FishBase References for , 1973

Ref. No. Title
44358 Notes on Centrophorus armatus armatus (Gilchrist) (Squalidae, Chondrichthyes) from Okinawa. 1829 A new cyclopterid fish, Liparis inquilinus, associated with the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, in the western North Atlantic, with notes on the Liparis liparis complex. 8626 Changes in the visual pigments of trout. 31090 Bodianus bimaculatus, a new species of wrasse (Pisces: Labridae) from the Palau Archipelago. 10845 Pomacentrus exilis, a new species of damselfish from the central-west Pacific. 54127 New records of tidepool fishes from Brazil. 28864 Contributions to the biology of the Bering cisco (Coregonus laurettae) in Alaska. 28214 Notes on the whitefish of the Colville River, Alaska. 11985 Algunos aspectos de la biología de la liza Mugil curema Valenciennes, en aguas hipersalinas del nororiente de Venezuela. 1306 Valores geograficos de la CPUE, distribution de talles y crecimento de la albacora (Thunnus alalunga B.) durante la temporada 1972 en la Region Catabro-Galaica. 86074 Variations sexuelles de l'appareil excréteur du Coelacanthe, Latimeria chalumnae. Connexions avec l'appareil génital mâle. 56433 Size-age composition of round goby Neogobius melanostomus /Pallas/ from different areas of Azov and Black Seas. 30142 Preliminary notes on chromosomes of the medaka, Oryzias latipes. 29127 A chromosome study on thirteen species of Japanese gobiid fishes. 30155 Notes on the chromosomes of three species of shore fishes. 30164 A chromosome study on three species of the tribe Salariini from Japan (Pisces, Blenniidae). 34232 Estimate of growth rate and length of stay in a marsh nursery of juvenile Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus), "sandblasted" with florescent pigments. 5934 Periodicity of diel food intake of cod Gadus morhua in the Kiel Bay. 85924 Comparative endocrinology and systematics. 43353 The ecology of Lake Montauk planktonic fish eggs and larvae. 821 An assessment of the exploited pelagic fisheries of the Indian Seas. 1751 Acceleration of assessment of fish populations and comparative studies of similar taxonomic groups. 83445 A revision of the large Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) of east and central Africa. Studies on African Cyprinidae. Part II. 80288 Description de trois nouvelles espèces de Varicorhinus provenant de la région du Parc National de l'Upemba (Rép. Zaïre) (Pisces, Cyprinidae). 35841 The systematics and evolution of the genus Chirostoma Swainson (Pisces, Atherinidae). 1762 Étude sur le germon Thunnus alalunga de l'Atlantique. Éléments de dynamique de populations. 1235 Contribution à la connaissance de la croissance et de la sexualité du loup (Dicentrarchus labrax) de la région de Sète. 219 Aquaculture marine. Reproduction contrôlée et production d'alevins chez la dorade Sparus auratus. 50781 The species composition of the genus Helicolenus (Sebastinae, Scorpaenidae, Pisces) and a description of a new species. 26815 Arrastres explorations en la plataforma continental de la Guayana II. Especies de peces capturados y su abundancia relativa. 6184 Sharks of the east coast of southern Africa. I. The genus Carcharhinus (Carcharhinidae). 29130 Lampbrush chromosomes and RNA synthesis during early oogenesis of Brachidanio rerio (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). 33495 Studies on the migratory characin, Prochilodus platensis Holmberg 1889, (Pisces, Characoidei) in the River Pilcomayo, South America. 2350 Oxygen consumption of adult Petromyzon marinus in relation to body weight and temperature. 46642 Determination of age and growth of populations of the white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) exhibiting a wide range in size at maturity. 8623 Visual pigments of several species of teleost fishes. 4523 Age, growth and reproduction of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, in Florida. 86436 The fish fauna of the Buzi River system in Rhodesia and Moçambique. 12838 Man-made changes in the eastern Mediterranean sea and their effect on the fishery resources. 1251 Experiments in rearing rabbitfish (Siganus rivulatus) in sea water. 29266 Chromosome set of the species Aulopyge hugeli Heckel 1841. 43844 The food of pike perch (Lucioperca lucioperca L.) in Lake Balaton. 55520 Stock assessment of the Peruvian Anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and management of the fishery. 94362 Keys to Oregon freshwater fishes. 1898 Lampetra entosphenus) minima n.sp., a dwarfed parasitic lamprey from Oregon. 90110 Le merlu des côtes nord de la Tunisie: étude économique et biologie (reproduction et répartition bathymétrique). 55892 The food of five flatfish species (Pleuronectiformes) in the southern North Sea. 89790 The age and growth of pike Esox lucius from four Irish trout rivers. 2363 Energy expenditure of sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, during sustained performance. 46641 Metabolic rates and critical swimming speeds of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to size and temperature. 56309 La pêche dans la région de Dabou. 8753 Respiratory response of juvenile chinook salmon and striped bass exposed to benzene, a water soluble component of oil pollution. 12421 Enquête sur l'état et les possibilités de pêche aux iles Marquises pour l'approvisionnement local. 12229 Pacific Marine Fishes. Book 3. Fishes of Sri Lanka (Ceylon), the Maldive Islands and Mombasa. 13064 Pacific Marine Fishes. Book 2. 8688 The toxicity of mixtures of metals and surfactants to rainbow trout. 29166 Taxonomic implications of the karyotype of Opsopoedus emiliae. 29488 The chromosomes of Calamoichthys calabaricus (Pisces, Polypteriformes). 29280 Some remarks on the karyotype of an intergeneric hybrid, Salmo trutta x Salvelinus fontinalis (Pisces: Salmoniformes). 42779 Food habits of juvenile marine fishes occupying seagrass beds in the estuarine zone near crystal river, Florida. 29489 Chromosome complement of three species of Mugilidae (Pisces, Perciformes). 29476 The chromosomes of some mediterranean teleosts: Scorpaenidae, Serranidae, Labridae, Blennidae, Gobiidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes, Perciformes). 2384 Respiratory responses of the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus (L.) to hypoxic conditions. 89365 Field studies of hearing in teleost fish. 29284 Chromosomes of Mugil parsia Hamilton (Teleostei, Mugiliformes: Mugilidae). 1431 Age and growth of skipjack tuna in the waters around the southern part of Taiwan. 8533 Cytotaxonomy and vertebrate evolution. 34525 Checklist of fish chromosomes. 82347 The chemical composition of midwater fishes as a function of depth of ccurrence off Southern California. 82863 The chemical composition of midwater fishes as a function of depth of occurrence off southern California. 40644 Observations on the feeding behavior of a mesopelagic fish (Anoplogaster cornuta: Beryciformes). 30419 On some biological charateristics of little tuna Euthynnus alletteratus Rafinesque, 1810 in the eastern part of tropical Atlantic. 86205 Nuclear DNA content and chromatin ultrastructure of the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 9922 Red Sea fishes of the family Branchiostegidae with a description of a new genus and species of Asymmetrurus oreni. 51358 Some aspects of the ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. 37108 Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Part six. 86163 Intraocular fluid composition in the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 36042 Notes on the behavior, ecology and distribution of Lucayablennius zingaro (Pisces: Clinidae). 30725 Daector quadrizonatus, a valid species of freshwater venomous toadfish from the Río Truandó, Colombia with notes on additional material of other species of Daector. 33252 Hyporhamphus australis x H. melanochir, a hybrid halfbeak (Hemiramphidae) from Australia. 1862 Bottom-water temperatures on the continental shelf, Nova Scotia to New Jersey. 1987 Exotic aquatic organisms in Florida with emphasis on fishes: a review and recommendations. 58873 Centers of origin and related concepts. 4622 A quantitative analysis of the food intake of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). 45875 Premières données sur la dynamique des peuplements de poissons du Bandama (Côte d'Ivoire). 2398 Sublethal effects of bleached kraft pulp mill effluent on respiration and circulation in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). 44647 Coral reef fishes which forage in the water column. A review of their morphology, behavior, ecology and evolutionary implications. 34544 Cytogenetic analysis of pseudolinkage of LDH loci in teleost genus Salvelinus. 79544 Antillean fish guide. 4551 Studies on the evaluation of the spawning stocks of the Argentinean anchovy, Engraulis anchoita, on the basis of egg surveys. 4132 The influence of reduced environmental oxygen on the metabolism and survival of herring and plaice larvae. 74459 Aspects of the reproductive biology of the sprat, Sprattus sprattus in inshore waters of the west coast of Scotland. 75555 Ichthyoplankton of Black Sea. 30139 Fish chromosome methodology. 29174 Chromosomes of the African polypterid fishes, Polypterus palmas and Calamoichthys calabaricus. 1115 Fishery and biology of Pomadasys hasta (Bloch). 39626 Biology of the large snakehead Ophicephalus marulius (Ham.) in Bhavanisagar waters. 74554 Etude de la fécundité de la Sardine des Cotes Portugaises. 2403 The rate of basal metabolism in fish. 1081 Regulation of the fishery for capelin. 58374 On the biology and fishery for horse mackerel from the Gulf of Aden and adjacent waters. 12001 Age and growth of butterfish, Peprilus traicanthus, in the Lower York river. 75560 Species compositon of genus Calamus (Sparidae) of Campeche Bank. 31275 Order Xenoberyces (Stephanoberyciformes). In: Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. 9057 Catalogue of the fishes of Greece. 33582 Zur biologie und ökologie der schnepfenfische (gatung Macrorhamphosus) vor Nordwestafrika und überlegungen zum altersaufbau der adulten bestände der großen Meteorbank. 93828 Two new stonefishes (Pisces, Scorpaenidae) from the Indo-West Pacific, with a synopsis of the subfamily Synanceiinae. 40861 Two new species of the scorpionfish genus Rhinopias, with comments on related genera and species. 13610 The food and feeding interrelationship of the fishes in the Lagos lagoon. 94464 Biologie de Mugil (Liza) ramada Risso, 1826 et de Mugil (Chelon) labrosus Risso, 1826 (Poissons, Teleosteens, Mugilides) du lac de Tunis. Taille de premiere maturite sexuelle, cycle et fecondite. 992 Sand gobies of the Dutch Wadden Sea (Pomatoschistus, Gobiidae, Pisces). 2418 Biology of young winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum): metabolism under simulated estuarine conditions. 52106 Anglerfishes. 41920 Osservazioni sull’ alimentazione del merluzzo (Merluccius merluccius L.) del Medio Adriatico. 9182 Genetics of Zoarces populations. 29291 A comparative study of the chromosomes in Japanese freshwater fishes. I. A study of the somatic chromosomes of common catfish Parasilurus asotus (L.) and fork-tailed bullhead Pelteobagrus nudiceps (Sauvage). 43735 Notes on the aquatic and amphibian fauna of the Gaji River, Yankari Game Reserve. 80706 Regime alimentaire de macrouridae (Teleosteens, Gadiformes) atlantiques et mediterraneens, en relation avee la morphologie du tube digestif. 767 Growth of the South African maarsbanker Trachurus trachurus Linnaeus and age composition of the catches, 1950-1971. 38238 Sur la nomenclature et les types de livrés de Carnegiella strigata (Günther). 104506 Estudo da reprodução e fecundidade do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. 39653 Premieres estimations de la mortalite des sardinelles des cotes Congolaises. 39655 La peche des sardinelles a pointe-noire en 1970-1971 et 1972. 1059 Age, growth and mortality of the myctophid fish Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt) from western Norway. 9209 The food of the myctophid fish, Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt), from western Norway. 51796 The food of the myctophid fish, Benthosema glaciale (Reinhardt), from western Norway. 85970 Activities of ornithine-urea cycle enzymes and trimethylamine oxidase in the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 3089 Cichlids of the world. 57114 Food and feeding habits of the white crappie (Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque) in Benbrook Lake, Tarrant Country, Texas. 30720 Triathalassothia gloverensis, a new species of toadfish from Belize (=British Honduras) with remarks on the genus. 29183 Hybridization between Chromosomus erythrogaster and Notropis cornutus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 89983 Estimation du stock de merlu au nord et a l’ouest de l’Irlande. 3552 Ageing Labeo calbasu (Hamilton) through its scales. 27601 Effects of fishing on the Tilapia nilotica populations of Lake George, Uganda, over the past 20 years. 29184 L'etude de caryotype au varion- Phoxinus phoxinus phoxinus L. (Ostraiophysi, Cyprinidae). 29385 Observations consernant les chromosomes chez Eudontomyson mariae (Berg, 1931) (cyclostomata, Petromyzonidae). 34860 L'etude de caryotype au varion- Phoxinus phoxinus phoxinus L. (Ostraiophysi, Cyprinidae). 14056 Aroclor 1254 in eggs of the sheepshead minnow: effect on fertilization success and survival of enbryos and fry. 28471 The black bream in the Onkaparinga estuary. A study of the age structure, spawning cycle and feeding relationships of Acanthopagrus butcheri (Munro) in the Onkaparinga estuary, South Australia, during the months May-December 1973. 4160 Recent studies on the eggs and larvae of the plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the Southern Bight. 6885 Pacific fishes of Canada. 90285 Some biological studies on the goat fish (M. surmuletus, L.) in the Egyptian Mediterranean waters. 779 Some biological studies of the Nile perch (Lates niloticus C. & V.) in the Nozha Hydrodome. 45487 Biology of the pygmy sea bass, Serraniculus pumilio (Pisces: Serranidae). 2437 Cardiovascular and respiratory change during heat stress in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). 10522 Anthias conspicuus sp. nova (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Indian Ocean, with comments on related species. 26095 A revision of the shark genus Mustelus (Squaliformes: Carcharhinidae). 10494 Palauan fish names. 42282 Ecology and production of juvenile spring chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, in a eutrophic reservoir. 30314 Investigation of tuna hand-line fishing ground and some biological observations on yellowfin and bigeye tunas in the northwestern Coral Sea. 13784 Feeding oriented movements of the atherinid fish Praneus pinguis at Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. 6352 The introduction of the gobiid fishes Acanthogobius flavimanus and Tridentiger trigonocephalus into Australia. 4173 Temperature requirements for embryos and larvae of the northern pike, Esox lucius (Linnaeus). 55522 Age validation studies on the centra of Raja clavatausing tetracycline. 85177 Respiration of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from a high arctic lake. 54153 Diet of the hatchetfish Sternoptyx diaphana. 51953 Age, growth, spawning season, and fecundity of the trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) in southeastern Lake Michigan. 2302 The structure of fish gills in relation to their respiratory function. 2331 Respiratory surface area of an air-breathing siluroid fish Saccobranchus (= Heteropneustes) fossilis in relation to body size. 2476 Surface area of the respiratory organs of the climbing perch Anabas testudineus (Pisces: Anabantidae). 84443 Les possibilités d'exploitation des ressources marines dans les îles australes françaises. 1207 Missing. 85922 Ultrastructure of integumental melanophores in the coelacanth. 1211 Growth and total mortality of mackerel from the New England area. 40390 Status of the primary homonymous South American catfish Loricaria cirrhosa Perugia, 1897, with remarks on some other loricariids (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). 13860 Approches to the evaluation and management of the fish stock in Kainji Lake, Nigeria. 104507 Estudo sobre a biologia da pesca do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, no Nordeste Brasileiro - dados de 1972. 26798 A systematic review of the rattail fishes (Macrouridae: Gadiformes) from Oregon and adjacent waters. 50613 Surveys of trawling gorunds in the north central Pacific, 1972 season. 52234 Age, growth, and maturity of round whitefish (Prosopium cylindraceum) from the Leaf River, Ungava, Quebec. 2489 The oxygen consumption of goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) after removal or autotransplantation of the pituitary gland. 4548 Stock and recruitment in some unexploited Canadian Arctic lakes. 8690 The relation between the electrolytic solution pressures of the metals nad their toxicity to thestickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). 4205 Density dependent regulation of the numbers of cod and haddock. 2826 The shore fishes of Hawaii. 770 Age and growth of horse mackerel, Trachurus murphyi off Chile. 1106 Determination of age and growth in the marine catfish Plotosus anguilaris by the use of otoliths. 30063 The sex-determining mechanism of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus. 29270 Somatic chromosomes of the Manchurian trout, Brachymystax lenok (Salmonidae). 96203 Mogan Gölü sazan, Cyprinus carpio L.’nin (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) üreme biyolojisi. 48830 Melamphaes ebelingi, a new species of beryciform fish (Melamphaidae) from the North Atlantic. 82902 Seasonal energy changes in walleye and their diet in west Blue Lake, Manitoba. 53312 The benthic gillnet fishery of Lake Tanganyika, Zambia, 1962-72. 52042 The ecology of the tigerfish Hyrdocynus vittatus (Castelnau) in Lake Kariba. 28852 Population studies of northern pike and whitefish in the Minto Flats complex with emphasis on the Chatanika River. 52494 Studies on the helminth parasites of freshwater fishes of Uganda including the descriptions of two new species of digeneans. 52066 Studies on the age and growth of rohu, Labeo rohita (Ham.) from a pond (moat) and Rivers Ganga and Yamuna. 30126 On the chromosomes of two species of Cyclostoma. 48854 Syllabus of fish health management: II. Fish disease diagnosis. 4530 Maturation and growth of Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus Houttuyn. 29191 Chromosome studies in the genus Carassius: Comparison of C.auratus granodoculis, C. auratus buergeri, and C.auratus langsdorfii. 29695 Chromosome studies of the silver crucian carps (Carassius auratus gibelio) from valley of the Amur river, and their progenies. 30054 The role of fish in research on genetics and evolution. 96047 Die Fische des Neusiedler Sees und ihre Parasiten. 39047 Records of the California toungefish, threadfin shad and smooth alligatorfish from Yaquina Bay, Oregon. 4652 A preliminary report on the development, growth and survival of laboratory reared larvae of the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L. 4227 The growth pattern of the larvae and young of some freshwater fish at different stages of development. 2864 Age, growth and reproduction of the northern puffer, Sphoeroides maculatus. 57186 Utilization of zooplankton energy by a Pacific sardine populatin in the California current. 47394 Croissance des albacores (Thunnus albacares). 1292 Apparent growth of yellowfin tuna from the eastern Atlantic Ocean. 47405 Note sur le regime alimentaire de quelques poissons demersaux de cote d'ivoire. 12073 The feeding of Upeneus moluccensis (Bleeker) on fishing grounds near Hong Kong. 55639 Matten biologiasta suonteenjärvessä ja tväarminnessä. 45874 Sequence of changes in fish populations of the new tropical man-made lake, Kainji, Nigeria, West Africa. 12441 Lexique du Tahitien contemporain. 4239 Dependence of catch rates on size of fish larvae. 89077 Contribution à l'étude de l'anatomie viscérale des Kneriidae. 89078 Note sur la morphologie des Kneriidae (Pisces, Gonorhynchiformes). 8639 Microspectrophotometry of visual receptors. 4555 Growth and environment of sprat. 2964 Description of a new species of Barbus from West Africa. 37092 Growth, production, and community composition of fishes inhabiting a first-, second-, and third-order stream of eastern Kentucky. 786 The dorab fishery resources of India. 1463 Observations on the biology and the fishery of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) from Andaman Islands. 52686 Age and growth of the winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, on Georges Bank. 43492 Aspects of the biology of Atlantic mackerel in ICNAF Subarea 4. 2519 Metabolism and its relationship with growth rate of American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides Fabr. 4728 Analysis of energy flow and production in an unexploited marine flatfish population. 27645 An analysis of the catch of trawlers in Moreton Bay (Qld.) during the 1966-67 prawning season. 8692 Temperature effects on mercury accumulation, toxicity and metabolic rate in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri. 496 Comparative study of adaptations for continuous swimming and hydrostatic equilibrium of scombroid and xiphoid fishes. 10217 Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in two rivers in southern England. 8945 Chromosomes in three species of fish (Channa). 34362 Somatic and germinal chromosomes in two species of fishes belonging to genus Puntius. 29929 Cytological study on some phytophagous fish and their hybrids. 7178 Informe sinóptico de la Sierra, Scomberomorus maculatus (Mitchill), de Golfo de México. 27903 Family Macrouridae. 2521 Cardiac and respiratory responses of rainbow trout, bluegills and brown bullhead catfish during rapid hypoxia and recovery under normoxic conditions. 74946 Some aspects of life history of the blackbanded darter, Percina nigrofasciata (Agassiz), in Halawakee Creek, Alabama. 3038 A bibliography of African freshwater fish. 93822 The status of the South African galaxiid (Pisces, Galaxiidae). 86686 Order Heteromi (Noticanthiformes). 81585 Range extensions for the scorpionfish Scorpaena isthmensis. 30383 Silver salmon studies in Resurrection Bay. 14099 Toxicity of methylmercury for steelhead trout sperm. 2525 Respiration and the effect of pressure in the mesopelagic fish Anoplogaster cornuta (Beryciformes). 9195 Teknokjimisk karakteristik av Diaphus coeruleus. 331 Étude des populations piscicoles de l'Ubangui et tentatives de sélection et d'adaptation de quelques espèces à l'étang de pisciculture. 1227 Summary of blue rockfish and lingcod life histories. 39057 Meristic characters of some marine fishes of the western Atlantic Ocean. 85952 L'appareil excréteur de Latimeria chalumnae Smith (poisson, coelacanthidé). 86073 La position ventrale du rein de Latimeria chalumnae (Poisson Coelacanthidé). 85971 Distribution and composition of serum lipoproteins in the Coelacanth Latimeria. 6449 Fishes of Arizona. 5451 The fishes of the leiognathid genus Secutor, with the description of a new species from Thailand. 2531 The effect of temperature and swimming speed on the oxygen consumption of two snappers, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey) and Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier). 4 Quantitative estimation of the daily ingestion of phytoplankton by Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis in Lake George, Uganda. 10808 Electric discharge in free-swimming female winter skates (Raja ocellata). 2784 Aspects of the ecology of Barbus kimberleyensis and Barbus holubi in the Vaal river. 6484 The spawning seasons of Caribbean reef fishes. 2325 The significance of spectral position in the rhodopsins of tropical marine fishes. 8636 Yellow filters and the absorption of light by the visual pigments of some Amazonian fishes. 53398 Guide des poissons de mer et pêche. Second edition. 53399 Guide des poissons d'eau douce et pêche. Second edition. 4918 Observation on the food of deep sea sharks Halaelurus hispidus (Alcock), Eridacnis radcliffei Smith and Iago omanensis Compagno and Springer. 30060 The chromosomes of Mystus vittatus and Ompok pabda (fam. Siluridae). 46866 Analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations. 9973 The species of gizzard shads (Dorosomatinae) with particular reference to the Indo-Pacific region. 740 Growth of the Australian 'salmon' Arripis trutta (Bloch & Schneider). 6268 Between land and water: the subsistence ecology of the Muskito Indians, Eastern Nicaragua. 9568 The ecology of fishes. 29940 On the relationship between variability of characters, energetics and karyotype in fishes. 29943 On some regularities in the distribution of chromosome numbers in fish. 3882 A preliminary study on the chromosomes of Cichlasoma citrinella (Cichlidae: Pisces). 29269 A preliminary study on the chromosomes of Cichlasoma citrinella (Cichlidae: Pisces). 85923 The renin-angiotensin system in fishes. 85904 Renin-angiotensin system in primitive bony fishes and a holocephalian. 59050 A fish cleans canals. 34933 On the question of American eels, Anguilla rostrata, versus European eels, Anguilla anguilla. 29736 Recent studies of hybrids in fresh-water teleosts. 34935 Karyotypes of the subfam. Acheilognathinae (Cyprinidae) of Japan, with special reference to their phylogeny. 30169 Karyotypes of Japanese fish of subfamily Acheilognathine (Cyprinidae) with discussion of their phylogeny. 42633 On the occurrence of the engraulid fish, Stolephorus buccaneeri Strasburg, in the oceanic region of the equatorial Western Pacific. 2561 Reduced metabolic rates in fishes as a result of induced schooling. 34967 Chromosomes of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) as related to in vivo sex determination. 39514 Cultivo experimental de peces en estanques. 74487 Biological information on copper rockfish in Puget Sound, Washington. 50631 Feeding mortality in a deep sea angler fish (Diceratias bispinosus) due to a macrourid fish (Ventrifossa sp.). 2567 Oxygen consumption in the brown trout, Salmo trutta m. fario L. 86888 A new species of Parakneria from Angola (Pisces: Kneriidae). 50743 Fecundity and reproductive biology of icefish (Chaenichthidae), fish of the family Muraenolepidae and dragonfish (Bathydraconidae) of the Scotia Sea (Antarctica). 46076 Ichthyoplankton of the southeastern Pacific Ocean. 2569 Effects of dissolved oxygen on survival and behavior of selected fishes of western Lake Erie. 28079 Food of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the grand bank, Newfoundland. 80051 Assessment of plaice stocks on the Grand Bank, ICNAF Divisions 3L and 3N. 75185 Feeding of adult vimba and Danube bleak in natural reservoirs and during long-standing exposure in ponds. 1160 Croissance des Pseudotolithus typus Blk. dans la région de Pointe Noire. 3063 Nombre et distribution géographique des poissons d'eau douce africains. 1824 Fertilization and hatching of rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus. 30088 Chromosomes of two fish-species of the genusDiretmus (Osteichthyes, Beryciformes: Diretmidae). 7480 Estimates of age, growth, standing crop and production of salmonids in some north Norwegian rivers and streams. 4287 The oxygen consumption and respiratory surface area of the gills of Coregonus lavaretus and of Coregonus peled. 30089 Chromosome manipulation in fish. 35605 An appraisal of the studies on maturation and spawning in marine teleosts from the Indian waters. 1346 Recherche sur la biologie d'un sélacien du golfe de Tunis, Torpedo torpedo Linné 1978 (Croissance relative, croissance absolue, coefficient de condition). 783 Biological studies on Sundanese inland fishes. III. Hydrocyon forskalii Cuvier. 35037 A comparative study of the karyotype in the genus Gobio (Pisces, Cyprinidae). 620 Tahitian fish names and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands. 4917 Expedition to Pitcairn. 10497 Size of the great white shark (Carcharodon). 12489 Size of the great white shark (Carcharodon). 13767 Tahitian fish names and a preliminary checklist of the fishes of the Society Islands. 10496 A new butterflyfish of the genus Chaetodon and a new angelfish of the genus Centropyge from Easter Island. 10493 A review of the damselfish genus Chromis from the Hawaiian Islands, with descriptions of three new species. 2747 The monotypic Indo-Pacific labrid fish genera Labrichthys and Diproctacanthus with description of a new related genus, Larabicus. 729 Some aspects of the biology of the sandeel, Ammodytes tobianus L. in Langstone Harbour, Hampshire. 4897 Duration of residence by coral reef fishes on home reefs. 12525 Biological notes on Barbus (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Volta Lake, Ghana. 780 Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) research in Papuan waters. 1189 Age, growth and distribution of the black drum (Pogonias cromis). 48321 Russian-English dictionary for students of fisheries and aquatic biology. 8946 Somatic karyotypes of three teleosts. 8970 A preliminary report on the karyotypes of eighteen marine fishes. 1261 Biology and dynamics of Pagellus coupei (Dieuz. 1960), Pagrus ehrenbergi (Val. 1830) and Dentex canariensis (Poll. 1954) in Ghana waters. 32300 Biology and dynamics of Pagellus coupei (Dieuz. 1960), Pagrus ehrenbergi (Val. 1830) and Dentex canariensis (Poll. 1954) in Ghana waters. 752 Age, growth and stock assessment of the megrin Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (Wald.) in Northern Scottish waters. 86076 Signification fonctionelle de l'articulation intra-crânienne chez Latimeria chalumnae (Poisson, Crossoptérygien, Coelacanthidé). 86075 Biomécanique du crâne de Latimeria chalumnae (Poisson Crossoptérygien Coelacanthidé). 42013 Une nouvelle espèce d'Alestes (Characidae) dans le fleuve Niger. 29212 A chromosome study of five species of Etheostominae fishes (Percidae). 35064 The systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus (Pisces, Gasterosteidae) in central and southern Califormia. 13038 Reproduction curve of the yellow sea bream in the East China Sea. 75554 Gametogenesis, sex cycle and spawning character of sea breams- Diplodus anularis (Linne). 94487 Observations on a female oarfish, Regalecus glesne. 1791 Determinación de la edad crecimiento y dinámica de la población de la cachema Cynoscion analis Jenyns de la Costa Norte del Perú. 1985 Present state of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and south Atlantic coast of Spain. 2676 Estudio sobre las primeras etapas de vida de la anchoveta. 1028 The age of the rock grenadier in the North West Atlantic and a possible influence of fisheries on its population number. 59047 Evaluation of fish stocking potential for waterbodies of the Belarusian Lakeland. 74983 Reproduction of the orangebelly darter, Etheostoma radiosum cyanorum (Osteichthyes: Percidae). 94332 Freshwater fishes of New Hampshire. 35080 Fish chromosomes and their evolution. 26448 Biología y distribución de los corifénidos (Pisces: Coryphaenidae). 2821 The spawning potential of populations of herring Clupea harengus L. and cod Gadus morhua L. in relation to the rate of exploitation. 4519 Otolith structure and growth in the northern sand lance, Ammodytes dubius, from the Scotian Shelf. 114745 Freshwater fishes of Canada. 39467 Pictorial guide to fish larvae of Delaware Bay: with information and bibliographies useful for the study of fish larvae. 51908 On the salmonoid fish, Salangichthys microdon, in spawning season, in Takahashi River, Okayama prefecture. 6859 The biology and distribution of the dolphins (Pisces, Coryphaenidae). 30308 The sexual activity of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Australian Fishing Zone, with special reference to the northwestern Coral Sea. 46770 Checklist of fishes of Kinjher (Kalri) Lake with notes on environmental conditions and fisheries potential. 904 Age, growth and maturity of the `rabo amarillo', Cetengraulis edentulus, in eastern Venezuela, based on length frequency studies. 1319 Co-occurrence and the relative abundance of narrow and broad corseletted frigate mackerel, Auxis thazard (Lacépède) and Auxis rochei (Risso) around Ceylon. 8778 Acute toxicity of beryllium to the common guppy. 86211 Comparisons between the microstructure of scales of Latimeria chalumnae and extant dipnoans and teleostean scales. 84733 Hermaphroditism in the mesopelagic fishes Omosudis lowei and Alepisaurus ferox. 14136 Effect of lime neutralized iron hydroxide suspensions on survival, growth, and reproduction of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). 56953 Energy transformations by the sargassum fish, Histrio histrio (L.). 14135 Effect of egg concentration of DDT and dieldrin on development of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). 10495 Blennechis filamentosus Valenciennes, the prejuvenile of Aspidontus taeniatus Quoy and Gaimard (Pisces: Blenniedae). 29571 The chromosome number of Barbus meridionalis petenyi Heckel (Cyprinidae, Pisces). 74568 Peculiarities of the fecundity dynamics of the Arcto-Norwegian haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linné)). 33401 Fish resources of the Mackenzie River valley. 27200 Some biological characteristics of Pagrus ehrenbergii Valenciennes. 36423 Stomach contents of the blue shark (Prionace glauca L.) off south-west England. 12837 Some notes on western trends of Lessepsian migrations. 9222 Induced breeding and early development of the marble goby (Oxyeleotris marmorata, Blk.). 43440 Freshwater fishes of Ethiopia. 50674 Description and distribution of new specimens of the fish Lipogenys gilli from Western North Atlantic. 82947 Caloric measurements of some estuarine organisms. 1138 Growth parameters of Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.). 6559 Soleidae. 7384 Serranidae. 12842 Rapports entre la faune méditerranéenne de poissons percoïdes et celles des mers voisins (Atlantic oriental, mer Noire et mer Rouge). 9127 Tipo de alimentació del "bonito" Sarda chilensis en relación a su longitud por area de pesca. 54192 A new species of cichlid fishes of rivers Quanza and Bengo, Angola, with a list of the known Cichlidae of these rivers and a note on Pseudocrenilabrus natalensis Fowler. 54641 On the cichlid fishes of the genus Pelmatochromis with proposal of a new genus for P. congicus; on the relationship between Pelmatochromis and Tilapia and the recognition of Sarotherodon as a distinct genus. 75578 A contribution to studies on the biology of vimb Vimba vimba vimba (L.) from the Rega river. 42769 Food preference of juvenile Siganus rostratus and S. spinus in Guam. 29990 Spontaneous chromosomal variability in pelagic animals from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 29993 Artificial and natural radionuclides in hydrobionts' life. 4046 Food habits, growth and length-weight relationships of the young-of-the-year black crappie and largemouth bass in ponds. 79496 On the egg development and larval stages of the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus. 29528 A comparative study of chromosomes in the teleostean fish order Osteoglossiformes. 29529 Chromosomes and the evolution of the plagopterin fishes (Cyprinidae) of the Colorado river system. 14155 Effects of p,p'-DDT on the developmental stability of pectoral fin rays in the grunion, Leuristhes tenius. 53 Diseases of fishes. 30112 Somatic and meiotic chromosomes of Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). 104580 Estudo preliminar sobre o ciclo de vida dos Sciaenidae. Parte 1. Composição da população em classes de comprimento e aspectos da reprodução. Relatório sobre a segunda pesquisa oceanográfica e pesqueira no Atlântico Sul entre Torres e Maldonado (29°S-35°S). 6938 A redescription of Samaris cristatus Gray (Pisces: Pleuronectidae) from Portonova, South India. 55890 Age determination in fishes of the family Sciaenidae. 52077 Preimpoundment features of the Kainji area and their possible influence on the ecology of the newly formed lake. 9696 Freshwater fishes. 6328 Contribution to a world-wide inventory of exotic marine and anadromous organisms. 56773 Observations on the relationship between the food consumption and metabolic rate of Blennius pholis L. 12952 The recent trend in the stock size of the Pacific population of the common mackeral off Honshu, Japan, as viewed from egg abundance. 40766 Growth rate of a carangid fish, the omaka, Caranx mate, in Hawaii. 2659 Respiratory dynamics of the starry flounder Platichthys stellatus in response to low oxygen and high temperature. 85968 Physicochemical properties of the hemoglobin of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 12452 Optimal fish cruising speed. 28224 The pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulteri, in western Montana. 28099 Intertidal feeding of winter flounders (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) in the bay of Fundy. 81615 Occurrence of American Eels, Anguilla rostrata, in waters overlying the Eastern North American Continental shelf. 74493 Age determination and growth of Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) in the northeast Pacific Ocean. 81581 Leonard Jenyns's notes on Cambridgeshire fishes. 1970 The scarcer freshwater fishes of the British Isles. I. Introduced species. 30103 Animal cytology and evolution. 14170 Toxicity of the herbicide Kwon (Silvex) to bluegill eggs and fry. 82952 Caloric values of marine animals from the Gulf of Mexico. 2666 Effect of a reciprocal photoperiod regime on standard rate of oxygen consumption of postsmolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). 4646 Results of experiment on artificial breeding and larval rearing of the sea bass (Lates calcarifer Bloch). 88092 The book of Canadian fishes. 7331 Order Berycomorphi (Beryciformes). 45699 Development of the viviparous brotulid fish, Dinematichthys ilucoeteoides. 4670 Estudo preliminar sobre o ciclo de vida dos Sciaenidae. 2. Composiçao de populaçao em classes de idade e aspectos do crescimento. 153 Results of induced spawning of the bighead, Aristichthys nobilis (Richardson), grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes) and silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes) in Hong Kong, 1969-71. 40583 Verhaltensstudien an Serrasalmus nattereri. 87591 Egg weight and fecundity in the North Sea herring Clupea harengus.
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