Nwani, C.D., S. Becker, H.E. Braid, E.F. Ude, O.I. Okogwo and R. Hanner, 2011
Citation Nwani, C.D., S. Becker, H.E. Braid, E.F. Ude, O.I. Okogwo and R. Hanner, 2011. DNA barcoding discriminates freshwater fishes from southeastern Nigeria and provides river system-level phylogeographic resolution within some species. Mitochondrial DNA 22 (S1): 43-51.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/19401736.2010.536537
Paper URL http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/19401736.2010.536537
Ref. No. 114352
Language English
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