FishBase References for , 1988

Ref. No. Title
96131 Mamas?n Baraj Gölündeki sazan (Cyprinus carpio L. 1758) populasyonunun geli?mesi ve en küçük av büyüklü?ünün saptanmas?. 9392 Taxonomy and biochemical genetics of some African freshwater fish species. 9278 Protein variation in Schilbe mystus (L.) and Eutropius niloticus (Rüppel) (Pisces siluriformes) in the Volta Basin of Ghana, West Africa. 59062 Bermuda fundulus (Pisces: Fundulidae) revisited: taxonomy of the endemic forms. 45724 A new Epigonus species (Perciformes, Epigonidae) from the southern Pacific. 84181 Trawl catch composition of the EEZ off Sarawak water. 2051 Preliminary report: artisanal fisheries resources study. 30639 New data on the systematics and distribution of cigarfishes (Cubiceps, Nomeidae) of the Indian Ocean. 45786 New data on the taxonomy and distribution of cigarfishes (Cubiceps Nomeidae) of the Indian Ocean. 1492 Population dynamics of big-eye croaker (Pennahia macropthalmus, Sciaenidae) off Kedah, Penang and Perak States, Malaysia. 9687 Important edible fishes of Pakistan. 12703 Two new species of goby of the genus Astrabe from Japan. 51844 Haematocrit values in some fresh water fishes of Iraq. 86367 The morphology, biometry, weight-length relationship and growth of the goatfish Parupeneus cinnabarinus (Cuvier & Valenciennes) in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. 36118 Reproductive performance of the tilapia Oreochromis spilurus in seawater and brackish groundwater. 53424 Growth, mortality, recruitment and current level of exploitation of some commercially important species taken in the shrimp by-catch in Kuwait. 51845 Genetic variation and population structure in Nematalosa nasus and Thryssa hamiltonii from Iraqi waters. 51782 A case of pugheadedness in the croaker Johnius aneus from Khor Al-Zubair, Northwest of the Arab Gulf, Basrah, Iraq. 51766 Preliminary studies on the haemoglobin concentration in some freshwater fishes of Iraq. 51783 Isoenzymes of cyprinids from the vicinity of Basrah in relation to classification. 27201 Biologie et écologies des Gerreidae (Pisces, Teleostei) en lagune Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). 93099 Preliminary trials on incubation of sablefish eggs (Anoplopoma fimbria). 10134 Stock-recruitment relationship for the hake Merluccius merluccius from the Open Middle Adriat-Jabuka Pit. 49247 Comparative spawning biology of anchovies, sardines and sprats. 74456 Reproductive biology of sprat (Sprattus sprattus): factors determining annual egg production. 56365 Studies of the feeding preferences of Chaetodon melannotus (Pisces) for soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia). 3132 The marine fishes of north-western Australia: a field guide for anglers and divers. 30874 Fishes of Christmas Island Indian Ocean. 6793 Atlas and zoogeography of common fishes in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific. 57408 Estrutura, dinâmica e produção da macrofauna acompanhante dos povoamentos de Zostera noltii e Zostera marina do estuário do Rio Mira. 91694 Sustained Hormone Release. III. Use of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analogues to Induce Multiple Spawnings in Sea Bass Lates calcarifer. 7507 Biology and management of inconnu (Stenodus leucichthys) in Alaska. 27394 Chromosomal NORs as taxonomic and systematic characters in North American cyprinid fishes. 5059 Studies on the Zoarcidae of the southern hemisphere. I. The Antarctic and subantarctic regions. 26767 Eucryphycus, a new genus of California eelpout (Teleostei: Zoarcidae) based on Maynea californica Starks and Mann, 1911. 26768 Studies on the Zoarcidae (Teleostei: Perciformes) of the Southern Hemisphere. II. Two new genera and a new species from temperate South America. 12613 Biochemical evidence for reproductive isolation between the sympatric populations of Cottus amblystomopsis and C. nozawae. 34406 Estudios citogenéticos na subfamilia Hipoptopomatinae (Pisces: Siluriformes,Loricariidae): Cariótipos e RONs de Otocinclus affinis e Microlepidogaster leucofrenatus. 10193 Assessment of divisions 4VMX and Subarea 5 pollock Pollachius virens. 6318 Webster's New Geographical Dictionary. 10058 Report of the Blue Whiting Assessment Working Group. 10079 Provisional report of scientific council, June 1988 meeting. 10112 Report of the North Sea Roundfish Working Group. 10140 Report of the Working Group on Assessment of Pelagic Stocks in the Baltic. 10157 Report of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62N. 10195 Report of the North Sea Flatfish Working Group. 10207 Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group. 11218 Report of the Atlanto-Scandian Herring and Capelin Working Group. 27902 Government Gazette WA. 27946 Australian herring. 28602 New restrictions for mulloway fishery. 33025 Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. 33050 Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf region between Colombia and Suriname. 56510 Commercial description of the Black Sea. 38117 The feasbility of using exclusively artificial dry feed for the rearing of Israeli Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) larvae and fry. 59123 New records of the labrid fish genus Suezichthys from Japan. 51275 Spawning behavior and early history of the sharpnose puffer, Canthigaster rivulata, in the aquarium. 58307 Interactions of fish and pelagic coelenterates. 87269 Acheilognathus melanogaster, a senior synonym of A. moriokae, with a revision of the genera of the subfamily Acheilognathinae (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). 12599 The karyotype and DNA value of a cypriniform algae eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. 29144 The karyotype and DNA value of a cypriniform algae eater, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. 30058 A karyotype of a Chinese bitterling, Paracheilognathus himantegus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). 13856 The ecology of the fish genera Citherinus and Disticoidus in Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 34421 Karyotipy dvuch vidov karpovych rby - zerecha Aspius aspius (L>) I gorcaka Rhodeus sericeus amarus (Bloch). 29845 The effect of generation duration on the fish karyotypic evolution rate. 29846 Peculiarities of chromosomal reconstructions in the cyprinid fish evolution. 29856 Relation between DNA quantity, number of chromosomes and evolutionary age of the main taxa of Teleostei. 36701 Controlled year-round spawning of the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in captivity. 45778 The nature and origin of summer spawning in sturgeons. 12536 Karyotypes and cellular DNA contents of two sharks in the family Scyliorhinidae. 51984 Growth parameters for Lates niloticus (L.), Bagrus docmak (Forsskål), Oreochromis niloticus (L.), Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) and Synodontis species derived from tag returns. 1383 Growth parameters and mortality rates of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) estimated from length-frequency data in the Nyanza Gulf (Lake Victoria). 58131 Medusivorous fishes, a review. 1386 Estimation of growth and mortality of round scad (Decapterus macrosoma) in the Java Sea, Indonesia. 27276 Are coral trout counts useful to marine park managers?. 46541 Application du modèle de distribution d'abondance de mandelbrot à l'estimation des caputures dans l'étang de Thau. 75604 Variations of fecundity of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) in polish lakes. 7453 On the significance of variation in a warm water cosmopolitan species, nominally Ceratoscopelus warmingii (Pisces, Myctophidae). 6065 Aging of adult tropical reef fish by otoliths: a comparison of three methods on Diagramma pictum. 46146 Female and male territoriality and mating system of the sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieri. 13857 The bio-ecology of Niger Perch Lates niloticus (Linne) in the Lake Kainji, Nigeria. 27566 A fiftieth anniversary reflection on the living coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae: some new interpretations of its natural history and conservation status. 5075 A new species of toad beardfish, Pogonophryne curtilemma sp. n. (Artedidraconidae), from western Antarctica. 45713 Spawning frequency of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. 4854 Chromosome numbers, genome sizes, cell volumes and evolution of snake-head fish (family Channidae). 52002 Ageing of Parodon tortuosus Eigenmann and Norris, 1900 (Osteichthyes, Parodontidae) from the Passa Cinco River, Brazil. 37878 A genetic analysis of populations of Galaxias maculatus from the Bay of Plenty: implications for natal river return. 7061 New information on age and growth in length of Micromesistius australis Norman 1937 (Pisces, Gadidae), in the South West Atlantic. 86986 Rockfishes of Sebastes inermis complex of the subgenus (Sebastodes) (Sebastes, Scorpaenidae). 29375 Karyological analysis in Ictalurus nebulosus marmoratus andIctalurus species (Siluriformes, Ictaluridae). 28061 Analisis del contenido estomacal del carite pintado, Scomberomorus brasiliensis Collette, Russo y Zavala-Camins, 1978 en el oriente de Venezuela. 198 Gesunde Fische. 12136 Preliminary stock assessment for the mahsena emperor (Lethrinus mahsena) on the Nazareth bank of Mauritius. 36117 Hatchery production of Oreochromis niloticus L. at different sex ratios and stocking densities. 51869 Factors affecting growth rates of young tropical floodplain fishes: seasonality and density-dependence. 2034 Bidirectional-backcross selection for body weight in a red tilapia. 13337 The fishes of Zimbabwe. 5476 Fiches FAO d'identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. Guide des ressources halieutiques du Sénégal et la Gambie (Espèces marines et d'eaux saumâtres). 46163 Ontogenetic changes in the diet of early post-settlement Scarus species (Pisces: Scaridae). 47392 Behaviour of Norwegian spring spawning herring in relation to underwater light. 34219 Régime alimentaire de Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) et de T. mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868), (poissons, téléostéens, Carangidae) de la province atlantico-méditerranéenne. 37408 Régime alimentaire de Trachurus trachurus (Linnaeus, 1758) et de T. mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868), (poissons, téléostéens, Carangidae) de la province atlantico-méditerranéenne. 46609 Food-web manipulation by enhancement of piscivorous fish stocks: long term effects in the hypertrophic bautzen reservoir. 6418 Some considerations for the management in South Africa of Gojoen Coracinus capaensis (Cuvier), an important shore angling species off the South Western Cape. 34153 Investigations into the growth, maturity, mortality rates and occurrence of the dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus, Linnaeus) in the Gulf of Mexico. 27397 Ling (Molva molva), blue ling (Molva dipterygia) and tusk (Brosme brosme) of the Norwegian Deeps and adjacent slopes (northeastern North Sea and Skaggerak). 34448 Chromosomes of Valencia lozanoi (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae). 83777 Idade, crescimento, reprodução e pesca do peixe-porco Balistes capriscus (Gmelin, 1788), capturado na costa sul do estado de São Paulo-Brasil. 53724 The ceratioid family Himantolophidae (Pisces, Lophiiformes). 34449 Contribuiçoes adicionais à taxomonia de Hoplias (Characiformes, Erythrinidae). 112 The function of microbranchiospines in tilapias. 13597 Impact of the exotic fish, Oreochromis mossambicus on the indigenous fishery of Powai Lake, Bombay. 12142 Summary of the fisheries and resources information for La Reunion. 56927 Occurrence of the asiatic gobionid Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck and Schlegel) in south-eastern Europe. 74518 Leuciscus cephalus (Linaeus), with records of fingerling adult males, Leuciscus pleurobipunctatus (Stephanidis) and their hybrids from western Greece. 8797 Control of nuisance populations of crayfish with trps and toxicants. 41895 Food items of Saurida undosquamis in the northern Cilician Basin (eastern Mediterranean). 11641 A study of the vertebral column and median fin osteology in gobioid fishes with comments on gobioid relationships. 2904 Fish communities of Southeast African coastal lakes. 114829 Preliminary results of a deep bottom fishing trial with Z-traps in Vanuatu. 49276 The role of the sensory systems of herring larvae in evading predatory fishes. 114573 Pelagic biogeography of the armorhead, Pseudopentaceros wheeleri, and recruitment to isolated seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean. 45722 Morphological characters of some groups of genera of the subfamily Leuciscinae. 6358 Ahvenen (Perca fluviatilis L.) kasvu ja kasvuun vaikuttavat tekijät Suomen rannikkoalueella. 6937 Length-weight relationships of selected marine reef fishes from the southeastern United States and the Caribbean. 1388 Growth, mortality and maximum sustainable yield of the Indo-Pacific mackerel (Rastrelliger brachysoma) off the southwest coast of Thailand. 49045 Multiplicative catch-at-age analysis of scad Trachurus trachurusL. in divisions VIIIc and IXa. 57565 Parametres de croissance de Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1972), de la baie de Beni-Saf (Algerie). 5322 Poissons de Djibouti. 5450 Poissons de Djibouti. 6118 Croissance lineaire absolue des rascasses (Scorpaena porcus et S. crofa) du golfe de Gabes (Tunisie). 40825 Rare fishes of the deep-sea genus Halieutopsis: a review with descriptions of four new species (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae). 49286 The location and timing of cod spawning in the Irish Sea and central North Sea. 38242 Manual de identificação de peixes da região de Três Marias (com chaves de identificação para od peixes da bacia do São Francisco). 37756 Food habits and diet overlap of various eastern Bering Sea fishes. 54659 Age assessment of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, using tetracycline validated vertebral centra. 49054 Reproductive biology of the spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in south Texas. 26609 Larval development of blue grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae (Hector), in Tasmanian waters. 94 Development of biochemical dichotomous keys for identification of American populations of Oreochromis aureus, O. mossambicus, O. niloticus, O. urolepis hornorum and red tilapia. 9697 Isozyme expression in bighead carp, silver carp and their reciprocal hybrids. 92351 Systematics and biology of clariid catfish. Chapter 1. 9963 The status of the muskellunge in Lake St. Clair, Michigan, 1978-86. 29474 Further investigation of in vivo estimation of the maturation stages of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) females. 34486 Investigations on the chromosomes of the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). 43025 The genus Heptapterus (Teleostei, Pimelodidae) in southern Brazil and Uruguay, with the description of a new species. 1379 Growth, mortality and biomass estimation of goat fish (Upeneus sulphureus) in the Java Sea, Indonesia. 40425 Fish communities and environmental characteristics of two lowland streams in Costa Rica. 6223 Biology of four species of whiting (Pisces: Sillaginidae) in Botany Bay, New South Wales. 36969 Nests, eggs, and larvae of the Ozark sculpin, Cottus hypselurus. 89359 Reproductive biology of Harpiger sp. at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. 40342 The tempo of reproduction in Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis (Characidae), with a discussion on the biology of 'multiple spawning' in fishes. 42405 Age-specific vulnerability of pacific sardine, Sardinos sagax larvae to predation by northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. 36971 In situ observations of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus Raf.) foraging behavior: the effects of habitat complexity, group size, and predators. 31221 Early ontogeny of an endangered, relict, cold-water cyprinid from Lesotho, Oreodaimon quathlambae (Barnard, 1938). 11150 Stock status of 4X cod in 1987. 49256 An age-structured index of cod larval drift and retention in the waters off of southwest Nova Scotia. 45889 Responses to selection for body size and age at sexual maturity in the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. 4719 The effects of ciguatoxin on teleosts. 27098 Food habits and dietary overlap of Lepidotrigla cavillone in Greek Seas. 41900 Feeding habits of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) off the western coast of Greece. 88010 Risorse demersali del Mar Jonio: valutazione deu rendimenti commerciali ed analisi di Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810. 402 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 8. Fusilier fishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of caesionid species known to date. 8548 Estudio biológico de la rabirrubia (Ocyurus chrysurus) en el W. de la plataforma SE de Cuba. I. Edad y crecimiento. 30652 Vertebrate paleontology and evolution. 26858 Fundulus bifax, a new species of the subgenus Xenisma from the Tallapoosa and Coosa river systems of Alabama and Georgia. 49188 Some aspects of the natural history of commercially important catfishes in the low plains of Venezuela. 51128 The reproductive biology of the chain dogfish, Scyliorhinus retifer. 27697 Semaprochilodus varii, a new species of prochilodontid fish (Ostariophysi: Characiformes) from the Marowijne River, Surinam. 38119 Artificial reproduction and larval rearing of the thick lipped mullet (Chelon labrosus). 34496 The characterization of Muraena helena L. mitotic chromosomes: karyotype, C-banding, nucleolar organizer regions and in situ digestion with restriction endonucleases. 83706 Peces do agua dulce I: Los Siluriformes. 83707 Peces do agua dulce I: Los Ateriniformes. 83708 Peces marinos I: Los Condrictos. 83709 Peces Marinos III: Merluza, sardina y otros. 38263 Peces do agua dulce I: Los Caracoideos. 8734 Plaguicidas organocloradosy organofosforados en Procambarus clarkii (Girad). 7252 Peces. Fauna Argentina. 11173 Assessment of Atlantic herring in NAFO division 4T, 1987. 5548 Contribution à l'étude biologique et dynamique de bogues, Boops boops (Linné, 1758) de la baie de Bou-Ismail. 5550 Etude de la croissance du mérou Epinephelus guaza (Linné 1758) des côtes Tunisiennes. 13714 Reproduction in the female scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini, in northeastern Taiwan waters. 44441 Description of three new barbine from Guizhou, China (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae). 37330 Sound production in the anemonefishes, Amphiprion clarkii and A. frenatus (Pomacentridae), in captivity. 44347 Fish of Triglidae (Scorpaenoidei) from Taiwan. 43733 A new blind cyprinid fish from Yunnan, China with a reference to the evolution of its characters. 45788 Fishes of the family Liparididae of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. I. Specific composition of the genus Liparis. 36116 Using scales for identification of two Sarotherodon galilaeus groups from Lake Kinneret, Israel. 49257 The role of physical oceanographic processes in the early life history of sardines, Sardina pilchardus, along the Galician coast of Spain. 1391 An assessment of king mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in the inner Gulf of Thailand. 49167 Sampling of herring larvae close to a drifting buoy. 10835 Spectral sensitivity and retinal anatomy of the weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii. 38805 Reproductive behavior and social organization in the sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieri. 4357 Aspects of the biology of the musselcracker, Sparodon durbanensis, and the bronze bream, Pachymetopon grande, (Pisces: Sparidae), with notes on the eastern Cape recreational rock-angling and spear fisheries. 34014 A comparison of the feeding mechanisms of two herbivorous labroid fishes, the temperate Odax pullus and the tropical Scarus rubroviolaceus. 86105 Recent Radiologic imaging techniques for morphological studies of Latimeria chalumnae. 38799 Recent radiologic imaging techniques for morphological studies of Latimeria chalumnae. 38795 Aphanius vladykovi, a new species of tooth-carp from the Zagros Mountains of Iran (Osteichthyes: Cyprinodontidae). 12705 Cobitis elazigensis, a new species of cobitidid fish from Anatolia, Turkey. 9234 Length-dependent changes in egg size and fecundity in females, and brooded embryo size in males, of fork-tailed catfishes (Pisces: Ariidae) from the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, with some implications for stock assessments. 12077 Diets of syntopic finescale dace, Phoxinus neogaeus, and northern redbelly dace, Phoxinus eos: a reflection of trophic morphology. 32179 Protogyny in the Caribbean reef goby, Coryphopterus personatus: gonad ontogeny and social influences on sex-change. 3228 Age and growth of king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, from the Atlantic coast of the United States. 26842 Sharks of the order Carcharhiniformes. 74458 Biology and ecology of small pelagic fish from the lagoon of New Caledonia usable as bait for tuna fishing. 37407 Écologie alimentaire des poissons de l'estuarie du Tage. 86200 Odd amusing bits of the coelacanth discovery. A retrospective in 1988. 13793 Aspects of the biology of two scyliorhinid sharks, Apristurus brunneus and Parmaturus xaniurus, from the upper continental slope off southern California. 72466 Longevity records for captive tiger sharks Galeocerdo cuvier with notes on behavior management. 82867 Effects of ration, temperature and body size on the body composition, energy content and condition of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). 92587 Seasonal migration of thiof (Epinephelus aeneus ) off Senegal : Effect of the Senegalese and Mauritanian upwellings. 45861 Some peculiarities of reproduction of Pacific black halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides. 108936 Growth and reproduction of kitefin shark Dalatias licha (Bonn, 1788) in Azorean waters. 39738 Bioenergetic model of planktivorous fish feeding, growth and metabolism: theoretical optimum swimming speed of fish larvae. 46660 A note on the fishes of lake jipe and lake chale on the Kenya-Tanzania border. 51321 Feeding ecology of the lanternfish Benthosema pterotum from the Indian Ocean. 3785 Small pelagic fisheries investigations in the Philippines. Part II. The current status. 34542 An improved method for obtaining well spread mitotic metaphase chromosomes in the karyotype studies of fishes. 6088 Age and growth of two commercially important sharks (Carcharinus tilstoni and C. sorrah) from northern Australia. 46696 Effects of hydrological change and the cessation of stocking on a stream population of Salmo trutta L. 46607 Age and growth of milkfish (Chanos chanos) by using daily growth rings in the otoliths. 42691 Feeding habits of common dab (Limanda limanda L.) in the southern North Sea. 87987 Length-weight relationship, growth, and reproductive biology of Siganus fuscescens (Mungo Park) and S. spinus (Linnaeus) caught off Bolinao, Pangasinan. 6956 Coral-reef fishes off western Calatagan, Batangas (Luzon Island, Philippines) with notes on new and rare captures and controversial taxa. 42659 Predation by jellyfish on larval fish: an experimental evaluation employing in situ enclosures. 383 Croissance des poissons d'eau douce africains [Growth of African freshwater fishes]. 6465 Atlas of alien and translocated indigenous aquatic animals in southern Africa. A report of the Committee for Nature Conservation Research National Programme for Ecosystem Research. 30478 Atlas of alien and translocated indigenous aquatic animals in southern Africa. A report of the Committee for Nature Conservation Research National Programme for Ecosystem Research. 26872 Growth parameters and mortality of the deep-sea red crab, Geryon quinquedens, off Mozambique. 12062 Reservoirs of Sri Lanka and their fisheries. 56235 Relationship between growth, food conversion, body size, body composition and temperature in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla L. 42682 Some observations on the food selection of plaice and dab in Øresund, Denmark. 42285 Feeding selectivity of four species of sympatric stickleback in brackish-water habitats in eastern Canada. 6887 New records of fishes in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, with notes on some rare species. 96833 Reef fish assemblages on hard banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. 3615 Assessment of the stock of threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) in the northwest continental shelf of India. 42402 Stomach contents of commercially caught Hudson River striped bass, Morone saxatilis, 1973-75. 6429 Utility per recruit modelling: a neglected concept. 45753 A record of the blue bream, Abramis ballerus, in Plyavin'skoye reservoir (Daugava Basin). 82703 Ecological reconnaissance of the Easter Island sublittoral marine environment. 28599 Stock identification and discrimination of mulloway in Australian waters. 1377 Estimation of growth parameters and mortality of longneck croaker (Pseudotolithus typus) in Cameroon. 45721 Electrophoretic characterization of proteins of some members of genera Cobitis and Noemacheilus from Bulgarian rivers. 13379 Feeding intensity of predatory fishes as dependent on concentration density of downstream migrants of young pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha in the Utka R. of the western Kamchatka. 46800 A temperature compensated von Bertalanffy growth model for tagged red drum and black drum in Texas bays. 11320 Existence of local populations of the family Sparidae in Gulf of Guinea. 53950 Kleptoparasitism of freshwater crabs by cichlid fishes endemic to Lake Barombi Mbo, Cameroon, West Africa. 82874 Comparative proximate body composition of Atlantic salmon with emphasis on parr from fluvial and lacustrine habitats. 9069 Four new tilefishes from the northeastern Indian Ocean, with a review of the genus Branchiostegus. 8971 Karyology of elopiform and clupeiform fishes. 40599 On age and growth of hairtail, Trichiurus haumela (Forskål) in western Taiwan Strait. 42245 The food of the grenadier, Macrourus holotrachys, in the Southwestern Atlantic. 55120 Muscle metabolism in Antarctic fish. 1387 Growth, mortality, recruitment and exploitation rate of Selar boops in Davao Gulf, Philippines. 5103 A new species of Pogonophryne (Pisces, Artedidraconidae) from Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. 5104 A new species of Pogonophryne (Pisces, Artedidraconidae) from the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. 43556 Lipid storage systems and the biology of two neutrally bouyant antarctic notothenioid fishes. 7131 Scad in the north-east Atlantic. 42683 A brief survey of the feeding preferences of Raja clavata in Red Wharf Bay in the Irish Sea. 49291 Influence of temperature on growth of young coregonids Coregonus lavaretusL. in a large Prealpine Lake. 10256 Effects of climatic and density-dependent factors on year-class strength of Coregonus lavaretus in Lake Constance. 5202 Tilapia raised on septage as high protein animal feed. 28943 Okomorphologie nototheniider Fische aus dem Weddellmeer, Antarktis. 49031 Relations between temperature and survival of eggs and first feeding larvae of the Arcto-Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua L.). 96227 Tödürge Gölündeki sazan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) populasyonunun baz? biyolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. 11171 Efecto de la concentración en la mortalidad natural y su aplicación en el análisis de cohortes. 8580 Aspectos biológicos de los peces de pico en la región nor-occidental de Cuba. 10740 A review of "armless" flounders of the genus Achiropsetta (Pleuronectoidei) with description of a new species, Achiropsetta heterolepis sp. nov. 45742 Larvae of two species of Gadiformes and notes on the ichthyoplankton of the Australian-New Zealand sector of the Antarctic. 39571 Der Zwergziersalmler, ein Problemfisch?. 97204 Recent development in the Irish fisheries for spurdog (Squalus acanthias (L.). 34561 Estudos citogenéticos em Triportheus signatus (Teleostei, Characiformes, Characida). 47 Yearbook of fishery statistics 1986: catches and landings. 191 Fishery Statistics - catches and landings. 37875 The summer diet of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a South Island high-country stream. 45785 A new flounder, Psettina multisquamea sp. nova, (Bothidae) from Saya-de-Mal'ya bank, Indian Ocean. 34565 Cytogenetic investigations in livebearing toothcarps (Pisces, Poeciliidae). 34568 Padrao de NOR em 11 espécies de Curimatideos da Bacia Amazônica (Characiformes, Curimatidae). 110190 Stock assessment and dynamics of the Coilia dussumieri (Engraulidae) resource in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone along the northwestern coast of India. 40753 Age, growth and reproduction of Aphanius iberus (Cuv. & Val., 1846) in the lower reaches of the Guadalquivir river (south-west Spain). 109373 Life history patterns of the sand smelt Atherina boyeri Risso 1810 in the estuary of the Guadalquivir River, Spain. 51754 Comment on the proposed conservation of the name Ctenopoma oxyrhynchum Boulenger, 1902 (osteichthyes, Perciformes) by the suppression of C. weeksii Boulenger, 1896. 39620 Aspectos ecológicos da ictiofauna do rio Mucujaí, na área da ilha Paredao, Roraima, Brasil. 104155 Ciclo reprodutivo de Rhizoprionodon lalandii (Valenciennes) e R. porosus (Poey) (Selachii, Carcharhinidae) na região de Barra de Guaratiba, RJ 75216 On sexual maturation, condition factor and gonosmatic index of Sardina pilchardus Walb., off Portugal (1986/1987). 8967 Karyology of the marine catfish Bagre marinus (Ariidae) with an analysis of chromosome numbers among siluriform fishes. 26664 Ernogrammus walkeri, a new species of prickleback (Pisces: Stichaeidae) from south-central California. 49254 Larval herring dispersion and survival in the St. Lawrence Estuary: an evaluation of the match/mismatch and member/vagrant hypotheses. 58485 Acropoma lecorneti, une nouvelle espèce de Nouvelle-Calédonie (Pisces, Perciformes, Acropomatidae). 92513 Daurade Sparus aurata L. Reproduite Artificiellement et Daurade Sauvage. Expériences Paralleles en Diverses Conditions d'Elevage. 6787 Coastal fishes of New Zealand, a diver's identification guide. 37873 Confirmation of Parma polylepis, a pomacentrid teleost, in New Zealand waters (Note). 28040 Juvenile sex inversion in the New Zealand snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (Sparidae). 37891 New records of Somniosus (Elasmobranchii: Squalidae) from Australasia, with comments on the taxonomy of the genus. 37872 Recalculated growth rates for sand flounder, Rhombosolea plebeia, from tagging experiments in Canterbury, New Zealand 1964-66. 55597 Are growth parameters estimated from tagging and age-length data comparable?. 92625 Inventaire de la faune ichtyologique marine de Port-Cros (Méditerranée occidentale). 46309 Independent distributions of fish larvae and their prey: natural paradox or sampling artifact?. 49316 Comparative analysis of factors underlying retention of capelin and flatfish larvae on the southern Grand Banks. 10080 Evaluation du stock de morue de la subdivision 3Pn et des divisions 4R et 4S de l'OPANO. 48819 Relationship between body weight and loading densities in fish transport using the plastic bag method. 49069 The use of quadratic discriminant functions in connection with video-based measurements for identification of fish larvae. 41922 Food preferences of juvenile red mullet Mullus barbatus in western Adriatic nursery ground (Osteichthyes: Mullidae). 39028 Food web structure on Georges Bank from stable C, N and S isotopic compositions. 9109 Espectro alimentario del patudo (Thunnus obesus) en la primavera austral de 1986 en el Pacifico sur oriental. 40328 Seasonal occurrence and food habits of larvae and juveniles of two temperate basses in the Shimanto estuary, Japan. 39750 Morphological and functional development of larval and juvenile Limanda yokohamae (Pisces: Pleuronectidae) reared in the laboratory. 4145 Growth and larval behavior of Engraulis japonica in captivity. 38120 Growth and larval behavior of Engraulis japonica in captivity. 27413 Genetic divergence and speciation in Basilichthys microlepidotus Jenyns, 1842 and B. australis Eigenmann, 1927 (Pisces, Atherinidae). 759 The use of electrophoresis as a technique for the identification and control of tilapia breeding stocks in Israel. 82887 Effect of a sprint training protocol on growth rate, conversion efficiency, food consumption and body composition of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson. 26440 Particularidades de la reproducción de la sardina de ley, Harengula humeralis (Cuvier 1829), en la región oriental del Golfo de Batabano, Cuba. 3174 Chromosome polymorphism in farm fry stocks of Atlantic salmon from Asturias. 34609 Chromosome polymorphism in farm fry stocks of Atlantic salmon from Asturias. 11214 Assessment of haddock in NAFO Division 5Z. 38531 Acute cardio-respiratory responses of spangled perch, Leiopotherapon unicolor (Günther 1859), to sublethal concentrations of zinc, temephos and 2,4-D. 42395 Feeding energetics and angling catches of spangled perch, Leiopotherapon unicolor (Günther 1859), (Percoidei:Teraponidae). 28911 On the ecology of Chaenodraco wilsoni Regan 1914 (Channichthyidae, Perciformes). 40460 Hydrolycus Müller & Troschel, 1844 (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes): confirmation propose de Hydrocyon scomberoides Cuvier, 1819 comme espèce-type. 1472 Aspects of the Lake Victoria Fisheries, with emphasis on Oreochromis niloticus and Alestes sadleri from the Nyanza Gulf. 57540 Growth of poor cod Trisopterus minutus capelanus (Lacepede) (Pisces, Gadidae) in the Central Adriatic Sea. 29669 Early replication bands in two scorpion fishes, Scorpaena porcus and S.notata (order Scorpaeniformes). 34617 Karyotype variability in Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Characiformes, Erythrinidae). I. Chromosome polymorphism in the Rio Negro population (Manaus, State of Amazones). 35298 Growth and reproduction in Canthigaster valentini (Pisces, Tetraodontidae): a comparison of a toxic reef fish with other reef fishes. 92423 Preliminary results of temperature shock effects on newly fertilized eggs of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758. 49324 Habitat selection and competition among O-group gadidae off Mid-Norway. 56790 Tagging and recapture of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in Norwegian waters. 12383 The karyotype and genome structure of the pirate perch Aphredoderus sayanus (Aphredoderidae: Teleostei). 34622 Studies on the basic structure of the red drum (Sciaeniops ocellatus) genome. 29376 Cytogenetic studies in North American minnows (Cyprinidae). XIV. Chromosomal NOR phenotipes of eight species from the genus Notropis. 34139 Comparative study on feeding habits and trophic niches of two coastal fishes: The squirrel hake (Urophycis brasiliensis) and the sea bass (Acanthistius brasilianus). 45723 Spawning behavior of Asian greenling, Pleurogrammus azonua, in Peter the Great Gulf. 11336 Reef fish-benthos correlations in the northwestern Philippines. 28058 Biologia de la sardina de rio, Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces: Characidae) del rio Cancamure, estado sucre, Venezuela. III. Biometra. 9595 Hábitos alimentícios de peces depredadores del sistema lagunar Huizache-Caimanero, Sinaloa, México. 11692 Estudio de la pesquería de huachinango (Lutjanus campechanus Poey) del Banco de Campeche. 7419 Fishes of the Pacific coast. Alaska to Peru including the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands. 92 Role of tilapia (Oreochromis andersonii) in integrated farming systems in Zambia. 42601 Age-related changes in the composition of the food and the daily feeding of Nototheniops tchizh tchizh in the Lena Bank Region (Indian Ocean Sector of the Southern Ocean). 28059 Food utilization of cod (Gadus morrhua L.) and dab (Limanda limanda L.). 29825 Chromosome polymorphism of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walb.) in adjacent generations. 46409 Révision systématique de deux espèces du genre Polypterus (Pisces, Polypteridae). 37291 Reproductive behavior and homing after downstream spawning migration in the river sculpin, Cottus hangiongensis. 39512 Rio Negro, rich life in poor water. Amazonian diversity and foodchain ecology as seen through fish communities. 39712 Reproductive success of the male lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) (Pisces: Cyclopteridae): evidence against female mate choice. 46514 A new species of herring-like fish Microthrissa (Pisces, Clupeidae, Pellonulinae) from the Zaire basin, Central Africa. 3617 Growth, condition and sexuality of the Indian sandwhiting, Sillago sihama (Forskål). 9130 Description of electrophoretic loci in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, and comparison with Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus. 48804 Evolution of Atlantic and Pacific cod: Loss of genetic variation and gene expression in Pacific cod. 9359 Evolutionary divergence between sympatric species of Southern African hakes, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus. I. Electrophoretic analysis of proteins. 11294 Arctic Animals. 34188 A review of the Lythrypnus mowbrayi complex (Pisces: Gobiidae), wih description of a new species. 52274 Sea surface temperature variations at coastal sites around New Zealand. 4334 Aspects of the biology and population dynamics of the geelbek Atractoscion aequidens (Cuvier) (Pisces: Sciaenidae) off the South African coast. 8862 The reproductive biology of tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode & Bean, from the United States Mid-Atlantic Bight, and the effects of fishing on the breeding system. 46396 Feeding dynamics, nitrogen budgets, and ecosystem role of a desert stream omnivore, Agosia chrysogaster (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 50139 Morphological characteristics of the requiem shark, Carcharinus obscurus, of the Indian Ocean. 134 Feasibility of commercial production of sex-reversed Nile tilapia fingerlings in the Philippines. 1073 The status of wild and cultured tilapia genetic resources in various countries. 4511 Reproductive effort as a predictor of natural mortality rate. 85936 The hydraulic principle. 46637 Comparative analysis of feeding and schooling behaviour of the Cyprinidae Alburnus alburnus (L., 1758), Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758), and Scardinius erythrophthalmus (L., 1758) in a backwater of the Danube near Vienna. 40643 Summary atlas of deep-living demersal fishes in the North Atlantic Basin. 7415 Cohort analysis on the Argentine croaker (Umbrina canosai) exploited in South Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. 40418 Crecimiento de la pescadilla real (Macrodon ancylodon) en el sur de Brasil en el periodo 1984-1986. 39 Bestimmungsschlüssel für Fischlarven der Nordsee und angrenzender Gebiete. 10408 Bestimmungsschlüssel für Fischlarven der Nordsee und angrenzender Gebiete. 26480 Feeding habit of larval and juvenile ayu,Plecoglossus altivelis in the surf zone of Tosa Bay, Japan. 49283 Fasting and feeding in late larval and early post-larval plaice, Pleuronectes platessa. 37889 Reproductive biology of Squalus acanthias from the east coast, South Island, New Zealand. 36141 Early life history of triploid rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) . 8609 Some biological aspects of the predominant fish species in the Jatiluhur Reservoir, West Java, Indonesia. 38526 Demography of Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata (Perciformes, Percichthyidae), in the Sydney Basin. 39358 An assessment of the role of the sand shark Rhinobatos annulatus as a predator in Langebaan Lagoon. 9651 Cytogenetic studies of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland. 85398 Female choice and male reproductive success in the angel blenny, Coralliozetus angelica (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae). 37336 New record of the moray Gymnothorax pindae from the Amami Islands, Japan. 49261 The distribution, size-composition and feeding of Greenland halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoideswalbaum) larvae in the eastern Norwegian and Barents Sea. 37876 Mortality and growth of juvenile brown and rainbow trout in a lake inlet nursery stream, New Zealand. 37877 Comparative stream residence of juvenile brown and rainbow trout in a small lake inlet tributary, Scotts Creek, New Zealand. 49230 A modelling and field study of grazing by herring larvae. 92350 The culture of sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus in southern Africa. 48762 Allozyme variation in the California halibut, Paralichthys californicus. 31680 Some aspects of the biology of the whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), from the Pomeranian Bay. 31301 Temporal and spatial segregation of spawning in sympatric populations of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. 28585 Snapper. 49025 Larval redfish drift migration in relation to hydrographic features. 31282 Age, growth and reproduction of the barbel, Barbus sclateri (Günther, 1868), in a first-order stream in southern Spain. 91678 Influence of Water Temperature on Protein Requirement and Protein Utilization in Juvenile Sea Bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. 46139 Effects of acidic water on young-of-the-year smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui). 37340 Fine structures of the micropyles of pelagic eggs of some marine fishes. 13794 Trophic relations of the blue rockfish, Sebastes mystinus in a coastal upwelling system off northern California. 34655 Cytogenetical and morphological consideration on Rhamdia quelen (Pisces, Pimelodidae) - the occurrence of B chromosmes and polymorphic NOR regions. 5431 Behavior of a radio-tagged Tilapia rendalli Boulenger in Lake Ngezi, Zimbabwe. 5261 A new gobiid fish, Fusigobius signipinnis, from the western tropical Pacific. 105156 Morphological adaptations of the digestive tract of tropical cyprinids and cichlids to diet. 57524 The Eurasian huchen, Hucho hucho. 82471 The Eurasian huchen, Hucho hucho, largest salmon of the world. 49258 Tidal stream transport of larval fishes in non-stratified estuaries. 13225 Studies on the karyotype of Epinephelus awoara. 7296 Biology of the conger eel Conger oceanicus in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. I. Distribution, age, growth and reproduction. 7128 Age and growth of bluenose, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Pisces: Stromateoidei) from the lower east coast, North Island, New Zealand. 49259 The importance of larval menhaden behaviour in relation to offshore-inshore transport. 49281 Ovulation cycles and post-ovulatory deterioration of eggs of turbot, Scophthalmus maximusL. 74802 Study on the fishing condition of grey mullet in Taiwan. 48468 Studies on some parameters of the population dynamics of the butterfish, Ariomma indica day from the bay of Bengal. 43623 Development of induced spawning procedures for grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, in Syria. 51878 Annotated check list of the fish fauna of Khor Al-Zubair, north west of the Arabian Gulf, Iraq. 31677 Population dynamics of the anadromous whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), of the river Kiiminkijoki, Finland. 26563 The freshwater fishes of China in colored illustrations. Vol. 2. 90187 Report of the Working Group on the Assessment of the Stocks of Hake. 5886 Population dynamics of the commercially important grunt (Pomadasys kaakan) (Haemulidae: Pomadasyidae) from Pakistan Northern Arabian Sea. 1376 Population dynamics of Nemipterus japonicus (Pisces: Nemipteridae) off Kedah State, Malaysia. 27 Synopsis of biological data on the whitemouth croaker, Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest, 1823). 74461 Aspects of the spawning biology of the Brazilian sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis (Clupeidae). 45726 On the duration of the life span of smelt, Osmerus eperlanus. 30717 Redescription of Hypoatherina valenciennei and its relationships to other species of Atherinidae in the Pacific and Indian oceans. 11650 A review of the southeastern Pacific Coryphaenoides (Sensu Lato) (Pisces, Gadiformes, Macrouridae). 37357 Larval development of a gobiid fish, Odontobutis obscura obscura in comparison with that of O. o. interrupta and of O. platycephala. 4838 Preliminary stock assessment of the Davao ring net fishery for bullet tunas and small pelagic fishes in the Camotes Sea, Central Visayas, Philippines. 2265 Aquaculture in Africa. 5308 Growth, sexual maturation, and spawning season of Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglosus, in Faroese waters. 42392 Are clupeid microphagists herbivorous or omnivorous? A review of the diets of some commercially important clupeids. 27159 Revision of the oreosomatid fishes (Family Oreosomatidae) from the southern oceans, with a description of a new species. 57696 Tilapia tales. 8735 Toxicity of chlopyrifos, endrin or fenvalerate to fathead minnow following episodic or continuous exposure. 3614 Age and growth of the ponyfish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier) caught off Porto Novo coast. 3618 Feeding habits and length-weight relationships of the ponyfish, Secutor insidiator (Bloch). 12135 Preliminary estimates of age, growth and mortality of Siganus sutor from Mauritius. 34691 Estudos citogenéticos preliminares de Metynnis mola e Mylossoma orbigynanum (Pisces, Characidae) do Pantanal Mato-Grossense. 142 A hatchery manual for the common, Chinese and Indian major carps. 6961 Preliminary assessment of Nemipterus delagoae in Zanzibar waters based on length frequencies. 12148 Summary of fisheries and resources information for Zanzibar. 36799 Niphon spinosus, a primitive Epinepheline serranid: corroborative evidence from the larvae. 1436 Estimation of biomass, growth and mortality parameters of Dentex spp. (Sparidae) in Sierra Leonean waters. 30455 The biological status of the deepsea trevalla (Hyperoglyphe antarctica) offshore line fishery in South Australian waters. 52239 Life history variation of polymorphic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in Thingvallavatn, Iceland. 89660 Dowstream displacement and life-history traits of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, in a Norwegian river. 2318 Age and growth of Lutjanus altifrontalis in the waters off northwest Australia. 1390 A study of growth parameters and mortality rates of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from the coastal areas of Trinidad, West Indies. 34700 Estudos cariotipicos em 2 espécies da familia Doradidae (Pisces: Siluriformes). 6410 Effects of coastal eutrofication on the spawning ground of the Baltic herring in the SW Archipelago of Finland. 38804 Interaction of slow growth and increased early-life mortality: an hypothesis on the decline of Colorado squawfish in the upstream regions of its historic range. 29896 On the state of karyological researches of the genus Coregonus. 34730 Heterochromatin studies and localization of NORs in European grayling (Thymallus thymallus, Pisces, Thymallidae). 46623 A stock registry for Finnish whitefish. 2050 Genetic variation of scale circulus spacing (CIRC) in a tilapia hybrid (Oreochromis mossambicus x O. urolepis hornorum). 91414 Length-weight relationship of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon. 48966 Mortality of herring larvae in the north sea. 32780 On a collection of fish from Bastar District, Madhya Pradesh. 34735 Hybridization experiments in Cyprinida (III). Cross between Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus k and Sarcocheilichthys biwaensis. 46608 Applicability of the food-web manipulation in the restoration program of a hypertrophic stratified lake: model studies for lake Haussee (Feldberg, GDR). 6854 Family Serranidae. 37339 First record of a carangid fish, Trachurus murphyi from New Zealand. 233 Experimental predation by sticklebacks on larval mackerel and protection of fish larvae by zooplankton alternative prey. 39026 Stable carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios of bone collagen used to study coral-reef and terrestrial components of prehistoric Bahamian diet. 27242 Systematics and evolution of Australian species of flatheads (Pisces, Platycephalidae). 42748 Ingress of postlarval gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (Pisces: Serranidae), through a South Carolina barrier island inlet. 5816 Age determination in bass and assessment of growth and year-class strength. 40177 The importance of estuaries for sea-bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.). 40705 Year-class strength and geographical variation in the sexual maturity of NE-Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) - a case study. 52574 Effect of impoundment on the growth and fishery of Bagrus docmak in Lake Nasser. 166 Cold tolerance and growth of three strains of Oreochromis niloticus. 28160 Phylogeny of the family Liparididae, with the taxonomy of the species found around Japan. 12611 Genetic divergence and relationship among fifteen species of genera Trachurus, Decapterus, Selar, and Selaroides. 27238 Cytogenetic analysis of catfish, Silurus asotus (Teleostoni, Siluriformes). 34746 Cytogenetic and biochemical studies on the flatfish, Paralichthys olivaceus. 34749 Taxonomic study of the cobitid fish, Cobitis lutheri Rendahl and C. Striata Ikeda (Cobitidae) from Korea. 49292 Distribution and transport of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, larvae in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, in relation to water movement. 37332 Development of the cottid fish, Pseudoblennius percoides, reared in the laboratory, with brief descriptions of juvenile P. marmoratus and P. zonostigma. 42234 New observations on the trophic ecology of Liza grandisquamis (Valenciennes, 1836) (Pisces: Mugilidae) in the bonny river, Niger Delta, Nigeria. 37293 Larvae and juveniles of temperate bass, Lateolabrax latus, occurring in the surf zones of Tosa Bay, Japan. 46550 Larvae and juveniles of blue drum, Nibea mitsukurii, occurring in the surf zone of Tosa bay, Japan. 37294 Occurrence of larval and juvenile Japanese snook, Lates japonicus, in the Shimanto Estuary, Japan. 40719 Vertical distribution and feeding patterns of midwater fish in the central equatorial Atlantic. II. Sternoptychidae. 31340 Revision of Japanese batfishes, genus Platax. 30839 Revision of a deep-sea stargazer genus Pleuroscopus. 37334 Early development of the laboratory-reared flounder, Pleuronichthys cornutus. 5946 Aspects of the reproduction in cod (Gadus morhua L.) oogenesis, fecundity, spawning in captivity and stage of spawning. 88978 Aspects of the ecology of Kneria auriculata (Pellegrin, 1905) (Pisces: Kneriidae) from the eastern Transvaal, South Africa. 31621 Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Schildmakrele (Trachurus trecae - Cadenat, 1949) im Schelfgebiet vor Mauretanien in den Jahren 1981-1985. 4822 Some aspects of gill measurement in relation to the growth of the yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata. 46137 Diurnal periodicity of spawning activity of permanently territorial damselfishes (Teleostei:Pomacentridae). 86304 Expedição Langsdorff ao Brasil, 1821-1829. 38374 Los peces Ophidiiformes de aguas profundas entre Arica (18°19'S) e Isla Mocha (38°30'S). 7343 Tanganyika cichlids. 45750 First description of a sexually mature Amarsipa, Amarsipus carlsbergi. 5556 Contribution à l'étude biologique des deux espèces de saurels: Trachurus trachurus (Linné, 1758) et Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) et de la dynamique de Trachurus trachurus (Linné, 1758) en baie de Bou-Ismail (Alger). 56154 Effects of fishing on reef fish communities at Pedro Bank and Port Royal Cays, Jamaica. 9927 Classification and distribution of fishes of the family Diretmidae (Beryciformes). 10891 Classification and distribution of fishes of the family Diretmidae (Beryciformes). 35373 Material on the systematics and biology of the beryciform fishes Monocentris reedi and Polymixia yuri from the Naska submarine ridge. 42567 Evolutionary patterns in tropical marine reef fish feeding. 42568 A catalogue of skulls and jaws of eastern tropical Pacific blennioid fishes (Blennioidei:Teleostei): a proposed evolutionary sequence of morphological change. 37826 Indian and Indochinese species of Balitora (Osteichthyes: Cypriniformes) with descriptions of two new species and comments on the family-group names Balitoridae and Homalopteridae. 37828 Authorship, dates of publication, status and types of Spix and Agassiz's Brazilian fishes. 37846 Two species of cavefishes from Northern Thailand in the genera Nemacheilus and Homaloptera (Osteichthyes: Homalopteridae). 41424 Catalogue des types de poissons du Musée d'histoire naturelle de Bâle (Naturhistorisches Museum Basel). 34782 The genus Homaloptera (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes, Homalopteridae) in Yunnan, China. 37820 The genus Homaloptera (Osteichthyes, Cypriniformes, Homalopteridae) in Yunnan, China. 12040 Revision of Yunnanilus with description of a miniature species flock and six new species from China (Cypriniformes: Homalopteridae). 37823 A synopsis of Chinese balitorine loaches (Osteichthyes: Homalopteridae) with comments on their phylogeny and description of a new genus. 45734 Development of flying fish, Cheilopogon furcatus (Exocoetidae). 49028 Significance of early ontogenesis in formation of abundance of arcto-Norwegian haddock year-classes. 42600 Feeding of young three Notothenoid (Notothenoidei) species in the Indian ocean sector of the Antarctic. 12049 Feeding of glassfishes in different region of the Atlantic Sector of Antarctica. 46647 Freshwater fishes of the Wadi Batha drainage. 34031 Note sur les soins parentaux, l'éclosion et l'élevage des dragons de mer (Syngnathidae). 10905 Two new species of sharks of the genus Scymnodalatias (Dalatiidae) from the North Pacific and Southeastern Pacific Oceans. 45716 Morphometric and ecological characteristics of Caspian vimba, Vimba, vimba persa. 90003 A new Satanoperca species (Teleostei, Cichlidae)from the Amazon river basin in Brazil. 34233 Teleocichla, a new genus of South American rheophilic cichlid fishes with six new species (Teleostei: Cichlidae). 58483 Description of a new Apistogramma species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the Rio Negro in Brazil. 43625 Improving the survival rate of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry using malathion and prophylactic measures. 3682 Fishery and biology of oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps, from coastal waters of Parangipettai. 36147 Induced multiple spawnings of Chinese carps in Sri Lanka. 55123 Gill dimensions of an Indian major carp, Catla catla (Ham.) in relation to body weight. 5983 The basking shark. 6826 Induced sex reversal and spawning of blue-spotted grouper Epinephelus fario. 37333 Biparental mouthbrooding and guarding in a Tanganyikan cichlid Haplotaxodon microlepis. 1378 Population dynamics of emperor red snapper (Lutjanus sebae) with notes on the demersal fishery of the Mahé Plateau, Seychelles. 12145 Summary of description of the artisanal fisheries and resources for the Seychelles. 49275 Influence of feeding conditions and temperature on the growth rate and otolith-increment deposition for dover sole Solea vulgaris larvae. 259 L'ichtyoplancton des eaux cotières marines libanaises: oeufs et larves de Téléostéens. 41043 Aspects of the ecology of the mesopelagic fish Gonostoma elongatum (Gonostomatidae, Stomiiformes) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 11030 Larval Mirogrex terraesanctae (Cyprinidae) of Lake Kinneret (Israel): growth rate, plankton selectivities, consumption rates and interaction with rotifers. 6022 Hysterothylacium aduncum (Nematoda) in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.). 38793 Identification of lamprey larvae of the genus Ichthyomyzon (Petromyzontidae). 46397 Acidification affects the perch, Perca fluviatilis, populations in small lakes of southern Finland. 206 On the estimation of the actual fecundity of Scomber scombrus. 40870 Chlopsid eels of the eastern Pacific with a new species and descriptions of larval forms. 13175 Chromosome numbers of some Gulf coast sciaenid fishes. 88792 Minimum size of pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca (L.)) for exploitation in Lake Lohjanjärvi, Southern Finland. 104139 Premières observations sur la biologie reproductive de Rhizoprionodon lalandei (Valenciennes, 1839) (Pisces, Carcharhinidae) de la côte nord du Brésil. 118 Genetic variation in size and sexual maturation of Oreochromis niloticus under hapa and cage culture conditions. 2961 Description de Barbus parawaldroni n. sp. (Pisces, Cyprinidae) d'Afrique occidentale. 2963 Description de trois nouvelles espèces de Barbus d'Afrique de l'Ouest. 79868 Biologie et écologie des poissons d'eau douce Africains = Biology and ecology of African freshwater fishes. 13295 Standards in herpatology and ichthyology. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpatology and ichthyology. Supplement No. 1: additions and corrections. 7101 A preliminary study on the growth of red grouper. 43788 The synergistic effects of reductionist and holistic approaches in animal ecology. 38527 Descriptions of larval flatfishes of the genera Psettodes (Psettodidae) and Pseudorhombus (Paralichthyidae) from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 34784 Caracterizaçao cariótipica do bagre Trichogenes longipinnis (Siluriformes). 7456 Stock separation of jack mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenyns, 1841) and yellowtail T. novaezealandiae (Richardson 1843) in southern Australian waters, using principal component analysis. 6013 The relevance of systematics and nomenclature to coregonid management. 45720 Some new information on the reproduction of Chaenocephalus aceratus (Fam. Channichthyidae) of the region of the island of South Georgia. 46099 Inadequacy of species-level designations for ecological studies of coastal migratory fishes. 215 The mackerel: its biology, assessment and the management of a fishery. 31067 La ciguatoxicité des poissons sur les bancs de Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Martin et Anguilla. 57104 Nutrition and feeding of fish. 105 Effects of broodstock exchange on Oreochromis niloticus egg and fry production in net enclosure. 34414 Lista comentada das espéces do gênero Roeboides Günther, 1864 descritas para as bacias dos rios Amazonas, São Francisco e da Prata (Characiformes, Characidae, Characinae). 75309 Individual absolute and population fecundity of redfish (Sebastes mentella Travin) from the Norwegian-Barents Sea stock. 49026 Some aspects of saithe abundance dynamics in early ontogeny relative to effect of biotic and abiotic factors of environment during year class formation. 46100 Design, purpose and function in evolution: meditations on a classical problem. 26094 Genetic variation, breeding structure and taxonomic status of the gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus in Australian waters. 13478 An additional specimen of imperfectly known bythitid fish, Diplacanthopoma japonicum (Bythitidae, Ophidiiformes). 35033 Leptrochilichthys microlepis, a new species of the family Leptochilichyidae, Salmoniformes, from Aomori, northern Japan. 37335 Notes on Halosauropsis macrochir (Halosauridae: Notacanthiformes) from Japan. 209 Presumptive mycobacteriosis in North-east Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus L. 49043 Fishing effort, mortality and the variation of catches. 32599 On silver melt (Argentina silus Asc. ) in Icelandic waters. 49284 The feeding habits of cod and redfish in East Greenland waters with special emphasis on predation on juvenile redfish. 27271 Karyotypes of Bagrid Catfishes, Mystus wyckii and Bagroides macracanthus, from Thailand. 42679 Les genres Piabarchus Myers et Creagrutus Günther du Paraguay, avec la description de deux nouvelles espèces (Pisces, Ostariophysi, Characidae). 9646 Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of southern Vietnam. 36898 Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of southern Vietnam. 8767 Effect of synthetic pyretrhoids on the selected physiological aspects of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. 55596 An analysis of two methods of fitting the von Bertalanffy curve to capture-recapture data. 99 Culture of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in a rice-fish culture system using chemical and commercial organic fertilizers. 41026 Aspectos reproductivos de Trichomycterus areolatus Valenciennes, 1846 (Pisces: Teleostei: Siluriformes) en Rio Angostura, Chile. 55072 Aspectos reproductivos pesqueros de la tonquicha, Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant y Boucourt, 1883) Pisces: Sciaenidae, en el área norte del Estado Sucre. 7163 Croissance de Microchirus azevia (Capello, 1867) du Sud marocain. 5127 A new species of Laemonema from off Chile, with a redescription of L. globiceps Gilchrist (Pisces: Moridae). 49300 Shore-slope associations of Merluccius productus larvae in a Fjord environment. 46136 Feeding and fate of wild larval razorback sucker. 54454 Zimbabwe. 54455 The status of wild and cultured tilapia genetic resources in various countries: Zimbabwe. 5402 A preliminary assessment of the biomass of the pelagic sardine Limnothrissa miodon in Lake Kariba. 43028 Age and growth determination of the bat ray, Myliobatis californica Gill, in central California. 11911 Digestibility studies in juveniles of the Mexican cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther). 8985 The feeding ecology of the central American cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther). 42481 The use of jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis Leguminosae) meal as a partial substitute for fish meal in diets for tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus Cichlidae). 34826 Análise cromossômica em 2 espécies da ordem Siluriformes (Osteichthyes). 36788 Growth of the ruffe (Acerina cernua, Pisces: Perciformes) in the Orlik riverine lake. 57695 The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Second Edition. 9634 An investigation on the deep sea (Bathyal) fishes of the Gökova Bay, Aegean Sea. 46134 Juvenile bisexuality in the red sea bream, Pagrus major. 86002 The flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa in fish. Ultrastructure and evolution. 43024 Variation and systematics of Etheostoma radiosum, the orangebelly darter (Pisces: Percidae). 82363 Growth and breeding of meso- and bathypelagic organisms of the Rockall Trough, northeastern Atlantic Ocean and evidence of seasonality. 51851 Age and growth of Sandelia bainsii Castelnau (Pisces: Anabantidae) in the Tyume River, Eastern Cape (South Africa). 51855 Conservation status of the anabantid Sandelia bainsii in the Tyume River, South Africa. 31676 Vadim Dimitrievitch Vladykov: life of an ichthyologist. 38798 Thermoregulatory activity in the Tecopa pupfish, Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae, an inhabitant of a thermal spring. 26213 Diadromy in fishes: migrations between freshwater and marine environments. 26532 Trout farming in South Australia. 42404 Predation of karluk river sockeye salmon by coho salmon and char. 35785 Seasonality, depth and habitat distribution of breeding males of Oreochromis spp., 'chambo', in Lake Malawi National Park. 27264 Demersal reef fish project 1984-85: age and growth of four important reef fish species. A report to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. 30218 Search for Spanish mackerel stocks. 30331 Reproductive biology of yellowfin and bigeye tuna in the eastern Australian fishing zone, with special reference to the north western Coral Sea. 46601 Cascading trophic interactions: uncoupling at the zooplankton -phytoplankton link. 10149 An assessment of the west coast of Newfoundland (NAFO Division 4R) herring resource in 1987. 45790 Genetic structure of spawning populations of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta of the Tauy River Basin (based on DNA hybridization). 12385 Chromosome banding and genome compartmentalization in fishes. 36970 The rate of food consumption of young sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) in Chincoteague Bay, Virginia. 39959 The genera of the subfamily Bunocephalinae (Pisces, Nematognathi, Aspredinidae). 43027 Temporal characteristics of fish assemblage structure in an Ohio stream. 10962 Indirect estimation of oxygen and food consumption in bonito, Sarda chiliensis (Scombridae). 9112 Analisis biologico pesquero y poblacional de la cachemia (Cynoscion analis) del area de Paita, Peru. 53402 Age and growth of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther in the Bohai Sea. 40758 The fishery, biology and bionomics of the Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus, Houttuyn 1872) in Ecuador. 5590 A field guide to the fishes of Galapagos. 4954 Pond culture of the Amazon fish, tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum: a pilot study. 5419 Growth, ingestion capacity, comparative appetency and biochemical composition of Oreochromis niloticus and Tilapia rendalli fed with Azolla. 1730 A new species of sciaenid fish, Pareques iwamotoi, from the western Atlantic, with color descriptions of prejuvenile and juvenile Pareques acuminatus and Pareques umbrosus. 6434 The effect of extreme northerly climatic condition on the life history of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (L.). 12095 Plan Directeur des Pêches et de la Pisciculture. 48566 A new natural intergeneric cyprinid hybrid from the Jordan River drainage, with a key to the large barbine cyprinids of the southern Levant. 43610 Combined prophylactic drug treatment and balanced diet in rearing fry of the Indian major carp Labeo rohita. 9398 Three new species of the stingray genus Urotrygon (Myliobatiformes: Urolophidae) from the eastern Pacific. 34897 Nota sobre os cromossomos de uma expécie do grupo Characidium (Characidiinae). 37338 A pre-leptocephalus larva of Conger myriaster (Family Congridae) collected from Suruga Bay, central Japan. 27403 Estimation of megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) growth parameters for males and females, from the ICES division VII. 46543 Length-weight relationship of indian major carps with improvement in expressing exponential formula. 45784 Gonadal development of the Black Sea mullet, Liza aurata, during early life-history stages. 49318 Herring larvae Clupea harengus investigations in the Skagerrak area, December 1987 to March 1988: preliminary report. 5938 Preliminary evaluation of recreational angling in Kiel Bight, Western Baltic. 3784 Caution in the use of daily increments for ageing tropical fishes. 12150 Age determination in a tropical fish, Lethrinus nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775) (Teleosteii: Lethrinidae) by means of otolith interpretation. 30869 Crecimiento de Scomber japonicus (Houyttun, 1872) ( Pisces: Scombridae) y Sardinops sagax(Jenyns, 1923) (Pisces: Clupeidae) en aguas ecuatorianas. 27266 The Western Australian trap and line fishery on the Northwest Shelf. 9205 Estimation of natural mortality from selection and catch length-frequency data: a modification of Munro's method and application example. 1978 Les introductions d'espèces étrangères dans les eaux continentales africaines. Intérêt et limites. 34903 Estudos cariotiopicos de Parodon tortuosus e Parodon hilarii e análise das cúspides dos dentes sinfisianos. 56874 Dos nuevas especies de Brycon (Pisces: Characidae) de la Cuenca del Lago de Maracaibo, Venezuela. 5290 Growth, mortality and potential yield of bonga, Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bodwich, 1825) of Nigerian inshore waters. 41824 Reproductive biology of the East African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus aethiopicus in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Tanzania. 42765 Functional morphology of the feeding apparatus of ten species of Pacific butterflyfishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae): an ecomorphological approach. 7196 Synthese des donnees sur la peche artisanale aux Seychelles, biologie-resources-exploitation. 12306 Fauna of Ukraine. Fishes. Loaches, catfishes, channel catfishes, freshwatereels, conger eels, garfishes, codfishes, sticklebacks, seahorses, mosquitofishes, John dories, barracudas, grey mullets, silversides, lings. 45747 Fecundity in Syngnathidae of the Black and Azov Seas. 5943 Seasonal change of zooplankton in Kiel Bay. IV. Ichthyoplankton. 1381 Estimation of biomass and biological parameters of Pentaprion longimanus (Gerreidae) off the North Coast of Java, Indonesia. 37341 Spawning and subsequent copulating behavior of the elkhorn sculpin Alcichthys alcicornis in an aquarium. 13807 Size and diet of juvenile Pacific salmon during seaward migration through a small estuary in southeastern Alaska. 48467 Studies on some aspects of the population dynamics of lizard fish Saurida tumbil Blotch from the bay of Bengal. 49339 Offshelf ekman transport and larval fish survival in the Northwest Atlantic. 35715 An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Mariana Islands. 33904 Donnees biologiques sur le pageot, Pagellus erythrinus, des cotes orientales de la Greece centrale. 37350 Distribution of six species of bitterlings in a creek in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. 31474 Variation of individual fish size in relation to population density of sand eel Ammodytes personatus in Ise Bay. 37342 Growth of the larvae of a Tanganyikan cichlid, Lamprologus attenuatus, under parental care. 49260 Transport and distribution of fish eggs and larvae in the vicinity of the coastal fronts. 37304 Morphology and taxonomy of Apristurus longicephalus (Lamniformes, Scyliorhinidae. 37337 Records of Apristurus herklotsi (Lamniformes, Scyliorhinidae) and discussion of its taxonomic relationships. 33830 Systematics and ecology of larvae of lampreys and fishes. 43122 A study of the life history, ecology, and population dynamics of four sympatric reef predators (R. aurorubens, L. campechanus, H. melanurum, and P. pagrus) on the East and West Flower Garden Banks, NW Gulf of Mexico. 42770 Sediment processing by the surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus at Moorea, French Polynesia. 27719 Autecology of chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) in a Greek stream and the use of the pharyngeal bone in fish predator-prey. 46751 Premières observations sur la biologie de la reproduction de Chrysichthys walkeri en Lagune Aby (Côte d'Ivoire). 53669 Orange roughy research in the Great Australian Bight. 176 A note on infestation of Oreochromis niloticus with Trichodina sp. and Dactylogyrus sp. 49280 Herring larvae studies in the west-central North Sea. 9115 Food habits of piranhas in the low lands of Venezuela. 33077 Zum Vorkommen von Scartella cristata (L.) und Parablennius pilicornis (Cuv.) (Teleostei, Blenniidae) an der nordspanischen Mittelmeerküste. 81667 Nye fisk for Danmark (1962-1987). 11353 Revision of the Indo-West Pacific bathyal fish genus Glyptophidium (Ophidiiformes, Ophidiidae). 10034 An update on the status of 4VWX flatfish stocks. 45725 Species composition of the ichthyofauna in the freshwaters of northwestern Sakhalin. 34976 Dasyatis izuensis, a new stingray from the Izu Peninsula, Japan. 35022 A new species of the genus Dasyatis (Elasmobranchii: Dasyatididae) from southern Japan and lectotype designation of D. zugei. 34989 A new subspecies of the ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, (Plecoglossidae) from the Ryukyu Islands. 49288 Transport and recruitment of spot Leiostomus xanthurus into the Chesapeake Bay, USA. 79609 Distribution of Ctenopoma muriei and the status of Ctenopoma ctenotis (Pisces: Anabantidae). 5253 Age and growth parameters of Siganus sutor in Kenyan marine inshore water, derived from numbers of otolith microbands and fish length. 10125 An evaluation of the population dynamics of 4X haddock during 1962-88 with yield projected to 1989. 6810 List of fishes, shellfishes and other marine food resources in the Ghanaian coastal waters. 26314 The food of the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), after the disappearance of the haplochromine cichlids in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria (Kenya). 28870 Reproductive potential of the Nile perch, Lates niloticus L. and the establishment of the species in Lakes Kyoga and Victoria (East Africa). 49262 Role of reproduction in Baltic herring population differentiation. 11247 The food, feeding habits and distribution of a siluroid catfish, Bagrus docmac (Forsskal), in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria. 42281 Squids eaten by lancetfish and tunas in the trophical Indo-Pacific Oceans. 29071 Planktonic stages of lanternfishes (Osteichthyes, Myctophidae) in the Benguela upwelling region. 29083 Early life history and spawning of Merluccius capensis Castelnau in the Northern Benguela Current. 34944 Estudos citogenéticos na Familia Callichthyidae (Pisces, Siluriformes): O gêneros Corydoras. 34945 Estudos citogenéticos na Familia Callichthyidae (Pisces, Siluriformes): O gêneros Aspidoras, Callichthys e Hoplosternum. 34947 Chromosome formulae of Neotropical freshwater fishes. 49289 Observations on inshore distribution and behavior of O-group NE-Arctic cod. 42485 The use of seed of the leguminous plant Sesbania grandiflora as a partial replacement for fish meal in diets for tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). 7026 Age and growth of the dab, Limanda limanda (Linnaeus) in the Isle of Man waters, U.K. 46310 Growth patterns in bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and pumpkinseed (L. gibbosus) sunfish: environmental variation and the importance of ontogentic niche shifts. 26544 Main results of realization of the Soviet Program of Tuna Tagging in the Atlantic Ocean. 45745 Electrophoretic variation of proteins and genetic characteristics of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, strain groups and stocks reared in the USSR. 58660 Recent developments in the analysis of comparative data. 1473 Estimating the food consumption per unit biomass of a population of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Pisces: Serranidae). 49287 Spawning habits of two clupeid fishes Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sardinella aurita Valennciennes, 1847, in the Northwestern Mediterranean. 4274 Larval growth of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 27019 Spawning dynamics of orange roughy, Hoplostethus altanticus, in mid-slope waters of New Zealand. 48657 Check-list of marine fishes of Greece. 6121 Aspects of the life history and fishery of red pandora, Pagellus erythrinus (Sparidae), off western Greece. 27045 Demersal fish population dynamics in Patraikos and Korinthiakos Gulfs , the Ionian Sea. 27079 The coastal fisheries in Kastellorizo area. 33910 The coastal fisheries in Kastellorizo area. 45736 A new armorhead species, Pentaceros quinquespinis (Pentacerotidae), from the southeast Pacific. 27131 Ecology of the mirror dory, Zenopsis nebulosus, of the submarine Nasca Ridge. 4638 Hatching time in spherical, pelagic, marine fish eggs in response to temperature and egg size. 102 A comparison of overall growth performance of tilapia in open waters and aquaculture. 384 Detritus and energy consumption and conversion efficiency of Sarotherodon melanotheron (Cichlidae) in a west African lagoon. 30812 Kestratherina brevirostris, a new genus and species of silverside, (Pisces: Atherinidae) with a review of atherinid marine and estuarine genera of southern Australia. 4282 Distribution, growth and mortality of larval spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus: a comparison between two adjacent estuarine areas of southwest Florida. 34972 Estudo citogenéticos no gênero Gymnogeophagus (Pisces, Perciformes, Cichlidae). 83989 Respiratory adaptations of the burrowing marine teleost Lumpenus lampretaeformis (Walbaum). II. Metabolic adaptations. 49329 Growth and mortality of Baltic herring Clupea harengus larvae estimated from length frequency data. 2504 Growth of Leiognathus splendens based on daily otolith rings and length-frequency analysis. 43207 A new genus and a new species of Chinese Anchovies. 38391 Discopyge tschudii Heckel 1845: aporte a su taxonomia con hincapie en su dimorfismo sexual (Chondrichthyes, Narcinidae). 7392 Peces marinos III. 91679 Effect of diets on postprandial levels of plasma glucose, insulin and immunoreactive glucagon in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus 1758) (Perciformes, Serranidae). 90124 Regularities in the growth rate of pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in the Batak Dam, Bulgaria. 7319 Aquarium fish of the world. 46140 Premetamorphic bonefish (Albula sp.) leptocephali from the Gulf of California with comments on life history. 3786 Length frequency analysis of pelagic fish species. 34997 Fluorescent banding patterns of the chromosomes of the genus Salmo. 29745 Stock-specific differences in the number and chromosome positions of the nucleolar organizer regions in arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). 94399 A taxonomic study on the fishes of Putao Township, Kachin State. 7189 Lenght structure and reproductive potential of crucian carp (Carassius carassius (L.)) populations in small forest ponds. 49296 Effect of temperature on growth rates and organogenesis in the yolksac larvae of halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossusL. 27598 Biologie et exploitation des poissons du lac Ihema (bassin Akagera, Rwanda). 41979 Feeding of poor cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus R.) in the Euboean and Pagassitikos Gulfs (Greece). 56431 Efficient uptake of algal production by a single resident herbivorous fish on the reef. 35010 Considerations on the chromosome evolution of Tetragonopterinae (pisces, Characidae). 35011 Consideraçoes citotaxonômicas em Callichthys callichthys (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) da Amazônia Central. 35013 Consideraçoes cariotípicas na familia Hemiodontidae (Characiformes, Teleostei). 35015 Estudo citogenético comparativo no gênero Hoplosternum (Callichthyidae, Siluriformes) da Bacia Amazônica. 58612 Morphological and ecological characteristics of common fishes in Ontario lakes. 10071 Revised estimates of historical spawning biomass of the Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus. 45715 Morphometric characters of Azov shad, Alosa caspia tanaica, of the Dnieper region. 28915 On the structure of the populations of Wilson's ice-fish on the marginal shelf rises of the Cosmonaut Sea. 26400 The life history of a gizzard shad, the bony bream Nematalosa erebi (Günther) (Dorosomatinae, Teleostei) in the lower River Murray, South Australia. 26399 The aquatic fauna of the north-west branch of Cooper Creek. 7123 Growth, sexual maturity and reproduction in the hottentot Pachymetopon blochii (Val.). 88 Tilapia genetic resources for aquaculture. 24 Genetic improvement of tilapias: problems and prospects. 50252 Studies on monthly growth, length-weight relationship and condition factor of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus). 93207 Biological aspects of white anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) in the Bay of Biscay (ICES Divison VIIIa, b, d) in 1996-1997. 12264 Synopsis of biological data on the northern pike Esox lucius Linnaeus 1758. 35029 Localization of NORs and constitutive heterochromatin in chromosomes of Danube salmon, Hucho hucho (Pisces, Salmonidae). 51037 Age at recruitment of Hawaiian freshwater gobies. 89586 The growth of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in small Finnish lakes at different stages of acidification. 114001 Summary of fisheries and resources information for Madagascar. 3084 Length-weight regressions and condition indices of lutjanids and other deep slope fishes from the Mariana Archipelago. 2300 Depth distributions, growth, and mortality of deep slope fishes from the Mariana Archipelago. 2322 Age and growth of Lutjanus kasmira, Lethrinus rubrioperculatus, Acanthurus lineatus and Clenochaetus striatus in American Samoa. 3622 Age, growth anf fishery of Mystus aor (Hamilton) from Nagarjunasagar reservoir. 38923 Estudo filogenético da família Achiridae(Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectoidei), com a revisão das formas de água doce da América do Sul cisandina e a reavaliação do monofiletismo de Soleomorpha ("Soleoidei"). 175 Reproductive biology and the hatchery rearing of tilapia eggs and fry. 10589 Three new Indo-Pacific damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Pomacentridae). 10591 Three new damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the Indian Ocean. 10629 Pomacanthus rhomboides (Gilchrist and Thompson), the valid name for the South African angelfish previously known as Pomacanthus striatus. 10632 Two new species and a new genus of cardinalfishes (Perciformes: Apogonidae) from Rapa, South Pacific Ocean. 10631 The butterflyfish Prognathodes guyotensis from the Maldive Islands, a first record for the Indian Ocean. 6180 Review of the Indo-Pacific fishes of the serranid genus Liopropoma, with descriptions of seven new species. 10628 A new species of soldierfish of the genus Ostichthys and records of O. archiepiscopus and O. sandix from Tahiti. 10590 A new damselfish of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. 8926 Redescription of the Indo-Pacific serranid fish Pseudanthias bimaculatus (Smith). 5277 A new species of the labrid fish of the genus Hologymnosus from the Western Pacific, with notes on H. longipes. 3079 Sargocentron marisrubri, a new squirrelfish (Bericyformes: Holocentridae) from the Red Sea. 46217 The growth of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in recently acidified lakes of southern Finland - a comparison with unaffected waters. 49285 Revised indices of the abundance of cod and haddock in the O-group surveys in Faroese waters 1974-88. 97681 Revision of the neotropical cichlid genus Gymnogeophagus Ribeiro, 1918, with descriptions of two new species (Pisces, Perciformes). 7499 Life history characteristics of migratory coregonids of the lower Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Canada. 101136 Les pêches continentales du fleuve Sénégal. Environnement et impact des aménagements. 38794 Taxonomic status of the extinct Banff longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae smithi, of Banff National Park, Alberta. 38796 Lampetra (Eudontomyzon) gracilis, a synonym of Eudontomyzon dandordi. 12402 Fish names of Eastern Polynesia. 4881 Coregonid fishes in recent conditions. 6012 Coregonid fishes in recent conditions. 2317 Fish communities in the East African Great Lakes. 49264 The distribution of fish larvae in relation to hydrographic features of the loop current boundary in the gulf of Mexico. 28060 Aspectos alimenticios de la sardina, Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 (Pisces: Clupeidae) de los alrededores de la region noroccidental de la Peninsula de Araya y alrededores de las Islas de Coche y Cubagua, Venezuela. 10254 Even-odd year difference in walleye year-class strength related to mayfly production. 35052 G-banding of the chromosomes of Apogon maculatus and A. Pseudomaculatus (Perciformes: Apogonidae). 38118 Age and growth of Psetta maxima (Linné, 1758) and Scopthalmus rhombus (Linné, 1758) in the Gulf of Lion (Mediterranean). 42758 Extreme variation in settlement of the Carribean triggerfish, Balistes vetula, in Panama. 35060 Cromossomos supernumeratios e regioes organizadoras nucleolares múltiplas em Astyanax scabripinnis. 1384 Sources of bias in growth and mortalilty estimation of migratory pelagic fish stocks, with emphasis on Decapterus russelli (Carangidae) in Mozambique. 30782 Sources of bias in growth and mortalilty estimation of migratory pelagic fish stocks, with emphasis on Decapterus russelli (Carangidae) in Mozambique. 26972 Feeding of Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus off Namibia. 53220 Predator-prey relationships in northern Lake Tanganyika and fluctuations in the pelagic fish stocks. 46147 The evolution of migration and some life history parameters in marine fishes. 183 Electrophoretic studies on induced gynogenetic diploids and triploids in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus and O. aureus). 54321 Day and night variability in the calculation of growth of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) larvae during a patch-study in the Celtic Sea. 27076 Diet of orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus (Pisces: Trachichthyidae) on the Challenger Plateau, New Zealand. 26771 A new species of Acanthemblemaria from Malpelo Island, with a key to the Pacific members of the genus (Pisces: Chaenopsidae). 27302 Feeding ecology of ten species of rockfishes (Scorpaenidae) from the Gulf of Alaska. 5862 Age, growth, and mortality of Atlantic croaker in North Carolina, with comments on population dynamics. 32610 A study of eel (Aguilla anguilla L. ) population dynamics in the Comacchio lagoons (Italy) by mark-recapture method. 27498 Murray cod. 57106 Exploring the dynamics of herring consumption in the Baltic: applications of an energetic model of fish growth. 31685 Preliminary results of investigations on the biology of slow-growing whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) in Lake Walenstadt, Switzerland. 29962 Chromosome polymorphism in Sevan whitefish. 26203 Revision of the labrid fish genus Pseudolabrus and allied genera. 27247 An assessment of the east Queensland inshore gill net fishery. 42399 Movements of juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in north-eastern Queensland. 29092 Citharus linguatula. 7011 Age and growth of the southeastern Brazilian sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis, 1981-1983. 90296 Sexualité et reproduction du sparaillon Diplodus annularis des îles Kerkennah (Sud-Est Tunisien). 43729 The ecological basis of multispecies fisheries, and management of a demersal fishery in tropical Australia. 33954 Acclimation effects on routine oxygen consumption of the Antarctic fish Pogonophryne scotti (Artedidraconidae). 11682 Contribución al conocimiento de la pesquería de mero (Epinephelus morio) de la flota menor de las costas de Yucatán. 34138 Notes on the diets of two deep-sea fishes: Alepocephalus bairdii and Bathyterois dubius. 42233 Notes sur le régime alimentaire de deux poissons de profondeur: Alepocephalus bairdii et Bathypterois dubius. 45714 Composition of ichthyofauna in the region of the Karadag State Reserve (Black Sea). 28142 Genetic structure of barramundi (Lates calcarifer) stocks from northern Australia. 6278 Kuhan kalastus ja saalisvarat Vanajanselällä vuonna 1985. (Pike-pearch fishery and the potential catch in the Lake Vanajanselkä. 9097 El tollo un recurso demersal. algunos aspectos de la biología y pesqueria de Mustelus whitney Ch. 1382 Seasonal growth, mortality and recruitment pattern of Sardinella maderensis off Senegal. 12133 Summary of fisheries and resources information for Mauritius. 56757 Feeding of lantern fish Benthosema glaciale off the Nova Scotia Shelf. 6975 Preliminary assessment for the brownspotted grouper Epinephelus chlorostigma occurring on the Mahé Plateau (Seychelles). 43919 Density, length distribution, and diet of age-0 arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in the surf zone of Thingvallavatn, Iceland. 37290 First record of the labrid fish Halichoeres richmondi from Japan. 31688 Spring abundance, growth and food of 0+ vendace (Coregonus albula L.) and whitefish (C. lavaretus L. s.l.) in Lake Pyhäjärvi, SW Finland. 7483 Three new Indo-Australian species of the sciaenid genus Atrobucca, with a reevaluation of generic limit. 49317 Distribution, drift and condition of herring larvae off western Norway in 1987. 10051 The timing and significance of density-dependent and density-independent mortality of American shad Alosapidissima. 40393 Territorial behaviour in a scale-eating and a herbivorous neotropical characiform fish. 40398 Mutilação de nadadeiras em acarás, Geophagus brasiliensis, por piranhas, Serrasalmus spilopleura. 3944 Der Ruegensche Frühjahrshering - das Laichgeschehen. 46612 Dynamics of lake Michigan plankton: a model evaluation of nutrient loading, competition, and predation. 43083 Predation rates and the behavioral response of adult brassy minnows (Hybognathus hankinsoni) to creek chub and smallmouth bass predators. 3943 An analysis of food intake of cod as a basis for a multispecies assessment in the western Baltic. 5918 Erste Ergebnisse der Nahrungsuntersuchungen beim Dorsch (Gadus morhua) der westlichen Ostsee unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seines Einflusses auf die Herings- und Sprottbestände in diesem Seegebiet. 5951 Atlantic fishes of Canada. 26430 Economics and marketing of Western Australian pilchards. 42661 Vulnerability of early life intervals of Coregonus hoyi to predation by a freshwater mysid, Mysis relicta. 30870 Ein neuer Rivulide aus Bolivien: Rivulus bolivianus n. sp. (Pisces: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). 44619 Oreochromis variabilis und andere Tilapienverwandte des Viktoriasees. 44624 Bemerkungen über die Sammlung der Cyprinodontiformes (Pisces: Teleostei) des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Die Gattungen Aphyosemion Myers, 1924 und Fundulosoma Ahl, 1924. Teil 2. 44632 Was ist Ctenopoma ashbysmithi?. 40971 Ecology and fisheries of mountain streams of the North-Western Himalayas. 13792 The feeding habits of two deep slope snappers, Pristipomoides zonatus and P. auricilla, at Pathfinder Reef, Mariana Archipelago. 47570 Geographical and depth distribution of rays in northern Tyrrhenian sea. 9103 Sinopsis de datos biologicos y pesqueros de la sardina Sardinops sagax sagax en el Pacifico sororiental. 45732 Embryonic-larval development of smelt (Osmeridae) of the far east. I. Rainbow smelt, osmerus mordax dentex. 45748 Embryonic-larval development of far eastern smelts (Osmeridae). II. Capelin Mallotus villosus socialis. 89628 Whole weight/length and gutted weight/length relationships for porbeagles. 44350 Fauna and community structure of subtidal fishes at Lanyu (Bote Tobago) Taiwan. 43569 Twelve new records of fishes from Taiwan. 44319 Species composition and seasonal distribution of impinged fishes at the two intakes along the northern coast of Taiwan. 38802 Behavioral influences on gene structure and other new ideas concerning sex change in fishes. 13179 Female heterogamety in two teleostean fishes. 45727 Some indices of reproductive ability of fishes. 45719 A new species of the genus Bathypterois (Fam. Chlorophthalmidae) from the eastern part of the Indian Ocean. 45740 A new notacanthid fish, Lypogenys plaxae Sheiko, n. sp. (Notacanthidae, Halosauroidei) from the Bathyal Zone of the Pacific Coast of Japan. 36145 Pen culture in Wuli Lake, Jiangsu, China. 36679 Intensive fish farming. 43884 Ontogenetic stages in spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olaf) from the Barents Sea. 45783 Characteristics of the reproduction of fishes of the northwestern Caspian Basin. 35019 A new gobiid fish of the genus Clariger from Mutsu Bay, northern Japan. 6490 Managements of ribbon fish resources in the Central Japan Sea. 12141 Summary description of the marine fisheries and resources for Mozambique. 1474 Effect of incorporating sigmoid selection on optimum mesh size estimation for the Samar Sea multispecies trawl fishery. 6123 Age and growth of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.) in the Middle Adriatic. 38122 The influence of levamisole on the growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) larvae. 27884 The distribution of African freshwater fishes. 79610 The taxonomic identity of the dwarf or blackspot Ctenopoma (Pisces, Anabantidae) in southern Africa. 45782 Biological characteristics of populations of the East Siberian grayling, Thymallus arcticus pallasi, from upland lakes of the Bol'shoy Annachag Range (Upper Kolyma). 93406 The influence of spear fishing on species composition and size of groupers no patch reefs in the upper Florida Keys. 3220 Distribution and reproduction of the reef fish Petrus rupestris (Pisces: Sparidae) off the coast of South Africa. 5215 Statewide list for Campeche and Tabasco: Marine and estuarine species commercially exploited or forming part of the by-catch of other fisheries. 4898 Evaluacion de los patrones de crecimiento de especies comerciales de escama de la region Campeche-Tabasco evidenciados por la deposicion de anillos calcificados en los otolitos, escamas y espinas dorsales. 83268 Aspects of energetics of adult walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas), from Alaska. 10627 Redescription of Gracila albormaginata (Fowler and Bean) and Cephalopholis polleni (Bleeker) with comments on the generic limits of selected Indo-Pacific groupers (Pisces: Serranidae: Epinephelinae). 26308 Reproductive performance of three strains of Oreochromis niloticus. 58484 Redescription d'Haplochromis paucidens Regan, 1921 et description d'Haplochromis occultidens sp. n. (Pisces, Cichlidae) du lac Kivu en Afrique. 42070 Catálogo dos peixes do litoral do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. 29521 Cytogenetical characterization of Odontesthes bonariensis (Pisces, Atherinidae), an Argentine species introduced in Italy. 43639 A study on the individual fecundity of mackerel, Pneumatophorus japonicus Houttuyn. 58929 On fitting somer's equation for seasonally oscillating growth, with emphasis on T-subzero. 56738 An Indo-Pacific trunkfish Tetrosomus gibbosus (Linnaeus): first record of the family Ostracionidae in the Mediterranean. 5296 The Indo-Pacific blenniid fish genus Ecsenius. 2704 Tagging experiments on Australian salmon (Arripis trutta): recapture data for Tasmanian releases, 1949 to 1964. 27128 The fisherman's handbook. How to find, identify and catch the top Australian angling fish. 5403 Revision, phylogeny and biogeographic comments on the circumtropical marine percoid fish family Priacanthidae. 10297 A new cyprinid fish of the genus Phoxinus (Pisces: Cypriniformes) from the Tennessee River drainage with comments on relationships and biogeography. 43026 Three new rock-dwelling cichlids (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa. 27611 Description of a genus and three deep water species of fishes (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, Africa. 82941 Energy contents of Northwest Atlantic continental slope organisms. 49322 Retension of herring larvae in the Bay of Fundy: what is the mechanism?. 43473 Regulation and significance of color patterns of the spotted kelpfish, Gibbonsia elegans Cooper, 1864 (Blennioidei: Clinidae). 12574 Feeding habits of the Lessepsian migrant Siganus luridus in the eastern Mediterranean, its new environment. 9580 Zonal wind anomalies over the near equatorial Eastern Indian and Western Pacific oceans during the early stages of the 1986-87 ENSO warm event. 49323 Dynamics of larval herring production and catch forecast for the 1986 year class along the maine coast. 34776 A new species of tripodfish, Bathypterois (Bathycygnus) andriashevi (Chlotopthalmidae), from the western South Pacific Ocean. 4306 Mortality rates during early life stages and year-class strengths of northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.). 34975 A new gobiid fish of the genus Eviota from Cape Sta, Japan. 52931 Cyphotilapia frontosa - ein Bericht über den Tanganjikabeulenkopf. 49290 Dispersal, growth, and condition of juvenile pelagic cod Gadus morhua in southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. 2937 Aerobic, heterotrophic gastrointestinal microflora of tropical marine fishes. 52688 Behaviour of Baltic herring in front of and inside midwater trawls as revealed by echo-sounding. 12535 Karyotype and DNA content in the cyprinid Catlocarpio siamensis. 29740 A banding chromosome study of African fish family Polypteridae (Pisces: Polypteriformes). 12539 Chromosomes of Scatophagus argus and Selenotoca multifasciata (Scatophagidae). 12538 Multiple sex chromosomes in a monodactylid fish. 47306 Introduction and cage culture of exotic carps and their impact on fish harvested in lake Begnas, Nepal. 36334 A new species of the ceratioid anglerfish genus Oneirodes (Pisces: Lophiiformes) from the eastern North Atlantic off Madeira. 38116 Genetic differentiation among populations of capelin Mallotus villosus from the West Coast of Greenland. 6056 Influence of Chlorella vulgaris and Microcystis aeruginosa mixed with commercial carp pellets on growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). 10267 Pacific Fishery Management Council. 35133 Karyotype and banding analyses in a balisted fish, Balistoides viridescens "gomamongara". 35134 Chromosomal distribution of nucleolus organizer regions in six species of Thodeinae (Cyprinidae, Pisces). 5386 Some observations on the predatory feeding habits of Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau in Lake Kariba. 37303 Distribution and morphology of the salangid fish, Neosalanx reganius. 1389 Growth and mortality estimation of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in the Malacca Strait, Indonesia. 5566 Growth and mortality estimation of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) in the Malacca Strait, Indonesia. 1392 A comparative study of fish mortality rates in moderately and heavily fished areas of the Philippines. 1657 Biología y ecología de Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook), en las comunidades demersales de la plataforma continental del sur del Golfo del México (Pisces: Sciaenidae). 31331 Biología y ecologia de Cynoscion arenarius Ginsburg, en las comunidades demersales de la plataforma continental del sur del Golfo de Mexico. (Pisces: Sciaenidae). 31351 Biología y ecología de Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook), en las comunidades demersales de la plataforma continental del sur del Golfo del México (Pisces: Sciaenidae). 9223 Breeding and rearing of sand goby (Oxyeleotris marmoratus Blk.) fry. 7489 Genetics and breeding of Tilapia: a review. 49174 Genetics of scale pattern in common carp. 8933 Lack of response by Tilapia nilotica to mass selection for rapid early growth. 45791 Assessing the parameters of the growth equation for the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira. 57184 Fecundity of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, from international waters of the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea. 272 État des connaissances sur la faune ichtyologique des bassins côtiers de Côte d'Ivoire et de l'ouest du Ghana. 3077 État des connaissances sur la faune ichtyologique des bassins côtiers de Côte d'Ivoire et de l'ouest du Ghana. 1380 Estimation of growth parameters and mortality rates for Drepane africana in Senegalese waters. 13190 A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gobius fallax (Gobiidae, Perciformes). 29775 A complex chromosomal polymorphism in Gobius fallax (Gobiidae, Perciformes). 36707 Induced spawning of spotted seatrout, red drum, and orangemouth corvine (Family: Sciaenidae) with luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog injection. 38803 Periodic shedding and replacement of venomous caudal spines, with special reference to South American freshwater stingrays, Potamotrygon spp. 46599 Planktivory and planktivore biomass effects on zoolpankton, phytoplankton, and the trophic cascade. 46145 Latitudinal variation in egg sizes of tropical and sub-tropial north Atlantic shore fishes. 33859 Distribution, advection and growth of larvae of the southern temperate gadoid, Macruronus novaezelandiae (Teleostei: Merlucciidae), in Australian coastal waters. 58 Natural distribution of tilapias and its consequences for the possible protection of genetic resources. 34877 Homology of the median ethmoid ossifications of Aphanius fasciatus and other Atherinomorph fishes. 42604 Feeding of migratory and juvenile arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (sensu lato) in the Khaylyulya river, Kamchatka. 28102 Some aspects of the biology of the kamchatkan sculpin, Artediellus camchaticus, on the eastern coast of Kamchatka. 45730 Reproduction of sculpins of the genus Gymnocanthus (Cottidae) in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. 56466 Breeding habits of mass species of sculpins in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. 2823 Growth in the Norwegian spring-spawning herring for the year classes 1950-1960 and 1973-1983. 33958 Metabolism, enzymic activities and cold adaptation in Antarctic mesopelagic fishes. 30301 Seasonal frequency of ciguatera barracuda in southwest Puerto Rico. 28204 Diagnosis of a new African mastacembelid spiny-eel genus Aethiomastacembelus gen. nov. (Mastacembeloidei: Synbranchiformes). 4186 The distribution and growth of lacustrine 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis. 48859 Hierarchical organization of genetic variation in the sailfin molly, Poecilia latipinna (Pisces: Poeciliidae). 34304 Karyotypes of five Indian Perciform fishes. 45712 First record of eggs of the Centracanth, Centracanthus cirrus (Centracanthidae), from the Black Sea. 4187 Growth, survival and energetics of larval and juvenile striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and its white bass hybrid (M. saxatilis x M. chrysops). 13388 Biology of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) in Lake Suomunjärvi, Eastern Finland. 36104 Daily growth increments in otoliths of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), larvae. 29249 Triploid rainbow trout induced by high-pH-high-calcium. 29779 Silver-banded karyotypes of the rainbow trout and the brook trout and their hybrids: Disappearance in allotriploids of Ag-NORs originated from the brook trout. 12603 Tetraploid origin of the karyotype of the Asian sucker, Myxocyprinus asiaticus. 2056 Direct and indirect responses to selection for age at first maturation of Oreochromis niloticus. 12602 The karyotype of a gobiid, Gobiomorus maculatus, from Mexico. 34876 Morphometric and meristic variation in ricefishes, genus Oryzias: a comparison with cytogenetic data. 35028 Karyotypes and geographical distribution of ricefishes from Yunnan, southwestern China. 31311 Determinacion de la talla media de madurez y analisis de la problematica con referencia a las tallas medias de captura del bagre rayado (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) Linnaeus 1766 (Pisces: Pimelodidae )en la cuenca del Rio Magdalena, Colombia. 4362 A guide to the common sea fishes of Southern Africa. (2nd Ed.). 49298 Transport mechanisms of larval plaice Pleuronectes platessa L. from the coastal zone into the Wadden Sea nursery area. 27698 Prochilodus stigmaturus Fowler, reassigned to the Curimatidae from the Prochilodontidae, with comments on other nominal curimatid and prochilodontid species treated by Fowler. 35158 Studies in intraspecific structure of Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae) with the description of new subspecies S. aurata kubanica subsp. Nov. 45862 Study of the intraspecific structure of Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae) with description of a new subspecies, S. aurata kubanica. 3616 Age and growth of the marine catfish Trachysurus dussumieri (Val.) along the Dakshina Kannada coast. 74451 Stock assessment of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, fishery. 45789 Data on the eggs and larvae of the Pacific capelin (Mallotus villosus socialis) along the shores of southern Sakhalin. 50532 Contributions to tropical fisheries biology. 45711 Reproduction of sevryuga, Acipenser stellatus, in the lower Volga. 34087 Estimation of natural mortality in fish stocks: a review. 12123 First record of Acanthosphex leurynnis (Jordan & Seale 1906), a rare velvetfish (Scorpaeniformes: Aploactinidae) in the Gulf of Thailand. 35171 Estudos citogenéticos em Tetragonopterinae: Cariótipo, Heterochromatina constitutiva e regioes organizadoras de Nucléolo de Hollandichthys multifasciatus. 12064 Bettas, gouramis and other anabantoids - labyrinth fishes of the world. 8781 Chronic toxicity of diuron to Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters): effects on certain physiological properties of the blood. 34726 A new cyprinid fish Garra manipurensis, from Manipur, India. 29565 Karyotype analysis and evidence for Robertsonian fusion in Trigla lucerna L. and Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delar.) (Pisces, Scorpaeniformes). 35175 Karyotypes in two species of the genus Hippocampus (Pisces: Syngnathiformes). 29453 Karyological studies in Coris julis (Pisces, Labridae). 83279 Proximate composition of New Zealand Marine finfish and shellfish. 37890 Proximate composition of albacore tuna, Thunnus alalunga, from the temperate South Pacific and Tasman Sea. 46135 Growth and reproduction of the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, in relation to temperature and ration level: consequences for life history. 31683 The biology of the whitefish hybrid between Coregonus lavaretus maraena Bloch and Coregonus peled Gmelin in man-made lakes in Czechoslovakia. 10224 Population dynamics of Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus caught by the domestic purse seine fishery in the waters off the coast of southeastern Hokkaido. 11192 Population dynamics on Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus caught by the domestic purse seine fishery in the waters off the coast of southeastern Hokkaido. 34147 Trophic ecology of freshwater drum in large rivers. 26522 Origins of the Tasmanian trout. 38529 Mercury concentrations in edible tissues of elasmobranchs, teleosts, crustaceans and molluscs from south-eastern Australian waters. 49022 The histology and physiology of the trasfer from yolk absorption to exogenous feeding in arctic charr.Salvelinus alpinus L. 46138 Daily rations, diel feeding activity and distribution of age-0 brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, in two subarctic streams. 13031 Development of a multi-cohort analysis method and its application to the Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna length composition. 29366 Comparative analysis of nucleolus organizer regions in the crucian carp from different geographical areas. 7438 A revision of the Hawaiian lizardfish of the genus Synodus, with descriptions of four new species. 10247 Life history and smolt-to-adult survival of Keogh River steelhead trout (Salmo gairdner) and the relationship to smolt size. 499 Burst swimming speeds of mackerel, Scomber scombrus L. 49294 Biological basis of maturation and wave spawning in the Pacific herring Clupea harengus pallasi. 58924 The level of taxonomic discrimination required to detect pollution effects on marine benthic communities. 32413 Larval production and mortality of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. 49024 A review on stock assessments of exploited fish stocks in the Baltic. 38918 Miniaturization in South American freshwater fishes; an overview and discussion. 40349 Phylogenetic biogeography of the Glandulocaudini (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae) with comments on the distribution of other freshwater fishes in eastern and southeastern Brazil. 74454 A maximum likelihood methodology for estimating length-at-maturity with application to Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) population dynamics. 1739 International introductions of inland aquatic species. 10583 The ecology, discharge diversity and predatory behavior of gymnotiform electric fish in the coastal streams of French Guiana. 49321 A model of the vertical distribution of pelagic fish eggs in the rubulent upper layers of the ocean. 189 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (Suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. 1385 Population biology of Russell's scad (Decapterus russelli) in the Java Sea, Indonesia. 4297 Growth rates and growth efficiencies in larvae and juveniles of Rutilus rutilus and other cyprinid species: effects of temperature and food in the laboratory and in the field. 38792 Metamorphosis of the mountain brook lamprey Ichthyomyzon greeleyi. 529 Revision and phylogenetic relationships of the blenniid fish genus Cirripectes. 49277 Development of predator avoidance and feeding behavior of larval cod Gadus morhua. 28896 Australian research on Antarctic bird and seal diets. 51344 Analysis of growth zones and microstructure in otoliths of two macrourids from the North Pacific abyss. 75613 Fecundity of catfish (Silurus glanis L.) from the rivers Vistula and Bug. 30476 Estimates of age and growth of ocean perch, Helicolenus percoides Richardson, in south-eastern Australian waters. 26296 Spawning and recruitment in the Peruvian scallop Argopecten purpuratus. 13559 Occurrence of the pigmy devil ray, Mobula diabolus (Shaw) (Pisces: Mobulidae), from Thailand. 80050 Seasonal and spacial differences in the fish assemblage of the non-estuarine Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait. 89812 The reproductive success of pike, Esox lucius: aspects of fecundity, egg density and survival. 13776 Mass mortality of fishes in Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia) associated with the protozoan parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. 5749 Preliminary study on the growth characteristics and resources exploitation of reeves shad in the Zhujiang River estuary. 11686 Estudo da idade e crescimento do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey (Pisces: Lutjanidae), no norte e nordeste do Brasil. 6433 Age and growth of Saurida tumbil in the fishing ground of South Fujian and Taiwan Bank. 35190 Chromosomal feature of a cell line from the triploid hybrid between rhodeine cyprinid fishes. 29623 Increased viability of allotriploid pink salmon x Japanese char hybrids. 8980 Ecology of three sea catfishes (Ariidae) in a tropical coastal ecosystem-southern Gulf of Mexico. 55110 Food habits and daily ration of Greenland Halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, in the eastern Bering Sea. 5589 Additional specimens of the deepsea fish Hispidoberyx ambagiousus (Hispidoberycidae, Berciformes [sic]) from the South China Sea, with comments on the family relationships. 12704 A new lanternshark Etmopterus splendidus from the East China Sea and Java Sea. 40714 Size at maturity, reproductive cycle, fecundity, and depth segregation of the deep sea squaloid sharks Centroscymnus owstoni and C. coelolepis in Suruga Bay, Japan. 13497 Food resource utilization partitioning of fifteen fish species at Bukit Merah Reservoir, Malaysia. 7029 Study on life-history pattern of seven freshwater fishes in the Dongjiang River, Guangdong. 9741 Distribution of collagen in body muscle of fishes with different swimming modes. 7003 Age and growth of the lanternfish Lampanyctodes hectoris (Myctophidae) from eastern Tasmania, Australia. 53313 Length-weight relationship in Stolothrissa tanganicae, Limnothrissa miodon and Luciolates stappersii. 7070 Algunos resultados de las investigaciones soviéticas de los recursos pesqueros en el Atlántico Sudoccidental. 12623 Length-weight relationship and gonadal development of the atherinid fish Austromenidia smitti from southern Chile. 38874 Caracterização morfológica do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus (Günther, 1869) (Teleostei: Characidae). 49282 Quality of striped bass Morone saxatilis eggs in relation to river source and female size. 27301 Food habits and ecological interactions of Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, with other flatfish species in the Eastern Bering Sea. 6780 Artificial hatching and pro-larval development of banded grouper Epinephelus awoara. 46298 Culture of catfish in China. 29456 Silver-stained analysis of karyotypes of seven cyprinid species. 59038 Encyclopedia on ecology of freshwater fishes. 43212 Some data on the morphology and biology of the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus, of the Tym' River (Sakhalin). 57208 Survival and growth of lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis) larvae fed only formulated dry diets. 10263 Relationship between the parent stock and progeney in the Kamchatka pollack population. 10123 Assessment of haddock in 4TVW -- population status and catch projections for 1989.
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