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Squalus rondeletii Risso, 1810
Ambiguous synonym for Prionace glauca Risso, 1810
Check Catalog of Fishes: Genus: Squalus; Species: rondeletii; Original reference
  Current accepted name :   
  Status details:   
questionable, original combination
  Status ref. :   
  Comment :   
Risso explains that this species is the real glaucus of Artedi. In any case, the description fits much better with the current Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) than with Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758).
  Etymology of Generic name : 
Genus name from Latin 'squalus' meaning shark (Ref. 6885, 27436). Latin, squalidus = pale, weak (Ref. 45335).
Etymology of specific name : 
  Status in Catalogue of Life:   
Ambiguous synonym
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Page created by Kit 2007-07-25
Converted to PHP by Kit 2007-07-25
Last modified by Stacy 2010-03-24