List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in FishBase
n = 8
Species Name Used in Reference
Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes, 1828) Cephalopholis formosanus (p. )
Myripristis berndti Jordan & Evermann, 1903 Myripristis amaenus (p. 155;fig. )
Myripristis botche Cuvier, 1829 Myripristis murdjan (p. 156 )
Pseudanthias lori (Lubbock & Randall, 1976) Anthias lori (p. 287 )
Pterocaesio trilineata Carpenter, 1987 Caesio sp. (p. 193 )
Scarus longipinnis Randall & Choat, 1980 Scarus sp. (p. 113,centralfig. )
Siganus argenteus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) Siganus sp. (p. 217;pl. )
Siganus woodlandi Randall & Kulbicki, 2005 Siganus sp. (p. )
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cfm script by eagbayani, 20/06/03 ,  php script by elaxamana, 02/03/09 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 25/03/10