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English Abbr. French Spanish Portuguese
adventitious embryony, embryony
basiventral cartilages, cartilages
beach price, price prix au débarquement precio de primera venta preço na lota
brood pouch, pouch poche ventrale bolsa ventral; marsupio saco ovárico
conventional printing, printing procédé conventionnel d'impression impresión convencional impressão
dorsoventral dorsoventral dorsoventral dorsoventral
fanning éventer
geothermal vent, vent source hydrothermale fuente geotérmica fontes geotermais
hydrothermal vents
inventory inventaire inventario Inventório
lee sous le vent sotavento resguardado
leeward sous le vent lado de sotavento resguardo
mating event, event
ram ventilation
snout to vent length, to vent length, vent length longueur de corps du museau à l'orifice anal
sucker ventouse ventosa
upper postventral margin, postventral margin, margin
vent cloaque cloaca
vent to anal fin length, to anal fin length, anal fin length VAFL
ventral ventral ventral
ventral adipose fin, adipose fin, fin
ventral disk, disk
ventral fins, fin nageoires pelviennes barbatanas ventrais
ventral keel, keel
ventral lobe, lobe
ventral margin, margin
ventral marginal, marginal
ventral terminal, terminal
ventral tip, tip
ventrolateral ventrolatéral ventrolateral
Ventura College, California, Ventura College VC Ventura College, California Colégio Ventura, Califórnia
windward au vent a favor do vento
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