FishBase References for Herre, A.W.C.T., 1927

Ref. No. Title
439 The Philippine Bureau of Science monographic publications on fishes: gobies of the Philippines and China Sea. 602 A new genus and three new species of Philippine fishes. 1939 Philippine surgeon fishes and moorish idols. 2930 Four new fishes from Lake Taal (Bombon). 5517 The fisheries of Lake Taal (Bombon), Luzon, and Lake Naujan, Mondoro. 12551 Fishery resources of the Philippine Islands. 29051 The Philippine butterfly fishes and their allies. 29052 Philippine sparoid and rudder fishes. 29053 Hynnis momsa, a new Philippine pampano. 29055 The Philippine band fishes. 87170 Gobies of the Philippines and the China Sea.
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