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References using Thunnus thynnus thynnus
Ref No. Description Page
000076  Papasissi, C.,1989 A contribution to the study of the biology of the ichthyoplankton in the Gulf of Kissamos (N.W. Crete, Greece). Thesis. 300 p.
000168  Collette, B.B. and C.E. Nauen,1983 FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 2. Scombrids of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of tunas, mackerels, bonitos and related species known to date. Rome: FAO. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(2):137 p. 90
000171  Coppola, S.R., W. Fischer, L. Garibaldi, N. Scialabba and K.E. Carpenter,1994 SPECIESDAB: Global species database for fishery purposes. User's manual. FAO Computerized Information Series (Fisheries). No. 9. Rome, FAO. 103 p.
000268  Coull, K.A., A.S. Jermyn, A.W. Newton, G.I. Henderson and W.B. Hall,1989 Length/weight relationships for 88 species of fish encountered in the North Atlantic. Scottish Fish. Res. Rep. (43):80 p.
000276  Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott,1980 A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (12)1-174.
000308  Sambilay, V.C. Jr.,1990 Interrelationships between swimming speed, caudal fin aspect ratio and body length of fishes. Fishbyte 8(3):16-20.
000312  Pauly, D.,1978 A preliminary compilation of fish length growth parameters. Ber. Inst. Meereskd. Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel (55):1-200.
000688  Magnuson, J.J.,1978 Locomotion by scombrid fishes: hydrodynamics, morphology, and behavior. Fish Physiol. 7:239-313.
000796  Beverton, R.J.H. and S.J. Holt,1959 A review of the lifespans and mortality rates of fish in nature, and their relation to growth and other physiological characteristics. p. 142-180. In G.E.W. Wolstenholme and M. O'Connor (eds.) CIBA Foundation colloquia on ageing: the lifespan of animals. volume 5. J & A Churchill Ltd, London.
001335  Sella, M.,1930 Distribution and migrations of the tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) studied by the method of hooks, and other observations. Int. Rev. Hydrobiol. 24:446-466.
001336  Anonymous,1954 Recherches sur les poissons/Thon rouge, Thunnus thynnus (Linné). Rev. Trav. Inst. Pêches Marit. 18(2-4):65-67.
001337  Westman, J.R. and W.C. Neville,1942 The tuna fishery of Long Island. Board of Supervisors, Nassau County, New York. 30 p.
001338  Rodriguez-Roda, J.,1972 Research on bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) in Spain during the years 1970-1971. p. 193-194. In Rep. Int. Comm. Cons. Atl. Tuna, 1970-1971 3. Madrid.
001339  Westman, J.R. and P.W. Gilbert,1941 Notes on the age determination and growth of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus). Copeia 1941(2):70-72.
001340  Mather, F.J. III and H.A. Schuck,1960 Growth of bluefin tuna of the western North Atlantic. Fish. Bull. 61(179):39-52.
001747  Tiews, K.,1957 Biologische Untersuchungen am roten thun (Thunnus thynnus [Linnaeus]) in der Nordsee. Ber. Dtsch. Komm. Meeresforsch. 14(3):192-220.
001756  Nijssen, H. and S.J. de Groot,1974 Catalogue of fish species of the Netherlands. Beaufortia 21(285):173-207.
001836  Pauly, D.,1979 Gill size and temperature as governing factors in fish growth: a generalization of von Bertalanffy's growth formula. Berichte des Instituts für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, (63). 156 p.
002011  Palomares, M.L.D. and D. Pauly,1989 A multiple regression model for predicting the food consumption of marine fish populations. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 40(3):259-273.
002285  Conseil Général des Pêches pour la Méditerranée,1982 Rapport de la premiére Consultation Technique sur l'Evaluation des Stocks dans la Méditerranée Centrale. Tunis, 19-23 Avril 1982. FAO Rapp. Péches (266):125 p., FAO, Rome.
002302  Hughes, G.M. and M. Morgan,1973 The structure of fish gills in relation to their respiratory function. Biol. Revs. 48(3):419-475.
002473  Muir, B.S. and G.M. Hughes,1969 Gill dimensions for three species of tunny. J. Exp. Biol. 51:271-285.
002682  Kuronuma, K.,1961 A check list of fishes of Vietnam. United States Consultants, Inc.; International Cooperation Administration Contract-IV-153. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, United States Operations Mission to Vietnam. 66 p.
002841  Hattour, A.,1978 Contribution à l'étude des scombridés de Tunisie. Diplôme d'études approfondies de biologie marine et d'océanologie. Rapport de stage. Université de Tunis. Faculté des sciences. 168 p.
003397  Bauchot, M.-L.,1987 Poissons osseux. p. 891-1421. In W. Fischer, M.L. Bauchot and M. Schneider (eds.) Fiches FAO d'identification pour les besoins de la pêche. (rev. 1). Méditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol. II. Commission des Communautés Européennes and FAO, Rome.
003581  Kume, S.,1974 Tuna fisheries and their resources in the Pacific Ocean. 15th IPFC Proc., Wellington, New Zealand, 18-27 October 1972. Sect. III:390-423.
003582  Yukinawa, M. and Y. Yabuta,1967 Age and growth of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus), in the North Pacific Ocean. Rep. Nankai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. (25):1-28.
003586  Houde, E.D. and C.E. Zastrow,1993 Ecosystem- and taxon-specific dynamic and energetics properties of fish larvae assemblages. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(2):290-335.
004079  Brothers, E.B., E.D. Prince and D.W. Lee,1983 Age and growth of young-of-the-year bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, from otolith microstructure. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:49-59.
004616  Palomares, M.L.D.,1987 Comparative studies on the food consumption of marine fishes with emphasis on species occurring in the Philippines. Masters Thesis, Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C., Philippines, 107 p.
004645  Muus, B. and P. Dahlström,1978 Meeresfische der Ostsee, der Nordsee, des Atlantiks. BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, München. 244 p.
004680  Block, B.A., D. Booth and F.G. Carey,1992 Direct measurement of swimming speeds and depth of blue marlin. J. Exp. Biol. 166:267-284.
004699  International Game Fish Association,1991 World record game fishes. International Game Fish Association, Florida, USA.
004748  Brown, B.E., J.A. Browder, J. Powers and C.D. Goodyear,1991 Biomass, yield models and management of strategies of Gulf of Mexico ecosystems. p. 125-163. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Food chains, yields, models, and management of large marine ecosystems. Westview Press, Inc., Boulder, Colorado.
004751  Rivas, L.R.,1968 Fishermen's atlas of monthly sea surface temperatures for the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., Circular 300. 33 p.
004814  Vincent, P.,1981 L'élevage du thon rouge: expériences japonaises. Centre National pour l' Exploitation des Océans. Rapp. Sci. Tech. No. 47, Best, 71 p.
004883  Bykov, V.P.,1983 Marine Fishes: Chemical composition and processing properties. New Delhi: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 322 p.
004931  FAO,1992 FAO yearbook 1990. Fishery statistics. Catches and landings. FAO Fish. Ser. (38). FAO Stat. Ser. 70:(105):647 p.
005204  Wheeler, A.,1992 A list of the common and scientific names of fishes of the British Isles. J. Fish Biol. 41(suppl.A):1-37.
005313  Collette, B.B.,1986 Scombridae. p. 831-838. In M.M. Smith and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Smiths' sea fishes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 838
005530  Chirichigno, N.F.,1974 Clave para identificar los peces marinos del Peru. Inf. Inst. Mar Perú (44):1-387.
005533  Djabali, F., A. Mehailia, M. Koudil and B. Brahmi,1993 Empirical equations for the estimation of natural mortality in Mediterranean teleosts. Naga ICLARM Q. 16(1):35-37.
005552  Farrugio, H.,1981 Exploitation et dynamique des populations de thon rouge Thunnus thynnus (Linné, 1758) atlanto-méditerranéennes. Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc. 325 p. Thèse de Doctorat.
005565  Scaccini, A.,1965 Biologia e pesca dei tonni nei mari italiani. Ministerio Mar. Mercant. Mem. 12, 100 p.
005760  Erzini, K.,1991 A compilation of data on variability in length-age in marine fishes. Fisheries Stock Assessment, Title XII, Collaborative Research Support Program, University of Rhode Island. Working paper 77, 36p.
005782  Compean-Jimenez, G. and F.X. Bard,1983 Growth increments on dorsal spines of eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus and their possible relation to migration patterns. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8:77-86.
005795  Farber, M.I. and D.W. Lee,1980 Ageing western Atlantic tuna, Thunnus thynnus using tagging data, caudal vertebrae and otoliths. Int. Commn. Cons. Atl. Tunas Coll. Vol. Sci. Pap. 19:288-301.
005810  Hurley, P.C.F. and D.T. Isles,1983 Age and growth of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus using otoliths. p. 71-75. In E.D. Prince and L.M. Poulos (eds.) Proceedings of the international workshop on age determination of oceanic pelagic fishes:tunas, billfishes, and sharks. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 8.
005858  Rey, J.C. and J.L. Cort,1983 Una clave talla/edad por lectura de espinas para el atun rojo (Thunnus thynnus L.) del Atlantico este. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 20:337-340.
006365  Fouda, M.M. and G.V. Hermosa Jr.,1993 A checklist of Oman fishes. Sultan Qaboos University Press, Sultanate of Oman. 42 p.
006769  Collette, B.B.,1986 Scombridae (including Thunnidae, Scomberomoridae, Gasterochismatidae and Sardidae). p. 981-997. In P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Volume 2. Unesco, Paris. 997
006810  Ofori-adu, D.W.,1988 List of fishes, shellfishes and other marine food resources in the Ghanaian coastal waters. Mar. Fish. Res. Tech. Pap. No. 1. 43 p.
007306  FAO Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Service,1993 Aquaculture production (1985-1991). FAO Fish. Circ. 815, Rev. 5. 213 p. 70
007439  Carpenter, K.,1994 List of FAO names in the yearbook found inconsistent with FIRM's Species Identification and Data Programme publications and other primary sources. pers. comm. FIDI-FIRM List, FAO, Rome. 17
009015  Anonymous,1994 U. S. GLOBEC - Global ocean ecosystems dynamics, a component of the U. S. Global Change Research Program. Eastern Boundary Current Program-A Science Plan for the California Current, Rep. No. 11, August. 77
009057  Economidis, P.S.,1973 Catalogue of the fishes of Greece. Reprinted from Hellenic Oceanology and Limnology, Praktika of the Inst. of Ocean. and Fishing Research, vol. 11 (1972).
009137  Masuda, H. and G.R. Allen,1993 Meeresfische der Welt - Groß-Indopazifische Region. Tetra Verlag, Herrenteich, Melle. 528 p. 390
009229  Chow, S. and S. Inoue,1993 Intra- and interspecific restriction fragment length polymorphism in mitochondrial genes of Thunnus tuna species. Bull. Nat. Res. Inst. Far East Fish. 30:207-225.
009741  Yoshinaka, R., K. Sato, H. Anbe, M. Sato and Y. Shimizu,1988 Distribution of collagen in body muscle of fishes with different swimming modes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 89B(1):147-151.
009988  Frimodt, C.,1995 Multilingual illustrated guide to the world's commercial coldwater fish. Fishing News Books, Osney Mead, Oxford, England. 215 p. 112-113
012831  Collette, B.B.,1970 Rastrelliger kanagurta, another Red Sea immigrant into the Mediterranean Sea, with a key to Mediterranean species of Scomberidae. Bull. Sea Fish. Res. Stn. Haifa 54:3-6. 6
013729  Amori, G., F.M. Angelici, S. Frugis, G. Gandolfi, R. Groppali, B. Lanza, G. Relini and G. Vicini,1993 Vertebrata. In A. Minelli, S. Ruffo and S. La Posta (eds.) Checklist delle specie della fauna Italiana, 110. Calderini, Bologna, 83 p.
026066  Randall, J.E., H. Ida, K. Kato, R.L. Pyle and J.L. Earle,1997 Annotated checklist of inshore fishes of the Ogasawara Islands. Nat. Sci. Mus. Monogr. (11):1-74.
026804  Labelle, M., T. Hoch, B. Liorzou and J.-L. Bigot,1997 Indices of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus thynnus) abundance derived from sale records of French purse seine catches in the Mediterranean sea. Aquat. Living Resour. 10:329-342.
026805  Anonymous,1995 (title not given). International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Report for biennial period, 1994-95. Part I, Vol 2, Madrid , Spain. 283 p.
027000  Reiner, F.,1996 Catálogo dos peixes do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Publ. Avuls. Inst. Port. Invest. Mar. 2:339 p. 253
027620  Silva, M.,1994 Especies identificadas en las pesquerias costeras artesanales del Suroeste de la Republica Dominica. Reportes del Propescar-Sur: contribuciones al conocimiento de las pesquerías en la República Dominicana. Vol. 1, 47p. 01-12
030184  Arkhipchuk, V.V.,1999 Chromosome database. Database of Dr. Victor Arkhipchuk.
033268  Klawe, W.L.,1980 Classification of the tunas, mackerels, billfishes, and related species, and their geographical distribution. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., Spec. Rep. 2:5-16. 14
033407  Ramjohn, D.D.,1999 Checklist of coastal and marine fishes of Trinidad and Tobago. Marine Fishery Analysis Unit, Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources, Trinidad and Tobago. Fisheries Information Series 8, 151 p.
033798  Soljan, T.,1975 I pesci dell'Adriatico. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Verona, Italy.
035204  Santos, R.S., F.M. Porteiro and J.P. Barreiros,1997 Marine fishes of the Azores: annotated checklist and bibliography. Bulletin of the University of Azores. Supplement 1. 244 p. 109
035509  Anonymous,2000 Fish collection database of the Intitut fur Seefischerei (ISH). BIOLAB Forschungsinstitut, Hohenwestedt, Germany.
038265  Nomura, H.,1984 Dicionário dos peixes do Brasil. Brasília: Editerra. 482p.
038732  Anonymous,2001 Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes.
039531  Crespo, J., J. Gajate and R. Ponce,2001 Clasificación científica e identificación de nombres vernáculos existentes en la base de datos de seguimiento informático de recursos naturales oceánicos. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Madrid, Spain. 414 p. 97
041474  Economidis, P.S.,2001 Common names of Hellenic marine fishes. Aristotle University, Unpublished Technical Report.
041475  Economidis, P.S. and E. Koutrakis,2001 Common names of comercially important Hellenic marine organisms. Aristotle University, Unpublished Technical Report.
042062  Brandão, J.M.,1964 Glossário de nomes dos peixes: sistemático, português, inglês. Boletim de Estudos de Pesca 4(6):1-59.
050345  Quignard, J.-P. and J.A. Tomasini,2000 Mediterranean fish biodiversity. Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 7(3):1-66. 49
082533  Djabali, F., B. Brahmi and M. Mammasse,1993 Poissons des Côtes Algériennes. Pelagos, Bulletin de I'Ismal (Bulletin de l'Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral). Numéro special 215 p.
098752  Sadio, O.,2014 Common names of some fish species in Senegal. Unpublished compilation of O. Sadio.
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