References Used for Alaska (USA) (ALK)
n = 60
Ref. No. Description
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188 Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeioidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(7/1):1-303. Rome: FAO.
247 Compagno, L.J.V., 1984. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(4/1):1-249. Rome, FAO.
265 Matarese, A.C., A.W. Kendall, D.M. Blood and M.V. Vinter, 1989. Laboratory guide to early life history stages of Northeast Pacific fishes. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 80:1-652.
1371 Cohen, D.M., T. Inada, T. Iwamoto and N. Scialabba, 1990. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 10. Gadiform fishes of the world (Order Gadiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cods, hakes, grenadiers and other gadiform fishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(10). Rome: FAO. 442 p.
2850 Eschmeyer, W.N., E.S. Herald and H. Hammann, 1983. A field guide to Pacific coast fishes of North America. Boston (MA, USA): Houghton Mifflin Company. xii+336 p.
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6793 Allen, M.J. and G.B. Smith, 1988. Atlas and zoogeography of common fishes in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 66, 151 p.
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51661 Chernova, N.V., D.L. Stein and A.P. Andriashev, 2004. Family Liparidae Scopoli 1777 snailfishes. Calif. Acad. Sci. Annotated Checklists of Fishes (31):72.
53613 Orr, J.W. and J.E. Blackburn, 2004. The dusky rockfishes (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes) of the North Pacific Ocean: resurrection of Sebastes variabilis (Pallas, 1814) and a redescription of Sebastes ciliatus (Tilesius, 1813). Fish. Bull. 102:328-348.
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56970 Stevenson, D.E. and J.W. Orr, 2006. A new species of Lycodes (Perciformes: Zoarcidae) from the Aleutian Islands. Copeia 2006(1):77-82.
57077 Orr, J.W. and M.S. Busby, 2006. Revision of the snailfish genus Allocareproctus Pitruk & Fedorov (Teleostei: Liparidae), with descriptions of four new species from the Aleutian Islands. Zootaxa 1173:1-37.
57785 Orr, J.W., 2004. Lopholiparis flerxi: a new genus and species of snailfish (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Copeia 2004(3):551-555.
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72418 Orr, J.W. and K.P. Maslenikov, 2007. Two new variegated snailfishes of the genus Careproctus (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Copeia 2007(3):699-710.
79981 Chernova, N.V., 2008. Systematics and phylogeny of fish of the genus Liparis (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes). J. Ichthyol. 48(10):831-852.
80505 Stevenson, D.E. and B.A. Sheiko, 2009. Clarification of the Lycodes diapterus species complex (Perciformes: Zoarcidae), with comments on the subgenus Furcimanus. Copeia 2009(1):125-137.
82595 Busby, M.S. and R.L. Cartwright, 2009. Paraliparis adustus and Paraliparis bullacephalus: two new snailfish species (Teleostei: Liparidae) from Alaska. Ichthyol. Res. 56:245-252.
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86838 Mecklenburg, K.C., P.R. Møller and D. Steinke, 2011. Biodiversity oif the Arctic marine fishes: taxonomy and zoogeography. Marine Biodiversity 41(1):109-140.
86949 Pietsch, T.W., 2009. Oceanic anglerfishes. Extraordinary diversity in the deep sea. Oceanic Anglerfishes, i-xii; 1-557pp.
87139 Orr, J.W. and S. Hawkins, 2008. Species of the rougheye rockfish complex: resurrection of Sebastes melanostictus (Matsubara, 1934) and a redescription of Sebastes aleutianus (Jordan and Evermann, 1898) (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes). Fish. Bull. 106(2):111-134.
89865 Orr, J.W., Stevenson, D.E., Hoff, G.R., Spies, I. and J.D. McEachran, 2011. Bathyraja panthera, a new species of skate (Rajidae: Arhynchobatinae) from the western Aleutian Islands, and resurrection of the subgenus Arctoraja Ishiyama. NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 11:50pp
91047 Orr, J.W., 2012. Two new species of snailfishes of the genus Careproctus (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Bering Sea and Eastern North Pacific Ocean, with a redescription of Careproctus ovigerus. Copeia 2012(2):257-265.
95175 Maslenikov, K.P, J.W. Orr and D.E. Stevenson, 2013. Range extensions and significant distributional records for eighty-two species of fishes in Alaskan marine waters. Northwestern Naturalist 94(1):1-21.
96339 Love, M.S., C.W. Mecklenburg, T.A. Mecklenburg and L.K. Thorsteinson, 2005. Resource inventory of marine and estuarine fishes of the West Coast and Alaska: A checklist of North Pacific and Arctic Ocean species from Baja California to the Alaska-Yukon border. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Seattle, Washington, 98104.
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