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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
autopotamic autopotamique
black spot, spot
cover pot, pot panier coiffant
Dark spotted moray, spotted moray, moray
eye spot, spot
fish pot, pot
hotspot point chaud punto caliente sítio importante
hypothetical concept, concept concept hypothétique concepto hipotético conceito hipotético
hypotonic hypotonique
jigging turlutte pesca con poteras toneira
long-term potential yield, potential yield, yield rendement potentiel à long terme rendimiento potencial a largo plazo captura máxima
maximum potential yield
potamodromous potamodrome Potádromo
potential annual fecundity, annual fecundity, fecundity fecondité annuelle potentielle
potential yield
potting casiers côvo
rebound potential, potential
reproductive potential
River stingrays, stingrays pastenagues d'eau douce Potamotrigonídeos
Schelvis hutspot in blik, hutspot in blik, in blik
spot tache sítio
spotter plane
topotype topotype topotipo
topotypical population, population
white spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, spots on skin, fins, tails or eyes, on skin, fins, tails or eyes
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