List of Species Treated in Reference And Used in FishBase
n = 12
Species Name Used in Reference
Gastromyzon borneensis Günther, 1874 Gastromyzon borneensis (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon contractus Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon contractus (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon ctenocephalus Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon ctenocephalus (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon danumensis Chin & Inger, 1989 Gastromyzon danumensis (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon fasciatus Inger & Chin, 1961 Gastromyzon fasciatus (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon lepidogaster Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon lepidogaster (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon megalepis Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon megalepis (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon monticola (Vaillant, 1889) Gastromyzon monticola (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon ornaticauda Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998 Gastromyzon ornaticauda (p. 367-370;fig.3-5 )
Gastromyzon pariclavis Tan & Martin-Smith, 1998 Gastromyzon pariclavis (p. 362-367;fig.1-2 )
Gastromyzon punctulatus Inger & Chin, 1961 Gastromyzon punctulatus (p. 366 )
Gastromyzon ridens Roberts, 1982 Gastromyzon ridens (p. 366 )
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