FishBase References for Günther, A., 1864

Ref. No. Title
453 Report of a collection of fishes made by Messrs. Dow, Godman and Salvinin Guatemala. 2075 Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Volume fifth. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae, in the collection of the British Museum. 5028 Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Volume fifth. Catalogue of the Physostomi, containing the families Siluridae, Characinidae, Haplochitonidae, Sternoptychidae, Scopelidae, Stomiatidae, in the collection of the British Museum. 97245 Report on a collection of reptiles and fishes made by Dr. Kirk in the Zambesi and Nyassa regions.
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