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Sebastes melanops: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 995   (GBIF = 436, OBIS = 347, FB = 212)      View map: Google Map | C-squares Mapper | KGS Mapper | CRIA Mapper
Sort by Year Lat. Long. Catalog no. Source Download KML here. You may use this with Google Earth.
Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Sebastes melanops199352.78-179.501503 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.78-179.501503 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199559.94-178.8391635 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops59.94-178.8391635 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199351.52-176.8330391 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops200151.52-176.83369131 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.52-176.83369131 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops51.52-176.8330391 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199451.67-176.5040846 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.67-176.5040846 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199851.83-176.16208967 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.83-176.16208967 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199451.83-175.8341078 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.83-175.8341078 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199752.14-175.83148205 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.14-175.83148205 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200051.99-175.50324590 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-175.50324590 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200152.14-175.16370504 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops200252.14-175.16414174 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.14-175.16370504 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops52.14-175.16414174 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199851.83-174.50208894 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.83-174.50208894 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199551.99-174.16100408 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-174.16100408 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199352.30-173.8332379 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.30-173.8332379 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199351.99-173.5031318 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops199451.99-173.5068276 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-173.5068276 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops51.99-173.5031318 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199552.14-173.50100543 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.14-173.50100543 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199757.16-173.50157243 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops57.16-173.50157243 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199551.99-173.16100437 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-173.16100437 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199551.99-172.83100468 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-172.83100468 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199652.14-172.83137231 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.14-172.83137231 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200357.34-172.50471036 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops57.34-172.50471036 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200051.99-171.83298249 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops200451.99-171.83480005 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops51.99-171.83480005 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops51.99-171.83298249 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199252.05-171.82URN:CATALOG:UWFC:ADULT COLLECTION:UW 022667 Portal: OBIS. Source: UWFC
Sebastes melanops199456.98-171.1650195 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.98-171.1650195 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199356.28-170.8335949 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.28-170.8335949 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200156.45-170.83376722 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops200456.45-170.83501792 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.45-170.83501792 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops56.45-170.83376722 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199356.28-170.5035986 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops199456.28-170.5071102 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.28-170.5035986 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops56.28-170.5071102 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200356.63-170.50452648 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.63-170.50452648 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200256.45-170.16406669 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.45-170.16406669 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200356.63-170.16452700 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.63-170.16452700 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200256.28-169.83405707 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.28-169.83405707 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199856.45-169.83214852 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.45-169.83214852 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200356.63-169.83452749 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.63-169.83452749 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199456.45-169.5071674 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.45-169.5071674 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199856.63-169.16215827 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops56.63-169.16215827 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199352.78-168.831555 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.78-168.831555 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199653.26-168.83135274 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops53.26-168.83135274 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199352.94-168.501648 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.94-168.501648 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199953.42-168.50282076 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops53.42-168.50282076 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199552.94-168.16101206 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops52.94-168.16101206 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199754.08-166.83170985 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops54.08-166.83170985 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199553.42-166.5099742 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops53.42-166.5099742 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199354.08-166.5021949 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops199954.08-166.50262323 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops54.08-166.50262323 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops54.08-166.5021949 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199355.08-166.5023396 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops55.08-166.5023396 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops200154.24-165.83355577 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Sebastes melanops54.24-165.83355577 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Sebastes melanops199554.41-165.8392868 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
BLACK ROCKFISH. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15