List of Occurrence Point Data for Sri Lanka
Point map
[n=106]        Next 6    Year Latitude
No. Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
1.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Labeo dussumieri. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
2.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Systomus pleurotaenia. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
3.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Amblypharyngodon melettinus. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
4.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Puntius vittatus. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
5.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Puntius bimaculatus. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
6.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Puntius amphibius. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
7.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Dawkinsia filamentosa. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
8.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Devario aequipinnatus. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
9.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Systomus sarana. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
10.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 " . , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
11.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Laubuka laubuca. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
12.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Pethia nigrofasciata. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
13.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 " . , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
14.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 " . , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
15.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Puntius dorsalis. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
16.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Rasbora daniconius. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
17.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Puntius chola. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
18.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Parupeneus barberinus. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
19.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 " . , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
20.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Nemipterus japonicus. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
21.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 " . , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
22.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Plectorhinchus schotaf. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
23.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 " . , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
24.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Scarus rivulatus. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
25.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Acanthurus dussumieri. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
26.   8.00 80.00 UBC 570183 "Sarda orientalis. , UBC 570183, CEYLON NO FIELD NOTES WERE SENT WITH THIS Collection, "
27.   8.00 -80.00 UBC 560634 "Garra ceylonensis. , UBC 560634, CEYLON (FRESH WATER) , "
28.   6.11 81.38 ZSI-F 12977 "Neomerinthe erostris. , ZSI-F 12977, Southern Sri lanka; 34 0r 42 fathoms., "
29.   6.78 80.37 CMK 12192 "Mystus ankutta. , CMK 12192, Kalu drainage, Kuruwita, Compatible with distributional range"
30.   6.85 80.27 CMK 8838 "Mystus ankutta. , CMK 8838, Kalu drainage, Eheliyagoda, Compatible with distributional range"
31.   6.30 80.25 CMK 7106 "Mystus ankutta. , CMK 7106, Bentara River, Mattaka-Bambarawana, Compatible with distributional range"
32.   6.25 80.42 CMK 7139 "Mystus ankutta. , CMK 7139, Nilwala River, stream Opatha Ela, Compatible with distributional range"
33.   7.03 80.30 CMK 10773 "Mystus ankutta. , CMK 10773, Kelani River, Yatiyantota, Compatible with distributional range"
34.   7.98 80.93 WHT 7529 "Laubuka lankensis. , WHT 7529, Tributary of Mahaweli River at Giritale, Compatible with distributional range"
35.   7.90 81.12 NMSL FF 744 "Laubuka lankensis. , NMSL FF 744, Mahaweli River at Manampitiya, Compatible with distributional range"
36.   6.93 79.85 IGFA "Scomberoides commersonnianus. , IGFA, Colombo, "
37.   6.87 79.50 FB 2744623 "Nannobrachium indicum. , FB 2744623, Indian Ocean,, Compatible with distributional range"
38.   7.41 79.84 FB 2744219 "Monopterus desilvai. , FB 2744219, In rice paddy, village of Marawila, west.-cent. Sri Lanka, 7°24.5'N, 79°50.45'E., "
39.   8.57 81.22 FB 2744179 "Parascolopsis capitinis. , FB 2744179, Colombo fish market, from off Trincomalee (8°34'N, 81°13'E), Sri Lanka., "
40.   6.13 80.52 FB 2743840 "Rasbora wilpita. , FB 2743840, Border of Wilpita estate and Welihena Forest Preserve, Parusella, 6°07'30"N, 80°31'15"E, Nilwala R. basin, Sri Lanka., "
41.   7.55 80.83 FB 2743839 "Systomus martenstyni. , FB 2743839, Kalu R. about 2 km north of Pallegama, 7°33'N, 80°50'E, Mahaweli R. basin, Marale Dist., Sri Lanka., "
42.   7.17 80.25 FB 2743838 "Pethia bandula. , FB 2743838, Near Galapitamada, 7°10'N, 80°15'E, Minimaru Coloniya, Kegalle Dist., Sri Lanka., "
43.   8.23 79.78 FB 2743672 "Monodactylus kottelati. , FB 2743672, Puttalam Lagoon near Kalpitiya, ca 8°14'N, 79°47'E, Sri Lanka., "
44.   6.26 80.40 FB 2743110 "Devario pathirana. , FB 2743110, Trib. of Opatha Ela, descending from Kanneliya Forest Reserve to Opatha, 6°15'40"N, 80°23'45"E, Sri Lanka., "
45.   8.50 81.10 FB 2743049 "Pomacentrus similis. , FB 2743049, Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, ca. 8°30'N, 81°06'E, 3 m., "
46.   6.97 79.87 FB 2743048 "Pomacentrus proteus. , FB 2743048, Colombo, near Kinross Swimming Club, Sri Lanka, 6°58'N, 79°52'E, 3-10 m., "
47.   6.53 79.62 FB 2742936 "Aldrovandia affinis. , FB 2742936, Off Colombo, Sri Lanka, Gulf of Manaar, 6°32'N, 79°37'E, Investigator sta. 2, 675 fm., "
48.   7.03 80.31 FB 2742851 "Schismatogobius deraniyagalai. , FB 2742851, We Oya, hillstream at Parusella Estate, Kegala Dist., Sabaragamuwa Prov., Sri Lanka, 7°01'55"N, 80°18'50"E., "
49.   6.92 80.33 FB 2742745 "Systomus asoka. , FB 2742745, Sitawaka R., 6°55'25"N, 80°20'02"E, Kegala District, Sabaragamuwa Prov., Sri Lanka., "
50.   6.11 81.38 FB 2742254 "Crossorhombus valderostratus. , FB 2742254, Off se. Sri Lanka, 6°06'30"N, 81°23'E, Investigator sta. 59, 32 fm., "
51.   6.48 79.57 FB 2740853 "Fenestraja mamillidens. , FB 2740853, Gulf of Manaar, 6°29'N, 79°34'E, Sri Lanka, 597 fm., "
52.   6.11 81.38 FB 2740445 "Parabothus polylepis. , FB 2740445, Off east coast of Sri Lanka, 6°06'30"N, 81°23'E, Investigator sta. 59, 32 fm., "
53.   7.25 77.77 FB 2740433 "Halimochirurgus centriscoides. , FB 2740433, Gulf of Manar, west of Sri Lanka, 7°15'N, 77°46'E, Investigator sta. 257, 143 fm., "
54.   8.57 81.22 FB 2740285 "Plagiotremus phenax. , FB 2740285, Cove north of harbor in Trincomalee, 8°34'N, 81°13'E, Sri Lanka, 1-3 m., "
55.   5.35 80.63 FB 2739382 "Melamphaes polylepis. , FB 2739382, Off Sri Lanka, 5°21'N, 80°38'E, Dana sta. D3909, ca. 2250 m (4500 m wire out) over bottom at 4120 m., "
56.   6.97 77.45 FB 2739087 "Hephthocara simum. , FB 2739087, Gulf of Manaar, 6°58'N, 77°26'50"E, Investigator sta. 128, 902 fm., "
57.   4.93 78.25 FB 2738396 "Astronesthes splendidus. , FB 2738396, South of Sri Lanka, 4°56'N, 78°15'13"E, Valdivia sta. 217, 2000 m., "
58.   4.93 78.25 FB 2738388 "Astronesthes cyaneus. , FB 2738388, Between Sri Lanka and Maldives, 4°56'N, 78°15'03"E, Valdivia sta. 217, 2000 m., "
59.   6.48 79.57 FB 2738386 "Stomias nebulosus. , FB 2738386, Gulf of Manaar, 6°29'N, 79°34'E, Investigator, 597 fm., "
60.   6.97 77.45 FB 2738277 "Alepocephalus blanfordii. , FB 2738277, Gulf of Manaar, south of Cape Comorin, 6°58'N, 77°26'50"E, Investigator sta. 128, 902 fm., "
61.   8.00 80.00 UBC 640197 "Laubuka laubuca. , UBC 640197, CEYLON , "
62. 1929 5.35 80.63 ZMUC P9280 "Oneirodes flagellifer. , ZMUC P9280, Indian Ocean off Sri Lanka, "
63. 1930 6.57 79.95 FISH 313076 "Rhincodon typus. , FISH 313076, South of Kalatura, Compatible with distributional range"
64. 1934 6.93 79.85 NRM 51635 "Upeneus supravittatus. H.Sundberg, NRM 51635, Colombo, Slave Island Market, Kelani river drainage., Compatible with distributional range"
65. 1954 6.92 79.85 FISH 313077
66. 1954 8.57 81.22 FISH 313078
67. 1957 8.67 81.18 FISH 313072
68. 1964 5.00 84.00 GCRL 19533
69. 1969 8.00 81.00 GCRL 14449
70. 1970 7.00 81.00 GCRL 14830
71. 1970 5.96 80.44 USNM 263707 "Alionematichthys ceylonensis. C. Koenig, USNM 263707, Weligama, 500 yards south of rest house., Compatible with distributional range"
72. 1975 8.36 81.39 BPBM 18803 "Lutjanus indicus. J.E. Randall, BPBM 18803, Trincomalee, Lively Rocks, Compatible with distributional range"
73. 1975 7.22 79.83 BPBM 18765 "Scolopsis igcarensis. John E. Randall, BPBM 18765, Negombo Reef, Compatible with distributional range"
74. 1983 6.78 79.87 FISH 313064
75. 1990 6.26 80.40 CMK 7132 "Puntius kelumi. R. Pethiyagoda & M. Kottelat, CMK 7132, Nilwala Ganga drainage, tributary of Opatha Ela descending from Kanneliya Forest Reserve to Opatha, Compatible with distributional range"
76. 1991 6.73 80.15 WHT 7629 "Puntius kelumi. K. Manamendra-Arachchi & D. Gabadage, WHT 7629, Kalu River, Madakada Aranya, near Ingiriya, Compatible with distributional range"
77. 1992 6.73 80.15 WHT 1607 "Laubuka varuna. D. Gabadage, WHT 1607, Kalu River at Ingiriya, Compatible with distributional range"
78. 1992 6.90 80.12 WHT 7535 "Laubuka varuna. D. Gabadage, WHT 7535, Wak-Oya at Kahahena (near Waga), Compatible with distributional range"
79. 1993 6.47 80.15 WHT 125 "Mystus ankutta. D. Gabadage, WHT 125, Bentota drainage, Mahakalupahana (near Matugama), Compatible with distributional range"
80. 1993 6.90 80.12 WHT 7727 "Mystus ankutta. K. Manamendra-Arachchi & D. Gabadage, WHT 7727, Stream Wak-Oya at Waga (near Labugama), Kelani drainage, Compatible with distributional range"
81. 1993 6.47 80.15 WHT 7631 "Puntius kelumi. D. Gabadage, WHT 7631, Bentota River, Mahakalupahana, near Matugama, Compatible with distributional range"
82. 1993 8.00 79.77 WHT 7657 "Laubuka lankensis. D. Gabadage & K. Manamendra-Arachchi, WHT 7657, Mee-Oya near Puttalam, Compatible with distributional range"
83. 1993 7.53 80.82 WHT 7521 "Laubuka insularis. R. Pethiyagoda et al., WHT 7521, Kalu Ganga at Pallegama, Compatible with distributional range"
84. 1994 6.95 80.20 WHT 1654 "Laubuka varuna. D. Gabadage & S. Dharmarathna, WHT 1654, Kelani River at Awissawella, Compatible with distributional range"
85. 1994 8.45 80.25 WHT 7656 "Laubuka lankensis. D. Gabadage, WHT 7656, Nikawewa, near Anuradhapura, Compatible with distributional range"
86. 1994 6.85 80.17 WHT 677 "Pethia reval. D. Gabadage & S. Dharmasiri, WHT 677, Labugama (near Hanwella), Kelani River basin., Compatible with distributional range"
87. 1995 6.92 79.83 AMS I.37146-001 "Chlorurus rhakoura. D. Claasz, AMS I.37146-001, Off Colombo, Wellawatte Reef., Compatible with distributional range"
88. 1995 6.47 80.12 WHT 7728 "Mystus ankutta. D. Gabadage, WHT 7728, Bentara River drainage, Horawala (near Matugama), Compatible with distributional range"
89. 1995 6.98 80.40 WHT 7632 "Puntius kelumi. K. Manamendra-Arachchi & D. Gabadage, WHT 7632, Kelani River, Parawalatenna, near Kitulgala, Compatible with distributional range"
90. 1995 6.10 80.35 WHT 7526 "Laubuka ruhuna. M.M. Bahir, WHT 7526, Gin River near Kottawa Forest Reserve, Compatible with distributional range"
91. 1995 6.73 80.15 WHT 7610 "Laubuka varuna. M.M. Bahir & D. Gabadage, WHT 7610, Kalu River at Ingiriya, Compatible with distributional range"
92. 1996 7.35 80.95 WHT 1860 "Laubuka insularis. D. Gabadage & M.M. Bahir, WHT 1860, Tributary of Mahaweli River at Hasalaka, Compatible with distributional range"
93. 1996 7.32 80.98 WHT 1531 "Laubuka insularis. D. Gabadage & M.M. Bahir, WHT 1531, Mahiyangana, Compatible with distributional range"
94. 1997 6.37 80.35 WHT 7645 "Puntius kelumi. M.M. Bahir, S. Batuwita & S. Udayanga, WHT 7645, Gin River, Mawanana, near Neluwa, Compatible with distributional range"
95. 1997 6.07 80.20 WHT 7613 "Laubuka ruhuna. M.M. Bahir & K. Wewalwala, WHT 7613, Gin River at Navinna (near Galle), "
96. 1997 6.77 80.38 WHT 7615 "Laubuka varuna. D. Gabadage & K. Manamendra-Arachchi, WHT 7615, Kalu River at Eknaligoda (near Kuruwita), Compatible with distributional range"
97. 1998 7.98 80.93 WHT 7607 "Laubuka lankensis. R. Pethiyagoda et al., WHT 7607, Tributary of Mahaweli River at Giritale, Compatible with distributional range"
98. 1998 7.90 81.12 WHT 7528 "Laubuka lankensis. R. Pethiyagoda et al., WHT 7528, Mahaweli River at Manampitiya, Compatible with distributional range"
99. 1998 6.77 80.38 WHT 7639 "Puntius kamalika. K. Manamendra-Arachchi & M. M. Bahir, WHT 7639, Kalu River at Walandure near Kuruwita, Compatible with distributional range"
100. 1998 6.37 80.35 WHT 7524 "Laubuka ruhuna. S. Batuwita and K. Wewalwala, WHT 7524, Gian River at Mawanana (near Neluwa), Compatible with distributional range"
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