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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
absolute growth rate, growth rate, rate
active valley wall processes, valley wall processes, wall processes
active water table
adsorbed water
algal wash, wash
American Museum of Natural History, New York, Museum of Natural History, New York, of Natural History, New York AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York American Museum of Natural History, New York. Museu Americano de História Natural, Nova Iorque
analytical watershed
angle of lower jaw, of lower jaw, lower jaw
anonymous work, work travail anonyme trabajo anónimo trabalho anónimo
arrow flèche flecha direcção do fluxo energético
arrow worms
artesian well
asymptotic weight, weight Winf poids asymptotique peso asintótico peso assimptótico
Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick, Atlantic Reference Centre ARC Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick Atlantic Reference Centre, New Brunswick Centro de Referências Atlântico, Nova Brunswick
Aufwuchs fouling adherentes; sobrecrescentes epibiontes
available work, work travail disponible trabajo disponible trabalho disponível
axial swimming, swimming
backward en arrière atrás para trás
ballast water, water
balloon trawl
Balta trawl
batch spawner, spawner reproducteur multiple ponedor parcial fecundo
beam trawl
Beaufort wind scale, wind scale, scale
bob and sway, and sway, sway
body width, width
Bowfins amies ámidos Amiídeos
Boxfishes (cowfish and trunkfish), (cowfish and trunkfish), and trunkfish) coffres ostrácidos; peces cofre? Ostraciídeos
brackish water, water eau saumâtre agua salobre água salobra
broadcast spawners, spawners reproducteurs en eau libre reproductores en aguas libres espécies que libertam os gâmetas na água
brown algae, algae
Bulk stowage, stowage
bulletin board, board BBS groupe de discussion tablón de anuncios newsgroup
Cales and weed-whitings, and weed-whitings, weed-whitings odácidos? Odacídeos
capillary water, water
cartesian well
caudal peduncle scale rows, peduncle scale rows, scale rows rangées d'écailles du pédoncule caudal filas de escamas del pedúnculo caudal
Cauliflower disease, disease
cestode worms, worms vers cestodes gusanos cestodos céstodes
Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University, Charles R. Conner Museum CRCM Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington State University Museu Charles R. Conner, Universidade do Estado de Washington
Clam chowder, chowder
clasper claws, claws
coastal convergence, convergence downwelling côtier convergencia costera convergência costeira
coastal waters, waters
coldwater disease, disease
Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization, Science & Industrial Research Organization, & Industrial Research Organization CSIRO Commonwealth Science & Industrial Research Organization
compensatory growth
Complementary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce de remplacement peces de agua dulce complementarios; peces continentales complementarios peixes diádromos que se tornaram dominantes em águas doces
Computer Aided Software Engineering, Aided Software Engineering, Software Engineering CASE atelier de génie logiciel programas de ingeniería asistida por ordenador Engenharia de software
conserved work, work travail conservé trabajo conservado trabalho validado pela Comissão
cooling tower, tower
Corned alewives, alewives
Cornell University, New York, Cornell University CU Cornell University, New York Cornell University, New York Universidade de Cornell, Nova Iorque
Cow sharks, sharks grisets et perlons hexánchidos; tiburones vaca? Hexanquídeo
Crawfish meal, meal
crown foot, foot
data flow model, flow model, model organigramme de données modelo de flujo de datos modelo de transferência de dados
Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California, University of California, Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fish. B MWFB Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California Davis Museum of Wildlife & Fisheries Biology, California Museu Davies da Vida Selvagem e Biologia das Pescas, California
deep water, water
Deepwater cardinalfishes, cardinalfishes sonneurs epigónidos? Epigonídeo
Deepwater flatheads, flatheads platycéphales de profondeur bémbridos? Bembrídeo
Deepwater stingray, stingray plesiobátidos? Plesiobatídeo
demersal spawner, spawner
Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, University of New England UNE Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine Department of Life Sciences, University of New England, Biddeford, Maine Departamento das ciências da Vida, Universidade de Nova Inglaterra, Maine
dew point, point
dilution water, water
disk width
dressing weight, weight poids de parage peso preparado; peso eviscerado y descabezado peso eviscerado
Driftwood catfishes, catfishes aucheniptéridos? Auquenipterídeo
edge waves, waves
electronic sea-wave recorder, sea-wave recorder, recorder
epaxial lobe or web, lobe or web, or web
epidemic spawning
erratic swimming, swimming
external wave, wave
extra growths, growths
factory trawler
fairway buoy, buoy
few/one deep pass(es), deep pass(es), pass(es) atoll à une (ou quelques) passe(s) profonde(s) pocos o un paso(s) profundo(s) atol
fin web, web
Fish chowder, chowder
fish maw, maw
fish raceway, raceway
fish weiner, weiner
fish weire, weire; weir; barricade, weir; barricade bordigue; bourdigue
fish well, well
fish wheel, wheel
Fish Wiener, Wiener
fishing power
Flabby whalefishes, whalefishes poissons-baleines cetomímidos Cetomimídeos
flow rate, rate
flow-through system
following wind, wind
food web, web réseau alimentaire red trófica teia trófica
forced swimming, swimming
forced wave, wave
Ford/Walford plot, plot modèle de Ford/Walford gráfico de Ford/Walford Plot Ford/Walford
fractional spawning, spawning
freshwater eau douce agua dulce, agua continental água doce
Freshwater eels, eels anguilles anguílidos, anguilas Anguilídeos
Freshwater hatchetfishes, hatchetfishes poissons-hachettes d'eau douce gasteropelécidos Gastropelecídeos
furrows sillons ?? canais lineares
geostrophic flow
Gerookte haaiwangen, haaiwangen
Glasgow pale, pale
global warming
Great Law of Fishing
Grinnell College, Iowa, Grinnell College GC Grinnell College, Iowa Colégio Grinnell, Iowa
groundwater eau souterraine agua subterránea águas de superfície
group spawning, spawning ponte en groupe
grow-out operations, operations bassins de grossissement operaciones de engorde crescimento em tanque
growth croissance crecimiento crescimento
growth model, model modèle de croissance modelo de crecimiento modelo de crescimento
growth overfishing, overfishing surexploitation de la croissance sobrexplotación de crecimiento deplecção por sobrepesca
growth rate, rate
growth ring
Gulf of St. Lawrence
Haddock chowder, chowder
hard water
Hardware équipement material informático, hardware hardware
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Hardy-Weinberg law
Hawkfishes éperviers cirrítidos Cirritídeos
head width, width HW
Hebrew University, Jerusalem, University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem HUJ Hebrew University, Jerusalem Universidade Hebraica, Jerusalém
Heincke's law
indigenous knowledge, knowledge savoir traditionnel conocimiento indígena conhecimento local
Indo-West Pacific, Pacific Indo-Ouest pacifique Oeste Indopacífico Indo-Pacífico Oeste
induced spawning
inland water
Inner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
inshore waters, waters eaux côtières aguas costeras águas interiores
Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland, zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland, PAN, Warszawa, Poland IZPAN Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Pologne Institut zoologii PAN, Warszawa, Poland Instituto Zoológico PAN, Varsóvia, Polónia
Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, Marine Research, Bergen, Norway HIFIRE
intertidal lagoon with intertidal connection, lagoon with intertidal connection, with intertidal connection lagon intertidal avec chenal de connection laguna intermareal con conexión intermareal lagoa aberta ao mar
intrinsic growth rate
Iowa State University , Ames, Iowa State University ISUA Iowa State University , Ames Iowa State University , Ames Universidade de Iowa, Ames
Irish trawl
Isaac-Kidd-midwater trawl
J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Institute of Ichthyology RUSI J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown J.L.B Instituto Smith de Ictiologia, Grahamstown
Japanese trawl, trawl
Jawfishes opistognátidos Opistognatídeos
jaws mâchoires mandíbulas mandíbulas
Jutjaws parascorpídidos Paraescorpidídeo
Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea, Fisheries Research Station, Research Station KFRS Kanudi Fisheries Research Station, Konedobu, Papua New Guinea Estação de Investigação das Pescas Kanudi, Konedobu, Papua, Nova Guiné
Knifejaws oplegnátidos Oplegnatídeo
labial furrows, furrows sillons labiaux surcos labiales comissuras labiais
laminar flow, flow
Larsen midwater trawl
lateral scale rows, scale rows, rows rangées des écailles latérales filas de escamas laterales filas de escamas da linha lateral
Law of Fishing
leeward sous le vent lado de sotavento resguardo
length-weight relationship, relationship
live weight
live well
Local Area Network, Area Network, Network LAN réseau local red local Rede local
logistic population growth
Long-whiskered catfishes, catfishes pimelodidés pimelódidos Pimelodídeos
Loosejaws malacosteidos Malacosteídeos
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries LWF Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Marine Biological Laboratory Museum, Louisiana Museu do Laboratório da Vida Selvagem e Pesca de Luisiana, Luisiana
low island earthform, island earthform, earthform île basse ilhéu submarino
lower limb, limb partie inférieure margem do preopérculo
Loweye catfishes, catfishes Hipoftalmídeos
mainstream flow, flow
marine snow
maw bladder
maximum weight, weight Wmax poids maximum peso máximo
medial view
Memorial University, Department of Biology, Newfoundland, Memorial University Department of Biology MUDB Universidade Memorial, Departamento de Biologia, Newfoundland
midwater pair trawl
midwater trawl
Midwestern State University, State University, University MWSU Midwestern State University
Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin, Milwaukee Public Museum MPM Museu Público de Milwuakee, Wisconsin
Minnows or carps, or carps, carps cyprins Ciprinídeos
Morwongs castanettes Cheilodactilídeos
mouth width, width
Mudminnows ombres Umbrídeos
Murphy's Law
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland., naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. MHNLCDF Musée d'Histoire naturelle, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suisse. Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland, naturelle, Neuchatel, Switzerland MHNN Musée d'Histoire naturelle, Neuchatel, Suisse Museu de História Natural, Neuchatel, Suiça
Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland, of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland MNHWU Museum of Natural History, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Pologne Museu de História Natural, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Suiça
Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, Museum of Southwestern Biology MSB Museu de Biologia do Novo México, Albuquerque
Museum of Zoology, Lund, Sweden, of Zoology, Lund, Sweden, Zoology, Lund, Sweden ZML Museum of Zoology, Lund, Suède Museu de Zoologia, Lund, Suécia
National Museum of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Pingtung, Taiwan, Museum of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Taiwan, of Marine Biology/Aquarium, Taiwan NMMBP
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., Museum of Natural History, of Natural History USNM Museu Nacional de História Natural, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
National Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, of New Zealand, Wellington NMNZ Museu Nacional da Nova Zelândia, Wellington useu
National Taiwan University Museum, Taipei, Taiwan University Museum, University Museum NTUM Museu da Universidade de Taiwan, Taipé
Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland, der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Bern, Switzerland NMBE Naturhistorisches Museum der Bürgergemeinde Bern, Berne, Suisse Museu de História Natural de Berna, Suiça
Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Museum, Wien, Wien NMW Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienne Museu de História Natural, Viena
Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Museum, Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg, Sweden GNM Naturhistoriska Museum, Göteborg, Suède Museu de História Natural, Gutemburgo, Suécia
nearshore waters, waters eaux littorales águas neríticas
network réseau rede
new combination, combination nouvelle combinaison combinação nova
new replacement name, replacement name, name nouveau nom de remplacement novo nome
new scientific name, scientific name, name nom scientifique nouveau novo nome científico
New York State Museum, Biological Survey Laboratory, New York, New York State Museum NYSM Museu de Nova Iorque, Laboratório de Investigação Biológica, N.I.
New Zealand smelts, Zealand smelts, smelts Retropinídeos
newts tritons girinos
North American freshwater catfishes, American freshwater catfishes, freshwater catfishes poissons chats d'Amérique du Nord Ictalurídeos
Northern Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Darwin, Territory Museum of Arts & Sciences, Museum of Arts & Sciences NTM Museu das Artes e Ciências, Darwin
Northwestern Passages, The
Norwegian cured herring, cured herring, herring
Norwegian silver herring, silver herring, herring
Norwegian sloe, sloe
Norweigian Sea
nutrient upwelling, upwelling upwelling upwelling de nutrientes
offshore waters, waters haute mer mar aberto
Okinawa Regional Research Center, Regional Research Center, Research Center OCTU
Oklahoma State University at Stillwater, Oklahoma State University at Stillwater OSUS Oklahoma State University at Stillwater Universidade de Ocklahoma, Stillwater
Oldwife Enoplosídeos
onshore waters, waters eaux côtières águas neríticas
otter trawl
oxbow lake, lake
pair spawning, spawning ponte en paire
pair trawling
pale or white patches on the skin, or white patches on the skin, white patches on the skin
parallel swimming, swimming
partial spawner, spawner
pelagic spawner, spawner
plenary power, power pouvoir plénier
Plownose chimaeras, chimaeras mascas-laboureurs Calorinquídeos
primary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce primaires peixes dulceaquícolas primários
Private collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, collection of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland, of: Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Switzerland CMK collection privée de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suisse Coleção Privada de Maurice Kottelat, Cornol, Suiça
prowfish zaproridé Zaprorídeos
Prowfishes Pataecídeos
published work, work travail publié trabalho publicado
raceway bassin d'élevage tanque
recruit-to-spawner ratio
Redmouth whalefishes, whalefishes poissons-baleines Rondeletídeos
rejected work, work travail rejeté trabalho rejeitado
ring trawl, trawl
rock-hopper trawl, trawl
round weight, weight
sailing trawl, trawl
salt wedge, wedge
saltatrix swimming, swimming
saltwater eau salée água salgada
Sandburrowers Creediídeos
Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center, New Jersey, Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory SHML Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Center Laboratório Marítimo de Nova Jersey
Saw sharks, sharks requins-scies Pristioforídeos
Sawfishes poissons-scies Pristídeos
Sawtooth eels, eels serrivomers Serrivomerídeos
scale count above and below the lateral line, count above and below the lateral line, above and below the lateral line nombres d'écailles au-dessus ou au-dessous de la ligne latérale
scales above and below lateral line, tooth
Screwed fish, fish
sea water, water
Seaweed meal, meal
secondary freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce secondaires eurihalinos
serial spawning, spawning pontes successives desova plurianual
Sevastopol Experimental Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation, Experimental Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation, Design Bureu for Underwater Investigation SEKPB
sewage eau usée lixo
shallow epipelagic, epipelagic épipélagique peu profond epipelágico
shallow lagoon floor, lagoon floor, floor fond de lagon peu profond fundo lagunar
shallow pass, pass passe peu profonde canal recifal
shelf stowage, stowage
shelf waters, waters
shipwreck épave navio nufragado
shore weir, weir
side trawler, trawler
slope waters, waters
Smelt-whitings sillagos Silaginídeos
sneak spawner
soft water
software logiciel Software
South African Museum, Cape Town, African Museum, Museum SAM South African Museum, Cape Town Museu de à frica do Sul, Cidade do Cabo
spawned out
spawner-recruit relationship
spawner-to-spawner ratio
spawning fraie postura
spawning aggregation, aggregation agrégation de ponte
spawning ascent, ascent
spawning biomass
spawning box
spawning can
spawning channel
spawning check
spawning escapement
spawning fish, fish
spawning fishery
spawning frequency, frequency fréquence de ponte frequência de postura
spawning ground, ground frayère área de postura
spawning migration, migration migration de frai
spawning pond
spawning ropes
spawning rush, rush montée de ponte
spawning spread
spawning stock, stock population frayeure stock reprodutor
spawning stock biomass, stock biomass, biomass SSB
spawning substrate
specific growth rate, growth rate, rate taux de croissance spécifique taxa de crescimento específico
spider web bait
Spiny dwarf catfishes, dwarf catfishes, catfishes Escoloplacídeos
sporadic freshwater fishes, freshwater fishes, fishes poissons d'eau douce sporadiques peixes dulceaquícolas esporádicos
sqaw net
Squeakers or upside-down catfishes, or upside-down catfishes, upside-down catfishes Mocoquídeos
Staatliches Museum Wiesbaden, Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden SMW
Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig, Museum, Braunschweig NMB Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Braunschweig Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum, Pockelsstrasse, Braunschweig, Germany
standing water
stern trawler
stow net
streak spawning, spawning ponte en bande
stream weir
submarine well, well puits sous-marine fossa submarina
suborbital width, width
suppressed work, work travail invalidé trabalho suprimido
Swallowers Sacofaringídeos
Swamp-eels synbranchidés Simbranquídeos
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, of Natural History, Stockholm NRM Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm Museu Sueco de História Natural, Estocolmo
Sweepers sec-sec, pempheris Penferídeos
swim bladder, bladder vessie gazeuse bexiga natatória
swimmerets pléopodes pleiópodes
swimming speed, speed
swim-up fry, fry
swinging sickness, sickness
swivel émerillon
swollen belly or ascites, belly or ascites, or ascites
Swordfishes espadons
synchronous spawning, spawning ponte synchrone postura síncrona
tail walking, walking
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Research Institute TFRI Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Chilung, Taiwan Instituto das Pescas da Formosa, Chilung, Taiwan, China
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Fisheries Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan, Research Institute, Taitung, Taiwan TFRI-TT
tapeworms ténias céstodes
tapwater eau du robinet água da torneira
territorial waters
Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas, Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection TCWC Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection Texas A & M University Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas
thaw drip
The Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia
throw net
thunniform swimming, swimming
tooth rows, rows rangées de dent filas de dentes
torso thrust (with clasper flexion), thrust
total allowable catch, allowable catch, catch TAC captures totales admissibles TAC
towed net
trade winds
transverse scale row, scale row, row
trawl chalut rede de arrasto
trawl winch, winch treuil de peche
trilobate lower lip, lower lip, lip
trouser trawl
twin body trawl
twin rig
two walled net
unavailable work, work travail indisponible trabalho indisponível
universal trawl
University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection, Louisiana, University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection UNOVC University of New Orleans Vertebrate Collection, Louisiana Colecção de Vertebrados da Universidade de Nova Orleans, Luisiana
University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa, of the Ryukyus Museum, the Ryukyus Museum URM University of the Ryukyus Museum, Okinawa Universidade do Museu Ryukyus, Okinawa
University of Washington, Seattle, University of Washington UW University of Washington, Seattle Universidade de Washington, Seattle
University of West Florida Collection, Pensacola, Florida, University of West Florida UWF University of West Florida Collection, Pensacola, Florida Colecção da Universidade da Flórida Oeste, Pensacola, Flórida
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee UWM University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Wisconsin Universidade do Wisconsin em Milwaukee, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum UWZM University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Wisconsin Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Wisconsin
University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming, University of Wyoming at Laramie UWL University of Wyoming at Laramie, Wyoming Universidade do Wyoming em Laramie, Wyoming
upper jaw length, jaw length, length
Uppsala University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden, University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Sweden UUZM Uppsala University, Zoological Museum, Uppsala, Suède Universidade de Uppsala, Museu Zoológico, Uppsala, Suécia
upwelling upwelling upwelling
Velvet whalefishes, whalefishes Barbourisídeos
Wallace's line, line ligne de Wallace linha de Wallace
warm monomictic
warm spring
warm water
Warmgerookte gezouten haring, gezouten haring, haring
warmwater fishes
Warty anglers (handfishes), anglers (handfishes), (handfishes) Braquionictiídeos
Waryfishes guetteurs Notosudídeos
wash zone
water column, column colonne d'eau coluna de água
water content
water hardness, hardness
water haul
water mass
water parting
water table
Weasel sharks, sharks Hemigaleídeos
Weberian apparatus, apparatus or ossicles, or ossicles appareil de Weber aparelho de Weber
Weberian ossicles
Weberian vertebrae
Weber's line, line ligne de Weber linha de Weber
weed fish
Weeverfishes vives Traquinídeos
weir déversoir rede de emalhar
West india, india
West indian, indian
West Pacific, Pacific Pacifique Ouest Pacífico Oeste
Westark Community College, Arkansas, Westark Community College WCC Westark Community College, Arkansas Colégio da Comunidade Westark, Arkansas
Western Australian Museum, Australian Museum, Museum WAM Western Australian Museum
Westoll lines
wet cured
wet deposition
wet fish
wet reduction
wet salted
Wet salted fish, salted fish, fish
wet stack
wet weight
Whale shark, shark requins baleines Rincodontídeos
Whalelike catfishes, catfishes cétopsidés Cetopsídeos
Whiptail breams, breams cohanas Nemipterídeos
White fish, fish
White Sea, Sea
White sharks, sharks requins blancs Lamnídeos
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes
white wings
whitebait stage, stage
whole fish, fish
Wichita State University, Kansas, Wichita State University WSU Wichita State University, Kansas Universidade de Wichita, Kansas
wicker trap
Wide Area Information Server, Area Information Server, Information Server WAIS Serveur d'information à large spectre Wide Area Information
Wide Area Network, Area Network, Network WAN réseau régional Wide Area Network
width WD largeur largura
width of perivitelline space, of periviteline space, periviteline space largeur de l'espace du périvitellin
Wiener Linie
Wiener Zoll
wild spawning, spawning
wild species, species espèce sauvage espécie selvagem
wild stock, stock
Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological Collection, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Ichthyological WLUB Wilfrid Laurier University Zoological Museum Universidade Wilfrid Laurier, Colecção Zoológica, Ontário
wind dried fish
windward au vent a favor do vento
Winf Winf Pinf Peso assimptótico
winter pond
withdrawal period
within family selection, family selection, selection sélection au sein d'une famille seleção intrafamiliar
Wolf herrings, herring chirocentres
Wolffian duct
Wolffishes poissons-loups Anarincadídeos
wool-like growths, growths
work travail trabalho
work of an animal, of an animal, an animal trace animale registo fóssil de bioactividade
Workstation poste de travail Workstation
World Wide Web, Wide Web, Web WWW Toile Mondiale WWW
Worm or spaghetti eels, or spaghetti eels, spaghetti eels serpentons Moringuídeos
Wormfishes Microsdesmídeos
wounding gear, gear
Wrasses labres Labrídeos
Wreckfishes cerniers Poliprionídeos
Wrymouths terrassiers Criptacantodídeos
yellow cure, cure
yellow fish, fish
Yellow Sea (Hwang Hai), Sea (Hwang Hai), (Hwang Hai)
Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, of the Moscow State University, Moscow ZMMSU Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscou Museu Zoológico da Universidade de Moscovo
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