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Thaleichthys pacificus: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 2646   (GBIF = 1386, OBIS = 1187, FB = 73)      View map: Google Map | C-squares Mapper | KGS Mapper | CRIA Mapper
Sort by Year Lat. Long. Catalog no. Source Download KML here. You may use this with Google Earth.
Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Thaleichthys pacificus199352.30-175.1621410 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus52.30-175.1621410 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus60.00-175.002427No specific locality recorded.
Portal: GBIF. Source: UAM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200459.18-174.50508822 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus59.18-174.50508822 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200459.37-174.16509616 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus59.37-174.16509616 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200058.25-173.50322599 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.25-173.50322599 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.80-173.50507836 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.80-173.50507836 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.43-173.16507350 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.43-173.16507350 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.52-172.83506191 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.52-172.83506191 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200357.70-172.83455447 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.70-172.83455447 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.06-172.83506908 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.06-172.83506908 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.52-172.50506130 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.52-172.50506130 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200358.06-172.50456202 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.06-172.50456202 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.00-172.33CAS 45516 Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.70-172.16506402 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.70-172.16506402 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.43-172.16507408 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.43-172.16507408 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.18-171.99CAS 45828NW of St. Paul I.
Portal: GBIF. Source: CAS
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.52-171.83506258 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.52-171.83506258 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.70-171.83506439 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.70-171.83506439 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.25-171.83507169 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.25-171.83507169 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.45-171.50501706 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-171.50501706 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.34-171.50506011 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.34-171.50506011 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200157.52-171.50364960 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.52-171.50364960 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.06-171.50506941 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.06-171.50506941 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.25-171.50507194 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.25-171.50507194 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199356.81-171.1628162 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.81-171.16486839 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-171.1628162 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-171.16486839 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199457.16-171.1665304 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.16-171.1665304 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200458.06-171.16491683 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus58.06-171.16491683 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199356.81-170.8328199 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.8328199 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200457.16-170.83505634 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus57.16-170.83505634 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199453.10-170.5058509 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus53.10-170.5058509 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200156.11-170.50358773 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.11-170.50499825 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.11-170.50358773 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.11-170.50499825 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.28-170.50500768 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.28-170.50500768 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.45-170.50501843 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-170.50501843 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199356.63-170.5027714 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200156.63-170.50361579 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.63-170.5027714 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.63-170.50361579 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200356.81-170.50453339 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.81-170.50486924 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.81-170.50504174 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.50453339 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.50504174 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.50486924 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199456.28-170.1662775 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.28-170.1662775 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199356.45-170.1627068 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200356.45-170.16452022 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.45-170.16501894 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-170.16501894 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-170.1627068 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-170.16452022 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199456.63-170.1664002 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.63-170.1664002 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus200356.81-170.16453386 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200456.81-170.16504230 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.16453386 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.81-170.16504230 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus197856.32-170.10URN:CATALOG:UWFC:ADULT COLLECTION:UW 027555 Portal: OBIS. Source: UWFC
Thaleichthys pacificus200356.11-169.83450655 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.11-169.83450655 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199456.45-169.8363357 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.45-169.8363357 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus199956.11-169.50276864 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus200356.11-169.50450694 Portal: OBIS. Source: AFSC
EULACHON. Records are summed for all observations within a 20 by 20km grid square for this year. When given, weights and counts are statistical estimates.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.11-169.50450694 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Thaleichthys pacificus56.11-169.50276864 Portal: GBIF. Source: AFSC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15