27982 |
Kamus Wolio-Indonesia. |
1453 |
Observations on the biology of Nile Perch (L. niloticus), and the growth of its fishery in the northern waters of Lake Victoria. |
26280 |
Zoogeographical implications of the distribution of selected families of Caribbean coral reef fishes. |
5531 |
Some aspects of the biology of Trypauchen vagina off Bombay coast. |
82852 |
Cumulative stress-induced mortality of gizzard shad in a southeastern U.S. reservoir. |
27989 |
Kamus Alas-Indonesia. |
95011 |
Gametogenesis and reproductivecycles of the Siberian sturgeon under natural and experimental condition. |
51767 |
Vertebral anomalies in Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) collected from Basrah and Baghdad, Iraq. |
51768 |
A study on phosphoglucose isomerase enzyme in some elasmobranch fishes collected from Khor Al-Zubair, orth west of theArabian Gulf, Iraq. |
51935 |
Phosphoglucose isomerase and phosphoglucose mutase isozymes in some freshwater fishes from Basrah, Iraq. |
51939 |
Comparative electrophoretic studies of muscle, eye lens and heart protein in fishes from the Arabian Gulf. |
51761 |
Hydrological parameters influencing the penetration of Arabian Gulf fishes into the Shatt al Arab river, Iraq. |
51931 |
Phosphoglucose isomerase isozymes in Teleostean fishes from the Arabian gulf. |
55702 |
On the biology of sbour Hilsa ilisha (Hamilton) (Pisces, Glupeidae) from Ashar Canal, Basrah. |
29539 |
Proucavanje citogenetike riba. |
30182 |
Chromosomal studies by blood leukocyte culture technique on three salmonids from Yugoslavian waters. |
30183 |
Frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Rich., exposed to five pollutans. |
27190 |
Biologie et écologie des Mugilidae en lagune Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire) intérêt potentiel pour l'aquaculture lagunaire. |
8649 |
Acute toxicity of four phenoxy herbicides to aquatic organisms. |
28000 |
Kamus Ogan-Indonesia. |
55 |
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 6. Snappers of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lutjanid species known to date. |
1677 |
Fishes of Western Australia. |
4858 |
Butterfly and angelfishes of the world. Vol. 2. |
510 |
A review of the Pomacentrid fishes of the genus Stegastes from the Indo-Pacific, with descriptions of two new species. |
469 |
Review of the snappers of the genus Lutjanus (Pisces Lutjanidae) from the Indo-Pacific with the description of a new species. |
48667 |
Clef pour la determination des Blenniidae et Tripterygiidae marin du Portugal continental, Acores et Madere. |
34395 |
Análise cytogenética comparativa entre o peixe cego, ,Pimelodus kronei, das grutas deIporanga (SP) e o seu presumivel ancestral, Pimelodella transitoria. |
1404 |
Skipjack tuna (K. pelamis) aspects on the biology and relative abundance from the western and southern coastal waters of Sri Lanka. |
2299 |
Growth characteristics of Lutjanidae off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. |
30128 |
Chromosomal NORs as systematic markers in the North American minnows (Cyprinidae). |
5557 |
Contribution to the knowledge of the age and growth of striped mullet, Mullus barbatus (L., 1758) and red mullet Mullus surmuletus (L., 1758) in the Sicilian Channel. |
58163 |
Contribution to the knowledge of the age and growth of striped mullet, Mullus barbatus (L., 1758) and red mullet Mullus surmuletus (L., 1758) in the Sicilian Channel. |
41869 |
Contribution to the knowledge of the age, growth and feeding of pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (L. 1758) in the Sicilian channel. |
5539 |
Contribution to the knowledge of the age, growth and feeding of hake Merluccius merluccius (L., 1758) in the Sicilian Channel. |
38744 |
The structure of sculpin populations along a stream size gradient. |
2808 |
Zoarcidae. |
6366 |
Aquatic species introduced to Fiji. |
33675 |
Study on the reproduction of Peruvian scad, Trachurus murphyi (Carangidae), of the Peruvian Shelf. |
57760 |
The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the blind catfish, Horaglanis krishnai (Menon). |
1467 |
Report of the Second Working Group Meeting on the Mackerels (Decapterus and Rastrelliger spp.) in the Malacca Strait, 4-9 October 1985, Colombo, Sri Lanka. |
51859 |
Relação peso total/comprimento total, crescimento e idade do cascudo Plecostomus albopunctatus Regan, 1908 (Osteichthyes, Loricariidae) do Rio Jaguari, São Paulo, Brasil. |
44702 |
Rearing of the Dover sole, Solea solea (L), through its larval stages using artificial diets. |
49088 |
Multispecies assessment in coral reefs fisheries using higher taxonomic categories as unit stocks, with an anlysis of an artisanal Haemulid fishery. |
46160 |
Evaluation of Hydrodictyon reticulatum as protein source in feeds for Oreochromis (Tilapia) niloticus and Tilapia zillii. |
32853 |
Eel population structure, dynamics and fishing yield in a coastal lagoon of central Italy. |
27991 |
Kamus Melayu Makasar - Indonesia. |
5570 |
Some preliminary observations on the biology and dynamics of Mullus barbatus L. in the Adriatic Sea. |
26501 |
Distribution and abundance of eggs of the anchovy Engraulis australis antipodum Günther, in relation to temperature and salinity in the Gippsland Lakes. |
8542 |
Estudios sobre los efectos de los otolitos, la edad y el crecimiento de la biajaiba, (Lutjanus synagris, 1758). |
38262 |
Exotic tropical fishes. |
11269 |
La pêche dans l'étang de Thau: Application de quelques notions d'écologie théorique aux de communautés de poissons et à leur exploitation. |
11359 |
Untitled. |
2060 |
Aquarien atlas. Band 2. |
27987 |
Kamus Melayu Bali - Indonesia. |
6339 |
Introduccion de peces exoticos en la Republica Argentina. |
56788 |
Recruitment of pacific whiting, Merluccius productus, and the ocean environment. |
27984 |
Kamus Aceh-Indonesia 1. |
27985 |
Kamus Aceh-Indonesia 2. |
59369 |
Results of the demersal trawl surveys. |
13752 |
National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa. 7. Kenya. |
86147 |
Early life histories of fishes: new developmental, ecological and evolutionary perspectives.. |
33668 |
Rhamphexocoetus volans, gen. et sp. nov. a new beloniform fish (Beloniformes, Exocoetidei) from the lower eocene of Italy. |
34374 |
A study of chromosomes in some Indian teleost (Pisces). |
5908 |
Age and growth of Atlantic croakers in the northern Gulf of Mexico, based on otolith sections. |
91387 |
Avancement et amélioration de la ponte induite chez le loup Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) à l´aide d´un analogue de LHRH injecte. |
26811 |
Les triglides (Téléostéens, Scorpaeniformes) de la baie de Douarnenez. II. La reproduccion de: Eutrigla gurnardus, Trigla lucerna, Trigloporus lastoviza et Aspitrigla cuculus. |
5771 |
Growth studies, using scales of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) in Portuguese waters (1979-1984). |
57197 |
Estimates of daily food intake by an inshore opulation of Pleuronectes platessaL. off eastern Anglesey, North Wales. |
74433 |
Studies on feeding, growth and production of a recruited inshore population of Pleuronectes platessa (L.) at East Anglesey, North Wales. |
10765 |
Hormonal control of sex differences in the electric organ discharge (EOD) of mormyrid fishes. |
34204 |
Food preferences of white perch in the Hudson River Estuary. |
9495 |
Biochemical genetic stock identification of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Southern British Columbia. |
50913 |
Growth of the mountain brook lamprey Ichthyomyzon greeleyi Hubbs and Trautman. |
50914 |
Growth of the mountain brook lamprey Ichthyomyzon greeleyi Hubbs and Trautman. |
47055 |
Annulus development on the second dorsal spine of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) and its validity for age determination. |
4796 |
Characteristics of the Nam Ngum reservoir eco-system as deduced from the food of the most important fish-species. |
33659 |
Distribution of myctophid fishes and the position of the biogeographical border between the islands of Saint Paul and Kerguelen. |
1806 |
Mass spawning of Caesio teres (Pisces: Caesionidae) at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. |
38766 |
Mass spawning of Caesio teres (Pisces: Caesionidae) at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. |
36214 |
Pelvic reduction and its directional asymmetry in threespine sticklebacks from the Cook Inlet Region, Alaska. |
56622 |
The impact of the Lessepsian (Suez Canal) fish migration on the eastern Mediterranean ecosystem. |
10602 |
Stratégie de reproduction des poissons du Tchad en période de `Tchad Normal' (1966-1971). |
29873 |
Production of chromosome preparations from phytophagous fish tissues. |
4072 |
Effect of thermal stratification on the growth and survival of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). |
42280 |
Stomach contents of albacore, skipjack, and bonito caught off southern California during summer 1983. |
72498 |
Marine mammals and fisheries. |
2871 |
FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania. |
2872 |
FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Pakistan. Prepared with the support of PAK/77/033 and FAO (FIRM) Regular Programme. |
104801 |
Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Rutilus R. in Italia e nei balcani occidentali (Pisces, Cyprinidae). |
14009 |
The effect of metals and cyanide on fertilization in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). |
14012 |
Short-term fish and amphibian embryo-larval tests for determining the effects of toxicant stress on early life stages and estimating chronic values for single compounds and complex effluents. |
47340 |
The nutrition of stomachless phytoplanktivorous fish in comparison with Tilapia. |
38544 |
Community structure and zoogeographic affinities of the coastal fishes of the Dampier region of north-western Australia. |
4577 |
Observations on the balance in fish populations in a small reservoir in Ghana. |
12241 |
Nature conservation and wildlife management in Bhutan. |
8824 |
The effect of deltamethrin on the aquatic environment. |
2359 |
Lipid and protein content in Anguilla anguilla during growth and starvation. |
33402 |
Life history studies of anadromous coregonid fishes in two freshwater lake systems on the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, Northwest Territories. |
27797 |
Biologie der Fische. |
111328 |
Révision systématique du genre Parachanna Teugels et Daget 1984 (Pisces: Channidae). |
42394 |
Prey detection by the blue-eye, Pseudomugil signifer Kner (Atherinidae): analysis of field behaviour by controlled laboratory experiments. |
4075 |
Feeding, growth and particle-size-conversion efficiency in white sucker larvae and young common shiners. |
58175 |
Essais d'évaluation de l'état d'exploitation des stocks de sardines dans les divisions statistiques Baléares et golfe du Lion, par quelques méthodes analytiques simples. |
1415 |
Stock assessment of the king fish Scomberomorus commerson inhabiting the coastal waters of Djibouti Republic and state of fish stocks. |
91248 |
Studies of fishing on Lake Kariba. |
57909 |
Poissons téléostéens: Gonostomatidae, Sternoptychidae, et Myctophidae (Musorstom II). |
84780 |
Food of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and ide (Leusiscus idus): significance of diet shift for interspecific competition in omnivorous fishes. |
8678 |
to be filled (PNB). |
38769 |
Technique of making fish illustration 12: how and when to use carbon dust. Part 1. Introduction. |
39396 |
Technique of making fish illustration 12: how and when to use carbon dust, part 2. |
39398 |
Technique of making fish illustration 12: how and when to use carbon dust. Part 4. Conclusion. |
39399 |
Technique of making fish illustration 12: how and when to use carbon dust, part 3. |
4764 |
Growth rate of Raja clavata in the north east Irish Sea. |
75316 |
Egg characteristics and hatchery survival in a Baltic salmon, Salmo salar, L. population. |
8759 |
Acute toxicity of organic chemical mixtures to the fathead minnow. |
32016 |
Pelagic duration, dispersal, and the distribution of Indo-Pacific coral-reef fishes. |
9434 |
Pangasius sutchi (Pangasiidae), an air-breathing catfish that uses the swimbladder as an accessory respiratory organ. |
525 |
A revision of the Indo-West Pacific parrotfish genera Calotomus and Leptoscarus (Scaridae: Sparisomatinae). |
92561 |
Exposé synoptique des données biologiques sur les mérous Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 1809) et Epinephelus guaza (Linnaeus, 1758) de l'Océan Atlantique et de la Méditerranée. |
27986 |
Kamus Mentawai-Indonesia. |
4089 |
Growth of larval sardines off Peru. |
31510 |
Preliminary studies on the age and growth of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, using vertebral bands. |
27338 |
Early development of an endangered African barb, Barbus trevelyani (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
27341 |
Early ontogeny of Labeo capensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
35330 |
Observations on spawning of Labeo capensis and Clarias gariepinus in the regulated lower Orange River, South Africa. |
12289 |
Age and growth of a colonizing minnow, Barbus anoplus, in a man-made lake in South Africa. |
12527 |
Aspects of the biology of a rare redfin minnow, Barbus burchelli (Pisces, Cyprinidae), from South Africa. |
32384 |
A survey of fishes of the Tana River at Koba and a checklist of fishes of the Tana River. |
48763 |
Natural hybridization between steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) and coastal cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki clarki) in two Puget sound streams. |
80717 |
Propos sur la sexualite des poissons Selaciens. |
41899 |
Feeding habits of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) in the Saronikos Gulf. |
5888 |
Preliminary length-based growth parameter estimates of Peruvian sardine (Sardinops sagax sagax). |
38756 |
Distribution, biology and hybridization of Scaphirhynchus albus and S. platorynchus in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. |
6001 |
Transoceanic and interoceanic dispersal of coastal marine organisms: the biology of ballast water. |
31446 |
Monomitopus magnus, a new species of deep-sea fish (Ophidiidae) from the western North Atlantic. |
31507 |
Sexual dimorphism in the deep-sea fish Barathrodemus manatinus (Ophidiidae). |
27101 |
Distribution of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the western North Atlantic. |
3599 |
Age and growth of the sandbar shark (Carcharinus plumbeus) from the western North Atlantic. |
30137 |
Ritrovamento di Parablennius pilicornis (Cuvier, 1829) nelle acque italiane e suo cariotipo (Pisces, Blenniidae). |
41443 |
Aspects of Oblada melanura (L. 1758) biology (Pisces: Sparidae). |
2382 |
Respiratory metabolism of mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis: effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen, and sex difference. |
29794 |
Induction of triploidy in Pacific salmons (Salmonidae). |
33728 |
Reproduction and development of longfin Baikal sculpin, Cottocomephorus inermis, of Lake Baikal. |
35252 |
Age structure, growth rates, movement patterns and feeding in an estuarine population of the cardinal fish Apogon rueppellii. |
13216 |
Cosmochilus cardinalis, a new cyprinid fish from the Lancang-jiang or Mekong River in Yunnan Province, China. |
347 |
Résultats préliminaires de l'alimentation artificielle de Tilapia guineensis et Sarotherodon melanotheron en élevage. |
57974 |
Abundance, life history and ligulosis in the gobies (Teleostei) of the Inner Severn Estuary. |
30530 |
The food and feeding of seven fish species from the Campbell Plateau, New Zealand. |
37862 |
Feeding relationships of seven fish species from the Campbell Plateau, New Zealand. |
89160 |
The population dynamics and sustainable yield of the major fish species in Hartbeespoort Dam. |
104671 |
Relação peso-comprimento e tamanho de início de primeira maturação gonadal para Sciaenidae Stellifer rastrifer (Jordan, 1889), no litoral do estado de São Paulo. |
29491 |
Cytotaxonomic studies in Iberian Cyprinids. II. Karyology of Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner, 1866), Chondrostoma lemmingi (Staindachner, 1866), Rutilus arcasi (Steindachner, 1866) and R. macrolepidotus (Staindachner, 1866). |
34532 |
The"Rutilus alburnoides (Steindachner, 1866) complex" (Pisces, Cyprinidae). II. First data on the karyology of a well-established diploid-triploid group. |
10995 |
Zenarchopterus ornithocephala, a new species of freshwater halfbeak (Pisces: Hemiramphidae) from the Vogelkop peninsula of New Guinea. |
12212 |
Interrelationships of the Spanish mackerels (Pisces: Scombridae: Scomberomorus) and their copepod parasites. |
74432 |
Field and laboratory assessment of patterns in fecundity of a multiple spawning fish: The Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia . |
38752 |
Allopaternal care in the tessellated darter, Etheostoma olmstedi (Pisces: Percidae). |
11229 |
Fish population in the Paraná River: lentic environments of Diamante and San Pedro areas (Argentine Republic). |
1449 |
Population parameters of commercially important fishes in Philippine waters. |
51360 |
Biology and distribution of species of Polyacanthonotus (Pisces: Notacanthiformes) in the Western North Atlantic. |
46428 |
Aging in Fish. |
14028 |
Effects of environmental toxicants on development of a teleost embryo. |
38738 |
Distribution of fish in the Virgin River, a tributary of the lower Colorado River. |
54094 |
Fish food habits along a pollution gradient. |
42562 |
Observations on the food and feeding of the angler-fish, Lophius piscatorius L., in the northern Irish Sea. |
46403 |
Fish bioenergetics and growth in aquaculture ponds: III. Effects of intraspecies competition, stocking rate, stocking size and feeding rate on fish productivity. |
46479 |
Fish bioenergetics and growth in aquaculture ponds: I. Individual fish model development. |
38753 |
Early ontogeny of Adinia xenica (Pisces, Cyprinodontiformes). 1. The development of embryos in hiding. |
41540 |
Rearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae. I. Feeding trial. |
4129 |
Rearing of coregonid (Coregonus schinzi palea Cuv. et. Val.) larvae using dry and live food. III. Growth of fish and developmental characteristics related to nutrition. |
43734 |
A new species of the genus Lepturichthys from China. |
35361 |
Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Spratelloides gracilis (Schlegel) in the Ysabel Passage, Papua New Guinea. |
74632 |
Reproductive biology of Rutilus rubilio in Lake Trichonis. |
13207 |
Chromosome characterization in Acestrorhynchinae and Cynopotaminae (Pisces, Characidae). |
29552 |
Chromosome characterization in Acestrorhynchinae and Cynopotaminae (Pisces, Characidae). |
14030 |
The influence of pH on the toxicity of aluminum, cadmium, and iron to eggs and larvae of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. |
9737 |
Synopsis of biological data on the lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus 1758). |
13300 |
Pêche de subsistance et milieu naturel: les mangrove de Vanuatu et leur intérêt halieutique. Notes et documents d'océanographie. |
8672 |
The toxicology and metabolism of chlorotalonil in fish. I. Lethal levels for Salmo gairdneri and Galaxias maculatus, G. trutaceous and G. auratus and the fate of 14C-TCIN in S. gairdneri. |
38558 |
Seasonal changes in gonad maturity, and abundance of larvae and early juveniles of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in Van Diemen Gulf and the Gulf of Carpentaria. |
29492 |
Triploid progeny of pumkinessed x green sunfish hybrids. |
5316 |
Indo-Pacific pipefishes (Red Sea to the Americas). |
29137 |
As regioes organizadoras do nucleolo em peixes. |
29133 |
Spontaneous triploidy and NOR activity in Eigenmannia sp. (Pisces, Sternopygidae) from the Amazon basin. |
1974 |
Introductions of non-indigenous fish species for release and culture in the Netherlands. |
5727 |
Body condition and nutritional ecology of Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces: Cichlidae) populations of man-made lakes in Sri Lanka. |
6702 |
Reproductive biology of six Barbus species indigenous to Sri Lanka. |
9969 |
The undulatory movements of fishes. |
2400 |
The relationship between growth, food conversion and oxygen consumption in developed and underdeveloped American eels, Anguilla rostrata Lesueur. |
11338 |
Mangrove fishes of Pagbilao (Quezon Province, Luzon Island), with notes on their abundance and seasonality. |
5516 |
Estudio de los recursos demersales de la plataforma continental de la Republic de Gabon. |
28710 |
Datos sobre la biología de la sardina (Sardina pilchardus Walb., 1972) capturado por los cerqueros españoles en Africa Occidental de 1976 a 1982. |
40568 |
Life history of anadromous arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in the Fraser River, northern Labrador. |
14035 |
Effects of toluene on fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque) development. |
5090 |
Reports on the fishes of the University of Southern California Antarctic Research Program, 1962-1968. 1. A review of the genus Bathydraco Günther (family Bathydraconidae). |
4136 |
Contribution à la connaissance de la biologie et de l'elevage de 6 Sparides méditerraneens: Sparus aurata, Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, D. annularis, Lithognathus mormyrus, and Puntazzo puntazzo (Poissons teleosteens). |
75563 |
Variability of vendace (Coregonus albula L.) gonads in the annual cycle, in three lakes of Mazurian lakeland. |
33274 |
Local and scientific names of fishes of Goa. |
31387 |
New species of skates of the family Rajdae from the northwestern Pacific Ocean. |
41247 |
A new species of shark from the north-west Pacific Ocean. |
27165 |
Studies on adult, juvenile and larval fishes of the Gambia river, West Africa, 1983-1984. |
29176 |
Une technique rapide d'analyse chromosomique appliquee a sept especes de poissons antarctiques. |
5789 |
Age, growth and reproductive biology of Notothenia squamifrons Gunther, 1880 from the Indian sector of the southern ocean. |
58382 |
The role of zooplankton in the diets of certain sub-antarctic marine fish. |
96205 |
Mogan Gölü’ndeki sazan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) stoklar?n?n tahmini ve populasyon dinami?i üzerine bir ara?t?rma. |
50736 |
Pleuragramma antarcticum (Pisces, Nototheniidae) as food for other fishes in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. |
2408 |
The effect of temperature and mass on routine oxygen consumption in the South African cyprinid fish Barbus aeneus Burchell. |
42471 |
The fisheries situation in the Peruvian Amazon Region. |
130 |
Incorporation of composted and dried water hyacinth in pelleted food for tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Peters). |
1451 |
Growth rates of Lutjanidae (snappers) in tropical Australian waters. |
1498 |
Growth, mortality, age composition and fishery yields of fish from the Gulf of Aden. |
37625 |
Reproductive biology of the roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax Lacepède) (Pisces, Gadiformes) from the continental slope of northern Norway. |
90281 |
Studies on meristic characteristics, development, length-weight relationship, and condition of pike-perch (Stizostedion lucioperca (L. 1758)) population of the Beysehir Lake. |
30619 |
O galelaka manga moi-mo ma lefo: Bahasa galela, maluku utara, Indonesia. |
33661 |
Larva of ribbontail (Eutaeniophoridae) from the eastern Pacific region. |
29289 |
A multiple sex chromosome system in the annual killifish, Nothobranchius guentheri. |
5794 |
Growth parameters of the black goby (Gobius niger L.) in the Adriatic Sea, based on otoliths reading. |
91601 |
Feeding, growth and parasites of trout Salmo trutta L. from Mulroy Bay, an Irish Sea lough. |
34559 |
Cromossomos sexuais ZZ/ZW em Triportheus(Characidae) da Amazonia. |
52614 |
Regimen alimentario de las especies del henero Solea (Pisces, Soleidae) presentes en Canarias. |
29477 |
Karyotypes of 10 species of neotropical cichlids (Pisces, Perciformes). |
29478 |
Nucleolar organizing regions in some species of neotropical cichlid fish (Pisces: Perciformes). |
86160 |
Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. |
36211 |
Redescription and spawning behavior of the muraenid eel Gymnothorax herrei. |
5796 |
Biologia pesqueria do cangulo, Balistes vetula Linnaeus: reproducäo e crescimento. |
33731 |
Halosaurs (Notacanthiformes) of the Indian Ocean. |
35665 |
Cheirodon arnoldi, a senior synonym of Cheirodon affinis, a common Panamanian characid fish (Teleostei, Ostariophysi). |
26875 |
FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Southern Ocean (fishing areas 48, 58 and 88) (CCAMLR convention area). |
88797 |
FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Southern Ocean (fishing areas 48, 58 and 88) (CCAMLR convention area). |
34579 |
Karyology of the sparid fishes Lagodon rhomboides and Archosargus probatocephalus (Osteichthyes, Perciformes) from coastal Louisiana, North Carolina, and Florida. |
34580 |
Karyologic and electrophoretic studies of the genus Cynoscion (Sciaenidae, Perciformes) from the northern Gulf of Mexico. |
82885 |
Seasonal energy dynamics of the alewife in southeastern Lake Michigan. |
38545 |
Effects of carp, Cyprinus carpio L., on communities of aquatic vegetation and turbidity of waterbodies in the lower Goulburn River basin. |
41440 |
Talla de primera madurez, época de desove y fecundidad del bacalao de Juan Fernández Polyprion oxygeneios (Bloch y Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Percichthyidae). |
36615 |
Contribucíon al conocimiento de la biología de las hembras del charal Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes) Pisces: Atherinidae, Emblase Huapango, Estado de México. |
57135 |
Laboratory measurements of maximum daily food intake, growth and oxygen consumption of Plaice (Peuronectes platessa) and flounder (Platichthys flesus), in relation to water temperature and the size of the fish. |
40576 |
Maturity studies of Barents Sea capelin. Variations in length at maturity for female capelin. |
2853 |
Cytogenetic studies on the origin and species differentiation of the Philippine medaka, Oryzias luzonensis. |
85821 |
A drift study of larval fish survival. |
5281 |
Poissons. Liste et description de cinq espèces nouvelles (MUSORSTOM II). |
58528 |
Food habits and feeding periodicity in two sympatric stonerollers (Cyprinidae). |
41756 |
The White Eye ... A little known killifish. |
57658 |
Prime osservazioni sulla biologia e la gestione della popolazione di passere (Platichthys flesus luscus, Pallas, 1811) nell'area meridionale del delta del Po. |
69383 |
A revision of the cardinalfish subgenera Pristiapogon and Zoramia (genus Apogon) of the Indo-Pacific Region (Teleostei: Apogonidae). |
34942 |
Protogrammus, a new genus of callionymid fishes, with a redescription of P. sousai from the eastern Atlantic. |
74377 |
Dynamics of rainbow smelt during and after exploitation in South Bay, Lake Huron. |
57567 |
Growth of common sole Solea vulgaris quensel in the Adriatic Sea (Osteichthyes, Soleidae). |
35771 |
An annotated list of blenniid fishes from Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. |
29397 |
A multiple NOR-system in the fish Serrasalmus spilopleura (Serrasalminae, Characidae). |
1658 |
Análisis del crecimiento de la anchoveta Engraulis mordax Girard, en aguas de Baja California norte (Pisces: Engraulidae). |
4151 |
Comparative growth and development of autumn and spring spawned herring larvae reared in large enclosed ecosystem. |
27983 |
Kamus Sakai-Indonesia. |
12006 |
Relación largo-peso de la sradina, Sardinella aurita de la isla Margarita, Venezuela. |
2082 |
Age and growth of the bar jack, Caranx ruber, off the coast of Cuba. |
33718 |
Age and growth of the bar jack, Caranx ruber, off the coast of Cuba. |
26436 |
Características de la reproducción del civil, Caranx ruber, en la plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. |
5780 |
Determinacion de la edad y el crecimiento del bonito Katsuwonus pelamis en la region suroccidental de Cuba durante el periodo 1979 a 1982. |
6196 |
The offshore linefishery of Natal. II. Reproductive biology of the sparids, Chrysoblephus puniceus and Cheimerius nufar. |
6821 |
Additions to a revision of the shark genus Carcharhinus: synonymy of Aprionodon and Hypoprion, and description of a new species of Carcharhinus (Carcharhinidae). |
3917 |
Family Moridae - Moras. |
37356 |
Pisces. |
104248 |
Estimativa do comprimento médio da primeira maturação sexual da "manjuba" Anchoviella lepidentostole (Flower, 1911) (Osteichtyes, Engraulidae) em Registro (SP). |
29668 |
A new Robertsonian fusion in the multiple chromosome polymorphism of a mediterranean population of Gobius paganellus (Gobiidae, Perciformes). |
5333 |
A short note on the available information about the demersal fish on the shallow part of Sofala Bank. |
39401 |
Technique of making fish illustration 8. |
27007 |
Phylogeny of the family Congrogadidae (Pisces: Perciformes) and its placement as a subfamily of the Pseudochromidae. |
3232 |
Genome size variation among north american minnows (Cyprinidae). I. distribution of the variation in five species. |
42333 |
Morphological and functional adaptions in different feeding types of blennies (Perciformes; Teleostei). |
6185 |
A revision of the Odacidae, a temperate Australian-New Zealand labroid fish family. |
52612 |
Estudio de la edad y crecimiento del lenguado, Solea vulgaris vulgaris Quensel 1806, del Noroeste de Africa. |
12012 |
Determinación de edad y crecimiento de la sardina Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 (Pisces: Clupeidae) de la región nororiental de Venezuela. |
12103 |
Relación longitud-peso y factor de condición de la caitipa Diapterus rhombeus (Cuvier, 1829) (Pisces: Gerreidae) del sur-oeste de la isla de Margarita, Venezuela. |
14049 |
A new early life-satge toxicity test using California grunion (Leuristhes tenius) and results with chlorpyrifos. |
94624 |
Fishes of the Atlantic coast: Canada to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean. |
8859 |
Reproductive biology of blue runner (Caranx crysos) from the eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
2431 |
Neurobehavioural changes in freshwater fish Channa punctatus exposed to endosulfan. |
40711 |
The biology of fish of the family Moridae in the deep-water of the the Rockall Trough. |
33714 |
Assessment of the daily ration of meso- and bathypelagic fishes of the family Bathylagidae. |
33698 |
Feeding of deepsea fishes of the Family Bathylagidae. |
29814 |
Sympatric intraspecific forms of Kamchatka salmonids. |
29823 |
Karyotypes of Kamchatka salmons from the genus Salmo. |
33706 |
Karyotypes of Kamchatkan trout of the genus Salmo. |
38734 |
A possible relationship between aspects of dentition and feeding in the centrarchid and anabantodid fishes. |
36775 |
Ecología pesquera, alimentación y ciclo gonádico de Chirostoma estor Jordan y Micropterus salmoides Lacepede, en el Lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México. |
4158 |
Mortality, growth, and transport of larval Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in Maine coastal waters. |
41928 |
Osservazioni sull' alimentazione di Antonogadus megalokynodon (Kolombatovic) (Pisces; Gadidae) nel Medio Adriatico. |
5425 |
Biochemical genetic stock structure of the southern African anchovy, Engraulis capensis Gilchrist. |
5429 |
Biochemical genetic variation in the Cape anchovy, Engraulis capensis Gilchrist. |
91673 |
Comparative tolerance to gas supersaturated water of two marine fishes, Dicentrarchus labrax and Mugil cephalus. |
36215 |
Review of the Gambusia yucatana complex (Pisces: Poeciliidae) of Mexico and Central America. |
57564 |
Notes on the anatomy and phyletic relationships of Hemichromis Peters, 1858. |
33705 |
Electrophoretic spectra of hemoglobin of the Baykal Cottoidei. |
93240 |
The evolution of male and female parental care in fishes. |
9405 |
Influence of the 1982-1983 El Niño event upon the ichthyofauna of the Galápagos archipelago. |
33667 |
Presence of the sharp tooth sand shark, Odontaspis ferox (Odontaspididae), in the open waters of the Indian Ocean. |
36146 |
Further observations on the fry production of Oreochromis niloticus in concrete tanks. |
9638 |
The food, feeding habits and feeding structures of the whiting species Sillago sihama (Forsskål) and Sillago analis Whitley from Townsville, North Queensland, Australia. |
36091 |
The genetic structure of fish: differences in the intraspecific distribution of biochemical genetic variation between marine, anadromous, and freshwater species. |
10599 |
Court and spark: electric signals in the courtship and mating of of gymnotoid fish. |
74437 |
Growth and maturation of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus) in the Strait of Georgia. |
28478 |
A survey of recreational fishing in the Gippsland Lakes, Victoria. |
28479 |
A survey of recreational fishing in Mallacoota Inlet, Victoria. |
28090 |
Differential utilization of space and food by the inshore rockfishes (Scorpaenidae: Sabastes) of Carmel Bay, California. |
89593 |
Local growth differences in perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in a Baltic archipelago. |
91534 |
Local growth differences in perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in a Baltic archipelago. |
57162 |
Dynamics of the pelagic food web in St. Georges Bay, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. |
38557 |
Age of Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata (Perciformes: Percichthyidae), in the Sydney Basin. |
42372 |
Diet of the Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata (Perciformes: Percichthyidae), in the Sydney Basin. |
6424 |
Growth, mortality and age composition of a lightly exploited tilefish substock off Georgia. |
29683 |
Cytogenetic techniques in fish genetics. |
48383 |
The catch and growth rates of Gerres ruppellii Klunz, 1884 of the Red sea. |
57588 |
Quelques aspects de la Biologie de l'espece Spicara flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1810) des Eaux Tunisiennes. |
42674 |
Growth and feeding of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua L.). |
74438 |
Reproductive biology of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi). |
13034 |
Factors affecting growth and recruitment of yellow perch, Perca flavescens Mitchill, in South Bay, Lake Huron. |
41372 |
Distribution of neustonic larvae of hakes Urophycis spp. and fourbeard rockling Enchelyopus cimbrius in the Georges Bank area. |
75141 |
Spawning periods of common inshore fishes on the Florida east coast. |
4166 |
Growth of anchovy larvae Engraulis ringens in Central Chile, determined by daily increment counts in otoliths. |
14064 |
An abnormal black bass. |
4169 |
Causes of mortality in young jack mackerel. |
37860 |
Seasonal changes in abundance of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (S. gairdnerii) assessed by drift diving in the Rangitikei River, New Zealand. |
72476 |
Klamath River Basin Fisheries Resource Plan: Various pagination. |
3935 |
Menge und Zusammensetzung der Nahrung beim Hering und Sprott der Ostsee in den Jahren 1980-1982. |
14067 |
Malformations of embryos of the zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan) after treatments with detergents. |
33564 |
Revision of the Eastern Pacific species of the genus Barbulifer (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
40175 |
Digestive processes during the development of the roach, Rutilus rutilus L. |
38751 |
Effects of size and sex on the social organization of reef-associated hogfishes, Bodianus spp. |
8760 |
Acute toxicity of pulsed-dosed methoxychlor to juvenile American flagfish (Jordanella floridae Goode and Bean) as modified by age and availability. |
29186 |
Chromosome banding in fishes. I. An improved BrdU-Hoechst-Giemsa method for revealing DNA-replication bands in fish chromosomes. |
4619 |
Aspects of the trophic ecology of the mesopelagic fish Lampanyctus alatus (Family Myctophidae) in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
13803 |
Feeding ecology of four hatchetfishes (Sternoptychidae) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. |
41455 |
Common carp. Part. 1. Mass production of eggs and early fry. |
41456 |
Common carp. Part. 2. Mass production of advanced fry and fingerlings in ponds. |
44673 |
Fecundity and egg size of sole (Solea solea (L.)) spawning in captivity. |
9007 |
Population dynamics and feeding ecology of pipefish (Syngnathidae) associated with eelgrass beds of Western Port, Victoria. |
91350 |
Cranial muscles of gonorynchiform fishes, with comments on generic relationships. |
49092 |
Serranus lamprurus Jordan and Gilbert, 1882 (Pisces: Serranidae), a junior synonym of Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters, 1869) (Pisces: Lutjanidae). |
28938 |
Stomach contents of the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum from the southern and eastern Weddell Sea (Antarctica). |
95120 |
The comparative ecology and evidence for resource partitioning in two pholidid fishes (Pisces: Pholididae) from southern British Columbia eelgrass beds. |
36148 |
Differences in hybrid fry production between two strains of the Nile tilapia. |
5183 |
Myctophidae. |
51165 |
Measurement of spawning frequency in multiple spawning fishes. |
2121 |
Family Notothenidae - Antarctic rock cods. |
2805 |
Channichthyidae. |
2807 |
Nototheniidae. |
38290 |
Artedidraconidae. |
38291 |
Bathydraconidae. |
38292 |
Bothidae. |
38294 |
Congiopodidae. |
38295 |
Harpagiferidae. |
38296 |
Nototheniidae. |
46565 |
Biologia di Pomatoschistus marmoratus (Risso, 1810) (Osteichthyes, Gobiidae) in una sacca del delta del Po. |
3929 |
Report of the working group on assessment of pelagic stocks in the Baltic. |
12598 |
Karyotypes of two species in the order Torpediniformes. |
38750 |
Respiration and oxygen transport functions of the blood from an intertidal fish, Helcogramma medium (Tripterygiidae). |
7515 |
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Third edition. |
334 |
Possible value of Notopterus afer as a predator in Tilapia nilotica ponds. |
6797 |
Two new North Pacific skates (Rajidae) and a revised key to Bathyraja in the area. |
13155 |
Chromosomes in three species of Gadidae (Pisces). |
6507 |
Resistance of the White Sea herrings larvae and fries to low salinities. |
75368 |
The spawning and distribution of mackerel eggs in the North Sea related to the hydrography. |
37251 |
A revision of the eleotrid goby genus Odontobutis in Japan, Korea and China. |
31370 |
Estimate of exploitation rates and population size of skipjack tuna off the southeastern coast of Brazil. |
49182 |
Astotilapia tweddlei, a new species of fluviatile haplochromine chclid fish from lakes Chilwa and Chiuta, malawi, with zoogeographical notes. |
39402 |
Technique of making fish illustration 10. |
39403 |
Technique of making fish illustration 5. |
42665 |
Technique of making fish illustration 7. |
42666 |
Technique of making fish illustration 11. |
102047 |
Maturation and spawning of silverbelly Secutor insidiator from Porto Novo coast. |
38555 |
Occurrence of larvae of Spanish mackerels, genus Scomberomorus (Teleostei: Scombridae), in shelf waters of the Great Barrier Reef. |
52233 |
Relations among net reproductive rate and life history parameters for lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis). |
2484 |
Kinetics of the acclimational responses of tench to combined hypoxia and hypercapnia. I. Respiratory responses. |
93908 |
Lake Malawi's monster Melanochromis, Melanochromis robustus sp. n. |
89529 |
Within-season differences in growth of larval atlantic herring, Clupea harengus harengus. |
3607 |
Revision of the Australian species of the fish family Leiognathidae. |
7129 |
An exploratory dropline survey for deepsea trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) in continental slope waters off South Australia. |
45490 |
Fishes from Porirua and Pauatahanui inlets: occurrence in gill nets. |
38749 |
Use of space and food by resident and migrant brown trout, Salmo trutta. |
47304 |
Culture of fishes of the genus Trachinotus (Carangidae) in the western Atlantic: prospects and problems. |
29503 |
Diploidy and triploidy in the hibrid minnow, Phoxinus eos x Phoxinus neogaeus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
27992 |
Kamus Lampung - Indonesia. |
80645 |
Food composition of salmon post-smolts (Salmo salar) in the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia. |
60 |
Parasites and diseases of fish cultured in the tropics. |
92415 |
Breeding-related growth of captive Sparus aurata (Teleostei, Perciformes). |
90335 |
Données préliminaires sur la biologie de trois espèces de Scorpaenidae de la région de Marseille. |
41063 |
Comparative morphometric characters of Epigonus denticulatus Dieuseide (Perciformes, Apogonidae) from the Geraki and Hawaiian ranges. |
37270 |
Mature milkfish, Chanos chanos, caught in Okinawa Island, Japan. |
44826 |
A new percophidid fish, Osopsaron formosensis (Percophidae:Hermerocoetinae) from Taiwan. |
89141 |
Behavioural responses of European silver eel (Anguilla anguilla) to the geomagnetic field. |
33726 |
Mesopelagic eels of family Derichthyidae (Anguilliformes). |
37306 |
Aggressive behaviour and dominance relationships of the dark chub, Zacco temmincki with special reference to their individual recognition. |
27998 |
Kamus Bakumpai-Indonesia. |
42193 |
Development of dietary specializations in a summer community of juvenile fishes. |
13432 |
Growth depensation in year-0 largemouth bass: the influence of diet. |
104883 |
Reproduction and egg guarding by Atlantic wolfish (Anarhicas lupus: Anarhichidae) and ocean pout (Macrozoarces americanus: Zoarchidae) in Newfloundland waters. |
1501 |
Stock assessment for the blood snapper Lutjanus sanguineus from the Djiboutian waters Red Sea - Gulf of Aden. |
1503 |
Stock assessment for the longface emperor Lethrinus miniatus from the Djiboutian waters, Red Sea - Gulf of Aden. |
87584 |
Fecundity of atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) from three spawning areas in the Western Gulf of Maine, 1969 and 1982. |
56816 |
Bioenergetics of O+Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus harengus). |
5819 |
Age, growth, and mortality estimates of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) from the waters west of Great Britain and Ireland in 1984. |
40332 |
Some aspects of population dynamics of the white grunter (Pomadasys hasta Bloch) of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh as estimated from length frequency data. |
12698 |
New and rare species of the genus Paraliparis (Family Liparididae) from southern Japan. |
12700 |
New and rare species of the genus Careproctus (Liparididae) from the Bering Sea. |
5575 |
Au fil de l'eau ... en pays méditerranéen: milieux aquatiques, poissons et pêche, gestion. |
9056 |
Degree of genetic divergence and breeding structure in jack mackerel, Trachurus japonicus. |
35848 |
Diagramma aporognathus, a junior synonym of Parapristipoma trilineatum. |
89533 |
Morphological and meristic differences among spawning aggregations of north-east Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus L. |
38746 |
Concordant variation in thermal tolerance and allozymes of the red shiner, Notropis lutrensis, inhabiting tailwater sections of the Brazos River, Texas. |
37863 |
The demersal eggs and planktonic larvae of Chromis dispilus (Teleostei: Pomacentridae) in north-eastern New Zealand coastal waters. |
31753 |
The fauna associated with drift algae captured with a plankton-mesh purse seine net. |
51330 |
Vertical distribution and feeding patterns of midwater fish in the central equatorial Atlantic. I. Myctophidae. |
5822 |
Age and growth of Japanese Spanish mackerel in the central and western waters of the Seto Inland Sea. |
84172 |
Middelhavskystens fisk. |
75383 |
A preliminary report on the spawning season of the Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, in Malangen, North Norway. |
51147 |
Schooling in the large predator, Sphyrna lewini, a species with low risk of predation: a non-egalitarian state. |
56965 |
Age and growth, feeding habits, and reproduction of Cauque mauleanum Steindachner 1896 (Pisces: Atherinidae) in southern Chile. |
37318 |
External characteristics of the eggs of Japanese catfishes (Silurus). |
33679 |
Material for the revision of the genus Bathylagus Gunther (Bathylagidae): the group of "light" deepsea smelts. |
4579 |
Analysis of the age sensitive structures and linear growth in the pike glassfish, Champsocephalus gunnari (Channichthyidae). |
28939 |
Biology and status of exploited Antarctic fish stocks: a review. |
56249 |
Krill consumption by Antarctic Notothenioid fish. |
89227 |
Studies on food and fecundity of Notothenia gibberifrons Lönnberg 1905 (Pisces, Notothenioidei) off South Georgia. |
33704 |
First discovery of Nesiarchus nasutus Johnson, 1862 (Gempylidae) in the southeastern Pacific. |
33662 |
New information on the distribution of Gibberichthys latifrons (Gibberichthyidae). |
33709 |
Taxonomy and distribution of Monocentridae (Beryciformes). |
36654 |
Fresh-water fishes of Kampuchea. |
33716 |
Growth and maturity of the ocean flounder, Pleuronectes platessa, in the Barents Sea. |
1807 |
The remarkable seamoths. |
85827 |
Growth of juvenile milkfish Chanos chanos in a natural habitat. |
28735 |
A new record of the threadfin, Polynemus sheridani Macleay from India. |
38747 |
Social and reproductive behavior of three mouthbrooding cardinalfishes, Apogon doederleini, A. niger and A. notatus. |
12099 |
Republic of Zambia: economic feasibility of fish-culture in Zambia. |
74392 |
Résultats préliminairies sur la distribution des juvéniles de poissons dans un marais maritime du Bassin d' Arcachon. |
46313 |
Resource partitioning and niche shifts of bream (Abramis brama) and eel (Anguilla anguilla) mediated by predation of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) on Daphnia hyalina. |
91933 |
Abondance et survie des oeufs de perche dans le Léman et le lac de Joux. |
9079 |
Peces del Rio Mamoré. |
58173 |
Résultas de la campagne exploratoire du plateau continental de la Méditerranée marocaine. |
9081 |
Claves longitud - peso de 38 especes de la region de Trinidad Bolivia. |
52062 |
Mise en évidence d'un double cycle de croissance annuel chez un Silure de Guyane, Arius couma (Val., 1839) (Teleostei, Siluriforme, Ariidae) à partir de l'etude squeletto-chronologique des épines des nageoires. |
26770 |
A review of the fishes of the agonid genus Xeneretmus Gilbert. |
37314 |
Development of eggs, larvae and pelagic juveniles of three Indo-Pacific ostraciid fishes (Tetraodontiformes): Ostracion meleagris, Lactoria fornasini and L. diaphana. |
10220 |
To be filled. |
4539 |
Growth, mortality, parasitism, and potential yields of two Priacanthus species in the South China Sea. |
114076 |
Le genre Hippopotamyrus (Pisces, Mormyridae) en Afrique de l'Ouest, avec la description d'Hippopotamyrus paugyi n.sp. |
13294 |
Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. |
29414 |
Cytological evidence for sex determination in Leiobagrus marginatus. |
31825 |
Fish cell culture: two newly developed cell lines from Atlantic sturgeon ( Acipenser oxyrhynchus and guppy (Poecilia reticulata). |
29553 |
Studies on the karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. II. Karyotypic analysis of seven species of subfamily Leuciscinae with assumption about phylogenetic relations of some cyprinids. |
13594 |
Studies on the karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. VII. Karyotypic analyses of seven species in the subfamily Leuciscinae with a consideration for the phylogenetic relationships of some cyprinid fishes concerned. |
13148 |
Studies on the karyotypes of Chinese cyprinid fishes. 6. Karyotypes of three tetraploid species in Barbinae and one tetraploid species in Cyprininae. |
39391 |
On two new species of Homalopteridae fishes from Yunnan. |
74473 |
Fecundity of roach, Rutilus rutilus, in a newly built reservoir. |
34786 |
An approach to the factor causing the fertility of the hybrids of blunted snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala (female) x Chinese bream (Parabramis pekinensis (male). |
56604 |
Feeding of larvae and fry of Vinciguerria lucetia (Garman) (Gonostomatidae) in the Southeast Pacific. |
56774 |
Trophic role of the Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus. |
7190 |
Revisión de los datos de edad y crecimiento de Merluccius capensis en la división 1.5 de ICSEAF. |
41237 |
A new species of Nansenia (N. problematica) (Salmoniformes: Bathylagidae) from the Southeast Atlantic. |
4242 |
Larval abundance and mortality of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) spawned in the Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals areas, 1971-78 seasons, in relation to spawning stock size. |
4243 |
Survival and growth rates of Vendace (Coregonus albula L.) larvae after experimentally delayed hatching. |
38742 |
Mating behavior, egg deposition, incubation period, and hatching in the clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria. |
33682 |
Distribution of menek, Brosme brosme (Gadidae), in waters of the Norwegian and Barents Sea. |
38741 |
Microgeographic diversity in the neotropical knife-fish Eigenmannia macrops (Gymnotiformes, Sternopygidae). |
50321 |
Vernacular names of marine eels in the Gilberts (Kiribati). |
46564 |
Osservazioni sulla struttura di popolazione ed il ruolo trofico di tre specie di gobidi (Knipowitschia panizzae, Pomatoschistus marmoratus, Pomatoschistus canestrinii) in un ambiente del Delta del Po. |
40569 |
Estudios sobre la sistematica de la subfamilia Serrasalminae. Parte 3: sobre el estatus genérico y relaciones filogenéticas de los géneros Pygopristis, Pygocentrus, Pristobrycon y Serrasalmus (Teleostei - Characidae - Serrasalminae). |
37202 |
Daily ration and feeding periodicity of some fishes off the coast of Namibia. |
5838 |
Reclutamiento de la merluza, abundancia y distribución de diferentes especies comerciales en las divisiones 1.4 y 1.5 durante 1983-1984. |
12245 |
Protected areas of Bhutan. |
9644 |
Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of the north of Vietnam. |
13544 |
Switches between zoophagy, phytophagy and detritivory of Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters) populations in twelve man-made Sri Lankan lakes. |
29921 |
Cytological investigations of ovulated oocytes and embryos at the artificial reproduction of Chinese carps. |
9046 |
Trophic relationships among young fishes in the Gulf of Korf. |
50968 |
First feeding and survival of Aspidoparia morar larvae (Cyprinidae). |
39232 |
Acclimatization of new fishes and other aquatic organisms. |
38739 |
Variations in the sizes of the gonads, eggs and larvae of the dace, Leuciscus leuciscus. |
91396 |
Influence de la salinité sur la composition corporelle des acides aminés libres dans les oeufs e les premières larves de Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces, Teleostei, Serranidae). |
34631 |
A new species and review of Bajacalifornia (Pisces: Alepocephalidae) with comments on the hook jaw of Narcetes stomias. |
5422 |
A study of the population dynamics, production and potential yield of the sardine Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kariba. |
57566 |
Determination des parametres de la croissance du rouget (Mullus barbatus) L. 1798) a partir des donnees de frequences de taille. |
58515 |
The central mudminnow, Umbra limi, a habitat specialist and resource generalist. |
3104 |
Age and growth of mutton snapper along the east coast of Florida. |
36162 |
Diagnosis de Nansenia iberica n. sp. (Pisces, Salmoniformes, Microstomatidae). |
2010 |
Stock assessment and management of newaiby, hamoor and hamra in Kuwait. |
55091 |
Sexual maturation, length and age in some species of Kuwaiti fish related to their suitability for aquaculture. |
37252 |
Osteological development of fins and their supports of larval grey triggerfish, Balistes capriscus. |
27990 |
Kamus Muna - Indonesia. |
38733 |
Critical current speeds and microhabitats of the benthic fishes Percina roanoka and Etheostoma flabellare. |
54090 |
Trophic diversity in deep-sea fish. |
663 |
Congrogadinae de Madagascar (Pisces, Pseudochromidae). Description d'Halimuraenoides isostigma n.g., n.sp. |
34446 |
Localization of NORs and counterstained enhanced fluorescence studies in Perca fluviatilis (Pisces, Percidae). |
92472 |
Tecniche di allevamento larvale in Sparus aurata L.. |
39405 |
Technique of making fish illustration 14: prints of carbon dust originals. |
48846 |
Biochemical genetics of mosquitofish. IV. Changes of allele frequencies through time and space. |
13380 |
A 1984 diet evaluation for salmonids from Indiana waters of Lake Michigan. |
31371 |
Polychromatism and polymorphism in Breviraja spinosa (Elasmobranchii, Rajiformes), with description of three new species. |
38758 |
Osmoregulation in juvenile and adult white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus. |
4250 |
Recruitment patterns in young French grunts, Haemulon flavolineatum (Family Hamulidae), at St. Croix, Virgin Islands. |
57120 |
Biology and fishery of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus, in the Strait of Georgia. |
6335 |
A revision of the fishes of the family Sillaginidae. |
4259 |
The effect of temperature and food density on survival and growth of Menidia peninsulae larvae (Pisces: Atherinidae). |
28091 |
Quantitative field investigations of feeding and territorial behaviour young-of-the-year brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis. |
30199 |
Northern line fishery for mackerels still important. |
30219 |
Development of the northern Queensland mackerel fishery. |
1450 |
Great Barrier Reef demersal fish research. |
46885 |
Predation and species replacement in american southwestern fishes: a case study. |
88757 |
Associated catches of sharks, Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrinchus, and Lamna nasus, with NW and N Spanish Swordfish Fishery, in 1984. |
27981 |
Kamus Bahasa Gayo-Indonesia. |
5842 |
Age composition of the south west African anchovy in 1984. |
43453 |
Impact of lowhead hydroelectric tidal power development on fisheries. 1.- A pre-operation study of the spawning population of American shad, Alosa sapidissima (Pisces: Clupeidae), in the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia, Canada. |
9062 |
Manual de peixes marinhos do sudeste do Brasil. V.Teleostei (4). |
13119 |
Description of four new species of Scyliorhinidae from depths of the South China Sea. |
5889 |
Multispecies assessment of fish stocks off the Western Sahara region with emphasis on the family Sparidae. |
40709 |
Aspects of the morphology and ecology of some unusual deep-sea eels (Synaphobranchidae, Derichthyidae and Nettastomatidae) from the eastern North Atlantic. |
89537 |
Spawning and exploitation of Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) at Escuminac in the Southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Spring 1983. |
82910 |
Migrating haemulid fishes as a source of nutrients and organic matter on coral reefs. |
33700 |
Use of probit analysis for studying the dependence of maturation on body length of fishes. |
33712 |
Selective feeding of young perch, Perca fluviatilis in macrophyte vegetation. |
34867 |
New genus and species of the family Stichaeidae from Hokkaido, Japan. |
36212 |
Two new intergeneric cyprinid hybrids from the Bonneville Basin, Utah. |
10115 |
Environmentally-induced fluctuations in year-class strength and their implications for management. |
4851 |
Reproductive strategy and growth of the Australian smelt, Retropinna semoni (Weber) (Pisces: Retropinnidae), and the olive perchlet, Amabassis nigripinnis (De Vis) (Pisces: Ambassidae), in Brisbane, South-eastern Queensland. |
37273 |
Protandrous sex reversal in Cyclothone atraria (family Gonostomatidae). |
105240 |
Functional morphology of the piper Hyporhamphus ihi with reference to the role of the lateral line in feeding. |
27215 |
Aspects of the biology of the tiger flathead Platycephalus richardsoni and the associated fishery. |
13160 |
Karyotypic study of some species of family Parodontidae (Pisces-Cypriniformes). |
4534 |
Assessment of sheim (Acanthopagrus latus) in Kuwait waters. |
32284 |
Stock assessment of the pomfret (Pampus argenteus) in Kuwaiti waters. |
9759 |
Genetic variation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) throughout its range. |
28140 |
The commercial fishery for barramundi (Lates calcarifer) in Western Australia. |
26533 |
A guide for trout farming in Western Australia. |
91809 |
Population and energy dynamics of Trout Salmo trutta in a Small Danish Stream. |
27633 |
The reproductive biology of summer whiting, Sillago ciliata C. & V., in northern Moreton Bay, Queensland. |
38740 |
Functional morphology of the head of Hawaiian and mid-Pacific butterflyfishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae). |
31152 |
First record of the lizardfish Synodus jaculum from Japan. |
37317 |
Spawning behavior and social organization of the congiopodid fish Ablabys taenianotus at Miyake-jima, Japan. |
37313 |
Spawning behavior and social organization of the flounder Crossorhombus kobensis (Bothidae) at Miyake-jima, Japan. |
343 |
Influence of poultry manure on growth of Oreochromis shiranus chilwae. |
3951 |
Untersuchungen zur Bestandskunde des Laichheringsvorkommens Rügens. |
1475 |
Assessment and management of coral reef fisheries: biological, environmental and socio-economic aspects. |
403 |
A review of the gobiid fish genera Exyrias and Macrodontogobius, with description of a new species of Exyrias. |
420 |
Revision of the gobiid fish genus Istigobius. |
40999 |
Die-offs of pre-spawn adult pink salmon and chum salmon in southeastern Alaska. |
34167 |
Growth and mortality in the dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus caught off Saint Lucia, W.I. |
37322 |
Estimation of population fecundity of the bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, and ecological significance of its spawning habit into bivalves. |
37326 |
Spawning period and migration of rose bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, in a small pond. |
81544 |
New record of a dragonet fish, Repomucenus olidus, (Pisces: Callionymidae) from Kum-river (Kang'gyong-up), Korea. |
43 |
FAO species catalogue. Vol. 5. Billfishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes and swordfishes known to date. |
75347 |
title missing. |
9727 |
Life history of spiny dogfish off the northeastern United States. |
59367 |
Biology of medakagerey Pleuronichthys cornutus ??. |
2893 |
The Limnology of Hartbeespoort Dam. |
56189 |
Fecundity of the Garhwal Himalayan mahseer Tor putitora (Ham.). |
56214 |
Food and feeding habits of the Garhwal Himalayan mahseer in relation to certain abiotic factors. |
14111 |
Sensitivity of rainbow trout early life stages to nickel chloride. |
80627 |
Food and feeding habits of young saithe Pollachius virens (L.), on the western coast of westaern Norway. |
26547 |
The biology of the catfish Cnidoglanis macrocephalus (Plotosidae) in an Australian estuary. |
40891 |
On the interrelationships of the genera of Creediidae (Perciformes: Trachinoidei). |
81301 |
On the relationship of the New Zealand marine fish Antipodocottus galatheae with the Japanese Stlengis misakia (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae). |
42970 |
Crystallodytes pauciradiatus (Perciformes), a new creediid fish species from Easter Island. |
8905 |
Growth, mortality and condition of cottonwick in the Gulf of Mexico. |
32222 |
Social control of sex change in the Red Sea razorfish Xyrichthys pentadactylus (Teleostei, Labridae). |
41024 |
Diet of Acestrorhynchus microlepis (Pisces: Characidae) in the low llanos of Venezuela. |
36365 |
The gulper-eel family Saccopharyngidae (Pisces, Anguilliformes). |
37275 |
Notes on Barathronus maculatus (Aphyonidae) with two records from off Japan. |
30274 |
Average distribution of larvae of oceanic species of scombrid fishes, 1965-1981. |
33669 |
The biology of Erythrocles schlegeli (Richardson) (Emmelichthyidae) of the South China Sea. |
42327 |
Scale-eating in Perissodus microlepis (Cichlidae) and change of its food habits with growth. |
11937 |
Biometric characteristics, length-weight relationships and condition factors in Chrysichthys filamentosus (Pisces: Bagridae) from Oguta Lake, Nigeria. |
11252 |
Biologie et écologie d'un poisson endémique du Lac Tanganika, le mukeke, Luciolates strappersii (Blgr 1914). |
37316 |
Temporal patterns of breeding and larval settlement in a temperate population of the tropical anemonefish, Amphiprion clarkii. |
89976 |
Dinamika rasta s?uke (Esox lucius L. 1758) v jezeru Vrana, otok Cres. |
58618 |
The effect of predation by nile perch, Lates niloticus (Linné) introduced into Lake Kyoga (Uganda) in relation to the fisheries of Lake Kyoga and Lake Victoria. |
4271 |
Predation on fish larvae as a regulatory force, illustrated in mesocosm studies with large groups of larvae. |
4802 |
Gill and body surface areas of the carp in relation to body mass, with special reference to the metabolism-size relationship. |
4801 |
Structure and dimensions of the respiratory organs of a freshwater catfish, Mystus cavasius (Ham.). |
29327 |
Sex and sex chromosomes in fishes. |
29737 |
The fish chromosome data retrieval list. |
29329 |
Chromosomal polymorphism in Apogonidae fishes. |
29330 |
Fish chromosome data retrival system. |
11949 |
Length-weight relationship and the diets of Clarias lazera (Cuvier and Valenciennes), family Clariidae (Osteichthyes: Siluriformes) in Zaria, Nigeria. |
34941 |
Caracterizaçao cromossômica e regioes organizadoras do nucléolo de Dormitator maculatus (Bloch, 1790) (Perciformes, Eleotrididae). |
9053 |
Feeding behavior of pike, Esox lucius and catfish, Silurus glanis, in the Arakum Reservoirs of Dagestan. |
148 |
Intensive culture of grass carp and hybrid grass carp larvae. |
110387 |
A study of the trash fish caught by otter trawl in the Visayan Sea |
8758 |
The photoenhanced toxicity of anthracene to juvenile sunfish (Lepomis spp). |
5559 |
Biological notes on the blue whiting, Micromesistius poutassou Risso, of the Ligurian Sea. |
38112 |
Cod migration and transplantation experiments in the Baltic. |
5729 |
Bio-ecological aspects of tilapia Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters) 1852 (Teleostei, Perciformes, Cichlidae) of Lake Valencia, Venezuela. |
13517 |
Bio-ecological aspects of tilapia Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters) 1852 (Teleostei, Perciformes, Cichlidae) of Lake Valencia, Venezuela. |
89626 |
Spawning of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in the western part of the Gulf of Finland. |
33701 |
Comparative analysis of reproductive biology of some lanternfishes (Myctophidae) from the tropical zone of the Atlantic Ocean. |
34161 |
Biology of the dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus and its implications for the Barbadian fishery. |
56535 |
Nitrogent content of food as an index of absorption efficiency in fishes. |
5560 |
Preliminary utilization of trawl survey data for the hake (M. merluccius) population dynamics from the Western Greek waters. |
12697 |
A new hemerocoetine fish, Osopsaron karlik (Percophidae, Trachinoidei) from the Nazca submarine ridge. |
33733 |
Electric rays of genus Torpedo in the open waters of the southeastern Pacific Ocean. |
6140 |
Growth and age estimation of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae: a comparison of techniques. |
29432 |
Production of androgenetic diploid rainbow trout. |
13509 |
The trophic ecology of whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in the Irish Sea and its significance to the Manx herring stock. |
47398 |
Die blenniiden von ibiza (Balearen) und ihre verbreitung im west-mittelmeer (Pisces: Teleostii: Blennioiden). |
13069 |
A list of New Zealand teleost fishes held in the National Museum of New Zealand. |
34970 |
Consideraçoes sobre evoluçao cromossómica e sistema de cromossomos supranumerários em espécies do gênero Prochilodus (Pisces, Prochilodontidae). |
4277 |
Extensive rearing of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus L.) on low concentrations of natural plankton. |
42012 |
Determinación de eficiencia relativa de espineles y parámetros de crecimiento del bacalao de Juan Fernández (Polyprion oxygeneios Bloch y Schneider, 1801), en las islas Robinson Crusoe y Santa Clara. |
33663 |
Rare and disappearing fishes in the USSR and the principles of their inclusion in the "Red Book". |
38735 |
A biological sampling problem illustrated by the population structure and growth patterns of Sardinella aurita at Tripoli, Libya. |
37272 |
The Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus (Pisces, Percichthyidae), an apparent marine introduction into eastern Australia. |
7014 |
Relatório da Segunda Reuniao do Grupo de Trabalho e Treinamento (GTT) sobre Avaliaçao de Estoques, realizada em Tamandaré/PE, 29 de junho a 24 de julho, 1981. |
53217 |
A description and stock assessment of the pelagic fishery in the southeast arm of the Zambian waters of Lake Tanganyika. |
53218 |
The deep-water demersal fish south of Lake Tanganyika. |
47156 |
Rhombosolea leporina of the Manukhau Harbour. |
83271 |
Phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon cycling by fish populations in two small lowland rivers in Poland. |
82923 |
Contribution of bream, Abramis brama (L.), to the nutrient dynamics of Lake Balaton. |
40699 |
First data on sexual maturation and sex-ratio of hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) from ICES divisions VIIIc and IXa. |
90095 |
Aspectos de la reproducción de la merluza Merluccius merluccius de la plataforma Gallega y Cantábrica. |
5900 |
Contribucion al conocimiento de la biologia de la sardina de Galicia. |
36213 |
Examination of long-term growth of Cryptobranchius alleganiensis predicted by linear regression methods. |
36509 |
Fiske I norske farvann. |
29207 |
Identification of sex chromosomes in lake trout (Salvelinus namayacush). |
29744 |
Chromosome banding in salmonid fish: Nucleolar organizer regions in Salmo and Salvelinus. |
29335 |
Q band chromosomal polymorphisms in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). |
8654 |
A method for aquatic multiple species toxicant testing: acute toxicity for 10 chemicals to 10 vertebrates and 2 invertebrates. |
44846 |
Estimación de la edad de primera captura y de la mortalidad por pesca óptimas del bacalao de Juan Fernández (Polyprion oxygeneios Bloch y Schneider, 1801), a través del análisis del rendimiento por recluta. |
32210 |
The reproductive cycle of yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis (Guenther), with particular reference to protandrous sex inversion. |
29946 |
A study of the karyotype of Tinca tinca L. (Pisces, Cypriniformes). |
5905 |
Determinacion del crecimiento de la sardina, Sardina pilchardus (Walb.), en aguas gallegas, mediante lectura directa de otolitos. |
38297 |
Paralepididae. |
28101 |
Biology of juvenile danube shad, Alosa caspia nordmanni, in the dnieper-bug estuary. |
340 |
The influence of environmental factors on fish production in tropical ponds investigated with multiple regression and path analysis. |
38743 |
Effect of temperature on growth of juvenile Oreochromis mossambicus and Sarotherodon melanotheron. |
97215 |
The biology of the introduced carp Cyprinus carpio L., in the River Caymapu, Valdivia, Chile. |
33715 |
Collection of pomfret, Eumegistus illustris (Bramidae), in the Indian Ocean. |
13630 |
Predation on fish eggs and larvae by pelagic cnidarians and ctenophores. |
4288 |
Effect of temperature and prey density on feeding of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): larvae under laboratory conditions. |
13187 |
Karyotype of the Danude goby, Proterorhinus marmoratus (Pisces, Gobiidae). |
52227 |
Somatic and otolith growth in the oyster toadfish (Opsanus tau L.). |
33699 |
Material on the reproduction of Pugolovka goby, species of the genus Benthophilus, from the Caspian Sea. |
33724 |
Some caspian species of the genus Benthophilus (Gobiidae). |
80703 |
Diet comparisons between Savannah reed-pond Gambusia sexradiata and Gambusia puncticulata yucatana (deep-bodied form) (pisces: Poeciliidae) on two dates during the dry season. |
51418 |
The fecundity of anabantid fishes Anabas testudineus (Bloch) and A. oligolepis Bleeker (Osteichthyes: Anabantidae) from Lake Kolleru. |
97223 |
Estudo biológico da carpa Cyprinus carpio L. no rio Tejo. |
4290 |
Influence of egg size on the growth, onset of feeding, point-of-no-return, and survival of unfed Oreochromis mossambicus fry. |
621 |
Fishes. |
3921 |
Guide to Hawaiian reef fishes. |
5170 |
On the validity of the tetraodontid fish Arothron manilensis (Procé). |
11435 |
Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific damselfish previously known as C. caerulea Cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae). |
11630 |
Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830), the correct name for the Indo-Pacific damselfish previously known as C. caerulea Cuvier, 1830) (Pisces, Pomacentridae). |
7459 |
A review of the squirrelfishes of the subfamily Holocentrinae from the western Indian Ocean and Red Sea. |
10639 |
First record of the labrid fish Bodianus cylindriatus (Tanaka) from the Hawaiian Islands. |
528 |
Revision of the Indo-Pacific dartfishes, genus Ptereleotris (Perciformes: Gobioidei). |
34948 |
On the validity of the mugiloidid fish Parapercis robinsoni Fowler. |
10640 |
Epinephelus cyanopodus (Richardson), a senior synonym of E. hoedtii (Bleeker), and comparison with the related E. flavocaerulues (Lacepède). |
526 |
Revision of the Indo-Pacific apogonid fish genus Pseudamia, with descriptions of three new species. |
10662 |
Cephalopholis argus Schneid., 1801 and C. sexmaculata (Rüppell, 1830) (Osteichthyes, Serranidae): proposed conservation by suppression of Bodianus guttatus Bloch, 1790, Anthias argus Bloch, 1792 and Serranus zanana …. |
11013 |
Annotated checklist of the fishes of Johnston Island. |
1440 |
A revision of African species of Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae) and a re-definition of the genus. |
97138 |
A review of the genus Parioglossus, with descriptions of six new species (Pisces: Gobioidei). |
4292 |
Evaluating otolith analysis for bloater Coregonus hoyi: do otoliths ring true?. |
12082 |
Country report - Hong Kong. |
38553 |
Early development and buccal incubation in the fork-tailed catfish Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner (Pisces : Ariidae) from the Clarence River, New South Wales. |
38559 |
Reproductive cycle of the fork-tailed catfish Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner (Pisces : Ariidae) from the Clarence River, New South Wales. |
42373 |
Growth, feeding and condition of the fork-tailed catfish Arius graeffei Kner & Steindachner (Pisces:Ariidae) from the Clarence river, New South Wales. |
36173 |
Patterns of variation and distribution in Apache trout (Salmo apache) relative to co-occurrence with introduced salmonids. |
29436 |
A simple method for the preparation of fish chromosomes applicable to field work, teaching and banding. |
37274 |
The status of the ophidiid fish Ophidium brasilience Kaup. |
9406 |
Influence of the 1982-83 El Niño on the Galápagos marine life. |
6456 |
Notropis snelsoni, a new cyprinid from the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas and Oklahoma. |
33721 |
Alimentación del bacalao de Juan Fernández Polyprion oxygeneios (Bloch y Schneider, 1801) (Pisces: Percichthyidae). |
34417 |
Feeding biology of Aplocheilichthys normani, Ahl, a small Cyprinodontidae from West Africa. |
44735 |
Cave colonization by fish: role of bat predation. |
44737 |
La evolution de la conducta en peces Cavernicolas. |
44738 |
Ontogenetic change in phototactic responces of surface and cave populations of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces:Characidae). |
44739 |
Specialized petiole feeding bahavior in Cichlasoma tuba (Meek, 1912) (Cichlidae). |
39984 |
A systematic revision of the South American freshwater stingrays (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae). |
39985 |
Further comment on the nomenclature of the freshwater stingray Elipesurus spinicauda Schomburgk, 1843 (Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae). |
33730 |
Some biological properties of redbait, Emmelichthys nitidus (Emmelichthyidae), from a seamount in the natal zone of the Indian Ocean. |
50770 |
The use of synthetic LH-RH analogue to spawn Chinese carps. |
27507 |
Aspects of the biology and artificial breeding of Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli and the eastern freshwater cod M. ikei sp. nov. (Pisces: Percichthyidae). |
8867 |
Relaciones de la edad con el largo, el peso y la fecundidad de la biajaiba (Lutjanus synagris) de la plataforma suroccidental de Cuba. |
530 |
Revision of the Indo-Pacific labrid fish genus Suezichthys, with descriptions of four new species. |
28131 |
Early life history of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in north-eastern Queensland. |
26311 |
Interaction of growth with social behaviour in Tilapia zilli raised in three different temperatures. |
1447 |
On the growth of some pelagic fishes in the Java Sea. |
3131 |
Continental shelf fishes of the northern and north-western Australia. |
10961 |
The neotropical serrasalmid Colossoma macropomum a promising species for fish culture in Amazonia. |
42528 |
The neotropical serrasalmid Colossoma macropomum a promising species for fish culture in Amazonia. |
37315 |
Electrophoretic discrimination of Tribolodon species (Cyprinidae) and the occurrence of their hybrids. |
36210 |
Electrophoretic comparison of proteins in five species of Oryzias (Pisces: Oryziatidae). |
2008 |
A note on the fishery for sobaity (Acanthopagrus cuvier) in Kuwait. |
3219 |
Determinación del crecimiento de Merluccius capensis y Genypterus capensis aplicando un método basado en la composición por tallas. |
90111 |
Talla de primera madurez y selectividad en algunas especies demersales de interés comercial del litoral catalán. |
37324 |
Bathymetric distribution and feeding habits of two sympatric cheilodactylid fishes at Miyake-jima, Japan. |
41991 |
Contribución al estudio de la biología de Uranoscopus scaberLinnaeus, 1758 (Osteichthyes, Uranoscopidae) del Mediterráneo occidental. |
12246 |
The forests of Bhutan. |
34851 |
A new lophiid anglerfish, Lophiodes fimbriatus from the coastal waters of Japan. |
85889 |
Fine structure of the pharyngeal teeth in the coelacanthid fish Latimeria chalumnae. |
33722 |
Ecological characteristics of the roughhead grenadier, Macrourus berglax, near the Lofoten Islands. |
40399 |
Use of water hyacinths as shelter, foraging place, and transport by young piranhas, Serrasalmus spilopleura. |
33732 |
Two new macrourid species (Gadiformes) from Northern Pacific seamounts. |
33703 |
Preliminary review of grenadiers of the Cetonurus group (Gadiformes, Macrouridae). II. The genus Cetonurus Günther: taxonomic characters of the group. |
26921 |
Die Namen unserer Aquarienfische. |
29214 |
Die Meiose-Chromosomen der Regenbogenforelle (Salmo gairdneri). |
29213 |
Die Mitose-Chromosomen der Regenbogenforelle (Salmo gairdneri). |
54045 |
A bibliography of important tilapias (Pisces: Cichlidae) for aquaculture. |
53015 |
Invasive alien species in south west Africa/Namibia. |
39533 |
Archolaemus blax Korringa (Pisces, Gymnotiformes, Sternopygidae): a redescription with notes on ecology. |
13435 |
Distribution, growth, and feeding of postemergent grayling Thymallus thymallus in an English river. |
2598 |
Effects of high hydrostatic pressure per se, 101 atm on eel metabolism. |
83863 |
Reprodução, crescimento e distribução de Scomber japonicus. |
44620 |
Prachtgrundkärpflinge. Die Gattung Nothobranchius: systematik, Vorkommen, Pflege und Zucht. |
6340 |
First record of the genus Zebrias (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Philippine Islands, with the description of a new species. |
38556 |
Reproductive behaviour and development of the glassperchlet, Ambassis agrammus Gunther (Pisces: Ambassidae), from the Alligator Rivers System, Northern Territory. |
47934 |
The fish fauna of Assam and the neighbouring northeastern states of India. |
6711 |
Barbus srilankensis, a new species of cyprinid fish from Sri Lanka, Ceylon. |
33693 |
Fauna íctica del archipiélago de Juan Fernández. |
29972 |
Cytological indices for estimation of fish offsprings in aquaculture. |
29976 |
Karyological analysis of three populations of the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) in the Kama River basin. |
29977 |
Comparative karyology of graylings from the Lake Baikal. |
33725 |
Karyological analysis of three populations of grayling, Thymallus thymallus, in the Kama Basin. |
12727 |
Particularites de la faune ichtyologique dans un milieu sursale du parc national du banc d'Arquin (Mauritanie). |
6136 |
Genetic variation and population subdivision in Australian barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). |
33719 |
Sexual dimorphism and fecundity of Nototheniops tchizh from the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic in relation to species differences in the genus Nototheniops. |
43511 |
Notes on the six new records of damselfishes (Pisces: Pomacentridae) from Taiwan. |
50492 |
Composition of the benthic and demersal ichthyocenoses of the submarine mountains in the southern part of the North Atlantic Range. |
33660 |
Feeding of Gilbert's seapoacher, Podothecus gilberti (Collett) (Agonidae), in the Gulf of Terpenium (Sakhalin Island). |
39465 |
The influence of large-scale environmental processes on neritic fish populations in the Benguela current system. |
34853 |
A new stichaeid fish of the genus Alectrias from Mutsu Bay, northern Japan. |
2602 |
Acute toxicity of cadmium and cobalt to a freshwater fish Lepidocephalichthyes guntea. |
46350 |
A preliminary analysis of length frequency data of Amblygaster sirm from Negombo, Sri Lanka using ELEFAN programs. |
2606 |
Oxygen uptake in relation to body weight, respiratory surface area and group size in a freshwater goby, Glossogobius giuris (Ham.). |
1414 |
Tunas and their fishery in the EEZ's of India, Maldives and Sri Lanka. |
79613 |
The fishes of the Okavango drainage system in Angola, South West Africa and Botswana: taxonomy and distribution. |
5955 |
Age and growth of the forkbeard Phycis phycis (Linnaeus, 1766) in Azorean waters. |
6191 |
Aspects of the biology of Argyrosoma hololepidotus and Atractoscion aequidens (Osteichthyes: Sciaenidae). |
33497 |
Biology of the southern kingfish in the South Atlantic Bight. |
59106 |
Food habits and feeding behavior of the cownose ray, Rhinoptera bonasus, in Lower Chesapeake Bay. |
4302 |
Year-class strength and survival of 0-group clupeoids. |
38754 |
The fishery, biology, and management of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus, in North America. |
12701 |
Review of Japanese jawfishes of the genus Opistognathus (Opistognathidae) with description of two new species. |
13152 |
Cytogenetic investigations on Adriatic fishes Uranoscopus scaber L., Solea lutea (Risso) and Serranus scriba (L.). |
29768 |
Citogeneticke osobenosti vrsta Salvelinus fontinalis i Salvelinus alpinus (Salmonidae). |
7005 |
Age and growth of rose bitterling in Shin Tone River. |
2620 |
Aerobic metabolic scope and swimming performance in juvenile cod, Gadus morhua L. |
1465 |
Reproduction, age and growth of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1816) from Sofala Bank, Mozambique. |
7137 |
Traditional tuna fishing in Tokelau. |
31739 |
The population, survival, growth, reproduction and food of arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus L. on four unexploited lakes in Greenland. |
38748 |
Food composition of the barbel Tor canis (Cyprinidae) and its role in the Lake Kinneret ecosystem. |
14146 |
Pentachlorophenol toxicity to amphipods and fathead minnows at different test pH values. |
27618 |
Two new dwarf dogsharks (Etmopterus, Squalidae), found off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. |
30446 |
Relationship of sea surface temperature isotherm patterns off northwestern Mexico to the catch of striped marlin, Tetrapterus [sic] audax, off southern California. |
58619 |
Past history and current trends in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. |
10292 |
Ecology and life history of the mountain madtom, Noturus eleutherus (Pisces: Ictaluridae). |
56811 |
Biology and life hisory of the coastal stock of Pcific whiting, Merluccius productus. |
2624 |
The transition between branchial pumping and ram ventilation in fishes: energetic consequences and dependence on water oxygen tension. |
44729 |
Cutaneous oxygen uptake and its relation to skin blood perfusion and ambient salinity in the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa. |
82940 |
Energy equivalents of marine organisms from the continental shelf of the temperate Northwest Atlantic. |
54240 |
Towing large nets by single warp at abyssal depths: methods and biological results. |
6182 |
Biochemical systematics of the Notropis roseipinnis complex (Cyprinidae: Subgenus Lythrurus). |
13643 |
Nocturnal attacks on nearshore fishes in southern California by crustacean zooplankton. |
13631 |
Consumption of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, eggs by ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernua, and invertebrates. |
30570 |
Revision of Cheirocerus (Pisces: Pimelodidae) from tropical freshwaters of South America. |
36171 |
A new species of Cetopsorhamdia (Pisces: Pimelodidae) from the Río Napo Basin of Eastern Ecuador. |
33670 |
Dietary features of catfish, Silurus glanis, and pike-perch Stizostedion lucioperca, in Kyzlyarsk Bay, northern Caspian Sea. |
46425 |
Quantitative comparisons of body form and allometry in larval and adult Pacific sculpins (Teleostei: Cottidae). |
29772 |
O cariotipo de Astianax eigenmanniorum (Osteichthyes, Characidae). |
41737 |
The life history and systematics of deep-sea lizard fishes, genus Bathysaurus (Synodontidae). |
27988 |
Kamus Sunda-Indonesia. |
27994 |
Kamus Tondano-Indonesia. |
37325 |
Development of the bitterling Rhodeus uyekii (Cyprinidae), with a note on minute tubercles on the skin surface. |
29587 |
Survival, growth and sterility of induced triploids in the cyprinid loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. |
56383 |
Feeding of non-commercial fish species in the Terpeniya Bay. |
29588 |
Karyotypic studies of five species of Anguilliformes (Pisces). |
2637 |
Oxygen consumption of the estuarine round herring Gilchristella aestuaris (Gilchrist & Thompson). |
85992 |
Evolution of glycolipids in the vertebrate nervous system - phylogenetic distribution of myelin glycolipids and its physiological significance (in Japanese). |
85891 |
An anatomical study on the spleen of archaic fishes 1. Coelacanthiformes and Dipneusti. |
4310 |
The effects of photoperiod and water exchange rate on growth and survival of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, Linnaeus: Sparidae) from hatching to metamorphosis in mass rearing systems. |
3816 |
Introgressive hybridization in cultured tilapia stocks in the Philippines. |
13156 |
Induced triploidy in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. |
12606 |
Galapagos shark, Carcharinus galapagensis, from the Ogasawara Islands, Japan. |
56284 |
Growth and feeding ecology studies on coastal Antarctic fishes. |
46515 |
Sur une collection de poissons de riviere des comores. |
91677 |
Quantitative Methionine Requirements of Juvenile Sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). |
13189 |
Variations in C-banding patterns and DNA values in two scorpion fishes (Scorpaena porcus and S. notata, Teleostei). |
13168 |
Chromosome complement, C-banding and Ag-NOR location in Ophysurus serpens (Ophichthidae, Anguilliformes). |
29774 |
Multiple chromosome polymorphism in Gobius paganellus (Teleostei, Perciformes). |
27758 |
Growth rate of the pilchard off South West Africa, 1971-1983. |
87856 |
Age studies on pelagic fish in the south-east Atlantic, with particular reference to the south-western pilchard Sardinops ocellata. |
4543 |
Thompson's guide to freshwater fishes. How to identify the common freshwater fishes of North America. How to keep them in home aquarium. |
38554 |
Mercury concentrations of the axial muscle tissues of some marine fishes of the continental shelf adjacent to Tasmania. |
39590 |
The lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. |
8657 |
Comparative toxicity of ten organic chemicals to ten common aquatic species. |
30429 |
Feeding of yellow Irish Lord, Hemilepidotus jordani and Gilbert's Irish Lord, Hemilepidotus gilberti, along the east coast of Kamchatka. |
33713 |
Feeding in species of sculpins of the genus Gymnocanthus (Cottidae) from Kamchatka waters. |
5872 |
Edad y crecimiento en largo de Champsocephalus gunnari Lonnberg 1905 (Pisces, Chaenichthyidae) en el area de la Isla Elefante, zona oeste, Antarctica. |
46735 |
Spawning of blue tilapia in Arkansas. |
56283 |
Metabolism of two Antarctic mesopelagic fish species. |
43692 |
Fecundity of sprat from the Norwegian coast. |
43683 |
Taxonomy of the subfamily Lycodinae (family Zoarcidae) in Japan and adjacent waters. |
329 |
Effects du taux de nourrisage (son de riz) et/ou de fertilisation (fientes de volailles) sur la croissance pondérale de Oreochromis niloticus en étang. |
51155 |
Mating in the reef white-tip shark, Triaenodon obesus. |
4467 |
Management of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. |
33673 |
Collection of the whiptail, Coryphaenoides subserrulatus (Macrouridae), off the southeast coast of South America. |
33717 |
New data on the distribution of species of the Myctophum asperum group (Myctophidae) in the equatorial waters of the western part of the Indian Ocean. |
6777 |
On the larval rearing of the white-spotted green grouper, Epinephelus amblycephalus (Bleeker), with a description of larval development. |
57796 |
A preliminary study of the fecundity of the hake (Merluccius merluccius L., 1758) in the Greek seas. |
39385 |
Age validation studies on the spines of the spurdog (Squalus acanthias) using tetracycline. |
29226 |
Extensive chromosomal divergence within a singl river basin in the goodeid fish, Ilyodon furcidens. |
91510 |
Variation in growth rate, liver weight and body composition at first sexual maturity in rainbow trout. |
29245 |
Chromosomal polymorphisms in the biwa trout (Salmonidae) with increase or decrease in constitutive heterochromatin. |
29527 |
Sterility and secondary sexual character of triploid Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens. |
30174 |
Karyotypes of bagrid catfishes from Japan and Korean. |
35147 |
A chromosome study of five species of Korean cobitid fish. |
50533 |
Appendix 2: Review of the scad mackerel fishery (Decapterus spp.) on the west coast of Thailand. |
11915 |
Species composition and relative abundance of goby fry and by-catch at Santa, Ilocos Sur (Luzon, Philippines). |
4198 |
The relation between feeding mode and feeding habit of the anchovy larvae. |
36149 |
Replicate variance and the choice of selection procedures for tilapia stock improvement in Thailand. |
80642 |
The stomach contents of dab (Limanda limanda) in the Baltic as indicators of different feeding strategies. |
80647 |
On the prey of cod (Gadus morhua) in the Western Baltic. |
28002 |
Kamus Umum Kerinci-Indonesia. |
6030 |
Food consumption in the Eastern Baltic cod for the 1963-1984 period. |
13460 |
Fishes of Laguna de Bay. |
91532 |
Preliminary results on the nutritional evaluation of w3-HUFA*-enriched Artemia nauplii for larvae of the sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. |
13644 |
Impact of coelenterate predation on larval plaice Pleuronectes platessa and flounder Platichthys flesus stock in the western Wadden Sea. |
2895 |
Aspects of the biology of larger fish species in Lake Liambezi, Caprivi, South West Africa. |
28819 |
A new species of Bivibranchia (Pisces: Characiformes) from Surinam, with comments on the genus. |
29122 |
A new curimatid fish (Characiformes: Curimatidae) from the Amazon Basin. |
30185 |
A new species of Bivibranchia (Pisces: Characiformes) from the Amazon River Basin. |
30007 |
The evolutionary karyology of fishes. (Evoljuzionnaja kariologiya ryb). |
30017 |
Does Carassius carassius belong to the diploid or tetraploid species?. |
33702 |
Taxonomic status of some forms of osmans, Oreoleuciscus (Cyprinidae). |
29530 |
Natural triploidy and chromosome B in the fish Curimata modesta (Curimatidae, Characiformes). |
2652 |
The oxygen uptake of Sarotherodon niloticus L. and the oxygen binding properties of its blood and hemolysate (Pisces: Cichlidae). |
41996 |
Note preliminaire sur le comportement alimentaire de Sarpa salpa (L.) (Sparidae) en Méditerranée. |
40746 |
Le flet du Golfe du Lion, Platichthys flesus Linne 1758. Systématique-Ecobiologie-Pêche. |
30034 |
The chromosomal sets of Brachymystax lenok and Hucho taimen and the divergency of the salmonid genera. |
2164 |
The sciaenid fishery and some biological aspects of Johnius carutta from Madras. |
37323 |
Mollusk feeding in Liparis callyodon. |
33707 |
Resident Siberian char, Salvelinus leucomaenis, in the Lake Chukcha system (continental slope of the Okhotsk Sea). |
7002 |
Reproductive biology and growth of the goatfish, Parupeneus barberinus (Lacepède), in Aqaba, Jordan. |
111351 |
The food and feeding habits of the goatfish, Parupeneus barberinus (Lacepede), from Aqaba, Jordan. |
4557 |
The estimation of growth parameters for the giant cat fish, Arius thalassinus, in Sampit Bay, Central Kalimantan. |
4258 |
Growth of larval walleye pollock related to domains within the SE Bering Sea. |
40632 |
Studies on the relationship between various biological factors of the symbranchoid eel (Monopterus albus). |
29532 |
Studies on nucleolus organizer regions in several species of carp (Cyprinus) by silver-staining. |
38757 |
Effect of temperature on early development of white and lake sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus and A. fulvescens. |
4267 |
Early life history of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. |
28001 |
Kamus Umum Kerinci-Indonesia. |
54459 |
Salinity tolerance of the tilapias Oreochromis aureus, O. niloticus and an O. mossambicus x O. niloticus hybrid. |
54403 |
The ontogeny of salinity tolerance in the tilapias Oreochromis aureus, O. niloticus, and an O. mossambicus x O. niloticus hybrid, spawned and reared in freshwater. |
2658 |
Oxygen consumption in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) following acute exposure to water-borne selenium. |
46848 |
Nocturnal changes in the mean length of a euphausiid population: vertical migration, net avoidance, or experimental error?. |
38745 |
Determination of age and growth in stream fishes of northern Borneo. |
44830 |
A new species of Psilogobius from the Indo-pacific with a redescription of Psilogobius mainlandi (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
34092 |
Xenurobryconin phylogeny and putative pheromone pumps in glandulocaudine fishes (Teleostei: Characidae). |
11156 |
Intercalibration of silver hake abundance estimates. |
31648 |
Evolutionary relationships of the Atherinopsinae (Pisces: Atherinadae). |
188 |
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeioidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. |
37861 |
The two species of sprat in New Zealand waters (Sprattus antipodum and S. muelleri). |
38736 |
Factors affecting the early life history of yellow perch, Perca flavescens. |
43782 |
The role of zooplankton in the feeding ecology of fish fry from some southern African estuaries. |
2664 |
Developmental and metabolic constraints of the scope for activity in young rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). |
29535 |
A unique gambusiine karyotype and its relevance to the systematics of the Gambusia punctata species group. |
645 |
Cirripectes imitator, a new species of western Pacific blenniid fish. |
28913 |
Trophic relationships between pelagic fishes and euphausiids in Antarctic waters. |
27346 |
Genetic differences among populations of Alaskan sockeye salmon. |
5407 |
The jackass penguin (Spheniscus demersus) as a pelagic predator. |
27248 |
Commercial fishery situation report: Tamboon Inlet. |
531 |
Revision and vicariance biogeography of the subfamily Congrogadidae (Pisces: Perciformes: Pseudochromidae). |
678 |
A revision of the congrogadid fish genus Haliophis (Pisces:Perciformes), with the description of a new species from Indonesia, and comments on the endemic fish fauna of the northern Red Sea. |
46426 |
Two new gobiid fish species (in Priolepis and Trimma) from the ChagosArchipelago, central Indian Ocean. |
74393 |
Haplochromis nyererei, a new cichlid fish from Lake Victoria named in honour of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, president of Tanzania. |
33217 |
A multispecies fishery associated with coral reefs in the Tigak Islands, Papua New Guinea. |
9736 |
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) populations in northeastern North America: genetic differentiation and affinities. |
40610 |
Study of the growth of the hairtails, Trichiurus haumela (Forskål). |
83876 |
Estudo biométrico da biquara Haemulon plumieri (Lacépede) no Estado do Ceará (Brasil). |
31845 |
Fish mariculture studies in China. |
8723 |
Effects of pesticide on circulatory thyroid hormone levels in the fresh water catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). |
13634 |
A field study of predation of the hypreiid amphipod Parathemisto japonica on larvae of the Japanese sand eel Ammodytes personatus. |
31258 |
A new prickly dogfish, Oxynotus japonicus, from Japan. |
39662 |
Studies of continuation of swimming behaviour of flounder larvae Paralichtys olivaceus with a small circulation channel. |
39736 |
Measurement of swimming speed of flounder larvae Paralichtys olivaceus with a small straight channel. |
156 |
Economics of private tilapia hatcheries in Laguna and Rizal provinces, Philippines. |
32779 |
Fishes of Khasi Hills. |
90220 |
Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of the north of Vietnam. |
6506 |
Biology of sea-trout Salmo trutta L. in the Pela and Shoguy rivers. |
58178 |
Distribution and feeding habits of the pelagic smooth lumpsucker, Aptocyclus ventricosus, in the Aleutian basin. |
32208 |
Sex ratios and hermaphroditism in nemipterid fish from northern Australia. |
1395 |
Observations on the fishery of Bombay duck, Harpadon nehereus along the Saurashtra coast. |
12699 |
Synchiropus moyeri, a new species of dragonet (Callionymidae) from Miyake-jima, Japan. |
56603 |
Feeding of one-summer old nawaga (Eleginus navaga) in the Pechora inlet of the Barents Sea. |
80646 |
On food of Gadus morhua in the Arctic Ocean. |
12561 |
About modern tendencies of changes of Black Sea ichthyocenes. (O sovremennykh tendentsyyakh izmenenij Chermomorskikh ikhtiotsenov.). |
29791 |
Tetraploid-hexaploid relationship in Schizothoracinae. |
6315 |
Liste de quelques espèces animales des eaux marines de la République populaire du Benin. |
33665 |
Some features of the biology of Electrona carlsbergi (Taning) (Myctophidae) in the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic. |
33674 |
Analysis of chromosomal variability and polymorphism in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, of Lake Onega. |
34316 |
Analysis of chromosomal variability and polymorphism in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, of Lake Onega. |
30043 |
Structure and differentiation in the Atlantic salmon populations and forms. |
30044 |
On the analysis of chromosome variability and polymorphism in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. (Salmonidae) (the Onega Lake population). |
12326 |
A study of sex chromosome in Carassius auratus by BrdU-Hoechst 33258-Giemsa technique. |
50966 |
Fish eggs and larvae in the nearshore waters of China. |
33658 |
Utilization of the food base by fishes. |
43736 |
Descriptions of a new genus and a new species of noemacheiline loaches from Yunnan Province, China. |
33723 |
Distribution of rock greenling, Hexagrammos lagocephalus, in Kuril-Kamchatkan waters. |
2672 |
Effects of acute heat exposure on respiratory metabolism and blood glucose in freshwater fishes, Prochilus scrofa (curimbata) and Cyprinus carpio (carp) acclimatized to tropical winter. |