FishBase References for , 1992

Ref. No. Title
4760 The use of vertebral rings of the brown ray Raja miraletus (Linnaeus, 1758) off Egyptian Mediterranean coast for estimation of age and growth. 113892 Abundance of fish caught by stake-traps (hadra) in the intertidal zone in Doha, Kuwait Bay. 31632 Species composition and distribution of Epigonus (Epigonidae) in the world ocean. 57801 Reproduction, condition factor and first maturity size in sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walb.), off the Málaga coast, Alborán Sea (1989-1992). 36048 Peces de las familias Chaetodontidae y Pomacanthidae en la región de Santa Marta (Colombia): densidad y relación con la calidad del arrecife. 36390 Fecundity and spawning in Pseudotolithus elongatus of the Cross River. 4834 Estimation of growth, mortality and yield per recruit for Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus) in Puerto Rico. 42095 Two jaw articulations in Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia, Coelacanthidae). 31631 Age and growth rate of two species of cigarfishes, Cubiceps caeruleus and C. pauciradiatus (Nomeidae). 41282 First record of a worm eel, Moringua bicolor (Pisces: Moringuidae) from Japan. 51800 A record size Mugilid fish, Liza subviridis (Valenciennes, 1836) from the Marsh area, southern part of Iraq. 51801 The effect of formalin and freezing on some body proportions of Barbus luteus. 51805 Ocular lens diameter as an age indicator in two teleost fishes collected from Basrah waters (Iraq). 5762 Some aspects of the biology of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus (Rivas, 1966) from the Red Sea. 7380 Mugilidae. 37720 Prospecciones pesqueras en aguas profundas. (Sector VIIIc - ICES). 35117 Espècies pesqueres d'interès comercial. Nomenclatura oficial catalana. 34150 Vitellogenesis, nature of spawning, fecundity and gonad maturity stages of the roundnose grenadier, Coryphaenoides rupestris, in the North Atlantic. 49999 Preliminary results on the genetic differentiation between the two species of shad (Alosa alosa L. and Alosa fallax Lacepede) occurring in Portugal. 11346 Assemblage structure of coral reef fish: multi-scale correlations with environmental variables. 13734 Introduction d'espèces. Aspects réglementaires et techniques. 31093 Three new species of triplefins (Pisces: Tripterygiidae) from Malpelo and Socorro islands, in the tropical Eastern Pacific. 31101 A new species of damselfish (genus Pomacentrus) from northwestern Australia. 81032 Serranus socorroensis, a new species of serranid fish from the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean. 6023 Reef fishes of New Guinea: a field guide for divers, anglers and naturalists. 8528 Reef fishes of New Guinea: a field guide for divers, anglers and naturalists. 26737 Fishes of the Ramu River, Papua New Guinea. 46120 Some features of the territories in the breeding males of the intertidal blenny Lipophrys pholis (Pisces: Blenniidae). 34396 Cytogenetic analysis of the Brazilian blind catfish Pimelodella kronei and its presumed ancestor, P. transitoria . 49363 Early larval development, growth and spawning ecology of the black drum, Pogonias cromisL. (Pisces: Sciaenidae). 49372 Regional growth differences in sardine (Sardina pilchardus walb.) larvae from Cantabrian and galician coasts. 10900 Larval and juvenile fishes collected from the northern Pacific Ocean by T/S Oshoro-Maru. Part 1: Salmoniformes, Clupeiformes, Myctophiformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Lophiiformes and Lampriformes. 9203 First records of two bothid flounders, Grammatobothus polyophthalmus and Arnoglossus tapeinosoma, from Japan. 28126 Population dynamics of Oreochromis mossambicus and O. niloticus (Cichlidae) in two reservoirs in Sri Lanka. 14511 Fish populations of Carnation Creek 1987-1990. 81699 Common reef fishes of the Maldives. Part 3. 6987 Age and growth of murray cod, Maccullochella peelii (Perciformes: Percichthyidae), in the lower Murray-Darling basin, Australia, from thin-sectioned otoliths. 6989 Validation of the use of thin-sectioned otoliths for determining the age and growth of golden perch, Macquaria ambigua (Perciformes: Percichthyidae), in the lower Murray-Darling basin, Australia. 5302 A new sandperch, Parapercis maritzi (Teleostei: Pinguipedidae), from South Africa. 9965 Two new snappers (Teleostei: Lutjanidae: Apsilinae): Paracaesio paragrapsimodon Anderson and Kailola from the western Pacific and P. waltervadi Anderson and Collette from the western Indian Ocean. 13592 Chromosome studies in the Hypoptopomatinae (Pisecs, Siluriformes, Loricariidae): XX/XY sex chromosome heteromorphism in Pseudotocinclus tietensis. 41400 New species of Patagonian Liparidid fishes of the genus Careproctus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparididae). Report 2. 12515 Review of a genetic and selection study of peled (Coregonus peled) in the USSR. 27807 Stock assessment of oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps Val., off west coast of India. 5941 Report of the Working Group on the Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the Baltic. 6232 The New York Times Atlas of the World, New Family Edition. 10035 Report of the Fourteenth Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (14th SAW). 11116 Report of the Working Group on the Assessment of Southern Shelf Demersal Stocks. 11151 Report of the Blue Whiting Assesment Working Group. 11186 Report of the North Sea Flatfish Working Group. 11188 Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group. 11194 To be filled. 11204 Report of the Roundfish Working Group. 11205 Report of the North-Western Working Group. 11207 Report of the Herring Assessment Working Group for the Area South of 62N. 11210 Report of the Study Group on Division IIIa Demersal Stocks. 11422 Report of the Division IIIa Demersal Stocks Working Groups. 27560 Westralian jewfish. 28010 Northern fish trawl. 30322 Report to the management of the eleventh meeting of Australian, Japanese and New Zealand scientists on southern bluefin tuna. 75358 Report of the study group on the fecundity of sole and plaice in sub-areas IV, VII, and VIII. Lowestoft, 6-10 July 1992. 8901 Interspecific relationships between growth parameters, with application to haemulid fishes. 43019 A survey of the marine fisheries of Sarangani Bay, South Cotabato. 31679 Bibliography on the Baltic herring and sprat growth. 49384 Growth of sprat in the Northern Baltic. 30143 The karyotype of a Chinese bitterling, Acheilognathus tonkinensis (Pisces, Cyprinidae). 44932 The Parker method for estimating spawning biomass of intermittently spawning fishes: an example of black sea anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus ponticus. 4842 Age, growth, and reproduction of the goosefish Lophius americanus (Pisces: Lophiiformes). 46582 Heteroplasmy of short tandem repeats in mitochondrial DNA of atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. 37719 Gene flow and lack of population differentiation in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., from Iceland, and comparison of cod from Norway and Newfoundland. 31673 Changes in the growth rate of Baltic herring: why some specimens are starved in the Northern Baltic. 11659 An approach to the study of the catchability coefficient with application to the red grouper (Epinephelus morio) fishery from the continental shelf of Yucatan, Mexico. 42465 A multispecies stock assessment of a pelagic coastal fishery of the south-west Gulf of Mexico. 49401 Food consumption of herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea. 11307 Checklist of the fishes collected on the Santa Maria and Formigas 1990: scientific expedition. 46321 Sexual pattern and reproductive ecology of the fairy basslet, Gramma loreto. 40280 Diet of the twaite Alosa fallax (Lacépède) (Clupeidae) in the River Tagus Estuary, Portugal. 10630 Modos de reproduçao do poraquê Electrophorus electricus (L.) (Gymnotiformes, Electrophoridae). 46872 Diet comparison among demersal marine fish from the Canadian Arctic. 46096 Aggregations of myctophid fishes with other pelagic fauna. 46010 Nutritional suitability of the rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas for rearing freshwater fish larvae. 13528 Update of monkfish Portuguese catch statistics. 42167 Feeding habits of larval Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret (Israel) II . Experimental study. 42168 Feeding habits of larval Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret I. Field study. 26695 A check-list of fishes from El Bagual Ecological Reserve, Argentina. 8762 Effect of ammonia on growth and survival of recently hatched channel catfish. 7309 Neue Meerwasser-Praxis. 51283 Growth of the African lungfish, Protopterus amphibius Peter, in aquaculture. 8784 Sulfide as an environmental factor and toxicant: tolerance and adaptation in aquatic organisms. 11409 An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO div. 3NO. 10075 An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO divisions 2J3KL. 33001 Colony formation and some possible benefits and costs of gregarious living in the territorial sand tilefish, Malacanthus plumieri. 50823 The climate and eastern ocean systems project. 44944 New discoveries of deep-water fishes in Pelagic waters of the Bering Sea. 44934 Species composition and biomass of mesopelagic fishes in the sea of Okhotsk and the Bering sea. 38088 The evolution of the fishery of Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Victoria. 44976 Classification, phylogenetic relationships, and origins of the families of the suborder Notothenioidei (Perciformes). 12037 Zoogeography of fresh waters. Volume 2. Distribution and dispersal of freshwater animals in North America and Eurasia. 6149 Age and growth parameters of chambo (Oreochromis spp.) in the southeast arm of of Lake Malawi, as determined from opercular bones. GOM/UNDP/FAO Chambo Fisheries Research Project, Malawi. 49379 On the growth of Eastern Baltic cod. 39997 Reproductive biology of the marine catfish, Genidens genidens (Siluriformes, Ariidae), in the Jacarepaguá Lagoon system, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 55645 Age estimation for juvenile Notothenia rossii from Potter Cove, South Shetland Islands. 5761 Biology of the spotted scat (Scatophagus argus) in the Philippines. 46387 Population genetic structure of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California. 29161 Utilization of phytohaemagglutinin for in vivo karyological studies in teleost fish. 43023 Estimate of food intake of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). 41096 On a collection of blenniid fishes from Mauritania, with a redescription of Spaniblennius riodourensis (Metzelaar, 1919). 28590 Induced spawning and larval rearing of snapper, Pagrus auratus (Pisces: Sparidae), from Australian waters. 27171 Food and feeding habits of Heterocypris arorai Battish. 76798 The effect of temperature on the burst swimming performance of fish larvae. 7370 Hemiramphidae. 7375 Gerreidae. 7376 Haemulidae. 7377 Ephippididae. 12970 Reconstruction of the history of Pacific sardine and northern anchovy populations over the past two millennia from sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin, California. 40002 Reproduction and early life history of northern squawfish, Ptychocheilus oregonensis, in Idaho's St. Joe River. 13813 Plankton selection by pelagic European whitefish in Lake Constance: dependency on season and time of day. 12174 Assessment of red cod (Pseudophycis bacchus). 51625 Food taboos at Buzios Island (Brazil): their significance and relation to folk medicine. 51680 Food taboos and folk medicine among fishermen from the Tocantins Rivers (Brazil). 51679 The animal diet of families from Búzios island (Brazil) an optimal foraging approach. 50080 Native trout of western North America. 46094 The effect of dissolved oxygen on the growth of young-of-the-year winter flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus. 44956 New data on the rare species Lampadena (Dorsadena) yaquinae (Myctophidae). 27026 Spatial variation in reproduction, and occurrence of non-reproductive adults, in orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus Collett (Trachichthyidae), from southeastern Australia. 85887 The mode of swimming of sarcopterygians. 85896 Skin and blood vessels of the snout of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, and their significance for interpreting the cosmine of Devonian lungfishes. 27806 Resource characteristics and stock assessment of lesser sardines in the Indian waters. 6380 Some features of beach seine fishery along the Dar es Salaam coast, Tanzania. 44975 The size at sexual maturation and age of males of the Barents sea long rough dab, Hippoglossoides platessoides limandoides. 45501 Ecological studies on two intertidal Zew Zealand fishes, Acanthoclinus fuscus and Forsterygion nigripenne robustum. 31065 Patterns of reproductive strategy parameters in some marine teleost fishes. 46711 Fish resources; threats and protection. 41894 Recruitment, length at first maturity and feeding of poor-cod, Trisopterus minutus capelanus, in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. 5287 Demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope of Angola. 94594 Study of the demersal assemblages of the continental shelf and upper slope off Congo and Gabon, based on the trawl surveys of the RV 'Dr Fridtjof Nansen. 46687 Relative merits of using numbers and biomass in fish community studies. 26689 Zoogeographical implications of a first record of Lethenteron zanandreai on the Adriatic slope of central Italy (Cyclostomata: Petromyzontidae. 34452 Estudos citogenéticos em Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Pimelodidae, Sorubiminae) do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, S.P. 10477 Allozyme variation in turbot (Psetta maxima) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus) (Osteichthyes, Pleuronectoformes, Scophthalmidae) throughout their range in Europe. 4680 Direct measurement of swimming speeds and depth of blue marlin. 46682 Depth and temperature of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, observed by acoustic telemetry. 50451 Distribution of ichthyoplankton around Southeast hancock seamount, Central North Pacific, in summer 1984 and winter 1985: data reporrt. 44954 Spatial distribution of larval tugun, Coregonus tugun, in the Ob river basin. 44927 Descent of larval whitefish from the spawning region in the Man'ya river (lower Ob basin). 33257 A revision of species of the genus Pseudophoxinus (Leuciscinae, Cyprinidae) from Asia Minor. 40268 Electrophoretic identity between allis shad, Alosa alosa (L.), and twaite shad, A. fallax (Lacépède). 45498 Distribution and freshwater residence of Stokell's smelt, Stokellia anisodon (Stokell), in the South Island, New Zealand. 34459 Levantamento citogenético em peixes do Rio Paraná (Chaco, Argentina). III. Gymnotus carapo (Pisces, Gymnotoidei). 41433 Description of a new mesopelagic fish, Astronesthes gibbsi, with notes on the closely related species, A. nigroides (Astronesthidae). 12379 Karyotype study of diploid and triploid Cobitis taenia (Pisces, Cobitididae) from Vistula river basin. 5546 Le merlu (Merluccius merluccius méditerraneus, Cadenat, 1950) de la baie de Bou-Ismail: biologie et écologie. 27233 Space-time organization of riverine fish communities in French Guiana. 42385 Circadian rhythms and feeding time in fishes. 6394 Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) off southern Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland (northwest Atlantic) feed primarily on capelin (Mallotus villosus). 32390 Annual reproductive cycle of oocytes and embryos of yellowtail rockfish Sebastes flavidus (Family Scorpaenidae). 32394 Precision of recruitment predictions from early life stages of marine fishes. 35390 Effects of angling on population structure of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in mountain streams of northern Spain. 104695 Growth and sexual maturation of the American sand lance (Ammodytes americanus Dekay) off the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 6209 Selection of prey from a seagrass/mangrove environment by golden lined whiting, Sillago analis (Whitley). 5504 The illustrated encyclopedia of fishes. 49990 Factors related to variability in feeding intensity of juvenile coho salmon and chinook salmon. 46615 Effects of environmental variability on trophic interactions and food web structure in a pelagic upwelling ecosystem. 40317 Cestode parasites in Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) from southwestern Brazil, including Rhinebothroides mclennanae sp. n. (Tetraphyllidea: Phyllobothriidae) and a revised host-parasite checklist for. 36948 Aerial and aquatic oxygen uptake in the amphibious Red Sea rockskipper fish, Alticus kirki (Family Blenniidae). 46581 Mitochondrial DNA length variation and heteroplasmy in populations of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). 40254 Effects of egg composition and prey density on the larval growth and survival of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis Mitchill). 38593 Preliminary observations on the biology of the white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in south Australian waters. 34474 Estudos citogeneticos em peixes marinhos analises cromossomicas nas familias Clupeidae (Clupeiformes), Serranidae, Pomadasyicae and Blennidae. 34473 Multiple sex chromosomes in south Atlantic fish, Brevoortia aurea, Clupeidae. 86127 New Coelacanth Books, CCC Newsletter nr. 3. 86128 Coelacanth Conservation. 86129 Coelacanth Dissections. 86130 Addition to Coelacanth Inventory. 86131 Additions to the Bibliography of Latimeria chalumnae: I. 38093 The effect of environmental factors on the nesting and courtship behaviour of Tilapia zillii in Lake Kinneret (Israel). 27564 First capture of a coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae (Pisces: Latimeriidae), off Mozambique. 50135 Threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus of the Kamchatka River Basin. 4516 Piscivory, growth, and size-selective mortality of age 0 pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca). 10116 Year-class strength of eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca in relation to stock size, water temperature and wind in Lake Ijssel, the Netherlands, 1966-1989. 41403 Intensity of feeding of the black sea anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus, during the spawning period. 4841 Age, growth, and reproduction of jewfish Epinephelus itjara in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 27075 Diet and food consumption of a deep-sea fish, orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus (Pisces: Trachichthyidae), off southeastern Australia. 27083 South east trawl orange roughy. 28795 South East Trawl gemfish. 26041 Colored atlas of miniature catfish. Every species of Corydoras, Brochis and Aspidoras. 34487 Análise cromossomica de duas espécies da família Pimelodidae (Pisces: Siluformes) do Rio Paraná. 94954 Several biological aspects of the Witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.)) in the Gulf of Maine-Georges Bank region. 13110 Systematics of the Acanthophthalmus kuhlii complex (Teleostei: Cobitidae), with the description of a new species from Sarawak and Brunei. 93979 Neolamprologus nigriventris n. sp.: ein neuer Tanganjikasee-Cichlide (Cichlidae, Lamprologini). 93981 Ein neuer Cichlide aus dem Tanganjikasee. Neolamprologus similis n. sp. 94007 Verbreitung und Ökologie von Neolamprologus buescheri. 36950 Duplicate gene expression and allozyme divergence diagnostic for Catostomus tahoensis and the endangered Chasmistes cujus in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. 6146 Demography of the central California population of the Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata). 6147 Growth and demography of the Pacific angel shark (Squatina californica), based upon tag returns off California. 46863 Growth and demography of the Pacific angel shark (Squatina californica), based upon tag returns off California. 40251 Evidence of protandry in a subantarctic notothenid, Eleginops maclovinus (Cuv. & Val. 1830) from the Beagle Channel, Argentina. 33608 Croissance de trois especes d'Ariidae (Siluriformes) des Cotes de Guinee. 14021 Developmental defects in pelagic embryos of several flatfish species in the Southern North Sea. 7253 Les pêcheries françaises de Méditeranée: synthèse des connaissances. 41898 Le regime alimentaire de la pastenague merbrée, Dasyatis marmorata (Pisces, Dasyatidae), des eaux Tunisiennes. 46835 Fish prey species of the New Zealand fur seal, (Arctocephalus forsteri, Lesson). 31586 The response of burbot (Lota lota) to change in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) abundance in Lake Opeongo, Ontario. 6436 Demography of spawning grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in the Beaverlodge River, Alberta. 6016 Is the reproduction of Baltic cod governed by oceanographic factors?. 9226 Electrophoretic identification of genetic markers in channel catfish and blue catfish by use of low-risk tissues. 10041 Relation entre le nombre d'oeufs déposés et la production de saumonneaux Rivières de la Trinité et Bec-Scie. 40720 Diets and bathymetric distributions of two bathyal sharks of the Catalan deep sea (western Mediterranean). 40266 The relationship between specific dynamic action and growth in grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.). 27208 Latitudinal changes in growth patterns of two teleost fishes within New Zealand. 40358 The amino acid sequence of the single hemoglobin of the high-Antarctic fish Bathydraco marri Norman. 26375 Peixes: costa Brasileira. 42426 Peixes: costa brasileira. 4857 Revised estimates of age and growth of the sandbar shark (Carcharinus plumbeus) from the western North Atlantic. 5748 Tagging studies on the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the western North Atlantic. 8733 Acute toxicity and oxygen consumption in the gills of Procambarus clarkii in relationa to Chlorpyrifos exposure. 11035 A field guide to the edible fishes and shellfishes in coastal waters of Ecuador. 41818 Valorificarea durabila a resurselor piscicole - pricipiu de baza in practicarea pescutului in Delta Dunarii. 5217 Fichas FAO de identificación de especies para los fines de la pesca. Guía de campo de las especies comerciales marinas y de aquas salobres de la costa septentrional de Sur América. 34512 Chromosome evolution in the genus Serralmus and cytotaxonomic considerations about Serrasalminae (Characidae, Pisces). 13177 Chromosome studies of Serrasalmus spilopleura (Characidae, Serrasalminae) from the Parana-Paraguay rivers: evolutionary and cytotaxonomic consideration. 96167 Ak?hehir Gölü sazan populasyonu (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) üzerinde ara?t?rmalar I. Büyüme, boy-a??rl?k ili?kisi ve kondisyon. 12270 Length-weight relationship and biometric study on three species of sciaenids from Bombay waters. 41911 Le regime alimentaire hivernal de l’ espadon Xiphias gladius L. pêche pres des côtes est de L’ Algerie. 46763 Experimental study of the swimming activity of larval and juvenile sole, Solea solea (L.). 47615 Short- and long-term cryopreservation of sperm and sperm suspension of the grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch and Schneider). 10044 Stock-recruit relationship for multi-sea-winter salmon from the Margaree River, N.S. 10050 Stock-recruit relationship for Alantic salmon from Western Arm Brook, Newfoundland. 7228 Age and growth of Labeo gonius (Cyprinidae) in Kali River, Uttar Pradesh, India. 6264 The biology of flatfish (Pleuronectinae) in the coastal waters of China. 56166 Fish fauna and their geographical distribution in the coastal waters around Hsiao-Liu-Chiu, Southwestern Taiwan. 26465 Comparison of feeding and growth of larval round herring Etrumeus teres and Gulf menhaden Brevoortia patronus. 32388 Comparison of feeding and growth of larval round herring Etrumeus teres and Gulf menhaden Brevoortia patronus. 39378 A new genus and a new species of cyprinid fishes from Yunnan, China (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Danioninae). 39379 On a new cyprinid fish from the genus Cosmochilus Sauvage from Yunnan, China (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). 29014 A market survey of snappers (Genus Lutjanus) from Panay and Palawan waters. 44971 Rare, endemic, and endangered freshwater fishes of northeast Asia. 44937 A new record of the pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulteri, from the Amguem river basin (Chukotski Peninsula). 44973 New data on the biology of the cisco, Coregonus subautumnalis, in the Penzhina river basin. 44923 Mutations of the karyotype in sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. 50146 Data on the biology of the Magellan hake, Macrurus magellanicus, from the Southwestern Atlantic. 46123 Biochemical polymorphism in bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in the waters around the British Isles. 13354 Freshwater fishes of Danum Valley, Sabah. 27177 New species of the genus Pomphorhynchus Monticelli, 1905 from Cyprinus carpio communis, a freshwater fish in Kashmir. 46801 Seasonal abundance and species composition of ichthyoplankton in Yong-an (south-western coast of Taiwan), with inference of topographic effect on horizontal distribution. 46804 Database and general status of ichthyoplankton resources in the eastern waters of Taiwan. 45652 Ichthyoplankton assemblage in the western Philippine sea-density distribution and species composition. 27953 Diet in Odacid and Aplodactylid fishes from Australia and New Zealand. 6129 Investigations on the ecology and fish fauna of the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia. 12634 ECOPATH II - a software for balancing steady-state models and calculating network characteristics. 52409 Trawl survey of orange roughly in southern New zealand waters, June-July 1991. 7239 Estimation of halibut body size from otolith size. 9162 Biology of Oxyeleotris heterodon and its major prey, Ophieleotris aporos, two floodplain sleepers (Pisces: Eleotrididae) of the Sepik River fishery, northern Papua New Guinea. 13759 FAO Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project, Madang, Papua New Guinea. 9158 Biology of the freshwater halfbeak Zenarchopterus kampeni (Teleostei: Hemiramphidae) from the Sepik and Ramu River basin, northern Papua New Guinea. 33593 Decline of lake trout in Lake Huron. 38893 Aggregation and spawning by lampreys (genus Ichthyomyzon) beneath cover. 5650 Cases of predation and parasitism on lampreys in Wisconsin. 32204 An investigation of the reproductive mode of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides Linnaeus (Osteichthys: Sparidae). 46679 Gonadal structure and population characteristics of the protogynous goby Coryphopterus glaucofraenum. 39998 Reproductive biology and female parental care in the cockscomb prickleback, Anoplarchus purpurescens (Pisces: Stichaeidae). 43923 Reproduction of the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Pisces: Serranidae) and its relationship to environmental conditions. 4553 Morphology, systematics, and biology of the double-lined mackerels (Grammatorcynus, Scombridae). 32385 Morphology, systematics, and biology of the double-lined mackerels (Grammatorcynus, Scombridae). 36758 Catalog of type specimens of recent fishes in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 3: Beloniformes (Teleostei). 12164 Assessment of New Zealand hake (Merluccius australis) stocks for the 1992-93 fishing year. 40284 Spawning of Basilichthys microlepidotus (Jenyns). 8597 Seasonality and the scheduling of life history at different latitudes. 91346 Introduction and extinction of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in an impoverished subantarctic stream. 38091 Fish populations of lentic environments of the Paraná River. 42384 Gastric evacuation in the young lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, under field conditions. 6378 Population dynamics of the main commercial species of the Bangweulu fishery. 5741 On the food of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in the the upper zone of the Tagus estuary, Portugal. 35442 Description de huit nouvelles espèces du genre Trichomycterus (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae), du Brésil oriental. 46091 Abundance and spatial overlap of gobies (Gobiidae) in Lough Hyne, Ireland. 26235 Repertorio ictionímici de la República Dominicana. Fáscículo I : Acanthuridae - Carangidae. 26061 Sharks . . . . . and more sharks. 39729 Size-dependent predation on marine fish larvae by ctenophores, Scyphomedusae,and planktivorous fish. 46622 An emerging new constituency for fisheries conservation. 10870 Age and growth of tarpon, Megalops atlanticus, larvae in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, with notes on relative abundance and probable spawning areas. 5455 A study of the population biology of Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 in Aberthaw Lagoon, on the Bristol Channel, in South Wales. 40335 A multivariate morphometric investigation of Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 and A. presbyter Cuvier, 1829 (Teleostei: Atherinidae): morphometric evidence in support of the two species. 40246 An intensive study of allozyme variation in freshwater resident and anadromous trout, Salmo trutta L., in western Ireland. 26703 Redefinition of the freshwater fish genus Craterocephalus (Teleostei: Atherinidae) of Australia and New Guinea with an analysis of three species. 43055 Fish community structure in shallow water artificial habitats. 75306 On the reproductive biology of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou, Risso 1826) from the Portuguese coast (ICES-Division Ixa). 10154 A short history of the downs stock of herring. 39999 Intralacustrine movements of Galaxias maculatus (Galaxiidae) and Ondontesthes microlepidotus (Atherinidae) during their early life history. 32516 Sampling larval fish populations: choice of sample number and size. 40360 The primary structure and oxygen-binding properties of the single haemoglobin of the high-Antarctic fish Aethotaxis mitopteryx De Witt. 49360 Growth of juvenile spiny dogfish(Squalus acanthias) in the NW Atlantic, with particular reference to the effect of density-dependence. 38089 An overview of aquaculture in eastern Africa. 7367 Ariidae. 7383 Sphyraenidae. 7386 Polynemidae. 7389 Blenniidae. 9513 Ciguatera fish poisoning and fisheries development in the South Pacific region. 2291 Estimation of exploitation rates in a multispecies emperor (Pisces: Lethrinidae) fishery in Fiji, based on length frequency data. 35412 Rearing methods for two damselfish species: Dascullys albisella (Gill) and D. aruanus (L.). 55579 Implications of life-history strategies for a new wrasse fishery. 46761 Studies on the age-related changes in the nutritional values of an Indian major carp Catla catla. 5737 Growth of bream, Abramis brama L., in two outside basins of different trophic state of Lake Balaton. 31672 Feeding and growth of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus m. membras L.). 4840 Growth and mortality of Lutjanus vittus (Quoy and Gaimard) from the North West Shelf of Australia. 13384 Predation by short-finned squid on Atlantic cod and other fish at Newfoundland, Canada. 89652 Herstel van riviertrekvissen in de Rijn een realiteit 7. De elft? 26696 Trichomycterus castroi, a new species of trichomycterid catfish from the Rio Iguacu of southeastern Brazil (Teleostei: Siluriformes). 7351 Schilbeidae. 37703 A new species of the genus Goezia Zeder, 1800 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from the fish, Mastacembalus armatus (Lacep.) from West Bengal, India. 38602 Plasma steroid hormone concentrations in relation to the reproductive cycle of the sweep Scorpis lineolatus (Kyphosidae) caught from the wild. 49404 The contents of whiting stomachs: statistics. 51973 Reproductive timing in three southern Appalachian stream fishes. 96174 Bafra Bal?k Gölleri (Bal?kgölü-Uzungöl)’nde ya?ayan Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758 ve Stizostedion lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)’n?n üreme biyolojileri. 6109 Women's fishing on Kosrae: a description of past and present methods. 7395 Soleidae. 32523 Food consumption by larval gizzard shad: zooplankton effects and implications for reservoir communities. 34530 Gobioids of Ennore estuary and its vicinity. 36122 Gobioids of Ennore estuary and its vicinity. 44915 Fish abundance and biomass in two small rivers of Mongolia. 44643 Aspects of the potential of Solea senegalensis Kaup for aquaculture: larval rearing and weaning to an artificial diet. 28120 Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformes) predationon the eggs of longnose (Catostomus catostomus) and white (C. commersoni) suckers. 32400 Larval development, distribution, and ecology of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Family: Rachycentridae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 49369 Food feeding of cod in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. 9545 Feeding habit and seasonal variation of food constituents of left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, of the Bohai Sea. 5387 A survey of fish parasites in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe (1989-1992). 9752 Management of the Indo-Pacific spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in Oman. 44949 Distribution and abundance of fish on the continental slopes of the sea of Okhotsk and of the Kuril islands during the summer of 1989. 40957 Description d'espèces nouvelles de Careproctus et Paraliparis et données nouvelles sur ces genres et le genre Edentoliparis de l'océan Austral (Cyclopteridae, Liparinae). 7411 The Amur snakehead, Channa argus warpachowskii, in the Talas and Chu River drainages. 13150 Cytogenetic characterization of the sailfish Tetrapturus albidus Poey, 1860 (Pisces: Istiophoridae) from the Mexican Caribbean Sea. 49104 Toxicity of formalin and potassium permanganate to Oreochromis niloticus fry and fingerlings and subsequent gill pathology. 8721 Variation in toxicity of malathion to air and water breathing teleosts. 8812 Malathion induced changes in the serum proteins and hematological parameters of an Indian catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). 40277 Effects of experience on feeding success by larval white seabass, Atractoscion nobilis. 34307 Growth, age estimation and feeding of captive sevengill sharks, Notorynchus cepedianus, at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. 44913 Tench, Tinca tinca, of Karelian lakes. 12473 A preliminary investigation of the feeding ecology of squaloid sharks off the west coast of southern Africa. 32187 Aspects of reproduction and sexuality in the black-spot tuskfish, Choerodon schoenleinii. 4967 FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the freshwater fishes of Tanzania. 30290 Mass mortality of Sardinella aurita Valenciennes (Pisces, Clupeidae) in Thessaloniki Bay (Macedonia, Greece). 4907 Environmental implications of aquarium-fish collection in the Maldives, with proposals for regulation. 41769 Ontogenetic dietary shifts and morphological correlates in striped mullet, Mugil cephalus. 33007 Age and growth of swordfish, Xiphias gladius in the northwestern Atlantic. 33591 Analysis of two length-based mortality models applied to bounded catch length frequencies. 32517 Riverine spawning by sockeye salmon in the Taku River, Alaska and British Columbia. 12785 Identification of two families of satellite-like repetitive DNA squences from the zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio). 30524 Habitos alimentarios del "Salmon de Mar" Pseudopercis semifasciata (Cuvier, 1829): Pinguipedidae en Aguas Norpatagonicas Argentinas. 42345 The role of sea anemones as refuges and feeding habitats for the temperate fish Oxylebius pictus. 38617 Enzyme variation in orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus (Teleostei: Trachichthyidae), from southern Australian and New Zealand waters. 75356 Horse mackerel egg production and spawning stock size in the Northen North Sea in 1991. 28979 New records of the abyssal grenadiers Coryphaenoides armatus and C. yaquinae from the western North Pacific. 10902 A rare macrourid alevin of the genus Hymenocephalus from the Pacific Ocean. 96088 Aslanta? Baraj Gölünde (Adana) ya?ayan szan (Cyprinus carpio L., 1758) ’?n büyüme ve baz? biyolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi. 9074 Analysis of Adriatic pelagic fish stocks and an investigation into the measurement of fishing power in part of the Adriatic pelagic fishing fleet. 44925 Development and distribution of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus in Cuban waters. 5457 Residual biparental oral-brooding in the blackchin fish, Sarotherodon melanotheron Rüppell. 38615 Total mercury concentrations in sand flathead, Platycephalus bassensis Cuvier & Valenciennes, from Port Phillip Bay, Florida. 38092 The relationship between water velocity, energetic costs, and microhabitat use in four North American stream fishes. 59285 Development and distribution of cusk eel eggs and larvae in the middle atlantic Bight with a description of Ophidion robinsi n. sp. (Teleostei: Ophidiidae). 8695 Population-, community- and ecosystem-level responses of aquatic mesocosms to pulsed doses of a pyrethroid insecticide. 13386 Winter diet of Atlantic puffins (Fratercula arctica) in the northeast Atlantic. 4931 FAO yearbook 1990. Fishery statistics. Catches and landings. 8984 FAO Yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings, volume 74. 38607 Growth and age validation of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in Lake Eucumbene, New South Wales. 38604 Comparative exploitation by recreational anglers of brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in Lake Eucumbene, New South Wales. 5911 Field guide to anemonefishes and their host sea anemones. 38601 Description of the subareas of Ragay Gulf, Philippines, and their fish assemblages by exploratory data analysis. 32395 Post-yolksac larval development of two southern California sculpins, Clinocottus analis and Orthonopias triacis (Pisces: Cottidae). 27274 Karyotype evolution in Curimatidae (Teleostei, Characiformes) from the Amazon region. I. Studies on the Genera Curimata, Psectrogaster, Steindachnerina and Curimatella. 13174 Karyotype, C-bands and NORs of the neotropical siluriform fish Ageneiosus brevifilis and Ageneiosus atronases (Ageneiosidae). 34571 Karyotype similarities among Pimelodidae (Pisces, Siluriformes) from the Brazilian Amazon region. 34572 Caracterizaçao cariotípica de Pseudoplatystoma coruscans (Pisces, Siluriformes) reproduzidos artificialmente na Estaçao de Hidrobiologia e Piscicultura de Três Marias (MG). 27265 Age, growth and mortality of the inshore coral trout Plectropomus maculatus. 34575 Ocorrência de triploidia natural em Gymnotus carapo (Pisces, Gymnotoidei). 51035 Fauna marina amenazada en las Islas Canarias. 6985 Age, growth and mortality of the inshore coral trout Plectropomus maculatus (Pisces: Serranidae) from the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 38608 Validation of annual marks in the otoliths of young snapper, Pagrus auratus (Sparidae). 86323 Sobre la presencia de Fistularia petimba Lacépède, 1803 (Osteichthyes, Fistulariidae). 26694 Three new species of piranhas from Brazil and Venezuela (Teleostei: Characiformes). 46686 In situ investigations on the respiration and behaviour of the eelpout Zoarces viviparus under short-term hypoxia. 32169 Comparative gonad morphology and sexuality of the Muraenidae (Pisces, Teleostei). 9041 Status of coregonine fishes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. 26697 Reproductive biology, larval description, and diet of the North American bluehead shinner, Pteronotropis hubbsi (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), with comments on conservation status. 10853 Distribution and timing of spawning by the australian pilchard, Sardinops sagax neopilchardus off Albany, Western Australia. 42462 Metabolism, food consumption and growth of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa and flounder (Platichthys flesus) in relation to fish size and temperature. 40555 LDH isozymes in amazon fish -- 3. Distribution patterns and functional properties in Serrasalmidae (Teleostei: Ostariophysi). 29662 Cytogenetic studies in fishes of the genus Synbranchus (Pisces, Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae). 41434 Poecilopsetta normani -- a new species of flounder (Pleuronectidae) from the Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean. 46688 Export production and the distribution of fish larvae and their prey in a coastal jet frontal region. 40294 Phenotypic integration of life history and morphology: an example from three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus L. 6978 Validation of annual growth increments in the otoliths of two species of damselfish from the southern Great Barrier Reef. 6980 Growth rate estimates for New Zealand rig (Mustelus lenticulatus). 38606 Daily increments in otoliths of juvenile snapper, Pagrus auratus (Sparidae). 38610 Otoliths radius is a poor predictor of age in adult snapper (Pagrus auratus). 36850 Ageing of adult snapper (Pagrus auratus ) from otolith annual ring counts: validation by tagging and Oxytetracycline injection. 12788 Genetic variability in a family of satellite DNAs from tilapia (Pisces: Cichlidae). 40272 Inheritance of trunk coloration in the three-spot gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus Pallas. 56200 Unerwartete Cichliden in einem Kratersee Kameruns. 38427 Locomotion, fin coordination and body form of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. 13707 Revision of the family Draconettidae (Teleostei), with descriptions of two new species and a new subspecies. 30950 Types in the fish collection of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart. Part 2. The Klunzinger collection. 35443 Synchiropus kuiteri, a minute new dragonet (Callionymidae) from Flores, Indonesia. 12235 Tripterygiid fishes of the Maldives Islands, with descriptions of two new species (Teleostei: Blennioidei). 3994 Synopsis of biological data on Platichthys flesus (L.), ICES assessment units 22 and 24, using the FISHBASE format. 13409 Synopsis of biological data on Clupea harengus (L.), ICES assessment units 22 and 24, using the FishBase format. 13818 A draft user's manual of FishBase, a biological database on fishes. 12512 Some aspects of karyotype evolution in the Coregoninae. 34598 Karyotype and chromosomal variability in smallmouth char, Salvelinus elgyticus, from lake Elgytgyn. 7038 Spawning season and spawners of the purple puffer Takifugu porphyreus off the coast of Shozanbetsu in northwestern Hokkaido. 40289 Effect of water level fluctuation on shore spawning of Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz), (Cyprinidae) in Lake Kinneret, Israel. 7452 Systematics of the lanternfish genus Centrobranchus (Pisces: Myctophidae). 34600 Karyotypes of Basilichthys microlepidotus and B. australis (Pisces, Atherinidae). 38892 Response of endangered Poeciliopsis occidentalis sonoriensis in the Río Yaqui drainage, Arizona, to introduced Gambusia affinis. 4706 The rainbow trout. 12072 Geographic variation in population genetic structure of chinook salmon from California and Oregon. 91695 Lunar synchronization of spawning in sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch): effect of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) treatment. 31231 Distribución, reproducción y alimentación de Syacium gunteri Ginsburg (Pisces: Bothidae), en el Golfo de México. 34099 Age and growth of an Iberian cyprinodont, Aphanius iberus (Cuv. & Val.), in its most northerly population. 13253 Los peces del genero Bathygobius (Perciformes: Gobiidae) del caribe Colobiano. 40291 The life-history strategy of deepwater sculpin, Myoxocephalus thompsonii (Girard), in Lake Michigan: dispersal and settlement patterns during the first year of life. 40271 Diel abundance, migration and feeding of fish larvae (Eleotridae) in a floodplain billabong. 39924 Pisces: compendio grafico dei pesci a'acqua dolce. 26906 The biology and culture of pearl oysters (Bivalvia: Pterridae). 9131 Notes que quelques Brycon des bassins de l'Amazone du Parana, Paraguay et du sud-est Bresilien (Pisces, Characiformes, Characidae). 33688 Growth parameters and total mortality in Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) from Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. 4809 The relative profitability of particulate- and filter-feeding in the herring, Clupea harengus L. 34610 Caracteristicas cromossomicas de Callophysus macropterus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) da Amazonia Central (Ilha da Marchantaria e Anavilhanas). 12722 Description of a new dottyback of the genus Pseudochromis (Pisces: Pseudochromidae) from Western Australia. 12716 Pseudochromis steenei, a new sexually dimorphic species of dottyback fish from Indonesia (Perciformes: Pseudochromidae). 8789 Effects of cadmium on plasma catecholamines in the American eel, Anguilla rostrata. 33029 Color variation and associated behavior in the epinepheline groupers, Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean) and M. phenax Jordan and Swain. 40245 Genetic differentiation among chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), from Primorye and Sakhalin. 41404 Age and growth of the lantern fish Myctophum nitidulum (Myctophidae) from the tropical atlantic. 40286 Interaction for food and space between populations of Galaxias vulgaris Stokell and juvenile Salmo trutta L. in a New Zealand stream. 40234 Rhabdosargus haffara (Forsskål, 1775) and Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell, 1833--new Red Sea immigrants in the Mediterranean. 37421 New records of the Red Sea fishes, Pterois miles (Scorpaenidae) and Pteragogus pelycus (Labridae) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. 6176 Chromosomal NOR karyotypes and genome sizes in Dionda (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) from Texas and New Mexico. 34635 Karyologische Studien an verschiedenen Süßwasserfischarten aus brackigen Küstengewässern der südwestlichen Ostsee. V. Der Zander (Stizostedion lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)). 8779 Acute toxicity of wood tar and dieldr¡n to Lebistes reticulatus (PL). 42951 A new deep-sea anglerfish of the genus Linophryne (Teleostei, Ceratioidei) from the central equatorial Pacific Ocean. 6988 Validation of the use of otoliths to determine the age and growth of murray cod, Maccullochella peelii (Mitchell) (Percichthyidae), in Lake Charlegrark, western Victoria. 28107 Feeding behavior of the most common mesopelagic fishes in the Bering sea. 38600 A new record extending the southerly distribution of the shark ray (Rhina ancylostomus), and notes on the behaviour of the specimen in captivity. 46122 Species composition of demersal fish in the Rockall Trough, north-eastern Atlantic, as determined by different trawls. 29267 Application of chromosome manipulation in aquaculture of rainbow trout in the Baltic Sea region, USSR: 1st Symp. Rainbow Trout, Stirling, 4-7 Sept., 1990. 39920 Breeding, age and growth of the freshwater shark Wallago attu (Bloch and Schneider) from the Dhir beel of the Brahmaputra basin, Assam, India. 12382 Fauna marina del Mediterráneo. 46319 Reproductive biology and mating success of males and females in a red sea damselfish (Aniblyglypimodon leucogaster). 32396 A genetic analysis of weakfish Cynoscion regalis stock structure along the mid-Atlantic Coast. 34320 Stock structure of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix along the mid-Atlantic coast. 33822 Distribution and abundance of marine fish larvae in relation to effluent plumes from sewage outfalls and depth of water. 44717 Are the major fish faunas well-known?. 47334 A revision and redescription of the monotypic cichlid genus Pharyngochromis (Teleostei, Labroidei). 28737 Evidence of protandry in threadfin, Polynemus sheridani (Macleay), in the Northern Territory, Australia. 44930 Larvae of a ronquil, Bathymaster sp. (Bathymasteridae) from the sea of Okhotsk. 44933 Larvae of snyder's prickleback, Chirolophis snyderi (Stichaeidae). 44960 Larvae of three species of Lumpenids (Anisarchus medius, Lumpenus fabricii. Leptoclinus maculatus) from Kamchatka. 11838 Ethnologue: Languages of the World, twelfth edition. 36436 A comparison of growth performance and genetic traits between four selected groups of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822). 12395 Particularites de repartition et caracteristique biologique de la melva Auxis rochei (Risso) dans les eaux du Sahara. 40264 Biochemical systematics of the viviparous fish family Goodeidae. 11321 Data on the biology of the far eastern char, Salvelinus leucomaenis, in the Sea of Okhotsk Basin. 39592 La periodicité de la croissance chez la femelle de l'esturgeon jaune (Acipenser fulvescens) du fleuve Saint-Laurent est-elle reliée à la périodicité de la reproduction. 45891 Growth periodicity of St. Lawrence River female lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Is it related to reproductive periodicity?. 49356 Growth is a many splendid thing: analyses in witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), patterns and implications. 49037 Assessment of five demersal marine fish stocks of Cyprus for the year 1989. 104643 Alimentação e reprodução da enchova Pomatomus saltatrix no litoral sul do Brasil. 91523 Reproductive success of Coregonus species in areas loaded by effluents from paper mills. 37420 Reproductive behavior, eggs and larvae of a lutjanid fish, Lutjanus stellatus, observed in an aquarium. 38897 Can coelacanths be caught on demand?. 86132 Can Coelacanths Be Caught on Demand - (With a Brief History of the Explorers Club Coelacanth Project). 52208 Age and growth of the roach (Rutilus rutilus, Pisces, Cypriniformes) in the slapy Riverine Lake (Central, Bohemia). 55154 Growth potency of the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus, Pisces, Perciformes) in the reservoir Slapy (Central Bohemia). 55153 Length and weight growth in Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces, Cichlidae) from Gebel Aulia Reservoir and Lake Nubia in Sudan. 49364 Stock identification of S. marinus and S. mentella Travin in the Northeast-Atlantic based on measurement of Cs-137 content in the fish. 92667 Mérou brun : ses origines, sa vie, sa protection. 91386 Trawling or Visual Censuses? Methodological Bias in the Assessment of Fish Populations in Seagrass Beds. 28202 Aspects of the biology and factors affecting the distribution of commercial fishes in the Gulf of Carpentaria. 7390 Gobiidae. 7391 Eleotridae. 75165 Non-native fishes known from Massachusetts freshwaters. 40281 The genetics of sympatric Arctic charr [Salvelinus alpinus (L.)] populations from Loch Rannoch, Scotland. 9243 Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Scottish populations of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.). 46124 Development of superficial and lateral line neuromasts in larvae and juveniles of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and sole (Solea solea). 33027 Phylogenetic relationships of Tanyemblemaria alleni, a new genus and species of Chaenopsid (Pisces: Blennioidei) from the Gulf of Panama. 55169 Nest-site size as a short-term constraint on the reproductive success of paternal fishes. 13378 Puffins as samplers of juvenile pollock and other forage fish in the Gulf of Alaska. 10659 A new moray eel (Gymnothorax: Muraenidae) from Japan and Hawaii. 11669 A new moray eel (Gymnothorax: Muraenidae) from Japan and Hawaii. 46496 Maturation and reproductive cycle of female Pacific cod in waters adjacent to the southern coast of Hokkaido, Japan. 50151 Response of yellow perch and the benthic invertebrate community to a reduction in the abundance of white suckers. 46119 Polymerase chain reaction and 16S rRNA gene sequences from the luminous bacterial symbionts of two deep-sea anglerfishes. 46441 An experimental study of piscivore-planktivore interactions: population and community responses to predation. 79547 Maravichromis Eccles & Trewavas, 1989, a junior synonym of Mylochromis Regan, 1920 (Teleostei, Cichlidae). 12313 The life-history patterns of Barbus bocagei sclateri (Guenther 1868) in a tributary stream of the Guadalquivir River basin, southern Spain. 93881 Simochromis marginatus Poll, 1956. 46092 Homing and home-site fidelity in rock-dwelling cichlids (Pisces: Teleostei) of lake Malawi, Africa. 42332 Le statut de Gobius auratus Risso, 1810 et description de Gobius xanthocephalus n.sp. De la Méditerranée (Teleostei, Gobiidae). 38924 An updated list of ichthyological collecting stations of the Thayer Expedition to Brazil. 10068 Quantitative fisheries stock assessment: choice, dynamics & uncertainty. 10066 A statistical study of fish population dynamics using maximum likelihood method - parameters estimation and model selection. 39029 Determination of trophic relationships within a high Arctic marine food web using d13C and d15N analysis. 6977 Age and growth of a large tropical anchovy, Thryssa hamiltoni (Gray): a comparison of ageing techniques. 43882 Validation of daily growth increments in otoliths from Thryssa aestuaria (Ogilby), a tropical anchovy from northern Australia. 36786 Nahrungsbiologie des Kaulbarsches (Gymnocephalus cernua L.) in der Elbe. 49374 Cannibalism as a factor regualting year class strength in the Norwegian spring-spawning herring stock. 82382 Distribution of Norwegian spring-spawning herring and mackerel in the Norwegian Sea in late summer, 1991. 33008 Age, growth, and reproduction of gag, Mycteroperca microlepis (Pisces: Serranidae), in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. 42764 A model for switching between particulate-feeding and filter-feeding in the common bream, Abramis brama. 89394 Seasonal feeding ecology of cod (Gadus morhua L.) on the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. 51329 Resource-partitioning and predation impact of a low-latitude myctophid community. 46493 Community composition of fish eggs and larvae in the Kii Channel and adjacent waters in relation to oceanographic characteristics. 46498 Seasonal occurrence and distribution of synodontid eggs and larvae in the Kii Channel and adjacent waters. 46580 Sex-linked heritability of a sexually selected character in a natural population of Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Poeciliidae) (guppies). 49385 Are marine and freshwater fish larvae different?. 46689 Growth-dependent mortality of larval plaice Pleuronectes platessa in the North Sea. 30873 Review of Rivulus: ecobiogeography - relationships. The most widespread neotropical cyprinodont genus. 38890 Brain morphology and turbidity preference in Notropis and related genera (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). 7485 Paksuhuulikeltti, Chelon labrosus (Risso), tavattu Suomessa ensi kerran. 5742 Growth and reproduction of the Nile perch, Lates niloticus, an introduced predator, Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, East Africa. 5991 Nile perch, Lates niloticus, predation on the freshwater prawn, Caridina nilotica, in the Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, East Africa. 46473 Comparisons between the diets of distant taxa (Teleost and Cormorant) in an Australian estuary. 32386 Fecundity, spawning, and maturity of female Dover sole Microstomus pacificus, with an evaluation of assumptions and precision. 12154 Results of a trawl survey of barracouta and associated finfish near the Chatham Islands, New Zealand, December 1985. 27175 Sexual dimorphism in the hill stream fish, Barilius barna Hamilton with remarks on its synonym -- Barilius papillatus Day. 38134 On the morphology of the alimentary tract of some fishes from Khor al-Zubair, Northwest Arabian Gulf, Iraq. 13377 Fish predation on vendace (Coregonus albula L.) larvae in Lake Lentua, Northern Finland. 34078 Reproductive biology and early life history of the marine teleost Platycephalus speculator Klunzinger (Platycephalidae) in a temperate Australian estuary. 4836 Influence of sectioning otoliths on marginal increment trends and age and growth estimates for the flathead Platycephalus speculator. 49358 Seasonal variation of the diet of cod (Gadus morhuaL.) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinusL.) at a herring spawning ground. 4615 The status of the Kiribati live-bait fishery. 49370 Report of the study group on stock identity of mackerel and horse mackerel. 10133 Captura y total permisible del recurso merluza commun - 1992. 56398 Distribution and migration of a pelagic smooth lumpsucker Aptocyclus ventricosus in the Bering Sea. 4871 Iridovirus infection of cultured red sea bream, Pagrus major. 40646 Ein fish findet nach 138 Jahren sein Zuhause. Der verborgene Fundort von Hemiancistrus medians (Kner, 1854). 58310 Ein neuer Rüsselzahnwels aus oberen Orinoco-Zuflüssen in Venezuela und Kolumbien: Leporacanthicus triactis n. sp, (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). 10940 A new species of the fish genus Idiastion (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge, Western Pacific. 12243 Protected areas of the world: a review of national systems. Volume 1: Indomalaya, Oceania, Australia and Antarctic. 57648 Research on the tilapias in the republics of the former Soviet Union. 89780 Analysis of factors affecting growth of northern pike in Minnesota. 27599 Alternative life-history traits associated with reproduction in Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces: Cichlidae) in small water bodies of the eastern Cape, South Africa. 27812 Stock assessment of tunas from the Indian seas. 47977 Biologie du gardon adulte (Rutilus rutilus, L. 1758; Pisces: Cyprinidae) dans le lac d'aydat. 33109 Foraging in yellow perch, Perca flavescens: biological and physical factors affecting diel periodicity in feeding, consumption, and movement. 86714 Age and growth of black scorpionfish Scorpaena porcus L. 1758 in the Adriatic Sea. 42823 Steady-state modelling of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem. 26700 Ossubtus xinguense, nouveaux genre et espece du Rio Xingu, Amazonie, Bresil (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae). 12732 Factors influencing the distribution of blackchin tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron (Osteichthys: Cichlidae) in the Indian river system, Florida. 46121 The origin and recruitment of bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, larvae to nursery areas. 49378 Estimation of predation mortality of cod in the Central Baltic using the MSVPA. 108957 Study of the growth and reproduction of Trachurus picturatus (Bowdich, 1825) in Madeira. 36619 Estimacion de los parametros de crecimiento del charal pinto Chirostoma patzcuaro (Pisces: Atherinidae) del lago de Patzcuaro. 4958 Age and growth of the carp Catla catla (Hamilton, 1822) from northern India. 34312 Localization of nucleolar organizer regions in fish species, Catla catla and Mystus vittatus. 6067 Fish feeding and dynamics of soft-sediment mollusc populations in a coral reef lagoon. 12462 Islenskir fiskar. 40274 The use of genetic marking to assess the reproductive success of mature male Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar, L.) under natural spawning conditions. 34697 Preliminary karyotype studies of Rhynodoras d/orbignyi (Pisces, Doradidae). 4885 Age and growth of the big eye Priacanthus macracanthus from the surrounding water of Guei-Shan Island, Taiwan. 37427 The occurrence of two lanternsharks of the genus Etmopterus (Squalidae) in Taiwan. 35415 Commercial breeding of anemonefishes. 27178 A review on the reproductive cycle of fishes of Jammu and Kashmir State. 40337 An application of bioenergetics model to Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). 52038 Inshore fish population changes at Lakeside, Kariba between 1969-1991. 6437 Identification of vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) and whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) larvae by the counts of myomeres. 10907 New species of conger eel (Congridae) from the western Indian Ocean. 44953 Analysis of genotype distributions at allozyme loci in populations of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha. 40247 Allozyme heterozygosity and morphological homeostasis in pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum): evidences from family analysis. 5514 Cannibalism on eggs by dark chub, Zacco temmincki (Temminck & Schlegel) (Cyprinidae). 41125 A key phase in the recruitment dynamics of coral reef fishes: post-settlement transition. 38888 Influence of temperature and ambient oxygen on the swimming energetics of cyprinid larvae and juveniles. 8603 Reproductive behavior of the flagtail triggerfish, Sufflamen chrysopterus. 41076 A new Indo-Pacific gobiid fish Oxyurichthys papuensis (Val., 1837) for eastern Mediterranean coasts of Turkey. 6439 Distribution of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in freshwater bodies of Europe. 37722 Space use and feeding patterns of an offshore fish assemblage in a shallow mesotropic lake. 38886 Food consumption and growth of larvae and juveniles of three cyprinid species at different food levels. 28143 Recent evolution of population structure in Australian barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch): an example of isolation by distance in one dimension. 38572 Recent evolution of population structure in Australian barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch): an example of isolation by distance in one dimension. 32514 Fecundity of the pallid sturgeon. 11941 Livre rouge des espèces menacées de poissons d'eau douce de France et bilan des introductions. 38599 Tendon structure of the caudal fin in the blue shark, Prionace glauca. 32387 Comparisons of early-life history characteristics of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Shelikof Strait, Gulf of Alaska, and Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. 40340 Flow cytometric DNA analysis of nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonaterre) and clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria (Bosc) peripheral red blood cells. 42579 L' Alimentation artificielle d'un silure africain, Heterobranchus longifilis (Teleostei: Calariidae): incidence du mode d'alimentation et premiere estimation des besoins nutritionnels. 33614 Changes in diet, prey size and feeding habit in Bagrus bayad, and possible interactions with B. docmac in a Nile canal. 27809 Status of Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus (Ham.) resource off Saurashtra coast. 27811 Stock assessment of pomfrets off west coast of India. 74498 Studies on some aspects of the biology and fecundity of Mystus tengra (Hamilton-Buchannon, 1822). 41405 Feeding of predatory fishes in the Vistula Lagoon of the Baltic Sea. 10903 Redescription of Paraliparis tremebundus (Liparidae). 40261 The ultrastructure of myotomal muscles of the golomianka, Comephorus baikalensis Pallas. 46494 The stock of gogi-char Salvelinus leucomaenis imbrius in Shiso River in Shimane Prefecture. 38613 Effects of year-class strength on age determination. 11880 Scientific name of Nippon-baratanago, a Japanese bitterling of the genus Rhodeus. 35853 Preliminary report on a collection of freshwater fishes from the Altai District, Northern Xinjiang, China. 5740 Age and growth of the labrid fish Halichoeres poecilopterus in Ago Bay, central Japan. 32519 Population structure of spotted seatrout inhabiting the Texas Gulf Coast: an allozymic perspective. 27261 Diet of Plectropomus leopardus (Serranidae) and patterns of abundance at One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 30475 Spatial and temporal variation in predation on reef fishes by coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus, Serranidae). 40248 Adaptive nature of intrapopulational biochemical polymorphism in fish. 4890 Growth of fluviatile form masu salmon Onchorhynchus masou in southern Sanriku District, Honshu, Japan. 4093 Estimation of mortality rates from tag recoveries by survey sampling. 5513 Buoyancy variations in eggs of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in relation to chorion thickness and egg size: theory and observations. 40338 Histomorphology of the early yolk-sac larvae of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.): an indication of the timing of functionality. 13695 Effect of exploitation on growth, age-structure, and recruitment of an underfished population of European whitefish. 54042 First record of Oreochromis macrochir (Boulenger, 1912) (Pisces: Cichlidae) from the Limpopo River in southern Africa. 34754 Optimierung einer Methode zur Chromosomenpräparation aus Fischlaich. 12495 Chromosome structures of four Norwegian gobies (Gobiidae, Teleostei) and a hypothetical model of their karyo-evolution. 33528 Status of the type specimens of Platycephalus rodericensis Cuvier, 1829 and P. borboniensis Cuvier, 1829 (Pisces: Platycephalidae). 34208 Hermaphroditism and sexual function in Cirrhitichthys aureus and the other Japanese hawkfishes (Cirrhitidae: Teleostei). 41397 Two new species from the genus Nansenia (Microstomatidae, Salmoniformes) from the western Indian Ocean. 44943 First discovery of Glossanodon semifasciatus (Argentinidae) in the Indian ocean. 5216 Antarctic fish and fisheries. 5931 Predation by herring and sprat on cod eggs and larvae in the Bornholm Basin - preliminary results. 27715 Comparative study of the biology and dynamics of the fish Chalcalburnus chalcoides macedonicus Stephanidis 1971 (Pisces: Cyprinidae) of the systems Volvi and Vistonis. 5309 Growth, mortality, maturity and length-weight parameters of fishes in Lake Kariba, Africa. 57744 Studies on Psilodraco breviceps Norman, 1937 (Pisces, Notothenioidei, Bathydraconidae) from the region of South Georgia. 41406 Trophic status of Peruvian pseudoneritic fish in oceanic epipelagic water. 52922 Cyphotilapia frontosa (Boulenger, 1908). 52921 Tanganyika secrets. 46303 Fecundity and the stock - recruitment relationship. 44922 The kalinka, Leuciscus borysthenicus, in the snov river basin. 44936 Osteology of Sorosichthys ananassa and its position in the systematics of beryciform fishes (Berciformes). 40282 Morphological evidence for the biological role of caniniform teeth in combtooth blennies (Blennidae, Teleostei). 38889 Neuroecology of cyprinids: comparative, quantitative histology reveals diverse brain patterns. 37831 The identity of Barbus johorensis Duncker, 1904 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). 34991 A synopsis of the Malayan species of Lepidocephalichthys, with descriptions of two new species (Teleostei: Cobitidae). 38457 Recent collections of freshwater fish from Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. 49359 A comparison of the growth rate in walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) taken from the open waters of the Bering Sea and those from the open waters of the Okhotsk Sea in 1991. 44929 Observations of the spawning behavior of roach and bream in Saratovskoye reservoir. 51921 A possible natural hybrid of Acanthobrama marmid and Alburnus mossulensis from Haur al-Hammar, southern Iraq. 49400 Review of the data on fecundity of the Baltic flounder. 38087 Impact of the Nile perch on the fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. 8631 Tropical reef-fishes of the western Pacific Indonesia and adjacent waters. 57764 Two new species of Geophagus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Rio Orinoco drainage in Venezuela. 40361 Aethotaxis mitopteryx, a high-Antarctic fish with benthopelagic mode of life. 40362 Haematological studies on Aethotaxis mitopteryx De Witt, a high-Antarctic fish with a single haemoglobin. 27810 Stock assessment of Bombay duck Harpodon nehereus (Ham.) off Maharashtra coast. 6145 Validated age and growth of the leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata, with comments on reproduction. 46095 Spawning habitat, behavior, and morphology as isolating mechanisms of the golden redhorse, Moxostoma erythrurum, and the black redhorse, M. duquesnei, two syntopic fishes. 40339 Piscivory by brown trout Salmo trutta L. and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) in Norwegian lakes. 33005 Population biology of the redlip blenny Ophioblennius atlanticus macclurei (Sylvester) in Barbados. 42346 Biotic and abiotic determinants of the diet of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, in lakes of the Laurentian Shield. 41813 Management strategies in the tropical corvina reina (Cynoscion albus) in a multi-mesh size gillnet artisanal fishery. 47975 Estival diel vertical migration of Daphnia longispina (O.F. Müller) at three different stations in lake Aydat, an escape response to predation. 34773 Khromosomnye nabory 13 vidov ryb V+Belogo morja. - Problemy izuchenija ratsional'nogo ispol'sovanija okhrany prirodnykh resursov Belogo morja.. 13772 Norway National Report. 4617 Preliminary study of the biology of mullets from Nuku'alofa, Tonga. 6397 Kivinilkan ekologiasta ja sen käyttökelpoisuudesta bioindikaattorilajina. (The ecology of the eelpout and it's feasibility as a bioindicator species). 26699 A new species of Mugilogobius (Pisces: Gobiidae) from Lake Matano, central Sulawesi, Indonesia. 26072 Rivulus gransabanae, a new species of killifish from Venezuela (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). 13372 A new moray eel (Muraenidae: Gymnothorax) from oceanic islands of the South Pacific. 13539 A new moray eel (Muraenidae: Gymnothorax) from oceanic islands of the South Pacific. 38595 Electrophoretic analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Australian carcharhinid sharks. 91525 Spawning origin of small, late-hatched atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) larvae in Maine Estuary. 40260 Exceptionally big individual perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and their growth. 45538 Age and growth of silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) in Korean waters. 43531 Studies on the age and growth of south Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga specimens collected from Taiwanese longliners. 43530 Age determination, by vertebra reading, in Indian albacore, Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre). 32401 Age validation, growth, and mortality of larval Atlantic bumper (Carangidae: Chloroscombrus chrysurus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 40243 A comparative study on morphology, growth rate and reproduction of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), Heterobranchus longifilis Valenciennes, 1840, and their reciprocal hybrids (Pisces, Clariidae). 48652 Diseases of brackishwater and marine fish cultured in some Asian countries. 4956 The gut passage rate and daily food consumption of the rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus (Park). 38133 Enhancement of ecological studies of freshwater larval fish: shore sampling. 7369 Syngnathidae. 7396 Tetraodontidae. 6918 Growth curves from representative samples of fish populations as possible hints for the identification of unit stocks. The case study of red mullet from the Sicilian Channel. 40334 The routine metabolism of the guapote, Cichlasoma managuense (Günther 1869), related to body weight and temperature. 42994 A new genus and three new species of cyprinidae from Guangxi, China. 104509 Aspectos do estudo da biologia pesqueira do pargo, Lutjanus purpureus Poey, no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. 46677 Female spawning patterns and male mating success in the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus. 12047 Nutrition of Notolepis coatsi (Paralepididae) in the pelagic zone of the Antarctic. 46620 The daily fecundity reduction method: a new procedure for estimating adult fish biomass. 46090 Sounds produced by spawning fishes. 3916 Pisciculture en cages flottantes de Cyprinus carpio. 4526 Genome size in Beaufort Sea coastal assemblages of Arctic ciscoes. 33006 Lutjanus ambiguus (Poey), a natural intergeneric hybrid of Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch) and Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus). 14092 Pollution and developmetal abnormalities of Atlantic fishes. 9593 Diel patterns of American eel, Anguill rostrata, in the James River Drainage, Virginia. 48478 Validation of annual growth bands in the otolith of tropical parrotfishes (Scarus schlegeli Bleeker). 38605 Daily otolith increments in juvenile tropical parrotfishes and surgeonfishes. 37106 Les milieu aquatiques se la région de Trinidad (Beni, Amazonie bolivienne). 36945 Diet and growth of a brood of Bagrus meridionalis Günther (Siluriformes: Bagridae) in Lake Malawi, Africa. 40257 Differences in electrophoretic patterns of lactate dehydrogenases from the gills, hearts and muscles of three mudskippers. 42261 Sexual differences in food intake, digestive tract size, and growth performance of the dab, Limanda limanda L. 26688 The Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae) species of the Uruguai River drainage in Brazil. 30579 Resurrection of the neotropical pimelodid catfish Parapimelodus nigribarbis (Boulenger), with a phylogenetic diagnosis of the genus Parapimelodus (Teleoastei: Siluriformes). 31471 Record of an unusually large red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (Pisces: Serranidae) from Bermuda with comments on its age. 37704 Breeding ecology and male spawning success in two hill-stream populations of the freshwater goby, Padogobius martensi. 48654 Freshwater fishes imported into the Philippines: their parasite faunas and role in the international spread of parasitic diseases. 27805 Resource characteristics and stock assessment of whitebaits. 27147 Oreos - an underutilised resource. 39142 Estudios sobre la sistematica de la subfamilia Serrasalminae. IV. El genero Mylossoma: bases para la revision del grupo en Amarica del Sur. 6225 Revision of the bathyal fish genus Homostolus (Ophidiiformes, Ophidiidae). 34794 Cytotaxonomy of Iberian loaches with some remarks on the karyological evolution of both families (Pisces, Cobitidae, Homalopteridae). 40235 Feeding ecology of the Iberian cyprinid Barbus bocagei Steindachner, 1865 in a lowland river. 40336 Karyotype evolution and geographical distribution of the Thai-medaka, Oryzias minutillus, in Thailand. 47234 Behavioural consequences of an artificial introduction of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in N. Trinidad: evidence for the evolution of anti-predator behaviour in the wild. 13192 Occurrence of macro B chromosomes in Astyanax scabripinnis paranae (Pisces, Characiformes, Characidae). 6258 Freshwater fishes of the British Isles. 12508 Relationships of coregonid fishes: karyological aspect. 4330 Population parameters of Sardinella species in the coastal waters of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 8766 Regulation of AChE system of freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio under fenvalerate toxicity. 38603 Swimming ability of juvenile Australian bass, Macquaria novemaculeata (Steindachner), and juvenile barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in an experimental vertical-slot fishway. 12511 Effect of introductions of Coregonus peled Gmel. on native C. lavaretus L. stocks in Poland. 37426 Occurrence and abundance of bregmacerotid larvae in Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan, with descriptions of ontogenetic larval characters. 94360 A checklist of Ontario freshwater fishes: annotated with distribution maps. 35728 The new species and new records of fishes from the genera Phenacoscorpius and Plectrogenium in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 26257 Aspects of the biology of two inshore sparid fishes (Diplodus sargus capensis and D. cervinus hottentotus) off the south-east coast of South Africa. 7045 Growth, mortality and gear selection of Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya. 34812 Estudos fisiologicos e citogenéticos em peixes do genero Dianema (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) da Amazonia Central. 49386 Fecundity and egg in Baltic salmon. 44921 Viability and weight growth of sockeye salmon young (Oncorhynchus nerka) completing the early stages of embryogenesis at various temperatures. 8795 Evaluation of toxicants for the control of carp and other nuisance fishes. 51445 Salmonid whirling disease. 32391 Metamorphosis and an overview of early-life-history stages in Dover sole Microstomus pacificus. 82350 Growth of juvenile spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the NW Atlantic, with particular reference to the effect of density-dependence. 12754 L'étude du recrutement et de la physiologie des anguilles de Polynésie Française permet-elle de cerner leur aire de ponte?. 31528 Systématique, répartition et biomasse des poissons d'eau douce de Polynésie Française. 35142 A catalogue of ichthyoplankton from eastern Tasmanian waters. 40288 Influence of egg size on embryos and larvae of Fundulus heteroclitus (L.). 35127 The reproductive biology and growth of the Central American cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther). 8811 Parathion and salinity effects on gills and mesonephros carbonic anhydrase activity of the fish Oreochromis hornorum. 34836 Caracterizaçao citogenêtica na familia Curimatidae coletados na Bacia do Rio Tibagi. 34829 Análise cromossômica de 5 espécies da familia Cichlidae (Pisces - Perciformes). 40262 Presence of Chame Dormitator latifrons (Richardson, 1844) (Pisces: Eleotridae) in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. 5335 Growth, mortality and yield-per-recruit of Copadichromis likomae (Cichlidae) in Lake Niassa, Mozambique. 50840 A simple and objective bioeconomic index for choosing species for culture. 32393 Growth of five fishes in Texas bays in the 1960s. 36639 Life history aspects of seahorses, Hippocampus, in Texas. 12981 Optimal harvesting policy for chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in Japan under a fluctuating environment. 32512 Food of and habitat use by juveniles of species of Micropterus and Morone in a southwestern reservoir. 49991 Food and habitat use by juveniles of species of Micropterus and Morone in a southwestern reservoir. 27606 Multi-mesh gillnets to estimate species composition and catch per unit effort of fish in a small water body in Zambia. 12767 Les sicydiinae (Gobiidae) des eaux douces de la Polynésie Française. Description de trois espéces nouvelles. 94337 Systematics, historical ecology, and North American Freshwater fishes. 13756 Le specie alloctone e l'acquacoltura. 27260 Review of the data on fishes of commercial and recreational fishing interest on the Great Barrier Reef. 46675 Effects of feeding history on the growth characteristics of a reef fish at settlement. 42163 Cost of predation avoidance in young-of-year lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush): growth differential in sub-optimal habitats. 31349 Diadromy: origins and definitions of terminology. 40290 Multiple spawning in several commercial fish species and its consequences for fisheries management, cultivation and experimentation. 37664 Competition for space between introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and a native galaxiid (Galaxias vulgaris Stokell) in a New Zealand stream. 6205 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 14. Sillaginid fishes of the world (family Sillaginidae). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the sillago, smelt or Indo-Pacific whiting species known to date. 52146 Formation of the selfish school. 12171 A summary report on commercial kahawai market sampling in the Auckland Fisheries Management Area (1991-1992). 5399 Resource ecology of the Bolinao coral reef system. 11239 World Atlas. 58707 Consistently outstanding recruitment of five species of fish to a seagrass bed in Botany Bay, NSW. 5765 Age and growth of the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson Lacepède, 1800) in north-eastern Queensland waters. 5456 Reproduction of three dominant Lutjanus species of the Great Barrier Reef inter-reef fishery. 7194 Seychelles demersal fishery: an analysis of data relating to four key demersal species. 57095 Intra-and inter-specific morphometric and osteometric variations in Synodontis populations of Egypt. 57097 Morphometric and meristic studies of four Labeo species from the nile at Egypt. 83838 Análise de conteúdos estomacais, intensidade de alimentação, idade e crescimento do espadarte, Xiphias gladius (Xiphioidei: Xiphiidae), no sul do Brasil. 91646 Valutazioni comparative sull'impiego di alcune diete inerti nello svezamento del branzino (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). 46444 Usefulness of meristic and morphometric characters in discriminating populations of american shad (Alosa sapidissima) (Ostreichthyes: Clupeidae) inhabiting a marine environment. 9523 Interspecific genetic divergence in grey mullets from the Goa region. 35542 Redefinição taxonômica das espécies de Acestrorhynchus do grupo lacustris com a descrição de uma espécie (Osteichthyes, Characiformes, Characidae). 38077 Fish fauna and environments of the Pilcomayo-Paraguay basins in Formosa, Argentina. 26698 Puntius puckelli, a junior synonym of Puntius bimaculatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 27526 Stock assessment of marine catfishes of India. 46118 Demersal ichthyofaunal distribution in the abyssal eastern North Atlantic, with special reference to Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) Armatus (Macrouridae). 93821 Population dynamics of lemuru (Sardinella lemuru, Bleeker 1853) in Bali Strait waters and Its management alternatives. 40292 Early predictors of life-history events: the link between first feeding rate, dominance and seaward migration in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. 56909 Intraplant variation in secondary metabolite concentration in three species of Caulerpa (Chlorophyta: Caulerpales) and its effects on herbivorous fishes. 8598 Reproductive ecology of the inland silverside, Menidia beryllina (Pisces: Atherinidae) from Blackwater Bay, Florida. 44942 Biological characteristics of female tugun, Coregonus tugun, in the Man'ya river and morphological traits of oocytes during the spawning migration. 42637 Swimming response of goldfish, Carassius auratus, and the tetra, Hemigrammus caudovittatus, larvae to individual food items and patches. 38612 Do otoliths record changes in somatic growth rate? Conflicting evidence from a laboratory and field study of a temperate reef fish, Parika scaber. 46644 Competition for food between crayfish (Orconectes virilis) and the slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus). 103907 The sperm duct gland: a visceral synapomorphy for gobioid fishes. 44961 An interpretation of diversity in the salmonid genus Brachymystax (Pisces, Salmonidae) as the possible result of multiple hybrid speciation. 47703 Life history cycles in flatfish from the northwestern Pacific with particular reference to their early life histories. 4846 An underwater guide to the South China Sea. 27172 Microcirculation and the respiratory area in the gills of a cyprinid fish of western Himalayas. 52418 Optimization of purse seines by large-meshed sections and low lead weight. Theoretical considerations, sinking speed measurements and fishing trials. 49396 Year-to-year variation in growth of Baltic salmon in the sea. 37482 Fishes of Kazakstan. 34895 Notas preliminares sobre a variabilidade de regioes organizadoras de nucléolos em Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus (Tetragonopterinae), da represa do Mojolinho. 42294 Changes in the diet of Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), in the Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. 35420 The marine aquarium handbook. Beginner to breeder. 42670 Influence of season on the feeding habits of the common sole Solea solea. 49106 La biologie du cuivré (Moxostoma hubbsi) comparée à celle de quatre autres espéces de Moxostoma (M. anisurum, M. carinatum, M. macrolepidotum et M. valenciennesi). 86722 Biology of red mullet Mullus surmuletus on Majorca Island waters. 47230 Luciolates stapperssi in Lake Tanganyika. Demographical status and possible recent variations assessed by length frequency distributions. 4944 Trophic relationships in the community of the Upper Tagus Estuary (Portugal: a preliminary approach. 34904 Descriçao de mecanismo cromossômico sexual do tipo ZZ/ZW em Parodon hilarii (Parodontidae). 38596 Comparative study of the genus Isurus (Rafinesque, 1810), and description of a form ('Marrajo Criollo') apparently endemic to t he Azores. 40991 Reproductive biology of the bigeye thresher shark, Alopias superciliosus (Lowe, 1839). 36426 Características biológico-pesqueras de Carcharhinus falciformis (Bibron, 1839) en el noroccidente de Cuba. 41962 Feeding habits of red gurnard, Aspitrigla cuculus (L. 1758) (Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae), along the Catalan coast (northwestern Mediterranean). 34907 Chromosomes, sex determination, and environment in teleosteans. 34908 Cytotaxonomy of Antarctic teleosts of the Pagothenial Trematomus complex (Nototheniidae, Perciformes). 34909 A multiple sex-chromosome system in Antarctic ice-fishes. 8791 Response of rainbow trout to a two month exposure to vision, a glyphosate herbicide. 36946 Breeding cycles in natural populations of Xiphophorus nigrensis, X. multilineatus , and X. pygmaeus. 38614 Fish assemblages in residential canal developments near the mouth of a subtropical Queensland estuary. 4837 Studies on some biological aspects of hilsa. 6073 Age and growth studies of gummy shark, Mustelus antarcticus Günther, and school shark, Galeorhinus galeus (Linnaeus), from southern Australian waters. 32513 Life history and status of delta smelt in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary, California. 75354 Redfish spawning grounds in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. 34819 Utilization of polychaete tubes as spawning substrate by the sea raven Hemitripterus villosus (Scorpaeniformes). 85938 Female reproductive biology of the bluemouth Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus: spawning and fecundity. 10735 Interdigitation pattern of dorsal-fin pterygiophores and neural spines, an important diagnostic character for symphurine toungefishes (Symphurus: Cynoglossidae: Pleuronectiformes). 6153 Population structure and food habits of white crappie Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque in a turbid Oklahoma reservoir. 10878 Review of the genus Syacium (Paralichthyidae) with the description of a new species from Ecuador and Columbia. 48675 Hatchery diseases of marine fish in Japan. 6266 Ireland's marine Life : a world of beauty. 6913 Some morphometric relationships in Etelis oculatus Valenciennes (Queen snapper), landed in St. Lucia, W.I. 6914 Recruitment and exploitation rate of Etelis oculatus Val. in the St. Lucian Fishery. 6912 The recruitment of the queen snapper, Etelis oculatus Val., into the St. Lucian fishery: recruitment of fish and recruitment of fishermen. 27544 Stock assessment of threadfin breams (Nemipterus spp.) of India. 27444 Population genetics and zoogeography of Australian freshwater golden perch, Macquaria ambigua (Richardson 1845) (Teleostei, Percichthyidae), and electrophoretic identification of a new species from the Lake Eyre basin. 6379 The population structure and growth of Oreochromis andersonii stock of the Central Upper Zambezi flood plain. 4692 Feeding and fecundity of the Chambo species. 40707 Biologie du rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus (Poisson Mullidae) dans le nord du golfe de Gascogne: reproducteurs, larves et juvéniles. 42693 Régime alimentaire du rouget de roche Mullus surmuletus (Mullidae) dans le nord du Golfe de Gascogne. 37424 New record of Diplogrammus goramensis (Callionymidae) from Japan. 13360 Fauna and zoogeography of deep-benthic chondrichthyan fishes around the Japanese Archipelago. 8978 Growth of jaguar cichlid (Cichlasoma managuense) juveniles at different oxygen levels. 36681 Marine aquaculture: opportunities for growth. 75674 Prolificitatea scrumbiei de Dunare (Alosa pontica pontica, Eichwald). 49366 Electrophoretic studies of redfish ( Genus Sebastes) from Icelandic and Greenland waters. 30576 Movement of larval fishes through the entrance channel of a seasonally open estuary in Western Australia. 33834 The ichthyoplankton of a seasonally closed estuary in temperate Australia. Does an extended period of opening influence species composition?. 33820 Seasonal and spatial changes in the larval fish fauna within a large temperate Australian estuary. 74444 Maturation and fecundity of mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) in northwest Atlantic. 49357 Estimates of gastric evacuation and consumption rates in little skate (Raja erinacea). 78981 The fishes of Alberta. 2nd edit. 38078 Salinity tolerance of Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 12455 The giant Malayan catfish, Wallago leerii Bleeker, 1851, and the identities of Wallagonia tweediei Hora & Misra, 1941, and Wallago maculatus Inger & Chin, 1959 (Teleostei: Siluridae). 13213 Betta livida, a new fighting fish (Teleostei: Belontiidae) from blackwater swamps in Peninsular Malaysia. 14509 Status of anadromous salmonids in Oregon coastal basins. 42917 Remarks on the systematics on the tribe Parablenniini based on blood serum electrophoresis (Pisces: Blenniidae). 9925 Fisk i grønlandske farvande. 7275 Growth of Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, in the Nunk area of West Greenland. 30330 Spawning time and frequency of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus. 47430 Distribution and abundance of the ryukyuan subspecies of the ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis: results of a survey made in 1986. 111877 Final supplemental environmental impact statement and regulatory impact review/ final regulatory flexibility analysis of proposed inshore/ offshore allocation alternatives. 31623 Crecimiento y mortalidad del papamoscas (Cheliodactylus bergi) en la zona comun de pesca Argentino-Uruguaya. 5743 Diet overlap between two subsequent year-classes of juvenile coastal cod (Gadus morhua L.) and wild and reared cod. 7393 Anabantidae. 83464 Geographic variation, taxonomic status, and biogeography of two widely distributed African freshwater fishes: Ctenopoma petherici and C. kingsleyae (Teleostei: Anabantidae). 27688 Population genetics of tailor, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus) (Pisces: Pomatomidae), in Australia. 43166 The daily food ration of parrotfishes in the fringing reefs of Bolinao, Pangasinan, Northwestern Philippines. 55486 Distribution of fishes along the Sondu-Miriu River of Lake Victoria, Kenya with special reference to upstream migration, biology and yield. 5254 Ecology of some species of catfish Synodontis (Pisces: Mochocidae) in the Kpong Headpond in Ghana. 41273 Status of fisheries of Lake Victoria Kenya sector. 40256 Sexual status of Paralabrax humeralis (Serranidae) and infection by Philometra sp. (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea). 39459 Horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of ichthyoplankton under intense upwelling regimes off Namibia. 34953 Estudos citogenéticos em Pyrrhulina sp. (Teleostei, Characiformes, Lebiasinidae). 34952 Análise da distribuiçao da heterocromatina constitutiva em Salminus maxillosus (Dourado) e S. hilarii (Tabarana). 9520 Extensive chromosomal rearrangements and nuclear DNA content changes in the evolution of the armored catfishes genus Corydoras (Pisces, Siluriformes, Callichthyidae). 13612 A checklist of the blennioid fishes (Teleostei, Blennioidei) occurring in Portuguese waters. 91466 Etat d' exploration du Merlu (Merluccius merluccius L.) et du Rouget (Mullus surmuletus L.) des Iles Baleares. 96210 Yukar? Sakarya Havzas? Sakaryaba?? Bölgesi bal?klar?n?n populasyon dinami?i üzerinde bir ara?t?rma. 32524 Maturation and fecundity of Roanoke River-Albemarle Sound striped bass. 49351 Diet of the harbour seal, Phoca vitulina, in the Hvaler area in 1990 and 1991, compared to the abundance of fish in the area. 32861 L'ittionimia nei paesi arabi dei Mari Rossi, Arabico e del Golfo Persico (o Arabico). Fish names of the Arab countries of the Red and Arabian Seas and the Arabian Gulf. L'Ichthyonimie dans les pays arabes de la Mer Rouge, de l'Océan Indien et du Golfe …. 37425 Larval development of the Japanese whiting, Sillago japonica. 44941 Effects of predators on the structure and size of populations of some commercially valuable fish in the Barents sea. 91472 Growth of the Mediterranean hake. Experiences gained in the Ligurian Sea. 6372 Freshwater wetland conservation in Papua New Guinea. 82498 Feeding of herring and cod in the southern Baltic in 1991. 47434 Furan fatty acids in the lipids of the cresthead flounder. 40252 Bias in calculating growth rates in cod (Gadus morhua L.) due to size selective growth mortality. 33867 Evolutionary relationships within the Etheostoma squamiceps complex (Percidae; subgenus Catonotus) with descriptions of five new species. 41407 Feeding and estimation of daily ration of wilson's glassfish, Chaenodraco wilsoni, of the Indian Ocean Sector of Antarctica. 9025 Feeding of juvenile notothenioid fishes of the Indian Ocean sector of the Antarctic. 6377 Diet of seven species of Antarctic fishes and estimation of their daily rations. 42269 Prey preference and timing of the diet shifts of Coregonus pidschian and C. lavaretus : preliminary results of a field experiment. 91717 Spawning of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Northwestern Mediterranean relative to hydrographic features in the region. 4798 Gill surface area of water-breathing freshwater fish. 47433 Difference in sex ratio and physiological indices of cultured and wild grey mullet Mugil cephalus in Taiwan. 40293 Parental effects on size variation in fish larvae. 27052 A preliminary study on the fishery biology of hake in the Aegean Sea. 27082 Preliminary study on the biology of piper (Trigla lyra L. 1758) in the Aegean Sea. 33912 Preliminary study on the biology of piper (Trigla lyra L. 1758) in the Aegean Sea. 31826 Argyripnus electronus, a new sternoptychid fish from Sala y Gomez submarine ridge. 41477 Pseudotrichonotus xanthotaenia (Pseudotrichonotidae, Aulopiformes) -- new species from the Saya de Malha Bank. 44948 The southern boarfish, Pseudopentaceros richardsoni (Pentacerotidae), in the southeastern Pacific ocean. 10906 On the discovery of Epinnula magistralis (Gempylidae) in the Indian Ocean. 45442 Results of the research cruises of FRV 'Walther Herwig' to South America. LXIX. Lepidopus altifrons, a new species of cutlassfish (Pisces, Scombroidei, Trichiuridae) from the western Atlantic Ocean. 40333 The evolution of sexual size dimorphism in fish. 31687 Changes in the growth of herring in the northern Baltic Sea in 1970-1991. 36947 Swimming efficiency of the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis. 55598 Single and multiple visual pigments in deep-sea fishes. 12514 Restriction fragment length polymorphism in mitochondrial DNA stocks of Coregonus in Finland. 46567 The thread-herrings Opisthonema spp. off Ecuador: review and population dynamics. 5887 Size of the South American sardine (Sardinops sagax) population in the northern part of the Peru upwelling ecosystem after collapse of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) stocks. 7368 Antennariidae. 7371 Belonidae. 7362 Mochokidae. 31614 Age and growth studies of New Zealand marine fishes, 1921-90: a review and bibliography. 5336 Growth of the Bucaneer anchovy Encrasicholina punctifer off Mozambique, based on samples collected in research surveys. 9003 The rockpool fishes of New Zealand (Te ika aaria o Aotearoa). 42100 Syngnathus safina n. sp. and first record of S. macrophtalmus Dunker 1915 from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea (Pisces: Osteichthyes: Syngnathidae). 26568 Some key concepts in fisheries research and management, with emphasis on Mozambique. 50411 Small-scale fisheries in the neotropics: research and management issues. 13817 FishBase, base de datos computerizada sobre los peces: uso potencial para América Latina. 7091 A new model accounting for seasonal cessation of growth in fishes. 44972 Embryonic and larval development of the mailed sculpin, Triglops murrayi. 14523 Climatic influences on the spawning success, growth, and recruitment of bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in British waters. 13487 The diet of Patagonian hake Merluccius australis polylepis and its daily ration of Patagonian grenadier Macrouronus magellanicus. 49361 Feeding habits of redfish, Sebastes sp., in West greenland waters with special emphasis on predation on shrimp. 49362 Feeding habits of greenland halibut, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, in West Greenland waters with special emphasis on predation on shrimp and juvenile redfish. 82349 Differences in age sructures and growth rate of yellowfin and bigeye tuna caught with longlines in the central Atlantic. 49373 Differences in age structure and growth rate of yellowfin and bigeye tune caught with longlines in the central Atlantic. 13381 Seasonal and size-related changes in the diet of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in the shallows of an Australian river, and their implications for the conservation of indigenous teleosts. 35375 Fish production in the Warta River, Poland: a preimpoundment study. 26276 Northern prawn fishery bycatch study: distribution, abundance, size and use of bycatch from the mixed species fishery. 38891 Seasonal feeding activity and ontogenetic dietary shifts in crucian carp, Carassius carassius. 46703 Trends in the distribution, species composition and size of sharks caught by gamefish anglers off south-eastern Australia, 1961-90. 34974 Análise citogenética de Schizodon intermedius da Badia do Rio Tibagi. 92947 Batch fecundity of Sardina pilchardus (Walb.) off the Atlantic Iberian coast. 34159 Investigations of the reproductive dynamics and preliminary evaluation of landings data of the dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus, L. 12393 Growth of mackerel (Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782) from the Buenos Aires-north Patagonian region (Argentine Sea),. 40547 Biologia pesquera de la anchoa, Engraulis encrasicolus, del litoral catalan. 42271 Notes on the ecology of the northern pike, Esox lucius, from the Keret' River (White Sea Basin). 49950 Nutritional condition and parasites of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus (Pallas) from the German Wadden Sea. 7199 Importance ècologique de la petite saison d'upwelling ivoiro-ghanéenne et changements dans la pêcherie de Sardinella aurita. 36638 Breeding of the seahorse Hippocampus kuda. 54350 Distribution records for three new introduced species of the ichthyofauna of Oklahoma waters. 44970 On the Goby fauna (Gobiidae) of Primorye and Sakhalin. 13738 Hungary national report. 38609 Growth of juvenile coral reef damselfish: spatial and temporal variability, and the effect of population density. 41399 Pseudonotoliparis rassi gen. et sp. nov. (Scorpaeniformes, Liparididae) -- a new Liparidae fish from bathyal depths of the Kuril-Kamchatka Channel. 8782 Environmental toxicology of succinate tartrates. 5338 Growth of skipjack Katsuwonus pelamis from Mozambique. 44951 Early ontogeny of the jack-mackerel, Decapterus macarelus, from the northern part of the Gulf of Aden. 33523 Feeding habits of two small cyprinids, in a subtropical impoundment in the Transvaal, South Africa. 33525 Diet of two small Barbus spp. in a tropical South African impoundment. 46856 Feeding and growth of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae in relation to the size of the rotifer strain used as food. 35012 Estudos citotaxonomicos em peixes da familia Hemiodidae (Ostariophysi, Characiformes) da Amazonia Central. 35014 Comparative cytogentic study of the amored catfishes of the genus Hoplosternum (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae). 7052 A checklist of chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Amazonian freshwater fishes. 31310 Egg and larval development of laboratory-reared Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (Pisces, Serranidae). 9048 Ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus: newly introduced in North America. 40283 Influence of size, winter duration and density on sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles in Little Codroy River (southwest Newfoundland). 28111 Observations on the distribution patterns, behaviour, diets and reproductive cycles of sand-dwelling clinids (Perciformes : Clinidae) from South Africa. 44950 Preservation of nonfrozen tissue samples from a salmonine fish Brachymystax lenok (Pallas) for DNA Analysis. 33695 Estimation of the annual consumption of food by Cape hake Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus off the South African west coast. 45502 Fecundity of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the Waitaki and Rakaia Rivers, New Zealand. 12513 Chromosome studies of Coregonine fishes: a review. 44918 Significance of temperature and light for growth and survival of larvae of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. 46729 Environmental sensitivity of fish otolith microchemistry. 10985 Spreading of puffer Sphoeroides cutaneus Günther, 1870 (Pisces, Tetraodontidae) in the Sicilian Channel. Is it an exploding population?. 27179 A key to the species of the genus Schizothorax Heckel, 1838 (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) from Kashmir with a note on its taxonomy. 5260 Biology of two co-occurring tonguefishes, Cynoglossus arel and C. lida (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), from Indian waters. 46635 Occurrence of Photobacterium leiognathi, as the bait organ symbiont in frogfish Antennarius hispidus. 8768 Dimethoate toxicity to gestational embryonic ovary of a live bearing fish, Lebistes reticulatus. 4805 Review of the biology of the tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier). 5278 A review of the labrid fishes of the genus Cirrhilabrus from Japan, Taiwan and the Mariana Islands, with descriptions of two new species. 11629 Endemism of fishes in Oceania. 42618 Diver's guide to fishes of Maldives. 10660 Erythrocles taeniatus, a new emmelichthyid fish from New Caledonia. 8524 Revision of the fish genus Luzonichthys (Perciformes: Serranidae: Anthiinae), with descriptions of two new species. 10668 Two new damselfishes of the genus Chromis (Perciformes: Pomacentridae) from the South Pacific. 9944 Naso caesius, a new acanthurid fish from the Central Pacific. 10665 Upeneus francisi, a new goatfish (Perciformes: Mullidae) from Norfolk Island and New Zealand. 31196 Respiratory responses to hypoxia in relation to mode of life of two erythrinid species(Hoplias malabaricus and Hoplias lacerdae). 105563 Stock assessment of sciaenid resources in India. 38598 Functional aspects of placoid scales: a review and update. 13765 Denmark national report. 40989 Mugil cephalus L. - a first British record and a further 5°N. 46471 The Ichthyofauna and abiotic hydrological environment of the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal. 90115 Dinàmica de poblacions i pesqueria del lluç (Merluccius merluccius) al Golf de Lleó i Mar Catalana. 8780 Changes in erythropoietic activity of Sarotherodon mossambicus exposed to sublethal concentrations of the herbicide diuron. 5734 Growth, fecundity, and mortality of paddlefish in Louisiana. 48653 A survey of the parasite fauna of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forskal), in the Philippines. 46705 Assessment of catches from protective shark meshing off New South Wales beaches between 1950 and 1990. 26481 Interannual variation and overlap in the diets of pelagic juvenile rockfish (Genus: Sebastes) off central California. 72489 Extended longevity in a large-bodied stickleback, Gasterosteus, population. 49365 Stock identification of S. marinus and S. mentella travin in the Northeast-Atlantic based on meristic and morphometric measurements. 40648 Wir fingen den blinden antennenwels Ancistrus cryptophthalmus. 26607 Eurycheilus pantherinus (Siluroidei: Loricariidae), a new genus and species of Hypoptopomatinae from southern Brazil. 26702 Gymnogeophagus setequedas, (Teleostei: Atherinidae) of Australia and New Guinea with an analysis of three species. 32525 Genetic variation in steelhead of Oregon and Northern California. 35043 Chromosomal heterochromatin differentiation of cyprinid fishes. 32520 Reproductive biology of sheepshead in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 27802 Fishery, biology and stock assessment of carangid resources from the Indian seas. 27804 The resources of hilsa shad, Hilsa ilisha (Hamilton), along the northeast coast of India. 5361 Análisis de las capturas de una embarcación de arrastre de fondo y la relación con algunos parámetros oceanográficos. 4938 Food and feeding behavior of roach (Rutilus rutilus, Linné 1758)) juveniles in relation to morphological change. 9204 Comments on the genus Lepidotrigla (Pisces: Triglidae) with descriptions of two new species from the Indian and Pacific oceans. 46443 Back-calculation of fish lengths based on proportionality betweeen scales and length increments. 49355 Reaction of fish larvae to the water of the Elbe river at Hamburg harbour. 27407 Population biology of dab Limanda limanda in the southeastern North Sea. 34788 Description de Chrysichthys dageti (Teleostei, Bagridae) du Bassin du Kouilou (Républic du Congo). 7324 Bagridae. 27239 Chromosome analysis, C-heterochromatin and NOR localization in the catfish, Clarias batrachus (L.) (Family: Clariidae). 49176 Mapping the distributions of coral reef fishes. 4864 Butterflyfish social behavior, with special reference to the incidence of territoriality: a review. 7425 Systematic revision of the Southeast Asian anabantoid fish genus Osphronemus, with descriptions of two new species. 7427 Revision of the Southeast Asian cyprinid fish genus Probarbus, with two new species threatened by proposed construction of dams on the Mekong River. 7431 Systematic revision of the old world freshwater fish family Notopteridae. 26663 Revision of the striped catfishes of Thailand misidentified as Mystus vittatus, with descriptions of two new species (Pisces: Bagridae). 35058 Caracterizaçao cromossômica de Eleotria pisonis (Perciformes, Eleotrididae). 35059 Cariótipo, banda C, NORs múltiplas e cromossomos B restritos aos machos de Astyanax scabripinnis (Pisces, Characidae) do Rio Jucu (Vitor Hugo, ES). 11693 Contribución al conocimiento de la biología pesquería del huachinango Lutjanus campechanus (Poey 1860) en las costas del sur de Tamaulipas, México. 30837 Phylogenetic position of the Cuban poecilid fish, Girardinus creolus (Cyprinodontiformes). 40275 Spawning period and migration of three species of cyprinids in a stream with Mediterranean regimen (SW Spain). 7372 Cyprinodontidae. 40384 Double cone mosaic pattern in the retina of larval and adult piranha, Serrasalmus spilopleura. 13595 Differences in stocks of American shad from the Columbia and Delaware rivers. 32521 Foraging habits, growth, and temporal patterns of salt-marsh creek habitat use by young-of-the-year summer flounder in New Jersey. 45500 Species composition of whitebait (Galaxiidae) fisheries in 12 Bay of Plenty rivers, New Zealand: evidence for river mouth selection by juvenile Galaxias brevipinnis (Günther). 27508 Diet and feeding of Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii) larvae. 6984 Effect of temporal changes in size composition on estimates of von Bertalanffy growth parameters for gemfish, Rexea solandri (Cuvier), Gempylidae. 41770 Appetite and growth compensation in the European minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae), following short periods of food restriction. 49387 The influence of temperature on cohorst-specific growth, survival and recruitment of larval striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in Chesaoeake Bay, USA. 59292 Reproductive biology aspects of female Etropus longimanus Norman, 1933 (Bothidae) in Cabo Frio region, Rio de Janeiro. 1. Mean size at first spawning, type of spawning and spawning season. 6228 The effects of capture methods, temperature and oxygen on the survival of live freshwater clupeids during acclimation and transportation. 12090 A preliminary assessment of the marine aquarium export trade in Puerto Rico. 4863 Trace elements in biogenic aragonite: correlation of body growth rate and strontium levels in the otoliths of the white grunt, Haemulon plumieri (Pisces: Haemulidae). 31590 Age and growth of red hind Epinephelus guttatus in Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. 32389 Lack of biochemical genetic and morphometric evidence for discrete stocks of Northwest Atlantic herring Clupea harengus harengus. 38131 Status of aquaculture in Latin America. 46495 The first record of the spawning run of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou introduced into the Patagonian Lake General Carrera, southern Chile. 33619 Sexual dimorphism and food habits of the clingfish, Diademichthys lineatus, and its dependence on host sea urchin. 8761 Acute toxicity and some hematological changes in grass carp exposed to diquat. 13356 Diets of sharks from estuaries and adjacent waters of the north-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. 6861 Inarijärven kalataloudellinen käyttö- ja hoitosuunnitelma. 35073 B chromosomes in Astyanaz scabripinnis (Pisces, Characidae). 27826 Preliminary stock assessment for the flyingfish (Hirundichthys affinis) fishery of Tobago. 46708 The arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in Thingvallavatn. 50973 The successful spawning of Chaca chaca. 55711 Crustaceos decapodos (Crustacea: Decapoda) en el regimen alimentario de algunos peces. 47432 Life history of shirauo Salangichthys microdon; Salangidae in a brackish lake, Lake Hinuma, Japan. 6954 Muikun kasvu ja hedelmällisyys Keitelessä ja Kallavedessä. (Growth and fecundity of vendace (Coregonus albula (L) in the lakes Keitele and Kallavesi.). 7079 Fecundity of vendace (Coregonus albula) in relation to year-class variations in Lake Pyhäjärvi, SW-Finland. 10084 Two new and two resurrected species of the sciaenid genus Johnius (Johnius) from the West Pacific. 10324 Two new species of Nibea (Sciaenidae) from northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. 55810 Technique for constructing the relationship between natural mortality and age using the example of Laemonema longipes(Moridae, Gadiformes) from the Northwest Pacific. 44955 Matsuichthys gen. novum, a new genus of the fish family Platytroctidae (Salmoniformes) with notes on the classification of the subfamily Platytroctinae. 44916 Tripterophycis svetovidovi- a new record for the southern Atlantic. 9949 Grenadiers (Pisces, Gadiformes) of the Nazca and Sala y Gomez ridges, southeastern Pacific. 35079 Análise cariotípica de Loricariideos do Alto Paraná: Loricariichthys platymetopon (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). 46093 Epilogue: food and feeding, ecomorphology, energy assimilation and conversion in cyprinids. 30491 Aquarium fish. 47275 Ecological character displacement and speciation in sticklebacks. 5332 Preliminary investigations on the population dynamics of Otolithes ruber (Sciaenidae) on Sofala Bank, Mozambique. 40285 Lethal oxygen levels at different temperatures and the preferred temperature during hypoxia of the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. 5992 A quantitative comparison between diet and body fatty acid composition in wild northern pike (Esox lucius L.). 40278 Interannual variation in the reproductive cycle of the New Zealand snapper Pagrus auratus (Bloch & Schneider) (Sparidae). 9051 Variation in life history and genetic traits of Hawaiian mosquitofish populations. 27151 The rivers of northern Trinidad: conservation of fish communities for research. 5747 Population dynamics and stock estimates of chambo (Oreochromis spp.) in the south east arm of Lake Malawi and Lake Malombe - length based approach. GOM/UNDP/FAO Chambo Fisheries Research Project, Malawi. 12985 Spawning stock, population fecundity and year-class strength of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in the Northwest Atlantic, 1969-88. 53439 Deep-sea fishes collected during cruise MD-55 off Brazil. 27174 On the systematics and natural distribution of the climbing perch, Anabas oligolepis Bleeker, 1855 (Osteichthyes : Anabantidae). 9584 Identification of the subspecies of Oreochromis niloticus (Pisces: Cichlidae) using restriction endonuclease analysis of mitochondrial DNA. 27554 Taxonomic notes on the Oreochromis niloticus subspecies-complex (Pisces: Cichlidae), with a description of a new subspecies. 43539 Evaluating the effectiveness of the coal ash artificial reefs at Wan-Li, northern Taiwan. 6700 Marine fishes of the Ken-Ting National Park. 43567 First record of the subfamily Pyramodontinae (Pisces: Carapidae) from Taiwan. 4868 Distribution and database of fishes in Taiwan. 47248 Genetic consequences of an artificial introduction of guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in N. Trinidad. 9950 Synopsis of the grenadier genus Kuronezumia (Pisces: Gadiformes: Macrouridae), with description of a new species. 38616 Patterns of distribution and abundance of fishes in different habitats of a mangrove-lined tropical estuary, as determined by fish trapping. 44962 Agonomalus brashnikowi Pavlenko, 1910,a junior subjective synonym of Agonomalus jordani Jordan et Starks, 1904 (Scorpaeniformes: Agonidae) (with comments on some aspects of species variability). 38878 Studies on the fish-gill microclimate: interactions between gill tissue, mucus and water-quality. 44919 Features of morphology of larvae of the siberian cisco, round whitefish, and nelma of the Anadyr river basin. 32510 Mitochondrial DNA variation in four Minnesota populations of lake whitefish: utility as species and population markers. 37422 First record of Bathymaster signatus (Perciformes: Bathymasteridae) from Japan. 11674 A psychrolutid, Malacocottus gibber, collected from the mesopelagic zone of the Sea of Japan, with comments on its intraspecific variation. 7443 Squalean phylogeny: a new framework of 'squaloid' sharks and related taxa. 13112 Scyliorhinus tokubee sp. nov. from Izu Peninsula, southern Japan (Scyliorhinidae, Elasmobranchii). 41409 Estimation of numbers and identification of larval whitefish (Coregonidae) in the diet of some predators. 50664 Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), in Saudi Arabia. 33003 Histological study of organogenesis in the young stages of the mesopelagic fish Vinciguerria (Photichthyidae, Pisces). 26389 Zungaro, a senior synonym of Paulicea (Teleostei: Pimelodidae). 49368 Distribution and abundance of John Dory (Zeus faber, Linnaeus 1758) in the Portuguese continental waters (ICES Div. Ixa) during 1986-1991. 11928 Brunei Darussalam capture fisheries: a review of resources, exploitation and management. 34134 Biology of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) caught by the Queensland Shark Meshing Program off Townsville, Australia. 40994 Reproductive strategy of the Australian sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon taylori (Elasmobranchii: Carcharhinidae), from Cleveland Bay, Northern Queensland. 8783 Impact of malathion and gamma-BHC on steroidogenesis in the freshwater catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. 49376 Changes in length at age in baltic herring, studied by back-calculation from scales. 40273 Genetic population structure of Norwegian brown trout. 7353 Amphiliidae. 92874 Neotype description for the African cafish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Pisces: Siluroidei: Clariidae). 39663 Changes in behaviour at onset of exogenous feeding in marine fish larvae. 84095 Note on the east-African barbel, Barbus intermedius (Cyprinidae, Osteichthyes) from Kito Pass, northern Kenya. 44928 Morphological abnormalities associated with genotype of the peroxidae locus of heart muscle in young-of-the-year bream, Abramis brama. 39258 The feeding ecology of skates (Batoidea: Rajidae) off the Cape South coast, South Africa. 5563 Fisheries resources and management investigations in Woleai Atoll, Yap State, Federate States of Micronesia. 45062 Inferring the summer distribution of migratory Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) from latitudinal variation in mean lengths-at-age and length frequency distributions. 46713 Capture and transportation of Elasmobranchs, with emphasis on the grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus). 39479 Food intake and growth in the blue-spotted trevally, Caranx bucculentus Alleyne and Macleay 1877, with reference to predation on penaeid prawns. 32522 Allozyme variation in rainbow trout from Central North Island, New Zealand. 89207 Grupos tróficos de peixes demersais da plataforma continental interna de Ubatuba, Brasil. I. Chondrichthyes. 55815 Linear fish growth models for intensive aquaculture. 32397 Early life history of the tautog Tautoga onitis in the mid-Atlantic Bight. 44958 Reproductive ecology of the western brook lamprey, Lampetra planeri (Petromyzontidae). 29297 Cytogenetics of bisexual/unsexual species of Poecillia. II. Analysis of heterochromatin and nucleolar organizer regions in Poeicilia mexicana mexicana, by C-banding and DAPI, quinacrine, chromomycin A3, and silver staining. 35131 Cytogenetics of bisexual/unsexual species of Poecillia. III. The karyotype of Poeicilia formosa, a gynogenetic species of hybrid origin. 40717 Reproductive physiology of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) with particular reference to induced spawning. 13036 Population dynamics of pelagic armourhead Pseudopentaceros wheeleri on Southeast Hancock Seamount. 32392 Inverse method for mortality and growth estimation: a new method for larval fishes. 4726 New functions for the analysis of two-phase growth of juvenile and adult fishes, with application to Nile perch. 48719 Estimacion de edad y crecimiento en la "Pacora" Plagioscion surinamensis Bleecker, 1873 por medio de la comparacion de los metodos de analisis de distribucion de frecuencias y las marcas en escamas y otolitos. 13056 Gonadal histology in the self-fertilizing hermaphroditic fish Rivulus marmoratus (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae). 5337 Seasonal growth of five commercially important fishes at Sofala Bank, Mozambique. 29192 Detecçao de dois citótipos em Astyanaz scabripinnis coletados em simpatria e sinotopia no córrego Canta Galo (Bacia do Tietê). 29407 Estudos citogenéticos preliminares em Pseudoplatystoma coruscans. (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) da Bacia do Rio Paraguai. 49380 Further development of the multispecies assessment of the fish stocks in the Western Baltic. 9566 Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. Part 1 - Manual. 33028 Diurnal occupancy of crevices and overhangs by fishes on the Caicos Bank, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. 8935 Platygobiopsis akihito, new genus and species of gobiid fish from Flores, Indonesia. 12185 An economic review of the Japanese flounder stock enhancement project in Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido. 27525 Stock assessment of silverbellies of India with particular reference to Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. 37706 Visual determination of sex in live Pacific halibut. 41823 Studiu comparativ privind exploatarea populatilor de platica (Abramis brama danubi, Pavlov, 1956) din lacurile Razim si Puiu-Rosu. 26701 Pseudotropheus callainos, a new species of mbuna (Cichlidae), with analyses of changes associated with two intra-lacustrine transplantations in Lake Malawi, Africa. 95768 Deep-living demersal fishes in Catalan Sea (western Mediterranean) below a depth of 1000 m. 95767 Depth-size trends in western Mediterranean demersal deep-sea fishes. 40267 Evaluating the nutritional condition of individual whitefish (Coregonus spp.) larvae by the RNA/DNA ratio. 13766 Country report of the Netherlands on introductions. 4734 Evolution and biogeography of the Clinidae (Teleostei: Blennioidei). 4678 Age, growth and mortality of red bandfish, Cepola macrophthalma (L.), in the western Aegean Sea (Greece). 44974 Biology of the smelt, Osmerus eperlanus, in lake Vesijärvi, Finland. 27140 Synopsis of the biology of commercially important species of dories and oreos (Order: Zeiformes) in southern Australasian waters: a review of the literature. 38879 The parental care behaviour of Paratilapia polleni (Perciformes, Labroidei), a phylogenetically primitive cichlid from Madagascar, with a discussion of the evolution of maternal care in the family Cichlidae. 46764 Description of a new species of Rheocles (Atherinomorpha, Bedotiidae) from the Nosivolo Tributary, Mangoro River, eastern Malagasy Republic. 26738 A new species flock of cichlid fishes from Lake Bermin, Cameroon with a description of eight new species of Tilapia (Labroidei: Cichlidae). 57164 Histochemical investigations of the ontogenetical development of acellular teleost bones with special reference of the vertebral column of Aphanius mento (Heckel, 1843) (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae). Part I: Introduction, historical survey, material…. 49367 Food composition and consumption of Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi G.) with special reference to cannibalism. 40279 Southern stingray (Dasyatis americana) feeding on lancelets (Branchiostoma floridae). 26126 The fishery of Ilisha africana in the coastal waters of Republic of Benin and Lagos State, Nigeria. 38132 Gonad development and somatic growth in an intergeneric cyprinid hybrid from Lake Kinneret, Israel. 41118 Interactions between stochastic and deterministic processes in stream fish community assembly. 38594 Movements and associated observations of bait-attracted white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias: a preliminary report. 4720 NAN-SIS: Software for fishery survey data logging and analysis. User's manual. 27360 NAN-SIS: Software for fishery survey data logging and analysis. User's manual. 37701 Genetic divergence, speciation and morphological stasis in a lineage of African cichlid fishes. 42292 Ecophysiology of aufwuchs-eating cichlids in Lake Tanganyika: niche separation by trophic specialization. 47431 The occurrence of pelagic larvae of the Japanese flounder in the Yatsushiro sea and adjacent waters, Japan. 94398 Fishery resources. 30099 A note on the karyotype of Percarina demidoffi (Pisces, Percidae). 27650 Synopsis of the biology of Western Australian whitings (Fam. Sillaginidae). 54362 Tilapia culture in saline waters: a review. 35466 Estimation of the age and growth of pacific saury Cololabis saira in the central North Pacific Ocean determined by otolith daily growth increments. 12125 Chromosome and DNA studies of eight species in the family Cobitidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes). 12331 Karyotype and DNA contents of the Chinese catostomid fish, Myxocyprinus asiaticus. 41283 First record of a gobiid fish Parioglossus philippinus from Japan. 89974 Rust stiky a po?etnost plevelnych druhu ryb v nadrzi Kli?ava --Sredni ?echy. 52930 Meet Cyphotilapia frontosa. 31710 Comparison of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) strains for body weight, length and age at maturity in different Swedish production systems. 50821 Cichlasoma motaguense. 41060 A simplified protocol for routine total DNA isolation from salmonid fishes. 35136 Chromosomal distribution of nucleolus organizer regions in Japanese cyprinid fish. 35245 The characiform fishes of the Apure River drainage, Venezuela. BioLlania Edición Especial - No. 4. 89967 Mérous de l'Océan Indien. 94305 Hawaiian freshwater fishes (Oscteichthyes, Gobioidei): a field key to the species of larvae and postlarvae during recruitment into fresh waters. 38895 Diet of the killifish Rivulus marmoratus collected from land crab burrows, with further ecological notes. 32403 Reproductive biology of the swordfish Xiphias gladius in the Straits of Florida and adjacent waters. 89142 Influence of geomagnetism on the activity and orientation of eel, Anguilla anguilla, as evident from laboratory experiment. 40300 Reproduction of the freshwater stingray, Potamotrygon magdalenae taken from the Magdalena river system in Colombia, South America. 7357 Clariidae. 7374 Channidae. 8954 Malapteruridae. 7378 Cichlidae. 42449 Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Barbus (Cyprinidae) du bassin central du Kouilou, Congo. 35139 A karyologial analysis of the artificial hybridization between Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Heterobranchus longifilis Valenciennes, 1840 (Pisces; Clariidae). 53784 Fishes of the Cross River basin (Cameroon-Nigeria) taxonomy, zoogeography, ecology and conservation. 9562 Enzymatic variation in African clariid catfishes. 8806 Behavioral alterations induced by nickel and chromium in common carp Cyprinus carpio var commmunis. 27803 Stock assessment of the ribbonfish, Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, from the Indian waters. 26619 Two new annual killifishes from Amazonas Territory, Venezuela (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). 26071 Rivulus tecminae, a new killifish from Amazonas Territory, Venezuela (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae). 46523 Age, growth and reproductive biology of greater amberjack and cobia from Louisiana waters. 40884 Boehlkenchelys longidentata, a new genus and species of chlopsid eel (Teleostei: Anguilliformes) from the Indo-West Pacific Region. 5334 Preliminary estimation of growth in Cheimerius nufar (Sparidae) from southern Mozambique. 58203 A comparison of data on the population dynamics of Mullus barbatus L. from the Izmir Bay in 1973 and 1990. 55694 Use the spectroscopy to investigate the diet of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in an Alpine Lake. 6373 Diet of alligator fishes of the genus Podothecus (Agonidae) in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. 9024 Features of feeding of benthic predatory fishes of the West Kamchatka Shelf. 41410 Dietary characteristics of sea poachers (Agonidae) in the coastal waters of Kamchatka. 50147 Size-age structure and sex ratios of Alaska Plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, on the Western Kamchatka shelf. 5330 Length-weight relationships of Lake Kariba fishes. 46169 Protein digestion, growth and food conversion in atlantic salmon and arctic charr with different trypsin-like isozyme patterns. 7394 Mastacembelidae. 26075 Caecomastacembelus taiaensis and Aethiomastacembelus praensis, two new species of mastacembelid spiny-eels from West Africa. 42344 The predator-prey relationship of perch, Perca fluviatilis, larvae and zooplankton in two Scottish lochs. 4843 The population dynamics of pike, Esox lucius, and perch, Perca fluviatilis, in a simple predator-prey system. 44938 Fish of the family Moridae from the southeastern Atlantic (Genera Gadella , Halargyreus, and Antimora). 44940 Morid cods from the southeast Atlantic (Genera Lipidion, Austrophycis , and Tripterophycis). 7081 Growth pattern of picarel, Spicara smaris (L.) (Centrarchidae), a protogynous species. 44931 Rations of Barents sea cod estimated by two methods. 37716 Distribution patterns of triglids (Pisces: Triglidae) on the Cretan shelf (Greece), and their interspecific associations. 54488 Discovery of the spawning area for Japanese eel. 4826 Age and growth of Anguilla japonica leptocephali collected in western North Pacific in July 1990. 10901 First record of the alepocephalid fish, Photostylus pycnopterus, from Japan. 28157 The callichthyid catfish Corydoras aeneus is an unresolved diploid-tetraploid sibling-species complex. 40249 Abundant males in populations of a selfing hermaphrodite fish, Rivulus marmoratus, from some Belize cays. 4746 The biology of chambo and consideration of other species important to the fishery. 6150 Distribution and biology of chambo (Oreochromis spp.) in Lake Malawi and Malombe. GOM/UNDP/FAO Chambo Fisheries Research Project, Malawi. 49381 The parasitic infestation and growth of clupeids in the North-Eastern Baltic. 33026 Deepwater populations of the western Atlantic pearlfish Carapus bermudensis (Ophidiiformes: Carapidae). 40244 Effects of starvation on the formation of daily growth increments in the otoliths of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), larvae. 46638 A comparison of the nutritional condition of herring larvae as determined by two biochemical methods - tryptic enzyme activity and RNA/DNA ratio measurements. 12537 Multiple sex chromosomes in the redfin velvetfish, Hypodytes rubripinnis. 48705 Large juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta collected in coastal waters of Iturup Island. 33547 The food and feeding habits of Heterotis niloticus (Teleostei: Osteoglossidae) in a small tropical man-made lake in Ibadan, Nigeria. 42664 The food and feeding ecology of Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppell) in a small freshwater reservoir in Ibadan, Nigeria. 41074 Turkiye denizleri icin yeni bir kefal baligi turu: Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky. 12540 Karyotypes of two cichlid fishes from Mexico, Cichlasoma ellioti and C. trimaculatum. 49377 Feeding daily rhthm of eelpout (Zoarces vivipar/u (L.)) in the Gulf of Riga. 32402 Genetic isolation of previously indistinguishable chinook salmon populations of the Snake and Klamath Rivers: limitations of negative data. 12749 Assessing and managing the marine fish resources of Sierra Leone, west Africa. 42162 Importance of the Lac-lagoon (Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles) for a selected number of reef fish species. 38090 Fisheries management as an additional lake restoration measure: biomanipulation scaling-up problems. 40581 Neotropical Monogenoidea. 18. Anacanthorus Mizelle and Price, 1965 (Dactylogyridae, Anacanthorinae) of piranha (Characoidea, Serrasalmidae) from the central Amazon, their phylogeny, and aspects of host-parasite coevolution . 42179 Haplochromis howesi spec. nov., a crab and fish eating cichlid from Lake Victoria. 11334 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Cyphocharax Fowler (Pisces, Ostariophysi). 28798 Systematics of the neotropical characiform genus Curimatella Eigenmann and Eigenmann (Pisces: Ostariophysi), with summary comments on the Curimatidae. 30247 Redescription of Mesopristes elongatus (Guichenot, 1866), an Endemic Malagasy Fish species (Pisces, Terapontidae). 4390 pers. comm. 44926 RNA/DNA index as an indicator of growth rate of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during early marine life. 38877 The early sea life of coho, Oncorhynchus kisutch, and pink salmon, O. gorbuscha, as a period of completion of smoltification. 12380 Karyology of fishes from the family Gobiidae. 35156 Solotistaja schtschipovka Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae) reki laborez. 44935 Variability, divergence and taxonomy of loach on the Iberian Peninsula. 44959 Golden spiny loach, Sabanejewia aurata (Cobitidae), from the Laborec river. 58129 Biological aspects of red mulet, Mullus barbatus, off the coasts of central Greeece. 4747 Age, growth and mortality of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Dodecanese, Greece). 27069 Aspects of the biology of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Aegean Sea. 27070 Preliminary biological data on the striped red mullet (Mullus surmeletus) in the Aegean Sea. 12194 Population characteristics of the red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, stock off the Carolinas. 39619 Síntese de conhecimento sobre o comportamento reproductivo dos Characiformes da América do Sul (Teleostei: Characiformes). 27032 Age and growth of Mugilidae species. 33917 Age and growth of Mugilidae species. 29268 Chromosome polymorphism in rainbow trout populations from Central Chile: [Pap.] 1st Symp. Rainbow Trout, Stirling, 4-7 Sept., 1990. 49350 Epidemiology of diseases in flounder (Platichthys flesusL. in dutch coastal waters, with particular reference to environmental stress factors. 33845 The biology of tench, Tinca tinca, in the Volga Delta. 41411 Relationship between feeding rate of the barb, Puntius arulius (Pisces, Cyprinidae), and food-particle size. 52981 Pipefishes and seahorses: are they all sex role reversed?. 35176 Karyotype analyses reveal inter-individual polymorphism and association of nucleolus-organizer-carrying chromosomes in Capros aper (Pisces: Zeiformes). 12377 Karyotype characterization of four Mediterranean sparid fish (Pisces, Perciformes) using conventional and banding techniques. 35180 Karyotype analysis of the teleostean fish Balistes carolinensis and Lophius piscatorius suggest the occurrence of two different karyoevolutional pathways. 35179 Karyological and molecular characterization of Mullus surmuletus and Mullus barbatus (Pisces, Mullidae). 44952 Features of growth and metabolism of the baikal omul, Coregonus autumnalis migratorius, during the larval period of development. 27072 Age, growth and state of stock of red mullet (Mullus barbatus L. 1758) in the Saronikos Gulf of Greece. 74351 The Oxleyan pygmy perch: maintaining breeding populations. 8920 Aspects of the reproduction biology and growth of two species of goatfish (Mullidae) from Aqaba, Red Sea. 12051 The food and feeding habits of the goatfishes, Mulloides flavolineatus and Mulloides vanicolensis in the Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan. 32398 Eastern Pacific species of the genus Umbrina (Pisces: Sciaenidae) with a description of a new species. 40258 Spawning behaviour and diel periodicity of egg production in captive Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus L. 8645 Effects of different dilution water types on the acute toxicity to juvenile pacific salmon and rainbow trout of fluroxypyr formulated product XRM-5048. 40255 Observations on the larval development of Mystus macropterus (Bleeker): Bagridae. 93477 Research of growth properties of Protosalanx hyalocranius Abbott. 4810 Batch fecundity of Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus L. 26668 A review of the gobiid fish genus Awaous from insular streams of the Pacific Plate. 33022 Larval development of sargo (Anisotremus davidsonii) and salema (Xenistius californiensis) (Pisces: Haemulidae) from the southern California Bight. 32214 Protogynous hermaphroditism in the half-banded sea perch, Hypoplectrodes maccullochi (Serranidae). 39541 Révision du genre Pterygoplichthys sensu lato (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). 94375 The freshwater fish identifier. 46676 Regional differences in duration of the planktonic larval stage of reef fishes in the eastern Pacific ocean. 55971 Découverte de Lepisosteidae (Pisces, Actinopterygii) dans le Crétacé inférieur de la Chapada do Araripe (N-E du Brésil): systématique et phylogénie. 5204 A list of the common and scientific names of fishes of the British Isles. 6111 Freshwater fishes of Britain and Europe. 32526 Gene amplification permits minimally invasive analysis of fish mitochondrial DNA. 49402 Preliminary results on the smallscale distribution of herring larvae in the English Channel as obtained by means of a towed video recording system. 32515 Genetic status of Pecos pupfish populations after establishment of a hybrid swarm involving an introduced congener. 26691 A new Nothobranchius (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae) from the Kenyan coastal plains, with a redefinition of the subgenus Aphyobranchius. 26692 Redescription of Nothobranchius nicrolepis, description of two new species from northern Kenya and southern Somalia, and note on the status of Paranothobranchius (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae). 46870 Renocila loriae and R. richardsonae (Crustacea: Isopada: Cymothoidae), external parasites of coral reef fishes from New Guinea and the Philippines. 26059 Preliminary results of a study into the incidental mortality of sharks in gillnets in two Tasmanian shark nursery areas. 10698 Echiodon anchipterus: a valid western Pacific species of the pearlfish family Carapidae with comments on Eurypleuron. 39666 Development changes in the escape response of larval winter flounder Pleuronectes americanus from hatch through metamorphosis. 46858 Plasticity of fish body shape. The effects of diet, development, family and age in two species of Geophagus (Pisces: Cichlidae). 53596 Patterns of life-history diversification in North American fishes: implications for population regulation. 38885 Fish assemblages across a complex, tropical freshwater/marine ecotone. 8931 Threats to the lake fish communities of the U.K. arising from eutrophication and species introductions. 33592 Atlantic salmon in marine waters of Southeastern Alaska. 42343 The costs of mixed prey for a planktivorous cyprinid, Chalcalburnus chalcoides mento. 4974 Evolution of Naso thynnoides and the status of N. minor (Acanthuridae; Actinopterygii). 6189 Revision of Egglestonichthys and of Priolepis species possessing a transverse pattern of cheek papillae (Teleostei; Gobiidae), with a discussion of relationships. 34632 São Tomé: eine paradies für taucher und meerwasser-aquarianer. 28676 The destruction of an endemic species flock: quantitative data on the decline of the haplochromine cichlids of Lake Victoria. 51896 Species extinction and concomitant ecological changes in Lake Victoria. 26073 Betta brownorum, a new species of anabantoids (Teleostei: Belontiidae) from northwestern Borneo, with a key to the genus. 42584 Latitudinal differences in fish community trophic structure, and the role of fish herbivory in a Costa Rican stream. 5326 Global Biodiversity: Status of the Earth's living resources. 38611 Growth of four species of juvenile fish associated with the seagrass Zostera capricorni in Botany Bay, New South Wales. 38367 Aspekte der Reproduktion zweier Sciaenidenarten, der Pescads Plagioscion squammosissimus und Plagioscion monti (Soares 1979), Pisces, in verschiedenen Gewässertypen Zentral-Amazoniens. 85647 Reflections on the evolution of piscine viviparity. 47964 Territoriality in the butterflyfish (Chaetodon austriacus). 40259 Ovarian development, spawning frequency and batch fecundity in Encrasicholina heteroloba (Ruppell, 1858). 33800 The fishes of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. 40270 The bioenergetics of the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis Chen): growth rate as a function of ration level, body weight, and temperature. 96208 Çivril (I??kl?) Gölü limnolojik ara?t?rma projesi sonuç raporu. 34715 A new cottid species, Porocottus coronatus, from the Pacific coast of Hokkaido, Japan. 5360 Occurrence, distribution and abundance of accidentally introduced freshwater aquatic organisms in Hawaii. 40250 Closure of the micropyle during embryonic development of some pelagic fish eggs. 46497 Genetic dimorphism in Pseudocaranx dentex from Tosa bay, Japan. 26054 Revision of the subgenus Botia (Sinibotia) with description of a new species (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae). 8772 Accumulation and release of herbicides Butachlor, Thiobencarb and Chlomethoxyfen by fish, clam and shrimp. 50358 Dinh loai các loài cá nuóc ngot nam bô. 27808 Stock assessment of Scomberomorus commerson along the Indian coast. 13127 Karyotypes and banding patterns in eight species of the scorpionfish (Scorpaenidae). 46678 Feeding ecology and interannual variations in diet of larval jack mackerel, Trachurus declivis (Pisces: Carangidae), from coastal waters of eastern Tasmania. 40263 Wild adult hybrids of Salmo salar L. and Salmo trutta L. 27176 Breeding biology of Schizothorax niger Heckel: fecundity. 27173 Studies on the length-weight relationship in some cyprinid fish in Manasbal Lake, Kashmir. 5982 Growth characteristics and critical age of Coilia ectenes taihuensis. 12518 Studies on the karyotypes of Sebastes schlegeli (Hilgendorf) and Hexagrammos otakii Jordan & Starks. 10189 History of Lower Cook Inlet pink, sockeye, and chum salmon escapement goals. 42270 Feeding behaviour of the american plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides on the southern grand bank of Newfoundland. 42000 Feeding habits of Gobius auratus and other benthic small-sized fish from the French Mediterranean coast under regard of some alternating parameters. 37638 Zur identität von Barbus stigmasemion Fowler, 1936 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). 37644 Zur variabilität von Schilbe bocagii (Guimaraes, 1882) (Teleostei: Schilbeidae). 44957 Evaluation of genome interaction from growth characteristics and karyological and morphological characteristics in triploid hybrids between wild goldfish and carp reared in Karelia. 37423 Chromosome synapsis and recombination during meiotic division in gynogenetic triploid ginbuna, Carassius auratus langsdorfii. 46566 Preliminary notes on age information from sections of decalcified otoliths of Atlantic herring. 26693 Anabarilius brevianalis, a new species from the Jinshajiang River basin, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). 6374 Diet of benthopelagic Baikal sculpins (Scorpaeniformes, Cottoidei). 32399 Larval development of two sympatric flounders, Paralichthys adspersus (Steindachner, 1867) and Paralichthys microps (Gunther, 1881) from the Bay of Coquimbo, Chile.
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