50773 |
Notes on fishes from the stomachs of whales taken in the Antarctic. II. On Dissostichus and Ceratias, with an appendix (Japanese names of important Antarctic fishes). |
28108 |
On the feeding of Epigonus elegans in the region of the Nazca ridge. |
36047 |
Peces arrecifales de la región de Santa Marta (Caribe colombiano). II. Tres nuevos registros para el sur del Caribe. |
50 |
pers. comm. |
7514 |
Recruitment model of Eucinostomus gula (Pisces: Gerreidae) in the southern Gulf of Mexico: life history with tropical estuary-shelf interrelationships. |
58706 |
Spawning behavior, embryonic development and metamorphosis of larvae of the lethrinid fish, Lethrinus nebulosus. |
2899 |
Studies on the biology of Sardinella longiceps (Valenciennes) in the Sultanate of Oman, 1985-1986. |
53418 |
Population dynamics of the large-scaled tongue sole, Cynoglossus macrolepidotus (Bleeker) in Kuwait's waters. |
51924 |
Lack of relationship between morphological variability and enzyme heterozygosity in some members of the order Clupeiformes collected from Basrah, Iraq. |
51763 |
A preliminary, annotated check-list of the fishes of Shatt Al-Arab river, Basrah, Iraq. |
2699 |
Stomach contents of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), 1974-1982. |
90113 |
L'exploitation du merlu dans le golfe du lion données complémentaires. |
5534 |
La croissance du merlu dans le Golfe du Lion. Méthodologie. Problèmes posés. |
33632 |
Some aspects of the reproductive biology of flying fishes of the genus Exocetus of the Atlantic Ocean. |
33637 |
The lenok Brachymystax lenok from the rivers of Sakhalin Island and its phenetic relationship to lenok from waters of the far eastern part of the continent. |
6116 |
Study on the age and growth of bogue (Boops boops L.) from the central Adriatic Sea. |
3782 |
Management of catfish (Bagrus meridionalis Günther) in southern Lake Malawi. |
5259 |
Freshwater fishes of Australia. |
8989 |
Hoplolatilus luteus, a new species of malacanthid fish from Indonesia. |
36501 |
Life history aspects of the West Australian salamanderfish, Lepidogalaxias salamandroides Mees. |
83282 |
Energy content of Clyde spring-spawning herring, Clupea harengus L.. |
87590 |
Variation in the fecundity and egg weight of herring (Clupea harengus L.) Part I. Studies in the firth of clyde and northern North Sea. |
32299 |
Variation in growth of adult north sea sprat Sprattus sprattus L. |
42687 |
A survey of the diet and diseases of Gadus morhua L. around Helgoland in the German bight. |
11983 |
Análisis de la pesquería de cazón en la Península de Yucatán, México. |
115201 |
Fishes of Usujiri and adjacent waters in southern Hokkaido, Japan. |
5764 |
Spatial changes in growth and mortality and effects on the fishery of Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces, Cichlidae) in a man-made lake in Sri Lanka. |
10474 |
Biochemical genetics of endangered Colorado squawfish populations. |
47403 |
Estimation of age days and daily growth rate in larval and juvenile marine fishes based upon reading daily increments in their otoliths (Abstract). |
81697 |
Common reef fishes of the Maldives. Part 2. |
26766 |
Review of the eelpout genus Pachycara Zugmayer, 1911 (Teleostei: Zoarcidae), with descriptions of six new species. |
11304 |
Ellerkeldia, a junior synonym of Hypoplectrodes, with redescription of the type species of the genera (Pisces: Serranidae: Anthiinae). |
43443 |
Food, condition, and the lipid and protein contents of young Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) L. captured in the autumn in North Norway. |
33655 |
Reproductive biology of mesopelagic fishes of the eastern Pacific. |
33642 |
A new species of the genus Careproctus (Liparidae) from the four-kilometer depth of the Porcupine Depression (Northeastern Atlantic). |
35937 |
A new species of the genus Careproctus (Liparidae) from the four-kilometer depth of the Porcupine Depression (Northeastern Atlantic). |
33649 |
Morphological validation of the subfamily Gymnodraconinae of the family Bathydraconidae. |
89520 |
Herring (Clupea harengus L. ) spawning and spawning ground characteristics in the Baltic Sea. |
6095 |
The status of introduced fish species in Malaysia. |
51906 |
Folk knowledge of fish among the Songala and the Bwari: comparative ethnoichthology of the Lualaba River and Lake Tanganyika fishermen. |
12180 |
Age, growth, mortality and yield-per-recruit estimates of tarakihi from the Chatham Islands during 1984 and 1985. |
47624 |
On the maturity of Sardinella dayi (Regan) in Karwar region (west coast of India). |
135 |
Tilapia genetics improvement in Asia. |
10165 |
Working Group on the assessment of the stocks of sardine, horse mackerel and anchovy. |
10185 |
To be filled. |
10226 |
Report of the Working Group on the Assessment of Pelagic Stocks in Divisions VIIIc & IXa and Horse Mackerel. |
11176 |
Report of the Fall 1989 NEFC Stock Assessment Workshop (Ninth SAW). |
11413 |
Advice on the management of groundfish stocks in 1990. |
30312 |
A biological study of east coast tunas and billfishes, with particular emphasis on yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). |
11345 |
Ecological notes on the juvenile siganid (padas) harvest in Bolinao, Pangasinan, Philippines. |
49189 |
Biologia pesquera de los grandes bagres del rio caqueta. |
41886 |
Cossiderazioni sull’ alimentazione di alcune specie ittiche dei fondali infralitorali den Golfo di Palermo. |
41887 |
Aspetti del regime alimentare di Mullus surmuletus L. (Pisces, Mullidae) nel Golfo di Palermo. |
29151 |
Karyotype variability in successive generations after hybridization between the great sturgeon, Huso huso L., and the sterlet,Acipenser ruthenus L. |
29842 |
Cytogenetical analysis of Dicentrarchus labrax and problems of the nucleolar organizer region's structure in fish. |
34422 |
Chromosome complements of four characid species (Characidae,Teleostei). |
34428 |
Species-specificity of electrophoretic patterns of haemoglobin and uniformity of karyotypes in fishes, genus Abramis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
5936 |
A review of fish migration patterns in the Baltic. |
31647 |
Population dynamics of tropical fisheries: the Mexican experience. |
11987 |
Análisis integral de la pesquería de chinchorro del puerto de Celestún, Yucatán. |
6154 |
Diet of Gambusia affinis holbrooki, Xiphophorus helleri, X. maculatus, and Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae) in streams of southeastern Queensland, Australia. |
12257 |
Impacts of introduced and translocated freshwater fishes in Australia. |
8977 |
Karyological notes on four sharks in the Order Carcharhiniformes. |
31796 |
The pterygoid series in Hippocampus zosterae and Syngnathus scovelli (Pisces: Syngnathidae). |
38524 |
Salinity tolerance of the eggs and larvae of the Australian grayling, Prototroctes maraena Günther (Salmoniformes: Prototroctidae). |
8787 |
Oxidative detoxificaction of sulfide by mitochondria of the California killifish Fundulus parvipinnis and the speckled sanddab Citharychthys stigmaeus. |
8750 |
Sulfide tolerance and detoxification in shallow-water marine fishes. |
47231 |
Stock identification of demersal fish in the Baltic. |
13654 |
Predation on eggs and larvae of marine fishes and the recruitment problem. |
87581 |
Variation in the fecundity and egg weight of herring (Clupea harengus L.) Part II. Implications for hypotheses on the stability of marine fish populations. |
47390 |
Valutazioni di biomass: Alcuni metodi applicabili e loro affidabilita. |
29858 |
Study of the Sevana white fish heterogeneity by methods of morpho-biological and karyological analyses. |
32860 |
Manuale propeduetico di hausa con glossario e lessico concettuale di base. |
5076 |
Gvozdarus svetovidovi gen. et sp. n. (Pisces, Nototheniidae) from the Ross Sea (Antarctica). |
33627 |
A new genus and species of cetomimid fish, Notocetichthys trunovi, gen. et sp. nov. (Cetomimidae) from the Lazarev Sea, Antarctica. |
5077 |
A new genus and species of whalefish Notocetichthys trunovi gen. et sp. nov. (Cetomimidae) from the Lazarev Sea, Antarctica. |
57512 |
Land locked salmon are no gimmick. |
40875 |
Narcine bentuviai, a new torpedinoid ray from the northern Red Sea. |
14510 |
Missing. |
51747 |
Dinamica da reproducao e crescimento de Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) (Osteichthyes, Erythrinidae) da Represa do Monjolinho, Sao Carlos/SP. |
55558 |
Growth and first sexual maturation size of Parodon tortuosus Eigenmann & Norris, 1900 from Passa Cinco River (Ipeuna, São Paulo State, Brazil) (Osteichthyes, Parodontidae). |
30449 |
An assessment of the Pacific swordfish resource. |
31441 |
Effect of anthropogenic and environmental factors on the blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou off the Catalonian coast, 1950-1982. |
11344 |
Encephalization in Gobioidei (Teleostei). |
11741 |
The membranous labyrinth and its innervation in Chaetodon trifasciatus (Pisces, Teleostei, Chaetodontidae). |
11742 |
The eye muscles and their innervation in Chaetodon trifasciatus (Pisces, Teleostei, Chaetodontidae). |
11740 |
The brain organization of butterflyfishes. |
46549 |
The brain of Rhyacichthys aspro (Rhyacichthyidae, Gobioidei). |
3703 |
The stock and fishery biology of Indian flathead (wahar) Platycepahlus indicus (Linnaeus), family Platycephalidae in Kuwait waters. |
49461 |
A comparison of the fish biomass flow to fish, fisheries, and mammals in six marine ecosystems. |
11140 |
Effects of ocean variability on recruitment and evaluation of parameters used in stock assessment models. |
52037 |
A re-examination of tigerfish growth rates in Lake Kariba. |
46753 |
Observations of the range of fish species in the middle Garonne. |
56523 |
The Caspian Sea: Ichthyofauna and commercial resources. |
42338 |
Feeding movements in a serranid fish: Serranus scriba (L.). |
46613 |
Food-web manipulation as a tool in water-quality management. |
46602 |
Food web manipulation by enhancement of piscivorous stocks: long-term effects in the hypertrophic Bautzen reservoir. |
12563 |
The diets of fish in three south-western Cape estuarine systems. |
57799 |
Gonochorism and seasonal variations in the gonads for the labrid Symphodus (Crenilabrus) ocellatus (Forsskål). |
56600 |
Feeding of long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides limandoides, Bloch) in several areas of the Barents and Norwegian Seas. |
49513 |
Discrimination between "Baltic Cod" (G. Morthua callariasL. and "Belt Sea Cod" (G.morhua morhuaL.) by means of morphometric and meristic characters. |
36502 |
Burrowing, emergence, behavior, and functional morphology of the Australian salamanderfish, Lepidogalaxias salamandroides. |
36503 |
Gross and histological morphology of the swimbladder and lack of accessory respiratory structures in Lepidogalaxias salamandroides, an aestivating fish from Western Australia. |
54128 |
Suborder Saccopharyngoidei. Families Saccopharyngidae, Euripharyngidae, and Monognathidae. |
2221 |
Gabon - Angola survey of the R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. |
47062 |
First record of Valencia letourneuxi (Sauvage, 1880) in Peloponnese (Greece) and remarks on the Mediterranean family Valenciidae (Cyprinodontiformes). |
1393 |
Stock assessment of Bombay duck (Harpadon nehereus) off Maharashtra, India. |
2900 |
Population dynamics of Indian oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps, off the southwest coast of India. |
49512 |
On a possible approach to determine survival rate of pelagic fish larvae in patches. |
13543 |
The introduced cichlid, Oeochromis mossambicus, in Australia: A review of distribution, population genetics, ecology, management issues and research priorities. |
11329 |
Biogeography of the Chaetodontidae: an analysis of allopatry among closely related species. |
26302 |
Time series of growth in the genus Sebastes from the northeast Pacific Ocean. |
54129 |
Family Muraenidae. |
43737 |
The effects of fish trap mesh size on reef fish catch off southeastern Florida. |
46308 |
The importance of activity in bioenergetics models applied to actively foraging fishes. |
5744 |
Description d'une frayère et comportement de reproduction de la Grande Alose (Alosa alosa L.) dans le cours supérieur de la Loire. |
45841 |
Additional information on the morphology and distribution of Myctophum selenops in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. |
37882 |
Diets of alpine galaxias (Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell) and longjawed galaxias (G. prognathus Stokell) in a South Island, New Zealand, high-country stream. |
34828 |
A new species of Hemisilurus (Siluriformes, Siluridae) from the Mekong River, with comments on its relationships and historical biogeography. |
6455 |
Notropis melanostomus, a new species of cyprinid fish from the Blackwater-Yellow River drainage of northwest Florida. |
40739 |
Cycle sexuel, fécondités et condition de Pomatoschistus microps (Kroyer 1838) (Gobiidés) dans la lagune de Mauguio - France. |
6282 |
Distribution of witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus) in the southern Newfoundland area and changes in age, growth, and sexual maturity patterns since commercial exploitation began in the early 1950's. |
8677 |
Comparative toxicology of the pyrethroid insecticides. |
46218 |
Reservoir community structure: effects of zooplankton manipulation on phytoplankton development in experimental containers. |
3851 |
Digeneans of the family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925 from the southern Great Barrier Reef, including a new genus and three new species. |
38846 |
Demersal schooling prior to settlement by larvae of the naked goby. |
26473 |
Feeding biology of Caranx bucculentus Alleyne and Macleay (Teleostei: Carangidae) in Albatross Bay, Gulf of Carpentaria, with special reference to predation on penaeid prawns. |
6770 |
Pierre Brichard's book of cichlids and all the other fishes of Lake Tanganyika. |
39613 |
Nettenchelys dionisi, a new species of nettastomatid eel (Pisces: Anguilliformes) from the Canary Islands. |
38123 |
Effects of salinity on growth and survival of African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae. |
49517 |
Gastric evacuation, feeding and growth in cod (Gadus morhuaL.). |
27669 |
Studying larval fish ecology. |
8890 |
Analysis of the enzyme polymorphism in a plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., population from the north-west coast of Brittany, France. |
91583 |
Standing stocks of fishes in sections of Indian creek, Plumas country, 1987. |
8923 |
Occurrence of the introduced oriental weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in the Wingecarribee River, New South Wales. |
27158 |
Zoogeography of the Antillean freshwater fish fauna. |
6868 |
An atlas of freshwater and marine catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes. |
27192 |
Commercial stocks in the GAB. |
33307 |
Stock assessment and biological characteristics of lake trout populations in interior Alaska, 1988. |
93978 |
Ein neuer Tanganjika-Cichlide aus Zaire. Neolamprologus marunguensis n. sp. (Cichlidae, Lamprologini). |
9065 |
Aspects of the reproductive biology of two South African sparids, Chrysoblephus laticeps and C. cristiceps (Cuvier). |
4355 |
The growth of Cymatoceps nasutus (Teleostei: Sparidae), with comments on diet and reproduction. |
45866 |
Preliminary results of a study of the municipal fisheries in Lingayen Gulf. |
27342 |
Early development of artificially spawned southern mullet, Liza richardsonii (Smith, 1846). |
38842 |
Growth and taxonomy of bull charr, Salvelinus confluentus, in Pinto Lake, Alberta. |
2295 |
FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 9. Emperor fishes and large-eye breams of the world (family Lethrinidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of lethrinid species known to date. |
31305 |
Grouper sex in Belize. |
6890 |
A review of the Indo-Pacific members of the deep-water chaunacid anglerfish genus Bathychaunax, with the description of a new species from the eastern Indian Ocean (Pisces: Lophiiformes). |
33606 |
Systematics and distribution of Atlantic chaunacid anglerfishes (Pisces: Lophiiformes). |
38852 |
The biology of the golden hammerhead, Sphyrna tudes, off Trinidad. |
30287 |
Albacore tuna and its fisheries in the Australian fishing zone. |
13128 |
Somatic chromosomes of two marine teleosts. |
12273 |
Missing. |
34310 |
A study of chromosomes in some hill stream fishes of Assam, India. |
76786 |
Mitochondrial and nuclear gene dynamics of introduced populations of Lepomis macrochirus. |
91821 |
Contribution à l'étude du régime alimentaire, de la croissance et de la fécondité de la perche (Perca fluviatilis L.) dans un lac oligotrophe de région tempérée. |
92464 |
Problems related to the lack of functional swimbladder in intensive rearing of Dicentrarchus labrax and Sparus auratus. |
91675 |
Influence des Anomalies de Développment de la Vessie Natatoire sur la Mortalité de Dicentrarchus labrax au Cours du Sevrage. |
8982 |
Cytotaxonomic and electrophoretic investigations on Indian air-breathing fishes. |
33275 |
Biologia de los peces del Rio San Pedro en vista de determinar su potencial para la piscicultura. |
6955 |
Age dependence of natural mortality coefficient in fish population dynamics. |
33650 |
On the first record of the American shad, Alosa sapidissima, in the Anadyr River. |
45792 |
A new species of char, Salvelinus levanidovi sp. nov., from Okhotsk Sea Basin. |
29885 |
Investigation of hybrids between the crucian carp and the common carp (an application of genetic methods to reproduction of distant hybrids). |
56599 |
A note on feeding of Liparis gibbus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparididae). |
6094 |
Present status of aquatic organisms introduced into Japan. |
37881 |
Age, growth, and condition of freshwater eels (Anguilla sp.) in backwaters of the lower Waikato River, New Zealand. |
6299 |
Introduction of exotic aquatic species in Singapore. |
35045 |
Paraspinibarbus, a new genus of cyprinid fishes fro the Red River basin. |
38630 |
The fishes of Yunnan, China. Part I Cyprinidae. |
49510 |
Pecularities of distribution and behaviour of horse mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic. |
2296 |
Reproduction, age and growth of Lethrinus chrysostomus, Norfolk Island. |
27150 |
The food and feeding relationships of black oreo, Allocyttus niger, smooth oreo, Pseudocyttus maculatus, and eight other fish species from the continental slope of the south-west Chatham Rise, New Zealand. |
4394 |
Species profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of coastal vertebrates and invertebrates, Pacific Ocean region. Report 4. The Hawaiian anchovy or nehu, Encrasicholina purpurea (Engraulidae). |
32412 |
Seasonal differences in spawning, egg size, and early development time of the Hawaiian anchovy or nehu, Encrasicholina purpurea. |
8577 |
Caracteristicas ecológicas del pez perro, Lachnolaimus maximus, (Walbaum) en la plataforma SW de Cuba. |
8550 |
Caracteristicas biológicas del pez perro, Lachnolaimus maximus (Walbaum) en el Golfo de Batabanó, Cuba. |
55699 |
A comparison of two stratification schemes used in sampling Canadian Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. |
85937 |
Lungfishes, coelacanths and tetrapods - beyond a 3-taxa statement. |
52124 |
Freshwater shark attacks at Basrah, Iraq. |
5240 |
Editor's report. |
38850 |
Aspects of the spawning of western Atlantic butterflyfish (Pisces: Chaetodontidae). |
5578 |
Guide to the sharks and rays of southern Africa. |
4100 |
Age and growth of red drum larvae in the North-Central Gulf of Mexico. |
35788 |
Size-fecundity relationships in the smooth oreo, Pseudocyttus maculatus, and the black oreo, Allocyttus niger (Pisces: Oreosomatidae) (Note). |
38837 |
The habitat diversity and fish reproductive function of floodplain ecosystems. |
31798 |
Cultivo experimental del caballito de mar, Hippocampus erectus. |
82865 |
Proximate body composition and energy content of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in relation to the condition factor. |
268 |
Length/weight relationships for 88 species of fish encountered in the North Atlantic. |
86095 |
Reminiscences of the discovery of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae Smith. |
86340 |
Peces de presencia ocasional en aguas marinas argentinas y uruguayas. |
6310 |
The effects of long-term exploitation of demersal fish populations off the coasts of Sierra Leone, West Africa. |
49458 |
Growth, growth variability, and survival of bay Anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) larvae in mesocosm enclosures. |
46168 |
Interaction between the roach, Rutilus rutilis, and dace, Leuciscus leuciscus, populations in a river ctachment in south-west England. |
55573 |
Detection of a previously unrecognized mormyrid fish (Mormyrus subundulatus) by electric discharge characters. |
58902 |
Greenhouse warming and climate change (Why should we care?). |
27398 |
Age and growth of anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius L.) in the north Irish Sea. |
50807 |
The effects of feeding rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis typicus) on the yield and growth of tilapia (Oreochromis spilurus) fry. |
36964 |
Phylogenetic relationships among the catfish genera of the family Auchenipteridae (Teleostei: Siluroidea). |
94592 |
Occurrence of tropical fishes in New England waters. |
10179 |
Optimal environmental window and pelagic fish recruitment success in upwelling areas. |
87990 |
Alcuni aspetti biologici e gestionali della pesca di Merluccius merluccius, Micromesistius poutassou, Phycis blennoides e Mullus barbatus nel Mar Jonio. |
26802 |
Data base report of the stomach sampling project 1981. |
40985 |
Bioenergetics model for the analysis of the ontogenetical aspects of coregonid fish growth. |
35297 |
The reproductive biology of a siluroid catfish, Bagrus docmak (Forsskal) (Cypriniformes, Bagridae) in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria. |
5543 |
The biology of surgeon fishes with particular emphasis on Acanthurus nigricauda and A. xanthopterus from northern Papua New Guinea. |
4839 |
The fisheries biology of the big-eye scad Selar crumenopthalmus (Bloch) in the Philippines. |
27709 |
Age, growth and feeding of Barbus albanicus Steindachner in the Kremasta reservoir, Greece. |
5989 |
Length-weight relationship of certain flatfishes. |
9404 |
Nouveau dictionnaire étymologique et historique. |
38523 |
Relationships between habitat characteristics and population abundance for brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and blackfish, Gadopsis marmoratus Rich., in Tasmanian streams. |
37883 |
Freshwater life history of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Rangitata River catchment, New Zealand. |
9765 |
Age, growth and mortality estimates of Scomberomorus commerson (seer fish) from the west coast of Sri Lanka. |
8815 |
Determination of octanol-water partition coefficients for hydrophobic organic chemicals with the slow stirring method. |
80629 |
On the feeding of Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the southern North Sea. |
33875 |
Fisheries for large scombrids in Greek waters: catches of Thunnus alalunga (Bonn 1788). |
33873 |
Fishery and biology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius, L., 1758, in Greek waters. |
6069 |
Exotic aquatic organisms in Asia. |
40409 |
Résultats préliminaires d'un inventaire systematique et d'une étude du régime alimentaire des poissons des environs de l'ile Kungulu. |
96449 |
Age and growth of the brick soldierfish, Myripristis amaena. |
43695 |
Modalités de l'ovogenèse et de la ponte, fécondité du chinchard Trachurus trachurus du golfe de Gascogne. |
6024 |
Krankheiten des Dorsches (Gadus morhua) der Ostsee. |
43555 |
Enzymatic data as a criterion for characterizing two populations of Disostichus eleginoides (Notothenioidei). |
57108 |
Desarrollo ovocitario, fecundidad parcial y distribucion vertical de los cardumenes en desove del jurel Trachurus murphyi (N). |
3779 |
Comparisons of the growth of west African stock of Sardinella maderensis with emphasis on Cameroon. |
3781 |
Growth of Sardinella maderensis in the Lobe Estuary, Cameroon. |
45806 |
Effect of density of juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus, gorbuscha, on their vulnerability to predators in the Utka River (Kamchatka). |
41003 |
Classification des espèces suivant leur valeur commerciale. |
45849 |
Morpho-ecological description of the West African horse mackerel, Trachurus trecae, of the central and eastern Atlantic. |
6900 |
Pair spawning of Cephalopholis boenack (Serranidae). |
26304 |
Facultative monogamy in obligate coral-dwelling hawkfishes (Cirrhitidae). |
26305 |
Pelagic spawning of the hawkfish Oxycirrhites typus (Cirrhitidae). |
52167 |
Some aspects of the biology of the garfish Belone belone (L.) from southern Ireland. |
26813 |
Feeding ecology of cod (Gadus morhua L..) in Balfjord and Ullsfjord, northern Norway, 1982-1983. |
49158 |
Allozymes, mitochondrial DNA, and levels of phylogenetic resolution among four minnow species (Notropis: Cyprinidae). |
37766 |
Studies on species, distribution and spawning season of fishes in the Maeklong River. |
51621 |
To produce many small or few large eggs: a size-independent reproductive tactic of fish. |
33648 |
On the feeding of alfoncino (Beryx splendens). |
9766 |
Growth of Scomberomorus commerson in Oman based on length data. |
32001 |
Ichtyofaune des iles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam (Océan Indien sud). |
42688 |
Food preferences and diseases of Myoxocephalus scorpius in the German bight. |
267 |
Malawian cichlid fishes: the classification of some haplochromine genera. |
48766 |
Genetic comparisons of hatchery and natural stocks of small endangered fishes: leon springs pupfish, comanche spring pupfish, and pecos gambusia. |
44297 |
Growth and survival of larval and postlarval smallmouth bass fed a commercially prepared dry feed and/ or Artemia Nauplii. |
6093 |
Exotic aquatic species introduction into Indonesia. |
28942 |
Egg development of Trematomus eulepidotus Regan, 1914 (Nototheniidae, Pisces) from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. |
155 |
Genetic improvement of farmed tilapias in Asia. |
4637 |
Some observations on the biology of Parupeneus pleurotaenia (Fam. Mullidae) in the Arabian Gulf. |
75217 |
The total fecundity of Western horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus L.) . |
6117 |
Estimation of the age, size and sex composition and growth parameters of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.) in the Black Sea. |
9120 |
Algunos aspectos sobre la biologia y pesqueria de los recursos que sustentan la actividad artesanal en el Perú. |
6089 |
Maturation and reproduction in two Hawaiian eteline snappers, Uku, Aprion virescens, and Onaga, Etelis coruscans. |
32404 |
Maturation and reproduction in two Hawaiian eteline snappers, Uku, Aprion virescens, and Onaga, Etelis coruscans. |
33638 |
New data on the "Armless" flounder Pseudomancopsetta andriashevi (Achiropsettidae) from the southern Ocean. |
41365 |
White hake, Urophycis tenuis, in the Gulf of Maine: spawning seasonality, habitat use, and growth in young of the year and relationships to the Scotian Shelf population. |
27348 |
The spurdog Squalus acanthias (L) fishery in south west Ireland. |
82452 |
Fisheries for ray (Batoidei) in western statistical area VIIa, investigated through the commercial catches I. |
177 |
Aquaculture production (1984-1987). |
46182 |
Methodical approaches to utilization of the data on feeding of the Namibian shelf fishes in MSVPA. |
47612 |
HCG and LHRH-A induced spawning in bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis Rich. reared in floating cages in Laguna de Bay. |
43287 |
Reproductive biology of the gold spotted grenadier anchovy, Coilia dussumieri (Cuvier and Valenciennes), along the northwest coast of India. |
12783 |
A new genus and species of pimelodid catfish from the Río Negro and Río Orinoco drainages of Venezuela (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae). |
104127 |
Padrões reprodutivos em teleósteos da costa brasileira: uma síntese. |
30521 |
Alimentacion de Percichthys colhuapiensis (Mac Donagh, 1955) y P. trucha (Girard 1854) (Osteichthyes, Percichthyidae), en el embaise Ramos Mexia, Provincia del Neuquen, Argentina. |
9241 |
DNA fingerprints in rainbow trout detected by hybridization with DNA of bacteriophage M13. |
75215 |
Reproductive biology of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.): seasonal maturity evolution (1986 to 1988). |
6381 |
Stock assesment of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on Lake Zeway, Ethiopia. |
31409 |
Bisexuality and pedogenesis in gobies (Gobiidae: Teleostei) and other fish, or, why so many little fish in tropical seas?. |
10618 |
Heliastes ovalis F. Steindachner, 1900 (currently Chromis ovalis; Osteichthyes, Perciformes): proposed conservation of the specific name. |
42689 |
Metabolism, food consumption, growth and food conversion of shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) and eelput (Zoarces viviparus). |
28584 |
Difference in growth rates between habitats of southeast Australian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus). |
51905 |
The first successful spawning of a white-spotted doradid. |
49076 |
The use of modern relational databases fro identification of fish larvae. |
57948 |
La pesca del Rossetto (A. minuta) nel medio Adriático. |
34596 |
Differentiation of sex chromosomes in the Salmonidae. 1. Karyotype and sex chromosomes in Parasalmo myskiss. |
10611 |
Alimentacion de la merluza (Merluccius gayi peruanus) de la zona de Paita. |
9448 |
Morphological comparison of the Mekong giant catfish, Pangasianodon gigas, with other pangasiid species. |
49477 |
Estimation of fish consumption by seabirds and the influence of cahnges in fish stock size on seabird predation rates. |
45819 |
A morphoecological description of the horsemackerel of the central and eastern Atlantic. |
36425 |
Seasonal abundance and feeding habits of sharks of the lower Gulf of California, Mexico. |
39437 |
Estudio Ecológico de una Laguna de Desborde del Rio Metica Orinoquia Colombiana. |
47970 |
Ricerche sulla biologia del lavarello (Coregonus sp.) in un lago oligotrofo, il Lago di Monate (Provincia di Varese, Italia del Nord). |
26478 |
Feeding habits of the deep-sea fish, Scopelogadus beanii (Pisces: Melamphaidae), in the western North Atlantic. |
51363 |
Feeding habits of the deep-sea fish, Scopelogadus beanii (Pisces: Melamphaidae), in the western North Atlantic. |
31182 |
Resultados ictiologicos de los cruceros proibe III, IV y V del Caribe Mexicano. |
88756 |
Records of porbeagles landed in Scotland, with observations on the biology, distribution and exploitation of the species. |
51345 |
K-selection characteristics of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus stocks in New Zealand waters. |
56644 |
Note préliminaire sur le matériel paléoichthyologique éocrétacé du Rio Benito (sud de Bata, Guinée Équatoriale). |
33639 |
Effects of the presence of ambush predators on the feeding behavior of nonpredatory fishes. |
5414 |
The food habits of an herbivorous fish (Oreochromis niloticus Linn.) in Lake Awasa, Ethiopia. |
83371 |
Les poissons du Gabon (eaux douces et eaux saumâtres). |
49580 |
The influence of variations in recruitment on multispecies yield predictions in the North Sea. |
37885 |
Prey selection by Galaxias vulgaris in the Hawkins River, New Zealand. |
42375 |
Feeding in a nocturnally active fish, Galaxias brevipinnis, in a New Zealand stream. |
104672 |
The spawning of skipjack tuna from southeastern Brazil as determined from histological examination of ovaries. |
42569 |
Ecomorphology: development and concepts. |
11029 |
An experimental study of zooplankton consumption by the Lake Kinneret sardine. |
42606 |
Feeding of sexually mature walleye pollock, Theragra chalogramma, and utilization of the food resources in the Okhotsk Sea during autumn. |
26471 |
Feeding and daily food consumption of Pacific salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus in the Okhotsk Sea during summer and autumn. |
33628 |
Feeding and daily food consumption of Pacific salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus in the Okhotsk Sea during summer and autumn. |
33640 |
On the food composition of the larvae of two species of lantern anchovies (Myctophidae) from the Scotia Sea. |
56704 |
Petroscirtes ancylodon: first Lessepsian migrant blenny in the eastern Mediterranean. |
45815 |
Comparative analysis of the dynamics of early ontogeny of species of the genus Salmo. |
13008 |
Comparative assessment of the main factors limiting the population strength of pink salmon. |
35088 |
Growth patterns, and age and size at maturity in female Cottus hangiongensis, with special reference to their life-history variation. |
50121 |
Growth differences in males of the river-sculpin Cottus hangiongensis along a river course, a correlate of life-history variation. |
47399 |
Révision systématique du genre Microthrissa boulenger, 1902 des eaux douces africaines (Pisces, Clupeidae). |
39609 |
Priolepis dawsoni n. sp. (Pisces: Gobiidae), a third Atlantic species of Priolepis. |
202 |
Diet of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf, with an application of Mantel's test. |
13003 |
Reproduction of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, on Sakhalin Island. |
26608 |
Timing and location of spawning of blue grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae (Teleostei: Merlucciidae), in Australian coastal waters. |
1490 |
Status and dynamics of hilsa (Hilsa ilisha) in the Hooghly estuarine system, West Bengal, India. |
104574 |
Reproductive biology of the castanha Umbrina canosai (Pisces, Scianidae) in southern Brazil. |
40603 |
Age and growth of cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus in Tsushima waters. |
97219 |
Growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Kisköre storage lake. |
38848 |
Implications of feeding specialization on the recruitment processes and community structure of butterflyfishes. |
28098 |
Food partitioning among scorpaenid fishes in Mediterranean seagrass beds. |
42262 |
The base nutritional support for the gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus): an evaluation based on a combined stomach content and stable isotope analysis. |
38845 |
The foraging ecology of two sympatric gobiid fishes: importance of behavior in prey type selection. |
28071 |
Food habits, seasonal abundance, size, and sex of the blue shark, Prionace gluaca, in Montery Bay, California. |
32126 |
Protogynous hermaphroditism in Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Pisces: Serranidae). |
4163 |
Rearing method and daily otolith ring of Japanese sardine larvae. |
4360 |
The Port Alfred fishery: a description and preliminary evaluation of a commercial linefishery on the South African east coast. |
2706 |
Genetic and morphometric variation in the pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax caerulea: comparisons and contrasts with historical data and with variability in the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. |
32414 |
Genetic and morphometric variation in the pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax caerulea: comparisons and contrasts with historical data and with variability in the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. |
2688 |
A redescription of Pseudorhombus megalops, with comments on Cephalopsetta ventrocellata (Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae). |
50926 |
Welse: Biologie und Haltung in der aquaristischen Praxis. |
30371 |
A comparative analysis of growth zones in four calcified structures of Pacific blue marlin, Makaira nigricans. |
57174 |
Seasonal and diel behaviour of radio-tagged Clarias gariepinus in Lake Ngezi, Zimbabwe (Pisces: Clariidae). |
49170 |
Effect of sampling frequency on intersample variance and food consumption estimates of nonpiscivorous largemouth brass. |
58495 |
General introduction to fishes. |
89105 |
Acipenser sturio Linnaeus 1758. |
89117 |
The freshwater fishes of Europe. Vol. 1, Part II. General introduction to fishes. Acipensiformes. |
54410 |
Screening tilapia for culture in sea water in Kuwait. |
51678 |
Midwater food web in the vicinity of a marginal ice zone in the western Weddell Sea. |
28025 |
Biology of marine herbivorous fishes. |
30453 |
Biology and abundance of alfonsino and bluenose off the lower east coast, North Island, New Zealand. |
111874 |
Species profiles: Life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest) - dover and rock soles. |
37708 |
Comparative growth, mortality, and energetics of marine fish larvae: temperature and implied latitudinal effects. |
49509 |
Cohort-specific growth and mortality rate variability of larvae of anadromous striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white perch (Morone americana). |
89238 |
Reproduction of the Antarctic fish Nototheniops nudifrons. |
38855 |
The feeding ecology of three species of Caribbean angelfishes (family Pomacanthidae). |
4194 |
Within-season variation in growth of larval plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.). |
2952 |
New bariliin cyprinid fishes from West Africa, with a consideration of their biogeography. |
74803 |
Studies on the fluctuations of fishing conditions for grey mullet (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus) from the western coast of Taiwan. |
57102 |
Fish internediary metabolism and recovery after acute handling stress. |
5809 |
Age and growth of Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum Boulenger, 1902 from the Southern Weddell Sea and Antarctic Peninsula. |
32970 |
Some aspects of population dynamics of the Japanese threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. |
37366 |
First record of the bigeye sand tiger shark Odontaspis noronhai from the Pacific Ocean. |
50160 |
Variation in the life history of diadromous and landlocked populations of the spotted Galaxias, Galaxias truttaceus Valenciennes, in Tasmania. |
37886 |
Movements and possible stock relationships of the New Zealand barracouta, Thrysites atun, from tag returns. |
9240 |
Mitochondrial DNA as a genetic marker for brown trout, Salmo trutta L., populations. |
3947 |
Report of the Working Group on Assessment of Pelagic Stocks in the Baltic. |
49913 |
Report of the workshop on stomach evacuation rates in fish. |
49914 |
Report of the working group on larval fish ecology to the biological oceanography committee of ICES. |
12534 |
Karyotypes in four species of the family Cottidae. |
50409 |
Report of the 3rd Southeast Asian tuna conference. |
93374 |
Opinion 1563. Helioses ternatensis Bleeker, 1856 (currently Chromis ternatensis; Osteichthyes, Perciformes): specific name conserved, and Chromis viridis (Cuvier, 1830): name adopted for the fish formerly known as C. caerulea (Cuvier, 1830). |
49511 |
Population structure of the Hebrido-Norwegian stock of blue whiting. |
11662 |
Sebastes (Acutomentum) paucispinosus Matsubara, a junior synonym of Sebastes alutus (Gilbert). |
44048 |
Estimates of catch and age compositions for northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by Japanese fisheries in the Pacific Ocean during 1966 to 1986. |
33625 |
Morphometric characters of the Alfoncino, Beryx splendens, of the submarine ridges in the temperate zone of the Indian Ocean. |
49507 |
Migration of western mackerel to the North Sea 1973-1988. |
75370 |
The egg production and spawning stock size of the North Sea mackerel and horse mackerel in 1988. |
37347 |
A record of the lutjanid fish, Lutjanus ehrenbergii, from Japan with reference to its related species. |
8725 |
Effect of an organophosphorus and carbamate pesticide on the pituitary gland of Anabas testudineus. A comparative study. |
80687 |
Effect of particle size and concentration on feeding behaviour, selectivity and rates of food ingestion by the Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis. |
5442 |
The relationship between respiration rate, swimming speed and feeding behaviour in the Cape anchovy Engraulis capensis Gilchrist. |
47969 |
Accrescimento e riproduzione della scardola (Scardinius erythrophthalmus L., Pisces: Cyprinidae) nel Lago di Comabbio, un lago eutrofo del Nord Italia (Provincia di Varese). |
49484 |
Some improved analytical and comparative methods for estimating the food consumption of fishes. |
46181 |
Interactions between fish stocks in the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. |
49508 |
Size selective mortality in plaice and cod eggs: a new approach to the study of egg-mortality?. |
87011 |
Some observations on the biology of the blotched croaker Nibea maculata (Schneider, 1801) from Mandapam. |
28084 |
Diet of two species of freshwater eel (Anguilla spp.) in Lake Pounui, New Zealand. |
9073 |
Feeding biology of the blackfin sculpin (Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson, 1905) and the spinyhead sculpin (Dasycottus setiger Bean 1890) in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska. |
10121 |
Golden shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas population abundance: correlations with food and predators. |
1364 |
Population dynamics and stock estimates of the threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicus) off Kerala, India. |
51564 |
Acanthemblemaria paula, a new diminutive chaenopsid (Pisces: Blennioidei) from Belize with comments on life history. |
37565 |
Les ressources halietiques de la zee Mauritanienne description, evaluation et amenagement. |
6096 |
The introduction of exotic aquatic species in the Philippines. |
105159 |
Comparative morphology and ecomorphology of the gut in European cyprinids (Teleostei). |
34724 |
The karyotype analysis of two Tilapis species and silver staining observation on nucleolar organizers. |
40420 |
Sexual maturity, spawning and fecundity of king weakfish Macrodon ancylodon, caught off Rio Grande do Sul State (southern coast of Brazil). |
37329 |
Comparative morphology and scale formation in four species of Oncorhynchus during early life. |
44302 |
Growth and survival of larval red sea bream Pagrus major and Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus fed microbound diets. |
4211 |
Daily growth patterns in otoliths of larval and juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.): influence of temperature, salinity and light conditions. |
27037 |
Evaluation of the relative yield-per-recruit approach in the case of the stock of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L. 1758) in the Saronikos Gulf. |
9027 |
Daily feeding rhythm and rations of juvenile chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, during river and early marine part of their life cycle. |
34736 |
Hybridization experiments in Cyprinida (IV). Cross between Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus k and Squalidus gracilis. |
34737 |
Hybridization experiment between female crucia carp and male grass carp. |
45845 |
Mesopelagic ichthyofauna of the southwestern Pacific. |
37360 |
Scatter-spawning of the catfish, Silurus asotus. |
89307 |
The larval fish community in the zone of the seasonal pack-ice cover and its seasonal and interannual variability. |
38838 |
A revision of coregonine fish distribution and abundance in eastern James-Hudson Bay. |
54048 |
Fishes of Kariba. |
38857 |
The switch to size. |
12317 |
Length-frequency based population analysis of the threadfin bream Nemipterus japonicus of the Bangladesh coast. |
33626 |
A new genus and species of deep water angler fish of the family Oneirodidae from the northwestern Pacific. |
13129 |
Somatic chromosomes of three species of hillstream fishes from Assam. |
6090 |
Age and growth of the blacktip shark, Carcharinus limbatus, near Tampa Bay, Florida. |
31588 |
Age and growth of the blacktip shark, Carcharinus limbatus, near Tampa Bay, Florida. |
34747 |
Karyotypes, DNA values, and nucleolar sizes of several scups (Teleostomi: Perciformes). |
4215 |
Cohort dynamics of walleye pollock in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, during the egg and larval periods. |
37346 |
Early developmental stages of the scorpaenid fish, Scorpaena miostoma, reared in the laboratory. |
42232 |
Distribution, abundance, size and feeding habits of Brienomyrus brachyistius (Gill, 1862) (Teleostei: Mormyridae) in a Nigerian rainforest stream. |
45857 |
Reproduction of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias in the Black Sea. |
35044 |
A new species and a new subspecies of the stargazer genus Gnathagnus from northwestern Australia. |
34752 |
Untersuchungen zur Karyologie und Fruchtbarkeit von Pomatoschistus microps (Kroyer) und P. minutus (Pallas) (Teleostei, Gobiidae) aus einem inneren Küstengewässer der südwestlichen Ostsee. |
5573 |
Zusammensetzung, Häufigkeit und Vertikalverteilung von Fischlarven über der Hatton und der Rockall Bank (Westbritische Gewässer). |
9417 |
Systematic revision of the catfish genus Silurus, with description of a new species from Thailand and Burma. |
33656 |
Some biological characteristics of the Arctic flounder, Liopsetta glacialis, in the southeastern area of the Barents Sea. |
40010 |
Reproduction in fish around Elephant Island. |
42783 |
Biomanipulation im experimentalgewässer gräfenhain: veränderte direkte und indirekte effekte nach fünfjähriger versuchsdauer. |
33644 |
Feeding of South African cape hake, Merluccius capensis. |
269 |
Malawi cichlids in their natural habitat. |
6387 |
Cichlids from Central America. |
49478 |
The effect of cannibalism on the strength of recruitment to commercial stock of Arcto-Norwegian cod. |
41495 |
Centropyge nahackyi, a new species of Angelfish from Johnston Atoll (Teleostei: Pomacanthidae). |
56155 |
The impact of fishing on the reef fish of Pedro bank and Port Royal, Jamaica: a comparison of trap surveys, 1969-73 and 1986. |
43446 |
Feeding activity of baltic herring in the Bornholm Basin. |
45799 |
Larvae of the beryciform fish, Acanthochaenus luetkeni, (Stephanoberycidae) from the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. |
12041 |
Zoogeography of the fishes from Indochinese inland waters with an annotated check-list. |
38645 |
Identification of the fresh-water fishes of North Vietnam. |
41454 |
On the validity of Phractocephalus Agassiz, 1829, vs. Pirarara Agassiz, 1829. |
37842 |
Nemacheilus troglocataractus, a new blind cavefish from Thailand. |
6463 |
Puntius asoka, a new species of cyprinid fish from Sri Lanka. |
37843 |
Schismatogobius deraniyagalai, a new goby from Sri Lanka: description and field observations. |
37848 |
Eine neue Barbenart von Sri Lanka. |
92468 |
Lipid and n-3 Requirement of Sparus aurata Larvae During Starvation and Feeding. |
75222 |
Population fecundity and yearclass strength of Arcto-Norwegian haddock. |
42242 |
Feeding of different species of Myctophidae in different parts of the Southern Ocean. |
46512 |
Etude comparée de la croissance de différentes populations de Barbus callensis Valenciennes 1842, (Pisces, Cyprinidae), De Tunisie. |
33653 |
Gut evacuation rate in the bream, Abramis brama. |
3671 |
Prospects of selecting for late maturity in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). I. Family studies under laboratory conditions. |
5825 |
The Azorean blackspot seabream, Pagellus bogaraveo (Brunnich 1768) (Teleostei: Sparidae): age and growth. |
13609 |
The fishes of the Jordan River drainage basin and Azraq Oasis. |
86446 |
Biotoecus Eigenmann and Kennedy (Teleostei: Cichlidae): description of a new species from the Orinoco basin and revised generic diagnosis. |
26372 |
The cichlids of Surinam: Teleostei, Labroidei. |
1373 |
Stock assessment of the Indian oil-sardinella (Sardinella longiceps) off the west coast of India. |
38875 |
Female-to-male shift of mouthbrooding in a cichlid fish, Tanganicodus irsacae with notes on breeding habits of two related species in Lake Tanganyika. |
49516 |
Predation controlled recruitment in bering sea fish ecosystem: numerical simulation and empirical evidence. |
48025 |
Influence of feeding conditions and temperature on the growth rate and otolith-increment deposition of larval Dover sole (Solea solea (L.)). |
7227 |
Age determination and growth for two corvinas, Cynoscion stoltzmanni and Cynoscion squamipinnis, in the Gulf of Nicoya. |
6509 |
Chromosomal transformations in the White Sea herring, Clupea pallasii marisalbi (Berg) (Teleostei, Clupeidae). |
46024 |
Esterase polymorphisms in muscle and brain of four fresh water fishes belonging to the family Cyprinidae. |
5926 |
Lernaeocera branchialis in cod (Gadus morhua) of the Baltic Sea. |
35416 |
The breeding of different coral fishes in the Zoo Aquarium Berlin. |
6035 |
Isolation of bioactive compounds from sharks. |
28138 |
Freshwater fishes of the Northern Territory. |
4466 |
Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Northwest) - Pacific herring. |
42350 |
The food of herring, Clupea harengus, in the North Sea, 1983-1986. |
46545 |
An evaluation of the success of invasive fish species of the Great Fish River. |
26278 |
Population genetics of two tropical sharks, Carcharhinus tilstoni and C. sorrah, in northern Australia. |
33762 |
Life history and food habits of the grubby, Myoxocephalus aeneus (Cotttidae), in a Cape Cod Estuary. |
40563 |
Reproductive biology of Myleus ternetzi. |
83380 |
Faune du Sahara. 1. Poissons, amphibiens, reptiles. |
51994 |
Some data on the growth of Arius proops (Ariidae, Siluriformes) in the estuaries of French Guyana. |
6157 |
Assessment of fish stocks exploited by fish traps in the Arabian Gulf area. |
53421 |
Application of yield model to the Hammor, Epinephelus tauvina (Forsskal, 1775) stock exploited in the Arabian Gulf. |
33882 |
Fisheries for large scombrids in Greek waters: catches of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.). |
27170 |
Suitability of brackish water tilapia species from the Ivory Coast for lagoon aquaculture. I. Reproduction. |
55092 |
Suitability of brackish water tilapia species from the Ivory Coast for lagoon aquaculture. I. Reproduction. |
38847 |
Larval biology of butterflyfishes (Pisces, Chaetodontidae): what do we really know?. |
33676 |
The larvae of Indo-Pacific shorefishes. |
37344 |
Epibenthie fish larvae in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon near Lizard Island, Australia. |
13842 |
Shark and chips. Research and management into southern WA's edible shark fishery. |
26548 |
The roles of food supply and shelter in the relationship between fishes, in particular Cnidoglanis macrocephalus (Valenciennes), and detached macrophytes in the surf zone of sandy beaches. |
2956 |
Remarques taxinomiques sur quelques petits Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) d'Afrique de l'Ouest (première partie). |
2957 |
Remarques taxinomiques sur quelques petits Barbus (Pisces, Cyprinidae) d'Afrique de l'Ouest (deuxième partie). |
3033 |
Inventaire taxinomique et distribution des poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers de Guinée et de Guinée Bissau. |
44745 |
Light-oriented swimming of schooling fish in continuous channels. |
81825 |
A study on biology of Synechogobius hasta. |
6300 |
Exotic aquatic species in Taiwan. |
80650 |
Inter-annual variability in predation by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua on capelin Mallotus villosus) and other prey off southern Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland in autumn. |
13224 |
Studies on karyotype of Sparus latus Houttuyn. |
34687 |
Studies on karyotype of Sparus latus Houttuyn. |
48404 |
Fishes of the Sea of Japan and the adjacent areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea. Part 4. |
45855 |
New information on the reproduction of Jonah glassfish, Neopagetopsis ionah, of the Lazarev Sea. |
46165 |
Ageing with fisheries length-frequency data, using information about growth. |
43255 |
A study of the biology of the and population dynamics of pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) L., 1758), Family Sparidae, in the seas of Cyprus. |
27440 |
The significance of fish populations in the Murray-Darling system and their requirements for survival. |
37702 |
World-wide fluctuations of sardine and anchovy stocks: the regime problem. |
10037 |
Spawning biomass of the northern anchovy in 1988. |
38872 |
Ocean current variability and the spawning season of Hawaiian reef fishes. |
26559 |
Influence of site, season and year on contributions made by marine, estuarine, diadromous and freshwater species to the fish fauna of a temperate Australian estuary. |
94650 |
Catálogo dos peixes marinhos do Laboratório de Ictiologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Parte I: Chondrichthyes (Rajiformes). Teleostei (Elopiformes a Dactylopteriformes). |
13580 |
Karyotype divergence in Symphodus melops and Symphodus roissali (Labridae, Perciformes): C-banded and Ag-NOR karyotypes. |
29465 |
Karyotype divergence in Symphodus melops and Symphodus roissali (Labridae, Perciformes): C-banded and Ag-NOR karyotypes. |
103921 |
Description de Telmatochromis brichardi (Pisces, Cichlidae, Lamprologini), espèce nouvelle du lac Tanganyika. |
92698 |
Synthèse des observations sur l’activité reproductrice du mérou brun, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834) en Méditerranée nord-occidentale. |
92699 |
Synthèse des observations sur l’activité reproductrice du mérou brun, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), en Méditerranée nord-occidentale. |
35799 |
Trois nouvelles espèces du genre Charax Scopoli, 1777 pour la région Nord du Brésil (Characiformes, Characidae, Characinae). |
42241 |
Feeding and movement of broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus, in the lower Ob' basin. |
3996 |
Fischkrankheiten und Parasiten von Flunder, Scholle, Kliesche und Steinbutt aus den Küstengewässern der DDR. |
39145 |
Revision del Généro Serrasalmus Lacépède 1803, y géneros relacionados en Venezuela: 1. Notas sobre la morfologia y sistemática de Pristobrycon striolatus (Steindachner, 1908). |
31512 |
A new deep-sea ophidiid fish, Bassozetus levistomatus, from the Izu-Bonin Trench, Japan. |
37361 |
First record of the deep-sea fish Xyelacyba myersi (Ophidiidae, Ophidiiformes) from Japan. |
37367 |
New distribution records of the pearlfish, Carapus mourlani, with notes on its morphometry. |
58748 |
Influence of geographical distribution, body size and diet on population density of benthic fishes off Namibia (South West Africa). |
90038 |
Lexique franco-mahorias des principaux poissons commerciaux de Mayotte. |
30168 |
Karyotypes of five Puntius species and one Cyclocheilichthys species (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Thailand. |
6504 |
Developing a management strategy for the flying fishery of the eastern Caribbean. |
29920 |
Results of distant hybridization of species from different families of Cypriniformes. |
45795 |
First record of long-nosed chimaera, Neoharriotta pinnata, from the Arabian Sea. |
8939 |
Fish cytogenetics related to taxonomy, evolution and monitoring aquatic genotoxic agents. |
49909 |
Bycatch: a bioeconomic assessment of North Pacific groundfish fisheries. |
32415 |
Larvae of Liparis fucensis and Liparis callyodon: is the "cottoid bubblemorp" phylogenetically significant?. |
29720 |
C-banding and Ag-NOR reveal heterogeneity among karyotypes of serranids (Perciformes). |
7028 |
Portuguese fishery of black scabbard fish (Aphanus carbo Lowe, 1839) off Sesimbra waters. |
104712 |
Ictiofauna estuarina da Ilha do Maranhão. |
28043 |
Commercial catch composition and reproductive biology of rig (Mustelus lenticulatus) from Pegasus Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand. |
37362 |
Genetic differentiation among eight color types of the freshwater goby Rhinogobius brunneus, from western Japan. |
31183 |
Nuevos registros de peces en la laguna de Sontecompan, Veracruz, México. |
265 |
Laboratory guide to early life history stages of Northeast Pacific fishes. |
9630 |
Türkiye deniz baliklari atlasi (Atlas for the Turkish marine fishes). |
35716 |
Comments on the scientific and Japanese names of two filefishes, Thamnaconus hypargyreus and T. tesselatus. |
37349 |
First record of an extremely small filefish Rudarius excelsus from the north Pacific. |
34965 |
A new triggerfish, Rhinecanthus abyssus, from the Ryukyu Islands. |
33657 |
Review of the genus Hadropareia (Zoarcidae) with a description of a new species Hadropareia semisquamata Andriashev et Matjushin, sp. nov. from the littoral zone of the Kuril Islands. |
34880 |
Karyotype study of four species of the genus Diptychus (Pisces, Cyprinidae), with remarks on polyploidy of schizothoracine fishes. |
46740 |
Growth studies on juvenile tilapia using pure species, hormone-treated and nine interspecific hybrids. |
10758 |
Freshwater eels (Family Anguillidae) in California: current conditions and future scenarios. |
54133 |
Family Ophichthidae. |
39256 |
Morphological variation within Raja miraletus and status of R. ocellifera (Chondrichthyes, Rajoidei). |
88873 |
Bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, larvae in the Gulf Stream off the southeastern United States: Satellite and shipboard observations of their environment. |
6071 |
Exotic and translocated freshwater fishes in Australia. |
30203 |
Northeastern Australian mackerel (Scomberomorus) fishery. |
86984 |
Oxyurichthys talwari, a new gobioid fish from Andaman Islands. |
102352 |
Temporal and spatial dynamics of a coastal pelagic species, Sardinella maderensis off the Ivory Coast. |
54407 |
Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Mid-Atlantic) - weakfish. |
11829 |
Dinámica de las poblaciones de rubia (Lutjanus synagris) y canané (Ocyurus chrysurus) de las costas de Yucatán, México. |
11831 |
Estimación de edad y crecimiento del pargo canané (Ocyurus chrysurus) del litoral de Yucatán, México. |
28073 |
Biology of Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, at Saqvaqjuac, northwest coast of Hudson Bay. |
39751 |
Locomotory activity in the feeding behavior of Hemigrammus caudovittatus larvae. |
7020 |
The Tetra encyclopedia of freshwater tropical aquarium fishes. |
42248 |
Habitat-related differences in diets of small fishes in Lavaca Bay, Texas, 1985-1986. |
31534 |
Patterns of distribution and association of freshwater fish in New Zealand. |
37884 |
Swimming performance of some native freshwater fishes. |
30692 |
Relationships between genetic variability and life-history features of bony fishes. |
30332 |
Preliminary stock assessment of Pacific bigeye tuna. |
35418 |
Experimental analysis of the symbiosis between anemonefishes and sea anemones. |
37343 |
Redescription of Synagrops spinosus (Percichthyidae) with its first record from the West Pacific. |
49614 |
Nematode problems in north Atlantic fish. Report from a workshop in Kiel, 3-4 April 1989. |
26283 |
Krankheiten und Parasiten der Meeresfische, 100 Dias. |
35723 |
Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in Texas Estuaries. |
57411 |
La faune ichtyologique de la lagune Ria Formosa (sud Portugal). Repartition et organisation spatio-temporelle des communuatés: application à l'amenagement des ressources. |
80643 |
Vulnerability of early life stages and anadromoue striped bass (Morone axatilis) to predation by juvenile white perch (Morone americana). |
5847 |
Growth determination of tropical marine fishes by means of otolith interpretation and length analysis. |
8916 |
Age and growth of the southern stock of Peruvian anchoveta based on otolith microstructures and length-frequency analysis. |
29579 |
Chromosomal and morphological analysis of two populations of Salmo trutta sbp. fario employed in repopulation. |
8929 |
Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Australia. |
32409 |
Catchability, growth, and mortality of larval fishes. |
38851 |
Dentition patterns among Pacific and Western Atlantic butterflyfishes (Perciformes, Chaetodontidae): relationship to feeding ecology and evolutionary history. |
108961 |
New time-at-liberty record set by tagged School Shark Galeorhinus galeus caught off Southern Australia. |
92416 |
Effect of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) broodstock diets on egg lipid composition and spawning quality. |
50056 |
Peuplements ichtyologiques des lacs du Moyen-Atlas marocain, région d'Azrou. |
30316 |
Comparative studies on feeding in larval anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) and sardine (Sardinops sagax). |
52041 |
The population biology of the most abundant species of fish in Lake Kariba, Zambia. |
43444 |
Stomach investigations on cod in the Kiel Bay (western Baltic). |
101419 |
Internal gametic association and external fertilization in the Elkhorn sculpin, Alcichthys alcicornis. |
27638 |
Review of the Centrophorus sharks (Elasmobranchii, Squalidae) of the eastern Atlantic. |
31234 |
Morphological comparison of Squalus blainvillei and S. megalops in the eastern Atlantic, with notes on the genus. |
37879 |
Occurrence of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) eggs and larvae in eastern Cook Strait. |
5218 |
A taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of the Oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae). |
6911 |
A comparative study of methods for determining mean length-at-age and von Bertalanffy growth parameters for two fish species. |
43532 |
Preliminary report on age determination of South Pacific albacore using caudal vertebrae. |
1372 |
Mixed fisheries assessment with reference to five important demersal fish species landed by shrimp trawlers at Kakinada. |
46386 |
Some aspects of population biology of the brown shrimpMetapenaeus monoceros of the Bay of Bengal. |
56602 |
Distribution and feeding of sturgeon fingerlings in the coastal mouth waters of the Urals. |
6302 |
Havfisk og Fiskeri i Nordvesteuropa. |
4538 |
Micronesian reef fishes: A practical guide to the identification of the inshore marine fishes of the tropical central and western Pacific. |
27042 |
Donnees biologiques sur le pageot, Pagellus erythrinus, des cotes orientales dela Greece centrale. |
51928 |
Note on the potential brood size of mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) collected from Iraq and Egypt (Pisces). |
38856 |
Histological and ultrastructural evidence for the role of gonadal steroid hormones in sex change in the protogynous wrasse Thalassoma duperrey. |
37363 |
Redescription of Apristurus sibogae, and its taxonomic relationships (Lamniformes, Scyliorhinidae). |
32215 |
Protogynous hermaphroditism in the wrasse Choerodon azurio. |
42401 |
The distribution, length-weight relationships, food and feeding of the cyprinid fish Barbus sharpeyi from Al-Hammar Marsh, Iraq. |
47932 |
Fish and fisheries of North East India. |
32405 |
Larval development of the Australian devilfish, Gymnapistes marmoratus (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae). |
86773 |
Cottunculus nudus, a new psychrolutid fish from New Zealand (Scorpaeniformes: Cottoidei). |
27721 |
Biology of the south European roach (Rutilus rubilio) in Lake Pamvotida. |
27077 |
'Roughy rush' in the Great Australian Bight. |
35742 |
Initial feeding by Antarctic fish larvae during winter at South Georgia. |
48426 |
The Fraser river: a major salmonine production system. |
36591 |
Fishes of the coastal marine, riverine and lacustrine waters of the Queen Charlotte Islands. |
33636 |
Early post embryonic development of the Arctic staghorn sculpin Gymnacanthus tricuspis. |
7114 |
Methods for evaluating spawning stock dynamics, age and growth of Peruvian horse mackerel]. |
27405 |
The biology and ecology of the long rough dab (Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricus 1780)) in the North Sea. |
11165 |
An evaluation of the population dynamics of 4X haddock during 1962-88 with yield projected to 1990. |
27447 |
Fisheries management in inland New South Wales. |
4636 |
Growth and mortality of the yellowtail jack Atule mate in the Red Sea. |
45808 |
Preliminary results of a study of the commercial trawl fisheries in Lingayen Gulf. |
38839 |
Mating behavior and sex change of the anemonefish, Amphiprion clarkii, in the temperate waters of southern Japan. |
28713 |
Field guide for the identification of the sea breams (Sparidae) in the coastal waters of Ghana. |
2859 |
Growth of grey triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, based on growth checks of the dorsal spine. |
78357 |
Herbivory in freshwater fishes: A review. |
26877 |
Sea whip goby, Bryaninops yongei, collected from outer shelf off Miyakojima, East China Sea. |
11939 |
Some aspects of the biology of Synodontis schall (Bloch & Schneider) in Zaria, Nigeria. |
3778 |
Prospects of selecting for late maturity in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). II. Strain comparisons under laboratory and field conditions. |
43753 |
On the systematics of the perch (Perca fluviatilis) (Pisces, Perciformes). |
29084 |
Spawning and development of Lesueurigobius sanzoi off northern Namibia. |
29085 |
Early life history and spawning of Genypterus capensis (Smith, 1849) in the Southern Benguela system. |
34 |
pers. comm. |
33799 |
Feeding behavior of the green-breast darter, Etheostoma jordani (Percidae: Etheostomatini). |
38525 |
Mitochondrial DNA restriction site variation in Tasmanian populations of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), a deep-water marine teleost. |
49483 |
Impact of predatory fish, marine mammals, and seabirds on the pelagic fish ecosystem of the Northeastern USA. |
46857 |
Anguillid leptocephali from the western North Pacific east of Luzon, in 1988. |
45797 |
Genetic differentiation of sea trout, Salmo trutta, populations of Estonian Rivers. |
36960 |
Predation on a school of flat-iron herring, Harengula thrissina. |
47524 |
Egg attachment in Pimephales (Pisces: Cyprinidae). |
2011 |
A multiple regression model for predicting the food consumption of marine fish populations. |
2700 |
Appendix I. Documentation of available 5 1/4' MSDOS data diskettes on the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. |
11233 |
Documentation of available 5 1/4' MSDOS data diskettes on the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. |
4275 |
Field mortality estimates of anchovy larvae, Engraulis encrasicolus, in the western Mediterranean. |
89680 |
A random stratified survey of demersal fish species in the waters of Cape Verde 1998. |
1418 |
Revision of the Acanthopterygian fish Family Pegasidae (Order Gasterosteiformes). |
27095 |
Feeding interactions between two sympatric species Pagrus pagrus and Phycis phycis around Kastellorizo Island (Dodecanese, Greece). |
27050 |
Some data on the population dynamics of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the North Euboikos Gulf. |
33911 |
Some data on the population dynamics of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) in the North Euboikos Gulf. |
27054 |
Fisheries investigations on the demersal fishes of the Evvoikos and Pagasitikos Gulfs. |
76 |
A contribution to the study of the biology of the ichthyoplankton in the Gulf of Kissamos (N.W. Crete, Greece). |
12768 |
A phylogenetic revision of the phallostethid fishes (Atherinomorpha, Phallostethidae). |
34808 |
Systematics overview of the Poeciliines. |
45830 |
Review of the genus Rexea (Gempylidae), with a description of three new species. |
7434 |
A new aulopodid species, Hime microps from the eastern south Pacific, with comments on geographic variations of H. japonica. |
27267 |
The monotypic sardines, Sardina and Sardinops: their taxonomy, distribution, stock structure, and zoogeography. |
32407 |
Age determination in larval and juvenile sheepshead, Archosargus probatocephalus. |
40178 |
A method to allow the production of phylogenetic trees from morphometric data. |
55629 |
Interspecific variation in the visual-pigments of deep-sea fishes. |
41494 |
An Eocene Amiid Fish from Mali, West Africa. |
35421 |
Rearing of Blennius pavo Risso, 1810. |
44370 |
Note à propos de trois espèces d'Hydrocynus (Pisces, Characidae) du bassin du Niger suivie de la réhabilitation de l'espèce Hydrocynus vittatus (Castelnau, 1861). |
3045 |
Les poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers du Togo (Afrique de l'Ouest). |
2968 |
Three simultaneous and independent approaches to characterize a new species of Labeo (Pisces, Cyprinidae) from Western Africa. Followed by the description of Labeo roseopunctatus n. sp. |
5755 |
New Zealand fish: a complete guide. |
30471 |
Redescription of Helicolenus percoides (Richardson) and H. barathri (Hector) from New Zealand (Pisces, Scorpaenidae). |
88029 |
A review of the morid genera Gadella, Physiculus and Salilota (Teleostei: Gadiformes) with descriptions of seven new species. |
4587 |
Food consumption by tropical and temperate fish populations: some generalizations. |
43791 |
An eponym for Reuben Lasker. |
11232 |
New estimates of monthly biomass, recruitment and related statistics of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) off Peru (4-14° S), 1953-1985. |
8 |
On the quantity and types of food ingested by Peruvian anchoveta, 1953-1982. |
2697 |
The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions. |
9791 |
Synopsis of the whalefishes (family Cetomimidae) with descriptions of four new genera. |
7300 |
Pisces. Petromyzontidae to Carangidae. |
93316 |
Guidelines for estimating lengths at age for 18 northwest Atlantic finfish and shellfish species. |
30310 |
Seasonal migration of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) off south-eastern Australia. Evidence for a possible localised stock. |
9068 |
Peces de Chile. Lista sistematica revisada y comentada. |
75214 |
The egg production method applied to the spawning biomass estimation of sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walb.) in the North-Atlantic Spanish coasts. |
33635 |
Some morphological and biological features of the Vimba from the Oyat' River. |
38841 |
Females prefer mating males in the carmine triplefin, Axoclinus carminalis, a paternal brood-guarder. |
40517 |
Aschehougs store fiskebok. |
27743 |
A morphological and allozymic analysis of species in the Gobionellus oceanicus complex (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
35000 |
Patterns of chromosomal nucleolar organizer region (NOR) variation in fishes of the genus Salvelinus. |
9252 |
Population differences in chromosome-banding polymorphisms in lake trout. |
6996 |
Age and growth of freshwater herring, Potamalosa richmondia Macleay (Clupeidae: Hyperlophinae), in the Bellinger River, New South Wales. |
36968 |
Phylogenetic relationships of trachinoid fishes of the family Uranoscopidae. |
39351 |
Uranoscopus chinensis Guichenot, in Sauvage, 1882, a senior synonym of Uranoscopus flavipinnis Kishimoto, 1987 (Teleostei: Uranoscopidae). |
49906 |
Technological interactions in the U.S. west coast groundfish trawl fishery and their implications for management. |
1374 |
Stock assessment of migratory fish species based on localized data - oceanic skipjack tuna pole and line fishery at Minicoy as a case study. |
4708 |
Stock assessment of Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) based on data from a sport fishery. |
6301 |
Exotic aquatic species in Thailand. |
35006 |
Q-band chromosomal polymorphisms in arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). |
8924 |
Introduced marine and estuarine fishes in Australia. |
26298 |
Impacts of artificial reefs on fishery production in Shimamaki, Japan. |
33647 |
Biology of Baikal omul, Coregonus autumnalis migratorius, in Bratsk Reservoir. |
40574 |
Analise cariotipica na familia Serrasalmidae (Ostaryophysi, Characiformes): aspectos evolutivos. |
30653 |
Vertebrate life. 3rd ed. |
33646 |
On the biology of the broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus, from the lower Ob River Basin. |
35020 |
New karyological data on three species of whiteblooded fishes (Notothenioidei, Channichthyidae). |
75678 |
Dependence between the length, weight, and age of spawning trout females (Salmo trutta L.) and the content of carotenoids in their spawn. |
26405 |
Mycotic dermatitis in a freshwater gizzard shad, the bony bream, Nematalosa erebi (Günther), in the River Murray, South Australia. |
27939 |
South American fish found off Tasmania. |
13635 |
Predation on fish larvae and eggs by the hydromedusa Aequorea victoria at a herring spawning ground in British Columbia. |
49481 |
Competitive relationship between hairtail and Spanish Mackerel in the East China Sea. |
37650 |
Psettodidae, Citharidae et Paralichtyidae de Madagascar. |
37651 |
Cynoglossidae de l'Ile de la Réunion et de Madagascar. |
34797 |
Pleuronectidae de l'ile de la Réunion et de Madagascar. II. Genres Samaris et Samariscus. |
38840 |
Current controversies in the study of marine migration. |
10971 |
Chromosome study of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. I. Karyotype of Amurian carp, C. carpio haematopterus. |
35035 |
Genome size variation in the North American sunfish genus Lepomis (Pisces: Centrarchidae). |
1479 |
Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. |
41864 |
Katle (Acrossocheilus hexagonolepis), a coldwater cyprinid of Nepal. |
29563 |
Electrophoretic and karyological characters of the gyrinocheilid fish, Gyrinocheilus aymonieri. |
6357 |
The deposition and mortality of the eggs of the Baltic herring, Clupea harengus membras L., on different substrates in the south-west archipelago of Finland. |
10623 |
Canthigaster cyanetron a new toby (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae) from Easter Island. |
10624 |
Frontilabrus caeruleus, noveaux genre et espèce de Labride des Maldives. |
10622 |
A new dottyback of the genus Pseudochromis (Teleostei; Perciformes; Pseudochromidae) from the Northwestern Indian Ocean. |
10625 |
Pseudanthias sheni, a new serranid fish from Rowley Shoals and Scott Reef, Western Australia. |
10654 |
Solea stanalandi, a new sole from the Persian Gulf. |
10621 |
Cirrhilabrus punctatus, a new species of labrid fish from the Southwestern Pacific. |
9200 |
Cirrhilabrus scottorum, a new labrid fish from the South Pacific Ocean. |
10655 |
Diagnosis of the Hawaiian pomacentrid fish Chromis ovalis and its juveniles stages, with discussion of its challenged specific name. |
10619 |
Triso, a new generic name for the serranid fish previously known as Trisotropis dermopterus, with comments on its relationships. |
35806 |
Redescription of Parancistrus auranticus (Castelnau, 1855) and preliminary establishment of two new genera: Baryancistrus and Oligancistrus (Siluriformes, Loricariidae). |
30280 |
Testes morphology, histology and spermatogenesis in South Pacific albacore tuna. |
3783 |
Population dynamics of the commercially important baitfish species Stolephorus heterolobus in Solomon Islands. |
4291 |
Estimation of the effects of flow on dispersion of larval pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Shelikof Strait, Alaska. |
89323 |
Contribucion al estudio de la F. Syngnathidae (Pisces) en Las Costas del Sureste de España. |
12296 |
Dictionary of animal names in five languages. Fishes. Latin, Russian, English, German, French (Pyatiyazychnyi Slovar Nazvanii Zhyvotnykh. Ryby. Latinskii, Russkii, Angliiskii, Nemetskii, Frantsuzskii). |
11853 |
Le Petit Robert: Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue française. |
49911 |
The stability of estimates of suitabilities in MSVPA, over 3 years of data from predator stomachs. |
86012 |
Acregoliathidae (Osteichthyes, Teleostei), a new family of fishes from the Cenozoic of Acre State Brazil. |
40745 |
Maturation of male and female North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L..). |
82931 |
Sexual dimorphism in the energetics of reproduction and growth of North Sea plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L. |
52214 |
Reproductive and growth strategies of the red roach, Rutilus arcasii (Steindachner, 1866), in two contrasting tributaries of the River Duero, Spain. |
57569 |
A revision of New Zealand and Australian orange perches (Teleostei: Serranidae) previously referred to Lepidoperca pulchella (Waite) with description of a new species of Lepidoperca from New Zealand. |
58421 |
Reproductive mode in the percomorph fish Polyprion Oken. |
2091 |
The freshwater fishes of Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia). |
2971 |
Garra allostoma, a new species of cyprinid fish from highlands of the Niger basin in Cameroun. |
13094 |
Systematic revision and description of new species of suckermouth catfishes (Chiloglanis, Mochokidae) from Cameroun. |
35807 |
Mormyrus subundulatus, a new species of mormyrid fish with a tubular snout from West Africa. |
54157 |
Family Derichthyidae. |
54156 |
Family Synaphobranchidae. |
94956 |
The phylogenetic relationships of the Anguilliform fishes. |
26403 |
River fishery (South Australia) - review of management arrangements. |
2698 |
Stomach contents of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), 1953-1974. |
42238 |
Quelques aspects de l'ecologie alimentaire de trois mâchoirans (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Ariidae) de la Guyane. |
42244 |
Feeding of siberian whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus pidschian, from the Taimyr Lake System. |
29040 |
A review of Southeast Asian stolephorid anchovies with a key to species. |
48967 |
Day/night differences in determination of growth rate of mackerel Scomber scombrus larvae during a patch-study in the Celtic Sea. |
26983 |
Diet of the banded drum in North Carolina. |
27446 |
Aspects of the history and fishery of the Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli (Mitchell) (Percichthyidae). |
38843 |
Gastric evacuation of single and multiple meals by piscivorous coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. |
43875 |
Distribution and abundance of coral reef fishes in the Sumilon Island Reserve, central Philippines, after nine years of protection from fishing. |
9819 |
Offshore fishes of the Arafura Sea. |
39715 |
Relationship between zooplankton distribution, geographic characteristics and hydrographic patterns off the Catalan coast (Western Mediterranean). |
54060 |
The status of the red hind fishery in Puerto Rico and St. Thomas as determined by yield-per-recruit analysis. |
9837 |
Taxonomic revision of the family Pseudomugilidae (Order Atheriniformes). |
48436 |
Optimization of a fishery sampling technique by analysing specific diversity. |
33652 |
Morphoecological description and taxonomic status of the Sakhalin flounder, Limanda sakhalinensis. |
59366 |
Morphoecological description and taxonomic status of the Sakhalin flounder, Limanda sakhalinensis. |
35068 |
Multiple sex-chromosome system in a loach fish. |
26288 |
Reexamination of the status of the striped goby. |
51879 |
Morphological variance and enzyme heterozygosity in Eleutheronema tetradactylum and Strongylura strongylura collected from Khor al-Zubair area, Basrah, Iraq. |
12308 |
Flora and fauna of nature reserves of the USSR. Fauna Kara-Dag Nature Reserve. (Flora i fauna zapovednikov SSSR. Fauna Kara-Dagskogo Zapovednika. |
26388 |
Nomenclatura Portuguesa de organismos aquáticos (proposta para normalizaçao estatística). |
34154 |
Morphological characteristics of digestive tract and trophic spectrum of saraca (Breevoortia aurea, Clupeiformes, Pisces). |
1488 |
Review of the fisheries resources of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. |
28072 |
Feeding habits of Japanese butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae). |
10036 |
Egg production of the Bay of Biscay anchovy in 1987 and 1988, and spawning stock size estimates. |
75220 |
Daily fecundity of the Bay of Biscay anchovy population in 1988. |
89863 |
Reproductive cycle and batch fecundity of the Bay of Biscay anchovy (Engraulis encrasicholus in 1987. |
10097 |
Phylogeny of the family Sciaenidae, with notes on its zoogeography (Teleostei, Perciformes). |
10085 |
Johnius distinctus (Tanaka, 1916), a senior synonym of J. tingi (Tang, 1937) (Perciformes, Sciaenidae). |
10938 |
Records of Johnius vogleri (Perciformes, Sciaenidae) from Chinese waters, with notes on its synonymy. |
10325 |
Leiostomus xanthurus, a western Atlantic sciaenid species in Tokyo Bay. |
45809 |
The formation and population strucure of the false osman, Schizopygopsis stoliczkai, in Pamir. |
40103 |
Melhor em seco que na água: uma tática defensiva do peixe Laetacara dorsigera (Cichlidae). Better on land than underwater: a defensive tactic of the cichlid fish, Laetacara dorsigera. |
33629 |
A new species of Talismania Goode et Bean (Alepocephalidae) from the southeastern Pacific. |
95722 |
Red data book for the Maltese Islands. |
13545 |
Food habits, length-weight relationship and condition factor of young great barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum), from Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida. |
10620 |
Pseudanthias heemstrai, a new species of anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. |
35778 |
Parental care of Tilapia mariae in the field and in aquaria. |
12247 |
A directory of Asian wetlands. |
37887 |
Aspects of the reproductive biology of torrentfish, Cheimarrichthys fosteri, in two braided rivers of Canterbury, New Zealand. |
115166 |
Fish habitat provided by obsolete petroleum platforms off southern Florida. |
26469 |
Feeding habits of whitebone porgy, Calamus leucosteus (Teleostei: Sparidae), associated with hard bottom reefs off the southeastern United States. |
58692 |
Leptoglanis wamiensis spec. nov. (Bagridae, Siluriformes) aus dem Wami-Einzug in Tanzania. |
40348 |
Neue oder seltene Salmler aus Maranhão, Brasilien. |
44633 |
Bemerkungen zur gattung Pseudocrenilabrus. 1. Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor multicolor (Schoeller, 1903). |
42358 |
Feeding ecology of two subtropical seabird species at French Frigate Shoals, Hawaii. |
42342 |
Lack of largemouth bass predation on hatchling turtles (Trachemys scripta). |
34795 |
Deep water skates of Madagascar. Part 3. Rajidae (Pisces, Chondrichthyes, Batoidea). Raja (Dipturus) crosnieri. |
33631 |
Embryonic-larval development of smelt (Osmeridae) of the Far East. III. The surf smelt Hypomesus japonicus. |
9739 |
Synopsis of biological data on the cobia Rachycentron canadum (Pisces: Rachycentridae). |
12459 |
Synopsis of biological data on the cobia Rachycentron canadum (Pisces: Rachycentridae). |
43542 |
Fishes of the family Scaridae from Taiwan. |
33651 |
Etmopterus molleri (Squalidae) in the southwest Indian Ocean. |
6092 |
Impact of exotic aquatic species in Indian waters. |
36684 |
Fish culture in warm water systems: problems and trends. |
6775 |
Food habits and prey selection of three species of groupers from the genus Cephalopholis (Serranidae: Teleostei). |
75221 |
Fecundity dynamics of the Barents Sea plaice (Pleuroneces platessa L.) population . |
34094 |
The estimation of natural mortality in Irish Sea plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., using tagging methods. |
104 |
Culture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), at three stocking densities in outdoor concrete tanks using drainage water. |
26313 |
Culture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), at three stocking densities in outdoor concrete tanks using drainage water. |
38844 |
Alternative mating tactics of arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in Thingvallavatn, Iceland. |
49485 |
Pollution-associated disease conditions in estuarine/coastal fish and shellfish: a status report and perspective for the 1990's. |
9983 |
Studies on age and growth of an air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). |
92771 |
A contribution to the knowledge on the spawning time of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus guaza, L.). |
49181 |
Descriptions of two species of west African amphiliid catfishes (Siluroidei: Amphiliidae). |
30379 |
Status of Pacific billfish stocks. |
6101 |
Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the North Atlantic. |
31457 |
The subtidal gully fish community of the eastern Cape and the role of this habitat as a nursery area. |
86049 |
RNA sequence data in phylogenetic reconstruction: testing the limits of its evolution. |
30461 |
Summary of data available on the warehous, Seriolella brama and S. punctata. |
46232 |
Family Moringuidae. |
54130 |
Family Congridae. |
54131 |
Family Nettastomidae. |
54132 |
Family Nettastomidae. |
93804 |
Order Notacanthiformes. |
94957 |
Order Anguilliformes. Family Anguillidae. |
94958 |
Family Heterenchelyidae. |
94959 |
Family Chlopsidae. |
54158 |
Family Nemichthyidae. |
13063 |
The classification and scientific names of rainbow and cutthroat trouts. |
86188 |
Distribution and variation in enamel structure in the oral teeth of sarcopterygians: its significance for the evolution of a protoprismatic enamel. |
32410 |
Comparison of the mortality rates of Pacific sardine, Sardinops sagax, and Peruvian anchovy, Engraulis ringens, eggs off Peru. |
57158 |
Gastric evaluation in walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. |
52247 |
Adaptive, genetically based differences in life history between estuary and freshwater threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatusL. ). |
89213 |
Alimentação de Isopisthus parvipinnis (Teleostei: Sciaenidae) na Baía de Santos, São Paulo. |
9953 |
Acipenseridae. |
3584 |
Dictionary of animal names in five languages. |
11434 |
Chromosome variability in introduced whitefishes (genus Coregonus) from two lakes in central Italy. |
4865 |
Population dynamics of sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis Smith) in Lake Manapao, Buhi, Camarines Sur, Philippines. |
3675 |
Estimation of the Bertalanffy growth parameters of fish in the Gulf of Thailand by unweighted and weighted least square methods. |
1365 |
Stock assessment of barracuda (Sphyraena obtusata) in the Gulf of Mannar off India. |
2049 |
A method for estimating the parameters of a seasonally oscillating growth curve from growth increment data. |
10424 |
Genetic differences between populations of sardine, Sardina pilchardus, and anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, in the Aegean and Ionian seas. |
34098 |
A model for estimation of natural mortality rate stock size and migration of the Skagerrak-Kattegat and Western Baltic herring stocks, based on catch-at-age, acoustic, and young fish survey data. |
48821 |
Sharks in question: the Smithsonian answer book. |
49460 |
Growth, condition and PCB content of cod (Gadus morhua L.) and flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) in the Hvaler area, southern Norway. |
5147 |
New species and new records of Antarctic Paraliparis (Scorpaeniformes: Liparididae). |
30326 |
Tropical tuna - surface fisheries in the Indian Ocean. |
32416 |
Development and distribution of larvae and pelagic juveniles of three kyphosid fishes (Girella nigricans, Medialuna californiensis, and Hermosilla azurea off California and Baja California. |
7200 |
Biology of three hammerhead sharks (Eusphyra blochii, Sphyrna mokarran and S. lewini) from northern Australia. |
52346 |
A taxonomic revision of the African genus Tylochromis (Labroidei, Cichlidae); whith notes on the anatomy and relationships of the group. |
51333 |
Proximate composition and energy content of mesopelagic fishes from the easter Gulf of Mexico. |
37365 |
Larval development, growth and age determination in the sharpnose pufferfish Canthigaster valentini (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae). |
26825 |
Surveys of the fish resources in the shelf areas between Suriname and Colombia 1988. |
94003 |
Hoki stock assessment 1989. |
49514 |
Feeding conditions of Nort-east arctic (Arcto-Norwegian) cod larvae compared to the Rothschild-Osborn theory on small-scale turbulence and plankton contact rates. |
37359 |
Embryonic development and pre-larva of a gobiid fish Priolepsis naraharae. |
37348 |
First record of the gobiid fish, Eviota albolineata, from Japan. |
50243 |
Studies on spoilage of commercially important tropical fishes under iced storage. |
13166 |
N-banding chromosomes of two polypterids, Polypterus senegalus and Calamoichthys calabricus (Polypteriformes, Pisces). |
37364 |
Development of the bitterling, Paracheilognathus himantegus (Cyprinidae), with a note on minute tubercles on the skin surface. |
30364 |
Catch and fishing effort relationships for striped marlin, blue marlin and black marlin in the Pacific Ocean, 1952 to 1985. |
45838 |
Polyembryony in fishes. |
55753 |
Biology and distribution of the tidewater goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi (Pisces: Gobiidae) of California. |
36963 |
Scale-feeding in juvenile marine catfishes (Pisces: Ariidae). |
58935 |
The body chaotic. |
33641 |
Morphometric characteristics of the Aral roach, Rutilus rutilus aralensis, of Eastern Arnasay, Tuzkan, and Aydar lakes of the Arnasayskaya system. |
35135 |
Conventional and C-banding karyotypes and electrophoretic pattern of muscle protein in fish of genus Carassius from Ishigaki island (Cyprinidae, Pisces). |
6072 |
The status of the exotic aquatic organisms in China. |
82945 |
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of somatic and gonadal growth of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. |
104706 |
Distribuição, reprodução e hábitos alimentares de Prionotus punctatus e P. nudigula (Pisces: Triglidae) no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. |
6020 |
Long-term changes in stock abundance of the common dab (Limanda limanda) in the Baltic proper. |
49515 |
The distribution of small larvae of Anguilla sp. related to hydrographic conditons 1981 between Bermuda and Puerto Rico. |
1375 |
Growth of the king seerfish (Scomberomorus commerson) from the south east coast of India. |
12248 |
Upland conservation in Bhutan. |
85908 |
The second coelacanth. |
4105 |
Evidence of intra- and inter-oceanic regional differences in the early life history of reef-associated fishes. |
36961 |
Planktonic duration, distribution and population structure of western and central Pacific damselfishes (Pomacentridae). |
94792 |
Family Serrivomeridae. |
31764 |
Foraging patterns of two syngnathid fishes: importance of harpacticoid copepods. |
29076 |
Whalefishes (Beryciformes: Cetomimoidei) of the Gulf of Mexico. |
3230 |
On the presence of the basking shark, Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765) (Elasmobranchii, Cetorhinidae), in the southeastern and southern Brazil. |
46164 |
Population cycles in freshwater fish. |
40179 |
Mortality and production of 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis L. in two Scottish lakes. |
38849 |
Sexual differentiation, gonad development, and spawning seasonality of the Hawaiian butterflyfish, Chaetodon multicinctus. |
45854 |
Fishes of the family Moridae from the southeastern Atlantic (genera Laemonema and Momonatira). |
8910 |
Length-based approach to the estimation of growth and mortality parameters of Spicara smaris (L.) in the Saronikos Gulf, Greece and remarks on the application of the Beverton and Holt relative yield per recruit model. |
33633 |
Reproductive and somatic production of fishes. |
6124 |
Age determination and growth of swordfish, Xiphias gladius L., 1758 in the Aegean Sea. |
45814 |
Age of masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou. |
5239 |
Spawning and development of Nassau grouper at Grand Cayman. |
42025 |
The ichthyoneuston of Galway Bay (west of Ireland). II. Food of post-larval and juvenile neustonic and pseudoneustonic fish. |
40180 |
Identification of the Lake Malawi Oreochromis (Nyasalapia) spp. using multivariate morphometric techniques. |
12844 |
Distribution of cyprinid fishes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. |
89341 |
Lungfish re-established in Lake Malawi catchment area. |
11017 |
Morphology of Luvarus imperialis (Luvaridae), with a phylogenetic analysis of the Acanthuridae (Pisces). |
11335 |
Morphology of Luvarus imperialis (Luvaridae), with a phylogenetic analysis of the Acanthuridae (Pisces). |
57888 |
Age estimation and composition of pelagic armorhead Pseudopentaceros wheeleri from the Hancock Seamounts. |
30378 |
Trends in fisheries for billfishes in the Pacific. |
38381 |
Deux nouvelles espèces de tetras (poissons characoïdes, Characidae auct., Tetragonopterinae) du Paraguay: Hyphessobrycon arianae n. sp. et Hemigrammus mahnerti n. sp. |
199 |
Krankheiten der aquarienfische. Diagnose und Behandlung. |
12381 |
Cytogenetic comparison between the species of the genus Dormitator (Pisces: Gobiidae). |
46390 |
Food web patterns in ecosystems: a reply to Fretwell and Oksanen. |
13302 |
Les pêches dans la partie zaïroise du Lac Idi Amin: Analyse de la situation actuelle et potentiel de développement. |
26901 |
The biology and culture of mussels and the genus Perna. |
48703 |
Reproductive variability in north North Sea cod, plaice and sole. |
49907 |
On the survival of plaice and sole discards in the otter trawl and beam trawl fisheries in the North Sea. |
3091 |
Electrophoretically detectable genetic data for fifteen southern African cichlids. |
13243 |
Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Psuedocurimata Fernández-Yépez (Pisces: Ostariophysi). |
34107 |
Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Psectrogaster Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Pisces: Characiformes). |
34109 |
Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Curimata Bosc (Pisces: Characiformes). |
40242 |
A phylogenetic study of the neotropical characiform family Curimatidae (Pisces: Ostariophysi). |
78989 |
Systematics of the Neotropical Characiform Genus Psectrogaster Eigemmann and Eigenmann (Pisces: Characiformes). |
28011 |
Systematics of the Steindachnerina hypostoma complex (Pisces, Ostariophysi, Curimatidae), with the description of three new species. |
45860 |
Taxonomy of the sawbelly genus Hemiculter in the Soviet Union. |
12138 |
The problem of reticulate speciation in vertebrates: the diploid-triploid-tetraploid complex in the genus Cobitis (Cobitidae). |
35157 |
The problem of reticulate speciation in vertebrates: the diploid-triploid-tetraploid complex in the genus Cobitis (Cobitidae). |
27066 |
Some biological parameters on the red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) in the Kastellorizo area. |
31612 |
Biología de Notacanthus nasus Bloch 1795 (Pisces: Notacanthidae). |
83868 |
Aspectos reprodutivos dos Sciaenidae da costa sudeste do Brasil. |
35164 |
Chromosome evolution and phylogenetic relationships of some neotropical Charaiformes of the family Curimatidae. |
45824 |
A catalog of the types of the Indian Ocean deepwater fishes in the collections of the Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of sciences and the Zoological Museum of Moscow University. |
46874 |
Temperature-related responses of intermediary metabolism to forced exercise and recovery in juvenile Rutilus rutilis (L.) (Cyprinidae: Teleostei). |
7049 |
Age et croissance de quatre poissons Pleuronectiformes (flet, turbot, barbue, sole) du golfe du Lion. |
31843 |
Parasitic infection of the seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) - a case report. |
56601 |
To the methods of assessment of the anual food consumption for hake population on Georges Bank. |
27409 |
Some notes on the biology of the starry ray, Raja radiata, in the North Sea. |
29365 |
Multiple chromosome polymorphism in the gobiid fish Gobius niger jozo L., 1758 (Pisces, Gobiidae). |
35177 |
Ag-NORs and C-banding pattern of the Labrid species Xyrichthys cula (L.) (Pisces, Perciformes). |
2197 |
Changes in growth and feeding ground of Japanese sardine with fluctuation in stock abundance. |
74452 |
Reproductive biology of southwest Scotian shelf haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). |
26060 |
Fishery situation report - southern shark. |
26062 |
Stomach contents of gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus Günther, and school shark, Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus), from south-eastern Australian waters. |
26058 |
Reproduction studies of four species of shark and one species of elephant fish commercially fished in southern Australian waters. |
33959 |
Respiration and low oxygen tolerance of two fish species from the Arabian Sea, Cubiceps whiteleggi and Coryphaena hippurus. |
58004 |
China red data book of endangered animals. |
38853 |
Ecological and phylogenetic constraints on body size in Indo-Pacific fishes. |
45492 |
Characteristics of common smelt, Retropinna retropinna (Richardson), of the Waikato River system. |
11256 |
Fisheries production domains in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. |
7071 |
Contribution to the biology of bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. in the Egyptian Mediterranean waters off Alexandria. |
58905 |
The effect of trawling and subsequent handling of the survival rates of the by-catch of prawn trawlers in Moreton Bay, Australia. |
32411 |
Larval fish diets in shallow coastal waters off San Onofre, California. |
54730 |
A glossary of Scottish dialect fish and trade names. |
5947 |
A review of stock assessment of cod in the Baltic. |
14166 |
Effects of environmental pollutants on early fish development. |
39579 |
A tiny species of Nannostomus new to aquarists from Venezuela and Brazil. |
4285 |
Planktonic larval duration of one hundred species of Pacific and Atlantic damselfishes (Pomacentridae). |
52683 |
Species composition, distribution, and relative abundance of fishes in the coastal habitat off the southeastern United States. |
49052 |
Age, growth, and fecundity of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) in Louisiana. |
38854 |
Biology of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and the blackspotted stickleback, G. wheatlandi, during their marine pelagic phase in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. |
2583 |
Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or of special concern: 1989. |
91571 |
The modification of schooling behaviour in larval sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, by sublethal concentrations of methyl parathion. |
4749 |
Length-weight relationships for 45 species of fish and three invertebrates from Australia's northern prawn fishery. |
57885 |
Proposed standard length-weight equation for northern pike. |
7036 |
Proposal for the management of the Tenualosa toli fishery in Sarawak. |
26297 |
Ontogenetic diet shifts and resource partitioning among piscivorous fishes in the Venezuelan ilanos. |
36962 |
Obligate mucus-feeding in a South American trichomycterid catfish (Pisces: Ostariophysi). |
91139 |
Untersuchungen an den Zanderbeständen der Kustengewässer der DDR. |
44832 |
A revision of the Trimmatom nanus species -complex (Pisces,Gobiidae), with descriptions of three new species and redefinition of Trimmatom. |
6495 |
An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Chagos Archipelago, Central Indian Ocean. |
6995 |
Age and growth estimates for pink ling, Genypterus blacodes (Schneider), and gemfish, Rexea solandri (Cuvier), from eastern Bass Strait, Australia. |
75612 |
Changes of gonadosomatic intex (GSI) and egg diameter in the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) in annual cycle. |
32406 |
Longbill spearfish, Tetrapturus pfluegeri, incidentally caught by recreational billfishermen in the western North Atlantic Ocean, 1974-86. |
13560 |
Record of a rare stingray, Himantura jenkinsii (Annandale) (Pisces: Dasyatidae) in the Andaman Sea. |
8646 |
Cypermethrine. Environmental Health Criteria 82. |
31455 |
Biology of Leiognathus decorus (Leiognathidae) in Sulaibikhat Bay, Kuwait. |
12318 |
Age and growth of the Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) in Yamen outfall of Pearl River estuary. |
34966 |
Chromis okamurai, a new damselfish from the Okinawa trough, Japan. |
35191 |
A method of chromosome observation and karyotype in Pseudocentrotus depressus. |
9042 |
Genetic divergence in lizardfishes of the genus Saurida from southern Japan. |
4309 |
A laboratory study of the bioenergetics of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. |
42686 |
Ecologia trofodinámica de Dormitator latifrons (Richardson) en nueve lagunas costeras del Pacifico de México. |
37331 |
Hermaphroditism in the lantern shark Etmopterus unicolor (Squalidae, Chondrichthyes). |
34969 |
Xenobrama microlepis, a new genus and species of bramid fish, from subantartic waters of the South Pacific. |
33654 |
Larval stages of five species of icefish, Channichthyidae, of eastern Antarctica. |
6493 |
Some ecological features of the anadromous whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian during the feeding period in the Kandalaksha Bay of White Sea. |
41747 |
Ecology of Anadromous Pidschian Whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus pidschian, during its feeding season in Kandalaksha Bay (White Sea). |
6505 |
Migration structure of population and growth of anadromous whitefish Coregonus lavaretus pidschian from Keret River. |
32408 |
Reproductive status of Dover sole, Microstomus pacificus, off northern Oregon. |
44288 |
Induced maturation and spawning of the Chinese catfish Clarias fuscus. |
45813 |
Importance of adult insects in the diet of young trout and salmon. |
9116 |
Evaluación de las pesquerias del embalse del Guajaro junto con algunos criterios de manejo. |
33634 |
The reproductive biology of gray notothenia, Lepidonotothen squamifrons squamifrons, of the Indian sector of Antarctic Ocean. |
89616 |
Spawning and egg development of Perca fluviatilis in Lake Zürich. |
13209 |
Studies on the karyotypes of three freshwater fishes (Coerosiniperca roulei, Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis nigripinnis, and Odontobutis obscurus). |
34739 |
Studies on the karyotypes of three freshwater fishes (Coerosiniperca roulei, Sarcocheilichthys nigripinnis nigripinnis, and Odontobutis obscurus). |
44394 |
Fishes of the Zhujiang River. |
33643 |
The Amur bream, Parabramis pekinensis, in the Amu Darya lowland water bodies. |
59041 |
Fishes: popular encyclopedia. |
35198 |
The standard and NOR-stained karyotype of Rivulus agilae (Rivulidae: Teleostei). |
92420 |
Induction of spawing in the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata, using (D-Ala6-Pro9-NET)-LHRH: comparison with the use of HCG. |
33645 |
Reproductive ecology of hexagrammidae and cottidae in the Pacific waters of Kamchatka. |
10708 |
The vertebrates of Rotuma and surrounding waters. |