FishBase References for Kottelat, M., 1984

Ref. No. Title
7430 A review of the species of Indochinese freshwater fishes described by H.-E. Sauvage. 9458 A review of the species of Indochinese freshwater fishes described by H.-E. Sauvage. 26915 Revision of the Indonesian and Malaysian loaches of the subfamily Noemacheilinae. 37822 A new Rasbora s.1. (Pisces : Cyprinidae) from northern Thailand. 37829 Notulae Ichthyologiae Orientalis. V. A synopsis of the oriental cyprinid genus Sikukia. VI. Status of the Kampuchea cyprinid Albulichthys krempfi. 38021 Catalogue des types du Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel. I. Pisces.
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