O'Reilly, P.T., M.F. Canino, K.M. Bailey and P. Bentzen, 2000
Citation O'Reilly, P.T., M.F. Canino, K.M. Bailey and P. Bentzen, 2000. Isolation of twenty low stutter di- and tetranucleotide microsatellites for population analyses of walleye pollock and other gadoids. J. Fish Biol. 56:1074-1086.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL http://www.idealibrary.com
E-mail poreilly@fish.washington.edu
Address Marine Molecular Biotechnology Laboratory, 3707 Brooklyn Ave NE, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105-6715, USA
Ref. No. 36535
Language English
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