FishBase References for , 1971

Ref. No. Title
34476 Lichinochnyi period shizni kaspiiskoi minogi Caspiomyzon wagneri (Kessler). 1040 Determinacion de la edad en la merluza (Merluccius gayi Guichenot 1848) mediante la lectura de otolitos. 50594 Panyam fish farm and the introduction of the European Carp (Cyprinus carpio). 28856 Distribution, movements, age and growth, and taxonomic status of whitefish (Coregonus sp.) in the Tanana-Yukon drainage and North Slope. 28990 The sheefish in Alaska. 2203 Respiration and circulation. 104483 Sôbre a maturação sexual do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, do Nordeste Brasileiro. 30480 Notes on reproductive behaviour and ontogeny in two species of Hypseleotris (= Carassiops) and (Gobiidae: Teleostei). 38181 Notes on reproductive behaviour and ontogeny in two species of Hypseleotris (= Carassiops) and (Gobiidae: Teleostei). 34404 Contribuiçao ao estudo da biologia e do cariotipo do muçum Synbranchus marmoratus. 42648 Feeding habits of a sculpin (Cottus gobio L. Pisces) population. 12762 Oxford English Dictionary. 8726 Bioassay of some commercial organic insecticide. Part II. Trials of malathion with exotic and indigenous carp. 26987 The feeding habits of some juvenile marine fishes from the mangroves in western Puerto Rico. 987 Some aspects of the biology of the rhomboid mojarra Diapterus rhombeus in Puerto Rico. 27290 A survey of the ichthyofauna of the mangroves of western Puerto Rico during December, 1967 - August, 1968. 50744 Production and food consumption of predatory fish in the Vistula River. 83898 A new species of Engraulicypris (Cyprinidae) from Tanzania, East Africa. 57991 The systematics, distribution and zoogeography of the marine hatchetfishes (family Sternoptychidae). 2751 Age and growth of Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau, 1861 in Lake Kariba, Sinazongwe area. 2765 Age and growth of Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau, 1861 in Lake Kariba, Sinazongwe area. 36911 First catches of Lake Tanganyika clupeids (kapenta - Limnothrissa miodon) in Lake Kariba. 109499 Replacement of Alestes imberi Peters, 1852 by A. lateralis Boulenger, 1900 in Lake Kariba, with ecological notes. 1305 La croissance du Germon de l'Atlantique Nord-Est. 11794 Anomalous occurrence of carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the marine environment. 11507 The first record of whitebait smelt Allosmerus elongatus (Ayres) from Juan de Fuca Strait, British Columbia. 35248 Gammogobius steinitzi n.gen. n.sp. aus dem westlichen Mittelmeer (Pisces: Gobioidei: Gobiidae). 39202 Étude critique des résultats des expéditions scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman". Nouvel examen des Macrouridae (Téléostéens, Gadiformes). 56130 Estimates of the rates of mortality of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean derived from tagging experiments. 29635 A biochemical and cytological study of the Longnose Sucher (Catostomus catostomus) and large and dwarf forms of the White Sucher (Catostomus commersoni). 30084 Karyotypes and DNA values for members of the suborder Esocoidei (Osteichthyes: Salmoniformes). 1312 Contribution to the population dynamics of Atlantic albacore with comments on potential yields. 36904 Introduction of Limnothrissa miodon and Limnocaridina tanganicae from Lake Tanganyika into Lake Kariba. 45439 Additions and amendments to the check list of the fishes of Zambia - no. 3. 12833 Revised list of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel. 81574 On the occurrence of the Mediterranean serranid fish Dicentrarchus Punctatus (Bloch) in the Gulf of Suez. 102455 The biology of Redtail surfperch. 10489 Electroreception. 10840 Electric organs. 58227 Comparative characteristics of the growth of gobiids (fam. Gobiidae) and Lea phenomena. 28882 Observations on spawning habits and fecundity of the Arctic grayling. 44439 Origin and distribution of the fishes of Harney basin, Oregon. 955 Synopsis of biological data in haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus) 1758. 683 European inland water fish. A multilingual catalogue. 51687 Informaciones complementarias sobre migraciones de peces de la Cuenca del Plata. 1239 Studies on the biology of the sand perch, Diplectum formosus (Perciformes, Serranidae). 1047 Growth and otolith morphology of the cape hake Merluccius capensis Cast. and M. paradoxus Franca. 57927 The vertebrates of the Hluhluwe game reserve - corridor (state-land) - Umfolozi game reserve complex. 40886 Studies on the fauna associated with the deep scattering layers in the equatorial Indian Ocean, conducted on R/V Te Vega during October and November 1964. 80711 Estructura histologica del aparato digestivo de la merluza (Merluccius gayi gayi) (Guichenot, 1848) (Gadiformes, Merluccidae). 26359 Research and development of deepwater commercial and sport fisheries around the Virgin Island Plateau. 3999 Population estimates and growth of largemouth bass in Beaver and Bull Shoals Reservoir. 75247 Fecundity of Bank and Downs herring. 2376 Regulation of the ventilation-perfusion ratio in the gills of Dasyatis sabina and Squalus suckleyi. 34490 Cytomorphology of six species of gambusiine fishes. 29253 Osservazioni morfologiche e cariologiche su di un ibrido Salmo trutta x Salvelinus fontinalis. 75559 About the age of the main industrial bottom-dwelling fishes of Campeche Bank. 8576 Caracteristicas biológico-pesqueras del bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis) y la albacora (Thunnus atlanticus) en la costa nororiental de Cuba. 75317 Comparative studies on the fecundity of salmon in the river Ljusnan in the years 1950 and 1970. 45647 Fishery potential for snapper and grouper in the Caribbean area and the Guianas. 49161 Growth and mortality of crucian carp-Carassius carassius(L.) morpha humilis heckel 1840, in the natural pond Mansfeldova in the central Elbe basin. 1976 Systematics, variation, distribution, and biology of the rockfishes of the subgenus Sebastomus (Pisces, Scorpaenidae, Sebastes). 34518 A comparative chromosome study of twenty killifish species of the genus Fundulus (Teleostei; Cyprinodontidae). 34521 Chromosomes of the goby fishes in the genus Gillichtys. 28929 Life history investigations of northern pike in the Tanana River drainage. 29889 On the chromosome set of the sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). 29796 Chromosome sets of Salvelinus, Salmo and Oncorhynchus. (Chromosomnye nabory simy, kundschi i juschnoi mal'my). 5779 Length and age composition of rock sole, Lepidopsetta bilineata in western Canadian waters. 2. Commercial landings from the Cape Scott Bank, Queen Charlotte Sound, 1959-69. 2388 The influence of oxygen concentration on the respiration in the fishes Puntius ticto (Ham.) and Mystus vittatus (Ham.). 81 Studies on Tilapia nilotica Linnaeus, Tilapia mossambicus Peters and their hybrids. 29551 Meiotic mechanisms and cytogenetics of a unisexual-bisexual complex of the viviparous fish Poeciliopsis. 1980 (to be filled). 4002 Bluegills dominate production in mixed populations of fishes. 5518 Los peces del norte de Colombia. 2397 Circulatory and ventilatory responses of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to artificial manipulation of gill surface area. 2674 Water flow and gas exchange at the gills of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. 57476 Notes on juvenile black driftfish, Hyperoglyphe bythites, from the northern Gulf of Mexico. 83721 Fish larvae collected from the northeastern Pacific Ocean and Puget Sound during April and May 1967. 57198 On the interrelationships between morphology of the alimentary tract, food and feeding behaviour in flatfishes (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes). 29175 Karyotypes for two species of North Dakota cyprinids. 39015 Fish eggs and larvae of the upper Chesapeake Bay. 1825 Preliminary report on klsebuul and meyas, two fish of Palau Islands. 43451 Les peuplements ichtyologiques de l'El Beid. 2e note. Variations inter et intraspécifiques. 6965 Masalah Perikanan Lemuru dan Bagan di Selat Bali. 29625 Genome sizes of teleostean fishes: Increases in some deep-sea species. 2409 An assessment of the energy cost of gill ventillation in the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). 3598 Feeding, metabolism, and growth of tropical flatfish. 3690 The size at maturity and breeding season of sardines in southern Lake Tanganyika. 49338 Sebastes mouchezi, a senior synonym of Helicolenus tristanensis, with comments on Sebastes capensis and zoogeographical considerations. 56370 Biology and fisheries of the Pacific Ocean flatfishes. 2744 Fishery investigations on the Niger and Benoué river in the northern region and development of a program of river-side fishery management and training. 4563 Marine food and game fishes of California. 43897 Food habits of the franciscana Pontoporia blainvillei (Cetacea: Platanistidae) from South America. 29251 Comparative behavior and systematics of two genera of godeid fishes (Atheriniformes, Cyprinodontoidei) from the Mexican Plateau. 9576 A data processing and basic analysis system for demersal fishery surveys. 6828 Description de quatre poissons trouvés pour la première fois dans les Tuamotu et en Nouvelle-Calédonie. 12431 Poissons de Rangiroa. 42855 A catalog of world fishes (XIV). 84433 The fish dinolestes lewini with comments on its osteology and relationships. 52068 Idade e criscimento da curimata comum Prochilodus cearensis Steindchner, no açude "Perevia de Miranda", Pentecoste, Ceara, Brasil. 33520 California's living marine resources and their utilization. 51662 Lake Chad: Retrospect and Prospect. 39368 Hermaphroditism and sex reversal in fishes of the platycephalidae. II. Kumococius detrusus and Inegocia japonica. 114974 Deletion of the Australian Rays Aptychotrema banksii and Trygonorhine fasciata from the New Zealand Elasmobranch Fauna. 494 How fishes swim. 48271 Histoire de chasser sous la mer. 29497 Chromosome numbers of fishes. I. 4980 Recent events in the haddocks fishery of the Eastern Scotian Shelf. 1575 Morphology of the venom organs of the rabbitfishes (Family Teuthidae). 1350 Age and growth of the ribbon-fish, Trichiurus lepturus Linné, based on the transverse section of the otolith. 88712 The biology of lampreys. 45978 Ecology and life history of the diamond killifish, Adinia xenica (Jordan and Gilbert). 8745 Sensitivity of striped bass and stickleback to ammonia in relation to temperature and salinity. 57978 The distribution and abundance of sand gobies, Gobius minutus, in the Ythan Estuary. 57979 Gonad development and fecundity of the sand goby, Gobius minutus Pallas. 29486 Trout leucocytes: Growth in oxygenated cultures. 843 Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Resource and fishery - analysis of decline. 74572 The fecundity of the flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) in a Danish Fjord. 2443 Oxygen uptake and transport by the rainbow trout during exposure to carbon monoxide. 58149 Life history of Galaxias divergens (Salmoniformes: Galaxiidae). 29301 Somatic chromosomes of the lamprey, Ichthyomyzon gagei (Agnatha:Petromyzonidae). 3600 Swimming speed, tail beat frequency, tail beat amplitude, and size in jack mackerel, Trachurus symmetricus, and other fish. 89386 Report by the North Sea Roundfish Working Group on North Sea Cod. 4406 Ecological aspects of growth in African cichlid fishes. 36088 The first symposium on Lake Kainji, Nigeria's man-made lake. 28689 Fish communities and food chains in the Amchitka area. 521 Investigation of frigate mackerel (Auxis rochei), 1968 season. 9676 Albacore food habits. 3887 Déterminisme du sexe chez les hybrides entre Tilapia macrochir et Tilapia nilotica. Étude de la sex-ratio dans les recroisements des hybrides de première génération par les espèces parentes. 29686 Déterminisme du sexe chez les hybrides entre Tilapia macrochir et Tilapia nilotica. Étude de la sex-ratio dans les recroisements des hybrides de première génération par les espèces parentes. 40820 Abundance of young sciaenid fishes of Everglades National Park, Florida, in relation to season and other variables. 52225 Validity of scales as age indicator in Setipinna phasa (Hamilton) and interpretation of 'salmonoid bands' and 'spawning marks' . 4204 Oxygen consumption during early stages in some selected breeds of carp in comparison with a local nonselected breed. 39058 Maturity and fecundity of threadfin shad, Dorosoma petenense (Günther), in central Arizona reservoirs. 48833 A new melanostomiatid fish, Eustomias gibbsi, from the central and western Pacific Ocean. 968 Coalfish tagging experiments at Iceland. 30311 Isistius brasiliensis, a squaloid shark, the probable cause of crater wounds on fishes and cetaceans. 6 Distribution of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens J.) in relation to the environment. 26394 The reproductive biology of northern pike, Esox lucius, in Lake Oahe an upper Missouri River storage reservoir. 1844 Age and growth of Polynemus heptadactylus Cuv. & Val. from the Bombay-Saurashtra region. 7146 New records of fish from Papua. 4402 Length-weight relation of Cirrhina mrigala (Ham.) from commercial catches at Allahabad. 35721 Check-list of Guam fishes, supplement I. 30129 Cytogenetic studies on the Korean freshwater fishes. 39861 Food of salmonid fish in the Bering Sea in summer of 1996. 52316 Süßwasserfische der Turkei. 8. Teil. Revision der Barben Europas, Vorderasiens und Nordafrikas. 14082 Number of eggs and young produced by zebrafush (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan) spawning in water containing small amounts of phenylmercuric acetate. 30065 A cytological study on gynogenesis of the triploid ginbuna (Carassius auratus langssdorfii). 28857 Monitoring and evaluation of Arctic waters with emphasis on the North Slope drainages: Colville River study. 46348 Speeds of fish movement. 1069 Biology of the threadfin bream, Nemipterus japonicus. 14084 Incidence of crooked vertebral columns in juvenile Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus. 56710 Capture de Siganus luridus (Rüppell) dans le golfe de Tunis. 29911 The intraspecific variability of karyotypes of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Walb..(Vnutrividovaja ismentschivost' kariotipov kety Oncorhynchus keta Walbraum). 56226 Spawning habits, eggs and early development of Deccan mahseer, Tor khudree (Sykes). 51656 The fish species of the East Anatolia. 4850 Freshwater fishes and rivers of Australia. 10103 A new species of sciaenid fish Johnius mannarensis from the south-east coast of India. 94009 Helcogramma shinglensis, a new species of tripterygid fish from Gulf of Mannar with a key to the fishes of the family Tripterygidae of eastern and central Indian Ocean. 90283 Contribution a l' etude systematique, biologique, ecologique et statistique des poissons de la pecherie d' Alger. 1174 Dynamique des populations de Pseudotolithus (Fonticulus) elongatus (Bowd. 1825) Poissons Sciaenidae. 86022 Étude architectonique du rhombencéphale de Latimeria chalumnae Smith, Poisson Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé. 86069 Étude myéloarchitectonique du rhombencéphale de Latimeria chalumnae Smith, Poisson, Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé. 39116 Life history of the chain pickerel, Esox niger Lesueur, in West Virginia, with emphasis on age and growth. 55211 Studies on the biology of Epinephelus awoara (Temminck and Schlegel) with discovery of the metapterygoid for age-determination. 12685 Maturity and fecundity of yellow sea bream (Dentex tumifrons) in the southern area of the East China Sea and the northern area of the South China Sea. 26441 Características biológicas de la algunas especies comerciales del Banco de Campeche. 58877 Circadian rhythms in the respiration of eight species of cardinal fishes (Pisces: Apogonidae): comparative analysis and adaptive significance. 51617 Retinal structure in Platytroctes apus, a deep-sea fish with a pure rod fovea. 111909 A new species of Aphyosemion (Teleostomi: Cyprinodontidae: Rivulinae) from Ghana, and a redefinition of subgenus Fundulopanchax Myers, 1924. 2965 Two new species of Barbus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from southeastern Dahomey. 85998 Osmotic constituents of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 44796 Vertèbres à sang froid dans les collections de l'O.N.R.D. 327 Observations on the growth of Tilapia mossambica fed on artificial diets. 57136 Gill raker apparatus and food selectivity among mackerels, tunas, and dolphins. 49139 Some taxonomical notes on the fish fauna of the Baringo area. 8943 A new perspective in the mechanism of evolution of chromosomes in fishes. 74462 Maturity and spawning of the spotted herring, Herklotsichthys punctatus from the Andaman sea. 69 Contribution à l'étude des oeufs et larves pélagiques de poissons Méditerranéens. V. Oeufs pélagiques de la Baie d'Alger. 4425 Contribution of young fish to total production of fish in the River Thames near Reading. 8693 Toxicity of mercury compounds to aquatic organisms and accumulation of the compounds by the organisms. 4247 Effects of delayed initial feeding on larvae of the grunion, Leuresthes tenius. 29555 Chromosome analysis of some members of the genus Salvelinus. 4248 Temperature requirements for growth and survival of larval ciscos (Coregonus artedii). 45642 New records of lymphocystis disease in four eastern pacific fish species. 34281 The galaxiid fishes of South America. 35399 Fishes of the family Aplochitonidae. 44898 Two new genera and five new species of percophidid fishes (Pisces: Percophididae) from western Australia. 106126 Life history and underwater studies of a heterodont shark. 106097 Aus den ichthyologischen Aufsammlungen von Dr. Gert und Erika Meyburg in Ostafrika. Neue Zahnkarpfen aus dem Victoria-See (Pisces: Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). 38970 Temperature preference, avoidance and shock experiments with estuarine fishes. 10426 Croissance et reproduction de la Torpille (Torpedo marmorata). I. Introduction, écologie, croissance générale et dimorphisme sexuel. Cycle. Fécondité. 1003 Aspects of the biology of billfish (Istiophoridae) from the equatorial western Indian Ocean. 4027 Spawning and early life history of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in Lake Powell. 34892 Ameca splendens, a new genus and species of Goodeid fish from Western Mexico, with remarks on the classificaiton of the Goodeidae. 2470 Oxygen consumption and osmoregulation in the shanny, Blennius pholis. 1041 Age and growth of Peruvian hake, Merluccius gayi (Guichenot). 14106 Meristic abnormalities in Fundulus heteroclitus. 2333 Gill development, growth and respiration in the trout, Salmo gairdneri (Richardson). 4266 The development of artificially fertilized and reared larvae of the yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. 26552 The compact edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. 86305 Dicionário de peixes de couro do Brasil. 39895 Food of two cohabiting tide pool Cottidae. 10614 Alguns dados biométricos sobre a sardinha, Triportheus angulatus angulatus spix. [Some biometric data on the Brazilian sardine, Triportheus angulatus angulatus Spix. 73 Fiches d'identification des oeufs et larves de poissons. Pleuronectidae. 74573 On growth and fertility of Myoxocephalus scorpius in the Danish waters. 55948 Special ichthyology (Chastnaya ikhtiologiya). 29252 On the chromosomes of two species of eels (Anguilla). 8537 Cytological study in Hypotremata and Pleurotremata (Pisces). 29735 Cytological studies in Coregonus from Sweden. 34926 Cytological studies in Thymallus thymallus and Coregonus albula. 34927 Cytological studies in Salmo trutta and Salmo alpinus. 34928 Cytological studies in the smelt (Osmerus epertanus L.). 29734 Cytological studies in Coregonus from Sweden. 2550 A continuously monitored respiration chamber for fish. 2551 Alterations in oxygen consumption by bluegills exposed to sublethal treatment with copper. 9606 The food and feeding habits of the small mormyrid fishes of Lake Victoria, East Africa. 55469 Maturity, sex ratio and fecundity of the lung fish (Protopterus aethiopicus) from Lake Victoria. 57912 Early life history of the gonostomatid fish, Maurolicus muelleri (Gmelin), in the Japan Sea. 53744 Research report no. 2 for alfonsino during the fiscal years of 1968-1970. 74949 The life history of the slenderhead darter, Percina phoxocephala, in the Embarras River, Illinois. 40649 Essays on the history of Neotropical dipterology, with special reference to collectors (1750-1905). 5896 Revision of the age compostion of the southern California catch of Pacific mackerel for the 1958-59 through 1963-64 seasons. 28212 Spawning and fecundity of seven species of northwest American Cottus. 324 An experiment on the culture of Tilapia esculenta (Graham) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais) (Cichlidae) in fish ponds. 86212 DNA content, ribosomal gene multiplicity, and cell size in fish. 51730 New data on the reproductive biology and fecundity of fishes of the genus Notothenia Rich. in the Scotia Sea (Antarctica). 39158 Fishes and invertebrates collected in trawl and seine samples in Louisiana estuaries. 50616 A male Melanocetus johnsoni attached to a female Centrophryne spinulosa (Pisces: Ceratioidea). 8711 Ecological effects of pesticides on nontarget species. 9677 Bluefin tuna food habits. 74447 Fecundity of yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea) from the Grand Bank, New found land. 82238 Révision des Synodontis africains (famille Mochocidae). 34717 The biology of a landlocked form of the normally catadromous salmonifrom fish Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns) II. Morphology and systematic relationships. 8694 The toxicity of 140 substances to brown shrimp and other marine animals. 8821 The toxicity of 140 substances to brown shrimp and other marine animals. 8717 The toxicity of four insecticides to four salmonid species. 30059 The chromosomes. 34313 Not provided. 8899 Fundamentals of sexual maturation, spawning and fecundity of thread herring (Opisthonema oglinum) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 4034 Growth and movement of fishes, and distribution of invertebrates, related to a heated discharge into the White River at Petersburg, Indiana. 57921 Wunderkärpflinge aus Westkamerun mit der vorläufigen Beschreibung von Aphyosemion mirabile traudeae nov. subspec. 1437 Investigation on Sciaenidae and Moronidae catch and on the total catch by beach seine on U.A.R. Mediterranean Coast. 10501 The status of the goatfishes (Mullidae) described by Forsskål. 10502 On the resemblance of the young of the fishes Platax pinnatus and Plectorhynchus chaetodontoides to flatworms and nudibranchs. 2587 Influence of activity and salinity on the weight-dependent oxygen consumption of the rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri. 27768 Deep-sea fish in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (the American Mediterranean Region). 41488 Contribution à l'étude hydrobiologique du Bas-Sénégal, premieres recommandations d'aménagement halieutique. 48866 A guide to the external sexing of some West African freshwater fishes. 27282 Fish diversity on a coral reef in the Virgin Islands. 49083 A new genus and species of western Atlantic serranoid fishes, with anterior vent. 43447 The fishes of the Malaysian family Phallostethidae (Atheriniformes). 86070 Le problème de la veine cave postérieure chez Latimeria chalumnae (Poisson, Crossoptérygien). 5860 Estudio de la sardina, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum), capturada por la flota pesquera Española en aguas de Larache (Marruecos). 28220 Monitoring and evaluation of Arctic waters with emphasis on North Slope drainages: Arctic Wildlife Range study. 52013 Roloffia chaytori spec. nov. Beschreibung einer neuen Roloffia-Art aus Sierra Leone. 92974 Roloffia brueningi spec. nov. Beschreibung einer neuen Roloffia-Art aus Sierra Leone. 68431 Peces de Rio Muni, Guinea Ecuatorial (Aguas dulces y salobres). 27212 Ecological relationships of rocky reef fishes of northeastern New Zealand. 40768 Underwater observations on the reproductive activity of the demoiselle Chromis dispilus (Pisces: Pomacentridae). 84154 A preliminary annotated checklist of fishes of the Poor Knights Islands. 43941 The ice fish. 75553 Morphological changeability of Puntazzo puntazzo (Cetti). 10956 Observaciones de la manurez sexual y desove de la 'cachema' Cynoscion analis (Jenyns) de Paita. 9198 Feeding patterns of some species of Myctophidae and Maurolicus muelleri caught in the sound dispersing layer in the northwestern African area. 8963 Aphyosemion franzwerneri and Aphyosemion celiae, two new rivulins from Cameroon. 5913 Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Fortpflanzungsrate bei Herings- und Kabeljaupopulationen (Clupea harengus L. und Gadus morhua L.). 34326 Special adaptive problems associated with unisexual fishes. 990 Biology of Microgobius thalassinus Pisces: Gobiidae, a sponge inhabiting goby of Chesapeake Bay, with range extension of two goby associates. 56190 Food and feeding habits of Mahseer, Tor tor (Hamilton). 89589 The age and growth of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in two Scottish lochs. 14133 Heavy metals and the fertilization of rainbow trout eggs. 74575 On the fecundity of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the Barents Sea. 813 The present status of exploitation and investigation of the clupeoid resources of Venezuela. 2612 Oxygen consumption and efficiency of swimming goldfish. 86210 The structure of the scales of Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 38548 The fishes of four low salinity tidal tributaries of the Delaware River Estuary. 12478 Sea lampreys in the Great Lakes of North America. 6572 A revision of the American groupers: Epinephelus and allied genera. 47521 The summer fish communities of Brier Creek, Marshal County, Oklahoma. 58523 Aspects of oral brooding in the cardinalfish Cheilodipterus affinis Poey (Apogonidae). 58875 Aspects of oral brooding in the cardinalfish Cheilodipterus affinis Poey (Apogonidae). 84450 Phenetic and cladistic studies of biochemical and morphological characteristics of Catostomus. 33059 Another new species of the clingfish genus Derilissus from the western Atlantic (Pisces: Gobiesocidae). 13131 Synopsis of the tribe Salariini, with description of five new genera and three new species (Pisces: Blenniidae). 74574 La fécondité de l´églefin arcto-norvegien (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.). 5145 Three species of skate (Rajidae) from the continental waters of Antarctica. 13229 Revision of the fish genus Ecsenius (Blenniidae, Blenniinae, Saliriini). 368 Yield equations and indices for tropical freshwater fish populations. 243 The biology of the grey snapper, Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus), in the Florida Keys. 4818 Oxygen consumption and respiratory surface of gills in Cottus poecilopus Heckel and Cottus gobio L. 81569 A Notacanthid Macdonaldia challengeri collected off the Oregon Coast. 75561 Cantarus of East Central Atlantic. 75541 Size-sex structure of population of large-eye dentex and chor chor of Canaries of north West African coast. 74972 Percina macrolepida (Pisces, Percidae, Etheostomatinae), a new percid fish of the subgenus Percina from Texas. 2786 Aspects of the age determination of the Vaal River yellow fish Barbus holubi (Steindachner, 1894) by the scale method. 29511 A karyotype study in the estuarine worm eel, Moringua linearis (Grey).. 106012 Note sur la systématique des poissons Mormyriformes. Le problème des genres Gnathonemus Gill, Marcusenius Gill, Hippopotamyrus Pappenheim, Cyphomyrus Myers et les nouveaux genres Pollimyrus et Brienomyrus. 35423 Comportement de ponte, reproduction et developpement embryonnaire d'un poisson-clown (Amphiprion polymnus). 33548 Food habits of the goby, Ginsburgellus novemlineatus, and the clingfish, Arcos rubiginosus, associated with echinoids in the Virgin Islands. 927 Further results of studies on the spawning stock of cod in the middle Baltic Sea. 2023 On the biology of anchovies (Stolephorus Lacépède) in Philippine waters. 761 On the biology of roundscads (Decapterus Bleeker) in Philippine waters. 11000 Use of quantitative assessment to characterize the state of fish ovaries. 6312 Biologie et dynamique d'un Sciaenidae ouest-africain, P. senegalensis. 55889 The maximum size and age of some sturgeons. 101235 Habitat preferences of the fishes that dwell in shrub corals on the Great Barrier Reef. 29567 Multiple sex chromosomes in a Mexican cyprinodontid fish. 94297 Family key to the fish commonly taken on board the Orange County schools floating marine science laboratory. 4049 Age, growth and condition of black crappie, Pomoxis nigromaculatus (LeSueur) in Lewis and Clark Lake, South Dakota, 1954 to 1967. 3143 Diversificaçao fisiologíca e morfologica de Micropogon furnieri (Desmarest, 1823) ao sul de Cabo Frio, Brasil. 26820 Report on four landing surveys at Vieux Fort, St. Lucia, 1969-'71. 2654 Factors affecting respiration rates of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). 2661 The swimming energetics of trout. II. Oxygen consumption and swimming efficiency. 3531 The swimming energetics of trout. I. Thrust and power output at cruising speeds. 89576 Die Laichplätze des Herings (Clupea harengus L.) der westlichen Ostsee. 48865 A description of certain indigenous fishing methods from southern Dahomey. 46230 Feeding and digestion in two cottid fishes, the freshwater Cottus gobio L. and the marine Enophrys bubalis (Euphrasen). 28905 Locomotory activity patterns of fourhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis (L.). (Pisces). 5910 Taxonomy distribution and biology of the northern rockfish, Sebastes polyspinis. 40462 Problems of nomenclature and dating of Spix and Agassiz´s Brazilian fishes (1829-1831). 88096 Additions to freshwater fishes of Connecticut. 2119 Methods for the estimation of production of aquatic animals. 37111 Descriptions of eight new species of myctophid fishes from the eastern Pacific Ocean. 1349 Some observations on the biology of Trichiurus lepturus L. from Cape Blanc to Cape Verde area. 778 Experiments on seabass (Lates calcarifer Bloch) culturing in brackish water ponds. 29616 A chromosome study of the ayu, a salmonoid fish. 57568 On the meristic and morphometric differences between Scombrops boops and S. gilberti.
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