More information on Livoneca Infestation
Main Ref: 41805  
Disease type: Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)  
Disease name: Livoneca Infestation  
Other names: South American fish louse; May also be Livoneca ovalis;  
Caus. agent: Livoneca sp  
Part of body and/or behavior affected by disease:
 Skins and/or fins  Belly  Swimming behavior
 Gills  Anus  Other behavior
 Eyes  Viscera Afflicted  Other symptoms
Fish affected: Wild caught species such as Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), Rummynose tetra (Hemigrammus rhodostomus), Hatchet fish (Carnegiella strigata, C. marthae, Gasteropelecus levis).  
Symptoms: The skin will exhibit red inflamed spots on which secondary bacterial infections can occur. The fish swims irregularly and show signs of restlessness.  
Treatments: If the fish louse doesn't occur in large numbers, they can be controlled by simply removing them carefully with a pair of tweezers. Use Trichlorfon in cases of mass infection, but be careful not to poison the fish (Dose: 0.25 –3.0 mg/1 liter water for 3 days. The dosage depends on the hardness of the water, the harder the water the more trichlorfon can be used. A 35% water change is recommended after treatment or carbon filter can be used). Formalin also has good results (Dose: 0.1 ml liter of aquarium water for 30-45 minutes. Also 1.0-1.5 ml/100 l for 2 days).  
Mortality and seasonality
Entered by: Luna, Susan M. on 12.03.90
Modified by: Palacio, Allan on 01.31.03
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picture (LivInfD0.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivInfD1.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivInfD2.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivInfD3.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivInfD4.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivncaD0.gif) by Bassleer, G.
picture (LivncaD0.jpg) by Bassleer, G.
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