FishBase References for Ng, H.H., 2009

Ref. No. Title
80319 Parakysis hystriculus, a new species of catfish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from Sumatra. 80397 Akysis portellus sp. Nov., a new species of catfish (Teleostei: Akysidae) from the Sittang River drainage, Myanmar. 80541 Akysis fontaneus, a new species of catfish (Siluriformes: Akysidae) from Sumatra. 82737 Tachysurus spilotus, a new species of catfish from central Vietnam (Teleostei: Bagridae). 82788 Two new species of Pseudolaguvia, sisorid catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from northeastern India.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.01.06 ,  php script by cmilitante, 29/03/11 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 29/03/11