramídeos |
pond culture |
Poor John, john |
population structuring, structuring |
structure des populations |
estrutura de uma população |
Porcupinefishes |
poissons porc-épics |
Diodontídeos |
pore |
pore |
poro |
pored scale |
Porgies |
dorades |
Sparídeos |
porpoises |
marsouins |
toninha |
port |
Port Jackson sharks, horn, or Port Jackson sharks, or Port Jackson sharks |
requins de Port Jackson |
Heterodontídeos |
position precedence, precedence |
primauté de position |
precedência |
postanal membrane, membrane |
postanal myomeres, myomeres |
postcleithrum |
postdorsal length, length |
postdorsal ridge, ridge |
carène postdorsale |
crista pós-dorsal |
posterior |
postérieur |
posterior |
posterolateral |
postérolatéral |
posterolateral |
postflexion larva, larva |
postlarva |
postlarvae |
post-larve |
pós-larva |
postocular |
post-oculaire |
pós-ocular |
postocular eyelid muscles, eyelid muscles, muscles |
postorbital |
post-orbitaire |
pós-orbital |
postovulatory follicles (POF), follicles (POH), (POH) |
posttemporal |
potamodromous |
potamodrome |
Potádromo |
potting |
casiers |
côvo |
practical salinity unit |
Prahoc |
pre |
pré- |
pré |
pre pelvic-fin length, pelvic-fin length, length |
preanal fin, fin |
preanal length, length |
preanal membrane, membrane |
preanal myomeres, myomeres |
preanal ridge, ridge |
precaudal pit, pit |
fosse précaudale |
chanfro pré-caudal |
precaudal ray, ray |
precaudal vertebrae, vertebrae |
vertèbre précaudale |
vértebras pré-caudais |
precautionary principle, principle |
principe de conservation |
precedence |
antériorité |
precedência |
precision |
precocial |
précoce |
precoce |
precocious |
precoupling |
predator |
prédateur |
predador |
predatory |
prediction |
predorsal |
prédorsale |
prédorsal |
pre-dorsal fin length, fin length, length |
Predorsal length, length |
predorsal myomeres, myomeres |
predorsal ridge, ridge |
predorsal scales, scales |
preferred mate polygamy, mate polygamy, polygamy |
preflexion |
preflexion larva, larva |
pre-gas bladder length, bladder length, length |
prehensile |
préhensile |
preênsil |
prejuvenile |
préjuvénile |
premaxilla |
prémaxillaire |
prémaxila |
premaxillary |
prémaxillaire |
prémaxilar |
premaxillary frenum, frenum |
prenasal |
preocular |
preopercle |
préopercule |
preopérculo |
preoperculo-mandibular canal, canal |
canal préoperculo-mandibulaire |
canal preopérculomandibular |
preoperculum, bone |
préopercule |
preopérculo |
pre-oral |
pré-oral |
pré-oral |
pre-oral cleft, cleft |
appendices pré-oraux |
clave pré-oral |
preorbital |
pré-orbitaire |
préorbital |
preorbital canals, canals |
preorbital processes, processes |
Preparatory Office of the National Marine Science Museum, Office of the National Marine Science Museum, of the National Marine Science Museum |
Preparatory Office of the National Marine Science Museum |
Prepelvic length |
preprint |
prétirage |
separata |
Press cake, cake |
preterminal |
prevailing usage |
priapium |
prickle |
Pricklebacks |
stichées |
Sticaídeos |
Pricklefishes |
Stefanobericídeos |
priest |
primary division, division |
groupe primaire |
primeira divisão |
primary female, female |
primary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes |
poissons d'eau douce primaires |
peixes dulceaquícolas primários |
primary homonym, homonym |
homonyme primaire |
homónimo primário |
primary male, female |
primary phase |
primary production, production |
production primaire |
produção primária |
primary productivity, productivity |
productivité primaire |
productividade primária |
primitive character |
primordium |
principal caudal rays, caudal rays, rays |
principaux rayons de la caudale |
raios caudais principais |
principal caudal-fin rays, caudal-fin rays, rays |
principle of binominal nomenclature, of binominal nomenclature, binominal nomenclature |
principe de la nomenclature binominale |
princípio da nomenclatura binomial |
principle of coordination, of coordination, coordination |
principe de coordination |
princípio da coordenação |
principle of homonymy, of homonymy, homonymy |
principe d'homonymie |
princípio da homonímia |
principle of name-bearing types, of name-bearing types, name-bearing types |
principe des types porte-nom |
princípio dos nomes tipo |
principle of priority, of priority, priority |
principe de priorité |
pricípio da prioridade |
principle of the first reviser, of the first reviser, the first reviser |
principe du premier réviseur |
princípio do primeiro revisor |
printer's error, error |
erreur d'impression |
erro de impressão |
priority |
priorité |
prioridade |
pristane |
pristine |
Pristiophoroid |
Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland |
collection privée de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suisse |
Coleção Privada de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suiça |
Probability distribution, distribution |
proboscis |
proboscis |
proboscis |
process |
processus |
processo |
process model, model |
modèle de traitement |
modelo processual |
processing |
procumbent |
procombant |
deitado |
procurrent |
procurrent rays, rays |
produced |
prolongé |
projectado |
production pond, pond |
productivity |
productivité |
profile |
projecting |
projetant |
projectando |
projection |
projection |
projecção |
prokaryotic |
procaryote |
procariótico |
prolarva |
promiscuity |
promiscuité |
promontory |
pronephros |
property rights, rights |
prophylaxis |
prophylaxie |
profilaxia |
proposal |
proposition |
proposta |
propterygium |
proscapula |
prosencephalon |
prospecting |
protandrous |
protandre |
protândrico |
protandry |
protandrie |
protândria |
protected area, area |
PA |
zone protégée |
área protegida |
Proteobacteria |
proterocercal |
proterogynous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite |
Protestant |
protogynous |
protogyne |
protogínico |
protogyny |
protogynie |
protogenia |
prototyping |
prototypage |
protótipo |
protozoans |
protozoaires |
protozoários |
protractile |
protractile |
protáctil |
protruberance |
protubérance |
protuberância |
protrusible |
protrusif |
proctáctil |
protrusile |
protractile |
projectável |
protrusion of the eye, of the eye, the eye |
Provenssilainen kalakeitto, kalakeitto |
province |
province |
província |
provisions |
règlement |
regras |
prowfish |
zaproridé |
Zaprorídeos |
Prowfishes |
Pataecídeos |
proximal |
proximal |
proximal |
proximate analysis, analysis |
analyse de la composition |
análise tecidual |
Psettodids |
turbots |
Psettodidídeos |
pseudobranchiae |
pseudobranchie |
pseudobrânquias |
pseudopera |
psychrophilic |
psychrophilique |
pterotic horn or process, horn or process, or process |
pterygiophores |
ptérygiophores |
pterigióforos |
pterygoid bone, bone |
os ptérygoïde |
pterygoids |
ptérygoïdes |
pterigóides |
published work, work |
travail publié |
trabalho publicado |
Puerto Rico fish, rico fish, fish |
puerulus |
puerulus |
puerulus |
puffer poisoning |
Puffers |
compères |
Tetraodontídeos |
pulp cavity |
cavité pulpaire |
punchcard |
punctuated equilibrium |
pupillary opercula |
purl |
purse seine, seine |
senne coulissante |
boliche; red de cerco |
tarrafa |
pursuing predator |
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta, dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta |
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Oseanologi, Jakarta |
put-and-take fishery |
pyloric caeca, caeca |
pyloric caecum |
pyloric sphincter |
pylorus |
pyriform |
quadradiate |
muni de quatre bras |
quadrirradiado |
quadrangular |
quadrangulaire |
quadrangular |
quadrat |
quadrate |
quadri- |
quadricuspid |
quarantine pond |
Quaternary |
quaternaire |
Quaternário |
Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Museum |
QM |
Queensland Museum, Brisbane |
Museu Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4006, Australia. |
querimana stage, stage |
stade 'querimana' |
query |
requête |
query |
r |
r |
r |
r |
Rabbitfishes |
cordonniers |
Siganídeos |
race |
Racehorses or pigfishes, or pigfishes, pigfishes |
caciques |
Congiopodídeos |
raceway |
bassin d'élevage |
tanque |
rack |
Rackling |
radial |
radial formula |
radiation |
radiograph |
radiometric ageing technique, ageing technique, technique |
technique de détermination d'âge par radiométrie |
idade radiométrica |
radius |
Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, Museum of Biodiversity Research, of Biodiversity Research |
raft fishing |
raft trap |
Ragfishes |
torchon |
rains of fishes |
raising |
ram ventilation |
ramification |
ramifying |
ramp-marine bench, bench |
rampe ou slip |
banco |
ramus |
ranching |
rancidity |
Random Access Memory, Access Memory, Memory |
mémoire vive |
memória RAM |
random distribution |
rapacious |
rare |
rarity |
rareté |
Rassenkreis |
raster graphics, graphics |
images en mode points |
imagem computorizada |
rastrate |
rate of fishing |
F |
rate of natural increase |
ration |
ravine pond |
ray |
rayon |
raio |
rearing |
rearing habitat |
rearing pond |
rebound potential, potential |
recent |
reciprocal translocation, translocation |
translocation réciproque |
translocação recíproca |
recombinant DNA technology, DNA technology, technology |
méthode par ADN recombinant |
DNA recombinante |
record |
enregistrement |
registo |
recreational fishery |
Recrudescence |
recruitment |
recrutement |
recrutamento |
recruitment curve, curve |
recruitment overfishing, overfishing |
surexploitation du recrutement |
sobrepesca |
recruits |
recruit-to-spawner ratio |
rectal gland |
rectilinear |
recto |
recurved |
recourbé |
recurvado |
Red algae, algae |
red and protruding anus, and protruding anus, protruding anus |
Red caviar, caviar |
Red Data Book |
red fin base, fin base, base |
Red herring, herring |
red patches on the skin, patches on the skin, on the skin |
Red Sea |
red tide |
Red velvetfishes, velvetfish |
redd |
redescription |
redfish oil |
Redmouth whalefishes, whalefishes |
poissons-baleines |
Rondeletídeos |
reduced |
reef |
récif |
recife |
reef area, area |
zone de récifs |
área de recife |
reef edge scarp, edge scarp, scarp |
escarpement du bord récifal |
escarpa de recife |
reef hole, hole |
fosse récifale |
buraco no recife |
reef islet, islet |
îlot récifal |
pequena ilha do recife |
reef limestone platform, limestone platform, platform |
plateforme calcaire récifale |
sedimento recifal |
reef net |
reef top, top |
sommet récifal |
topo do recife |
reef top openings, top openings, openings |
passes |
abertura no topo do recife |
reef-associated |
associé aux récifs coralliens |
associado ao recife |
reference |
reference level |
reference point |
referral |
reflection of sound, of sound, sound |
réflexion du son |
reflexão do som |
reflexed |
recourbé |
reflectido |
refuge |
refugium |
Refuse fish, fish |
regime shift |
regulative capacity |
capacité régulative |
rehabilitation |
réhabilitation |
reabilitação |
reinstate |
rétablir |
reinstalado |
reintroduced |
réintroduit |
Reintroduzido |
reintroduction |
reject |
rejeter |
rejeitado |
rejected name, name |
nom rejeté |
nome rejeitado |
rejected work, work |
travail rejeté |
trabalho rejeitado |
relational database, database |
base de données relationnelle |
base de dados relacional |
Relational Database Management System, Database Management System, Management System |
système de gestion de base de données relationnelle |
Sistema de Gestão de Bases de Dados Relacionais |
relationship |
relation |
relação |
relative abundance, abundance |
relative conversion rate, conversion rate, rate |
relative fecundity, fecundity |
fécondité relative |
fecundidade relativa |
release |
releaser |
releasing stimulus |
relict |
relief |
relief |
relevo |
remnant fecundity, fecundity |
fecondité restante |
Remoras |
rémoras |
Equeneídeos |
reniform |
Rensei-hin |
rent |
Repack quality herring, quality herring, herring |
replacement name, name |
nom de remplacement |
nome de substituição |
replacement series, series |
replacement yield, yield |
representativeness |
representativité |
reprint |
tiré-à-part |
separata |
separata |
reproducing |
reproduction |
reproduction |
reprodução |
reproduction curve |
reproductive guild, guild |
groupe de même éthologie reproductive |
guilda reprodutora |
reproductive isolation |
reproductive load, load |
charge reproductive |
índice do comprimento médio Àreprodução |
reproductive potential |
Reptila |
reptile |
reptile |
réptil |
Requiem sharks, sharks |
requins-tigres |
Carcarrinídeos |
requin |
shark |
tiburón |
tubaraõ |
reservoir |
réservoir |
reservatório |
resident |
residual fecundity, fecundity |
fecondité résiduelle |
resilience |
resolution |
resorption of ova, of ova, ova |
résorption d'ovules |
reabsorção dos óvulos |
resource partitioning |
respiration |
respiration |
respiração |
respiratory |
respiratoire |
respiratório |
response to selection, to selection, selection |
(R) |
réponse à la sélection |
resposta Àselecção |
resting on the bottom, on the bottom, the bottom |
restocking |
réempoissonnement |
repovoamento |
restoration |
restauration |
restauração |
Retailles |
rete mirabile |
retention |
retention curve |
reticulate |
réticulé |
reticulado |
reticulated |
réticulé |
reticulado |
reticulation |
reticulations |
réticulations |
reticulacões |
retina |
retinal pigment layer |
retro- |
retrograde |
retroperitoneal space |
retrorse |
retrorse |
retrorso |
reverberation |
réverbération |
reverberação |
reversal |
reversibility |
reversibilité |
Reynold's number |
rheo- |
rheokinesis |
rheophile |
rhéophile |
rheophilic |
rhéophilique |
rheophilous |
rheophobus |
rheoreceptor |
rheotaxis |
rhéotaxie |
rhipidion |
rhipidocercal |
rhithron |
rhizobenthos |
Rhizopoda |
Rhodophyta |
rhombencephalon |
rhomboid |
rhomboide |
rombóide |
rhomboidal |
rhombomere |
rhyacium |
rhyacophilous |
rhynchichthys |
rib |
Ribbonfishes |
poissons-rubans |
Traquipterídeos |
Ricefishes |
Adrianictídeos |
richness |
richesse |
rictus |
ridge |
crête |
crista |
riffle |
rift |
Rigg |
right bank, bank |
Righteye flounders, flounders |
plies |
Pleuronectídeos |
rill |
ring net, net |
ring trawl, trawl |
ring valve, valve |
rings |
Rio de La Plata |
riparian |
ripicole |
ripárico |
ripe fish, fish |
poisson mature |
fêmea ovada |
ripening |
rise |
risk |
rival |
river |
river basin, basin |
River stingrays, stingrays |
pastenagues d'eau douce |
Potamotrigonídeos |
riverain |
riverine |
fluviatile |
dulceaquícola |
riving |
rivulated |
rivulet |
Rivulines |
Aploqueilídeos |
Roanoke College, Virginia, Roanoke College |
RC |
Roanoke College, Virginia |
Colégio Roanoke, Salem, VA 24153-3794 |
robust |
robustness |
rocker bone, bone |
rock-hopper trawl, trawl |
'rocking' or 'shimmies', or 'shimmies', 'shimmies' |
rod |
Rode kaviaar, kaviaar |
roe |
roe-off |
enlever la rogue |
abertos |
Røkt hyse, hyse |
roll line, line |
Rolled fish, fish |
Rollmops |
Rolmops |
Ronquils |
ronquilles |
Batimasterídeos |
Roosterfishes |
plumère |
root |
root coating, coating |
root effect, effect |
root lobe, lobe |
rooting |
rootwad |
rosary ponds, ponds |
roseate |
rosette |
rostral |
rostral cartilage, cartilage |
cartilage rostral |
cartilagem rostral |
rostral fold, fold |
rostral keel, keel |
rostral node, node |
rostral spine, spine |
épine rostrale |
espinho rostral |
rostral teeth, teeth |
dent rostrale |
dentes rostrais |
rostromandibular muscle, muscle |
rostronuchal muscles, muscles |
rostrum |
rostre |
rostro |
rotational fishery, fishery |
rotenone |
Roter Kaviar, Kaviar |
Rotskjaer |
Rouelles |
rough fish, fish |
Round fish, fish |
Round rays, rays |
urolophis |
Urolofídeos |
round weight, weight |
rounded |
arrondi |
redonda |
rounder |
Roundheads |
Plesiopídeos |
Roused fish, fish |
routine metabolism, metabolism |
métabolisme basal |
metabolismo basal |
Rovers |
Emelictídeos |
row |
Royal British Columbia Museum, British Columbia, Royal British Columbia Museum |
Royal British Columbia Museum, British Columbia |
Museu Real Da Columbia Britânica, Victoria |
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario Museum, Museum |
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto |
Museu Real de Ontário, Toronto, Ontário, Canadáa |
r-selected species, species |
r-selection |
rubric |
rubrique |
rudiment |
rudiment |
rudimentar |
rudimentary |
rudimentary ray, ray |
rugae |
rugose |
rugueux |
rugoso |
run |
montaison |
migração |
runnel |
runner |
running ripe, ripe |
runoff |
Russische Sardinen, Sardinen |
rusting |
Rysk kaviar, kaviar |
Saba hiraki boshi, hiraki boshi, boshi |
Sabertooth fishes, fishes |
Evermanelídeos |
Sablefishes |
charbonnières communes |
Anoplomatídeos |
sac fry, fry |
sagittal crest, crest |
sagittiform |
sailing trawl, trawl |
sailor's purse, purse |
Salamanderfishes |
Lepidogalaxiídeos |
Salmonids |
saumons et truites |
Salmonídeos |
salt burn, burn |
salt cured, cured |
Salt cured fish, cured fish, fish |
salt round fish, round fish, fish |
saltatory |
saltatrix swimming, swimming |
saltwater |
eau salée |
água salgada |
San Diego State University Fish Collection, California, San Diego State University |
San Diego State University Fish Collection, California |
Colecção Ictiológica da Universidade de San Diego, San Diego, Califórnia |
San Francisco State University Vertebrate Museum, California, San Francisco State University Vertebrate Museum |
San Francisco State University Vertebrate Museum, California |
Museu dos Vertebrados da Universidade de São Francisco, Califórnia |
San Jose State University, California, San Jose State University |
San Jose State University, California |
Universidade de São José, Califórnia |
sanctuary |
sand |
sable |
areia |
sand beach, beach |
plage de sable |
praia |
Sand stargazers, stargazers |
Dactiloscopídeos |
Sand tigers, tigers |
requins-taureaux |
Odontaspídeos |
Sandburrowers |
Creediídeos |
Sanddivers |
Triconotídeos |
Sandfishes |
toroumoques |
Tricodontídeos |
Sandfishes or sand gobies, or sand gobies, sand gobies |
bourgettes |
Krameriídeos |
Sandperches |
serrans de sable |
Pinguipedídeos |
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory |
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center |
Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey |
sanguinivorous |
saprophagy |
sarcophagy |
Sardellenpaste |
Sardines |
sardines |
Clupeídeos |
sargassum |
sargasses |
sargasso |
Sauerlappen |
Saurer Hering, Hering |
Sauries |
demi-becs |
Scomberesocídeos |
Savustettu rasvasilli, rasvasilli |
Saw sharks, sharks |
requins-scies |
Pristioforídeos |
Sawfishes |
poissons-scies |
Pristídeos |
Sawtooth eels, eels |
serrivomers |
Serrivomerídeos |
scale count above and below the lateral line, count above and below the lateral line, above and below the lateral line |
nombres d'écailles au-dessus ou au-dessous de la ligne latérale |
scale counts, counts |
nombres d'écailles |
scale formula, formula |
scale reading, reading |
Scaleless black dragonfishes, black dragonfishes, dragonfishes |
mélanostomiidés |
Melanostomídeos |
scales above and below lateral line, tooth |
Scaly dragonfishes, dragonfishes |
stomiidés |
Stomiídeos |
scapular |
scapulaire |
escapular |
scapular area, area |
scapulo-coracoid |
scare line, line |
scarified |
scarp |
scavenger |
Schaefer model, model |
Schillerlocken |
school |
banc |
cardume |
School of Oceanography, of Oceanography, Oceanography |
schooling |
formation de bancs |
cardume |
Schreckstoff |
scientific cruise, cruise |
sclera |
scleral cartilage, cartilage |
sclerite |
scleroblast |
sclerotic bones, bones |
scombrotoxic fishes, fishes |
scombrotoxin |
scombrotoxism |
Scoophead sharks, scoophead sharks, sharks |
requins-marteaux |
Esfirnídeos |
scooping gear, gear |
Scorpionfishes or rockfishes, or rockfishes, rockfishes |
rascasses |
Escorpaenídeos |
Scotch cured herring, cured herring, herring |
scraper |
scraping |
Screwed fish, fish |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, of Oceanography, La Jolla |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla |
Instituição Oceanográfica Scripps, La Jolla, |
scrod |
scroll valve, valve |
sculptured |
Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets, basses: groupers and fairy basslets, groupers and fairy basslets |
serrans et mérous |
Serranídeos |
Sea catfishes, catfishes |
mâchoirons |
Ariídeos |
sea channel, channel |
vallée sous-marine |
canal marinho |
Sea chubs, chubs |
calicagères |
Kifosídeos |
sea farming, farming |
sea floor, floor |
fond de la mer |
fundo marinho |
Sea of Marmara |
sea ranching, ranching |
sea run, run |
sea serpent, serpent |
Sea toads, toads |
crapauds de mer |
Caunacídeos |
sea water, water |
Seadevils |
poissons-pêcheurs |
Ceratiídeos |
Seamoths |
dragons de mer |
Pegasídeos |
seamount |
mont sous-marin |
monte marinho |
seamount chain, chain |
chaîne de monts sous-marins |
cordilheira marinha |
seamount group, group |
groupe de monts sous-marins |
montes marinhos |
seamount range, range |
chaîne de montagnes sous-marines |
série de montes marinhos |
Searobins |
grondins |
Triglídeos |
seasonal astatic |
astatique saisonnier |
seasonal closure, closure |
secondary division, division |
catégorie secondaire |
divisão secundária |
secondary female, female |
secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes |
poissons d'eau douce secondaires |
eurihalinos |
secondary gonochorism, gonochorism |
secondary homonym, homonym |
homonyme secondaire |
homónimo secundário |
secondary male, male |
secondary production, production |
secondary scale, scale |
secondary scales, scales |
secretory |
sécréteur |
secretor |
secular |
sediment shoreline, shoreline |
littoral sédimentaire |
costa sedimentar |
segmented ray, ray |
rayon segmenté |
raios segmentados |
seine |
senne |
rede de arrasto |
seine rope, rope |
cordage de senne danoise |
selective breeding, breeding |
selective fishery, fishery |
self-feeder |
semelparity |
semelparité |
semelparous |
semicircular ear canal, ear canal, canal |
Semi-dry |
semi-intensive culture, culture |
Semi-preserves |
senescent fishery, fishery |
senescent period, period |
senior homonym, homonym |
homonyme primaire |
homónimo sénior |
senior synonym, synonym |
synonyme plus ancien |
sinónimo sénior |
sensory |
sensoriel |
sensorial |
sensory canal, canal |
canal sensoriel |
canal sensorial |
sensu stricto, stricto |
sens. str. |
separate |
tiré-à-la-suite |
separata |
separating |
separation from the group, from the group, the group |
separatum |
sequential hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite |
hermaphrodite séquentiel |
hermafrodita sequencial |
serial spawning, spawning |
pontes successives |
desova plurianual |
series |
serology |
serous membrane, membrane |
serrae |
serrate |
dentelé |
serrado |
serration |
dentelure |
serrada |
server |
serveur |
Servidor |
set net, net |
filet fixe |
rêde de emalhar |
setiform |
sétiforme |
setiforme |
Seto Naikai or Inland Sea |
Sevastopol Experimental Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation, Experimental Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation, Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation |
sex inversion, inversion |
sex ratio, ratio |
sex ratio |
rácio sexual |
sexual behaviour |
sexual dichotomy, dichotomy |
différence sexuelle |
dicotomia sexual |
sexual dichromatism, dichromatism |
dichroïsme sexuel |
dicromatismo sexual |
sexual dimorphism, dimorphism |
dimorphisme sexuel |
dimorfismo sexual |
sexual parasite, parasite |
shagreen |
peau de chagrin |
pele de tubarão |
shallow epipelagic, epipelagic |
épipélagique peu profond |
epipelágico |
shallow lagoon floor, lagoon floor, floor |
fond de lagon peu profond |
fundo lagunar |
shallow pass, pass |
passe peu profonde |
canal recifal |
shamateurs |
prétendus amateurs |
pescadores ilegais |
Shanghai Fisheries University, Fisheries University, University |
Shanghai Fisheries University |
Shanghai Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, Fisheries University, Shanghai, China, University, Shanghai, China |
shared stock, stock |
Shark catfishes, catfishes |
pangases |
Pangassiídeos |
sharks |
requins |
tubarões |
shattered packed, packed |
emballage des filets en couches |
embalados separadamente |
Sheatfishes |
silures |
Silurídeos |
shelf break, break |
rebord du talus continental |
margem da vertente |
shelf waters, waters |
Shellears |
Kneriídeos |
shellfish |
fruits de mer |
marisco |
shelter brooder, brooder |
Shiokara |
shipwreck |
épave |
navio nufragado |
shoals, (of fish), fish) |
bancs |
cardumes |
shore area, area |
zone côtière |
área intermareal |
Shore labrador, labrador |
shore seine, seine |
shore species, species |
shore weir, weir |
Shortnose chimaeras or ratfishes, chimaeras or ratfishes, or ratfishes |
chimères |
Quimerídeos |
Shottsuru |
shoulder |
shoulder girdle, girdle |
shoulder organ, organ |
shouldered |
éviscéré |
rebatimento |
Shredded cod, cod |
sib selection, selection |
sélection de reproducteur |
selecção pelo fenótipo |
Sicklefishes |
Drepanídeos |
side trawler, trawler |
sigmoid heart, heart |
silo culture, culture |
silt flat, flat |
vasière |
vertente de silte |
Silver cured herring, cured herring, herring |
Silversides |
athérines |
Aterinídeos |
simple |
simple |
raios espinhosos |
simple ray, ray |
simultaneous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite |
simultaneous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism |
sine numero, numero |
s. n. |
Singapore Strait |
single oviparity, oviparity |
oviparité simple |
sinistral |
sénestre |
Àesquerda |
siphonophores |
siphonophores |
sifonóforos |
Sisorid catfishes, catfishes |
Sisorídeos |
sister group, group |
groupe-soeur |
size distribution, distribution |
size frequency, frequency |
fréquence de taille |
frequência de comprimento |
size frequency distribution, frequency distribution, distribution |
size-at-age |
taille à un âge donné |
idade-comprimento |
size-at-first-maturity |
taille à première maturité |
Skagerrak |
Skates |
raies |
Rajídeos |
skin brooder, brooder |
skin fold, fold |
repli de peau |
prega de pele |
skirt-shaped |
en forme de volet |
em forma de orla |
Skriggled codfish, codfish |
skull |
crâne |
crânio |
slab rubble, rubble |
Sleepers |
dormeurs |
Eleotrídeos |
Slender shad, shad |
slime pore, pore |
Slimeheads |
hopelites |
Traquictídeos |
slope waters, waters |
Slovak National Museum, Czechoslovakia, National Museum, Czechoslovakia, Museum, Czechoslovakia |
Slovak National Museum, Tchécoslovaquie |
Museu Nacional Eslovaco, departamento de Zoologia, Bratislava |
slumping |
effondrement |
escorregamento |
slunker |
small-scale fishery, fishery |
Smelts |
éperlans |
Osmerídeos |
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama, Smithsonian Tropical Research Inst |
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama |
Instituto de Investigação Tropical Smithsonian, Balboa,Canal Zone |
smoke drying, drying |
smoke flavour, flavour |
Smooth skates, skates |
raies-lisses |
Anacantobatídeos |
Snaggletooths |
astronesthidés |
Astronestídeos |
Snake eels, eels |
serpents-de-mer |
Ofictídeos |
Snake mackerels, mackerels |
escoliers |
Gempilídeos |
Snakeheads |
poissons-serpents |
Cannídeos |
Snappers |
vivaneaux |
Lutjanídeos |
snare |
sneak spawner |
Snipefishes and shrimpfishes, and shrimpfishes, shrimpfishes |
centriscidés |
Centriscídeos |
Snooks |
brochets-de-mer |
Centropomídeos |
snout to vent length, to vent length, vent length |
longueur de corps du museau à l'orifice anal |
Soboro |
soft cured, cured |
soft ray, ray |
rayon mou |
raio mole |
soft release |
soft roe, roe |
soft water |
software |
logiciel |
Software |
Soldierfishes |
poissons-soldats |
Holocentrídeos |
solitary |
solitaire |
solitário |
sonar |
sonar |
sonar |
sonic scattering |
Sopa de arinca, de arinca, arinca |
sore or ulcer, or ulcer, ulcer |
sound channel, channel |
chenal sonore |
canal de som |
sound scattering layer |
sour fish |
soused |
mariné |
marinada |
Soused herring, herring |
Soused pilchards, pilchards |
South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity, Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity |
South African Institute of Aquatic Biodiversity |
South African Museum, Cape Town, African Museum, Museum |
South African Museum, Cape Town |
Museu de à frica do Sul, Cidade do Cabo |
South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Australian Museum, Museum |
South Australian Museum, Adelaide |
Museu Australiano do Sul, North Terrace, Adelaide |
Southeast Fisheries Center, Florida, Southeast Fisheries Center |
Southeast Fisheries Center, Florida |
Centro de Pescas do Sudeste, Miami, Flórida |
Southeastern Louisiana, University Fish Museum, Louisiana, Southeastern Louisiana, University |
Southeastern Louisiana, University Fish Museum, Louisiana |
Museu Ictiológico da Universidade de Luisiana, Hammond, Luisiana |
Southern Africa, Africa |
Afrique du Sud |
Sul da à frica |
Southern Arkansas University, Southern Arkansas University |
Southern Arkansas University |
Universidade do Arkansas do Sul, Departamento de Biologia, Magnolia, Arkansas |
Southern flounders, flounders |
cardeaux de Floride |
Aquiropsetídeos |
Southern sandfishes, sandfishes |
Leptoescopídeos |
spatial and temporal closures, and temporal closures, temporal closures |
fermetures dans le temps et l'espace |
defeso |
spatial closure, closure |
spatial data, data |
données spatiales |
dados geográficos |
spawner-recruit relationship |
spawner-to-spawner ratio |
spawning |
fraie |
postura |
spawning aggregation, aggregation |
agrégation de ponte |
spawning fishery |
spawning frequency, frequency |
fréquence de ponte |
frequência de postura |
spawning ground, ground |
frayère |
área de postura |
spawning migration, migration |
migration de frai |
spawning ropes |
spawning rush, rush |
montée de ponte |
spawning spread |
spawning stock, stock |
population frayeure |
stock reprodutor |
spawning substrate |
species aggregate, aggregate |
species diversity, diversity |
diversité spécifique |
diversidade específica |
species diversity index |
species flock, flock |
groupe d'espèce (flock) |
concentração de espécies |
species inquirenda, inquirenda |
espécie duvidosa |
species richness, richness |
richesse spécifique |
riqueza específica |
species-group name, name |
nom du groupe-espèce |
nome específico |
specific growth rate, growth rate, rate |
taux de croissance spécifique |
taxa de crescimento específico |
speciose |
riche en espèces |
especificamente rico |
spectroscopy |
spectroscopie |
Espectroscopia |
spent fish, fish |
poisson épuisé |
peixe em pós-postura |
sperm |
sperme |
esperma |
sperm competition |
sperm packet |
sperm sac |
sperm sinus |
spermatheca |
spermathèque |
espermateca |
spermatic crypt |
spermation |
spermatogonia, ascent |
spermatophore |
spermatophore |
espermatóforo |
spermatozeugmata |
spermatozoa |
spermozeugma |
sphenopterotic ridge, ridge |
spheroidine |
spice cure |
Spice cured fish, cured fish, fish |
spider web bait |
Spikefishes |
Triacantodídeos |
spinescent gill rakers, gill rakers, rakers |
spiniform |
spinous rays, rays |
Spiny dwarf catfishes, dwarf catfishes, catfishes |
Escoloplacídeos |
Spinyfins |
direttes |
Diretmídeos |
spiracle |
spiracle |
espiráculo |
spiral valve, valve |
valvule spirale |
válvula espiral |
Spirochaetae |
splanchnocranium |
splayed claspers, claspers |
Splendid perches, perches |
Calantiídeos |
splice |
épissure |
Split cure herring, cure herring, herring |
sporadic fishes |
sporadic freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes |
poissons d'eau douce sporadiques |
peixes dulceaquícolas esporádicos |
sport fish, fish |
sport fishing |
spotter plane |
spragg |
spreadsheet |
tableur |
spreadsheet |
spring breakup |
spring hole |
spring overturn |
spring runoff |
spring tide, tides |
marée de vive eau |
maré de águas vivas |
spur |
éperon |
pico |
Squalomorphii |
square brackets, brackets |
crochets |
parênteses rectos |
Squareheads or angler catfishes, or angler catfish, angler catfish |
Squaretails |
tétragonures |
Tetragonurídeos |
Squeakers or upside-down catfishes, or upside-down catfishes, upside-down catfishes |
Mocoquídeos |
squids |
calmars |
lulas e chocos |
Squirrelfishes |
marignans |
Holocentrídeos |
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, für Naturkunde, Stuttgart |
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart |
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany |
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, für Tierkunde, Dresden |
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Dresde |
Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde, Augustusstrasse 2, D-01067 Dresden, Germany |
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Naturhistorisches Museum, Museum |
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Museum, Braunschweig |
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig |
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Pockelsstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany |
stakeholder |
Stale dry fish, dry fish, fish |
standard length, length |
SL |
longueur standard |
comprimento standard |
standard metabolism, metabolism |
métabolisme de base |
metabolismo em repouso |
standing crop, crop |
standing water |
stapedial foramen, foramen |
stapediocarotid foramen, foramen |
starboard |
Stargazers |
uranoscopes |
Uranoescopídeos |
Starry moray, moray |
startling |
static gear |
stationary |
statistical variation, variation |
Statutary Fishing Rights, Fishing Rights, Rights |
steaks |
tranches de poisson |
bifes |
Stegt sild i marinade, sild i marinade, i marinade |
Steinbeißer |
stellate |
étoilé |
estrelado |
stem group |
stenobaric |
sténobarique |
stenothermal |
stern chasers |
stern trawler |
Steurharing |
Sticklebacks and tubesnouts, and tubesnouts, tubesnouts |
épinoches |
Gasteroesteídeos |
Sting rays, rays |
pastenagues |
Dasiatídeos |
stinging spine, spine |
dard |
espinho barbelado |
stochastic forces |
stock recruitment models |
stock recruitment relationship |
stock structure, structure |
Stocker |
stocking |
empoissonnement |
repovoamento |
stocking density |
densité de restockage |
stocking rate, rate |
Stoker |
storage pond |
straddling stock |
straggler |
strai |
straight gut, gut |
strain |
souche |
estirpe |
strait |
Strait of Gibraltar |
Straits fish, fish |
stratification |
stratified sampling, sampling |
échantillonnage stratifié |
amostragem estratificada |
stratoconia |
stratum germinativum |
straying |
streak spawning, spawning |
ponte en bande |
streaked |
streaker |
streaking |
stream |
stream bed |
Stream catfishes, catfishes |
Aquisídeos |
stream oder |
stream weir |
streamflow |
streamlet |
stretched measure |
stretched mesh |
striate |
strié |
estriado |
striated |
régulièrement strié |
estriado |
striated gut, gut |
striated rays, rays |
stridulation |
strip |
stripe |
rayure |
riscas |
stripping |
structural diversity |
diversité structurale |
structured design, design |
conception structurée |
desenho estruturado |
Structured Query Language, Query Language, Language |
langage d'interrogation structurée |
Structured Query Language |
struvite |
Sturgeons |
esturgeons |
Acipenserídeos |
styliform |
sub, (as a prefix), a prefix) |
sub |
sub |
subbottom reflection, reflection |
reflexion sismique |
reflecção do fundo |
subcarinate |
subestuary |
estuaire secondaire |
subgeneric name, name |
nom sous-générique |
nome subgenérico |
subgenus |
sous-genre |
subgénero |
sublittoral |
submarginal |
submarginal |
submarginal |
submarine geomorphology, geomorphology |
géomorphologie sous-marine |
geomorfologia submarina |
submarine valley |
submarine well, well |
puits sous-marine |
fossa submarina |
submerged earthform, earthform |
structure géomorphologique submergée |
submerso |
submergence |
submersible traveling screen |
submetacentric |
sm |
submétacentrique |
submetacêntrico |
submissive behavior, behavior |
subnasal fenestrae, fenestrae |
subocular |
suboculaire |
subocular |
subopercle |
suboperculum |
subopérculo |
suborbicular |
suborbital |
sous-orbitaire |
suborbital |
suborbital depth, depth |
hauteur sous-orbitaire |
altura suborbital |
suborbital shelf, shelf |
suborbital width, width |
subordinate taxon, taxon |
taxon subordonné |
taxon subordinado |
subsistance culture |
subsistence fisheries, fisheries |
subsistence fishery, fishery |
pêcherie de subsistance |
pescaria de subsistência |
substrate |
substrat |
substrato |
subtelocentric |
st |
subtélocentrique |
subtelocêntrico |
subterminal |
subterminal |
subterminal |
subterminal margin, margin |
subterminal mouth, mouth |
subterminal notch, notch |
échancrure subterminale |
mancha subterminal |
subtribe |
sous-tribu |
subtribo |
subtropical |
subtropical |
subtropical |
subtropical convergence, convergence |
convergence subtropicale |
convergência subtropical |
sub-tropical convergence zone, convergence zone, zone |
zone de la convergence subtropicale |
convergência sub-tropical |
subyearling |
successional tolerance |
sucker |
ventouse |
ventosa |
Suckers |
meuniers |
Catoestomídeos |
suctorial |
adhésif |
chupador |
Sugar cured fish, cured fish, fish |
Summer cod-fish, cod-fish |
Summer fish, fish |
summerkill |
Sun-dried fish, fish |
Sunfishes |
perches-soleil |
Centrarquídeos |
super |
super |
super |
superchilling |
superciliary |
superfamily name, name |
nom de superfamille |
nome de superfamília |
superfetation |
superficial ophthalmic nerve foramina, ophthalmic nerve foramina, nerve foramina |
superior |
supérieur |
superior |
superior mouth, mouth |
bouche supère |
boca superior |
superior taxon, taxon |
taxon supérieur |
taxon superior |
supermale |
supernumerary |
surnuméraire |
supranumerário |
superolateral |
supplemental bone, bone |
os supplémentaire |
osso supramaxilar |
suppressed work, work |
travail invalidé |
trabalho suprimido |
supra |
supra |
supra |
supracleithrum |
supracleithrum |
supra-cleitrum |
suprageneric |
supragénérique |
supragenérico |
supramaxilla |
supramaxillaire |
supramaxila |
supraoccipital |
supraoccipital |
supraoccipital |
supraoccipital crest, crest |
supraoccipital process, process |
apophyse supraoccipitale |
processo supraoccipital |
supraocular |
supraoral |
supraorbital |
supraorbitaire |
supraorbital |
supraorbital canal, canal |
canal supraorbitaire |
canal supraorbital |
supraorbital crest, crest |
supra-orbital crests, crests |
crêtes supraorbitaires |
cristas supra-orbitais |
suprapelos |
suprapreopercle |
suprapsammon |
supratemporal canal, canal |
canal supratemporal |
canal supratemporal |
surface feeder |
surface layer |
Surfperches |
ditrèmes |
Embiotocídeos |
Surgeonfishes, tangs, unicornfishes, unicornfishes |
poissons-chirurgiens |
Acanturídeos |
surimi |
surimi |
surimi |
surplus |
surplus production |
surplus production model, production model, model |
modèle de production soutenue |
modelo de produção |
Sursild |
Surume |
suspension feeder |
suspensorium |
suspensory bone |
sustainable use, use |
exploitation durable |
uso sustentado |
suture |
suture |
sutura |
Suutarin lohi, lohi |
Swallowers |
Sacofaringídeos |
Swamp-eels |
synbranchidés |
Simbranquídeos |
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, of Natural History, Stockholm |
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm |
Museu Sueco de História Natural, Estocolmo |
Sweepers |
sec-sec, pempheris |
Penferídeos |
swim bladder, bladder |
vessie gazeuse |
bexiga natatória |
swimmerets |
pléopodes |
pleiópodes |
swim-up fry, fry |
swivel |
émerillon |
swollen belly or ascites, belly or ascites, or ascites |
Swordfishes |
espadons |
symmetrical |
symétrique |
simétrico |
sympatric |
sympatrique |
simpátrico |
symphysial groove, groove |
fosse symphysaire |
depressão da sínfise |
symplesiomorphy |
synapomorphy |
synapomorphie |
sinafomorfia |
synchronous hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite |
synchronous hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism |
synchronous ovary, ovary |
synchronous spawning, spawning |
ponte synchrone |
postura síncrona |
syncranium |
taeniform |
tagging |
marquage |
marcação |
tagging mortality, mortality |
mortalité par marquage |
tagging-recapture |
marquage-recapture |
captura-recaptura |
tail-bud stage, stage |
stade du bourgeon caudal |
tail-free stage, stage |
stade sans queue |
tailrace |
tailwater |
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Research Institute |
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan |
Instituto das Pescas da Formosa, Chilung, Taiwan, China |
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan |
Tangs |
chirurgiens |
Acanturídeos |
tapeworms |
ténias |
céstodes |
tapwater |
eau du robinet |
água da torneira |
Tarama |
target species |
tarn |
Tarpons |
tarpons |
Megalopídeos |
Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, Fisheries Development Authority, Development Authority |
Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority |
taxonomic group, group |
groupe taxonomique |
grupo taxonómico |
taxonomic hierarchy, hierarchy |
hiérarchie taxonomique |
hierarquia taxonómica |
teardrop |
Telescopefishes |
Giganturídeos |
telocentric |
t |
télocentrique |
telocêntrico |
temperate |
tempéré |
temperado |
Temperate basses, basses |
percichtys |
Percictídeos |
Temperate ocean-basses, temperate ocean-basses, ocean-basses |
bars |
Acropomatídeos |
temperate region, region |
temperature |
T |
température |
temperatura |
temporal |
temporal closure |
temporary specializations for pelagic life, specializations for pelagic life, for pelagic life |
tenderometer |
tendril |
vrille |
barbilho pequeno |
Tenericutes |
Tenpounders |
machètes |
Elopídeos |
tentering |
teratogen |
tératogène |
teratogénico |
teratological |
teratological specimen, specimen |
spécimen tératologique |
espécimen teratológico |
terete |
term size, size |
terminal |
terminal |
terminal |
terminal 3 cartilage, 3 cartilage, cartilage |
terminal fisheries, fisheries |
terminal lake, lake |
terminal lobe, lobe |
lobe terminal |
lobo terminal |
terminal male, male |
terminal margin, margin |
terminal mouth, mouth |
bouche terminale |
boca terminal |
terminal-phase male, male |
termination |
terminus |
ternary name |
terrace |
territorial |
territorial behaviour |
territorial waters |
territoriality |
territorialité |
territoralidade |
territory |
tertiary |
tertiaire |
terciário |
tertiary production |
tesserae |
tetra- |
tetraodon poisoning |
tetraodontoxin |
tetraploid |
tetrodotoxic fishes |
tetrodotoxication |
tetrodotoxin |
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas, Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection |
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection |
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas |
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin, Texas Natural History Collection |
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin |
Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin |
Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University |
Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, Texas |
Texas Tech. University, P. O. Box 4499 Lubbock |
thaw drip |
The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina, The Charleston Museum |
The Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina |
Museu Charleston, Rutledge, Carolina do Sul |
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia |
The Natural History Museum, (BMNH) |
The Natural History Museum |
Museu de História Natural, Londres |
therm- |
thermal layer |
thermal refugium |
thermal spring |
thermo- |
thermocline |
thermocline |
termoclina |
thermohaline |
thermopegic |
thermopégique |
thermophilic |
thermophilique |
thermophobic |
thermophobique |
thickler chain |
thigmotropic |
thigmotropique |
Thirds |
thoracic |
thoracique |
torácico |
thorn |
boucle |
espinho |
Thornbacks |
raies bouclées |
Platirrinídeos |
Thornfishes |
Bovictídeos |
thornlet |
Thorny catfishes, catfishes |
doradidés |
Doradídeos |
Threadfin breams, breams |
cohanas |
Nemipterídeos |
Threadfins |
barbures, capitaines |
Polinemídeos |
threat |
menace |
threatened |
threatened species, species |
espèce menacée |
espécie ameaçada |
Threefin blennies, blennies |
triptérygions |
Tripterigiídeos |
Three-toothed puffer, puffer |
Triodontídeos |
Thresher sharks, sharks |
renards de mer |
Alopídeos |
threshold |
throat |
throat teeth, teeth |
throw net |
Thunfischwürstchen |
thunniform swimming, swimming |
thyroid gland |
tidal marsh |
tidal stream transport, stream transport, transport |
Tigerperches |
Terapontídeos |
Timor Sea |
tire reef |
Toadfishes |
poissons crapauds |
Batracoídeos |
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory, Tokyo, Univ. of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory, of Fish., Ichthyological Laboratory |
Tokyo University of Fisheries, Ichthyological Laboratory |
Universidade das Pescas de Tóquio, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Tóquio |
tooth rows, rows |
rangées de dent |
filas de dentes |
torching |
torpedoform |
Torrent catfishes, catfishes |
Amblicipitídeos |
torso thrust (with clasper flexion), thrust |
total allowable catch, allowable catch, catch |
captures totales admissibles |
total length, length |
TL |
longueur totale |
comprimento total |
total mortality, mortality |
Z |
mortalité totale |
mortalidade total |
total productivity |
productivité totale |
trabecula |
trabecular |
tracing predator |
tracking predator |
tradable permit |
trade winds |
trade-off |
traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine, medicine |
traditional classification, classification |
classification traditionnelle |
classificação tradicional |
tragedy of the commons |
Trahiras |
Eritrinídeos |
trailing |
trailing edge |
trait |
caractère |
característica alvo |
tram oil |
trammel net, net |
trémail |
rede tramel |
Tran oil, oil |
trans- |
transboundary stock |
transducer |
transducteur |
transdutor |
transferred species |
transformation |
métamorphose |
transformação |
transformation in fish larvae, in fish larvae, fish larvae |
transformation de larve de poisson |
transformation stage |
transhipping |
transition |
transition zone |
transliterate |
transliteration |
translittération |
transcrição literal |
translocation |
translocation |
translocação |
translucent object, object |
objet translucide |
objecto translúcido |
translucent zone |
transnational fishery |
transparent object, object |
objet transparent |
objecto transparente |
transplanted species |
transshipment |
transverse |
transversal |
transverso |
transverse curtain, curtain |
transverse groove, groove |
transverse ridges, ridges |
transverse scale row, scale row, row |
trap and haul program |
trap fishing |
trap net |
trash collector |
trash fish, fish |
faux-poissons |
peixe sem valor |
traumatogenic |
traumatique |
traumatogénico |
trawl |
chalut |
rede de arrasto |
trawl winch, winch |
treuil de peche |
trawler |
treatment of poisoning of venomous fishes |
tree |
arbre |
Trematoda |
trematode |
trématode |
tremátode |
trench |
fosse |
vale submarino |
trenchant |
Trepang |
tri- |
triaclyglycerol |
triassic |
trias |
triássico |
tribasal pectoral fin, pectoral fin, fin |
tribe |
tribu |
tribo |
tricuspid |
tricuspide |
tricúspide |
tricuspid tooth, tooth |
dent tricuspide |
dente tricúspide |
trifid |
trifide |
trífido |
trifurcate |
Triggerfishes |
balistes |
Balistídeos |
trihedral |
trilobate lower lip, lower lip, lip |
trim net |
trimethylamine oxide |
trimming |
trimmings |
trinomen |
trinôme |
trinomial |
Triplespines |
tripodins |
Triacantídeos |
Tripletails |
croupias roches |
Lobotídeos |
triploid |
tripus |
triradiate |
triradié |
trirradiado |
tritor |
tritors |
tritors |
pontas trituradoras |
trituration |
trivial name |
troglobite |
troglobitic |
troglobitique |
troglomorphic |
troglomorphique |
troglophile |
troll fishery |
trolling |
pêche à la traîne |
corrico |
troop |
tropeic folds, folds |
trophic |
trophique |
-trophic |
-trophique |
trophic level, level |
niveau trophique |
nível trófico |
trophic model, model |
modèle trophique |
modelo trófico |
tropholytic |
tropholytique |
trophonemata |
trophotaenia |
trophotaeniae |
tropical |
tropique |
tropical region, region |
tropism |
-tropism |
trot line |
trough |
dépression |
garganta submarina |
trouser trawl |
Trout-perches |
omiscos |
Percopsídeos |
trucking |
true hermaphroditism, hermaphroditism |
hermaphrodisme vrai |
hermafroditismo suficiente |
Trumpeters |
morues de Saint-Paul |
Latrídeos |
Trumpetfishes |
poissons trompettes |
Aulostomídeos |
truncate |
tronqué |
truncado |
trunk |
tronc |
tronco |
Tube-eye or thread-tail, or thread-tail, thread-tail |
Estiloforídeos |
tubercle |
tubercule |
tubérculo |
tuberculate |
tuberculate ridge |
tuberous organ |
Tubeshoulders |
circés |
Platitroctídeos |
tubiform |
tubular |
tubulaire |
tubular |
tubular eye |
Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana, Tulane University Museum of Natural History |
TU |
Tulane University Museum of Natural History, Louisiana |
Museu de História Natural da Universidade de Tulane Los Angeles |
Tunas |
thons |
Escombrídeos |
tunicates |
tuniciers |
tunicados |
Turbellaria |
turbid |
turbidity |
turbidité |
turbidity current, current |
courant de turbidité |
corente túrbida |
turbidity of the skin, of the skin, the skin |
turgid |
turnover |
turtle grass, grass |
thalassia |
espermatófita marinha |
twin body trawl |
twin rig |
type genus, genus |
genre-type |
tipo genérico |
type horizon, horizon |
horizon-type |
tipo geológico |
type host, host |
hôte-type |
hospedeiro tipo |
type material, material |
type series, series |
série-type |
série do tipo |
type-series |
Tyrrhenian Sea, Sea |
ultimobranchial gland |
ultra- |
ultra-abyssal zone |
ultrahaline |
ultraplankton |
umbilical cord, cord |
umbrella species, species |
espèces protectrices |
espécie umbrela |
unavailable nomenclatural act, nomenclatural act, act |
acte nomenclatural indisponible |
nomenclatura indisponível |
unavailable work, work |
travail indisponible |
trabalho indisponível |
uncertainty |
unculiferous |
undershot |
undersized |
underslung |
undifferentiated coastline, coastline |
ligne de côte indifférenciée |
linha de costa indeferenciada |
Unicornfishes |
licornes, nasons |
Acanturídeos |
uniformitarianism |
uniserial |
unisérié |
numa série |
Universal Resource Locator, Resource Locator, Locator |
Adresse universelle des pages |
Universal Resource Locator |
universal trawl |
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Federal de Pernambuco, de Pernambuco |
University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, of Zoology, Cambridge |
University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge |
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Cambridge |
University Museum, Tokyo, Tokyo, Dep. Fish., University Museum, Dep. Fish., University Museum |
University Museum, Tokyo |
Museu da Universidade, Tóquio |
University of Alabama, of Alabama, Alabama |
University of Alabama, Department of Biology, University of Alabama, Department of Biology |
University of Alabama, Department of Biology |
Universidade do Alabama, departamento de Biologia |
University of Alaska at Juneau, of Alaska at Juneau, Alaska at Juneau |
University of Alaska Museum, University of Alaska Museum |
University of Alaska Museum |
Museu da Universidade do Alasca |
University of Alberta, University of AlbertaMuseum of Zoology |
University of Alberta |
Universidade de Alberta |
University of Arizona Museum, University of Arizona Fish Collection |
University of Arizona Museum |
Museu da Universidade de Arizona |
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina, University of Arkansas Fayetteville |
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, North Carolina |
Universidade do Arkansas Fayetteville, Carolina do Norte |
University of British Columbia Fish Museum, Vancouver, University of British Columbia Fish Museum |
BC |
University of British Columbia Fish Museum, Vancouver |
Museu Ictiológico da Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica, Vancouver |
University of California Fish Museum, Santa Barbara, University of California Fish Museum |
University of California Fish Museum, Santa Barbara |
Museu Ictiológico Universidade da Califórnia, Santa Bárbara |
University of Central Florida, Orlando, University of Central Florida |
University of Central Florida, Orlando |
Universidade da Flórida Central, Orlando |
University of Colorado Museum, Colorado, University of Colorado Museum |
University of Colorado Museum, Colorado |
Museu da Universidade de Colorado, Colorado |
University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum, Connecticut, University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum |
University of Connecticut Ichthyology Museum, Connecticut |
Museu Ictiológico da Universidade de Connecticut |
University of Florida, Florida Museum of Natural History |
UF |
University of Florida |
University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Georgia, University of Georgia Museum of Natural History |
University of Georgia Museum of Natural History, Georgia |
Museu de História Natural da Universidade da Georgia, Georgia |
University of Guam, of Guam, Guam |
University of Guam, Mangilao. |
University of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity, of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity |
University of Guyana, Center for the Study of Biological Diversity |
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History |
KU |
University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Kansas |
Museu de História Natural da Universidade do Kansas, Kansas |
University of Louisville, Kentucky, University of Louisville |
UL |
University of Louisville, Kentucky |
Universidade de Louisville, Kentucky |
University of Maine, Orono, Maine, University of Maine, Orono |
University of Maine, Orono, Maine |
Universidade de Maine, Maine |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Massachusetts |
Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth |
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine Science, Miami, University of Miami Fish Collection |
University of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine Science |
Universidade de Miami, Escola de Ciências Marinhas Rosenstiel, Miami |
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan, of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan Museum of Zoology |
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Michigan |
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Michigan |
University of Mississippi, Mississippi, University of Mississippi |
University of Mississippi, Mississippi |
Universidade de Mississipi |
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska, University of Nebraska at Omaha |
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Nebraska |
Universidade do Nebraska em Omaha, Nebraska |
University of Nebraska State Museum, Division of Zoology, Nebraska, University of Nebraska State Museum |
University of Nebraska State Museum, Division of Zoology |
Museu da Universidade do Nebraska, Divisão de Zoologia, Nebraska |
University of Nevada at Reno, Nevada, University of Nevada at Reno |
University of Nevada at Reno, Nevada |
Universidade de Nevada no Reno, Nevada |
University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection, Louisiana, University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection |
University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection, Louisiana |
Colecção de Vertebrados da Universidade de Nova Orleans, Luisiana |
University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences, North Carolina, University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences |
University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences |
Universidade de Ciências Marinhas da Carolina do Norte |
University of North Carolina, Charlotte, University of North Carolina at Charlotte |
University of North Carolina, Charlotte |
Universidade da Carolina do Norte, Charlotte |
University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences, Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences |
University of Puerto Rico Department of Marine Sciences |
Departamento de Ciências Marinhas da Universidade de Porto Rico, Porto Rico |
University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston, University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology |
University of Rhode Island, Department of Zoology, Kingston |
Universidade de Rhode Island, Departamento de Zoologia, Kingston |
University of Richmond, Virginia, University of Richmond |
UR |
University of Richmond, Virginia |
Universidade de Richmond, Virginia |
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, University of South Florida |
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida |
Universidade da Flórida do Sul, Tampa, Flórida |
University of Southern Mississippi, of Southern Mississippi, Southern Mississippi |
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, University of Southern Mississippi |
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi |
Universidade do Mississipi do Sul, Mississipi |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, University of Tennessee |
UT |
University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Universidade do Tennessee, Knoxville |
University of Texas at Arlington, Merriam Museum, University of Texas at Arlington |
University of Texas at Arlington |
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa, of the Ryukyus Museum, the Ryukyus Museum |
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa |
Universidade do Museu Ryukyus, Okinawa |
University of the South Pacific, Fiji, of the South Pacific, the South Pacific |
University of the South Pacific, Fiji |
Universidade do Pacífico do Sul, Fiji |
University of Tokyo, Department of Zoology, University Museum, Tokyo, of Zoology, University Museum, Univ. of Tokyo, Zoology, University Museum, Univ. of Tokyo |
University of Tokyo, Department of Zoology |
Universidade de Tóquio, Departamento de Zoologia, Museu da Universidade, Tóquio |
University of Washington, Seattle, University of Washington |
UW |
University of Washington, Seattle |
Universidade de Washington, Seattle |
University of West Florida Collection, Pensacola, Florida, University of West Florida |
University of West Florida Collection, Pensacola, Florida |
Colecção da Universidade da Flórida Oeste, Pensacola, Flórida |
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee |
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Universidade do Wisconsin em Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum |
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Wisconsin |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Wisconsin |
University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming, University of Wyoming at Laramie |
University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming |
Universidade do Wyoming em Laramie, Wyoming |
unpaired fins, fins |
Universidade de Guam, Mangilao |
upper eyelid, eyelid |
upper jaw length, jaw length, length |
upper limb, limb |
partie supérieure |
margem superior |
upper origin, origin |
upper postventral margin, postventral margin, margin |
Uppsala University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden, University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden |
Uppsala University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Suède |
Universidade de Uppsala, Museu Zoológico, Uppsala, Suécia |
urea |
Urochordata |
urodermal |
urogenital duct, duct |
urogenital papilla, papilla |
urogenital region |
uroneural |
urophore |
uropods |
uropodes |
urópodes |
urosome |
urostyle |
urostyle |
uróstilo |
uterine cannibalism, cannibal |
cannibalisme utérin |
uterus |
utérus |
útero |
Utilitarianism |
utriculus |
vagrant |
valid nomenclatural act, nomenclatural act, act |
acte nomenclatural valide |
acto nomenclatural válido |
valliculture |
variant |
variation |
variegated |
variety |
var. |
vector graphics, graphics |
image vectorielle |
gráfico vectorial |
vegetated substrate, substrate |
substrat végétal |
substrato vegetal |
velar tentacles |
Velifers |
Veliferídeos |
veliger |
Velvet whalefishes, whalefishes |
Barbourisídeos |
venom apparatus |
venom pore |
venter |
ventrad |
ventral |
ventral |
ventral |
ventral adipose fin, adipose fin, fin |
ventral disk, disk |
ventral fins, fin |
nageoires pelviennes |
barbatanas ventrais |
ventral keel, keel |
ventral lobe, lobe |
ventral margin, margin |
ventral marginal, marginal |
ventral terminal, terminal |
ventral tip, tip |
ventrolateral |
ventrolatéral |
ventrolateral |
Ventura College, California, Ventura College |
VC |
Ventura College, California |
Colégio Ventura, Califórnia |
verandah net |
vermiculation |
vermiculations |
vermiculations |
vermiculações |
vermiform |
vernacular name, name |
nom vernaculaire |
nome vernáculo |
vernal |
verrucose |
verso |
vertebra |
vertèbre |
vértebra |
vertebrae |
vertebral axis, axis |
vertebral column, column |
colonne vertébrale |
coluna vertebral |
vertebral counts, counts |
comptages vertébraux |
contagens vertebrais |
vertebrates |
vertébrés |
vertebrados |
vertex |
vertical blood vessel |
vertical classification |
vertical fins, fins |
nageoires impaires |
barbatanas ímpares |
vertical incubator |
vertical migration, migration |
migration verticale |
migração vertical |
very hungry, hungry |
vespertine |
vestigial |
rudimentaire |
vestigial |
vexillifer larva, larva |
Vibert box |
vicariance |
vicariance |
vicariation |
vicariance |
vicariação |
vicarious |
vicariant |
Vicariante |
vicarious fishes, fishes |
villiform |
villiforme |
viliforme |
villiform teeth, teeth |
dents villiformes |
dentes viliformes |
Vinegar cured fish, cured fish, fish |
Viperfishes |
chauliodes |
Cauliodontídeos |
virgin |
virgin biomass |
B0 |
virgin stock |
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia, Virginia Institute of Marine Sci. |
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Virginia |
Instituto de Ciências Marinhas da Virgínia |
virtual population analysis |
virtual tautonymy, tautonymy |
tautonymie virtuelle |
tautonimia virtual |
viscera |
viscères |
víscera |
visceral |
viscéral |
vísceral |
visceral arch, arch |
visceral clefts, clefts |
visceral pericardia, pericardia |
visceral peritoneum, peritoneum |
visceral skeleton, skeleton |
viscerocranium |
vitelline membrane |
vitreous body |
vitrodentine |
viviparity |
viviparité |
viviparous |
vivipare |
vivíparo |
Viviparous brotulas, brotulas |
donzelles vivipares |
Bititídeos |
volumetric unit quotas, unit quotas, quotas |
quotas en volume |
cotas volumétricas |
vomer |
vomer |
vómer |
vomerine teeth, teeth |
von Bayer trough |
voracious |
vorace |
-vorous |
voucher |
voucher specimen |
vulnerability |
vulnérabilité |
vulnerable |
VU |
vulnérable |
warm monomictic |
warm spring |
warm water |
Warmgerookte gezouten haring, gezouten haring, haring |
warmwater fishes |
warp |
Warty anglers (handfishes), anglers (handfishes), (handfishes) |
Braquionictiídeos |
Waryfishes |
guetteurs |
Notosudídeos |
wastewater |
water column, column |
colonne d'eau |
coluna de água |
water content |
water hardness, hardness |
water haul |
water mass |
water parting |
water table |
watercourse |
waterfall |
water-hardening |
watershed |
Weasel sharks, sharks |
Hemigaleídeos |
Weberian apparatus, apparatus or ossicles, or ossicles |
appareil de Weber |
aparelho de Weber |
Weberian ossicles |
Weberian vertebrae |
Weber's line, line |
ligne de Weber |
linha de Weber |
Weeverfishes |
vives |
Traquinídeos |
weir |
déversoir |
rede de emalhar |
Westark Community College, Arkansas, Westark Community College |
Westark Community College, Arkansas |
Colégio da Comunidade Westark, Arkansas |
Westerlies |
Western Australian Museum, Australian Museum, Museum |
Western Australian Museum |
wet cured |
wet reduction |
Whale shark, shark |
requins baleines |
Rincodontídeos |
Whiptail breams, breams |
cohanas |
Nemipterídeos |
whirling |
White sharks, sharks |
requins blancs |
Lamnídeos |
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes |
Wichita State University, Kansas, Wichita State University |
Wichita State University, Kansas |
Universidade de Wichita, Kansas |
wicker trap |
Wide Area Information Server, Area Information Server, Information Server |
Serveur d'information à large spectre |
Wide Area Information |
Wide Area Network, Area Network, Network |
réseau régional |
Wide Area Network |
width |
WD |
largeur |
largura |
width of perivitelline space, of periviteline space, periviteline space |
largeur de l'espace du périvitellin |
Wiener Linie |
Wiener Zoll |
Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological Collection, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological |
Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum |
Universidade Wilfrid Laurier, Colecção Zoológica, Ontário |
wind dried fish |
windward |
au vent |
a favor do vento |
winter pond |
wintering |
winterkill |
withdrawal period |
within family selection, family selection, selection |
sélection au sein d'une famille |
seleção intrafamiliar |
Wolf herrings, herring |
chirocentres |
Wolffishes |
poissons-loups |
Anarincadídeos |
wool-like growths, growths |
work |
travail |
trabalho |
work of an animal, of an animal, an animal |
trace animale |
registo fóssil de bioactividade |
Workstation |
poste de travail |
Workstation |
World Wide Web, Wide Web, Web |
Toile Mondiale |
Worm or spaghetti eels, or spaghetti eels, spaghetti eels |
serpentons |
Moringuídeos |
Wormfishes |
Microsdesmídeos |
wounding gear, gear |
wrap |
wrapping |
Wrasses |
labres |
Labrídeos |
Wreckfishes |
cerniers |
Poliprionídeos |
Wrymouths |
terrassiers |
Criptacantodídeos |
xanthochromic |
xanthochromique |
xanthophore |
xantophores |
xanthophores |
xerography |
xérographie |
xerografia |
Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History, Connecticut, Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History |
Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History, Connecticut |
le Universidade de Yale; Museu Peabody de História, Connecticut |
yard seine, seine |
year brood, brood |
year class, class |
year mark, mark |
year-class |
classe d'âge |
coorte |
yearling |
yellow cure, cure |
yield-per-recruit |
Y/R |
rendement par recrue |
captura pelo recrutamento |
yield-per-recruit analysis, analysis |
yolk diameter, diameter, diameter |
diamètre du vitellus |
yolk granule, granule |
yolk sac larva, sac larva, larva |
yolk stripe, stripe |
yolk-sac larva, sac larva, larva |
alevin muni de son sac vittelin |
yolk-sac viviparity, viviparity |
York College , Pennsylvania, York College |
YC |
York College , Pennsylvania |
Colégio York, Pennsylvania |
young-of-the-year |
alevin de l'année |
Zebra sharks, sharks |
requins-zèbres |
Estegoestomatídeos |
zhirovaya |
zipper |
zona radiata, radiata |
zoogeographic realms, realms |
zoological formulae, formulae |
formules zoologiques |
fórmula zoológica |
Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg |
Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg |
Instituto Zoológico da Academia das Ciências de São Petersburgo |
Zoological Museum of Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Museum of Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, of Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv |
Zoological Museum of Tel-Aviv University |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Tel-Aviv |
Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, of the Moscow State University, Moscow |
Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscou |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Moscovo |
Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen, Universitetsparken, Copenhagen |
Zoological Museum, Universitetsparken, Copenhague |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Copenhaga |
Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam, Museum, University of Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam |
Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade Universidade de Amsterdão |
Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, Museum, University of Oslo, University of Oslo |
Zoological Museum, University of Oslo |
Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Oslo |
zoological nomenclature, nomenclature |
nomenclature zoologique |
nomenclatura zoológica |
Zoological Survey of India, Survey of India, of India |
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn |
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn |
Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn |
Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg |
Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hambourg |
Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg |
Zouger jar, jar |
zymogram |
zymogramme |
zimograma |