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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gadiformes
Family: Moridae Morid cods

Genus: Physiculus

(See list of species below)

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42 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus andriashevi
No picture found
Indian Ocean.

Physiculus argyropastus
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus beckeri
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus bertelseni

Photo by SFSA

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Physiculus capensis Gilchrist, 1922

Photo by SFSA
Physiculus capensis
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Physiculus chigodarana
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Physiculus coheni
No picture found
Southeast Atlantic

Physiculus cyanostrophus
No picture found
North Pacific

Physiculus cynodon

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Physiculus dalwigki Kaup, 1858

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Physiculus dalwigki
[Black codling]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus fedorovi

Photo by JAMARC

Western Atlantic.
Max. Length 10.6 cm SL
Physiculus fulvus Bean, 1884

Photo by JAMARC
Physiculus fulvus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 27.3 cm SL
Physiculus grinnelli Jordan & Jordan, 1922

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Physiculus grinnelli
No picture found
Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Physiculus helenaensis
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 18.9 cm SL

Physiculus hexacytus
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Physiculus huloti
[Brown codling]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Physiculus japonicus Hilgendorf, 1879

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Physiculus japonicus
[Japanese codling]
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 27.4 cm SL

Physiculus karrerae

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 22.4 cm SL
Physiculus kaupi Poey, 1865

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.
Physiculus kaupi
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 20.8 cm SL

Physiculus longicavis
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Physiculus longifilis
[Filament cod]

Photo by CSIRO

South Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Physiculus luminosa Paulin, 1983

Photo by CSIRO
Physiculus luminosa
[Luminescent cod]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 10.7 cm SL

Physiculus marisrubri
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 16.9 cm SL

Physiculus maslowskii
No picture found
Eastern Central Atlantic.

Physiculus microbarbata

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 24 cm TL
Physiculus natalensis Gilchrist, 1922

Photo by SFSA
Physiculus natalensis

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 26 cm TL
Physiculus nematopus Gilbert, 1890

Photo by Robertson, R.
Physiculus nematopus
[Charcoal mora]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus nielseni

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 16.6 cm SL
Physiculus nigrescens Smith & Radcliffe, 1912

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Physiculus nigrescens
[Darktip cod]

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm SL
Physiculus nigripinnis Okamura, 1982

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Physiculus nigripinnis
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Physiculus normani
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 11 cm SL

Physiculus parini

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 21.7 cm SL
Physiculus peregrinus (Günther, 1872)

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Physiculus peregrinus

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Physiculus rastrelliger Gilbert, 1890

Photo by FAO
Physiculus rastrelliger
[Hundred fathom mora]
No picture found
Indo-Pacific from Madagas
Max. Length 21 cm SL

Physiculus rhodopinnis

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Max. Length 23 cm
Physiculus roseus Alcock, 1891

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Physiculus roseus
[Rosy cod]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Physiculus sazonovi
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Physiculus sterops
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean.

Physiculus sudanensis

Photo by Jimenez Prado, P.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm TL
Physiculus talarae Hildebrand & Barton, 1949

Photo by Jimenez Prado, P.
Physiculus talarae
[Peruvian mora]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 16.8 cm SL

Physiculus therosideros
[Scalyfin cod]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm SL

Physiculus yoshidae
42 Species of Family Moridae with Genus Physiculus
(Morid cods)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1993 Physiculus andriashevi Western Indian Ocean
1894 Physiculus argyropastus Indian Ocean.
1993 Physiculus beckeri Western Indian Ocean
1993 Physiculus bertelseni Western Indian Ocean
1922 Physiculus capensis Southeast Atlantic 18 TL
1989 Physiculus chigodarana Northwest Pacific 18 SL
1989 Physiculus coheni Eastern Central Pacific
2002 Physiculus cyanostrophus Southeast Atlantic
1986 Physiculus cynodon North Pacific
1858 Physiculus dalwigki Black codling Eastern Atlantic 30 TL
1993 Physiculus fedorovi Western Indian Ocean
1884 Physiculus fulvus Hakeling Western Atlantic. 10.6 SL
1922 Physiculus grinnelli Eastern Central Pacific 27.3 SL
1989 Physiculus helenaensis Skulpin Southeast Atlantic 30 TL
1984 Physiculus hexacytus Southeast Pacific 18.9 SL
1953 Physiculus huloti Brown codling Eastern Atlantic 18 SL
1879 Physiculus japonicus Japanese codling Northwest Pacific 35 TL
1989 Physiculus karrerae Western Atlantic 27.4 SL
1865 Physiculus kaupi Western Atlantic 22.4 SL
1984 Physiculus longicavis Southeast Pacific 20.8 SL
1913 Physiculus longifilis Filament cod Western Pacific 7.6 SL
1983 Physiculus luminosa Luminescent cod South Pacific 30 TL
1986 Physiculus marisrubri Western Indian Ocean 10.7 SL
1991 Physiculus maslowskii Eastern Atlantic 16.9 SL
1990 Physiculus microbarbata Eastern Central Atlantic.
1922 Physiculus natalensis Western Indian Ocean 24 TL
1890 Physiculus nematopus Charcoal mora Eastern Central Pacific 26 TL
1993 Physiculus nielseni Western Indian Ocean
1912 Physiculus nigrescens Darktip cod Western Pacific 16.6 SL
1982 Physiculus nigripinnis Northwest Pacific 29 SL
1986 Physiculus normani Western Indian Ocean
1991 Physiculus parini Southeast Pacific 11 SL
1872 Physiculus peregrinus Western Pacific 21.7 SL
1890 Physiculus rastrelliger Hundred fathom mora Eastern Pacific 25 TL
1982 Physiculus rhodopinnis Indo-Pacific from Madagas 21 SL
1891 Physiculus roseus Rosy cod Indo-Pacific 23
1991 Physiculus sazonovi Southeast Pacific 10.9 SL
1989 Physiculus sterops Eastern Central Pacific
1989 Physiculus sudanensis Western Indian Ocean.
1949 Physiculus talarae Peruvian mora Eastern Pacific 24 TL
1987 Physiculus therosideros Scalyfin cod Southwest Pacific 16.8 SL
1982 Physiculus yoshidae Northwest Pacific 20 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013