FishBase References for , 1976

Ref. No. Title
29132 A cytotaxonomical study in some freshwater cottoid fishes (Cottidae, Pisces). 870 Life history, ecology and behavior of Liparis inquilinus (Pisces, Cyclopteridae) associated with the sea scallop, Plagopecten magellanicus. 1826 A new cyclopterid fish Liparis coheni from the western North Atlantic with notes on life history. 28989 Marshallese English Dictionary. 34132 Notas acerca de algunas especies de raya fluvial (Batoidei, Potamotrygonidae) que frequentan el sistema hidrográfico del Paraná medio en el Departamento La Capital (Santa Fe - Argentina). 48875 Beiträge zur funktionellen analyse und zur morphologie des kopfes von Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 85947 Beiträge zur funktionellen Analyse und zur Morphologie des Kopfes von Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 30599 Feeding ecology of eelgrass fish communities. 507 Edad y crecimiento de la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens, Jenyns) del norte de Chile (Africa-Iquique). 37061 Eggs and larvae of fishes and their role in systematic investigations and in fisheries. 13855 The biology of Tilapia and Sarotherodon species of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, with special reference to Sarotherodon galilaeus. 36137 Application of von Bertalanffy's growth model to Setipinna phasa (Hamilton) when growth is allometric. 46538 Biologie de l'ethmalose (Ethmalosa fimbriata Bowdich) en Côte d'Ivoire. I.- Description de la reproduction et des premiers stades larvaires. 79508 Riproduzione artificiale e piscicoltura intensiva di specie ittiche marine come possibilita disfruttamento della laguna di Orbetello. 46943 Mixed schooling and its possible significance in a tropical western Atlantic parrotfish and surgeonfish. 11310 Cheilodactylus rubrolabiatus, a new species of Morwong (Pisces: Cheilodactylidae) from western Australia, with a key to the cheilodactylid fishes of Australia. 13541 Annotated checklist of the fishes of Lord Howe Island. 33392 Age and growth of Alaskan broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus. 79525 Contribucion al ciclo de vida de Mugil curema Valenciennes in Cuvier et Valenciennes, 1836 (Pisces: Mugilidae). 8854 Contributión al ciclo de vida de Mugil curema Valenciennes en Cuvier et Valenciennes,1836 (Pisces,Mugilidae). 8857 Contribución al ciclo de vida de Mugil curema Valenciennes en Cuvier et Valenciennes,1836 (Pisces, Mugilidae) en Cuba. 94336 Investigations of the ichthyofauna of Nicaraguan lakes. 10557 Cone droplets of mitochondrial origin in the retina of Fundulus heteroclitus (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). 39690 Sexual dimorphism in the jawfish Opistognathus melachasme. 36756 A revision of the family Galaxiidae (Pisces) in Tasmania. 5061 Genioliparis lindbergi gen. et sp. n. - a new snailfish (Liparidae) from bathyal depths of the Antarctic. 11986 Una contribución a la biología de la mojarra Eugerres plumieri. 10109 Report of the north east Arctic fisheries working group. 30951 Survey results 1974/75. 40548 Report of the herring assessment working group for the area south of 62°N. 54961 Pesquisas ictiológicas nas águas do norte do Brasil. 86021 Corrélation anatomo-fonctionelles au niveau de la tête du coelacanthe, Latimeria chalumnae. 86079 Sur quelques caractères juvéniles de Latimeria chalumnae (Pisces, Crossopterigii Coelacanthidae). 34305 Determinarea vîrstei si ritmului de crestere la specia Eudontomyzon mariae din bazinele rîurilor Suceava si Moldova. 34418 Chromosomes of tetraodontiform fishes from Japan. 30157 Chromosomes of two species of beryciform fishes from Japan. 30057 Chromosomes of seven species of Pomacentridae and two species of Acanthuridae from Japan. 29143 Chromosomes of Chanos chanos (Gonorynchiformes, Chanidae). 30146 Chromosomes of four species of coral fishes from Japan. 29136 A study of the karyotype of a population of banded killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) from the Hudson River. 36698 Methods and techniques for spawning and rearing spotted seatrout in the laboratory. 46557 Food and feeding of larvae of three fishes occurring in the California current, Sardinops sagax, Engraulis mordax, and Trachurus symmetricus. 6169 The red bandfish, Cepola rubescens L. at Lundy. 12107 The fishery of Cameroon: an economic review. 39902 Age, growth, population size, mortality and yield in the whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) of Haugatjern - a eutrophic Norwegian lake. 43085 Clupeoid fishes of the Godavari Estuary: a systematic account. 9503 Midwater fishes in the eastern North Atlantic. I. Vertical distribution and associated biology in 30°N, 23°W, with developmental notes on certain myctophids. 3888 Effects of water pollution on the cell division cycle and chromosome behavior in Tilapia spp. 5588 Scoloplax dicra, a new armored catfish from the Bolivian Amazon. 2764 Aspects on growth and reproduction of Labeo capensis in the Caledon River. 86981 A review of the species group "tesselata" of the genus Notothenia with a description of a new subspecies N. canina occidentalis. 86982 A review of the "larseni" group of species of the genus Notothenia Rich. 96535 Two new species of large Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Central Africa. 518 The length-weight relationship, condition factor and gut contents of the dolphin-fish Coryphaena hippurus (L.) in the Mediterranean. 4659 Rapport technique sur la ponte induite et l'élevage des larves du loup Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) et de la daurade Sparus aurata (L.). 10577 Uranoscopus scaber: a transitional form in the evolution of electric organs in fish. 91660 Die Zusammensetzung der Erträge aus der Küstenfisherei Togos. 54600 Notes on the nesting success and fecundity of the anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii at Miyake-jima, Japan. 12524 The fishes of Rhodesia. 94701 Check list of Rhodesian fish fauna inlcuding internationally accepted common names. 56619 Occurrence of Red Sea fishes Herklotsichthys punctatus, Autichthes puta and Rhonciscus stridens in the eastern Mediterranean. 48873 Glassjar hatchery for Indian major carps and Chinese carps. 40480 The growth of asp (Aspius aspius L.) in Lake Balaton and the selective effects of commercial fisheries on population structure. 56548 The food and feeding ecology of Mugilidae in the St. Lucia lake systems. 31125 On seahorse locomotion. 40859 Fish collecting exploration of the Rio Nichare, Venezuela. 1860 (to be filled). 57138 Results of the application of P.V. Tyurin's method for the determination of natural mortality in the Arctic-Norwegian cod Gadus morhua morhua. 46945 Patterns of mating in natural populations of Xiphophorus II. X. variatus from Tamaulipas, Mexico. 6289 Distribution, age and growth, and sexual maturity of witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in Newfoundland waters. 34466 Négy magyarországi pontyféle kariológiai feldolgozása (Karyological examinations for four species of Cyprinidae from Hungary). 2360 Oxygen consumption by sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) exposed to zinc. 2364 Feeding metabolic rates of young sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka, in relation to ration level and temperature. 47050 A new genus and species of clingfish from the western Pacific. 38197 Sobre uma nova espécie Leporinus da Amazônia. 38239 Apareiodon pirassunungae Campos, um sinônimo de Parodon tortuosus Eigenmann and Norris. 91227 Age, growth, maturity and food habits of Landlocked Salmon (Salmo Salar) in Soldiers Pond, a Newfoundland Lake. 49192 Age, growth and maturity of Lake ChubCouesius plumbeus in 66 Brook, ten Mile Lake, western Labrador. 52189 Distribution, abundance, and size of penaeid shrimps in the St. Andrew Bay system, Florida. 92560 Contribution to the study of the reproduction of two species of grouper (Epinephelus aeneus and E. guaza) from the coasts of Tunisia. 26155 Pacific Marine Fishes. Book 7. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef. 93909 Studies on the family Cichlidae: 4. Two new species of mbuna (rock-dwelling cichlids) from Lake Malawi. 35786 The reproductive cycle and its environmental control in the pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus (Pisces: Centrarchidae). 39677 Status of the largescale stoneroller, Campostoma oligolepis. 31829 Karyology of the Acipenseridae family in relation to the hybridization and taxonomy problems. 58147 Breeding biology of a non-diadromous galaxiid, Galaxias vulgaris Stokell, in a New Zealand river. 27651 Creel sensus of amateur line fishermen in the Blackwood River estuary, Western Australia, during 1974-75. 4651 Induced maturation and development of pinfish eggs. 42131 Foods of juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, in the inshore coastal waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, 1966-67. 39854 Juvenile life of Pacific Ocean perch, <>Sebastes alutus, in coastal fjords of southeastern Alaska: their environment, growth, food habits, and schooling behavior. 46966 The eel Aotea acus a synonym of Muraenichthys breviceps. 47684 The eel Aotea acus a synonym of Muraenichthys breviceps. 2381 Cardiovascular responses of winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), to acute temperature increase. 867 A comparison of growth and abundance for tidal pool fishes in California and British Columbia. 4436 Ecological fish production in a small Precambrian shield lake. 48740 Short-term rearing of Indian and exotic carps. 38945 Methods of distinguishing herring. 39366 Oral brooding in the cardinalfishes Phaeoptyx conklini and Apogon maculatus from the Bahamas. 9142 Algunos aspectos biológicos de la "caballa" (Scomber japonicus peuanus Jordan & Hubbs) en la area de Paita y su relación con el factor de condición). 86177 The Thyroid of the sarcopterygian fishes (Dipnoi and Crossopterygii) and the origin of the tetrapod thyroid. 48877 Temperature tolerance and preference of immature channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). 38950 Present and historical spawning grounds and nurseries of American shad, Alosa sapidissima, in the Delaware River. 4098 Influence of temperature and wind on the survival of early stages of yellow perch, Perca flavescens. 51359 Vertical distribution and other aspects of the ecology of certain mesopelagic fishes taken near Hawaii. 3103 Ecología y dinámica de algunos indices biológicos en los lutianidos de Cuba. 13406 An investigation into the distribution of fish in Swaziland. 42650 Filter feeding and predation on the eggs of Thallasoma sp. By the scombrid fish Rastrelliger kanagurta. 10960 Algunos aspectos de la biologica reproductiva de la cabinza (Isacia conceptionis C.) en el area de pesca de Chimbote. 12424 Farmers and fishermen of Tubuai: changing subsistence patterns in French Polynesia. 2216 The biology of Lates species in Lake Tanganyika, and the status of the pelagic fishery for Lates species and Luciolates stapersii. 2394 Respiratory responses of Gillichthys mirabilis to changes in temperature, dissolved oxygen and salinity. 86320 Nuevas citas para la ictiofauna argentina y comentarios sobre especies poco conocidas. 28921 Life history notes for a population of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) in an Alaskan arctic stream. 14027 Effects of DDT in Fundulus: studies on toxicity, fate, and reproduction. 94311 Illustrated Guide to Fishes in Kansas. 94361 Quetico fishes. 29371 Il cariotipo dei centrarchidi (Teleostei). 6164 La carpe. 4123 How to calculate the optimal density of food for fish larvae. 58844 How to calculate the optimal density of food for fish larvae. 9533 Modèles mathématiques applicables aux poissons tropicaux subissant un arrêt prolongé de croissance. 8703 Toxicity of five rice-field pesticides to the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, and green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus, under laboratory and field conditions in Arkansas. 74380 Biology of the hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum), in the Florida Keys. 2399 Biological and oceanographic studies at a kraft pulp mill outfall at Crofton, B.C. 1974. 39697 Studies on eastern Pacific sand stargazers 3. Dactylagnus and Myxodagnus, with description of a new species and subspecies. 49145 Contribution to the understanding of Doraops zuloagai (Schultz). 81619 The first record of Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758) in the North Sea with notes on recent captures of Boops Boops (Linnaeus, 1758) in the coastal waters of the Netherlands (Pisces, Perciformes, Sparidae). 39691 Attacks by bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) on humans in south Florida. 50318 Fishes of Bicayne bay, Folrida. 4514 On changes in some biological parameters in the North Sea sole (Solea solea L.). 46957 Hematologic observations on the aquatic and estivating African lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. 39695 Sexual dimorphism and geographic variation in the bronze darter, Percina palmaris (Pisces: Percidae). 46938 A description of xanthic tessellated darters,Etheostoma olmstedi. 1010 A contribution to the life-history of the cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus, in Fisher Island Sound, Connecticut. 30556 Un vocabulaire Wolof de la faune au Senegal. 29546 Karyotypic analysis and evidence of tetraploidy in the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. 94302 Rare and endangered species of connecticut and their habitats. 3218 Fishing mortality of hake stocks exploited in Subarea 1 of the ICSEAF Convention area. 27246 Aspects of the ecology of three estuarine dwelling fish in southeast Queensland. 56606 Sparid fishes of the world oceans. 12543 Crecimiento de la merluza peruana, la evaluation de su mortalidad natural y la captura possible. 82876 Seasonal variations in chemical composition and protein quality of menhaden. 2040 A revision of the genus Docimodus Boulenger (Pisces, Cichlidae) a group of fishes with unusual feeding habits from Lake Malawi. 1027 Zur Taxonomie, Ökologie und Wachstum von Macroramphosus scolopax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Syngnathiformes) aus dem subtropischen Nordostatlantik. 1355 Studies on age and growth, reproduction and population dynamics of red gurnard (Chelidonichthys kumu, Lesson and Garnot) in the Hauraki Gulf. 46219 Diel acitivity and feeding of schooled largemouth bass fry. 82881 Body composition of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in relation to temperature and ration size. 6817 Spawning patterns of fishes from the northeastern Carribean. 4141 Morphological and histological changes during the growth and starvation of herring plaice larvae. 9099 Contenido estomacal del coco Paralonchorus peruanus Steindachner 1875 (Pisces:Sciaenidae) del area comprendida entre los 06° y 08° L.S. - 81 ° L.W. durante los meses de Enero a Setiembre de 1975. 39687 Paraxenomystax sp., a muraenesocid leptocephalus, ih the western North Atlantic. 74786 Premières observations sur le régime alimentaire des Muges des lacs tunisiens. 41269 Distribution and known life history of Stichaeus punctatus in the northwest Atlantic. 46942 Spawning and larval development of the blennid fish, Meiacanthus nigrolineatus from the Red sea. 30477 Common (European) carp, Cyprinus carpio, Linnaeus, in Australia. 30481 The European carp fishery in Victoria. 74 Labridae of the eastern North Atlantic. 46940 Fecundity of the slimy sculpin, Cottus cognatus, in lake Michigan. 53211 Croissance de Brachydeuterus auritus au Congo. 40716 Uso da equçao exponencial para o calculo do coeficiente de mortalidade total do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, ao largo do Nordeste do Brasil. 34588 O cariótipo de Salminus maxillosus (dourado) e Salminus hilarii (tabarana) (Pisces, Characidae). 1558 Poissons de nouvelle Calédonie et des nouvelles Hébrides. 114170 A catalog of world fishes (XXV). 7213 Relation poids-longueur des principales espèces de poissons marins au Sénégal. 10478 Two new Indo-west Pacific cardinalfishes of the genus Apogon. 4531 Relations poids-longeurs des principales espèces de poissons marins au Sénégal. 79827 La población del pejerrey de la Laguna Lobos. 9826 A review of the cornetfishes, genus Fistularia (Fistulariidae), with a discussion of intrageneric relationships and zoogeography. 41921 Osservazioni sull’ alimentazione dei giovani di Trigla lucerna della classe di età a nel Medio Adriatico (Pisces, Triglidae). 84734 Stomach content analysis of longnose lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the Coral Sea. 3204 Age, growth and reproduction of red snapper in Florida waters. 58196 Morpho-biological analysis of Ussuri sharpbelly and sharpbelly of Khanka lake. 46960 Visual and Olfactory stimuli in the feeding behavior of darters (Etheostoma) inhabiting clear and muddy water. 5256 Biologie de Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bodwich) en Cote d'Ivoire. II. Etude de la croissance en lagune par la methode de Petersen. 104475 Época de reprodução, tamanho e idade na primeira desova da cavala e da serra, na costa do estado do Ceará (Brasil). 104778 Fecundity of mooneye, Hiodon tergisus, in the Assiniboine River. 39696 Rhynchodoras woodsi, a new catfish from eastern Ecuador (Siluriformes: Doradidae) with a redefinition of Rhynchodoras. 58718 The introduced fishes of Papua New Guinea with special reference to Tilapia mossambica. 29671 Spontaneous triploidy in the California roach Hesperoleucus symmetricus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 6479 Rare and firstly recorded chondrostean and teleostean fishes of the continental slope of West Africa. 5226 Fishes of the Atlantic coast. Canada to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. 9780 Fishes of the Atlantic coast. Canada to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. 46967 Genetic relationships of three species of Bathygobius from the Atlantic and Pacific sides of Panama. 55807 New distribution records and notes on life-history and behaviour of the san roller, Percopsis transmontana (Eigenmann and Eigenmann). 51938 Lake George, Uganda. 86978 A new and eyeless cobitid fish (Pisces, Cypriniformes) from the Zagros Mountains, Iran. 86215 Composition of bladder urine of the Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 8595 Certain aspects of the life history of the vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier), from North and South Carolina waters. 46285 Length-weight relationship of pond-raised milkfish in the Philippines. 336 Culture of Tilapia nilotica at two densities with fertilisation and supplemental feeding. 46941 A temporary respiratory organ in the tail of Tilapia mossambica fry. 43060 Behavioral biology of the annual killifish, Nothobranchius guentheri. 1290 Measuring growth in irregularly shaped otolith by means of a planimeter. 2436 Ventilation and metabolic rate of young rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) exposed to sublethal environmental pH. 6774 Feeding behaviour of some carnivorous fishes (Serranidae and Scorpaenidae) from Tulear (Madagascar). 46949 A blind channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. 86056 The plasma transport proteins of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds. 29185 A cell line from teleost fish: establishment and cytogenetical characterization of the cells. 756 Studies on the growth of the red tilefish in the East China Sea. II. Estimation of age and growth from otoliths reading. 4358 The general biology of six major trawl fish species of the eastern Cape coast of South Africa, with notes on the demersal fishery, 1967-1975. 11276 Synopsis of biological data on the largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacépède) 1802. 2439 Influence of temperature and salinity on routine metabolic rate and growth of young Atlantic menhaden. 34654 The cellular DNA content of sharks, rays, and some other fishes. 47049 Variation, synonymy and a redescription of the gobiid fish Aruma histrio and a discussion of the related genus Ophiogobius. 33347 Paratrimma, a new genus of gobiid fishes and two new species. 78571 Life history aspects of the wahoo Acanthocybium solandri (Cuvier and Valenciennes) from the coast of North Carolina. 14072 Long-term effects of lead exposure on three generations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 2446 Effects of turbidity on ventilation rates and oxygen consumption of green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. 40764 Culture of the larvae of the white mullet, Mugil curema Valenciennes. 75249 The plaice of the English Channel: Spawning and migration. 29187 Chromosomal homogeneity in two sympatric cyprinid fishes of the genus Rhinichthys. 30049 A comparison of karyotypes and erythrocyte DNA quantities of several species of catfish (Siluriformes) with phylodenetic implications. 38428 On the respiration of Latimeria chalumnae. 46952 Inorganic composition of gallbladder bile from freshwater fishes. 4195 Culture and growth of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, larvae. 40839 A contribution to the life history of small rattail fish, Coryphaenoides carapinus. 55945 Fishes of the Yangtze River. 9550 Distribution, reproduction and growth of catfish, Chrysichthis walkeri (Günther) in the Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria. 46537 Le regime alimentaire de Dentex angolensis Poll et Maul, 1953 (Sparidae). 5987 Water resources and freshwater fishes in southern Africa. 54070 Cabora Bassa fish populations before and during the first filling phase. 27734 Eggs and larvae of the trevally, Caranx georgianus (Teleostei: Carangidae). 58505 Cyttus traversi Hutton: juvenile form of C. ventralis Barnard and Davies (Pisces: Zeidae). 41930 Contribution to the knowledge of the biology of hake in the Adriatic Sea. 5813 Age and growth of the juveniles of koth Otolithoides brunneus (Day) in Bombay waters. 27855 Labrador Inuit. Uqausingit. 1070 Mesh regulation in the demersal fisheries of the South China Sea area. 9251 Biologia de água doce e pesca interior. 29897 Karyotype of Chudskoy whitefish. (Kariotip tschudskogo ziga). 1901 A genetic analysis of egg, alevin and fry mortality in salmon (Salmo salar), sea trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). 46962 Feeding behavior and functional coloration of the atlantic trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus. 34340 Chromosome analysis in two species of Indian mullets (pisces). 27759 Comparison of the food and the filtering mechanism of pilchard Sardinops ocellata and anchovy Engraulis capensis off South West Africa, 1971-1972. 30081 Sister chromatid differentiation and exchanges in adult mudminnows (Umbra limi) after in vivo exposure to 5-bromodeoxyuridine. 34764 Chromosome morphology of Pachychilon pictum (Heckel et Kner)(Cypriidae, Pisces) from Shadar Lake. 30064 Comparative studies of the karyotype in small and large races of loach Cobitis biwae. 56405 Features of biology and distribution of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). 45977 The embryological development of the diamond killifish (Adinia xenica). 5823 Some investigations on horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) in the ICSEAF area in 1973. 2509 Metabolic rate of the underyearling of the carp, Cyprinus carpio, adapted to different water temperatures. 924 The South Baltic cod growth parameters and length-weight relationship. 41428 Modifications taxonomiques au sein des super-espèces Aphyosemion gardneri (Blgr., 1911) et A. walkeri (Blgr., 1911) avec une espèce et une sous-espèce «Nouvelle» mais connues et un sous-genre nouveau. Aphyosemion (Fundulopanchax). 46954 Clarification of the name and distribution of the plotosid catfish Cnidoglanis macrocephalus. 46947 Synchronous air breathing, a social component of respiration in fishes. 50738 Food of five species of cooccurring flatfishes on Oregon's continental shelf. 57994 Distribution pattern of oceanic fishes in the Atlantic Ocean. 4605 A note on mortality rates and yield per recruit in Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch). 2934 Preliminary study on the life-history of the flatfish Psettodes erumei from the Gulf of Thailand. 86503 Apistogramma luelingi sp. nov., a new cichlid fish from Bolivia (Teleostei: Cichlidae). 46939 Meristic variation in the three-spine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, from Auke Lake, Alaska. 10323 Two new species of sciaenid fishes Johnius elongatus and Johnieops macrorhynus from India. 46956 A new species of Eviota with discussion of the nominal genera Eviota and Eviotops. 1267 Dynamique des populations ichtylogiques lagunaires. Application à Sparus aurata L. 59151 Alevinage et exploitation des étangs saumâtres de la région d'arcachon. 2777 Mortality rates of Lates niloticus in Lake Nasser. 11249 Régimes alimentaires et relations trophiques des poissons du Lac Tchad. 9034 The biology of the sandbar shark Carcharinus plumbeus (Nardo 1827) in the lower Chesapeake Bay and adjacent waters. 39065 A list of freshwater fishes of Maryland and Delaware. 29310 Karyology of the mullets Mugil curema and M.cephalus (Perciformes: Mugilidae) from Louisiana. 80023 Sex ratio, sex change, and natural selection. 316 Observations on the introduction of Tilapia andersonii (Castelnau) into Tanzania from Zambia. 86078 Caractéristiques ultrastructurales des cellules acineuses de la glande post-anale du coelacanthe (Latimeria chalumnae Smith). 27951 The Western Australian amateur fishery for Australian herring (Arripis georgianus). Results of the 1973 creel census. 93918 Evolution of the scale-eating cichlid fishes of Lake Tanganyika: a generic revision with a description of a new species. 47048 Normal embryonic stages of the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni. 85902 Evolution and functional anatomy of the pectoral fin rays in cyprinoid fishes, with emphasis on the suckers (family Catostomidae). 34792 The karyotype of Coregonus nasus sensu Svärdson from the archipelago of Aland. 41304 Vissen van de Europese kutswateren en de Middlellandse Zee. 74605 Observations on the maturity and fecundity of mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.). 33400 The aquatic resources of the Ya YA Esker in the Mackenzie River delta. 34798 Studies on the chromosomes of Indian major carps. 58111 New species of rattail, Coryphaenoides subserrulatus, n.sp. (Macrouridae, Osteichthyes) collected to the south of New Zealand. 10065 Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the chub Squalius cephalus (L.) in the River Stour, Dorset. 52218 Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the pike Esox luciusL. in two rivers in southern England. 3205 Age, growth and mortality of the white grunt, Haemulon plumieri Lacepède (Pisces: Pomadasyidae), from North Carolina and South Carolina. 56878 Food habits of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus Linnaeus (Pisces: Sparidae) off Noth Carolina and South Carolina. 46948 Conspecific status of the sparid fishes Pagrus sedecim Ginsburg and Pagrus pagrus Linnaeus. 74861 The nutritional ecology of mullets in the Swartkops estuary. 1334 Croissance des jeunes albacores Thunnus albacares et patudos Thunnus obesus de la côte nord-ouest de Madagascar. 38962 Early life history studies of American shad in the lower Connecticut River and the effects of the Connecticut Yankee Plant. 8801 Toxicity of rotenone to fish in standardized laboratory test. 44447 The seasonality of availability and movements of fishes in the channel of the York river, Virginia. 46944 A theory of storm-induced drift dispersal of the gasterosteid fish Aulorhynchus flavidus. 2045 R/V Mutiara-IV survey data. November 1974 to July 1976. 28933 Populations of sympatric sculpins, Cottus aleuticus and Cottus asper, in four adjacent salmon-producing coastal streams on Vancouver Island, B.C. 8827 Toxicity of natural pyrethrins and five pyrethroids to fish. 2068 Algunos aspectos alimentarios del bonito. 39688 Vertebral counts of some Pacific morays (Family Muraenidae). 45643 Utrastructure of Lymphocystis virus in the quillback rockfish, Sebastes maliger, with records of infection in other aquarium-held fishes. 11327 The taxonomic status of the Galaxias populations in the Rio Calle Calle, Chile (Pisces: Galaxiidae). 47051 Chemical recognition of young by the midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum. 14100 Long term effects of methylmercuric chloride on three generations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): toxicity, accumulation, distribution and elimination. 7497 Four new species of the fish genus Ecsenius with notes on other species of the genus (Blenniidae: Salariini). 82908 Variations in the energy content of freshwater fish. 9102 Contribución al conocimiento de la biología y pesquería de la sardinia (Sardinops sagax sagax Jenyns) en el Perú. 35496 On the Cynopotaminae, a new subfamily of Characidae (Osteichthyes, Ostariophysi, Characoidei). 54159 New records of marine fishes from the western South Atlantic. 54406 Aspects of the reproductive biology of the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Sciaenidae), in North Carolina. 2817 Fecundity studies on Atlantic herring from the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and along Nova Scotia coast. 34888 A halak evoluciója a kariológia tükrében. 51970 Biologie des principales espèces utilisées en pisciculture africaine. 47917 Pisces. Vol. 2. 47918 Pisces. Vol. 3. 8828 Degradation, metabolism and toxicity of synthetic pyrethroids. 2532 Seasonal patterns in the respiratory metabolism of the mullets Mugil cephalus and Mugil curema. 46968 The frequency of muscle protein polymorphism in Menidia menidia (Atherinidae) along the Atlantic coast. 38620 Chlorine toxicity to estuarine fish eggs and larvae. 72464 Inland fishes of California. 11680 Aspectos biológico-pesqueros de Epinephelus morio (Val.): mero. 58002 Systematics and distribution of Bonapartia Goode & Bean and Margrethia Jespersen & Taning (Gonostomatidae, Osteichthyes). 3559 Population biology of Stolephorus heterolobus (Pisces: Engraulidae) in Palau, Western Caroline Islands. 1793 Aspects of the biology and ecology of Caribbean reef fishes: Mullidae (goat fishes). 2542 Oxygen uptake capacity of gills and skin in relation to body weight of the air-breathing siluroid fish, Clarias batrachus (Linn.). 12078 A preliminary feasibility study to prosecute offshore pelagic stocks from Hong Kong. 46980 Osmoregulation in the death valley pupfish Cyprinidon milleri (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). 39692 Temperature and the vertical distribution of two tidepool fishes (Oligocottus maculosus, O. snyderi). 4604 Age and growth of ribbonfish Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus. 36105 On the natural occurrence of the inter-generic catla-rohu hybrid in Rihand (Uttar Pradesh) with an account of its potential role in reservoir fisheries development in India. 53216 Preliminary observations on the biology of Lates species in Lake Tanganyika around Kigoma. 46953 Some notes on the Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus. 81573 The occurrence of Brama brama (Bonnaterre, 1788) along the coast of the Netherlands in 1974 and 1975 (Pisces, Perciformes, Bramidae). 29200 The interrelation between variability of characters, effectiveness of energy utilisation, and karyotype structure in fishes. 75029 Atlantic sturgeon of the Rioni river. 37113 Species composition of rockfish in catches by Oregon trawlers 1963-1971. 7009 Idade e crescimento da pescada-do-piauí, Plagioscion squamosissimus (Heckel) (Osteichthyes, Sciaenidae), do açude amanari (Maranguape, Ceara). 43059 Early biogeographic history of ostariophysan fishes. 42507 Preliminary report of the Hakuho Maru cruise KH-75-1. 29738 Fish chromosome methodology from embryos. 30121 A review of the chromosome number in fishes. 7149 Evaluacion de la poblaciones de jeniguano Haemulon aurolineatum y pez pluma Calamus nodosus en el Banco de Campeche. 14117 Investigations on the toxic effects of Bayer 73 (Bayluscid WP) on eggs and yolk-sac larvae, and larvae of Tilapia leucosticta (Cichlidae). 75009 The life history of the slabrock darter, Etheostoma smithi, in Ferguson Creek, Kentucky. 39675 Variation and systematics of the stripetail darter, Etheostoma kennicotti. 104600 Paralonchurus brasiliensis populacao SP: análise da curva de maturação, primeira maturação e sex-ratio. 58114 Preliminary list of the bathyal bottom fishes of the Rio Grande Rise. 2558 Oxygen consumption of the spawn of Anabas testudineus (Bloch). 46965 Use of the name Lampris guttatus (Brünnich, 1788) in preference to Lampris regius (Bonnaterre, 1788) for the opah. 39630 Breeding season and seed sources of murrels in swamps of Karnataka State. 58112 Two new species of Benthodesmus (Trichiuridae, Osteichthyes) from the western tropical Pacific Ocean. 58117 Comparative analysis of the mesopelagic ichthyocoens on four polygones in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. 6193 Pelagic deep-sea fishes of the families characteristic of the open ocean collected over the continental slope off west Africa. 58113 Rare and poorly known midwater fishes from the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. 29545 Karyotype conservation and difference in DNA amount in anguilloid fishes. 30130 Further investigations on the chromosomes of Anguilla anguilla. 4603 Some aspects of biology of Lates calcarifer (Bloch) from Chilka Lake. 104675 Recruitment and growth in the bivalve Protothaca staminea, at Olsen Bay, Prince William Sound, ten years after the 1964 earthquake. 12176 A study on age, growth and population structure of the snapper, Chrysophrys auratus in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. 44662 The biology, fishery and potential for aquaculture of Tilapia melanotheron in a small west African lagoon. 55661 The biology, fishery and potential for aquaculture of Tilapia melanotheron in a small West African lagoon. 37617 Distribution of shallow water marine fishes around Southern Africa. 5899 Growth and mortality rates for cod from the Georges Bank and Gulf of Maine areas. 46981 The nomeid fish Cubiceps capensis in the south Pacific ocean. 40308 Biology of Stenodus leucichthys nelma (Pallas) from the Irtysh Basin. 35310 Dimorphism, parasitism and sex: reproductive strategies among deepsea ceratioid anglerfishes. 10836 Comportamento, termorregulaçao e aclimaçao em temperaturas elevadas do peixe elétrico Gymnotus. 2970 Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba - Mission G.F. De Witte en collaboration avec W. Adam, A. Janssens, L. Van Meel et R. Verheyen (1946-1949). Fascicule 73. Poissons. 94752 Nannothrissa stewarti, espèce nouvelle de Clupeidae du lac Mai-ndombe (Zaïre)(Pisces, Clupeidae). 40769 An experiment in rearing larval Siganus vermiculatus (Valenciennes) and some observations on its spawning cycle. 853 Le sprat (Clupea sprattus L.) du Golfe de Gascogne. Observations biologiques et écologiques sur les échantillons prélevés en 1975. 29373 Chromosomes of the fishes, Tilapia mossambica and Notopterus notopterus. 96622 Neubeschreibung von Aphyosemion amieti nov. spec. aus Kamerun und Aphyosemion deltaënse nov. spec. aus Nigeria. 2827 Age determination of a tropical reef butterflyfish utilizing daily growth rings of otoliths. 2584 Ventilatory response to hypercapnia in the larger spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus stellaris. 10476 A review of the Hawaiian labrid fishes of the genus Coris. 10481 Ichthyological expedition to Easter Island. 94012 The endemic shore fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, Lord Howe Island and Easter Island. 1029 Age et croissance d'un poisson bathyal: Nezumia glerorhynchus (Macrouridae, Gadiformes) de la mer d'Alboran. 38672 Environmental biology of fishes: emerging science. 8659 The acute toxicity of the pyrethroid insecticide WL 43467 to brown trout (S. trutta). 29240 Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of a teleost, Callichrous bimaculatus (Bloch) with indications of male heterogamety. 30100 Karyotypic studies on four species of fishes. 30110 Cytological female heterogamety in jet-black molly, Mollienesia sphenops. 42510 An ecological and systematic survey of fishes in the rapids of the Lower Zaïre or Congo River. 40872 New genera and species of dysommine and synaphobranchine eels (Synaphobranchidae) with an analysis of the Dysominae. 6875 Nuevos registros para la ictiofauna Cubana. III. 46964 Anatomical considerations of pectoral swimming in the opah, Lampris guttatus. 39674 Kryptophaneron harveyi, a new anomalopid fish from the eastern tropical Pacific, and the evolution of the Anomalopidae. 1991 Implications of transplantations to aquaculture and ecosystems. 46961 Nest-entry behavior of female creek chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) in different habitats. 10554 Sex ratio, age and growth of silver eels in two brackish lagoons in the northern Adriatic (Valli di Comacchio and Valle Nuova). 84162 Disguise, defense and aggression. 37 The eggs and planktonic stages of British marine fishes. 40923 Texas peacock bass and nile perch: status report. 1487 First report of the the Indonesian-German demersal fisheries project: results of a trawl survey in the Sunda Shelf area. 50410 Length composition of yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye tunas caught in the eastern tropical Atlantic by American purse seiners. 40608 Age and growth of the ribbon fish in the Kii Channel. 58210 Siberian gudgeon - Gobio gobio cynocephalus dybowski - of small reservoirs of the southern Primorye. 7007 Análise quantitativa em um ensaio de piscicultura intensiva com pirapitinga, Colossoma bidens Agassiz. 29439 Chromosomes of Leptobotia curta (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes). 58110 New species of fishes of the family Searsiidae (Salmoniformes, Alepocephaloidei) from the Pacific Ocean. 58103 New species of fishes of the family Searsiidae (Salmoniformes, Alepocephaloidei) from the eastern Atlantic Ocean. 5345 A study on Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) in the Senegambian region. 3rd note: the biology of the Ethmalosa in the Gambian waters. 46946 Distribution, habitat preference and population size estimate of Etheostoma fonticola. 35083 Kariotip rybza Vimba vimba (L.). 50740 The diets of Sula dactylatra, Sula sula, and fregata minor on Christmas Island, Pacific Ocean. 14129 Cardiovascular malformations in Oryzias latipes embryos treated with 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T). 10644 Ecology and taxonomic status of different geographic populations of Gymnorhamphichthys hypostomus Ellis (Pisces, Cypriniformes, Gymnotoidei). 57868 The reproductive biology of Scleropages formosus (Müller & Schlegel) (Osteoglossomorpha, Osteoglossidae) in Malaya, and the morphology of its pituitary gland. 44617 Der Glühkohlenfisch. Das ablaichverhalten von Amphiprion ephippium. 34318 Chromosomnye kompleksy atlantitischeskogo lososja Salmo salar L. dschiloi populjazii oser Kuito (bassein Belogo morja). 46955 Notes on the Indo-west pacific species of the clupeid fish genus Ilisha, with a key to their identification. 51548 Observations on some aspects of the biology of the climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch) (Anabantidae: Perciformes). 7077 Natural mortality of Notothenia rossii. 29982 The karyotype of Vimba vimba L. 1230 Contribution à l'étude des Scorpènidés de la région d'Alger. 26307 Some additional notes on the piscivorous habits of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). 105755 A new species of Mastacembelus (Pisces, Mastacembelidae) from the upper Zambezi River, with a discussion of the taxonomy of the genus from this system. 1001 Von Bertalanffy growth curves for striped marlin, Tetrapterus audax and blue marlin, Makaira nigricans in the North Central Pacific. 14137 Early developmental effects of lime neutralized iron hydroxide suspensions on brook trout and coho salmon. 26189 The saber-toothed blennies, Tribe Nemophini (Pisces: Bleniidae). 1828 Some aspects of the biology of Siganus canaliculatus (Park) 1797. 95009 A technique for determining the age of Siberian sturgeon of the Lena River. 112753 Field guide to the fish of Puget Sound and the Northwest coast. 75227 Distribution and structure of the population of the arcto-Norwegian haddock - Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linne). 46995 Observations on the offshore reef and platform fish fauna of Louisiana. 97 The feeding habits of Tilapia galilaea (Artedi) in Lake Kinneret (Israel). 14143 Cadmium and zinc toxicity to the flagfish, Jordanella floridae. 46950 Photoperiodic effects on salinity selection in the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis. 39694 The basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus, from Florida and California, with comments on its biology and systematics. 11331 Synonymy of the fish families Cheilobranchidae (=Alabetidae) and Gobiesocidae, with descriptions of two new species of Alabes. 6201 Study of the monotypic fish family Pholidichthyidae (Perciformes). 46284 Feeding algae to fish. 82939 Chemical characteristics of fish caught in the northeast Pacific Ocean. 85595 Life history tactics: a review of the ideas. 45641 Gill damage in fish produced by buccal parasites. 4305 Feeding of laboratory-reared larvae of the sea bream Archosargus rhomboidalis (Sparidae). 88752 First results of shark tagging in the north-east Atlantic, 1972-1975. 8906 Management of tropical pot fishery for maximum sustainable yeild. 29522 Cariologia di due torpedini italiane. 912 Age and growth of the nehu Stolephorus purpureus (Pisces, Engraulidae) from the Hawaii Islands as indicated by daily growth increment of sagittae. 58171 Contribución al estudio de la dorada, Sparus auratus L. 54960 Pesquisas dos recursos pesqueiros da plataforma continental maranhense. 6772 A review of the demersal fishery of Indonesia in the Malacca Strait, based on recent surveys and catch and effort data. 42007 Embryonic and postembryonic development of the Amur River acipenserids. 29356 Karyotypes and electrophoretic patterns in loaches of the genus Cobitis. 6252 Food habits of the leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata, in Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California. 42495 Marcusenius paucisquamatus et Marcusenius conicephalus, deux espèces nouvelles du sud du Cameroun et du nord du Gabon (Pisces, Mormyridae). 88180 The influence of individual features on the fecundity of pikeperch - Stizostedion lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1958). 7118 Growth and fecundity of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus, Linnaeus) in ICSEAF Divisions 1.3 and 1.4. 46908 Age and growth of red drum from a saltwater impoundment in South Carolina. 39689 Rachovia splendens Dahl, a synonym of the annual killifish Rachovia brevis (Regan). 30600 Observations on the age, growth, reproduction, and feeding of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in the Sheep River, Alberta. 59320 Prey strategies of fishes in evolution and ecology - or how to stay alive long enough to fertilize some eggs. 3890 Some aspects of chromosomal evolution of the Cichlidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) with emphasis on neotropical forms. 29776 Chromosome evolution of the neotropical Cichlidae. 29524 Robertsonian polymorphism and constitutive heterochromatin distribution in chromosomes of the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). 47052 Field analysis of the territoriality of the threespot damselfish, Eupomacentrus planifrons (Pomacentridae). 1767 Fischereiresourcen der Ostsee und ihre Bedeutung für die deutsche Kutterfischerei. 46963 Terrestrial grazing by the eastern tropical pacific goby Gobionellus sagittula. 29357 Cytogenetic study of three species of genus Pimelodus (Pimelodidae, Pisces). 29358 Cytogenetic study of Pimelodella sp. and Rhamdia hilarii (Pimelodinae, Pimelodidae, Pisces): marker chromosomes. (Estudo citogenetico de Pimelodellaspec. e Rhamdia hilarii (Pimelodinae, Pimelodidae, Pisces):cromossomo marador. 29359 Modified squash technique for chromosomic studies in fishes. 47395 Ur?ovací klí?e a jejich konstrukce. 86980 Gobioid fishes from the Gulf of Aden. 91547 Age, growth and length-weight relationship of brown trout Salmo trutta (L.) in the Loch of Strathbeg, Aberdeenshire. 10967 Algunos aspectos de la biologia y ecologia del 'Paiche' Arapaima gigas C. del Lago Sauce (Dpto. San Martin). 54852 Tilapiine fishes from crater-lakes north of Lake Malawi. 86979 New species and new records of the families Serranidae, Emmelichthyidae and Ariommidae in the off-shore tropical Atlantic. 27730 The relationship between fish length and the length of the operculum for the carp in Lake Vistonis. 39686 The specific identity of the introduced pupfish population at Zzyzx Spring, California. 6370 Harjuksen, Thymallus thymallus (L.) kasvu, ravinto ja kannan ikärakenne Näätämönjoen vesistön latvaosissa. (Growth, feed, and the age structure of the grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.) in the upper reach of the River Näätämönjoki. 29614 Diploid-tetraploid complex in the genus Cobitis (Cobitidae, Cyprinidae). 39900 Koillisen Perämeren karasiian kalastus ja laahusnuottauksen rajoittaminen. 1120 Game fish of the east coast of South Africa. I. The biology of the elf, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus), in the coastal waters of Natal. 74906 Identification of the juvenile mullet of the east coast of South Africa. 2750 'n Visekologiese studie van die Liambezimeer in die Oos-Caprivi met verwysing na visontginning deur die Bantoe bevolking. 27489 'n Visekologiese studie van die Liambezimeer in die Oos-Caprivo met verwysing na visontginning deur die Bantoe bevolking. 2789 Age and growth studies of Clarias gariepinus in the Transvaal, South Africa. 57170 Age and growth studies of Clarias gariepinus in the Transvaal, South Africa. 86176 Anatomy and cytology of the pituitary gland of the coelacanth fish Latimeria chalumnae Smith. 88094 Los peces de agua dulce del Estado de Chiapas. 6969 A full account of all fishing operations, echorecordings, observations, cruise tracks and oceanographic data. 6970 A full account of all fishing operations, echorecordings, observations, cruise tracks and oceanographic data. 46996 Postembryonic development of the nasal organs, sacs and surrounding skeletal elements in Salmo gairdneri (Teleostei: Salmonidae), with some functional interpretations. 44352 A new nonparasitic species of lamprey of the genus Entosphenus Gill, 1862, (Petromyzonidae) from south central California. 45638 A second nonparasitic species of Entosphenus Gill, 1862 (Petromyzonidae) from Klamath river system, California. 74509 Rybec - Kompleksnye issledovaniya v nieskolkikh tochkakh areala. 28984 Predator-prey relationship between Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, larvae and a predatory hyperiid amphipod, Hyperoche medusarum. 1247 Some aspects of the suitability of various Philippine siganid species (Siganidae) for mariculture. 31649 Parasites in tarakihi (Pisces: Cheilodactylidae) from three areas around New Zealand. 75557 The biological characteristics of lake trout (Salmo trutta lacustris L.) from Wdzydze, released into dam reservoirs. 26065 Effects of species, sex, length and locality on the mercury content of school shark Galeorhinus australis (Macleay) and gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus Günther from south-eastern Australian waters. 27931 Aspects of the biology of jack mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenyns) from southeast Australian waters. 14162 Optical malformations induced by insecticides in embryos of the silversides, Menidia menidia. 14163 Abnormal locomotion associated with skeletal malformations in the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, exposed to malathion. 5881 Results of investigations on age and growth rate of the horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in south-west African waters. 46994 Size and allometry of the saccular air bladder of Gnathonemus petersi (Pisces: Mormyridae): implications for hearing. 6367 Introduction and distribution of exotic fish in Papua New Guinea. 4939 A check-list of fishes collected by Multiara 4 from November 1974 to November 1975. 14171 Effects of oil dispersants on the developing embryos of marine fish. 81587 Additions to, and range extensions of, the south african marine ichthyofauna. 59319 Morphological variations as induced by environment in coregonids. 46937 Melanism in Lepisosteus osseus from the James river, Virginia. 27191 Observaciones sobre Mugil curema Valenciennes en areas naturales de crianza, Mexico. Alimentacion, crecimiento, madurez y relaciones ecologicas. 39693 An electrophoretic study of two species of mosquitofish with notes on genetic subdivision. 55897 Larvae of Bothus ocellatus (Agassiz) from the northwest Atlantic. 46021 Observations sur la reproduction de Nothobranchius korthausae. 104524 Alguns aspectos do ciclo de vida de Umbrina canosai na região da plataforma continental brasileira entre Cabo Frio (lat 23°S) e Torres (lat 29° 21'S). 30040 Some indices of the cytogenetic analysis of reproductive systems of the residual and anadromous males of the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. 30041 Chromosome complex in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. from non-anadromous population of Lake Kujto (the White Sea basin). 5150 Diaphus hudsoni (Pisces: Myctophidae) a new lanternfish from the South Atlantic Ocean. 46556 Prehatch and posthatch growth of fishes-a general model.
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