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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets
Subfamily: Anthiinae
Genus: Acanthistius

(See list of species below)

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11 species (see list below)

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Photo by Timm, C.D.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Acanthistius brasilianus (Cuvier, 1828)

Photo by Timm, C.D.
Acanthistius brasilianus
[Argentine seabass]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Acanthistius cinctus (Günther, 1859)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Acanthistius cinctus
[Yellowbanded perch]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Acanthistius fuscus Regan, 1913

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Acanthistius fuscus
[Rapanui seabass]

Photo by Heemstra, P.C.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 14 cm SL
Acanthistius joanae Heemstra, 2010

Photo by Heemstra, P.C.
Acanthistius joanae
[Scalyjaw koester]

Photo by Hofinger, E.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 45 cm TL
Acanthistius ocellatus (Günther, 1859)

Photo by Hofinger, E.
Acanthistius ocellatus
[Eastern wirrah]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean

Acanthistius pardalotus
[Leopard wirrah]

Photo by INIDEP

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 31 cm SL
Acanthistius patachonicus (Jenyns, 1840)

Photo by INIDEP
Acanthistius patachonicus
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Acanthistius paxtoni
[Orangelined wirrah]

Photo by Wolfe, G.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 47 cm TL
Acanthistius pictus (Tschudi, 1846)

Photo by Wolfe, G.
Acanthistius pictus
[Brick seabass]

Photo by Palmer, R.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Acanthistius sebastoides (Castelnau, 1861)

Photo by Palmer, R.
Acanthistius sebastoides

Photo by Dowling, C.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Acanthistius serratus (Cuvier, 1828)

Photo by Dowling, C.
Acanthistius serratus
[Western wirrah]
11 Species of Family Serranidae with Genus Acanthistius
(Sea basses: groupers and fairy basslets)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1828 Acanthistius brasilianus Argentine seabass Southwest Atlantic 60 TL
1859 Acanthistius cinctus Yellowbanded perch Southwest Pacific. 50 TL
1913 Acanthistius fuscus Rapanui seabass Southeast Pacific 40 TL
2010 Acanthistius joanae Scalyjaw koester Western Indian Ocean 14 SL
1859 Acanthistius ocellatus Eastern wirrah Southwest Pacific. 45 TL
1981 Acanthistius pardalotus Leopard wirrah Eastern Indian Ocean
1840 Acanthistius patachonicus Southwest Atlantic 31 SL
1982 Acanthistius paxtoni Orangelined wirrah Southwest Pacific
1846 Acanthistius pictus Brick seabass Eastern Pacific 47 TL
1861 Acanthistius sebastoides Koester Southeast Atlantic 35 TL
1828 Acanthistius serratus Western wirrah Eastern Indian Ocean 50 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013